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图表类型:table; chart; diagram; graph; column chart; pie graph

描述:show; describe; illustrate; can be seen from; clear; apparent; reveal; represent

内容:figure; statistic; number; percentage; proportion


一般:have 10%; at 10%;over 10%

最高(低)点:peaked; reached a peak/high(point);bottomed out; reached the bottom

变化:recover 略有回升; increase; jump; rise/rose; climb;decrease; fall/fell; drop; decline; reduce fluctuate

浮动,摇摆不定:remained steady/stable; stay the same; little/hardly any /no change

变化程度:sudden/suddenly 突然的,意外的

rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的

dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的

significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的

sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的

steep/steeply 急剧升降的

steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的

gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的

slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的


stable/stably 稳定的

表示范围:from…to… between…and… for …to …多长时间直到

表示程度:almost adv. 几乎,差不多

nearly adv. 几乎,密切地

approximately adv. 近似的,大约

about adv. 附近, 大约,转向,左右,周围

just over 刚超过

over adv. 结束,越过,从头到尾

exactly adv. 正确地,严密地

precisely adv. 正好 精确地;清晰地

比例:20 percent 20%

one in three 1/3

one out of every four 1/4


significant changes 图中一些较大变化

noticeable trend 明显趋势

during the same period 在同一时期

grow/grew 增长

distribute 分布,区别

unequally 不相等地

pronounced 明显的

average 平均

no doubt 无疑地

corresponding adj. 相应的,通讯的

represent vt. 阐述,表现

overall 总体上讲

except 除外

in the case of adv. 在…的情况下

in contrast 相反,大不相同

in conclusion adv. 最后,总之

in comparison 相比之下

inversely adv. 相反地,倒转地

in general 通常,大体上,一般而言

rang from excessive adj. 过多的,过分的,额外

lower v.降低,跌落

elapse vi.(时间)过去,消逝

category n.种类

government policy 政府政策

market forces 市场规率

measure n. 尺寸,方法,措施 v.估量,调节

forecast n. 先见,预见 v. 预测


上升:increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up

下降: decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down

平稳:stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to

波动:fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down

占:occupy take up account for gain

而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact

相比:by contract on the contrary likewise compared with

最高点:the highest the top the summit the peak the most

最低点:bottom less least rock bottom

平均:mean average

趋势:tendency trend inclination


达到顶峰: mount to

在***中占***:***gain the percentage of***

有一个稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen




1. 要认真解读图标,切勿疏漏重要数据信息和细节提示,不必每个数据都涉及,但重要数据必须提到。

2. 对图表中的内容分析、数据说明一定要简明扼要,尽量使用简单句,因为复杂的句式往往起不到清


3. 结论性的表达要从图表信息分析或数据归纳而来,这样才能使得语言有说服力,切忌主观判断,



1. Here are the results of my survey.

2. According to the graph, we can find…

3. The chart reflects several trends.

4. We can find many important changes in…

5. From the diagram, we know that...



1. 对于上升趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to increase

to go up

to rise

to grow

to jump

to leap

to soar

to shoot

to pick up

b. 可以使用的名词:

an increase

a growth

a jump

a soar

an upward trend

2. 对于上升到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the peak of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the peak of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

e. to peak at + 具体数据

f. to climb to + 具体数据

3. 对于上升的程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。


1. 对于下降趋势的描述:

a. 可以使用的动词或动词词组:

to fall

to decrease

to go down

to slide

to collapse

to decline

to drop

b. 可以使用的名词:

a collapse

a decrease

a fall

a decline

a drop

2. 对于下降到某个位置的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+to+具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+to+the bottom of+具体数据。

c. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching the bottom of +具体数据。

d. 1. a. 中的动词+reaching + 具体数据。

3. 对于下降程度的描述:

a. 1. a. 中的动词+by + 具体数据。

b. 1. a. 中的动词+副词。(见



to hardly change

to have little change

to keep steady

to level off

to remain constant

to stay the same


1. 程度较大:











2. 程度较小:











at the start of ……

by the end of ……

over ……

at the end of ……

throughout ……

时间"s + 具体数据


1. 先上升后下降的句型:

…… increased slowly during…… and …… but fell sharply in ……。

A steady fall in …… during …… and …… followed the sharp increase in ……。

2. 先下降后上升的句型:

…… fell before …… began to make a recovery ……

…… continue the recovery, climbing to ……

…… dropped during …… but increased again in ……

…… fell and then pick up during ……

…… collapsed before rising to ……at the end of ……

3. 起伏波动的句型:

…… fluctuated sharply all through ……

4. 波动不大的句型:

…… hardly changed through the period between ……and ……





…… % the …… is/has/have/are ……

…… accounts for ……% of the total

…… takes up ……% in the whole chart


1. 表示相似的句型 (实例) :

Both share prices rose sharply in January.

Neither company has made a profit yet.

Like X, Y fell in June.

X rose just as sharply as Y.

2. 表示差异的句型(实例):

X fell sharply whereas/while Y remained steady.

X fell quickly compared to Y.

Unlike Y, X rose by 10%.

X rose far more dramatically than Y.

3. 表示倍数的句型:

the …… doubled/tripled in …… compared with those in ……

4. 客观比较的句型:

…… is …… in contrast to ……


1. 表示不足的词或词组:

up to





2. 表示超过的词或词组:


more than

just over

3. 表示大约的词:






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I am Mike, a Chinese boy. I have a plan about next weekend. First I am

going to read magazine on Saturday morning. It’s my favorite. And then I will go

to the zoo with my parents because they have promised me. On Sunday, I will go

to the book store and buy an English book. After that, I have to do some


It’s my weekend plan. And I think it will be wonderful days.



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Time flies fast, the life of the middle school is over. Feeling, really found a lot of wasting my time, perhaps the very high pressure, excessive began to indulge their lazy timid, in any case also of no use to regret it, but to grasp now, cherish now, at the same time, the next three years to make a plan to plan for their own future.

The first thing to do is to make clear your goal. My goal is to be a university in three years. So my task is to study hard in the past three years, find out the university subjects I have reported, and study hard in the time that I can control myself.

First, good living and learning habits are the premise of learning

1. insist on getting up at seven points per day.

2. when you get up every day, you can have some time to memorize English words.

3. have the habit of exercising, and play a ball to ensure the number of times a week.

Two. To study in school and to find ones opponent

Only competition between students can advance together and develop together. Only competition, can stimulate the potential of their own, so that their ability to get a broader development. We need enemies to make myself feel a sense of crisis, let oneself no longer thought he admitted to the University and forget their duty immensely proud, still a student.

Three, use cold summer and weekend weekend to work

For our students, our vision is too narrow, as I dont know the outside world wide, but also very pleased with oneself. Students work to make us a supplement to our life, after all, after we have learned it, we are going to go into the society and make our own theoretical knowledge.

To apply to society, work does not mean to go to work ahead of time, but to broaden our horizons. Learn from the experience of those who have already come to work.

Facing the huge hole of the college entrance examination, we must work hard to get across. Now we have three years to achieve our goals silently and in a planned way. It is no use to say anything now, so let us use practical action to prove our determination.



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从小到大,经历了无数个老师的教诲,常常会回想起他们,想起他们的音容笑貌,想起他们的独特,想起他们作为一个老师所独具的影响力,最难忘我初中的英语老师,到今天为止,她也是我见过的最漂亮 最优雅的女人。

在农场黯淡的天色下,婉老师是一道亮丽的风景,她出生于一个大地主家庭,曾经是川大的校花,没有人知道她为什么会流落到农场来教书,她教我们的时候,已是四十岁的中年人了,苍白如纸的 脸上却看不到一丝皱纹,五官极精致,总给人不真实的感觉,有一种拒人于千里之外的高贵,她上课的时候,教室里出奇的安静,最调皮的男生就算逃课也不会在她课堂上喧哗的,除了讲课她不会有一 句多余的话,总是上课来,下了课就走,也不跟任何人寒喧,独自来独自去,眼神却是空茫的,农场庸常和琐碎的生活里,婉老师象不真实的影子留在我的记忆里。

我离开农场以后,婉老师也随着高升的丈夫到了省城,超常和孤傲的美丽注定了她会有一段轰轰烈烈不同凡响的经历,她竟然放着好好的官太太不做,跟一个小她十多岁的男人私奔了,最让人不能 接受的是,那男人除了一张漂亮的脸蛋和满嘴的油腔滑调以外一无是处,而且整整比她矮了一个头,所有人都说婉老师鬼迷心窍了,我想她是太想证明自己太想给自己找到一个舞台,女儿以死相逼也没 能让她回心转意,结果应了那句老话:”自古红颜多薄命“,没过多久,小男人因诈骗被判入狱,婉老师却没了退路,儿女拒绝认她,老公对她恨之入骨,那一刻,她要面对的不只是伤痛和悔恨,而是 整个世界的垮塌和陷落,于是,她消失了,从那以后,农场的人再也没有看见过她。




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导语:在即将到来的暑假里,你准备做什么呢?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢! ​

In the coming summer holiday, I am going to do a lot of interesting things.

First, I will finish my holiday homework. Second, I am going to have a good rest. I am going to play computer games or listen to music when I am free, because I like them very much. But I am not good at them now. Then, I will join a basketball club to play basketball. Even if I was a girl, I like basketball very much. It can not only make me become sunny, cheerful, but also can make me healthy. Finally, I am going to visit some of my friends. We are going to play together. Maybe we will go sightseeing.

I think I will have a great summer holiday.







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most people have their own plans for the weekend, especially our students。 for example, when wanla when homework! when cram schools, etc。, are included in the schedule。 occasionally, of course, the plan will be broken, people do not often any brains scheme can not change fast。

of course, i am no exception。 every friday night, i caught the mother came home, his shoes, voids, and quickly put the package lists a weekend plan to, in order to play for a computer。 often, i would think, if the learning so they must attack, so efforts to seize the moment, there is no need to worry good results? after the game had finished addiction, the mother began urging me homework, though only the span of a few minutes, my mother can not be let go。 ten p。m。 to half past ten, is back english time after time to turn off the lights to sleep。

saturday morning, i usually wake up around 9:30。 because of lack of normal sleep time, the mother never asked me to get up early on saturday。 about ten oclock breakfast time, it was the most enjoyable time of my week, you can slowly savor every delicious cuisine, really comfortable ah。 after dinner, saturday morning running, i had to pay close attention to re-seize。 after a while fired off letters math was only able to complete。

lunch are often ready and dad, this does not explain what that delicious dish burning who the father? !

afternoon, i usually scheduled after the completion of all jobs in the teacher assigned, practice your calligraphy, and then back a few english words, there is time then to draw their favorite cartoon or see little interesting extracurricular books。 if that saturday is indeed ample time, our family will go to the cinema to see a wonderful movie easily easily。

we arrived on sunday, i planned did not complete the good of all the subjects re-checking and correction, prepare for the next day to go to school。 this week, sick mother lying next to me, im at the table and reminiscing while thinking about writing this article。

my weekend is so nervous, so fulfilling, so too wonderful。



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How time flies, it is a year, this morning, the winter holiday will begin school. I like past holidays, there will always be on the first day of the holiday started, make a plan for the feasible, purpose is in order to be able to make myself in the holiday, have a more happy and substantial, and can learn more knowledge outside, and after a joy.

I want to develop my interests and hobbies, I want to practice calligraphy, together with dad grow up can also write good word. See the TV news report, understand the society. I more exercise and keep healthy.

I want to insist on keeping a diary, composition. Before, I write diary "dry", mainly is the lack of observation; Later, Im going to look at 30 minutes a day of extra-curricular, put some thoughts and recorded during winter vacation, and some meaningful person or thing written in the article. See some excellent composition, learn other peoples writing strengths. To find on the Internet to write good articles, learn from somebody elses learning. In addition, I have a brochure, called "diary of a small material", at ordinary times is trivial to observe, record some wonderful things, writing an article that is a good material! When the time comes to write something, then dont worry about "theres nothing to write"!

Visiting relatives and friends, do civilized manners, respect their elders, to the relatives and friends about their own learning, to their peers share their experiences in learning.

This is my winter vacation plan, I not only want to strengthen learning, also want to do more to help parents, do you think I do this winter holiday plan?








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Winter vacation is short holiday in learning life, in order to expand knowledge, improve accomplishment, I can fit about good friends go to the bookstore reading a book. And I think watching TV is a good opportunity to learn. I want to know the recent state affairs, see news. Across China, take a look at our country around the ethical amorous feelings; See the world, look around the world, learning artistic talent...

I also hope and students can safety for winter vacation, according to the safety check list one by one check, be careful when you set off firecrackers and fireworks. And, of course, also should share the housework for the family in the home, help my mother clean the floor, wipe the table, wash the dishes, cleaning... Easily for winter vacation, I will go to visit the museum of cultural relics, with my family go to the amusement park to play, to explore science and technology museum in the future, to the planetarium in the exploration of the universe... Study together with extracurricular knowledge of literature.

The world expo is coming, every one of us should learn knowledge, do contribution for the world expo. I will get some students into the society, common habit, do a civilized, moral good students. Civilization is as a little host should have the quality of the Shanghai expo, whether in any place, I will also remind others, do yourself. In the winter holiday, I will be better to meet the expo, with good manners in the face of domestic and foreign tourists, let they saw from Shanghai side.

I hope you can like me, also do a winter vacation plan, make the winter vacation life rich and colorful, make this year a bullish, have a good and pleasant winter holiday life.







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There are celebrities in the world since the ancient times have introduced the benefits of reading, some scholars also once said, reading a good book is like a conversation with noble people.

Reading, can make you gain understanding, and every day to read an article is your knowledge increase many. Reading not only makes you augmented stories, still can increase the extracurricular knowledge. In the textbook knowledge is not enough, want to rely on yourself to read reference books, so read enough to digg.

Reading can help you more, when wonder at you, you can read a book, take a look at the article, can help you TaoYang temperament...

In addition, you can also choose different books to read, for example: adventure of detective novels, deep-rooted love novels, history books about the history... Can read science fiction and fantasy is leading role, to recall within the scene, books have aftertaste. Read some books about travel, like to visit all over the world...

Reading can not only grace to static, digg,, and the way is to increase knowledge, so everyone should take time to read every day.








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在我的身边,有许许多多令我感动的人,其中最让我感动的莫不过是我的英语老师Miss Liang。

Miss Liang 是我的英语老师,为什么说她感动人呢,是因为她对我们的教学工作进行得无微不至。每天早上一来到学校,她都微笑着对我打招呼。有的同学请假缺课了,她总是待他回来后帮他认真地补 上落下的课。还有的同学做了些错事,她都会叫他到跟前,耐心地批评指正。在同学的面前,她显得格外亲切,好似她是我们母亲一样,我们都非常喜欢她,喜欢她讲课时流利的语言,喜欢她和同学们 交流时亲切的眼神,更喜欢她对教学无微不至的优良品质。

记得一节英语课上,和往常一样,Miss Liang 提着录音机走进教室,所不同的是,她好像有点疲惫的样子,而且没有立即叫大家上课,而是在黑板上写道:非常抱歉!顿时,全班立即”热闹“起来了, 所有同学都窃窃私语,不知道发生了什么事:Miss Liang 究竟怎么了?为什么写下这些字?是不是生病了?老师没管我们,咳了几声,在黑板上写下了一些这节课要学的英语单词,然后又咳了几声,吃 力地说:”上课!“我听见她沙哑的嗓音,才知道,原来Miss Liang 嗓子哑了!同学们都大为吃惊,Miss Liang平时嗓音动听,今天怎么突然哑了,应该是天天上课累的吧。

老师叫了一个帮手,让他读她书上写的句子,自己也在旁边指导着,每次说话都很辛苦,有时非常沙哑,有时甚至发不出声音,要咳几下才能继续。我听见Miss Liang 那沙哑的声音,恨不得举起手来, 大声说道:”Miss Liang,我来帮您讲!“

直到下课,Miss Liang那沙哑的嗓音才慢慢离开了我们耳际……

从这件事中,我体会到了Miss Liang 教学的一丝不苟,舍己为人,如果没有这些品德,她可能会在课上随便乱讲应付了事,也可能一点小咳嗽就不上课。可Miss Liang 不是这样,她为了教学呕心沥 血的精神彻底感动了我们!



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The summer vacation, in order to spend a happy and meaningful summer vacation, I worked out the following plan:


One, mainly studies the arrangement


Carefully planned to complete the "homework", every day to write six pages a month to finish; write 20 papers, among them, remember, remember, the scenery description 10, book 10, for in the online publication of 5 ~ 8. Practice brush calligraphy, exercises three lessons per week.


Careful review of grade three or four to learn English words, English preview grade five to grade five, the word back down.


Two, amateur learning arrangements


Plays the piano every day for 1.5 hours, the seven level of Guzheng "fighting the typhoon" and "Qin sangqu" play skillfully, ready for grading, grading, seriously in the summer training classes for learning guzheng, a song.


Hulusi music review the past, "to celebrate the torch festival of Yi learning" "blue" and "horse race" Shambhala Hulusi music, learn the Bau 2 ~ 3 song. Go to the teachers home for 3 ~ 5 times, recorded the song in 3 ~ 5.


Three, other


The use of multimedia learning: Cool 6 network education Jia teacher composition, 6 primary and middle school English curriculum. I want to take part in community activities photos and diaries, timely upload updated blog content, for visits to more than 1200 people. Strengthen physical exercise, such as: playing badminton, playing basketball, skateboarding, every 0.5 to 1 hours, to Caution. Help my mother do some housework, such as cleaning the table and wash the dishes......


I will set strict demands on themselves, according to the plan, so that I can spend a colorful summer vacation.



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I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!


One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.


Maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.




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The New Terms Plan

The new term is coming.I am excited..I will be in eight grade next term.

I will be more hard-studying in next term.And I will pay more attention to study math and physics.In order to be more and more healthy and strong.I will do more exercise next term.In the new term,I will know more focus of the world because I will read more newspaper.

I hope the new term will come sooner.



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Today, when I look back on the last six years, I feelTimeis flying.

Suddenly I grow up and I will finish my primary school soon. I need to cherish

the time and do the meaningful things. I should study hard, so that I can have a

bright future. I don’t want to waste my time, or I will be regretful when I look

back at my childhood.



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Last week, when I passed a clothes shop, I was attracted by the beautiful

dress, so I asked my mother to give me money to buy one. But she refused me and

said that I could collect some money by helping her to do little work. I agreed.

So I started to clean the house and the dishes. Sometimes washed my father’s

car. Finally I got enough money.



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Dear Wei Fang,

I hear that you have won first prize in the English Speech Contest of Middle School Students, so I’m writing to give my sincere congratulations.

You don’t know how excited I was when I heard the good news. As your best friend, I am proud of you! Your pronunciation and fluent English left me with deep impression. It came as no surprise to me that you won the contest. Could you share with me how you improve your spoken English? Your experience will be of great help to me in learning.

I will be grateful if you can write me back and give me your advice. I am looking forward to your early reply.


Li Hua



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Today following with economy , Science and technology‘s devolop , we human are destorying the environment.

But we must know we have only a world ,if its broken we havent any places to live. So we cant leave it along,we should do something to stop it.

To make it ,we should do anything from ourselves ,such as not waste water or electic power etc.

Besides it we should persuade people joining us as more as posible.

If every one can do this our world will be more beatiful and tomorrow is another day.









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i’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. on the fifth day, i’m going to do my homework. of course, i’m also going to do some housework. lunar new year’s day, i’m going to take a trip with my parents. i think it must be very happy. i can hardly wait!

in the first six days of february, i’m going to visit my relatives. it’s going to be fun! after a few days, i’m going to finish my homework, because i am going back to my school on february 16th.






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A long winter vacation has in the past, is a beautiful spring. Against the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we are back on the beautiful campus, began the journey of a new semester.

Journey in the past, whether you have that laughter, owns a sunshine, it has become the eternal memory, coupled with a lock will it closed up! Before us everything is new, you see it? New life is being speared out. Because of the cruelty of reality, we will incarnate as a knight, erase the chest trauma, take our weapons and ready to go, the aim of the new semester: are you sure?

Maybe your goal is admitted to their ideal junior high school, maybe your goal is to catch up a classmate, the target can be different, but absolutely can not live without, more important is to have a goal, we must to action, go all out, that there is no need to take paper shua shua large wiped a few times, but in your mind must have a goal, a full set of plan, no goal is not the end, an end point, its own all dont know where is the person, will be how to finish the journey, of course it is not plain sailing all the way,

So first of all, have a class, Im listening, dont do little affectations, chatting with classmates, to strive for the teacher in the classroom, all knowledge digestion; For problems to fools, humbly ask teachers and classmates.

Next, want to complete all homework assigned by the teacher carefully, do meticulous. The assignments classroom is complete; Assignments and homework on time independently.

Third, must complete the language lesson in advance before class. For your words, idioms, will need to recognize it in the dictionary, to understand the meaning; Learn to give the text segment, with the shortest language to write each section of each paragraph, then summarize the central idea of the text; After class, for each lesson, you first try to do; For the text and the class topic dont understand and wont do, to put it in a book strike down or down, took the issue to listening in class the next day, still can ask the teacher in class.

Fourth, to take advantage of Sundays and holidays, and continue to take part in the Olympic math, English, read more books, constantly enrich their own knowledge. To find time, more work.

To sum up, in the new semester I will work harder, strive for is to get good grades in every subject, when a all aspects are very good students.








