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Get together gather …,

In China, Mid-autumn Day is considered to be a symbol of family reunion. On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion. Last year, I could not celebrate the festival with my family because I was in university. However, this special day left a deep impression on me.

I still remember the atmosphere of that evening. All the students who could not go back home assembled in our classroom, having a party to celebrate this traditional festival. We tried our best to show our own enthusiasm. As an ethnic minority, I performed a peacock dance, which received warm applause. After the two-hour party, we went out to the playground and sat together to appreciate the moon because it is a tradition on Mid-autumn Day. We ate moon cakes, played cards, and listened to romantic poems recited by one of our classmates. In that harmonious atmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were far away from our homes

Thanks to our classmates, I experienced such a colorful and interesting Mid-autumn Day at my university. Thus, I learned to value all the festivals I spent during my university life.




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Once, again and again, never end.

War, the evil demon of the world, has a bloody mouth full of bedbugs, and the greedy eyes squeeze the black holes eyes out of the dark eyes. I kneel down, or resist, only to Kang jump, began to seek martyrs life.

I am in the dark, for peace of the shadow, but always there is a movie back to the sun without shadow. In my dreams, seek peace song, can the dream is always silent, the sound will return to reality.

I am tired of the sun, and continue to look for the shadow of peace in the dark. Im tired of reality, continue to explore peace in a dream song.

Peace, a distant place, is the horizon that I cant get to. War, a world of cruelty, is the misty palace where I cant escape.

In my dream, I saw my tears as dead as I could, and I couldnt see it in a moment. But still cant escape the cage.



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Earth day is under the background of environmental pollution is increasingly serious. The world earth day originated in the United States. On April 22, 1970, the United States for the first time held a huge "earth day" activities, on this day, in the United States has more than 2000, ten thousand people, 10000 primary and secondary schools, 2000 universities and 2000 communities and groups took part in this activity. People held a rally, parade, preaching and other various forms of propaganda activities, called on everyone to act, to protect and save the planet. This is the first time in human history of large scale mass environmental movement. This activity was a stunning success, a year after the "earth day" are in focus. This is the first time in human history of large-scale mass environmental movement.

As the beginning of modern environmental movement, "earth day" activities to promote the establishment of a number of national environmental laws and regulations. On April 22, 1990, more than 140 countries around the world, more than 200 million people across the country at the same time held a variety of environmental protection campaign. This activity obtained the UN approval. From now on "earth day" has become "the world earth day"





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our shool, wuhan heping middle school, lies in the center of wuhan city. it was just built and has the perfect size. the school yard is two hundred meters long, one hundred meters wide, and is surrounded by trees.

when you walk throught the front gate, there is a huge garden that greets you with every kind of natural things. to the left is the school library in which there are more than 100, 000 books. to the right is the eperiment building. in the very middle of the school yard stands the teaching building that stretches for one hundred and fifty meters. this teaching building has four floors with the teachers offices at either end of each floor. standing on the top of the teaching building, you can see a flower bed. behind the teaching building is a large playground on the right side. the students often do sports here after class. to the left lies the dining hall which can hold 500 people. this is our school, a beautiful one.

our school, wuhan heping middle school, is in the center of wuhan city. the school yard is two hundred meters long, one hundred meters wide, and is surrounded by trees. it is 20, 000 square meters in area.

when you walk into the school yard, you will see a wide road in front of you. on your left, you will see the school library in which there are more than 100, 000 books. on your right is the eperiment building, walk ahead,and you will see a beautiful garden in front of you. when you go through it,there stands the teaching building: it has four floors with the teachers of rices at either end of each floor. behind it, there stands the dining-room on the left side. to the right lies the playground where the students often play football. this is our school, a beautiful one.



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1、 没有痛苦的离散,没有撕心的呼唤,一家团圆是多少人的期盼;没有战争的硝烟,没有枪炮的轰鸣,世界和平是人类的祈愿。国际和平日,让我们放飞和平的白鸽,愿世界永远和谐!

2、 和平是一束明媚的阳光,驱散战争的迷雾,让幸福的生活闪光;和平是一根神奇的魔法棒,让废墟变成高楼大厦,让迷失的人们充满希望;和平是一个可爱的天使,抚平岁月创伤,温暖人们的心房。国际和平日,珍惜和平,拒绝战争,生活更美好!

3、 我们最应当畏惧的不是地震,不是海啸,不是台风,不是洪灾,而是我们自己。战争的恶魔游荡在广阔的天空,为了政治,为了能源,为了利益,极端主义者释放出巨大的诱饵吸引着它,于是在世界的一些地区硝烟弥漫,血雨腥风,生命骤然间如草芥。当人们通过战争获得物质的极大满足时,战争的恶魔正在偷着乐:哈哈,现在距离人类灭亡的目标又近了一步。

4、 没有纷扰生活会很平静,没有争斗人生会很安宁,没有战争世界会很太平。生活中人们需要心静,人生中人们需要淡定,地球上人们需要和平。像珍爱自己的眼睛一样珍爱和平,让和平的种子播撒四方,开出娇艳的花,结出饱满的果,让世人亲如一家,走向大同。

5、 我们不想在枪炮轰鸣中醒来,我们不想在硝烟弥漫中行进,我们不想在悲观绝望中沉沦,我们渴望和平!我们渴望地球村的每个角落都鸟语花香,我们渴望地球村的每片土地都草长莺飞,我们渴望和平鸽永远在大地的上空自由的飞翔。国际和平日,一起维护和平。

6、 战争是死循环,无穷的痛苦与哀嚎,无尽的绝望与灾难。让我们用爱,用和平阻止并解决这个死循环,将绿色的生机播撒,将友爱的快乐与希望传递。国际和平日,拒绝战争,维护和平。

7、 美满的家庭因为战争而支离破碎、美好的理想被战争而生生的撕碎。仇恨使幸福越来越远,流血使快乐不复存在。只有用爱才能去治疗创伤,用和平去共同建造幸福的家园。国际和平日,希望和平一直能陪伴我们左右。

8、 大地宽容了花草树木,使自己变得更加美丽;地球宽容了阳光,使自己得到了光明;海洋宽容了鱼儿,使自己变得更加有活力。国际和平日,国家、人人都宽容了,世界将会变得更加丰富、多姿多彩!

9、 "9-21国际和平日,全天下人类幸福快乐共庆佳节,我们携家带口都走出我们温馨的小家庭,感受阳光灿烂的舒坦,感受草绿花红的安然,感受社会大家庭和谐的氛围,让孩子们从小就懂得珍惜和平的幸福生活。"

10、 没有硝烟战争横尸遍野,没有悲欢离合家破人亡,没有妻离子散山河破碎,没有压迫剥削弱肉强食,世界将变的美好灿烂炫丽辉煌。国际和平日,为和平自由奋斗!

11、 唱起和平歌,快乐的笑容在脸上荡漾;跳起和平舞,幸福的足迹在大地踏遍;挑起和平旗,安定的生活在角落扎根。国际和平日,让白鸽在蓝天自由飞翔,让和平的世界永远幸福安康!

12、 遍插和平之旗,让战争的硝烟灰飞烟灭;放飞和平之鸽,让战争的苦痛永远消失;许下和平之愿,愿天下和平安康,和谐永远!世界安定,太平永远!

13、 战争让人们流离失所,战争让大地血流成河,战争让国家分崩离析,战争让人们失去快乐。国际和平日,让我们拒绝战争,维护和平。

14、 和平是全世界人民共同的心声,回荡在世界的每个角落;和平是人们心底的梦,在梦里都能发出甜美的笑;和平是春天婉转的歌,萦绕在地球的每片土地;和平是孩子们灿烂的笑脸,绽放在每一个幼小的心灵。国际和平日,让和平的钟声永久敲响,让世界铸剑为犁,和平永驻。

15、 战争湮没了似水年华,让生命动荡不安,但和平的精灵正努力飞舞,唱出欢乐的歌谣,让我们在和平的沙滩上,踏上坚实的脚印,使之蕴成强大的时代潮流。国际和平日,我们呼唤和平,热爱和平。

16、 放飞和平鸽,让幸福的旋律盘旋天际,插上橄榄枝,让绿色的快乐响遍五州,摇动和平大旗,让详和的讯息传遍世界,国际和平日,愿世界和平,愿人民幸福!

17、 国际和平日九月二十一,停止暴力行为和平解决争端。战争摧毁一切战火烧杀掠强,生灵涂炭山河破碎。人无安宁之日,觉醒吧!请停止硝烟炮火走向和平,愿世界人民都安居乐业!

18、 白鸽飞,谷穗弯,孩子纯真的笑脸,这个世界平安最珍贵;小河淌,天空蓝,妈妈怀抱的温暖,这个世界和平最灿烂。国际和平日,愿没有战争纷扰,到处都是鲜花烂漫。

19、 世界和平日,双手合十,默默许愿,愿没有杀戮,人类安宁,愿没有争端,人民安定,愿没有战争,世界和平,愿和平的旗帜高高飘扬,愿和平的阳光洒满全球!

20、 放下刀枪,消除战争隐患,彼此理解和尊重,让和平的白鸽衔来橄榄枝,带来和平的讯息,让世界充满和平的阳光。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平!

21、 国际和平日,让太平之旗遍插全球,天下安定;让和平之光普照万家,百姓安康;让和谐之音响彻云霄,永无战争。愿世界和平,永无纷争!

22、 将和平的方舟驶向世界各地,播洒和平幸福美好的阳光。让世界人民都感知温暖,只有和平才能安居乐业,减少战火才能使世界更美丽。国际和平日,愿世界人民团结起来走向美好明天。

23、 和谐,是春风,吹开幸福的大门;和平,是春雨,熄灭战争的烽火;太平,是白鸽,驱散战争的硝烟。国际和平日,愿天下永和平,世界永繁荣!

24、 和平使幸福无限,和平可家圆国强。和平能国泰民安,和平将天下和谐。国际和平日,放飞和平的白鸽飞向世界各地,播撒幸福的种子,让幸福之花灿烂绽放。

25、 和平之旗高高飘扬,把和平的祝福传向八方;和平之鸽蓝天飞翔,把安定和幸福飞越四海;绿色的橄榄种遍角落,把快乐的种子播撒五洲。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平,远离战争!

26、 放飞和平鸽,让幸福飞越五洲四海,种上橄榄枝,让快乐开遍大江南北,插满和平旗,让安定布满全世界,世界和平日,愿世界和平,人类幸福安康!

27、 和平,是欢乐的基础,是快乐的源泉,是安康的核心,是幸福的根本,世界和平日,高举和平旗帜,愿世界和平,愿人民安定幸福!

28、 如果和平是一片美丽的树林,我们便是那可爱的小鸟,偎依在它的怀里,我们才会欢唱,;如果把和平是一片汪洋,我便是那游动的鱼儿,游荡在它的世界里,我们才会欢快。国际和平日,我们带着和平的心愿放飞手中的白鸽,微笑地,看着它融入远方的那一片湛蓝!

29、 和平是宁静,让人们的心田时刻充满安详;和平是财富,让人们的精神时刻保持抖擞;和平是幸福,让人们的歌声时刻洒满阳光。国际和平日,我们向往蔚蓝的天空,明媚的阳光,美好的花香,碧绿的草地,幸福的家园。

30、 推开窗抬头仰望,我看见一只白鸽划过天际。美丽的和平鸽,你带上人们的殷切希望在炮火中无畏飞翔吧,在五大洲的蓝天上自由的翱翔吧!人们的心会永远伴随着你穿越风雨,飞越沧桑,但不改的依旧是对和平的渴望,因为人们坚信,在和平的阳光里,青绿的橄榄枝一定会插遍地球村的每个角落!

31、 让战争成为历史,永远不再发生,让和平之花永远绽放,让明天的世界真正成为充满阳光、鲜花和爱的家园。国际和平日,丢掉心中的罪恶,放下武器,张开双臂,拥抱和平吧!

32、 在和平的世界里,阳光是最灿烂的,河流是最清澈的,树木是最苍翠的,人们是最善良的,一切的一切,都是最美好的。国际和平日,让和平永驻人间,让和平鸽重返蓝天,让每一张笑脸更加灿烂!

33、 平息民族间的仇恨,不让战争萌芽;阻止厮杀的呼号,不让家园毁灭;制止战争的风暴,让各国人民亲切的拥抱。国际和平日,光明的和平向大地徐徐降临,美好的明天让人们欢呼雀跃。

34、 远离纷争战乱,远离炮火如烟,让人们在和平中享受生活的美好,阳光的灿烂!国际和平日,全世界的人们都来守护和平吧,给孩子们一份家的宁静,给老人一个幸福的晚年。

35、 一样的世界回响着一样的声音,一样的期盼里飞翔着一样的眼神——渴望和平。看吧,和平的白鸽高举着橄榄这飞向太阳,万道金光便是灿烂的明天。看吧,风雨过后,每一篇土地都熠熠生辉,国际和平日,我们呼唤和平,拥抱和平,我们用行动维护这平静安宁的世界。

36、 平息战火,让幸福为主旋律普照大地,减少争端,让快乐为新篇章谱写和平,放飞白鸽,让和平为主题飞越天宇,世界和平日,愿世界和平,人民幸福!

37、 愿和平的阳光普照大地,快乐的歌声永远唱响;愿绿色的橄榄自由生长,幸福的滋味心底流淌;愿和平的白鸽蓝天翱翔,和平的世界不再动荡。国际和平日,远离战争,保卫和平,尽自己的一份力量!

38、 国际和平日,让和平旗帜飘扬,抚平战争的苦痛;让和谐花朵盛开,消散阴霾的天空;让自由白鸽飞翔,带去太平的音讯。愿世界和平,天下安康!

39、 国际和平日,意在停止战火纷飞的争霸,取消硝烟的笼罩还人类自由,平等和谐共处。施行人道主义精神,让世界人民团结起来,为争取全世界和平而努力!

40、 和平的方舟已然起航,衔着橄榄枝的白鸽正在蓝天寻找和平的讯息;和平的花朵已经盛开,向往和平的人们正在为和平的生活不懈的努力。国际和平日,愿世界远离战争,永远和平!

41、 国际和平日,唱响和平之歌,愿世界永安;跳起和平之舞,愿天下安康;点燃和平之灯,愿全球和谐;放飞和平之鸽,愿世界永太平!



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On Non—smoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smoke.Here are the results:3%of the students often smoke.7%of the students smoke sometimes.These students say they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking

.Nearly everyone knows smoking does no good to people’s health,especially for teenagers.As students,we should not smoke.Those who smoke should give up smoking.

And if our family members smoke,we should try to stop them.Students who have never smoked should never try it






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作文在小学英语考试中占了很大的分值,那么究竟怎样做才能写好一篇小学作文呢?不妨看看保护动物的英语作文。 保护动物的英语作文一:

Animals Need Protecting

Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history. Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers, for food, for sport, and simply because they were in the way. Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever. Hundreds more are on the danger list today. About 170 kinds in the United States aloneare considered in danger.

Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing. 保护动物的英语作文二:

It was a fine day today and the sun was bright. I visited Beijing Zoo with my classmate, He Song. The animals were so interesting that all the people loved them. When a bear asked for some food by waving its ann, a visitor threw something to it. At once I went up to him and said without thinking,Dont do that. Its bad for it. If you really love them, take good care of them. His face turned red and answered he wouldnt do that again.

今天是个风和日丽的好天,我和同学贺松去了北京动物园。动物们是那么可爱,大家都非常喜欢它们。一只熊挥动着胳膊向人们要吃的,一个游客就投进去了什么东西。我想都没想就走过去说:“不要那样做。你的做法对它们没好处。如果真的喜欢它们,就应该爱护它们。”他的脸红了,并且回答说他不会再那么做了。 保护动物的英语作文三:

Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shown in the chart, we can see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared. Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger. It is not a piece of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality. Unfortunately, we may not see these animals in the near future.


From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Why is the number of animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings.


As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal action. We believe "no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws to protect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our environment. Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and our environment. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a sustainable development.

在我看来,我们必须要做些什么来阻止这种违法行为。我相信“没有买,就没有杀”。首先,我们必须制定有关法律来保护这些处于危险中的动物。其次,我们必须采取一些措施有效的保护动物。动物是人类的朋友,也是我们环境的一部分。再次,我们应该提高人们保护动物和环境的意识。这样一来,我们就可以建立一个和谐的社会,确保其可持续发展。 保护动物的英语作文四:

I am a student from Xinhua Middle School in Chongqing,China. Informed that you have a vacancy for a student to serve as the spokesman for animals, I cannot resist my inner excitement,hoping to seize the opportunity to do something for animals .


In my mind,nothing can delight me so much as caring for animals. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I usually keep in mind that animals are angels from the heaven, which bring us endless comfort and pleasure. I have been a panda lover since my childhood. Panda is so lovely that brings fun to people and they are regarded as the treasure of our country. Unfortunately,such a rare species is now faced with the danger of being extinct。What I am eager to do is to raise people’s awareness of animal protection and appeal to more people to care for our earth companies.


It is my belief that all human beings can make a difference together. I would appreciate it if my application could get your approval.

我相信,所有人团结起来就会有很大的不同。如果我的申请 能够得到大家的赞成,我将不胜感激。



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As we all know, if you do not protect the environment, what will happen? If you do not protect the environment, all the earths resources will be depleted; if you do not protect the environment, humans will perish; if you do not protect the environment, it is not only the human, the earth will gradually die out, our earth is so beautiful and lovely, but also easy to break.


Indiscriminate felling of trees of human, the flood of the Yellow River, some animals are homeless. Such as: birds, deer, the human have to cry for help: "Dear humans, you are so indulgent, dont destroy our home, okay?" People throw confetti peel, spitting, make the earth mother covered all over with cuts and bruises, with tears in her eyes. The trash can, both distressed and angry: "Dear humans, you too have no moral, the earth mother to give you all the good things, and got what? You are not only thanks to the earth mother, do not care for the earth mother, also come to hurt the earth mothers heart failure is Mother Earth, beautiful, lovely look, feel, where is your conscience?" At this time, the earth mother slowly said: "who ah! You to me to throw garbage, not only hurt me, but also harm the trash of unemployment. You should really reflect ah! "


Dear human, listen to their cry, dont you regret? Should repent in time. You should act immediately Protect environment, but also the original appearance, let those become destitute and homeless animal to have a beautiful home, let the garbage once again stand in their positions at the service of humanity!



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2004 marks the 10th anniversary of the groundbreaking International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, Egypt, in 1994.

Ten years ago, on the eve of World Population Day, a new campaign was launched to raise awareness of how international family planning helps save women and childrens lives, safeguard the environment, and slow population growth. 179 governments committed to it when they signed the Program of Action of ICPD, which prescribes the steps that will not only save millions of womens lives but empower(授权, 使能够)societies to achieve a better future.

Today, there are more than 6 billion people on the planet, with half of the worlds population under the age of 25-at or just reaching their childbearing(分娩)years.

Nearly 600,000 women still die each year from pregnancy-related causes. And an estimated 90 percent of infants whose mothers die at childbirth will not survive to their first birthday.

Wild species are becoming extinct 50 to 100 times faster than they naturally would, because of the impact of rapid population growth and increased population density in many countries.

Though population growth is slowing worldwide, more than 90 percent of current growth occurs in the developing world where needs are great and resources are scarce. And these nations have a huge unmet need for family planning services-over 150 million married women of reproductive age in the developing world indicate that they would prefer to postpone childbearing but are not using any method of contraception.

"Girl born today in the developing world faces better prospects than a girl who was born 10 years ago. School enrolment rates are increasing, mortality is declining and life expectancy(平均寿命) is rising, more and more women and couples are able to choose the number and spacing of their children and many countries are taking additional steps to confront HIV/AIDS. But progress is uneven, and in some cases slipping backwards. We need the strength and determination of a marathon(马拉松赛跑)runner to meet our goals during the next decade."




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Iraq is a part of the middle east next to iran & kuwait. it is very important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum fields.

It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war started.

on september 11,2001,the twin towers in new york as well as parts of the pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made george bush declared to fight the country’s enemies.it was said that iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the un to find the clues.though no evidence was found, america still wanted to go to war with iraq and the main target is sadam hussein. the war was just like the quiet battle between france and china in 1800s.it was said that a relation of sadam betrayed him.

I think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight. it is related to so many victims’ inrerests . as a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.








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World Environment Day is commemorated each year on June 5th, and started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global awareness to take actions to protect the Nature. The establishment of World Environment Day shows peoples the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and expresses our human beings desire of pursuing the better environment. Every year the United Nations Environment Program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus onSmall Island and Climate changeand the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.This years slogan is "To improve environmental quality The development of green".

World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.



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Many people are afraid of people with AIDS since they think there is a risk of being infected. People with AIDS are normally lonely since many people are not willing to communicate with them.

Actually this is a kind of misunderstanding since it is safe to talk to or shake hands with people with AIDS. People with AIDS need more care and support to help them overcome the difficulties. Therefore if we all set up the correct understanding and try to help the people with AIDS, our society is going to be more caring and beautiful.





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孩子紧捏着扇子,便朝父母奔过去,心里 那信心的火,便又燃烧了起来。
















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eijing, a huge, serrated wall zigzags its way to the east and west along the undulating mountains. This is the Great Wall, which is said to be visible from the moon.


Construction of the Great Wall started in the 7th century B.C. The vassal states under the Zhou Dynasty in the northern parts of the country each built their own walls for defence purposes. After the state of Qin unified China in 221 B.C., it joined the walls to hold off the invaders from the Xiongnu tribes in the north and extended them to more than 10,000 li or 5,000 kilometers. This is the origin of the name Of the "10,000-li Great Wall".


The Great Wall was renovated from time to time after the Qin Dynasty. A major renovation started with the founding of the Ming Dynasty in 1368, and took 200 years to complete. The wall we see today is almost exactly the result of this effort. With a total length of over 6,000 kilometers, it extends to the jiayu Pass in Gansu Province in the west and to the mouth of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province in the east. What lies north of Beijing is but a small section of it.





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