2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语20篇

《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。下面就由小编为你们带来2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语,欢迎阅读。






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The Flag of the World Health OrganizationThe World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialised United Nations agency which acts as a coordinator and researcher for public health around the world. Established on 7 April 1948, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health Organization, which had been an agency of the League of Nations. The WHOs constitution states that its mission "is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health." Its major task is to combat disease, especially key infectious diseases, and to promote the general health of the peoples of the world. Examples of its work include years of fighting smallpox. In 1979 the WHO declared that the disease had been eradicated - the first disease in history to be completely eliminated by deliberate human design. The WHO is nearing success in developing vaccines against malaria and schistosomiasis and aims to eradicate polio within the next few years. The organization has already endorsed the worlds first official HIV/AIDS Toolkit for Zimbabwe from October 3, 2006, making it an international standard.

The WHO is financed by contributions from member states and from donors. In recent years the WHOs work has involved more collaboration, currently around 80 such partnerships, with NGOs and the pharmaceutical industry, as well as with foundations such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. Voluntary contributions to the WHO from national and local governments, foundations and NGOs, other UN organizations, and the private sector (including pharmaceutical companies), now exceed that of assessed contributions (dues) from its 193 member nations.






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Knoll in Belgium in 1976 grams of biennial international poetry founded the world childrens songs, by children under the age of 13 every year on March 21 (24 solar terms in the fourth throttle the vernal equinox) -- the first day of spring. Theme is: care for children, make peace, the abolition of war, the construction of their homes. This activity obtained the recognition and support of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization. On this day each year, the children organizations, education institutions in various forms to celebrate this festival.

Each year since 1999 in our country, have various forms of activities to celebrate world day nursery rhymes.





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An Unforgettable Birthday Party

I had an unforgettable birthday party when I was thirteen years old. Before that, I had never invited my friends to my birthday party and it was my first time to do that. When the party began, we had chocolate and juice at home and we played a funny game. My friends gave me a lot of gifts, I liked them very much. Later we went to a restaurant and had a big dinner. I had a birthday cake with thirteen candles. I blew out them. My friends said, “Happy birthday to you!” I was so excited. I cut the cake into pieces and gave them to everyone. I did not do well in it, but we laughed and laughed. We were happy that day.

Money doesn’t mean everything, but friendship can make us happy. I can’t forget that birthday party and I miss my friends very much.

I was born on May 19,1980.Every birthday receive presents such as toys,candy ang books from my parents and friends.But this birthday is different.

Onthe morning of my fourteenth birthday, I got up earlier than usual to make breakfast for my parents. I wanted to give them a surprise. this is the first time I have got up earlier than my parents and made breakfast for them.And I will never forget their smiling faces when tey saw what Idid for them.




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2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the groundbreaking International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994.

Ten years ago, on the eve of World Population Day, a new campaign was launched to raise awareness of how international family planning helps save women and childrens lives, safeguard the environment, and slow population growth. 179 governments committed to it when they signed the Program of Action of ICPD, which prescribes the steps that will not only save millions of womens lives but empower(授权, 使能够)societies to achieve a better future.

Today, there are more than 6 billion people on the planet, with half of the worlds population under the age of 25-at or just reaching their childbearing(分娩)years.

Nearly 600,000 women still die each year from pregnancy-related causes. And an estimated 90 percent of infants whose mothers die at childbirth will not survive to their first birthday.

Wild species are becoming extinct 50 to 100 times faster than they naturally would, because of the impact of rapid population growth and increased population density in many countries.

Though population growth is slowing worldwide, more than 90 percent of current growth occurs in the developing world where needs are great and resources are scarce. And these nations have a huge unmet need for family planning services-over 150 million married women of reproductive age in the developing world indicate that they would prefer to postpone childbearing but are not using any method of contraception.

"Girl born today in the developing world faces better prospects than a girl who was born 10 years ago. School enrolment rates are increasing, mortality is declining and life expectancy(平均寿命) is rising, more and more women and couples are able to choose the number and spacing of their children and many countries are taking additional steps to confront HIV/AIDS. But progress is uneven, and in some cases slipping backwards. We need the strength and determination of a marathon(马拉松赛跑)runner to meet our goals during the next decade."




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today is my grandpas birthday. our family went back to my grandpas home in the morning. we got together to have a big family dinner to celebrate his birthady. we bought a big birthday cake and gave some presents to my grandpa.

in the afternoon, we went to the park to go boating. we had a good time. my grandpa had a nice time on his birthday.



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World smile day, is the only one festival of the expression of human behavior, world mental health organization to every year since 1948 on May 8, identified as world smile day, the day will become particularly sweet, in the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.

On May 8, is the world smile day, today, are you laughing at? It is said that this is the only a festival celebrating the expression human behavior. On the corners of the mouth become warped, we against gravity brings a smile face aging, also a goodwill with a smile, live in harmony with the world. In your smile to others, also can see the world smile at you. Come along, smile!

Since 1948, the spirit of the world health organization will every year on May 8, identified as "world smile day, hope to promote human physical and mental health, by smile passed from person to person is cheerful and friendly at the same time, promote social harmony.






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On December 11, 1998 in the second world assembly on asthma, global asthma prevention initiatives (GINA) commission and the European respiratory society on behalf of the world health organization (who) put forward the developing world asthma day activities, and will be on the same day as the first world asthma day. Since 2000, held related activities from year to year, but has since world asthma day each year on the first Tuesday of may.

World asthma day aims to make people realize that asthma is a global health problem, propaganda has made scientific and technological progress, and prompted the public and authorities involved in the implementation of effective management methods. GINA in 2006 for the treatment of asthma overall shift from the focus of asthma control, stress according to the control level of treatment in patients with asthma, and adjust it in a continuous cycle, including assessment of asthma control, to control for the purpose of treatment, monitor and maintain control.





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World Health Day each year on April 7, is World Health Day, aimed at aroused the concern of the World to Health, Health work and to improve the quality of the peoples Health and knowledge, emphasize the importance of Health for the labor to create and happy life. In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

In 1948, the first world health assembly quest to establish a "world health day" to commemorate the birth of the world health organization. Since 1950, world health day has been celebrated annually on April 7. Selected a theme for world health day each year, who focus on key areas.

World health day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of the international community major public health problem. World health day start longer-term propaganda and planning, until April 7.

The world health organization (who) to the theme of world health day 2007 identified as "investment in health, to build security in the future", which calls for attention to the new and traditional diseases and major sudden public health crisis brings to the human disaster, increased investment in health care to ensure that future generations can live in security, development and prosperity of a harmonious society. The world health organization on April 2, was held in Singapore, entitled "the necessity to improve international health security" high-level debate. Countries in politics, business and media controller together, send a strong message: only immediately increased investment in health, to build a secure future for mankind.

每年的4月7日是世界生日World Health Day ,旨在引起世界对卫生、健康工作的关注,提高人们对卫生领域的素质和认识,强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。1948年,第一届世界卫生大会要求建立“世界卫生日”以纪念世界卫生组织的诞生。自1950年以来,每年于4月7日庆祝世界卫生日。每年为世界卫生日选定一个主题,突出世卫组织关注的重点领域。






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Peace and development are two main themes of the world today,but we still have rigional conflicts or even local wars in the middle east or places alike.

Comparing with prosperity and peace, war and death would be last choices for human beings,but why people choose to behave so radical and cruel, I think there are many factors acount for this:

power politics and hegemony pactising by major countries like the U.S.

religious and belief difference of people.

the ever growing gap between the western countries and their counterparts.

maintain peace of the world is by no means an easy task at all, it entails combined efforts from all walks of life,narrow the gap between developed nations and the poor ones politically and economically,bring international roles of organizations like the UN and WTO into full play thus stop war at the first sight.

Globalization is progressing with each passing day and we have already in the bracement of the new centry, we are and we should be confident that we can stop the evil spirit of war by jointed efforts.











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Time travel, I came to the future world of the 24th century, and saw the new life of human future.

Is the future house mobile or free to live in. There are not many furniture and electric appliances, but they have complete functions. The air conditioner is gone. The room is warm in winter and cool in summer. It turns out that people store the hot air in summer for use in winter, and store the cold air in winter for use in summer. There is no lampblack machine in the kitchen, because the new cooking oil will not produce lampblack to pollute the environment. There is no lamp. Advanced lighting materials are shrunk into small particles. You can put them into environmental protection paint and paint them on the wall. When the light is dark, the wall will produce light. People can adjust the brightness manually. The TV no longer needs remote control switch. As long as you say "on", it will start to play, and can provide different programs for different people at any time. It really becomes "Green TV". Children can watch healthy programs.

In the future, the worlds cars will be very environmentally friendly. They will all become solar powered cars. The exhaust emissions will still be beneficial to human life. Cars can be changed into various forms, driving on land, sailing on the sea, flying in the sky. In this way, it is much more convenient for people to travel.

How environmentally friendly and comfortable life will be in the future!



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1、 烦恼全都忘掉,应该经常笑笑。有空出门转转,莫使心理阴暗。经常读读经典,感悟心灵瞬间。偶尔看看大片,要让灵魂震撼。世界卫生日,保持心理卫生,四肢发达不感冒,头脑简单不失眠。祝您简单乐活!

2、 事事都要讲卫生,生活才能更美满。生理卫生常注意,健健康康身体健。心理卫生莫大意,失足易成千古恨。世界卫生日,愿你讲究卫生,做一个快快乐乐的人!

3、 优雅整洁让人爱,卫生习惯该比赛,平安健康大舞台,科学生活好未来,花点时间来清理,幸福快乐跟着你。世界卫生日,祝你讲卫生,好习惯好好心情。

4、 早晚刷牙洁齿康,洁牙如玉无病患。饭前便后要洗手,杜绝细菌从口咽。餐具独用不混放,定时消毒防传染。抽烟吐雾要禁止,苦了自己把毒传。、世界卫生日:从我做起共关注。

5、 环境卫生好风气,大家努力才给力。人人少扔一垃圾,卫生环境上台阶。每人捡起一垃圾,祖国花园更美丽。捡起不仅是垃圾,还有公共道德心。世界卫生日,讲文明礼貌,做卫生先锋!

6、 你的卫生我学习,你的健康我关注,你的快乐我分享,你的幸福我祝福,月日世界卫生日,你的平安健康幸福快乐是我最大的心愿!

7、 讲究卫生是美德,公共文明靠大家,社交场合少吸烟,空气清新身心畅,莫要乱丢垃圾物,环境优美心态佳,世界卫生日,讲卫生,讲文明,愿你我拥有一个健康的环境,天天乐开怀!

8、 送你一双“卫生鞋”,幸福路上抱快活;送你一件“卫生衣”,健康路上无病疾;送你一顶“卫生帽”,快乐路上无烦恼。世界卫生日,祝你幸福健康快乐!

9、 世界卫生日,吃的要卫生,大小饭店不去,街边小摊不吃,饭菜回家做,干净又绿色,时令蔬菜水果多洗多泡,去除残留农药,身体健壮疾病少。

10、 世界卫生日,重视卫生四要素:一是房间整洁被褥勤洗,细菌远远不找你;二是勤换衣服勤洗澡,身体健康不感冒;三是室内通风要重视,强健体质很及时;四是不能随地倒垃圾,保护环境人人都注意。

11、 讲究卫生要合理,干净整洁就可以,万万不能有洁癖,洗完澡后记换衣,时常通风和换气,乐观心态要保持,世界卫生日,为让自己更健康而努力。

12、 我昨天去看你,还没进门,差点被一股臭气熏晕了,敲了门,就被一群苍蝇轰了出来,再敲门,又被一群跳蚤赶了出来。八戒,我真的很想知道你的臭袜子几天不洗了?世界卫生日快乐哦。

13、 口腔像是花园,需要经常清理,时常修理,外表像是洋房,需要经常洗涤,时常装修,世界卫生日,请珍惜健康财富,节约美丽资源。

14、 卫生部下达卫生令,卫生日组建卫生队,成员之一的你做好表率,讲究个人卫生,注意屋内卫生,维持公共卫生,保持心理卫生。世界卫生日,要做好清理工作哦。

15、 低盐,让血压升降有序,低糖,让血糖平稳健康,低油,让血脂流畅顺利,世界卫生日,合理饮食,健康快乐。

16、 累了吗?想睡了吗?找朵白云休息吧!烦了吗?心乱了吗?找个方向出发吧!世界卫生日,让心随幸福一起旅行。








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Hotel "or" set off firecrackers outside, like to meet with a mysterious thing, keep happy birthday in the hotel, song warble, the whole life of the hall.

At this moment, I went in, hotel and there was a birthday song. Then, my classmate, father, mother, sister, all arrived, the students brought a birthday gift, mysterious, like afraid of be I see.

Now you should know who is your birthday? By the way, that is my birthday.

We ate a big lunch first, then get out mother bought me a cake, the fine packing box is opened, there was a very large, the three layers of fruit cake, cake has a lot of fruit, there are a little monkey is wrapped in cream? The little monkeys must be on behalf of me, because I was born in the year of the monkey, with candles, dad was in no hurry, just ten, lit candles and turned off the lights, everyone sang: happy birthday to you, I silently make a wish.

"Wow" started to cut the cake, each a just, when cake to each staff, the students are holding a cream to wipe my face, wipe out of my face, and faces up to other people, all in all, after a while, all the persons face turned into white face, cream on clothes, hair all over the place.

When we go to the toilet wash, the students have to send a gift to me, such a great gift, such as glass, toys, jewelry, mom and dad gave me a three rounds of the stem, bags and watches, cousin cousin also brought music CARDS! I am very happy.

Its really a happy birthday party!











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话虽这样说,但事实是吸烟对邓公健康的损害,愈到晚年的时候愈明显, 一九八九年,邓公患了慢性气管炎,加上有点哮喘。亲人都劝他戒烟,医疗专家也从医学角度谈了戒烟的必要性。邓公听后说:“好,不抽了!”从此,他就再也没有抽了。邓公是“一国两制”的首创者,曾经多次表示香港回归祖国后要到香港走一走、看一看。他说:“我自己是争取活到一九九七年,要中国收回香港之后,到自己的土地上走一走、看一看。”他还说:“就是坐轮椅也要去,哪怕在香港的土地上站一分钟也好。”














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4月7日是世界卫生日。联合国世界卫生组织确定的世界卫生日始于1949年7月22日。为了纪念61个国家签署世界卫生组织《组织法》,第一届世界卫生大会(1948年6月—7月)决定将每年的7月22日作为 “世界卫生日”,倡议各国举行各种纪念活动。第二届世界卫生大会考虑到7月22日绝大多数国家的教育机构和学校都已放假,无法参加这一庆祝活动,决定自1950年起将4月7日《组织法》正式生效的日子作为“世界卫生日”。自1950年开始,每年的世界卫生日活动都确定一个与公共卫生领域相关的特别的主题,旨在提高全世界对某一卫生领域的认识,借机发起一项长期宣传活动,促进在该领域工作的开展。












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As we know water is made up of our life,we could not leave without water.No water will no we.

Water is needed more and more,because our industry and agriculture produce developed fast.Somewhere water are scare,and some rivers are no water in them.But just little water is polluted,more waste water did not handled and discharge into river.

Around us there are a lot of students dont pay attention to save water,for example: after they washing their face and rinsing the mouth,they dont turn off the water tap .Let the water flowing day and night. What a pity!

Expect the tings I just mention,there are more and more in our life.So now I hope our students take care of wate.And the same time we need do things to prevent water pollute as we can do .Thats what I want to say.Why not do it right now,come on .



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The topic of environmental protection, make known to every family, can be said to be, All the world knows. But in real life, some people are still not paid much attention to, think not worth mentioning, in my opinion, the environmental protection should start from the little thing. I experienced such two things:


A: one day, I went to the supermarket to buy things, quickly to the supermarket door, saw a couple of distributing leaflets, to see, to see the car, but some people are not, just throw on the ground, I used to put the paper into the trash. See the two person to glue the flyers posted on the wall, from afar, like a piece of "psoriasis" while they do not pay attention, I took out my skills "paper work," ha ha, "psoriasis" I got rid of a large.


Second: one time, I play at the base of the building, found on a pasture smoke plume of white smoke, a closer look, the original is in our class, a group of children where the ignition burning grass, grass and black with a large, my big brothers identity quickly stopped, and the importance about the danger of fire and environmental protection the. They are ashamed, rushed from the near end of the water to put out the fire, burning grass action to end.


Environmental protection, not only from the start of the big things, but also start from the trivial thing, I hope all of you to take good care of our common homeland -- the earth, let nature and we also a blue sky!



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"Ordinary world" is the writer lu yao people, qingjian county, shaanxi province, was born in a poor peasant family, raised by the cure uncle since I was a child, once a year in the countryside local private teacher, then back to the county work.

"Ordinary world" won the "maodun literature award" in 1991, since then laid his status in Chinese literature in the literature.

Novel in northern shaanxi loess plateau on the fate of the sun, gold, tian three family as the center, reflects the "cultural revolution" to the reform and opening up of the face, from hao hongmei through in order to get rid of the landlords identity and keep people in love can see the current landlord by people despise, only money can call wind call rain, and from Ann and embellish leaves are truly in love but less helpless Tian Futang dividing. You can see Ann was forced to deviate from the township was of less people to the attention of the origin, composition, and how much power.

And make drought Tian Fujun risk breaking the law relief for people to let a person see the glimmer of light in this dark society, appear in all the different.

Read the "ordinary world" my biggest harvest is learned that the great of ordinary, the writer lu yao with his profound writing skills will sun shaoping, shao-an sun and a series of characters and the relationship between the characteristics of the rural simplicity performance incisively and vividly, let a person simply astounding. "Ordinary world" no dramatic plot, the legendary story again and again to give us the evolution of a truth, ordinary is great, the article characterization are also very unique, performance indications from the detail place one to fresh character.

Flows throughout the book, between the lines is full of thick love. All the love in the world to show here, it also became the biggest highlight of the book.

Because there is love, the world becomes beautiful!

Lu wrote in postscript "hope your heart and in the hearts of countless communication." I think he did it.











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World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global awareness to take actions to protect the Nature. The establishment of World Environment Day shows peoples the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and expresses our human beings desire of pursuing the better environment. Every year the United Nations Environment Program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus onSmall Island and Climate changeand the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.This years slogan is "To improve environmental quality The development of green".

World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.



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I have a future world in my heart. Its beautiful and spectacular. Now, let me take you there for a tour.

We set out in the shape of a water drop solar car. The biggest advantage of this kind of car is that it will not pollute the environment. Its shape is also very interesting. The front is a transparent frame made of long wooden boards and some glass pieces, and the back is a patterned tail made of hard stone. Almost everyone can drive this kind of car, because it is very easy to operate, as long as you press the start button, the following is controlled by the language.

In the future, animals in the world can communicate with people. If you feel bored, animals will come to talk with you and play with you. Of course, these animals have to be your own pets. In the zoo, the keepers will also give the animals the food they want, take them to the places they want to go, and play the games they want to play.

Next, we come to the childrens palace, which is a 50 story building. Children have their own cabinets and desks here. You can enjoy learning and playing with your classmates. The most interesting thing is the restaurant here. When you want to eat, you have to do a small performance, even if you read some ancient incantations and dance a strange dance. You dont have to cook, and the rich food will show up in front of you. OK, let me take you to have a try now. The delicious food will surely make you salivate.

How wonderful my future world is! How about you think about your future world, maybe better than mine!



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Saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……

everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have

experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .

having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later

generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around!

the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,dont let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.
