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My favourite animal is the panda,is our"national treasure",bacause pandas nive,lovable and lively,it was very likr it.panda is an ancient animal,is a zoologist called "living fossile " long ago there were many pandas in china,panda bamoo living area has large flowers,dead,threatening the survival of giant pandas.The whole world is extremely concerned about the rare giant panda rescue and transfer work.due to the destruction of the natural balance,climate warming,fewer and fewer panda.Panda is one of endangered animals,now only found in China,Sichuan,Shaanxi,Gansu,people began to conserve this endangered species.Today,the number of pandas has increased,but there is still a long way to go.Care for animals,is to protect human,we should be animals as mans best friend,to care,to protect them.Protection of animals is a duty of each person,let us work together to protect the giant pandas,giving them a good home.




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I like the flowers of spring, prefer the fruits of the fall of the land everywhere.

Autumn sky is particularly charming. You see, the sky is so high, then blue, looks particularly clean, like washed the same. The sky of white clouds, for a while into a sheep, for a while into a cow, while again into a mountain, river, very interesting.

Field, the golden rice laughed, from afar, endless rice fields like a golden ocean. The sorghum burns its own torches, as if it were illuminated by the peasant uncle! The corn from the thick clothes inside secretly flashed his beautiful "curly hair", the cotton girl exposed the white smile. People are busy in the ground, everywhere a bumper harvest,

Orchard, the apple exposed red face, Huang Chengcheng oranges, red glowing persimmon like a small lanterns like hanging in the tree, you squeeze me touch, as if waiting for people to pick it, the air filled with fruit Sweet taste.

In the park, chrysanthemum opened. Into the door, they smell the scent of chrysanthemum. Some chrysanthemum or budding flowers bones children, and some just open, and some have been completely open, colorful, contests, very beautiful!

Leaves yellow, a piece of yellow leaves floating in the wind, like a dancing only yellow butterfly; grass is also like a big yellow to the ground covered with a warm yellow cotton quilt.

Autumn is really beautiful, I like autumn.



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My grandmother is my favorite person。 She is in her early seventies, with a head of gray hair。 She likes leading a simple life。 And she like wearing clothes which are made by herself。

My grandmother likes always wear smiles on her face。 She is very kind。 She gets on well with our neighbors。 When they have difficulties, she is always ready to help。 so she is loved and respected by all the neighbors。

My grandmother often tells me to be honest。 She expects me to be useful to the people in the future。 I will love her forever。





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Lily, common name for the Liliaceae, a plant family numbering several thousand species of as many as 300 genera, widely distributed over the earth and particularly abundant in warm temperate and tropical regions. Most species are perennial herbs characterized by bulbs (or other forms of enlarged underground stem) from which grow erect clusters of narrow, grasslike leaves or leafy stems.

A few are woody and some are small trees. Evolutionally, the lily family is probably the basic monocotyledonous stock, its ancestors having given rise to the majority of contemporary monocots, e.g., the orchids, the palms, the iris and amaryllis families, and possibly also the grasses.

The relationships between plants of the modern lily family are not always clear, and some botanists subdivide the Liliaceae into several families or, if they take a broader view of the family, include some groups such as the Agave and Amaryllis families.



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Winter is my favourive season,you know?the weather in winter is very cold,and even rain hard and snow,some animals sleep all the winter ,such as snakes,tree leaves have been fell down by the strong wind .I thing the winter is the most beautiful saeson,everywhere is full of snow,and I can make little snowy perpons with my good friends,and we also can play more games with snow,the snow give us so much

happiness,it make me feel relaxed and warm all the winter.




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静静地欣赏着眼前美丽的风景,自己仿佛处身于童话世界,陶醉在里面,一切不愉快置身之外,思绪不言而喻。我常常猜想,每当有人许愿,上帝就会制作一片雪花。等到人们的愿望实现,上帝就会放飞这些雪花。所以,雪花才会一直飞舞,从天上到地下。它飞舞,因为它是愿望的承载者; 它飞舞,因为它是愿望的实现者。

我不喜欢冬天,因为我讨厌冬天的寒冷,讨厌冬天的沉重; 我不喜欢冬天,因为我讨厌灰色的天空,讨厌沉睡的大地; 我不喜欢冬天,因为我讨厌紧闭的门窗,讨厌厚重的衣服; 但是有一点,我必须承认,那就是我喜欢雪,是它们,让我对寒冷的冬天有了些期盼。



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寒冬的夜晚,好像万物都睡着了! In the winter night, it seems that everything is asleep!












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Autumn is coming.

"Whirring call ... ..." Listen, who is to catch the autumn girls skirt followed by?

This autumn is a little rude, it is wrapped in yellow leaves, fluttering, leaves with it in the air, aimlessly rotating, and gradually, it does not care like the leaves will be abandoned in the earth.

It swept the head of the people. At the end, but also jokingly took advantage of the gap in the clothes drilled into the people, so that people could not help feel through the cool, not help wrap the clothes, it is naughty drilled out to people who made a face, they went The

It came to the endless field, only love the golden autumn of the most hated glare of the green, and saw it drum up the cheek hard to blow, the crops are all mature, and glowing the joy of gold. Autumn tour of a circle of their own labor results, could not help but shy smile ... ...

"Wind children, the wind" to listen to, autumn girl in the call of the autumn wind! Can wind doll completely do not know, still wandering between heaven and earth to add that the golden world ... ...



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The river in my hometown has a beautiful name— Xiaoqing River.The water in the river is nice and clean just like its nice name.

Xiaoqing River usually shows us her kinds of beauty. When spring comes, grass and flowers will cover both of her banks. We find our Xiaoqing River is really like a girl in white clothes. To our children, we like the river in summer best.

We can enjoy ourselves during the holiday, like swimming, playing water games and so on.




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I had a lively and lovely little cat, and the whole family liked it.

Small cat is a male cat, the body in addition to the hair on the neck is black, the rest of the hair white no time. Small cats head with a pair of short and small ears, small and exquisite faces embedded in a pair of black round yo little eyes, in the day always like to narrow into a seam, one night to like two gems, sparkling Thriving There was a small, black nose under the eyes, with long beards on both sides of the nose. You can not underestimate the cats beard, is said to be used to measure the size of the mouse hole size ruler. Small cat under the soles of the feet have five small red meat pad, walking even the footsteps are not heard. You see, how cute little cat!

The cat is very naughty. I remember once, my mother in the yard to play a sweater, small cat lying on the mothers feet in the sun. My mother accidentally fell to the ground off the hair, the cat heard the sound, opened his eyes to see the wool group, immediately full of energy stood up, ears raised, eyes tightly pegged to the line, the body back to the bow, Two forepaws hold the ground, eager. I see this, deliberately search the search wool, the line group rolled up on the ground, small cat saw, just rushed up, accurately grasp the line group, happy to play up. It put up the tail, jumped over, jump back, play too happy.

Little cat is still a catch expert. Once, I came home from school, saw a small cat hiding in the corner, two eyes staring at the rat hole. Soon, a small mouse stuck his head to look, that time is late, then fast, small cat suddenly rushed to the small mouse is not good, want to shrink back, but too late. Small cat with lightning speed, with its claws hold the mouses head, and then drag it out, then dangling with teeth, the mouse issued a burst of screams. The little cat was proud to show off its booty, and I also patted his little head and said, "You are true!"

This is my lovely cute cat, it brings us joy.



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1) 瞧,冬姑娘把准备了一年的礼物送给了我们。那洁白无暇的六角片宛如一个个坠入人间的精灵。它们那轻盈娇小的身躯,再配上雪白的衣裳,好似一只只晶莹的蝴蝶在空中飞舞。它们以铺天盖地之势迅速笼罩了整个大地。一切都被染白了。

2) 傍晚,黑色的天幕像一张铺开的大毯,无数朵洁白晶莹的雪花如天使一般纷纷降下。微风吹过,这正密密斜织着的雪似珠帘卷起,再配以城市的宁静,你会感觉到大地也在跳舞……

3) 下午四点左右,太阳就毫不吝惜地射放出它灿烂的光芒,给街上的行人,路边的树木楼房都镀上了一层刮不掉的黄金,还给我们带来一种温暖的感觉。风,像母亲的手抚摸着你的脸,暖暖的,舒服极了。而云就像一块块融化的牛奶糖粘在天空上。

4) 天冷了,似乎说冷就冷了,前些日子明明还是暖阳明媚,一场风雪说来就来了,毫无预兆的。冷的叫人措手不及。就如同现在的我,坐在这里手脚冰凉,咀嚼着从心底不断钻出来的寒气,我一直说自己冷,可从来没象今天这么冷过,仿佛心里一下子就跌进了什么东西。这么沉。


6) 冬天大雪纷飞,小雪花像一个个小精灵一样,蹦蹦跳跳的落了下来,给人们带来了一丝丝寒意。虽然春姑娘已经迫不及待地想上岗了,但冬的使者——雪花却好象特别留恋人间的美景,久久不肯离去。这不,今天就下了一场很大的雪。

7) 下雪了,洁白无暇的小雪花纷纷扬扬地从天空中飘落下来,宛如美丽的银色蝴蝶在翩翩起舞。雪,越下越大,雪花漫天飞舞,似烟非烟,似雾非雾,仿佛整个世界都笼罩在茫茫大雪之中。

8) 走在冬天严寒的小路上。刚开始的时候不见得寒风有多冷,可是过了十多分钟后,我便发现我身上的暖气正在渐渐的散失。此时我已被冷得瑟瑟发抖,冰冷刺骨的寒风不停的扑在我的身上,使我的身体感受到前所未有的疼痛。

9) 翻着书页,可是却不能专心,因为阳光的照耀真的让你无法分心再去做其他的事情,而只管享受那种暖暖的感觉。所以,很多时候,书虽在手上,却不去动它。眼睛或眯或睁,脑海或被无头的思绪填满,或一片空白,都是美好的享受,只因身上被照的到处暖和,所以身心惬意。

10) 这动人的雪花怎么会不打动我的心呢?我不由地伸出手去。雪花是这样的调皮,我想用手去抓它,它却从我手指缝里逃走,当我无心时,却拼命地飘落在我的手上,凉丝丝的好清凉的感觉啊!我呼出一口热气,雪花变成了晶莹的小珍珠。抬头仰望好似我也要化为其中一朵小雪花,飘飘欲仙地飘走了。

11) 冬天来了,小草没有了,草地上铺了条白白的雪被子。树光秃秃的,只有松树仍然是绿绿的,还披着一件白色的雪外衣。河里冻上了冰。远处的山和山上的小亭子也都盖上了厚厚的雪被子。

12) 一年有着四个季节,立冬就是冬天的开头了,走进立冬,天气就渐渐冷了,它告诉我们冬天来了。

13) 冬天,松树、腊梅向我们展示了不怕严寒,坚忍不拔的坚强意志。冬天,大雪把过冬的虫卵冻死了,为来年丰收打下基础;大雪也给冬季作物送来了及时雨;大雪还给小朋友们带来了欢乐!冬天真美!我爱冬天!

14) 伤感的冬天,单调的白色,萦绕着大地。冬天,代表着春天的到来,寒冷即将过去。冬天过后迎接的会是一个百花争艳的春天吧!春天随鸟语花香,但我更喜欢那安静、苍白,带着一份独特之美的冬天。

15) 漫天的雪花飞舞,它们是那么的悠然自动,那么的纯洁无暇。仿佛整个世界都被这种气息所笼罩。吹口气,好像马上要将你融化。窗外的银杏不情愿的飘落下那几片的叶子,挂上了这白茫茫的一片。

16) 寒冷的冬天。依旧很冷。寒冷的冬天。我好想她…寒冷的冬天。我好想快点结束。寒冷的冬天。我好想忘掉烦恼。寒冷的冬天。我好想有人能陪陪我。寒冷的冬天。我好想…

17) 冬天来了。南方的冬天不下雪,生活在这里的人们无法领略千里冰封万里雪飘的壮丽雪景,无法与雪花乱舞,无法目睹“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”的盛况……

18) 冬天带来的寒气遍布每个角落,就是晴朗无风的时候,天也是干冷干冷的。光秃秃的树木可怜巴巴地立在江滨路两旁,曾经生机勃勃的小草也终于支持不住,枯黄了。草地上的小花也进入了梦乡。北风吹来,小树在寒风中挣扎着;小草匍匐在地上,好像害怕这突如其来的寒风。

19) 一到冬天,大地更显得全无一点生机了:群山萧索,百树凋零,不见鸟飞,不闻兽叫,乍看去,就像低垂的云幕前面,凝固着一幅死气沉沉的图画。

20) 冬天来了,伸手抚摸窗外的阳光,一如你白晰的脸庞,湿润而散着香,那耀眼的太阳,如你的目光,热情洋溢,让我的思念无处可藏,象窗台的绿萝忘情地疯长。习惯于这样,在冥想中回味你的善良,你的才情如身边的空气,让我在不经意中忘乎所以。

21) 我爱白雪,我爱雪景,我更爱冬天。冬天是心灵的年轮。冬天,虽然十分寒冷,但是它有着无可比拟的温馨和希望。

22) 冬天,大地散发出一种诱人的芬芳,那种比百鸟争鸣!更让人心醉比秋雨,更能让人透彻心扉那是美的带名词,更是让人沉醉的麻醉剂冬天!是万物枯萎的带名词,但它亦是万物苏醒前的报信鸟!那就是——雪。纷飞的雪一片片从头顶落下,你会感觉到一阵阵轻松,好似每一根神经,都在欢快的跳着跳着……

23) 冬日的暖阳缓缓地从东方露出了脸。在我们回老家的那几天,似乎要比往常冷了许多。但是,全家十几口人其乐融融地围在一张大圆桌上同时享用着美味佳肴。那种气氛洋溢着大家庭的温暖,享受着家的温馨。

24) 暗恋最伟大的行为,是成全。你不爱我,但是我成全你。真正的暗恋,是一生的事业,不因他远离你而放弃。没有这种情操,不要轻言暗恋。

25) 雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人们的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。

26) 西南边的河叉子已经被冻得很结实了。爬在冰面往下看,到处可见一些被定身术定住了一样的小泡大大小小,一串一串,像镶嵌在水中的珍珠串。

27) 打开深秋的大门,走出去,自己便觉得有股寒气猛然袭来,刺疼着脸的风儿在吹着,枯黄的叶子在随风飘落着,随后也便只剩下光秃秃的树干了,早晨也会有明显的霜降落了,气温大幅度地降下去了,观望四周——已是深秋了,冬天的脚步近了。

28) 冬日的太阳,总是这么温暖。告别了昨夜的悲伤,卸下满身的疲惫,匍匐在电脑前方,用阳光的温暖为你抒写着一篇这样的文章,希望在这个没有我的冬天,能给你一缕心底的暖阳。

29) 随后雪来了,严寒也到了。街道看起来仿佛是银子一样的,它们是那么亮,那么光辉,长长的冰柱像水晶的短剑似的挂在檐前,每个行人都穿着皮衣,小孩子也戴红帽子滑冰取乐。

30) “呼——呼——”,狂风呼啸,大树在狂风中摇晃,一条条树枝就像一条条狂舞的皮鞭在空中抽打着。

31) 风儿为雪花的飘落,伴奏着,使冬日的进行曲更为雄壮,小树大树的舞蹈使进行曲增添一笔不可缺少的辉煌。洁白的美丽处处可寻,今雪可能是一次大洗礼,使身边的每一个污点干净,盖住了每一个丑点。

32) 房子变白了大树变白了大地也变白了。房子上积了厚厚的一层雪,房顶有平的有尖的还有圆的。大树穿上了洁白的衣裳,挺立在道路的两旁,像一个个军人。远远望去,大地铺上了洁白的地毯,穿着各色服装的人们走在上面,就像给地毯绣上了美丽的花。

33) 冬天,又是快乐无穷的季节。许多孩子都喜欢在冰上滑冰、嬉戏、打雪仗、堆雪人……孩子的笑声是天真的,是无邪的,是纯洁的!他们的笑声,使冬天不再静寂,不再孤单。因为他们的笑声,好似天使一样,而雪花就是他们邀请来的使者。

34) 冬天的风很干燥,不带一丝水份。一件件湿的衣服,经过冬风“前赴后继”,马上变得干燥,成了天然的“干衣器”,也使主妇们省了不少心。冬天的风带走了衣物上的水份,也带走了我们嘴唇、脸、鼻子上含着的水份。生出许多小裂纹,给我们平添了不少的麻烦。

35) 初冬时节,落叶飘零,看到纷纷坠下的落叶,心头不免涌起一阵悲凉。秋天已去,只剩下一副躯壳,在那炎热的沙漠的坑里,翻滚。落叶虽逝,但明年的春天它重新恢复生机。巨星损落,可长江后浪推前浪,随着他的脚印追赶。



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Who is the first to bring the greetings of the grandfather? Who put the crops gently call? Who is the earth put on a set of golden "fall"? Oh! It is it is gentle and light wind.

Autumn, you are a young child - lively and lovely. In the morning, you are like a child, walked into the gentle pace of thousands of households, wake up sleeping people, you gently leaned close to their ears, quietly said: "The up, the autumn is coming!" When people Opened the sleepy eyes, hazy, to meet him was so gorgeous bright autumn! Autumn is so naughty, but also so full of childlike.

Autumn, you are a little girl - naive, childish. Look, you just arrived in the woods, green foliage issued a "rustling" sound, accompanied by the birds singing, loudly asked: "Wind, the wind, you do what?" You replied: "partners We have brought you new clothes. "The trees are happy to put on the gifts you gave them, all of a sudden, the leaves are put on the golden" new clothes ", one by one you look at me, I hope you, Before the push after the crowded, trouble into a group. A few naughty simply leave the mother, in the earth aunts laughter, leisurely into her arms ... ... in this warm, you put a smile to complete the new mission.

Autumn, you are a girl - gentle, quiet. Look, you are singing silver bell-like song, came to the most popular autumn of the most interesting place - farm field. You are coming up with their anticipation. Walking is so light, soothing. Rice blooming smile, quietly accept your touch, happily ups and downs with the wind, like rolling the Melaleuca waves; where the sorghum, anxiously waiting, you like a group of hot fire, or how can the Sorghum dyed golden light? Timid corn doll tightly wrapped in the small was, hear the outside clamor, but also curiously stuck his head, listen to your song ... ... At this time, you have crossed the field, to the distance The Step by step autumn, step by step harvest, you will be dedicated to the earth, you will be heavy harvest into the heart of the farmers, drunk red farmhouse smile.

Autumn, you are a elders - kind and serene. You are wearing a red coat, floating on the hillside, will become a piece of maple leaves into golden red. Yuanwang, frost leaves such as drunk, like a red sea, and glow in one; near look, such as raging flames in the burning, this red red, gives a kind of unsatisfactory warmth. I follow the footprints of the autumn wind, went to the hillside, revel in the maple leaves fly. Face the autumn wind, I cried out, want to pull out all the hearts of passion ... ...

Autumn, you bring a charming autumn; bring the harvest fruit; bring the red of everything. I love you, love you rough, bold temperament, but also love you gentle, graceful temperament, love you quietly dedication of the spirit! Obsessed with you! My autumn wind.




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冬天的寒风如刀,刺痛着我的脸,我穿着厚厚的羽绒服,裹着大围巾,却依旧在寒风中瑟瑟发抖,好冷好冷但那次,让我的心感到非常的温暖。 The cold wind in winter is like a knife, stabbing my face, I wear thick down jackets, wrapped in big scarves, but still shaking in the cold wind,Its so cold but that time, my heart feels very warm.








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Winter morning campus, everything is good.

Snow brought countless happy to schools, snow elves in order to let more beautiful next spring, to the earth mother with a layer of silver on the shop of the quilt.

Although no flowers and leaves on the tree, but the few solitary plum is still stand on the wall, to the winter, has brought the campus have exposed a fragrant aroma.

Listen, who is laughing? Look, who is playing? This is the students, they cheered for the snow, they proud of snow, happy to play in the snow figure like falling of the gods.

Their intense snow battle, happy to make a snowman, a vibrant scene opened...









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My family a few years ago to keep a puppy, it is long with a golden hair, a small nose, a pair of black pearl-like eyes, we call it "golden hair", it looks very cute!

In the morning, I got up to rinse, wash my face, and the puppy ran hard on the little tail, and around my side, and kept licking my trousers as if she were saying, "Good morning, small the host."

After dinner, I went to the neighborhood to play. Out of the door, I saw my dog at home in front of the neighbors, my friend is squatting on the ground with his familys dog playing it. I walked quietly, shouting behind my friend, he was shocked. I stood next to the "hehe" smile. Friend said: "scary." His puppy raised his head, stared at two round eyes, as if to me, said: "What do you scare my master, he did not call you." My puppy Hear a friend s dog called me a few times, quickly jumped to it, as if to say: "Do not say my master, is teasing your master to play.

A Sunday, I want to sleep a Lanjue, but my puppy I do not know what time into my room, it hard to pull my trousers, I wake up from a dream. I climbed up and looked at the cute puppy, and it was "barking" to me, as if to say, "The lazy man does not get up quickly and the sun is sunbathing."

This is my home dog, cute it!



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I have a puppy in my house. It has a pair of round yo eyes, two lips, and a flexible little nose. It is white, especially the abdomen, like a dog put on a white clothes. I love it very much.

It walked up to head high, but also step by step, really like a man of grace. It is always used to urinate the hind legs against a tree, but also head down, as if very shy. Sprinkled out immediately to leave, as if afraid of being known to others. Look at it naughty look, funny.

It is very timid, if you just take the palm of your hand, it scared immediately into the bed. But it is so brave, do not say that met the kitten and chicks, is the case of bad people it dare to fight a bucket, the reason why it became the protection of our family "Peoples Liberation Army."

Puppy it is a lot of amateur, the new things can be interested after, it is often in my painting, staring eyes, but also mimic the action of the painting, that amused me laughed.

I like my dog, every day after school I have to play with it play, it brought me a lot of fun.



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