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The New Year opened the door for us, winter vacation is slip to us. Like last year, I made an early winter vacation plan. I dont want to let this period of time wasted.

First of all, is to take rests. During this time, I insist on read more books to write every day, now that Ive read a good book six, wrote a dozen composition. Im grade five part ii of the books borrowed from relatives, to have time, will check out to see see, put those skills to learn, to memorize those formulas.

Learning tired, take a break and watch TV, play computer, or playing games with his neighbors. Of course, playing time is definitely not more than the time to study! Or it can be bad. In this stage, the most important thing is to learn, so, not too naughty.

Second, is to help parents work, our mom and dad to come back to work again outside busy housework, busy, busy, very tired. We do son, daughter, let him to help them do some things that can help them alleviate some burden. As a result, not only can exercise our ability, improve our physical fitness, but also praised by parents, not one arrow 3?

The third point, that is, the last point. I want to get into the habit of early to bed and early to rise, strive for later in the morning without father sent me to. In this way, can kill two birds with one stone, can not only build our bodies, and save cost, that is not very good?

Winter vacation, I must be strictly according to plan book, holidays, happily for winter vacation!




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Twinkling of an eye, I have been looking forward to the winter holiday is coming, but I want to customize for myself a little plan, now let me introduce for everybody!

In this winter vacation, Im going to learn some extra-curricular knowledge, enrich their own imagination. I need to finish the winter vacation homework, finish the teacher assigned tasks. I have to help mom necessities and ready to prepare for the holiday. I also want to help with cleaning, so, the guests come to our new home, the will see a white as the mirror, a new family. I also prepared in this summer holiday, to save money for himself, to help the children in the disaster areas.

This is my plan.






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旅行计划英语作文50词一:Traveling to Dalian

Summer holidday is coming.I have a good plan for it.My best friend Tony who is from Britain will spend the holiday with mw.Tom is 17 years old ,he like China very much.One week ago,I wrote him a letter,inviting him to come to Dalian for the holidays.Tony has accepted my invitation and will fly to Dalian next week.I will go to the airport to pick him up.Then well show him around the city.Well go to the beach to watch the sea first.Then well visit some insteresing places.Tony will live in my house during the holiday.I hope well have a good time.

旅行计划英语作文50词二:My travel plans

Hello,everyone!My name is Sun Yumeng.I am ten years old.I have a-month holiday every summer.It starts in August. During this summer holidy,I went to Shan Xi by car with my parents.Shan Xi is a

beautiful place!There are many mountains ,trees and flowers.I like Shan Xi very much!

We had a good time in Shan Xi.

旅行计划英语作文50词三:My traveling plan

I hope to go on a trip to Beijing,but my mother always tells me "you cant".She thinks I am too young to go to Beijing,and I am too busy at school.This term is over,To my surprise,my mother will take me to Beijing.I am very excited!Then I have a traveing plan for this trip:firstly I will go to the tiananmen square,I will take many pictures,then I am going to the palace museum,I can see many old builds there.secondly,I am goingto the wangfujing street,we will buy many things,for example,foods,clothes and some books.then I will go home. I think I will have a great trip to Beijing.

旅行计划英语作文50词四:My travel plans

My travel plans are many, I tell you my favorite travel plan, is go to huang shan to play. First I by cable car to light top, on their way to see the beautiful scenery.

When I top down from the light is not choose by cable car, but choose to walk down the mountain. Because in the way I can enjoy the beautiful scenery, and streams than who run fast. Though very tired, but I can enjoy the beautiful scenery.



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Hi, I’m Zhao Jin. I’m going to have an interesting weekend! On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to learning NCE. In the evening, I’ll be very happy! Why? Because I can play the computer. On Sunday, I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk. I like the milk very much. Then,I’m going to go home. In the afternoon,I’m going to have a picnic with my mother. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV.Oh!That will be fun!



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Saturday afternoon, my sister and I finished the homework, my parents went to work, boring and dry. At this time, I thought of an idea, I blurted out: "we do not think the afternoon tea!", my sister and I expect a go, really is the heart. Because both of us can cook, and laugh a few times to work together.

I first took the New Orleans chicken wings cured yesterday from the refrigerator and heated the oven. After that, the sister picked up the hot water kettle, went to the drinking water machine and loaded the water, and put it back on the base. My dads tea pot grabbed a few red tea leaves and quickly poured it into the tea - maker. I am familiar to use hot water to wash the tea, "Ding" oven finished, sister wearing gloves, pulled out from the hot baking oven, on the shelf, with chicken wings, just listen to "Zi ~" sound, with wings pan sticking together. After full release, send the baking tray home and turn up and down fire to 200 degrees. The time is 15 minutes. In the middle of a time, turn over to the other side. I took it from the fridge: milk, four pieces of bread, two New Orleans chicken chops, six lettuce, salad dressing, two potatoes and tomato sauce. Close the door of the refrigerator and start making tea, hamburger and French fries.

I pour hot hot water into the teapot, and black tea is thicker in hot water. Through the tea cover off the milk poured into the pot, slowly, slowly, Luzhou Black Tea with sweet condensed milk well together, tea become silky; hamburgers do dont worry, first open the pan to open fire, the hot pot. After that, the oil is poured into the pot, and the chicken chop in New Orleans floats in the oil pan. After a while, the chicken is steak over the face. Well, take the chopsticks into slices of bread, put two lettuce, with salad sauce, put another slice of bread, in accordance with this step second; French fries is very simple, first put the potatoes washed, peeled, cut into strips to use and fried grilled chicken oil dont end continue to fall in the fire, put the chips into the pan and let it blow after 5~8 minutes, picked up on the paved with absorbent paper plate. At this point, the chicken wings were made, and they were sandwiched into a paving plate with an oil sucking paper. Fried steamed bread and Korean seaweed are skipped, exclusive secret recipe!

We put the finished product on the tea table and tasted it carefully. How, the mouth water has no "fly straight down three thousand feet" in fact, you can do it, try it!



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How time flies, it is a year, this morning, the winter holiday will begin school. I like past holidays, there will always be on the first day of the holiday started, make a plan for the feasible, purpose is in order to be able to make myself in the holiday, have a more happy and substantial, and can learn more knowledge outside, and after a joy.

I want to develop my interests and hobbies, I want to practice calligraphy, together with dad grow up can also write good word. See the TV news report, understand the society. I more exercise and keep healthy.

I want to insist on keeping a diary, composition. Before, I write diary "dry", mainly is the lack of observation; Later, Im going to look at 30 minutes a day of extra-curricular, put some thoughts and recorded during winter vacation, and some meaningful person or thing written in the article. See some excellent composition, learn other peoples writing strengths. To find on the Internet to write good articles, learn from somebody elses learning. In addition, I have a brochure, called "diary of a small material", at ordinary times is trivial to observe, record some wonderful things, writing an article that is a good material! When the time comes to write something, then dont worry about "theres nothing to write"!

Visiting relatives and friends, do civilized manners, respect their elders, to the relatives and friends about their own learning, to their peers share their experiences in learning.

This is my winter vacation plan, I not only want to strengthen learning, also want to do more to help parents, do you think I do this winter holiday plan?








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1、 梧桐树下,踏碎一地的金黄;田野丛中,溅起一路的欢笑,大自然的风景多么美妙,周末悄悄又来到,愿你拥有一个开心周末!

2、 周末到了,放松的日子里,请别再忙碌,收到短信,为你送上温暖贴心;我的绵绵情意,化作短信,为你送上轻松开心。周末愉快!

3、 冬送问候增温暖,夏送问候添清凉,时时有我的关心,每时每刻都开心,工作热情更饱满,娱乐休闲也不孤单,祝周末愉快!

4、 降龙十八掌,把烦恼震得粉碎飞扬;九阴白骨爪,把忧愁赶走不留残渣;乾坤大挪移,把快乐移入你的心底;让幸福永远陪客户你一起。周末愉快!

5、 周末了,都放假了,惟有我的这条短信在加班,它满载着我真切的问候,无限的祝福,翻越万水千山,穿过高楼大厦,来到你身边,祝你周末愉快,开心永远!

6、 亲爱滴,此刻的你在和朋友聚会,还是在熬夜看电影,你最最贴心的我提醒您:偶尔的放松是没问题地,但不要经常,作息规律,有益健康!周末愉快!

7、 周末来到,不问阴晴,只问冷暖;不送金银,只送思念。岁月平淡,时光无限,沧海桑田,真情不变。遥寄问候,消你烦忧,愿君安好,幸福永守!

8、 听着!因为我们是朋友,送问候不能等你先开口,此短信的目的很纯良,就是表表我的心,谈谈我的情,问候送到你心底,归根结底就一句:周末愉快!

9、 星期一,一路顺风,星期二,二目有神,星期三,利市三倍,星期四,四平八稳,星期五,五指抓钱,星期六,六腑清畅,星期天,洪福齐天。

10、 周末到,工作抛,自由到。迈开自由的大步子,走进聚会的小圈子,看看喜爱的小片子,聊聊彼此的旧样子,做一回现实中的小疯子。祝你周末快乐!

11、 苦夏热,苦夏苦,苦夏难熬真辛苦。等周末,盼周末,周末苦夏不再苦。泡泡澡,散散步,趁着周末放轻松。逗逗乐,耍耍酷,酷酷一夏真舒服。

12、 选择高山,就勤奋登攀;选择宁静,就忍受孤单;选择机遇,就战胜风险;选择求索,就别怕磨难;选择朋友,就时常惦念。周末了,祝你快乐是我最大心愿!

13、 成功的时候别忘了庆祝,难过的时候别忘了倾诉,熬夜的时候别忘了睡觉,奔波的时候别忘了吃饭,周末的时候别忘了好好歇歇。

14、 时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,心情因祝福而花开灿烂,当您打开信息时,愿祝福让您轻松此时此刻!周末愉快!

15、 又是轻松周末,心情好得唱歌。到处走走逛逛,看谁比你快乐。娱乐比比手气,闲聊趣事多多。运动小试身手,洒点汗水快活。周末还原自我,祝你开心洒脱!

16、 真心话,只需要短短几行字就能表达,真情感,什么方式都可以传输,快乐只需要你微笑,周末了,送去我的问候,祝你快乐幸福。

17、 一杯开水,映衬不出生活的琐碎,却折射着人生的况味;一条短信,表达不了思念的所有,却带来了祝福的声音;祝你周末快乐!

18、 茫茫人海,温柔是爱你的导航;凄凄寒夜,温暖只想为你拥抱;漫漫人生,携手与你共赏美好;天地悠悠,爱你直到天荒地老;这个世界只有你是我心灵的依靠!

19、 周末到,早晨吃个甜面包,心里甜蜜心情妙;中午外出太阳照,前途灿烂事业好;晚上洗个热水澡,洗去忧愁和烦恼。短信到,祝你周末快乐!

20、 周末是一周中的精品,悠闲是忙碌的衍生品,快乐是烦恼的替代品,幸福是感觉中的极品,朋友是生活中的必需品,短信是祝福你的珍品:周末逍遥任你品。

21、 忙碌的生活带走的只是时间,对朋友的牵挂常留心底,一声问候一个祝福,在这美丽神怡的日子里祝您周末愉快!

22、 清茶,或淡或浓,清香自留心间;距离,或远或近,真情永不变浅;祝福,或早或晚,传递我的心愿:周末了,愿你忘记烦恼,好好休息。

23、 北京盛装艳,金秋美景现,白云飘蓝天,枫叶嫁衣穿,天地共言欢;春华秋实迁,岁岁并年年,好运随风传,幸福古都览,开心游江山。周末快乐,好运连连!

24、 每周总有那么六七天不想工作吧?每个月总有三四个礼拜想周末吧?工作诚可贵,周末价更高!为了人民币,怎能变人妖?行动起来吧,亲爱的朋友!让我们放松身心,在周末的阳光中尽情的洗礼吧!

25、 生活工作与上班,出入快乐与平安,样样开心都顺利,事业扶摇乘风起烦恼郁闷离得远,快乐幸福常相伴,祝您工作愉快,上班开心,下班欢心。

26、 铃声滴答滴答响,短信噼里啪啦忙,祝福屁颠屁颠道,问候咿咿呀呀叫,周末哗啦哗啦过,思念叽里呱啦说,我嘻嘻哈哈乐,你傻啦吧唧得瑟。哈,周末快乐!

27、 只要一转身我祝福就在身边,如果有一天你感到疲倦。不管离多远不管多少年,这祝福化为蓝星点点,闪在晨曦,闪在日暮,闪在生命每寸空间!这次发信息,主要有三个目的,一是联络感情;二是打发时间;三是送句心里话:再烦也要记得微笑,周末愉快!

28、 掀开周末的盖头:甜蜜的爱情红红的,崭新的事业红红的,甘醇的友情红红的,增加的工资红红的,我对你的祝福红红的,周末你愉快的笑脸红红的。哈哈,你裂开的嘴唇齿红红的。别害羞了就。

29、 周末我学灰太狼,偷偷摸摸去抓羊,抓到小羊送给你,容貌好似美羊羊,胃口强过懒羊羊,身体强壮沸羊羊,朋友相聚暖羊羊,美好时光慢羊羊。这些小羊全给你,我们一起喜羊羊!发什么愣?就是给你的,谁叫你是我心爱的红太狼!周末快乐!

30、 好朋友,要好好牵挂;好感情,要好好珍藏;好运气,要好好把握;好缘分,要好好珍惜;好心情,要好好分享。周末到了,记得好好放松,好好休息哦!

31、 苦了吧,累了吧,心烦了吧,又想周末了吧?赖床了吧,轻松了吧,又无聊了吧,电话响起了,我的短信到了,周末了,别宅着了,出去溜达溜达,冒冒泡。

32、 送你十颗心:早上舒心,出门顺心,路上小心,遇事耐心,交友真心,待人诚心,对自己有信心,对情人有爱心,对家人要关心,最重要是开心!周末快乐!

33、 让晴天带去我的问候,让阴天捎去我的心愿,让雨天浇灌我的祝福,周末到了,不管天气如何变,我的祝福永不变,愿你周末快乐,幸福永绕。

34、 日子在流沙中徘徊,往往,让你劳累的不是铮铮的岁月,而是那颗脆弱的心,把心敞开,用心聆听,那些花开花落的曼妙曲调,开心快乐,快乐永远!

35、 有朋友同行是种安全,有朋友鼓励是种力量,有朋友想念是种幸福!朋友,祝你开心每一秒,快乐每一天,周末快乐。

36、 末转瞬到眼前,发条短信送祝愿:愿你休闲娱乐心情欢,亲友聚会喜开颜,周末轻松快乐满满,下周工作更畅顺,工资奖金成倍番。预祝你周末愉快!

37、 上班很辛苦,忙碌到周五;上班很艰辛,就为讨点薪;上班很无奈,幸福你才怪;上班很遭罪,物价跟着贵。周末了,出去放松一下吧,自我调节身心健康。

38、 送你一个惬意的宁静周末,愿你的生活阳光灿烂,爱情柔风细雨,快乐永久长驻,事业欣欣向荣,投资欢欣与鼓舞,家人健康长寿,周末愉快!

39、 感谢您一直以来对我们工作的支持,在这个周末里,希望忙碌了一个星期的您能够好好地休息,祝周末愉快,事业顺利!

40、 观一场梦里花落,尝一次美味豆豉,听一段少年往事,感一下他人日记,报一次到,灌一点水,抒一下情,道一声好。发个短信问个好:周末快乐!

41、 也许祝福只是一种形式,但却能给心灵带来温馨,我们都把关心发给彼此,一样的日子一样的心声:周末愉快!

42、 捉一只蝴蝶送您,愿您拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风送您,愿您心情舒畅,发个短信给您,愿天天神采飞扬!祝您渡过愉快的周末。

43、 有种心情,天天传递,却依然纯朴;有种问候,清清淡淡,却尤其真诚;有种情谊,无须牵挂,却心领神会。周末快乐!

44、 朋友,周末到了,保持健康,吃个苹果,一生平安,尝个香蕉,心中香甜,希望你胃口大开,笑容常在,永远不老,周末愉快!

45、 时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,心情因祝福而花开灿烂,当你打开信息时,愿祝福让你轻松此时此刻。周末愉快!

46、 时间轻轻流逝,转眼又到了周末的日子,来到充满轻松自在的空气中,让心灵随意放松,给自己一个开心的假期,祝周末愉快。

47、 把快乐心情打包,装进周末的背囊,带着阳光一起上路,在悠闲的时光里坐坐,在明媚的心情里逛逛,在祝福的短信里笑笑,在幸福的梦境里躺躺。

48、 你随便那么一帅,美女就把你赖;你你随便那么一笑,世界都为你尖叫。周末到了,为了世界安宁,你可别随便出门哦!

49、 周末七主意:一娱乐减压,二欢乐强心,三快乐健身,四开心会友,五静心养性,六舒心生活,七温馨内外。转眼又到周末,客户朋友,试着做吧。

50、 问候一声周末好:呼呼的北风吹走的是您的烦恼。带来的是一整个星期的好运!周末愉快!雨天路滑!注意安全!



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On October 1, I did not go out as usual.

Since it was National Day, 61th anniversary of my homeland, like many people, my parents and I just sat in the couch and watch TV.

We didn’t want to miss the program, parade. We were all excited when we saw such beautiful and magnificent scene.

There were so many people gathered together to celebrate the 61th anniversary.

From their smile, I can feel their happy, their proud and confidence.

I feel proud there are many advanced weapons to secure our country.

We, Chinese, are never aggressive. We love peace.

We know how to secure the peace because Chinese is the victim of war.

When I saw 61 flower buses passed through Tian An Men, I am so excited.

I believe our country will have a prosperous future.



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How time flies, time flies, the New Years drum has been far away from us, the god of time, quietly slipped through my face, unconsciously, has been opening for two weeks. The sun shines on the ground, hung a little bit of blue sky white clouds, the birds chirp, the arrival of the new term, means that the new atmosphere is coming.

Looked back on a semester, is really "mix the past!" At the time of the final exam, fell off a cliff, in this summer vacation I suffered ridicule and scold, so I careers, must enrich this semester!

Last class last semester finished, everybody gaudy, cheering, laughing, but all this in my eyes is dazzling, and the moon came out, cold, colored or fruit fork in the dark night sky, in the elementary school graduation, I secretly determined, be sure to get rid of the bad carelessness, can not think, on the middle school, careless the stumbling block, also real under my feet, also fell for that several big top.

Midterm exam papers sent down, 86 points! Dazzling and bright red Numbers into my eyes, when I sit down and check a mock into my ears, turned out to be the monitor, the proud look, her eyes made me angry, but helpless, the questions in the examination paper most unexpectedly I have to do, because of carelessness lost points, ah... I lost in thought!



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I always dream of becoming a teacher, because teaching is the most glorious project in the world. Nothing is more important than education to a nation. Im honored to devote myself to education.


As far as I know, a teacher can be described as a candle. Hes very kind-hearted and generous; Hes wise and intelligent; Hes diligent and hardworking. He has the willingness to help others, so people always speak highly of teachers.


If I could be a teacher, I would be very honorable. After all, my major is English Education. I must take up this career. Now my dream comes true, so I will work harder and harder. I believe I can make it.





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Today is weekend, I had finished my homework see mother was cooking, he said to mother: "mom, I help you cook a meal, do you?" Mother confused to ask me: "can you?" I said to mother: "you stop worrying! The bag to me!" Mother said: "ok! Let you give it a try!" In the mothers care and guidance, I first put the steamed rice. And then start preparing food, open the refrigerator, wow! Is I like to eat vegetables, there are eggs, tomatoes, beans, peppers, garlic moss, potato, cabbage, onion, etc. So I just took the eggs from the refrigerator, a potato, a tree green onion, pepper, first of all, I cut the onion in half and half and half egg fry, and potatoes, and chili peppers. Second, the potatoes peeled, cut. Finally, open the eggs, stir in a bowl. Set aside. Rice steamed well at this moment, watching the glittering and translucent get rid of big grain of rice, white fragrant, watch it and you want to eat a bite. Began to stir fry, below I first poured oil into the wok, such as oil hot, put the chopped onion and eggs in the pan, stirring, for a while, such as egg yellow, put some salt, spices, monosodium glutamate, flipped through, out of the pot. The next dish, deliver, looking at fresh color, taste salty, sweet and tasty, just right. The food on the table, looked at his hands to make food, smell the aroma of the food, looking at the smile on the face, the whole family I happy smiled. This weekend, I deeply understand the parents hard, later I certainly can do more things for the parents, let parents happy! I am more happy!






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This afternoon, when my mother looked at my figure, I called me to go to sports and go to the company club to play badminton. Today is Sunday, all of the people have a holiday, everyone squeezed into the court to play. Strangely, only two badminton courts were crowded. Table tennis table no one, waiting for badminton people still full of it! People who play badminton do not want to go, we have to go to the tennis court to play. The area of the tennis court is too big.

Its hard to wait for a player to play. I didnt play badminton in these days. So playing badminton is greatly reduced. How can I catch the ball? I didnt even go out to serve when I served. Its unfortunate. Among the countless people, I play badminton is the worst, I play badminton even my mother can not play. I said to myself, "how did you practice so bad these days, not even your mother? Your badminton skills are really bad." But in a moment, my playing technique was back and the ball was slowly catching. After a while, I made progress, but I felt more and more feathered, and I felt tired and tired. So I looked for a chair and sat down for a rest. She was not happy to see him, and he had to call me up, and he called me again. How many people, I looked very dishonored under the masses. I had to say to him, "I really dont want to play the boring and expensive badminton anymore. How you call it makes me look very pale under the masses."

I began to play badminton, it will be a double play, I cant catch the ball I met is very fierce, so the back of the uncle to help me to come, so I can relax, because I just hit those special in front of very light ball, these and I still have a two there are no catch. But we also won a lot of points, finally, because the opponents ability to cooperate is not good and cause them to lose. This is the first time I have been so happy. After we finished the ball, we went to the next clubhouse for dinner. Today, playing basketball is really cool, but I cant play here every day because its too far away from home. Homework is endless. If we move to a new home, we can play here every day (my new home is very close to the stadium).



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新年计划(My plan for the new year)

The new year is coming!Now,its the time to make plans for the new year.Here is what I will do:

1.I will get better grades.Im good at English and Chinese, but I need to improve in my Math.Ill study better!

2.I will break my bad habits.I often get up very very late. To get early is good for my health. So Ill get up earlier than usual.

3.I will eat better.Ioften eat a lot of junk food. they are not good for my health.I should eat more fruits and vegetables.Theu will make my body healthier and stronger.

This year was a good year for me,but Ican make next year even better.Ill work hard to keep my resolutionsWhat are your plans for the new year?

Whih best wishes for the new year.



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I get up at seven oclock and have breakfast at seven twenty .

At half past seven I go to school by bus . There are four lessons in the morning . At twelve we have lunch .There are two lessons in the afternoon .I go home at four and do my homework at four thirty .At six I have dinner with my parents . After dinner I often play chess with my father .Sometimes I watch TV .Sometimes I listen to music .At eight thirty I go to bed .



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Winter comes again, this is the third since I was in primary school winter vacation. Holiday that day, the teacher the assignment is more on the blackboard. For me, the teacher assigned winter vacation homework to complete or need a lot of time, because it is very difficult, and a lot of. Due to the winter vacation homework more, need reasonable arrange time to complete, so I made a plan for the winter vacation studying life.

My plan is this: every morning in the xinhua bookstore to buy of the "Chinese winter vacation homework" and "mathematics winter vacation homework each finish one page (two sides); For more than 30 minutes every morning time of extracurricular reading; Finished winter vacation homework in the morning and after reading the rest of the time free activities, you can watch TV, play computer games, etc. Noon lunch break after an hour of sleep, we finished the afternoon arrangement: adhere to write every afternoon a piece of calligraphy, learn an hour of computer application knowledge, after the read cooked a good article to read to the parents again. Finally is in before you go to bed after supper every day to write a diary: can write of what happened in your own comments, stories and substance, etc.; Before sleeping to delve into a really, finally under the exciting TV childrens hypnotic sleep - its not a good habit!

The above is my winter holiday life plan? My winter vacation plan is good! I finish my winter vacation homework should not only, also want to help mom and dad to do something, so mom and dad wont be happy, and it had to be meaningful. Finally, is close to the New Year, this is our important traditional festival of the Chinese nation, I am here to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.






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Mom and dad said, to take me to the Grand Canyon in the eastern Chinese overseas Chinese city, the boring holiday at last have a trace of color, I am really happy. But my mother told me to make my own game plan, which could hurt my brain. I have never written this thing. What should I do?

Mother said, the schedule should have time, place, how to go, how to go back, how many buses to take, what items to play, what items to play, where to eat at noon, etc. So I went to the net to make my game plan, according to the * * * * statement.

First I went to the official website of the eastern Chinese overseas Chinese city. Wow, its really beautiful. Its just a picture. Theres a mountain with water and a leisurely cloud. But Im not moving for the picture, and clicking on a colorful playground sign. It was half past nine for him to open the door, so I wrote on the document: at half past eight, I went to the gate of the Grand Canyon. Then I saw that there were four theme parks in the Grand Canyon. I arranged what I did in the morning and what I did in the afternoon according to their switching time and activity level. For the afternoon the weather is hot, so I put the water park and forest fjord forest arranged in the afternoon, the ecological Canyon and the sea of clouds arranged in the morning and highland, can buy souvenirs and gather to eat at noon is the town of hayfield. But in order not to miss a fun thing, I also write down four items that can be played, and then I will not regret it.

I then Baidu map to search to the eastern overseas Chinese town to take several road car from my home, but this map is really dont give me a face, in the swing for a long time, is always wrong, I only have to search the Internet, also say, really found, so I dont understand I check the bus route on the Internet before can not find to take a few road cars to the things found on the map, since it seems to all the two methods to try out.

Though we havent gone to the Grand Canyon of the eastern overseas Chinese town, I believe we will have fun for this schedule. As the saying goes, "opportunity is for those who are prepared."



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This summer holiday I plan to go to the beach.I will go there with my parents and cousins.Well stay there for three days at the local hotel.The trip will be the most wonderful one that I have ever had.Because we will do a lot of things there,such as playing volleyball ,windsurfing ,having barbecue at night.Im really looking foward to it.



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I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasn’t difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner for my grandparents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went shopping. I could be very happy. I had a relaxing weekend.





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Im happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.


First,I need to make a plan about my holiday.I will do my homework 5 hours a day,and I want to read some famous English books to improve my English study.Then, I will see some funny comedies.Mr.Bean or Tom Hankss movies all cool! They can relax myself!If I have enough time,I will go dancing and swimming! I wanna keep fit,you know!And,I will spend some time on my math.I always be careless on the math exam.I want to be careful!


I really have a large number of things to do,maybe Its a bit busy and nervous.but I like this sort of life.I will try my best to do these tings!I believe myself,I can do all of them!Its nice to have this kind of courage!




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summer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to go to school or do anything else in a place that is not air-conditioned. also because of this i stay at home most of the time during the summer vacation and only occasionally go to the beach to plunge myself into the cool water as a way to keep my body less sticky. actually i like swimming and think nothing is more refreshing than a swim. in the summer vacation that has just ended i went swimming many times with my classmates and we all had a good time. this summer vacation, however, was not spent entirely in seeking fun. as a second-year senior student i had to prepare myself for the college entrance examinations that were only a year away. in other words, i must find time to study, too. so i divided my time between work and play during the summer vacation and derived much benefit from this arrangement.




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national days plans

national day is coming.how are you spending the vacation?do you have an exciting plan?some of my pen pals told me their plans.

percy form changsha,hunan.

i am going to guilin. my aunt lives there.i am staying at my aunts house.she is showing me around the beautiful city.iam taking so恩平婚介网[*]me photos.i am sure ill have a good time there.

mary form wuhan,hubei

i plan to visit beijing for vacation.there are many places of interest in beijing,such as the great wall ,tiananmen square,ect.im going to beijing by plane.its very fast.i plan to stay in beijing for five days.





