2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语【汇总20篇】

《悲惨世界》是由法国大作家维克多·雨果在1862年所发表的一部长篇小说,涵盖了拿破仑战争和之后的十几年的时间,是十九世纪最著名的小说之一。下面就由小编为你们带来2017年第68个世界卫生日演讲稿汇编三篇 作文英语,欢迎阅读。






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You are my youngest cousin, today is her birthday. My sister had a birthday party for her, the party also invited three friends to the party, divided into three parts, the first is to guess the photos show links, second links, third is part of the game. In the second part, each of the children have to show to celebrate you birthday. Among them, my performance is to play the lute.

Show one after another in the past, and finally to the part of the game we love most! The game is to find a pink small piece of paper, a total of nineteen pieces, each child up to take two pieces, each pink slip corresponds to a number corresponding to a task. It was very late, and we held the cell phone and lit the lamp. I finally found it in the water bottle and helped three other children to find the paper. Then, we began to do the task, the task is very easy, I sing a song, I chose one of my favorite songs English, another is to kiss my cousin, shouting "yes, Happy birthday!". So many tasks, there is a task is the most difficult - to find mother, blindfolded, in the hands of many aunts, touch out his mothers hand.

At the end of the party, we sent gifts, and I couldnt wait to open my presents. It turned out to be fun in Pyramid.

This time you birthday party is too interesting, we are playing very happy, hope we can have a party like this!





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一、 唱队歌导入活动主题

二、 班主任向大家简介“世界生日”的由来。

为了纪念1946年7月22日,61个国家签署的世界卫生组织《组织法》被正式批准,第一届世界卫生大会(1948年6月-7月)决定将每年的 7月22日作为“世界卫生日”,倡议各国举行各种纪念活动。第二届世界卫生大会考虑到7月22日绝大多数的国家教育机构和学校都已放假,无法参加这一庆祝活动,决定自1950年起将4月7日《组织法》正式生效的日子作为 “世界卫生日”,并为每年的卫生日选择一个与公共卫生领域相关的主题,旨在提高全世界对某一卫生领域的认识,借激发起一项长期宣传活动,促进在该领域工作的开展。世界卫生日期间,包括我国在内的世界卫生组织各会员国都举行庆祝活动,推广和普及有关健康知识,提高人民健康水平。


1952 年:在清洁的环境里健康地生活

1953 年:健康就是金子

1955 年:水,健康的镜子

1974 年:清洁的食物,更好的身体

1980 年:要吸烟还是要健康,任君选择

1994 年:健康的生活需要口腔卫生

1996 年:创建卫生城市,为了美好生活

2003 年:让儿童拥有一个健康的环境

2004 年:道路安全,防患未然














师小结:“勿以善小而不为 勿以恶小而为之”



铜山实小一(11)中队“世界卫生日”主题班会活动小结 今天的4月7日是第63个“世界卫生日”,我们的活动主题是“卫生与健康”,为了进一步提高学生的卫生意识,强调健康生活方式的重要性,向学生宣传春季传染病的知识及预防措施,杜绝春季传染病流行。4月6日下午,我们铜山实小一(11)中队开展了以“卫生与健康”为主题的教育班会。

一、 学生搜集资料,了解健康知识。


二、 了解“世界卫生日”的由来







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Today is my nine-year-old birthday. I am very happy, because my father buys a big cake for me and my sister just comes to Guangzhou. After dinner , my family celebrate my birthday . I make a wish and blow out the candles . Do you want to know my wish ? Let me tell you , I wish I can study harder and harder ,then get the NO.1 in our class. Then I cut the cake and my family share the cake with me . How nice today!!!





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Dear Li Hua,

I had a birthday party at my home last month .I invited some of my classmates to the party . The party began at 8a.m .on Sunday . All my classmateswere not be late. I was very happy. We ate some western food.Theywere very nice.Some of my classmates brought their own food. They shared their food with us. Because they are very friendly.

We also played games. It was very interesting. All my classmates were very happy. I danced with my best friends. And all my classmates danced very beautifully! They sang a song Happy Birthday to me. And then they gave me a lot of presents. I was very thankful. All of us had a good time on that day!

Do you have free time? I want to visit you next year?



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Today is April 23, is the world reading day, reading is a kind of enjoyment, my mom and dad would cultivate my reading habits. Let us like reading, this years world reading day and I am very happy day.

"World reading day, mom bought me many books, Darwins" on the origin of species ", zeng guofan zeng guofan letter and interesting mathematics album "Newtons house", "Bill Gatess web site.

Interesting mathematical album has a little-known story not only, and there are many interesting math problem. Through reading and watching TV, I know the story of many celebrities, such as wang meng treat reading as password read, MAO zedong, zeng guofan all day without reading, have to take notes while reading. Reading broadens my vision, increased my knowledge. I want to learn from them, keep reading every day.






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1. 勤剪指甲勤理发,有害细菌杀光光。勤洗澡来勤换衣,保持健康洗刷刷。排除忧愁远烦恼,心灵洁净乐悠悠。世界卫生日来到,祝你快乐笑哈哈。

2. "世界卫生日,关注人健康,太阳眯眯笑,我们起得早。手脸洗干净,刷牙不忘掉。饭前洗洗手,饭后不乱跑。清洁又卫生,身体非常好。祝愿您讲究卫生身体棒。"

3. 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

4. 世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。

5. 爱卫生,要做到:勤换衣服勤洗澡,开窗换气空气好,晒下被子灭细菌,整洁干净真正好。世界卫生日,舒适生活靠自己。

6. 世界卫生日,送你一瓶清新剂,清除烦恼一直快乐;送你一个除尘器,吸走病菌永远健康;送你一条祝福短信,注意卫生健康永伴。

7. 洗洗手,细菌不入口,动动脚,体质有增加,晒晒被,安睡很舒适,讲卫生,保健康,世界卫生日,祝你健康一生!幸福一生!

8. 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

9. 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

10. 老师说,不洗手吃饭的孩子不是好孩子,不按时刷牙的学生不是好学生,晚上不洗脚的小孩要被打屁股~~~亲,这些在幼儿园老师说的你都还记得不?我只想告诉你,世界卫生日到了,祝福你注意卫生,收获幸福人生。

11. 世界卫生日,送你一盆祝福水,愿你勤洗头,永远无忧愁;勤洗脸,福与乐相连;勤洗手,财运随你走;洗洗脚,疾病全都抛;祝世界卫生日干干净净,平安一生。

12. 世界卫生日到了,让我们一起来关注自身健康。不要总是为了娱乐忘了正常睡眠,不要为了精神的愉悦而忘了身体的承受能力,不要为了快点结束病痛而一点小病就输液。祝你世界卫生日健康快乐!

13. 世界卫生日,挖掉垃圾的墙角,让肮脏无处可逃;端掉细菌的窝点,将病毒一网打尽;清除的污染团伙,还卫生生机勃勃,关注卫生,关注身心健康,祝你生活顺心,世界卫生日快乐。

14. 地球是我家,卫生靠大家,不要不注意,遭殃是自己。世界卫生日,习惯要养成,自己顺如意,也会福泽民。祝你福寿康,祝你百事乐,世界卫生日,望你更安乐!

15. "清早起来出房门,对着镜子看全身, 内外衣服理得体,头梳整齐脸洗净,刷牙天天要坚持,口气清新无牙病,平日里来要手勤,勤洗头发勤洗澡,勤剪指甲衣洗净,每月理发显精神。世界卫生日来到,祝愿大家讲究卫生好心情。"

16. 人人讲卫生,环境自然美,美在心中留,生活皆如意。愿你带好头,开始讲卫生,事在人作为,做好福一生。世界卫生日,特来说一声,愿你健康在,自在活一生。

17. 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

18. 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

19. 世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

20. 世界卫生日到,讲卫生,身安康,勤打扫,心情爽,勤洗手,病菌走,勤消毒,疾病无,勤洗澡,身体好,勤锻炼,体康健,勤宣传,美家园。

21. "世界卫生日,关注人健康,太阳眯眯笑,我们起得早。手脸洗干净,刷牙不忘掉。饭前洗洗手,饭后不乱跑。清洁又卫生,身体非常好。祝愿您讲究卫生身体棒。"

22. 一朵花因为纯洁的空气,明媚的阳光,干净的水源,才被培养的越发娇艳和美丽;一个人也是如此,希望你在以后的日子里,注意环境卫生,活的越来越滋润,世界卫生日到了,祝福你越来越幸福。

23. "亲朋好友要干净,讲究卫生少疾病。手脸勤洗衣常换,随地吐痰坏习惯。衣着整洁勤洗澡,饮食卫生要把好。按时体检注疫苗,病从口入要记牢。不洁食品不入口,饭前便后要洗手。废弃物品自动捡,丢入箱中无污染。家中卫生要搞好,多洒水来勤打扫。按时作息多锻炼,预防疾病身心健。世界卫生日来到,祝您健康又快乐。"

24. 世界卫生日,健康伴你行,送你两讲究:“饮食卫生要讲究”——多吃蔬菜少吃肉,千万别吃注水肉,坚决杜绝地沟油;“个人卫生要讲究”——勤换衣服勤洗澡,千万别把汗当宝,出门别忘戴口罩。

25. 老师说,不洗手吃饭的孩子不是好孩子,不按时刷牙的学生不是好学生,晚上不洗脚的小孩要被打屁股~~~亲,这些在幼儿园老师说的你都还记得不?我只想告诉你,世界卫生日到了,祝福你注意卫生,收获幸福人生。

26. 世界卫生日到,大家一起行动。垃圾投置分类,水源污染切断。公共场所戒烟,传染疾病控制。健康公共卫生,改善生活条件。祝福地球人类,永远幸福快乐。

27. 让太阳晒晒,促进吸收钙,身体更健康。让小雨淋淋,补充负离子,心情更放松。世界卫生日,祝你身心健康,开心快乐。

28. 世界卫生日到了,提醒你:作息要规律,床铺要整洁,饭前要洗手,睡前要洗脚,不是乱啰嗦,愿你身体好,注意讲卫生,疾病找不了,愿你真幸福,一生都美好!

29. 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。

30. 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

31. 洗洗脸,魅力升。洗洗牙,胃口好。洗洗手,病菌走。洗洗脚,健康找。洗洗澡,身体爽。洗洗脑,精神好。世界卫生日,洗洗更健康。

32. 我跟你说啊,卫生是用来讲究的,不是用来将就的,赶快去洗洗吧。什么?你不去?来呀,大澡堂子伺候。世界卫生日,就是要你干净,哼哼!

33. 世界卫生日,人要讲卫生,手要勤洗牙要刷,衣服常换棉被暴晒,吃上卫生是“绿色”,垃圾食品要杜绝,痰不随便吐,垃圾没随便扔,这些都做到,卫生卫士就是你。

34. 世界卫生日今来到,写条短信问声好,被褥常晒无病菌,保持卫生勤洗澡,开窗通风换空气,消毒洗涮病菌少,卫生常抓不松懈,身体健康少不了。

35. 在公共场合吸烟,危害的是一群人;在公共场合吐痰,恶心的是所有路人;在公共场合乱丢垃圾,也给自己脸上丢了垃圾;世界卫生日,愿朋友你跟我一起呼吁社会保护环境,注意卫生。

36. 扫扫屋内灰尘,干干净净透出来;理理个人杂物,整整齐齐显出来;查查日常饮食,健健康康吃出来;整整思想心态,开开心心映出来。世界卫生日,记得照顾好自己哦。

37. 世界卫生日来到,动手齐把卫生搞,室内擦拭并清扫,随地吐痰可不好,垃圾烟灰不乱丢,维护环境很重要,公共卫生保护好,身康体健无烦恼!

38. 卫生要搞好,健康少不了,衣服勤洗换,病菌不侵犯,经常来洗澡,紧张劳累跑,早晚去锻炼,身体康又健,世界卫生日,愿你健康永远。

39. 洗刷刷,洗刷刷,天天健康乐开花;勤剪指甲,勤洗澡,细菌污垢跑不了;勤通风,勤洒水,室内卫生要谨慎;世界卫生日到了,愿你身体强壮,幸福开心。

40. 挥起快乐扫把子,清理烦心大屋子;拿起健康小刷子,洗净悲伤大盘子;不做脏兮小孩子,争过卫生小日子;内外干净好身子,祝你健康一辈子,世界卫生日,关注卫生,关注健康,世界卫生日快乐。

41. 世界卫生日到,劝你,常打扫,细菌除,常洗脚,疾病减,常晒被,睡眠安,祝福你,笑容甜,容颜美,精神爽,体健康,平安行,乐一生。

42. 世界卫生日,送你一盆祝福水,愿你勤洗头,永远无忧愁;勤洗脸,福与乐相连;勤洗手,财运随你走;洗洗脚,疾病全都抛;祝世界卫生日干干净净,平安一生。

43. 世界卫生日到了,让我们一起来关注自身健康。不要总是为了娱乐忘了正常睡眠,不要为了精神的愉悦而忘了身体的承受能力,不要为了快点结束病痛而一点小病就输液。祝你世界卫生日健康快乐!

44. 世界卫生日,挖掉垃圾的墙角,让肮脏无处可逃;端掉细菌的窝点,将病毒一网打尽;清除的污染团伙,还卫生生机勃勃,关注卫生,关注身心健康,祝你生活顺心,世界卫生日快乐。

45. 爱卫生,要做到:勤换衣服勤洗澡,开窗换气空气好,晒下被子灭细菌,整洁干净真正好。世界卫生日,舒适生活靠自己。

46. 洗洗手,细菌不入口,动动脚,体质有增加,晒晒被,安睡很舒适,讲卫生,保健康,世界卫生日,祝你健康一生!幸福一生!

47. 讲卫生是:“洗洗更健康”;讲卫生是:“大家好才是真的好”;讲卫生是:“我全身上下都是新的一样”;讲卫生是:“空气清新,天天新鲜”。世界卫生日,讲卫生,在行动!

48. 饮食注意保健康,细细漱漱好身体,加强锻炼体质强,勤晒被褥灭霉菌,世界卫生日,祝你健康又快乐!开心又幸福!

49. 告诉你一个消息,我刚才听见虱子和跳蚤聊天说要搬到你这里来,它们说你这里气候宜人、风景如画是它们最理想的家园,你赶快去洗洗吧,别说是我说的啊。……世界卫生日快乐!

50. 世界卫生日,送你一瓶清新剂,清除烦恼一直快乐;送你一个除尘器,吸走病菌永远健康;送你一条祝福短信,注意卫生健康永伴。

51. 地球是我家,卫生靠大家,不要不注意,遭殃是自己。世界卫生日,习惯要养成,自己顺如意,也会福泽民。祝你福寿康,祝你百事乐,世界卫生日,望你更安乐!

52. "清早起来出房门,对着镜子看全身, 内外衣服理得体,头梳整齐脸洗净,刷牙天天要坚持,口气清新无牙病,平日里来要手勤,勤洗头发勤洗澡,勤剪指甲衣洗净,每月理发显精神。世界卫生日来到,祝愿大家讲究卫生好心情。"

53. 人人讲卫生,环境自然美,美在心中留,生活皆如意。愿你带好头,开始讲卫生,事在人作为,做好福一生。世界卫生日,特来说一声,愿你健康在,自在活一生。

54. 世界卫生日到,饮食作息要规律。不吸烟少饮酒,多跑步常锻炼。注意日常饮食卫生,勤换洗被褥,勤洗内衣裤,健康生活很重要,注意卫生天天美!

55. 世界卫生日,温馨小贴士,饭前来洗手,生活乐悠悠,睡前来洗脚,身体健康绕,衣服要勤换,病菌离你远,废物不乱扔,环保记心中,卫生永安康,幸福喜洋洋。

56. 讲卫生,爱干净。勤洗手,多洗澡。体健康,心欢喜。开心笑,没烦恼。身和心,都卫生。好形象,人人爱。世界卫生日,祝你干干净净,人见人爱。

57. 世界卫生日,给我们心灵深处一次大扫除,用‘感恩之心’做扫把,扫除灰尘和污垢,用‘宽容之心’做剪刀,减去矛盾和纠结,用‘快乐之心’溶解心中的怨恨,世界卫生日,健康生活到永远。

58. 世界卫生日,短信来问好,卫生与健康,人人都需要,春天万物发,病毒也发芽,手要经常洗,被要经常晒,饭后就漱口,早晚两刷牙,洗澡保清洁,病虫赶跑它。



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Dear YuYu: I have a birthday party at 7.pm next friday. And i want to invit you to my party.All of my families are glad to see you coming there to celebrite for me.

I blieve you will have a good time.











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On May 8, 1948, the annual, the spirit of the world health organization (who) the day was concluded as "world smile day". Indeed, everyone need to be slowing down, watch around a good transaction, peaceful nature TianLai, effort let taut face soothing, open the knits forehead, let a smile on the face bloom, to dissolve frost and chill between each other.

Every year since 1948 this holiday to conclude, the May 8 will become warm rise. In the smile to others, you will see the world smile to himself.





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Yesterday is my six-year-old birthday. It is important to me as I can go to primary school after my birthday. It means that I grow up. I got up very early at that day. My mother just smiled at me and said nothing. I felt a little down. But I recovered with excited soon and then I went out to play. Everything in my eyes is so beautiful. When I got home about five o’clock, my mother gave me a surprise. She prepared a party for me and invited all my friends. She also gave a lovely schoolbag to me as my birthday present. I’m so happy that day.



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你是Mike,你去Marry 家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。任务:请你用英语给Marry写一个50词左右的便条。内容包括:

1. 明天是我的生日,你会参加我的生日聚会吗?聚会晚上6:30开始;

2. 我的家人、朋友及同学都会来,你可以见到他们;

3. 如果你来,就打电话给我,我希望你能来。


Dear Marry,

I’m Mike. Tomorrow is my birthday. I want to invite you to take part in my birthday. Can you come tomorrow?

The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party.

If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me. I will be happy that you can come.












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The hair style of high school students has been a controversial issue for many years. The prescribed plain short hair may look tidy, but the insistence on the hair length below the ear lobe in the case of girl students, which is fixed at one centimeter or at most two, is quite unnecessary. Until recently, the Mayor of Tainan had tried to persuade the Ministry of Education to give the high schoolers the carte blanche to determine their own hair styles. It is difficult for us to say if the idea is right or wrong. So far as I am concerned, problems of the young are not confined to such a small matter as hair style; what matters is the reinforcement of the students' moral consciousness, the way they should behave, and the like. The length of their hair or whether they have the right to give it a permanent wave is relatively unimportant. Cleanness and neatness is what really matters. There is hardly anything that stays unchanged all the time. Why doesn't the concerned authority reconsider this hair business? Maybe the bickerings that sour the relations between the military instructors and their students will therefore be gone. By the way, to improve one's appearance is nothing wrong, is it? We all expect to see a new look of the young. Maybe a change in the concerned authority's policy toward the high schoolers' hair style will bring this about.




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My Mothers Birthday


March 19th Saturday Rainy

3月19日 星期六 有雨

Today is mothers birthday, but I didnt know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didnt like it.


Then father thought a good idea.He said, "Why dont we make a wonderful dinner for herThat will show our love for her!"Oh, that was good.Love is the most expensive present in the world.


I will never forget the smile on mothers face when we were having supper together.




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my mother’s birthday is in winter. its february 25th.our family was happy. my brother and i went to birthday cake store and bought a big birthday cake for her. my aunt gave flowers to her. she’s very happy. at night we all went to a five stars restaurant. the food was very good. after dinner we gave the cake to mother. she’s very happy. we said “happy birthday” to my mother.

i love my mother.





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Birthdays illuminate the earth of the world, and live and nourish the hearts of countless lives.

What does the meaning of birthdays mean? Did the birthday ever shine in that place? We dont know anything, we just have to look for the answer.

Is birthday just a happy memory of childhood? Perhaps there are many other flavors that we never know, sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and many, but we do not understand the meaning of each and every one.

The day after tomorrow, it will be my fathers birthday. What does it mean? Is it just a mans day of birth? Not only that, but maybe in the day after tomorrow, I wonder how many people came into the world, or how many people were born again. Our birthday is a very happy day, but I dont know how many people live through a sad birthday, a very painful birthday.

Birthday, on behalf of a person born in the year of a few days, or a person in the jaws of death rush into danger miraculously returned to earth, or people in prison to start with a clean slate, the truth in life, so free. Birthday has been in any corner of the world shining, everyone knows, understand what the birthday is like, it is because of parents, with parents, you realize how the birthday is open ah!

Arent birthdays just memories of our childhood? Not necessarily, because a lot of people get a new lease of life, and thats birthday

Where does our birthday come from? Where do you go from here? Maybe its because of great parents. They gave birth to me, raised me, took care of us all the time, and let us spend countless happy birthday, every birthday is colorful, colorful festival".

We can find out how many people can remember their parents birthdays? But our birthday will never be forgotten. Every time our birthday, please students, bought cakes, all kinds of good food, good meal, but........ What about parents birthdays? Never mentioned, let alone any cake or something, so........ I made up my mind that my parents will have a great time next year for their birthdays"! But how do you do it? I thought about it. Me...... Daydreaming...... I play truant goes to school in the morning, the film turned out to learn "fight back" inside Stephen Chow, over the wall, fortunately, was not found, only to be called a. I first came to the cake shop, without demur, set a 20 pound cake. Then I flew to the supermarket and bought a super large Dove pure chocolate worth..4000 yuan. My next site is a boutique, and I bought a pure crystal 77 kg of love". I thought to myself, so many things should be enough, but........ Its just a pipe dream!

I have to come back to reality from the fairyland. Well, if it wasnt a dream, what a good idea! Birthday, birthday, you really cant do without us. Therefore, everyones birthday, we should cherish it. Seeing my mother go quietly to work again, maybe this is her birthday, forever, me... Speechless, a few hours lying on the windowsill, depressed me... The tears ran down, and the clothes got soaked. There was no choice but to accept the mothers pitiful birthday silently. I fell into the abyss of thought. All alone, I looked at the blue sky and watched the mother hurrying by... Tear......



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On June 5, 1972 -16, the United Nations Conference on the human environment "in Sweden was held in Stockholm, this is the first time in human history was held in the world within the scope of the conference on the protection of the human environment, has the meaning of landmark, is the history of mankind environmental protection action on the epoch-making event. At the meeting, delegates suggested that the United Nations General Assembly will be "the United Nations Conference on the human environment" opening day "June 5th" as the "world environment day". In October of the same year, the twenty-seventh session of the UN General Assembly accepted and adopted the proposal.


"World Environment Day" is to remind people to the attention of the whole world changes the state of the global environment and human activities on the environment, the harm has been caused, the United Nations system and governments around the world every year on this day to carry out a variety of promotional and commemorative activities, in order to emphasize the importance of protecting and improving the human environment and the urgent. The United Nations Environment Programme will also choose a member of the "World Environment Day" celebration in the annual World Environment Day, issued a "state of the environment in the annual report of the year", the theme of world environment day. That day in the "World Environment Day", governments and people all over the world have held various forms of commemoration, publicize the importance of environmental protection. Calls upon all citizens of the earth for the maintenance and improvement of the human environment and make unremitting efforts to.



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Today, I went to Huang Xishan and Zhu Xiaoqians birthday party.

Sally to earth up her bakery, we do the cookies first. One, two, three, four, five dollars for a long time to choose a suitable text book eventually finished, our next to a dozen children rushed into the paradise crazy playing with it.

Lets start and cake. Lets put a bag on the table, a cream, coat put fruit, repave a package, coated with butter, use a toothpick in the above drawing graphics. The final color with cream color on it. A delicate and beautiful cake appeared.

Finished the cake. Lets go to the nearby have a meal in the hotel.

"Eat the cake, eat cake." Shouted with adults, they brought into the 焟 candle cake up, we sang the birthday song, the birthday girl made a wish, to share the cake.

After eating the cake, the next target is blue apples paradise. We ran up a dozen children, after a while, we finally arrived blue apples paradise. We went in to play, not only that, children we still stand on the "dolphin" acrobatics!

Today, a lot of fun. Again, we wish them a happy birthday. We are yearning, respectively.










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Said the mother of the birthday child after the difficult, as parents only point out that the component.

For a long time, some words have always been avoided, and they are afraid to collide into a fragile atrium. Just to watch the abundant emotional tone to the affection of the picture will tearfuls difficult flat, such as "Im writing a" mountain fruit face sweat girl Chuaizhe shabby in dress sweet potato cakes food back a basket of walnut green husk crowded train buy medicine to call the mother of the scene, and photography photographer Ihara Miyoko set "grandma Xu Fu pill" and meizuo tells the story with a small white cat life. As to the former Qingming grave, standing in the blooming rape flowers, rich soil smell diffuse around, look out, listen, a mountain village but Wang Yun Sze birdstwitter and fragrance of flowers, overcome by feeling of sorrow...... As usual, there is a piece of prose, and now we are lazy to touch the sentimental topic and keep it in the bottom of your heart.

Today is my birthday. When you get up in the morning, there is an egg and a fresh milk on the table, and it is the rule of the elders to eat boiled eggs in the birthday. Yesterday, I received my sons gift, which is a pair of leather shoes bought by the national scholarship with excellent performance in University, and a busy table cooked in the wifes kitchen. When you open your cell phone, you will see the gift from your daughter. This is a gift which is as precious as gold, silver and jewels, which is delicious, good to drink, and good to wear. Its a discourse that a daughter speaks to her father with her heart, which is a mental journey from immature to mature. On his 36 - year - old birthday, she had received a painting from a small hand - drawn hand made by her daughter, which was often seen in front of his eyes. Today, I received a birthday gift is a prose, "gift" of the language more than 10 years ago and painting picture at this moment of coincidence, tears blurred the line of sight......

Perhaps, the ring grows to the age that is easily nostalgic, but this is the tears of happiness. I do not get rich material life, the reality is too much, Im not going to smile in the face of lamented fate, suffering hardships, and stripped off the eggshell as morning helpless, an easy reduction. On my birthday, I have the opportunity to express gratitude to my father, I can go to find my parents thanksgiving.

Out of the window, a bunch of flowers bloom, green leaves swaying branches, the heart is sweet quietly hidden in the vast sea......



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If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldn’t let him(her) down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.

