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Oh! The winter vacation! I finally can easily play! Can I ~ is that should not be so to play alone. I decided, I want to make the plan of this years winter vacation, I after a few minutes to finish this years winter vacation plan for (my plan is every day, the first half, second half!) , my plan is as follows:

The first half: 1, to get up at 7:00 every day.

2, after get up to eat breakfast, eat breakfast watch TV for a while.

3, each homework do 5 pages (language, number, Britain)

4, taking a nap in 2 hours.

5, in the afternoon, watch a little TV.

6 on page 3, each work.

7, go out with friends to play.

8, is playing computer, watching TV in the evening.

9, 9 to go to bed.

After the first half, the same time as the winter vacation homework has been finished. The second half is relaxed.




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On the New Year’s Eve, our family gets together, my parents made the big dinner, we ate dinner at about five o’clock, we talked so happily. After finishing the dinner, my sister and I were so excited, because we planned to see the firework. In my hometown, people can play the firework as they want, people play all kinds of firework every year, it is so beautiful. When the time was about 9 o’clock, I heard the voice, then I looked at the sky, the darkness was lighted up by the firework, I saw many different pictures of firework, all were beautiful. I couldn’t blink my eyes, I was afraid of missing the beautiful moment. I love firework’s night.





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1、 梧桐树下,踏碎一地的金黄;田野丛中,溅起一路的欢笑,大自然的风景多么美妙,周末悄悄又来到,愿你拥有一个开心周末!

2、 周末到了,放松的日子里,请别再忙碌,收到短信,为你送上温暖贴心;我的绵绵情意,化作短信,为你送上轻松开心。周末愉快!

3、 冬送问候增温暖,夏送问候添清凉,时时有我的关心,每时每刻都开心,工作热情更饱满,娱乐休闲也不孤单,祝周末愉快!

4、 降龙十八掌,把烦恼震得粉碎飞扬;九阴白骨爪,把忧愁赶走不留残渣;乾坤大挪移,把快乐移入你的心底;让幸福永远陪客户你一起。周末愉快!

5、 周末了,都放假了,惟有我的这条短信在加班,它满载着我真切的问候,无限的祝福,翻越万水千山,穿过高楼大厦,来到你身边,祝你周末愉快,开心永远!

6、 亲爱滴,此刻的你在和朋友聚会,还是在熬夜看电影,你最最贴心的我提醒您:偶尔的放松是没问题地,但不要经常,作息规律,有益健康!周末愉快!

7、 周末来到,不问阴晴,只问冷暖;不送金银,只送思念。岁月平淡,时光无限,沧海桑田,真情不变。遥寄问候,消你烦忧,愿君安好,幸福永守!

8、 听着!因为我们是朋友,送问候不能等你先开口,此短信的目的很纯良,就是表表我的心,谈谈我的情,问候送到你心底,归根结底就一句:周末愉快!

9、 星期一,一路顺风,星期二,二目有神,星期三,利市三倍,星期四,四平八稳,星期五,五指抓钱,星期六,六腑清畅,星期天,洪福齐天。

10、 周末到,工作抛,自由到。迈开自由的大步子,走进聚会的小圈子,看看喜爱的小片子,聊聊彼此的旧样子,做一回现实中的小疯子。祝你周末快乐!

11、 苦夏热,苦夏苦,苦夏难熬真辛苦。等周末,盼周末,周末苦夏不再苦。泡泡澡,散散步,趁着周末放轻松。逗逗乐,耍耍酷,酷酷一夏真舒服。

12、 选择高山,就勤奋登攀;选择宁静,就忍受孤单;选择机遇,就战胜风险;选择求索,就别怕磨难;选择朋友,就时常惦念。周末了,祝你快乐是我最大心愿!

13、 成功的时候别忘了庆祝,难过的时候别忘了倾诉,熬夜的时候别忘了睡觉,奔波的时候别忘了吃饭,周末的时候别忘了好好歇歇。

14、 时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,心情因祝福而花开灿烂,当您打开信息时,愿祝福让您轻松此时此刻!周末愉快!

15、 又是轻松周末,心情好得唱歌。到处走走逛逛,看谁比你快乐。娱乐比比手气,闲聊趣事多多。运动小试身手,洒点汗水快活。周末还原自我,祝你开心洒脱!

16、 真心话,只需要短短几行字就能表达,真情感,什么方式都可以传输,快乐只需要你微笑,周末了,送去我的问候,祝你快乐幸福。

17、 一杯开水,映衬不出生活的琐碎,却折射着人生的况味;一条短信,表达不了思念的所有,却带来了祝福的声音;祝你周末快乐!

18、 茫茫人海,温柔是爱你的导航;凄凄寒夜,温暖只想为你拥抱;漫漫人生,携手与你共赏美好;天地悠悠,爱你直到天荒地老;这个世界只有你是我心灵的依靠!

19、 周末到,早晨吃个甜面包,心里甜蜜心情妙;中午外出太阳照,前途灿烂事业好;晚上洗个热水澡,洗去忧愁和烦恼。短信到,祝你周末快乐!

20、 周末是一周中的精品,悠闲是忙碌的衍生品,快乐是烦恼的替代品,幸福是感觉中的极品,朋友是生活中的必需品,短信是祝福你的珍品:周末逍遥任你品。

21、 忙碌的生活带走的只是时间,对朋友的牵挂常留心底,一声问候一个祝福,在这美丽神怡的日子里祝您周末愉快!

22、 清茶,或淡或浓,清香自留心间;距离,或远或近,真情永不变浅;祝福,或早或晚,传递我的心愿:周末了,愿你忘记烦恼,好好休息。

23、 北京盛装艳,金秋美景现,白云飘蓝天,枫叶嫁衣穿,天地共言欢;春华秋实迁,岁岁并年年,好运随风传,幸福古都览,开心游江山。周末快乐,好运连连!

24、 每周总有那么六七天不想工作吧?每个月总有三四个礼拜想周末吧?工作诚可贵,周末价更高!为了人民币,怎能变人妖?行动起来吧,亲爱的朋友!让我们放松身心,在周末的阳光中尽情的洗礼吧!

25、 生活工作与上班,出入快乐与平安,样样开心都顺利,事业扶摇乘风起烦恼郁闷离得远,快乐幸福常相伴,祝您工作愉快,上班开心,下班欢心。

26、 铃声滴答滴答响,短信噼里啪啦忙,祝福屁颠屁颠道,问候咿咿呀呀叫,周末哗啦哗啦过,思念叽里呱啦说,我嘻嘻哈哈乐,你傻啦吧唧得瑟。哈,周末快乐!

27、 只要一转身我祝福就在身边,如果有一天你感到疲倦。不管离多远不管多少年,这祝福化为蓝星点点,闪在晨曦,闪在日暮,闪在生命每寸空间!这次发信息,主要有三个目的,一是联络感情;二是打发时间;三是送句心里话:再烦也要记得微笑,周末愉快!

28、 掀开周末的盖头:甜蜜的爱情红红的,崭新的事业红红的,甘醇的友情红红的,增加的工资红红的,我对你的祝福红红的,周末你愉快的笑脸红红的。哈哈,你裂开的嘴唇齿红红的。别害羞了就。

29、 周末我学灰太狼,偷偷摸摸去抓羊,抓到小羊送给你,容貌好似美羊羊,胃口强过懒羊羊,身体强壮沸羊羊,朋友相聚暖羊羊,美好时光慢羊羊。这些小羊全给你,我们一起喜羊羊!发什么愣?就是给你的,谁叫你是我心爱的红太狼!周末快乐!

30、 好朋友,要好好牵挂;好感情,要好好珍藏;好运气,要好好把握;好缘分,要好好珍惜;好心情,要好好分享。周末到了,记得好好放松,好好休息哦!

31、 苦了吧,累了吧,心烦了吧,又想周末了吧?赖床了吧,轻松了吧,又无聊了吧,电话响起了,我的短信到了,周末了,别宅着了,出去溜达溜达,冒冒泡。

32、 送你十颗心:早上舒心,出门顺心,路上小心,遇事耐心,交友真心,待人诚心,对自己有信心,对情人有爱心,对家人要关心,最重要是开心!周末快乐!

33、 让晴天带去我的问候,让阴天捎去我的心愿,让雨天浇灌我的祝福,周末到了,不管天气如何变,我的祝福永不变,愿你周末快乐,幸福永绕。

34、 日子在流沙中徘徊,往往,让你劳累的不是铮铮的岁月,而是那颗脆弱的心,把心敞开,用心聆听,那些花开花落的曼妙曲调,开心快乐,快乐永远!

35、 有朋友同行是种安全,有朋友鼓励是种力量,有朋友想念是种幸福!朋友,祝你开心每一秒,快乐每一天,周末快乐。

36、 末转瞬到眼前,发条短信送祝愿:愿你休闲娱乐心情欢,亲友聚会喜开颜,周末轻松快乐满满,下周工作更畅顺,工资奖金成倍番。预祝你周末愉快!

37、 上班很辛苦,忙碌到周五;上班很艰辛,就为讨点薪;上班很无奈,幸福你才怪;上班很遭罪,物价跟着贵。周末了,出去放松一下吧,自我调节身心健康。

38、 送你一个惬意的宁静周末,愿你的生活阳光灿烂,爱情柔风细雨,快乐永久长驻,事业欣欣向荣,投资欢欣与鼓舞,家人健康长寿,周末愉快!

39、 感谢您一直以来对我们工作的支持,在这个周末里,希望忙碌了一个星期的您能够好好地休息,祝周末愉快,事业顺利!

40、 观一场梦里花落,尝一次美味豆豉,听一段少年往事,感一下他人日记,报一次到,灌一点水,抒一下情,道一声好。发个短信问个好:周末快乐!

41、 也许祝福只是一种形式,但却能给心灵带来温馨,我们都把关心发给彼此,一样的日子一样的心声:周末愉快!

42、 捉一只蝴蝶送您,愿您拥有快乐的翅膀,兜一丝清风送您,愿您心情舒畅,发个短信给您,愿天天神采飞扬!祝您渡过愉快的周末。

43、 有种心情,天天传递,却依然纯朴;有种问候,清清淡淡,却尤其真诚;有种情谊,无须牵挂,却心领神会。周末快乐!

44、 朋友,周末到了,保持健康,吃个苹果,一生平安,尝个香蕉,心中香甜,希望你胃口大开,笑容常在,永远不老,周末愉快!

45、 时间因祝福而流光溢彩,空气因祝福而芬芳袭人,心情因祝福而花开灿烂,当你打开信息时,愿祝福让你轻松此时此刻。周末愉快!

46、 时间轻轻流逝,转眼又到了周末的日子,来到充满轻松自在的空气中,让心灵随意放松,给自己一个开心的假期,祝周末愉快。

47、 把快乐心情打包,装进周末的背囊,带着阳光一起上路,在悠闲的时光里坐坐,在明媚的心情里逛逛,在祝福的短信里笑笑,在幸福的梦境里躺躺。

48、 你随便那么一帅,美女就把你赖;你你随便那么一笑,世界都为你尖叫。周末到了,为了世界安宁,你可别随便出门哦!

49、 周末七主意:一娱乐减压,二欢乐强心,三快乐健身,四开心会友,五静心养性,六舒心生活,七温馨内外。转眼又到周末,客户朋友,试着做吧。

50、 问候一声周末好:呼呼的北风吹走的是您的烦恼。带来的是一整个星期的好运!周末愉快!雨天路滑!注意安全!



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I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by bike. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?




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Today is the weekend, usually tired of the physical and mental relaxation! I hide in the quilt until noon to get up. At this time, my father took me up to go to the park to play together. Suddenly, it was all over! The beautiful scenery of the park makes my mood better, today is really happy!





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i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. i used to run about every day in previous summer vacations, but this summer vacation i simply could not afford to do so. i would soon be in the last year of my high-school education and would after graduation be up against the college entrance examinations. though those examinations were still a year away, i had to start early to make myself well prepared by reviewing all those things i had learned at school and this summer vacation was the ideal time for me to do this. at first i was rather dismayed at the thought of this, but later i thought it was better this way because by working hard this summer i could count on endless happy summers to come. with this in mind i then set to work like anything and only occasionally went out for a change or did some physical. i was not at all bored by this kind of life, for i was sustained by a hope.



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Summer holiday is coming.Have you got any plans for this coming holiday?If we havent got any plan,let me tell you my plan.I will get up at eight oclock.I will listen to the pop music when I am tired.After that ,I will play the computer games with my friendsIt’s time for lunch.I will have the lunch in three minutes,and then go out for class.When the class is over,I will continue playing the computer games with my friends and do my homework.



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Today, I have to draw up my plan, entitled: Labour plans over the weekend

Few words, said to my plan, Ill GO! First step - mop the floor, although this is just a simple job, I examined the drag of the ground can be a piece of work that can be let me run out of energy, alas! Wipe glass, the first thing I brought a little wet dishcloth, I wipe the right spray spray the spray dish detergent left brushed, alas! My hands well acid, for too much, but unfortunately the piece glass darling let me give it a bath. At the end of a can let me eat a hell: wash the pot. It and I get along well with each other at the beginning, then it can be moody, dirty wash not to drop. Had to use my trick "to", restraining I help him by a motorcycle with melons cloth first, then a brush with steel ball, ha ha! She can be surrendered. But I am too tired to general weakness. .

I finally understand mothers hard work, but it seems my plans are completed in the mind also fruity. Happiness is in the work that is good for human, the other words is true.


话不多说,我马上进行我的计划,GO! 第一步 —— 拖地,别看这只是一项简单的工作,我仔仔细细的拖完地可这一件工作可让我耗尽体力 ,唉!第一件事擦玻璃,我拿来有点湿的抹布,我上擦擦 左喷喷《喷洗碗精》右擦擦,唉!我的手好酸,举太高了,不过不幸中的大幸是玻璃乖乖的让我给它洗澡。最后的一件可让我吃足了苦头:洗锅子。一开始我和它相处得很好,后来它可闹脾气了,脏脏的都洗不掉。只好用我的绝招“以柔制刚”我先用菜瓜布帮他按个摩,最后再用钢丝球一刷,哈哈!她可投降了。不过我也累得全身无力。气喘如牛。




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I think you must listen carefully and be active in class.

Speak English as much as possible.

Dont be afraid of making mistakes.

Youd better read widely and learn some important parts by heart. You should practice writing often.

Of course there are many other ways.

You can also see English films, learn to sing English songs or make friends with foreigners.

They are all very helpful.

Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.

Im sure youll learn English well.

My holiday

The summer holiday is coming.

I will go to / am going to Hainan with my parents for a holiday.

My father has been there, but my mother and I havent been there yet.

We plan to go there by plane.

Well go to Sanya first after we get to Hainan.

Sanya is very beautiful. Its famous for “Tianya Haijiao”.

Well go to see the sea as soon as we arrive at the hotel at the seaside. Because I like the sea very much.

If the weather is fine/ nice, well go diving.

It must be exciting.

We can spend all day on the beach, and swim or have a walk. Well go shopping before we leave Hainan.

I think there are many things to see and to eat there.

I m looking forward to going there.

I cant wait!

I believe I must spend a perfect holiday!

My holiday

The summer holiday is coming.

I will go to Hainan with my parents for a four days holiday. We will go to Sanya which is a very beautiful city in hainan. First, we are going to the beach to swim.

And when we are tired, we will sit on the beach to enjoy the beautiful scene.

Second, we will go to visit other interesting places.

We will take many photos there. Finally, we will taste some delicious food.

I think our holiday will be an interesting experience.







你最好广泛阅读和背诵一些重要的部分。你应该经常练习写作。 当然还有很多其他的方式。 您还可以看到英语电影,学唱英文歌曲或跟外国人交朋友。 他们都是非常有益的。

























我们将采取有许多照片。最后,我们将品尝美味的食物。 我觉得我们的假期将是一个有趣的经历。



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Today is the beginning of the summer holiday,so Im very happy.And I also think of how spend the holiday.First,I have to do my homework.Then,I want to join the summer camp for visit Beijing city.I think it is a beautiful city.And next,I want to play basketball with my good friends every morning,because I cant play basketball well.Sure,

I also want to watch some movies,such as Harry Potter.I belive I can spend the holiday well!



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Because the Spring Festival is the most popular traditional festival in China. In the lunar calendar is at the beginning of the month, also known as the lunar new year, known as "new year" new year "". Every year, the streets are full of red red lanterns and flags fluttering. The mall is the huge crowds of people, buy special purchases for the Spring Festival can be lively. Grandma preparing food, there are a lot of "bang, bang, bang" outside the  whip. Each child was dressed in a beautiful new dress, and the big people showed a satisfactory smile. My father bought me a lot to the Spring Festival fireworks and firecrackers, in the evening, I took out the fireworks down the stairs and children together, we play very happy, to the beginning of the evening, I was unable to part with his family home, eating fruit while watching the evening, wonderful performances makes us laugh I thought: if every day new year, the good ah! I also like the "Chongyang Festival".

An unforgettable 200 word composition for the Spring Festival



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How time flies. This term ends quickly and the winter holiday is coming. I make a general plan for it. Firstly, my teachers leave us some homework, so I must earnestly finish them on time.

I plan to finish them before the Spring Festival, and then I can enjoy the festival with all my heart. Secondly, I will spend some time with my friends. Generally, we study together but have little time to play.

During the holiday, we want to have fun together. Finally, I will visit my grandparents with my parents, and then we will spend the Spring Festival with them. I haven’t seen them for a long time. I miss them very much.

This is my winter holiday plan. What is yours?






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My last weekend is very busy.On Saturday morning,my mom went shopping with


I am visited grandmother.Because today is grandmas birthday.We cook the

meals together

.In the evening,mom went home with me.

On Sunday morning,Im did homework and played computer games.

In the afternoon,Im went to a park.This is my last weekend.What about




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My summer life is colorful, this is the last day of school, the teacher just announced: the summer vacation from the beginning of tomorrow, the students will cheer loudly! The teacher just finished the announcement. My plan of summer vacation came to my mind. Slowly open, and into my summer vacation plan...

First, turn over the summer vacation life plan the 2010 edition of the first page, write just wanted to write, but think I dont know what to write, when I spent n more brain cells, and finally with summer vacation the first side of life... With a hot in the summer, a lot of people at home and play computer, watching TV, also fan fan, leisurely, but I think that person is very boring, but also a waste of electricity, in order to save resources, I decided: "I want to be in August to perform every day with a plan (except for special time)". Use it every morning to learn. After lunch, help my mother to wash the dishes, then nap for 1 hour, then get up to write the summer homework 10. After finishing writing, I will rest for half an hour, listening to English, maths and Chinese. The rest of the time is my time! My summer vacation is so simple, so relaxed!



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Everyone likes the New Year, because there are a lot of happiness, can seldom meet relatives before sitting together, eat the reunion dinner, the elder to send money to the younger generation. Lucky money, of course, personal disposal method is different, some people spend New Years money is extravagant, havent open, New Years money is spent all; Also some people save money, I am going to put money into several parts to use.

The first part: to pay fee, like milk, food, cannot rely on mom and dad, I have to go to more than 100 yuan, the rest of the money must be to ssi "loan", hee hee.

The second part: used to buy books, books can enrich our after school life, I buy books there are reference books, erhu books, the teacher let us buy papers have to go to 60 yuan.

The third part: to buy school things, such as pencils, erasers, rulers... By the way, the sixth grade are using protractor, I have to get it ready, common to 20 yuan.

The fourth part: is to save money, plus interest!

Above is my financial plan, I must cherish the "property", not big spenders, to get the content of the plan.









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Hi, I’m Zhao Jin. I’m going to have an interesting weekend! On Saturday, I’m going to do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, I’m going to learning NCE. In the evening, I’ll be very happy! Why? Because I can play the computer. On Sunday, I’m going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk. I like the milk very much. Then,I’m going to go home. In the afternoon,I’m going to have a picnic with my mother. In the evening,I’m going to watch TV.Oh!That will be fun!



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The plan for the new term

Another new term comes again,so I should have a study plan to promot myself.

Firstly,I descide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which I didnt know it clearly.

Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge,and try to combine thoery to practice.

Finally,I will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful.

Thats what I plant to do in a new term.



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Today is Saturday, the weather is very nice. I’m very happy to finally have the opportunity to go to the zoo with my parents. My parents work very hard to support the family every day, so they often do not have time to stay with me. I hope that they can accompany me to the zoo for a long time.


Because it’s weekend, there are many people in the zoo. First, we go to see some birds. There are many kinds of birds in cages, I can not tell all their names. Then, we go to visit the dolphin show, the dolphin is very lovely and its show brings everyone happiness. At the end, we go to the shop in the zoo; my mother bought me a bear doll that I like very much.


Today is a happy day, thank you my parents to giving me a beautiful memory. I hope that they can have more time to take a break and have more time to stay with me. I love them so much.




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The winter vacation is coming,I have made a plan for my vacation.I want to spend time with my family,so I will return to my hometown .I am for back to my hometown for preparation. I miss my grandparents very much , so I will visit my grand parents at first.I will chat with my uncle and aunt ,play with my cousin .It will be very intereting .I hope I will have a great time there.



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The time passed quickly, it was another year, and this morning, the school started the winter holiday. I like past holidays, there will always be on the first day of the holiday started, make a plan for the feasible, purpose is in order to be able to make myself in the holiday, have a more happy and substantial, and can learn more knowledge outside, and after a joy.

I want to cultivate my interests and hobbies. I want to practice calligraphy and write a Spring Festival couplet for my family. I can write good words when I grow up. Watch the news on TV and learn about society. I need to exercise more and keep fit.

I must keep a diary. I plan to watch 30 minutes of extra-curricular books every day and record what I have seen and heard during the winter vacation and write articles about people or things that are meaningful. Look at some excellent compositions and learn from others strengths.

When visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, I should be polite and respectful to my elders.

This is my winter vacation plan. What do you think of my winter vacation plan?
