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There are all kinds of occupation。 Everyone has the hearts of the most want to do occupation planning。 So everyone will firm belief in the ideals and efforts。 I also like this。 My ideal occupation actually said not particularly special。 I want to be a psychologist。 Want to ask me why, because now a news to tell me this job is very important。


Now the students especially middle school students of teenagers have some extreme idea that they make extreme behavior more serious injury of his own life。 Maybe they just need a proper guidance that will not happen。 If before they make this thing has a pull them rather than pushed them they can certainly live very happy。 Personality is to nurture, the heart is also acquired established。 As long as the day after tomorrow to mental health and personality can change。 They just one can understand their feelings, the patience to help them solve problems people。 They dont need to laugh and discrimination and everyone dont need。


I hope I can do my part to guide them and help them in the future。




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We have lived in lida school for more than one year. i enjoy all the time here because it can bring me a lot of things such as feelings, knowledge and other things i need.

There are many trees and flowers around us. the trees are green all the year. when we sit in the classroom and look out of the windows, we can see a big tree shaking its strong arms to us. it is really wonderful.

In some ways, our thoughts are at large. perhaps it makes our brains creative. i believe that nothing can tie up my mind even it stands for authority. the free life is just like our school life.

In our school, of course, there are both success and failure. we should not be proud but modest because there are too many people much better than myself. actually, we also should muster up courage and work harder.

I like to sing:

“We are honest.

We always keep promises.

We often think a lot.

We are never afraid of anything.”

So we have our own school life different from others.

At last, it is impossible for me to resist the temptation to say: what a perfect school life i have!




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"Reading a good book is like talking to a man of noble." This winter holiday, I can not control their own curiosity, opened a "Notre Dame DE Paris", entered the author Victor Hugos inner world.

This book tells the story of two completely not an amazing stories of people all over the world.

Roams about the entertainer lada is a beautiful love, beauty. She not only looks beautiful, and a noble mind. When the poet grand hang a pivotal moment in the ancient kingdom of tile is going to be a beggar, she in the form of willing to marry him without hesitation and save the poet; When vice bishop crowe Hadley etc all kinds of despicable means to force her, she also shows unprecedented calm, she also to surrender, to show her the gallows in righteously...

Quasimodo is an extremely ugly deaf blind bell ringers. He was abandoned by the family and the society as a whole. Instead of pollution but bad luck instead of his heart, make him become a kind person. He has saved lada love, beauty, also often help homeless orphans. Fate gave him the chance to fall in love with love, beauty lada, but at the conclusion of his life, god opened a great joke with him -- in another world with love, beauty of love. Story is tragic, but they left spirit is eternal!

Yes, a person cant because their deficiency and desperate, more than the pursuit of beauty. We should learn to sincerely treat to others. Want to know to cherish life, respect for each and every one of the world.








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As we all know, the situation of school violence most appears in high school, because the students are in the age of rebellious phase. But recently, the school violence situation is increasing rapidly with a trend of small age among primary and secondary school students. The reason why students become more aggressive than before, I think both parents and school are lay responsibility at this.

In the first place, some parents spoiled their child so much that they won’t let other child to hurt their baby a little bit. And they always teach their child to strive for what they want, but they usually didn’t tell them the exactly right way to achieve their goal. As a result, child chooses the most direct way to get what they want, like use violence. This is a consequence that kids doing something without their parent are the right guidance.

In the second place, most schools focus on the teaching quality too much; hence, they ignore the mental growth of the students. Compare to the student achievement, the bully case really doesnt seem so important, as long as it is not so serious. As a matter of fact, the abuser will become more violent if no one stops them, at the same time, the victim will become weaker or they might also become an abuser to bully the one who are weaker than them.

To speak frankly, only when parents and teachers pay more attention to the mental growth of children and stop the school violent in time, can the problem be solved in near future.



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In fifteen-day Chinese,we have the biggest festival yue - the Spring Festival,allison hang red lantern,beaming,affix red couplets,busy...

The first day of the first month,is a happy yue son.

The street not the kui is a street,play of eat everything taste.See the most is that some children,I looked,count spicy noodles in business is the best.

Today is really play too happy!Be seen two full the luck to eat STH delicious three full hand blessed.Most luckily those vendor,today but business is thriving?

Sincerely hope today the children in the New Year,happy,no annoyance.










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新华网南京2010年4月29日电 29日上午9时40分,江苏泰兴市泰兴镇中心幼儿园发生一起伤人事件,一名男子持刀冲入校园,砍伤31人,包括28名幼儿、2名教师、1名保安,其中5人伤势较重,有生命危险。目前受伤者已被送往医院抢救。持刀男子被当场制服。据江苏省*****厅提供的消息,29日上午9时40分在江苏省泰兴市泰兴镇中心幼儿园持刀砍伤31人的行凶者身份已经确认。他叫徐玉元,1963年生,今年47岁,为泰兴本地一名无业人员。他原在当地一家保险公司工作,于2001年被单位辞退。此前曾从事过违法传销活动。


新华网广州2010年4月28日电 28日发生在广东省湛江雷州市雷城第一小学的持刀伤人案,犯罪嫌疑人被该校老师奋勇制止后被*****人员制服。据雷州市*****机关初步调查,33岁的犯罪嫌疑人陈康炳系雷州市白沙镇洪富小学公办教师,2006年2月办理病休至今。目前警方正在对他的作案动机进行调查。雷州市政府发布消息称,经初步调查,陈康炳随外校前来参加公开课的教师混入雷城一小教学楼,15时左右在四年级、五年级4个教室,持刀砍伤15名学生及1名为保护学生而与其搏斗的教师,一名学生逃避时摔伤。现场目击者告诉记者,案发后,凶手被该校老师围堵在楼上。下午4时5分,*****民警将凶手抓获。受伤的师生已被送到雷州市人民医院医治,他们多数被砍中头部、后背或者手臂。湛江市的医疗专家已赶到雷州进行抢救。湛江市、雷州市两级党委政府领导分别赶到学校和医院,指导救治伤员和善后工作。市财政局已拨出专款,负责伤者医疗费用。目前,受伤的学生和老师伤势稳定,暂无生命危险,该市正在加紧对此案的侦查,并做好有关善后工作。事发的雷州市位于广东西南部,据广州约600公里。






仅仅就是因为7岁的孩子英语考了28分,这个英语考了28分的孩子父母都是建工学院的老师,都是教授。就这样,两个建工学院的教授糟人暴打莫名! 真让人无语了!这样的学校,这样的老师,这样的暴徒家长,这样的暴力事件,竟然都发生在一所小学校里!!难道这还不够可怕吗?




山师附小 六年级二班 于天宇 10号











事件结果:马子淏死亡 关于呼伦贝尔市海拉尔


[同期]广州新海医院医生 刘韬,左肩背部的刺伤,伤口有三到四公分深【正文】让小国伤成这样的,是他的同班同学小李,小国回忆说,昨天下午上完课后,小李拦住他,提出一个特殊的要求。

[同期]受伤学生 小国,他说每天要给他5毛钱,不然我打你,然后昨天他就问我要钱,我就说没有


【同期】受伤学生 小国从抽屉里拿出一把剪刀,刺了我一下(刺了你什么地方)肩膀流了血很多血


【同期】声音来源:小国所在学校校长 吴尊谦(同期中间有些啰嗦的停顿 注意剪掉剪辑紧凑)



盘点2010年校园安全事件留在脑海中的一件件痛心事件,还会浮现在每个人的脑海里。据中国新闻网报道11月29日12时许,位于新疆阿克苏市杭州大道的阿克苏第五小学发生踩踏事故,近百名孩子受伤被送往医院。当时正是课间操时间,学生从楼上蜂拥而下,前面的学生摔倒后引起踩踏,楼梯扶手被挤歪,造成孩子被挤伤或摔伤,近百名孩子已被送往阿克苏地区第一人民医院 综合事件:时间 地点 凶手 事件

5月12日 陕西南郑幼儿园 吴焕明 48岁 林场村四组人 男 5月12日上午8时左右,48岁的陕西省南郑县圣水镇林场村村民吴焕明持菜刀闯入该村幼儿园,致使7名儿童和2名成年人死亡,另有11名学生受伤,其中2名儿童伤势严重。死亡的7名儿童为5男2女,2名成人为幼儿园教师吴红英及其母亲。犯罪嫌疑人吴焕明行凶后返回家中自杀身亡。[详细]

4月30日 山东潍坊尚庄小学 王永来 45岁 潍坊市坊子区九龙街道尚庄村村民男 4月30日,山东潍坊男子王永来骑摩托车携带铁锤、汽油,强行闯入尚庄小学,用铁锤打伤5名学前班学生,然后点燃汽油自焚。王永来被当场烧死,5名


4月29日 江苏泰兴幼儿园 徐玉元 46岁 泰兴市泰兴镇人 高中文化 已婚男 无业

原在当地一家保险公司工作,于2001年被单位辞退,近期没有工作。此前曾从事过违法传销活动。徐玉元的作案现场为该幼儿园小二班教室。其犯罪动机正在审查。有民间消息称,其曾在事发地幼儿园当过保安,后来因为工作态度不好被辞退,因此心理不平衡。 29日上午,江苏省泰兴市泰兴镇中心幼儿园发生一起持刀行凶事件。据进一步核实,该事件中受伤的人员一共为32名,其中学生29名,教师2名,保安1名。到目前为止无人员死亡,有5名儿童伤势较重,其中危重伤员2名。[详细]

4月28日 广东雷州市雷城第一小学 陈康炳 31岁 雷州市纪家镇人 未婚男 4月28日15时,陈康炳混入广东省湛江雷州雷城第一小学,持刀砍伤15名学生和一名为保护学生而与歹徒搏斗的老师。[详细]

4月12日 广西合浦县西镇小学 杨家钦 40岁 广西合浦县西场镇西镇人 已婚男 杨家钦曾是村里的赤脚医生,几年前患上精神病,平时并没见有什么暴力行为。2005年9月发现其患有精神病。两年前,杨在上海打工时曾被送进精神病院治疗一个月。案发三天前,杨曾因一些纠纷用刀将邻居杨某的头砍伤,当地边防派出所曾出警处理。 2010年4月12日16时30分左右,广西合浦县西场镇西镇小学门前约400米处,杨家钦用菜刀连砍7人,造成一名8岁男孩和一名80岁老妇死亡,另有两名小学生、一名学龄前女童及两名村民受伤。[详细] 3月23日 福建南平实验小学 郑民生 42岁 福建南平人 中专毕业 未婚男 职业:他原为马站社区诊所医生,2009年6月辞职。医术较好,还被称为“郑一刀”。当了18年外科医生,和哥哥一家三口、80岁的老母亲在61平方米的房子里住了20年。

作案动机:一是与原工作单位领导有矛盾,辞职后谋新职不成;二是恋爱多次失败,尤其是与当前所谈女友进展不顺利,心态扭曲,故意杀人。 2010年3月23日早上7点24分,南平实验小学门口发生一重大凶杀案,当场死亡3人,送医院救治10人,抢救无效后又死亡5人,嫌犯郑民生当场被抓。[详细]



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I have a good friend. Her English name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is in Nanzhuang Primary School. She is twelve. She has black eyes and black hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and she likes to help others. What a good girl!我有一个好朋友。她的英文名字是安。她的中午名字是王小兰。她在南庄小学。她十二岁。她有黑眼睛和黑头发。她的父亲是一个医生和她的母亲是一个护士。她的弟弟五岁 。她喜欢跳舞、唱歌和看电视。她很友好而且她喜欢帮助别人。多么好的一个女孩!




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Human, science and nature, the three phase was quoted rates are inseparable. The wonders of nature, a little thing, through the baptism of the time, and meticulous observation, often can give a person with enlightenment.

Vast forests, sunshine give plants grace, to be able to get the nutrients and thrive. Such as the morning sun open the eyes of animals, everything is ready. Squirrels, squirrel, embarks from the house, looking for full sweet red pine nuts, all kinds of plant seeds and slowly by seeding them to other places. While the weasel feed on smaller herbivores, sable and then ate the weasel... As if people eat the big fish, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat shrimp, shrimp eat plankton, interlocking between RACES, interdependence restricts each other.

Foreign scientists have done an experiment: introduce the sheep in a rare nature reserve, where the bamiyan, natural environment is superior, and there is special personnel to the group of kids to their natural enemies, Wolf, moved to another place. So the sheep started in the breeding. Until grass and low shrubs are eaten, the number of sheep instead of less. Because they live too comfortable, there is no enemy attack, the number that is too carefree life let their constitution also fell. Then the scientists tried to introduce wolves again. The result is in the relationship between predator and prey, good robust species to survive, wolves eat sick defect part. Natural selection and evolution, has been the nature and even the survival of human society the same criteria.

Cut down some trees, is to destroy a part of birds and insects; Killing of bees, small fish, can also cause cannot spread pollen, fish cannot reproduce problem... Sabotaged a part of the food chain, will bring ill-defined disaster. Because in front of the natural fair, each species, each independent individual organisms is so beautiful and full of value.

Because of the diversity of species and colorful nature. Want to live in harmony with her and get the kind of treatment, will be good to nature, to understand the nature, and have good at discovering and innovative mind.








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As a middle school student,I dont have much free time,but I still have a lot of things to do.

I like listening to music and reading,so in my free time,I always listening to music and search the Internet for about half-hour.Its a good way to relax myself.I always do some reading before go to bed.Besides,I always go to swimming after school.Exercises help me to keep healthy and do good to my study.As the same as other students,I often watch TV in the evening,but I have to finish my homework first.

At the weekends,I will help my mother with the housework,such as clean the house,do some washing.




[我的空余时间 My Free Time初一英语作文带翻译



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名词:math, favorite subject,beginning, fun, skill, sir, madam, activity, group, unit, team, joke, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, reason, test, geography, yesterday, middle school, suggestion, exam, classmate, report, article, idea, rule, hallway, classroom, Ms, dinning hall, sports shoes, gym, Dr, in class, schoolwork, physics, grade, gift, prize, visitor, monitor, umbrella, raincoat, end-of-year exam, report card, semester, disappointing result, senior high school, half the class, mistake; secret; speaking skills; writing skill, grammar

动词:pass, relax, star, teach, clean, read, study, describe, improve, stop, remember, say, did, went, stay, have, spend, discuss, said, fight, look for, talk about, do some reading, practice, have to, do one’s homework, have fun doing, study for the test, have a party, practice English, help sb. do, win, end, drive, go for a drive, sleep late, have a day off, hang out, study for a test, copy, have a really hard time with, be surprised to find, forget to do, start a bad habit, get over it, get mad at sb, be able to do, write in English, break the rule, make mistakes, laugh at; take notes, look up, work with friends, read the textbook, listen to tapes, ask the teacher for help, study for a test, watch a video, can’t understand, spoken English, find a pen pal, try one’s best, be afraid to…, succeed, achieve, stay up until 11 pm, be strict with…, talk about the rules, wear uniforms, wear our own clothes, allow sb to do…, care about, concentrate on

形容词:busy, interesting, boring, fun, tired, difficult, cool, following, regular, irregular, present, past, colorful, better, different, wet, hard-working, own, unimportant, frustrating; relaxing, strict, frustrated, serious enough, wild, old enough, calm enough

I am really busy. At … I have math.

It’s difficult but interesting. I like…/I don’t like…

We have to clean the classroom.We can’t run in the hallways.

I take the subway to school and it takes 25 minutes.

The early bus takes him to school.

The bus ride usually takes about 25 minutes.

In other parts of the world, things are different.In China, it depends on where you are. That must be a lot of fun than taking a bus!My favorite subjects are physics.

Last week’s talent show was a great success.

The prize for the funniest act went to Steve Tian and his dog.

I study by …; I have learned a lot that way.

Studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.

First of all, …; Then…; At last…;

It is easy for me to understand …

Teenagers should be allowed to …

I am (not) allowed to…

We have a lot of rules at my school/home.

So do we. I have to…


1. 每个学校都有许多校规。学生应该遵守它们。

2. 在学校,每人必须穿校服。

3. 我们不能在教室吃东西。

4. 学生不被允许把手机带入学校。

5. 我同意第一个规定。

6. 校服看起来普通。

7. 它使我们运动时轻松。

8. 我建议在不同场合穿不同类校服。

9. 在不同天穿不同颜色的校服。

10. 我相信校规会越来越完善。






Every school has school rules. _________ students should obey them. Here are some of them. ____________, everyone has to wear school uniforms at school. _____________, we can’t eat in classrooms. ___________, we are not allowed to bring mobile phones to school. I agree with the first one. ____________ our uniforms might look very normal, they enable us to do all kinds of sports easily.

__________, I have a piece of advice for it. I suggest that we should _________wear different styles of uniforms in different situations.

____________, I believe the school rules will be improved better and better.


1. 词组搭配,

建议:suggest sb. do, suggest doing, advise ab to do, give some advice on,

同意:agree to do,agree with sb, agree that, be in agreement, approve, disagreement

允许:allow/ permit sb to do, be allowed to do, should, be supposed to do…, It’s our duty /

responsibility to do…obey /break / follow the rules

校园活动:take part in, join in club, enjoy doing, , keep/stop/prevent… from doing, set an

example,do exercise, have PE class,

学习: concentrate on , pay attention to, put one’s heart into... take notes, work out, catch up

with, by doing, get good grades, make great/rapid progress, have difficulty in doing, find it difficult / frustrating / amazing / encouraging / fantastic to do, be afraid of, work on, work out, help with, help out, ask… for…, try one’s best, get over, go over, be afraid to , can’t understand, listen to teachers

科目:Chinese, math, P.E, English, favorite subject,interesting, boring, fun, tired,

2. 句型从句 too…to, so that, not only…but also…, Let’s…make sb. adj., that/which/who

3. 非谓语结构:It’s +adj. for sb. to do, doing sth …

e.g. Every school has school rules which students should follow.

I agree to the idea that cell phones can’t be brought into school

I am honored to give some advice on the improvement of some rules

We get up too early to have our breakfast. As a result, we need sth to refresh us.

School rules are of great importance for young people’s development, and all of us approve most of our school rules.

By following the rules, we take the responsibility to make our school safer and more harmonious.

It’s our duty to obey the school rules and in return the rules keep us from dangers and distractions

I hope this idea will be taken into account and I’d like to know more suggestions, which will add color to our life at school for sure.


回想三年的英语学习历程,丰富多彩的英语课堂活动一定给你留下了许多难忘的印象。请你以“What should we do in English class” 为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈在英语课堂上学生应该怎样做,才能使英语学习更有效。


⑴ Listen to the teacher.

⑵ Take part in activities.

⑶ Be confident in ourselves.

要求:⑴ 文稿须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥。

⑵ 文稿中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。

⑶ 词数:60-80个。

参考词汇: take notes, work in groups with..., not be afraid of…

What should we do in English class

In English class,_______________________________________________


In English class, we should listen to the teacher carefully. Without doubt, the more carefully you listen, the more useful information you can get. Besides, taking notes is also a good way to make you concentrate on the class.

In order to learn English well, we are supposed to take part in all kinds of activities. We need to work in groups with our classmates and talk with them in English.

Last but not least, it is very important for us to be confident. As a proverb goes, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. We shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes in class. Only in this way, can we improve our English.

In a word, I believe as long as we remember all these strategies, we will surely make it in English in the end.




提示词语:I, a middle school student, learn, many subjects, after class, take part in, activity, be interested in, grow up, important, be sure.



I am a middle school student. I learn many subjects at school. After class, my classmates and I often take part in different school activities. I’m interested in computer science and I often go to our school computer group. I learn to get useful things from the Internet. I think it is important to learn to use computers because they are used everywhere in our modern life. I want to work for our country with computers when I grow up.


I am a middle school student who is always busy with school work. Luckily, though we have to learn many subjects at school, we can enjoy a number of activities. In order to free ourselves from studying pressure, my friends and I often take part in different school activities after class. However, I showed great interest in computer science and I spent most of my spare time in our school computer group. I learned to get useful things from the internet so that I could teach my classmates how to use computers. I feel very proud and happy while helping them. I think it’s important to learn to use computers because not only are they used everywhere in our modern life, but also they help us communicate better with the world. I am keen on learning computer and I would like to put this love to good use by working for our country when I grow up. I’m sure that my dream will come true if I work hard.

All in all, I have a colorful school life.

I am a middle school student. Our school provides us with many kinds of activities. I prefer the sports club to others. Therefore, I became a member of the volleyball team and benefitted a lot from it. Fitting as much time as possible practicing playing it results in my healthy body.

As far as I’m concerned, taking part in the school activities can not only help us learn different skills, but also make us understand the importance of team spirit. Besides, we’ll feel refreshed after these activities. Only in this way, can we be energetic enough the next day. It is because the school activities have many advantages that we all like them very much. I’m sure that they will keep adding colors to our school life.


假如你叫Sally, 是Betty的笔友,你收到了她的来信。请你给她写一封回信,针对她的问题,谈谈你的看法,并给出可行的建议。

Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. _____________________________________________________


Yours truly,Sally

Dear Betty,

I have read your letter. I can understand your feeling and I’m worried about your health and your study. Here are some suggestions for you.

First, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are bad for your health, so you had better give up the thought that you want to eat them at school. Second, try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy. Try your best and everything will be all right soon. Finally, if there is really something wrong with the school lunch, you can talk to your teachers and help improve it. It’s not only for yourself, but also for the whole school.

Good luck.

Yours truly,Sally

Dear Betty,

I’ve read your letter. I can understand how you feel. And I’m willing to help you out. Here’s some advice for you.

Firstly, hamburgers, ice creams and potato chips are so bad for your health that your school doesn’t provide you with them. On the other hand, whether the food your school offers is delicious or not, it must be safe and nutritious. Thus, I suggest that you give up those junk food and try to eat as much school lunch as possible in order to have enough energy to keep you concentrating on your lessons. In addition, if the lunch is really bad, you need to take action. I think one of the nice things about admitting to the fact that your school lunch do has some unpleasant point is that it gives you a chance to take the responsibility to help improve it. Talking to your teacher about it may help make a difference.

In conclusion, I hope all these above can help you in one way or another. I’m looking forward to your good news.

Yours truly,Sally

[初中一年级英语作文:My School Life



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with the development of technology, people can do some operations to make

their faces look prefect, even to look much younger than their real ages. when

we see the commercial ads, we can find the stars look gorgeous, we are so envy

about their young faces. but to me, i think the secret of keeping young is not

by surgery operation, but to keep a healthy lifestyle. today, young people are

living an unhealthy life, they like to stay up and wake up at the noon. young

people form the habit of taking activity at night while sleeping in the day. how

terrible it is, they are damaging their bodies, their bodies will get older than

the normal speed. if people sleep early and wake up in the morning, do some

exercises and keep the balance diet, they will look young. so don’t expect the

surgery to help look young, it is harmful, only the healthy lifestyle does.




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I will always praise the look of her -- my Chinese teacher miss wang. My Chinese teacher is an ordinary reveal the extraordinary people, especially the heart of her love life more let I admire; .

Remember in a silent night, the whole school hardly see a muddy footprints, the air is permeated with laughter was the cold wind blowing. Only the teacher the busy figure, I and other two classmates, was in terribly classroom "imprisoned", the write quietly noises. When we fall in the abyss of difficult, the teacher always took pains to teach us homework. Know that we know so far. I looked up, a dark outside the window, the earth has been shrouded in the shadows of the night. Carrying a heavy bag, according to the weak beam. "Does the teacher dont want to go home? Dont want to eat delicious food, enjoy the warmth of home?" This a series of problems for a long time in my ear.

The teacher always to care for us, protect us, my teacher is such a teacher, an ordinary reveal the extraordinary teacher.






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Holiday nearly comes to the ead now. I am very happy because I have already

finished my homework. I also helped my mother with some housework this summer

holiday. I believe I have grown up now and should know what I should be in the

future. I will try harder to study well and be a good person.




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There is no denying that safety plays an important part in our daily life. Recently our school has carried out a program aiming at increasing our safety awareness.

I consider this as indeed a good practice, which will remind us that safety should always come first in our daily life, whether when we stay at school or outside it. For example, when we are doing sports, we should attach great importance to safety and avoid being hurt. Besides, we should follow the traffic rules when we are going to school or when we are on our way back home.

I firmly believe that we should develop a good sense of safety and do everything safely.



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My name is Liu Aoqi. I am 9 years old. I am a primary school student and a young pioneer. I read in the three (1) class of pine wood Central Primary School, I was born on the day of December 20, 1999, because that day is just the return of Macao, so I have an Australian character in my name.

I have a round face, a pair of bright eyes, and a glossy black hair, my mother often gives me tied in a ponytail, Zouqilulai shake the. I like to make more friends with me. I have a lot of advantages and a lot of shortcomings. I like reading books since I was young. There are many extracurricular books in my bookcase. I am very clean. I clean up my little world. I am very generous, never stingy, and often take out what I eat and share with my friends. My biggest drawback is carelessness in writing my homework. I often write 0 to 6, or 6 to 0.

This is the lively and lovely I, I hope to make friends with everyone.

我叫刘澳琪,今年9岁,我是一名小学生,也是一名少先队员。我在松木坪中心小学三(1)班读书,我是在1999年12月20日那天出生的,因为那天正好是澳门回归,所以我的名字里面带着一个 澳 字。

我有一张圆圆的脸,一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,还有一头乌黑发亮的头发,我妈妈经常给我扎一个马尾辫,走起路来一甩一甩的。我喜欢结交认识更多的朋友。我有好多优点,也有好多缺点。我从小就喜欢读书,在我的书柜里有好多的课外书,我非常很干净,我把我的 小天地 收拾得干干净净、整整齐齐。我十分大方,从不吝啬,经常会把我好吃的东西拿出来和好朋友们一起分享。我最大的缺点就是写作业时粗心大意,经常会把 0 写成 6 ,或者把 6 写成 0 。




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People always say that we are lacking of the eyes of realizing the beauty in life. I can’t agree with it anymore. Last week, I woke up very early in the morning, so I decided to take a walk. The street was very quiet and there were many old people dancing in the square. Without many cars, I realized the city looked so clean and beautiful. Some coffee shops decorates so well, which attrated my eyes. The city was coverd by the green trees, which made it a green city. I liked this feeling so much. At this moment, I found the city was so lovely, I just ingored its beauty usually.




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My secret

My mother’s birthday is coming soon, I want to give her a surprise, it is my secret. My mother takes care of me all the time, she is working so hard for the family, as I grow up, I know it is not easy for her to be a housewife. I have saved some money, I plan to buy her a scarf, which she will like.






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Hello everyone.

Now let me talk about myself.

My name is _____.I was born in _____.There are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______.And as everyone know,Im a student.Everyone has his own interests.As for me,I like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so on.Now today we are in the same class,I hope we will get on well with each other.Thanks.






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Protecting the Environment

In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, the extreme weather becomes more and more frequent. Winter gets colder and summer becomes hotter and it rains more frequently. All of these warn us that protecting the environment is a serious and emergent event. As our general people, we should build proper lifestyle. We should pay attention to water and light saving. When we go out, we should firstly choose the public transportation. The most important is that we must realize that we can do a lot of things to protect our environment. Its our duty to make our home better. Let’s change from ourselves.





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my plan of next year

a new year ,a new start,when i stand on the edge of a new year,i cant help thinking about my plan of next year.

just as the old saying:“well began is the half of the success.”so i decide that i should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,im quicker than the others and of course i will get better result than the others.

but ,what i really decide to do is that i must make good of anytime i can spare though it seems impossible. while,i will do my best to live up with what i have planned,and the result will prove it.








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Today is my birthday and Im so excited about it. In the morning I put a note on the table for my mum and it said, "Today is my birthday, dont forget it!" At school, I got many gifts and cards from my classmates and had a lot of fun. But I was still expecting the birthday party after school.

When it was time to leave school I couldnt wait to go home. When I open the door, there wasnt anybody in the house. There was only a note that said, "Coming home late tonight,mum and dad. "I try to call them but there was no answer.I was so shocked,do they forget my birthday?How could this be! I was so sad that I couldnt eat anything. I just did my homework and waited for them.

And then,things changed completely. It was about time for dinner, my mother called and told me to go to the restanrant near our house. When I got there I couldnt believed my eyes. Everybody was there:my parents,my relatives, my friends and even my classmates. There was so many gifts and a big cake. What a surprising birthday party! We had a good time and it was the best birthday party ever.



