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Today I have read Helen Keller’s “Three Days to See”.I have read this article in the chinese teaching material when I was in high school.This article impressed me.It told me how lucky we are.We should aprrecaite that we are healthy.Healthiness is riches.So today I read this article again.Whenever I read this article,compare with Helen Keller,I think we should treasure our life,god has given us sight so we can see a lot of good things,so we can know how beautiful this world is,so we can know how wonderful we can live in our coloreful life.

Helen Keller,blind and deaf from infancy.Stricken with a serious illness at the age of nineteen months,Keller survived from the illness but was left permanently unable to see and hear.In this article,three day of sight,we can see,how precious it was as for Helen Keller.What would you want to look at if you had only three days of sight?Helen gives her answer in this famous essay.I always think that people can realize the importance of the sight and sound only after they have personally expericenced the dark and silence life.Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight,silence would teach him the joys of sound.

This short story tell people how Keller take advantage of having the privileges to see,hear,and speak.Some people,unfortunately,are blind,deaf,and mute.These unfortunate people take more time to appreciate life and they are always waiting for the miracle all their life.The author,Helen Keller,is one of such person who is blind,deaf,and mute.She strongly believes that people,who are fortunate to have such senses,take life for granted.She also strongly believes these people should live in the fullest,meaning,accomplish lifes when they can do this today,do not leave it for tomorrow.

One can die at any moment,no matter how healthy or in what physical shape he is.As for this,Helen came across many instances.She had asked her friend what she had seen after taking a walk through the woods,and her friend replied,“Nothing in particular.” Her friend gave she this answer,because her friend become accustomed to see the routine of their surroundings,and her eyes only can be attracted by startling and spectacular things.I think if we only have sight for 3 days we will give another answer.

I appreciate Hellen Keller.Her life is a miracle,she stronly face the difficulties which can detroy one’s mind of living.Her life is a tragedy,but the world in her heart is full of love.Her spirit will encourage all of us,forever.




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A piggy named Wilbur and a spider named Charlotte became friend. The future of this poor piggy is a delicious course of the Christmas feast. Though ever considering escaping, yet after all he is only a pig. While Charlotte--although be viewed as small and insignificant--said, "Let me help you!" Whereupon she used her silk to weave words such as "Some Pig" and "Terrific" in her web, which are regarded as a marvel by human beings. Those marvelous words alter Wilburs destiny, and finally earned him a happy and peace future. Nevertheless, at that moment, the life of Charlotte almost completed its span...

The most impressive episode of this book is the notable friendship between Charlotte and Wilbur. A spider is a threat to a piggy at first glance, but loneliness suddenly makes Wilbur be familiar with Charlotte and surprisingly he found that this spider is extraordinary warmhearted.

What impressed us deeply is the words "You never die, Ill save you!"by Charlotte when Wilbur was wailing "I dont wanna die! I dont!" To fulfill her promise, Charlotte devoted all her lifetime and asked no rewards, until the moment she died.

Such kind of friendship is pure and clean, Only leaving the selfless love and pure kindness. When this sort of emotion has already been lacked seriously in contemporary society, this story undoubtedly moves the readers. Maybe every reader envies that Charlotte has a Wilbur, and Wilbur has a Charlotte.

The word "Goodbye" has already gone with the wind, accompanied by her silk, only leaving a Charlottes web in everyones heart.



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A group of Edinburgh medical students dugup the facts on the Great London Smog of 1952 (the photos are fascinating; areal shock for people who think environmental problems are something new). Thestudents provided numbers on the level of air pollution in London 1952 and Ihave compared these to recent numbers for Beijing.


Beijing’s poor airquality – 300 or somicrograms of particulate matter per cubic metre – has generated volumesof purple prose, but London’s numbers in the 1950s were consistently above 400, and surged to 1,600 during theGreat Smog – more than five times Beijing’s inearly August.




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"The ugly duckling" the feeling after reading

Mother duck to hatch a very strange eggs, this only "duck" monstrous not only, and looks ugly. Therefore, everybody laughs at it, discrimination against it. The surrounding the animals dont like it, so the mother duck and began to hate it. But the little ugly duck then alone run out and experienced many difficulties, heavy tribulation, the ugly duckling finally become the most beautiful white swan!!!!!

When the little ugly duck into the white swan, by everybodys praise, it said: "when I was an ugly duckling, I never dreamed of so much happiness!" When people see the beautiful white swan, always admire the beauty of it. But when it was the ugly duckling, who put it in the eye?


当丑小鸭变成白天鹅,受到了大家的赞美时,它说:“当我还是一只丑小鸭的时候,我做梦也没有想到会有这么多的幸福!” 当人们看到美丽的白天鹅时,都会赞叹它的美丽。可当它还是丑小鸭的时候,谁又把它放在了眼里?




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Oliver Twist is written by Charles Dickens.

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest writers in the England. He was born in a poor family but later he became famous and rich. The famous novel --A Tale of Two Cities is written by him too.

This novel shows us the cruelty and crime of London. Oliver Twist the hero is a poor orphan. He lived in a life filled with taunts. Nobody loved him. With visions of his future he decided to go to London. He thought a new life was coming but he was wrong a group of thieves were waiting for him.

The author created a group of bad men.

Fagin an old man with a horribly ugly face and red hair was the head of those thieves. He tried to make Oliver be a criminal.

Bill Sikes was a cruel and evil man in the group. He had a bad temper.

Monks Oliver’s brother did bad things to hurt Oliver. He wanted to get the legacies left by his father alone. He paid Fagin to trap Oliver into a life of crime. In fact they were all afraid of being put into prison and being hanged. They can’t live happily.

Nancy a poor girl loved a bad man. She had to help Bill Sikes perpetrate because she loved him. She had to be loyal to the criminal group because she loved him. Actually she was kind. She helped Oliver at the risk of her life. If she hadn’t fell in love with Sikes she would have a happy ending.

The author showed these ugly things to us he described an ugly world. But there are more kind people in the novel.

Mr. Brownlow an old friend of Oliver’s father took good care of Oliver.

Mrs. Maylie Harry Maylie’s mother saved Oliver of his life.

Miss Rose is the aunt of Oliver in fact.

They all protect Oliver from hurt.

Oliver was unlucky to meet so many evil people but he was luckier to get help from so many kind people.

In the end of the novel all the evil people were punished. Oliver got what he should get. Rose married Harry Maylie and they lived happily. All the kind people have a happy ending.

Righteousness can always beat evil. I think this is what the author wants to tell. Although there are many ugly things in the world we must believe that righteousness can always beat evil.

We must store kindness even though we are in ugly situation. One is poor if he doesn’t have kindness. One is rich if he has kindness. So please store your kindness in your mind.

What’s more the novel also tells us to be brave. Oliver was brave enough to overcome all the problems he had met. No matter how difficult the problem is we can’t give up we must try our best to solve it.

From Oliver Twist I have learnt a lot .It’s really a good novel.



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这本书给我第三个很深印象的就是作者的写作手法 个性化的语言是狄更斯在人物塑造上运用得十分出色的一种手段.书中的流氓,盗贼,妓女的语言都切合其身份,另外狄更斯的语言中充满了讥讽的韵味。仿佛一个人的表情中带着辛酸的笑,让人读完之后不禁无奈的一声叹息。在书中狄更斯成功地刻画了一连串人物,如教区干事班布尔,贼头儿犹太老头和慈善学校的学生诺亚,破屋大盗蒙克斯等等。没有一个不刻画得栩栩如生,形象逼真。但是,作品中最成功刻画的人物还是主角奥立佛以及女偷南茜。奥立佛天生就是一个有道德的人,懂得知恩图报。他吃了很多很多苦,但最后总算遇到好人。不管是布朗鲁先生,还是梅里太太,或是梅里小姐,对待奥里佛都如同亲人一般,尽管他是个“贼”,他们都同情他,收养他,并使他接受良好的教育,最后还弄清了他的身世,争回他的遗产。在描写奥立佛所有的事件中,我最钦佩的还是第六章节中讲他受嘲讽时奋力抵抗这一事件,如同作者所说的那样“从表面上看我所记述的是那么微小又不重要,可是事实上他对奥立佛的前途及发展却间接地影响,并产生了重大的变化。”奥立佛虽说在贫民院中长大,本身就没有自由,受人使唤,但他还是一个自尊心极强的人,面对诺亚的人身攻击,他显得异常激动。而因为诺亚对奥立佛死去的母亲的恶毒侮辱使他义愤填膺,热血沸腾。“他立刻跳了起来,一把掀翻了桌椅,然后揪住诺亚的喉管,用尽全身暴怒中的力气抖动着诺亚,一直抖得诺亚的牙齿发出格格的响声,然后又聚集了他全身的力气给诺亚狠狠一拳,直把他打翻在地。”奥立佛激烈的反应令我迷惑,按常理来说,他一直是个文静的,温和的,虽受到非人虐待却是个垂头丧气自甘倒霉的少年,此刻却凝聚全身的力量揍诺亚。是什么力量使他敢于做出这样的决定,或许不应该是“决定”吧,强烈的愤怒感使他失去了理智,他不允许别人对他的母亲有丝毫的侮辱。虽然奥立佛对他的母亲毫无印象,记忆中从来就不知道母亲长什么样子。然而,对母亲的尊重感却一直伴随着他。所以,当诺亚侮辱他的母亲时,奥立佛显现出从没有过的激动。这一事件的结果是奥立佛受到了毒打并被关押起来。狄更斯在写这一细节时不仅是为下文埋下伏笔,还更深刻地刻画了作品的主人公奥立佛的形象,为维护母亲的尊严而不顾一切 在书中并不起眼,但是不能没有的人就是女扒手南希,她的形象是世上母亲的形象,看到可怜的而有善良的小奥力弗,她不顾背叛他所爱的人塞克斯,也不顾自己冒着被抓,被处以绞刑的危险,为小奥力弗逃出悲惨的生活,最后掺死于塞克斯的拳头之下。没有太多对于南希的描写,但是她的内心世界读者能略微感受得出来:无助,愤怒,矛盾。她与习艺所的曼太太形成了鲜明的对比。可憎的曼太太贪婪地剥削着那些可怜的小生命,却从来不为自己的行为感到可耻,也许我们也不能太多地责怪于曼太太,生活的残酷造就了人们的残酷。只是在一些勇敢的人心中残存的那一点善良给予了我们那么一点感叹,但是最后的命运仍逃脱不了悲惨的死去。奥立佛和南茜是这部作品中两个最具有代表性的人物,这是不可否认的。狄更斯在刻画这两个人物时也用了绝妙的手法。然而,在这里我想谈的是另一个形象人物蒙克斯。蒙克斯是奥立佛同父异母的兄弟,但此人却残忍无比,为得到弟弟的财产而不惜毁掉自己的弟弟。我觉得狄更斯在描写蒙克斯的行为时用了巧妙的安排。而蒙克斯这一角色正反映了当时社会上一些贵族子弟的放浪的行为。蒙克斯是聪明人,他知道怎样才能安心地获得弟弟的财产。狄更斯在刻画蒙克斯这一人物形象上可谓是步步为营。首先,蒙克斯是在找班布尔先生时才出现的,作者在前文中并未提到他,以致于我在读到班布尔先生与陌生客人见面这一情节时,直觉就告诉我这一作品的情节将达到另一高潮。神秘人现身,定是有好戏,但我没有想到这个所谓的神秘人竟会是奥立佛的哥哥,而且没想到在后文中他竟扮演了如此重要的角色。狄更斯赋予了蒙克斯“聪明”的头脑,设置了一个无衣无缝的计划,而蒙克斯在施行这一计划时也不吝于跟盗贼首领犹太老头合作,可谓是为达目的不择手段。最后他们的计划还是败露,蒙克斯也是惨败收场。我想,狄更斯把奥立佛的哥哥写成一个贪婪、残暴、无耻的人,一方面能使作品的剧情达到高潮,另一方面也充分展示了现实社火中为达目的而不顾亲情的悲惨现象。作者用这种犀利的笔锋讽刺当时的社火,同时又希望能唤醒那些可悲的人们,唤醒他们的良心与觉悟,唤醒所有人民的觉悟。






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With the broadcast of smog,this long-standing environmental problems,become the hot discussion once again.According to some reports,the frequent appearances of smog obscure the clarity of the sky recently.Some people drove slowly on the road because they could not see clearly. They also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

Smog is the general expression of various higher-than-permitted suspended particulate matter (such as PM2.5) in the atmosphere,which express the state of air pollution .It contains fog and haze,both of them are disastrous weather. Fog consists of a large number of tiny water or ice crystals.It’s actually a harmless natural phenomena that makes visibility worse .Haze is air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. The components that make up haze may have negative effect on peoples health, especially for children and the old.

So it’s necessary to find out the reason why leads to smog and work out the resolution.If we trace the cause for smog weather ,the main points are natural causes that include windblown dust and manmade causes which include three aspects.Firstly,china s air quality standards are rather lax and evaluation factors are limited.Secondly,some enterprises just go for economic interests instead of observing relevant law and regulations.Obsolete equipment、industrial fuel burning and manufacturing operations are high likely to emit much wasted air.Thirdly,across our society ,relevant protection awareness has not built up.Just for the sake of convience to go out,people rely more and more on travelling and working by car while car is the main cause for smog.

To settle this problem,a series of meaures should be taken as follows.Primarily,we should establish a sound control system of smog. Not only can environmental protection departments strengthen air monitor,but government should enact more strict laws and regulations.Moreover,Reduce pollution sources is the fundamental solution to cut air pollutants. For example,we can reduce the amount of fuel vehicles or close down high polluting enterprises.Developing green and energy-saving energy can lower the emission of smog.Last but not least, People should do personal protection.They need to reduce the time for outdoor sports and pay attention to rest in smog days.Everyone all over the country should take measures to reduce the smog weather. We can use more public transport such as the bus and the underground so that the number of cars will be limited.Also,people should plant more trees. As far as I’m concerned ,if we work together to do such measures ,smog weather will vanish completely and we will get clear and blue sky.



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If a woman has even a tiny sense of dignity, she must shoulder any number of sacrifices rather than have her love varnished with venal character by asking for money from her lover. Extravagances, luxury as well as all other empery pleasures are valuelein front of love. As long as you love me, I ask for nothing else.

-------Marguerite(La Dame Aux Camellias)

Whenever I lingered over the magnificant story, I cannot help deeply touched by the bitterly sweet love, which struck the world as gentle as an April shower, as pure as a blowing snow, as heady as an old wine. It condensed a paradise into a kept woman’s heart, which caught and held us transfixed against prejudice in mind and greed in nature, , and provided a journey that brought home to us a comprehensive understanding of love.

Marguerite, as a kept woman,did not undergo the usual penalty of confronting wrinkles appeared under her eyes, the first death of a courtesans, but was endowed enough fortune to enjoy an unselfish and gorgeous love during her ephemeral life, witch came as a wonderful oasis to lead supply a new prospect in a disparate desert, appeared as a miracle medication to heal her wound in the sinful life, figured as a brisk spring to refresh and revitalize her lonely heart, and emerged as a great beacon of courage to kill all her bad habits in the past and make a firm determination to seek for a peaceful but fantastic life with her loved one.

Lingering between the words, we could completely feel how kind and dignified she was. She refused Armond although she knew he was really loved her with his soul. because of her gloomy despair of life, she did not turn up in his life as a figure who was sad, ill, gay with a giant sadder than grief, besides witch, who spit blood and spent a hundred thousand francs in a year. Touching this words, how can we avoid our zealous sympathy for her? She bickered with the marquis and drove him away from her family, because she hated and refused to be treated as merchandise. Touching her deeds, how could we deny our high respect for her? At last, she renounced all her hope and life just because another woman’s name. What she e although you may get hurt, but it is the only way you can live absolutely. But what she experienced, what she faced and what she did made her a real sublime angle and an eternal ideal woman in people’ heart.

However, no matter what devout wish, no matter what gorgeous love, or no matter what strong struggle, the society was so stone stubborn that it would never show any mercy for a kept woman. Just as Armond said, when God allow a kept woman to accept a real love, it is indeed a grant comfort, but also remorselepunishment, for the man holds the cruel authority to say to his lover, “ Your love is just a kind of commodity”, though the woman had devoted all her heart and spirits to her loves. It cannot denied that it was Marguerite’s joyous fortune to have Armond in her poor destiny, but at the same time, it is also have to be admitted that what a hopeletorture she tolerated and what a disappointed suffering she endured at the last part of her life. It was really too much to her. We even cannot tell what kind our feeling soared inside our bosom, but just happy with her, sad with her, waiting with her, wishing with her, and disappointed with her……

shall we criticize Armond for his foolish and brute deed to Marguerite as he got the same hurt by his horrible vengeance? Shall we condemn Armond, father for his selfish monologue which destroys the kind woman’s dream? Shall we judge the motionlemerchant and policemen’s actions before the dying woman?



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This is a wonderful, beautiful epic of a novel. Set in Afghanistan and the United States between the 1970s to the present day, it is a heartbreaking tale of a young boy, Amir, and his best friend who are torn apart. This is a classic word-of-mouth novel and is sure to become as universally loved as The God of Small Things and The Glass Palace.

Twelve year old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father Baba, one of the richest and most respected merchants in Kabul. He has failed to do so through academia or brawn, but the one area where they connect is the annual kite fighting tournament. Amir is determined not just to win the competition but to run the last kite and bring it home triumphantly, to prove to his father that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan is the best kite runner that Amir has ever seen, and he promises to help him - for Hassan always helps Amir out of trouble. But Hassan is a Shia Muslim and this is 1970s Afghanistan. Hassan is taunted and jeered at by Amirs school friends; he is merely a servant living in a shack at the back of Amirs house. So why does Amir feel such envy towards his friend? Then, what happens to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament is to shatter all their lives, and define their futures.

The Kite Runner of Khaled Hosseinis deeply moving fiction debut is an illiterate Afghan boy with an uncanny instinct for predicting exactly where a downed kite will land. Growing up in the city of Kabul in the early 1970s, Hassan was narrator Amirs closest friend even though the loyal 11-year-old with "a face like a Chinese doll" was the son of Amirs fathers servant and a member of Afghanistans despised Hazara minority. But in 1975, on the day of Kabuls annual kite-fighting tournament, something unspeakable happened between the two boys.

Narrated by Amir, a 40-year-old novelist living in California, The Kite Runner tells the gripping story of a boyhood friendship destroyed by jealousy, fear, and the kind of ruthless evil that transcends mere politics. Running parallel to this personal narrative of loss and redemption is the story of modern Afghanistan and of Amirs equally guilt-ridden relationship with the war-torn city of his birth. The first Afghan novel to be written in English, The Kite Runner begins in the final days of King Zahir Shahs 40-year reign and traces the countrys fall from a secluded oasis to a tank-strewn battlefield controlled by the Russians and then the trigger-happy Taliban. When Amir returns to Kabul to rescue Hassans orphaned child, the personal and the political get tangled together in a plot that is as suspenseful as it is taut with feeling.

The son of an Afghan diplomat whose family received political asylum in the United States in 1980, Hosseini combines the unflinching realism of a war correspondent with the satisfying emotional pull of master storytellers such as Rohinton Mistry. Like the kite that is its central image, the story line of this mesmerizing first novel occasionally dips and seems almost to dive to the ground. But Hosseini ultimately keeps everything airborne until his heartrending conclusion in an American picnic park.



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Recently,I read Helen Kellers autobiography "If I give a bright day," I am emotionally.

"If I give a bright day," a book in between the lines,all filled with Helen.Qin Kais passion for life,shes warm attitude towards the people of the world should value the present exhortation to all.She has three days to the bright hope to experience this world,so that all who are familiar with her,Helen.Qin Kai would like to see is too many things too much,but this is just a beautiful beautiful dream.

"Suffering is a stepping stone for the genius……" is the suffering created by Helen.Qin Kai strong character.She as a blind deaf people with disabilities has a more than ordinary peoples psychological health.She can feel with their own,can imagine the scene,expressing their desire for knowledge and sincere love for humanity.She warned his personal feelings of others,the psychological health of human beings is the most basic conditions for success,a healthy physical and psychological health of the people did not,is not a cause of achievement.Mental health of the people,although physical disability is not complaining about fate,and the desire not to accept other peoples mercy,they will with a strong self-determination at the other side of the ideal.

A philosopher once said:"courageous resides in the soul,rather than a strong body." This is the true portrayal of Helen.Helen with a strong heart,eventually rising in the face of adversity,is physically disabled-no residue.The sound of my medical students,it has good conditions for learning,but not for lack of perseverance and resilience.Therefore,the article gave me the biggest inspiration is:

First,to complete every thing.A celebrity once said:"What is not easy?the daily is not easy to do things every day,do persist.What is not simple is not simple to have done everything the best."

Second,there must be optimistic and uplifting good mentality.Helen and the huge blow to the face of difficulties,not Yuantianyouren,but with an optimistic attitude to face up to get their confidence.Below is a story,illustrates this point.Two results of a scholar,Beijing Gankao,Ganlu the middle of the night,the team event of mourning,and the coffin Cajianerguo,the former very worried,that this is not a good sign.The latter would like to:coffin coffin,another official earnings.Therefore the latter examinations of the champion.While the former is Bangshangwuming,this story can be more optimistic that the upward good mentality,is an important factor in the success.

I have this good book to do my mentor,I believe I will live beyond the day more colorful.



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班布尔夫妇身上散发着腐败的恶臭,他们根本不把奥立弗这样的孩子当人看待,对于可怜的救济费用,层层克扣,致使这些孩子营养不良,心灵受到极大的创伤,不少孩子成了腐败的牺牲品,如本书中的小狄克,一个死在救济院中的善良孤儿。这种腐败构成了社会一大祸害,加剧了社会的不公。使孤儿们的权利得不到有力的保证。对社会罪恶的形成,他们难逃其咎。也从一个侧面反映当时英国社会的道德沦丧,已经到了严重的地步,对于上层社会的这种丑行,唯一办法是对上层社会的权力进行制约和监督,防止他们滥用权力。 小说也对生活在社会底层,即使是那些以偷盗为生、寄居巢穴的人们也并不一味指责,而是指出了他们所产生的社会应负的责任。在他们身上仍然有可能产生人性的光辉,如南茜多次对奥立弗施以援手,对这个小弟弟暗加保护,并且以自己的死召唤出来惊天动地的社会正义力量。即使是作为首恶的教唆犯费根和杀人犯赛克斯这种罪孽之身,他们心灵麻木、堕落、冷酷,他们人性中那一点对光明的追求却在最严酷的现实中表现出来。费根在死囚室中待死与奥立弗见最后一面时,作者似乎用了象征的笔触,让一个纯真的少年如天使一般“导引”了那个罪孽深重然而又可悲可怜的的老朽罪犯。赛克斯杀了南茜出逃途中遇到一场冲天烈火,他在无所不在的恐惧和惶惑的折磨下忙着去扑火,要“逃避记忆,逃避自己”,作者对这两个人的安排耐人寻味。







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Recently read on behalf of the famous French writer Alexandre Dumass work: "La Traviata", read two times, will you not. I was touched by the book of love stories, read the sad place, it tears.


The modern people want to get true love, want to get specific moments in the discussion of love, but also what is love? If there is true love? "La Traviata" gives us a correct answer: between men and women in love, is a kind of dedication, is a given, is a kind of loyalty, sacrifice, selfless, not to take, but not to cheat; have a genuine and sincere desire for the sake of each other, each other to do any sacrifice everything, can to make each other happy as his greatest pleasure and satisfaction.


I think everyone to read novels, and happy, in grief at separation and joy in Union for the hero and heroine and worry, and tears at the same time, to review their own in the emotional aspects of the gain and loss, to cherish their love, treat affection and friendship.



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The Gift of the Magi is a short story wrote by O.Henry.This story tells that in the day before Christmas,a poor young couple exchanged gifts by sold the most precious thing of each,but resulted ordetracted, the two precious gifts all became useless things.While they got the most precious thing than any material objects——love.

After read this story,I learned how to respect others love and how to love others.In this story,they all lost the most valuable things——Jims golden watch and Dellas beautiful hair. Behind this, I saw they loved each other infinitely.They loved their family, they let me feel that cold Christmas Eve has become the warm heaven just because of their gifts. If Della only took one dollar and eighty-seven cents to pick gift,this story will probably lacking of shocking, and also cannot cause readers thinking.

In this materialistic society, people often use money to measure gifts.When bags of gifts which are packaging delicately in front of us,what can we see except empty and blank? Parents feel happy because of our simple greeting cards in their birthday,because of a few words of blessing.These gifts,simple but true.It cant be compared with those which built with a lot of money, outlined by luxuriance. What clever gifts! In some sense, they are invaluable.

Yes,in this materialistic society,some people think money is everything,the one who owns money,who owns all.No wonder a great amount of girls became mammonists,and want to marry richers;no wonder more and more men think that there is no true love,what girls love is their money. But I always believe sincere love is existed and its priceless. Even if you have millions of money, you cant change it into true love. Maybe money can let you get some feelings from girls, but those are hypocritical. When you no longer possess vast wealth, the hypocritical feelings will ended and left you extremely painful finally.Jim and Della were a happy couple, although they were poor, living in short of money.In their hearts, money is not important, the important thing is the affection from each other.As long as they have it, they felt happier than any millionaire.

Maybe some people will pour scorn on it and cannot understand what their done. If there is a good fortune and a sincere feeling in front of you at the same time, which one will you choose? I wouldnt hesitate to choose the later, because sincere feeling is priceless! I believe that true pay will have sincere return finally, and the one who have true love can have his or her happiness.

Nowadays,more and more people have been pressed to lose their breath by the reality.They forgot the persons they love,and the persons who love them.We need to care about others,no matter how much money we have.What our loved one need is how our concern about him or her. In some important days,dont forget to bring him or her some gifts.No matter what is it,how valuable is it,he or she would like it anyway.

Because it is the gift of the Magi.



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One of the greatest love stories of all time, Pride & Prejudice, comes to the screen in a glorious new adaptation starring Keira Knightley. When Elizabeth Bennett (Knightley) meets the handsome Mr. Darcy (Matthew MacFadyen), she believes he is the last man on earth she could ever marry. But as their lives become intertwined in an unexpected adventure, she finds herself captivated by the very person she swore to loathe for all eternity. Based on the beloved masterpiece by Jane Austen, it is the classic tale of love and misunderstanding that sparkles with romance, wit and emotional force. Critics are calling it "Exhilarating. A joy from start to finish"
