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刚上一年级时,由于我在换牙,口齿不清,所以在英语课上根本就不敢进行口语练习,生怕同学们笑话我“大舌头“。当时同学们在老师的带领下,都能流利地用英语谈话,而一句简单的“my name is yuxiaolin”我都说不出来。面对老师的提问,我总是把头低下,心想:别叫我,千万别叫我!开始,同学们都踊跃举手,所以蒋老师也就没有发现胆小的我。

可是随着时间的推移,老师终于在一次口语练习的时候叫到了把身体都快溜到课桌下的我。我在大家的注视下,红着脸站起来了,我感到自己的眼泪快要流出来了。“别着急,说出你的名字。”老师的语气是那么柔和,可是我说不出口。时间就在我的窘迫中渐渐流逝,终于老师打破了沉默,“我知道你的名字,老师们都夸奖你是个学习认真的孩子。同学们,是不是呀?”同学们都不假思索地应和:“是!”听到这些,我的眼泪不由自主地流下来了。蒋老师带领大家一起说出:“my name is yuxiaolin! my name is yuxiaolin!”奇怪,我竟然不害怕了,也跟着同学们一起说连续说了两遍,就在大家都停下时,由于惯性,我又说了“my name is yuxiaolin”。“你真棒!”老师竟然祝贺我,“好孩子,你能再大声说一遍吗?” “my name is yuxiaolin!”我终于敢张开嘴了,心里也仿佛卸下了一块大石头。同学们没有嘲笑我,老师没有批评我,耶!我不怕了!





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My new teacher is science teacher. He’s very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。

My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isn’t he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? He’s a Mr. Zhou .



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I think she is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She is exciting, amazing and sexy. When we first met I felt her erotic emanation. Now I know that she is extremely intelligent too. She is 25 years old, and she has a 3-year-old son. So she is a mother. A sharp mother. She has a piercing in her tongue and two tattoos, one on her stomach (an Indian man’s face) and one on her back (it is non-figurative). I like them very much. If you meet her, look at her face; it is so sweet. She has a birthmark on the tip of her nose. Sometimes I call her ”spotted nose.” It is so sweet. Really. Like a little cat. But her eyes. They are blue like the sky in spring or the ocean in a stormy night. They are so maddening. Well, let’s talk about her mouth. When she is smiling she has two little face-lines by the side of her lips. (dimples) She is the most beautiful mother in the world and she is a real muse, a muse which every poet wants, lovely, wild, tender, sweet, and deep with secrets and love. A real woman.





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遇到你是在我在外实习 回来的那个学期,你穿着粉红色的裙子走在那个有着美丽小花的校园,我与你相对而走,平时特别害羞的我那时居然破天荒的叫了声老师好,还说了句:老师你真美!呵呵,现在想起不禁佩服当年的勇气。在我得知你就是我的英语老师的时候,我可高兴了,为此我还努力学习了一下英语。

成熟,美丽,温柔,稳重,善良,细心,……。你有着女人所需要的一切优点,令年少的我着迷。那天,为了你,我翻遍了英语的杂志,终于找到了一句我想对你说的话,我把它抄到了我的作业本上,交了给你。那句话,我至今不忘:The most beautiful English teach,I’m only hungry for your love,这是我唯一可以用英语表达的一句话。

时间 在不知觉中飞逝,我已离开了你两年了,在这个校园,我也遇到很多很美的 女孩 ,可惜,她们都不肯为我展一个花开般的笑容,老师,我该怎么办呢?很想很想你,想再见到你。其实,我最想的是完成当年没完成的一个心愿,轻轻地吻一下你。















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teacher is science teacher. he’s very strong. he has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. he often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes.

my science teacher is very kind. and he is very smart, isn’t he? today, we have science class. we are very happy. because he is so funny. who is he? he’s a mr. zhang .



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In France, from government officials to writer, professors and ordinary people, almost all have love books and the habit of reading. No wonder a French man said: “if the room no book, just like a person who has no soul.” If we can say so? The French study, not because of the burden and living life pressure by strong interest, but because the traction, feelings and wonderful USES.

If the journey of mind reading as words, so calmly really is the most critical. Whatever you read what, all need to give yourself a few full time, a quiet atmosphere -- writing is individual behavior, reading and why not personal experience? Reading once in the calm state, is coupled to YuanRen WuHui said, “as the ShangYou ancient how”, that is to say, at this moment, the scholar has mentally and the ancients photograph communication, phase communication, thereby edify, purification, raised his mind world.

If the essence of easy reading, however, but not everyone can grasp. Recently, read this story and think two quite will tell. LiuCheng northern-southern dynasties have an academician, he called from QingDengHuangJuan, studious, do not eat, sleep sitting hand book. Can read back the I ching, three years out, but they dont know the truth. On the surface, “read three years view the I ching” quiet, even enough, however, aesthetic experience, not sentimental sympathetic chord, natural, how to touch with easy reading above? With is reading, also pleased to recite dun, literature but calm enough. He can still expertly back out of 120 back in a dream of red mansions MAO dun on novels made great achievements, dont return after its calmly reading, able to put the book knowledge into spiritual nourishment?

Town calm set, the leisurely, afraid of study is the appeal of the reading. Think that year, SiMaWen male rev roll ”will start with a clean, and then through the amanita cotton-padded mattress sitting, others“ night, ”book“ rooting around lonely lamp, some thought ”reading in bed, furnace to smoke, fog, beside the bottles, such ability did edge to“ read flavor. So, I guess, from lu xun histories are morality ”-- the word seam in, see this is written with“ eating people ”two words, saw thousands of years history only two times, namely the people want to be a slave and shall not do the era and temporarily steadily slave era -- this ground-breaking of speech, is YiShi is its eye farce, however, why not general with lu xuns a tea a smoke concomitant, in no hurry deconstruction, flavorful analyzes relevant?

A man is really to do calmly reading, not treat reading as a soul, without giving a duty entrusted to noble DuanQingChun time thoughts and sincere words, that generally is no good. Because I didnt want to calm people, since there are many reasons can be, what world is too noisy ah, lively things too much ah, temptation is too strong, etc.? Also no wonder ancient many readers always put the sit-ins as required by the neo-confucianism, and reassure less-desired thoughts. Zhu xi warned readers said: “when sit-ins self-restraint, was experiencing thinking.” truth scaling Cheng, “each see people sit, and then sigh its good study.” Yes, only break, MingJiangLiSuo stand loneliness, stand lure, can easy reading. In this sense, reading this is unconditional, it depends entirely on self choice. Take the French President francois mitterrand, his politics for decades, no matter how busy governmental affairs in two hours every day, dont read books always night without AnQin. President of a country its busy unguided understandably, its extent even can calmly reading, then we?

Famous writer hanging RuZhiJuan book room.will reading “cooking the books” 2 words banners. She said: “books, light see is no good, see a story that equals huluntianzao, should intensive reading. However, return not enough, then cook . to how cooking transformational, lucid.”

If the good books to friends, so one would not “cooking the books” person, sitting on a group of talented friends with, besides is among the puppet, an irony and a kind of torture and outside, and can what??? A book people said: “everyone is a god, and then have also Olympus.” together Say well swum ha! Desire to make “god”, it might as well from “cooking the books” beginning, might as well learn easy reading!

Perhaps, we end life also cant close to calm state, however, advocating calmly quality process, no doubt has started calmly.











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Dear teacher, As the Spring Festival is coming. I wish you to have a good mood to spend this festival .Time flies fast , the pasy days always remind me of you. Still now , I can still remember the words you have said to me which encouraged me a lot . Your encouraging words are still inspiring me . Under your care and education, Ive already enterd a new school .As a sdudent , Im proud that I used to have such a good teacher and thats also the reason why I choose to be an English teacher. I will sduty hard and make use of my knowledge to repay your hard work and behave myself as you. In the future, I will also treat my students with patience and encouragement . With my best wishes! Sincerely,.



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上课时,没有一个人不跟着她的思路转,要不然就会出洋相。比如说,一个同学上课不专心,玩跳格子的时候,老师说:“前面、左边、右边、右边、后面、后面、前面。”正好是那个不专心听讲的同学,他还不知道到他自己了,还在玩,直到同桌提醒他,他才站起来读“juice”,同学们哄堂大笑。Miss. Chen要同学们坐好时就说:“一、二、三、整理好发型!”同学们就都坐好了。如果Miss. Chen玩叉子或其它游戏时,你得注意,她随时会说:“刚刚读的遍数乘三、减六、加二,预备!齐!”使你不得不头脑变通,如果多念就会扣分。Miss. Chen还玩蛀牙、钓鱼、压分、炸弹,都是训练我们发音是否熟练。另外,还让我们做课堂笔记,作业一般很少。

这个风趣的英语老师Miss. Chen使得我们酷爱英语、喜欢英语。




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Today after breakfast, Ill sit idly in the desk, began writing assignments, write for a while, dont want to write, I will go to find a favorite book to read.

Read me not only happy, but one hundred times spirit, dont like doing his homework when lethargy. The advantages of reading more than only a few, I also gain a lot "baby"! - just read a story, let me know a secret: life if people force you, want to know a secret that you dont want to let others know, we can use our wisdom to get rid of him; On the other hand, we can even through the rhetoric you want to ask the secret of others (and, of course, we still dont go to peep at other peoples secret is better). After I read a story, I find myself in times a good mood, so I started to finish her homework.

Wrote another half an hour, on the side of a book is like a magnet attracted me. At this moment, my heart is very contradictory, I want to in their own heart to happily reading a book; And want to hurry up and finish the homework well. So, I seriously think: "I read the book for a while! Soon so I can harvest to a lot of knowledge, gain the knowledge I can better finish your homework. Ha! Ha! Just do it."

Happy to read the book for a moment, Ill take the time to finish all your homework, I began to read.







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Gorky once said that books are the ladder of human progress, I like this proverb, because I also love reading.

Since Im in grade two, my mother is in the county library for a card for me, and I go to borrow two books every week, every day after school I rushed to the room and quickly took out a book, it seems, a reading, I still, no matter how mom called me, I just casually promise, until I read the entire book, to do something else, for that mother always said I have the book, dont eat not to sleep.

Third grade, I fell in love with the smile cat diary, go to the library every time, I want to borrow, because the characters in this series a smiling cat experience deeply attracted me, it will make me feel dolorous sensitized.

On one occasion, I borrowed a smiling cat series of the book the black in the afternoon, I watched with relish, when I saw the earthquake comes, laughing cat a lost, my tears fell like pearls, mother urging me to go to bed at this moment, but I still dont mean to leave, sitting eyes still staring at the book, the results make mother angry, very very batch of my meal, cant, so I closed the book reluctantly go to sleep.

Look, thats how I love reading, I love the book company, do a happy reader.








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Gorky said: "the book is the ladder of human progress, says the book in a profound connotation of" French philosopher barrow, have experience greatly, and said, "a love of reading people, surely he will not lack a loyal friend, a good teacher, a lovely partner, a profound and complicated comfort", all revealed the essence of reading.

First of all, reading is not normally read in generalities, but read. By reading, analysis of the center of the material to express, to reveal the truth; By reading, find out the most of the material can induce feeling aspect, and point; By reading, realize the author want to express thoughts and feelings, try to make their feelings resonate with works, this is the understanding.

Is not light reading can understand, but to really achieve the above points. Some books, we are not interested in it, also cant realize the true meaning of it. So, we want to make a commitment when we read a book, find fun, it can study to achieve the best effect. "Its own gold room in the book, the book has its own treasure to." The benefits of reading are well known, but that is a good book, but our life is not only a good book, choose what book is also an important link, so we not only better reading, also want to read good books. Reading should be combined with life, to life, not light theory, it is also necessary for reading.

These are accumulated book, I hope my study in future career help, let us to swim in the sea of knowledge.







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We have a special English teacher called Blues who comes from Ameica.He is tall and thin ,and he always wears glasses.He is strict with our study and works hard.My English teacher has an diffrent way to teach us English.He likes to encourage us to ask quenstions and try our best to find the answer.He help us to learn by ourselves,we all like him.

All of us consider him as the best English teacher.




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School begins, I heard that you want to change the teacher, we are looking forward to, say what you want to change a good teacher. It doesnt, the teacher is coming!

We hurriedly squarely seated, to meet the arrival of the new teacher. "Coming!" Some people say that. We immediately applauses, new teacher also triumphantly walked in. According to huang said the teacher, the teacher surnamed liu, is a good teacher, she teaches what the students are admitted to no.6 middle school ah, nine medium key middle school, and is free! We listened to, very envious of bai liu teach brothers and sisters.

Liu self-introduction let us admire the five body cast body. Say she is a very strict teacher, every school no one dont know her or something. I thought, "the teacher, must be a good teacher! I must be more to study hard, work hard, let liu likes me!" After the teacher, but also a lot of rules, a closer look! There are a lot of people in our class has the problem, including me. I am thankful for the liu set the rules, so that we get rid of this problem.

Liu is very good to us, some people know when they are.

Liu earnestly to teach us, someone is whispering in the following; Liu to write good words, sentences, earnestly someone but dont write, passing notes below; Liu thoughtfully read, some people in the following "dig gold"; Liu, tireless help us each work, is good to people know is wrong, but turn a blind eye. Do you know? This is a very nice and responsible teacher, if you dont cherish, it must be regret.

Although liu is strict to us, but I know that the teacher is good for us. The teacher why? Because she wanted to but we get rid of bad habits and get in free! In liu, I think is the best teacher in the grade.

Liu if we were her own child, why dont we let liu like mother think? I think, in addition to own a good mother, the second best mother is a teacher. I love my mother, also, I also love my teacher liu!

The teacher is the gardener, we are out, the flowers in bud; The teacher is a big tree, the skeletons of green grass; we are under the big tree Teacher is the wide sky, we, is lying in the pieces of white clouds in the sky!!











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Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher。 Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much。

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short。

Ms Sun works very hard。 She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office。 She tries to make her classes lively and interesting。 And we enjoy her lessons very much。

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us。 And were getting on well with each other。 But she is very strict with us in our studies。

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese。 All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school。





