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Watching the les miserables, jean valjean tall image always emerge in front of my eyes. He is ready to help others, honest is good, good character, although due to the forced by life, had made some mistake, but this does not affect his personality, because he spent a lifetime in continuously improve their difficulties and adversity.

Jean valjean was out of work, because life poverty, he stole a loaf of bread, was caught in prison, the evil old society! After prison, he was leader of bent on revenge influence restored confidence in life and aspire to from good, he came to monte, renamed Madeleine, set up factories, became a millionaire, has helped many people, as the mayor. Integrity, however, he didnt want to let others take the rap for him and was put into prison...

What kind of jean valjean, he good for bad, ready to help others, raising a baby, you planned to. In order to make cosette happiness, have the courage to admits his true identity, this need how much courage, how much love! Although repeatedly by the peoples misunderstanding and discrimination, but jean valjean always abide by the promise of the bishop, silently to do an honest, kind person.

I moved for jean valjean, if we can face up to its own like jean valjean error, can try their best to correct, look at the world with a heart of universal love, our world will become more beautiful. Im sad for jean valjean, for his newspaper, if jean valjean had life in socialist China, so his experience might not be so rough.








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There was a strange stillness. The birds, for examplewhere had they gone? The feeding stations in the backyards were deserted. The few birds seen anywhere were moribund; they trembled violently and could not fly. It was spring without voices. On the farms the hens brooded, but no chicks hatched. The roadsides, once so attractive, were now lined with browned and withered vegetation as though swept by fire. These, too, were silent, deserted by all living things. Even the streams were now lifeless.

This is a strange scene described by Rachel Carson, who is regarded as the mother of modern environmental protection movement。 Silent Spring is her representative work which lighted the fire of environmental protection in America and the whole world. Before 1960s, no books or magazines talked about things like environment and ecosystem. Such a phenomenon means that environmental protection had not come to people’s mind and the social consciousness. Indeed, the main opinion in human society from the very past about nature is to set war against or conquer it. In fact, many of human’s progresses are made on the base of such opinion. Rachel Carson was the first person who doubted the correctness of the belief and brought the topic under focus.

In Silent Spring, Carson described a miserable village which was dying under the using of DDT. The village used to be prosperous and beautiful. In spring, white clouds of bloom drifted above the green fields. In autumn, oak and maple and birch set up a blaze of color that flamed and flickered across a backdrop of pines. Then foxed barked in the hills and deer silently crossed the fields, half hidden in the mists of the fall mornings. She thought that with the using of variety kinds of pesticide, especially DDTs, the village suffered enormous and irreversible damage and gradually withered and died. Soon it became just like the one described in the beginning. From her fine and smooth describing, I can even feel the groan of the town. Moreover Carson also sharply pointed out that the deep-seated cause for the environmental problem is the human’s arrogance and ignorance. So she asked people to correct the attitude toward the nature and reconsidered the developing path of human being.

Carson thought that because of the antibody and differentiation, pesticides would never be completely useful. On the contrary, those more and more poisonous medicines, because of the enrichment effect, would accumulate in humans’ body. It’s quite sarcastic that we hurt ourselves much badly while hurting the others. Then she analyzed many poisonous components in pesticides. Those are all unfamiliar names except DDT, such as chlordane, chloronaphthalene, compound 497, etc.

Those things really make me feel scared. We are on the top of the food chain, and it is such a perfect and fragile system. We human beings are just part of it and we depend on all of the creatures who stay on the lower positions. It is so hard and ridiculous to try to match the nature. Only in the state does man have a rational existence. Every species have their value to be on this world. Then no one knows what would happened if we force them to disappear. For example, let’s imagine the food chain as a meticulously made castle built by billions of little blocks and we human beings are the top one. There might be several tiny blocks on the bottom which you think is useless and dispensable. But what would happen if we take them away? Perhaps nothing happened, and perhaps the whole castle ruined.

Destruction is always much easier than recovery, not counting those incurable ones. Humans always think that we are much cleverer than the other animals, so we become more and more conceited and firmly believe that we are the king. We didn’t see that the nature is so magical and knows how to revenge. The pay back is much more violent and cruel. We need balance and order. The nature has its own rule. Our aim is to use it and live in harmony with it. The ecosystem is so delicate that even a tiny disturbance could lead an unexpected consequence, just like the butterfly effect.

At the last chapter, some scientists came up with other ways to solve the pest problem----biotic control. There is now a bly running tide of interest in chemical sterility. Those sterile insects are released and mate the normal ones so that they won’t have any larva and get extinct gradually. This solution seems to be reasonable and helpful, but thinking about it carefully, you’ll find that it is just another way to ruin the food chain castle. Not only spring, but also summer and autumn would be still and silent in the future.

It is lucky that Rachel still kept her mind clear. She didn’t agree with the way of conquering the nature. At the very end of the book, she wrote, The ‘control of nature’ is a phrase conceived in arrogance, born of the Neanderthal age of biology and philosophy, when it was supposed that nature exists for the convenience of man. This sentence can be regarded as the book’s theme topic which is widely quoted in all kinds of articles about environmental protection.

Carson is a great woman and fighter. When writing the book, she was suffering from huge pain of the operation for mammary cancer. After the book was published, the widely affect brought her not honor and fortune, but fierce attack from the chemical estate. She died only one year after the book’s publishing. On the spring of 1964, the great woman passed away, but Silent Spring made her voice never silent.

The 20st century was a time that technology and economy developed rapidly, especially the 40 years after Silent Spring was published. But every spring, when flowers bloom, trees sprout, and water begins to flow, we used to recall a woman and her enduring works. We opened the window, and wonder if the spring is silent today, if it will be silent tomorrow.



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One of the most interesting questions about gullivers travels is whether the houyhnhnms represent an ideal of rationality or whether on the other hand they are the butt of swifts satire. in other words, in book iv,is swift poking fun at the talking horses or does he intend for us to take them seriously as the proper way to act? If we look closely at the way that the houyhnhnms act,we can see that in fact swift does not take them seriously:he uses them to show the dangers of pride.

First we have to see that swift does not even take gullver seriously. for instance,his name sounds much like gullible,which suggests that he will believe anything. also, when he first sees the yahoos and they throw excrement on him,he responds by doing the same in return until they run away.He says, “I must needs discover some more rational being,” even though as a human he is already the most rational being there is. This is why swift refers to erasmus darwins discovery of the origin of the species and the voyage of the beagle to show how gulliver knows that people are at the top of the food chain.But if lemule gulliver is satirized,so are the houyhnhnms,whose voices sound like the call of castrati.

They walk on two legs instead of four, and seem to be much like people.As gulliver says, “it was with the utmost astonishment that I witnessed these creatures playing the flute and dancing a vienese waltz.To my mind,they seemed like the greatest humans ever seen in court,even more dextrous than the lord edmund burke.”As this quote demonstrates,gulliver is terribly impressed,but his admiration for the houyhnhnms is short lived because they are so prideful.For instance,the leader of the houyhnhnms claims that he has read all the works of charles dickens,and that he can singlehandedly recite the names of all the kings and queens of england up to george ii.Swift subtly shows that this houyhnhnms pride is misplaced when,in the middle of the intellectual competition,he forgets the name of queen elizabeths husband.

Swifts satire of the houyhnhnms comes out in other ways as well.One of the most memorable scenes is when the dapple grey mare attempts to woo the horse that guenivre has brought with him to the island. first she acts flirtatiously,parading around the bewildered horse.But when this does not have the desired effect,she gets another idea: “as I watched in amazement from my perch in the top of a tree,the sorrel nag dashed off and returned with a yahoo on her back who was yet more monstrous than mr.Pope being fitted by a clothier.She dropped this creature before my nag as if offering up a sacrifice.My horse sniffed the creature and turned away.”

It might seem that we should take this scene seriously as a failed attempt at courtship,and that consequently we should see the grey mare as an unrequited lover.But it makes more sense if we see that swift is being satiric here:It is the female houyhnhnm who makes the move,which would not have happened in eighteenth century england. the houyhnhm is being prideful,and it is that pride that makes him unable to impress gullivers horse. gulliver imagines the horse saying,sblood,the notion of creating the bare backed beast with an animal who had held mr.Pope on her back makes me queezy.

A final indication that the houyhnmns are not meant to be taken seriously occurs when the leader of the houynhms visits lilliput,where he visits the french royal society.He goes into a room in which a scientist is trying to turn wine into water (itself a prideful act that refers to the marriage at gallilee).

The scientist has been working hard at the experiment for many years without success,when the houyhnmn arrives and immediately knows that to do: “the creature no sooner stepped through the doorway than he struck upon a plan. slurping up all the wine in sight, he quickly made water in a bucket that sat near the door.”

He has accomplished the scientists goal,but the scientist is not happy,for his livelihood has now been destroyed.Swifts clear implication is that even though the houyhnhmns are smart,they do not know how to use that knowledge for the benefit of society,only for their own prideful agrandizement.

Throughout gullivers travels,the houyhnhms are shown to be an ideal gone wrong.Though their intent might have been good,they dont know how to do what they want to do because they are filled with pride.They mislead gulliver and they even mislead themselves.The satire on them is particularly well explained by the new born houyhnhm who,having just been born, exclaims,“with this sort of entrance,what must I expect from the rest of my life!”



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Im so happy because Im going to the movies again.My mother asked if I was watching the guinea pig and mulan.I say to use dot sheep sheep, dot sheep sheep, the result of a little sheep sheep is to see "hua mulan".The plot of "mulan" has its ups and downs.First of all, the army was attacked by a gentle army. When the state of wei collected military horses, hua mulan was reluctant to leave his hometown and his father joined the army.Then, in the great war, mulan bravely fought against the enemy.Shoot a target arrow first, shoot the enemy crying father is too wonderful!I see blood boiling, hate not to rush into the screen to kill the enemy.

Mulan didnt like war, but he had to fight.She accidentally became a general.In one war, wentai was injured.Mulan thought that wentai had died and was devastated.It was only when the tiger asked mulan whether you were living for the living or for the dead, mulan had been waking up and training people to work hard and not let more brothers die.She was really touched by her actions to protect her soldiers.

I think the spirit of the father of hua mulan is worthy of our study.We should be like mulan, filial piety parents, from the little bit of little things, let our families become more warm and happy.



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Every card was born in a poor family, more unfortunately, he had no parents, only to grandpa lived alone with grandpa age gradually grow old, life has become more and more difficult, had to 9 years old who do apprentice card to the rich.

Eat a little bread slag in the morning, noon to drink gruel, night is a bit of bread crumbs, as for food, tea, not at all. In the evening sleep, he had no bed, but sleeping in the corridor. Its not too, every time when the boss of small zai son cry, every card has to shake the cradle, if asleep, you will get the boss.

But we are happy, not revenge wear, drink and eat. Can also be in the beautiful school, learn knowledge. In the morning I just woke up from my dream, my mother gave me a good breakfast; After school, 3 dish one soup appeared in front of my eyes. We wear high-end clothing, playing electronic toys, bath grew up in parents caress all day.

Is 9 years old is the time to accept education. At this time we already sitting in the classroom. But every card? Day to toil is not in the bosss house, to make matters worse, every night to go to the bosss son cradles, sometimes a wave is a night, a night ah, small any card can support?

Every card lost too much. No family care, no people care about, no... Hes more than enough fate away, but cruel boss, wife of shop-owner also repeat abuse him, how cruel it is for his life and fate!

I also know the evil of Russian ruling classs killing dont blink!

Our socialist China is a new generation of young, at the same time of enjoying happiness childhood childhood, more study hard, a better construction of the motherland in the future.




9岁正 是接受教育的时候。我们在这个时候早已坐在教室里了。而凡卡呢?在老板家白天做苦力也不算,更糟的是,每天晚上还要去给老板的儿子去摇摇篮,有时一摇就是一夜,一夜啊,小凡卡能支持住吗?






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For the two months of summer vacation, I want a full, so I had the pleasure of reading the famous French novelist Maupassants "Boule de Suif". In addition to the book "Boule de Suif", there are other three stories, and I personally enjoy "Boule de Suif" this one.

The contents of this paper is based on the background of the Franco Prussian War, the hero is a living in the bottom of society, discrimination of prostitutes, a French coach before leaving the territory, was a Prussian Officer detained officers asked Boule de Suif to spend the night with him, otherwise the coach will not pass, but the ball of fat for his patriotism, resolutely refused. But with the car on the identity of the passengers for their own interests, in order to force her to sacrifice themselves, under the ruthless threat, suet ball was forced to make a choice, you saved. However, when second of the passengers when the car Tian Yi, a ruthless alienate her, and she no longer speak. As if she were a virus, she completely forgot that her freedom was in exchange for her own sacrifice.

The article with the succinct language, strong contrast, those people who have noble hypocrisy, elegant appearance of the ugly face to reveal the most incisive wonder about these hypocrites the resentment of the heart, beauty and ugliness of human nature to show up, impersonal, for the period of French politics, egoistic society let more, we should treat each other sincerely, people feel full of love and help each other under the atmosphere of society is very warm. At the same time, we are lucky to think that we are not living in the extraordinary circumstances. But if we do not know how to cherish, and people are wearing a "Mask", the way people are seeking whether can benefit from them, then our society will become very dim, there is no laughter. I do not want to see such a society exists, but also requires us to be honest with each other, trust each other and help each other. Every little bit to build it up, if you plant the seeds you false display of affection, will only get baoqingguayi fruit.

I believe that each person will be happy when he is sincere. Its pathetic to wear masks and money related relationships, so we need to eliminate the barriers in good faith. With sincerity to move around the relatives and friends, to create a harmonious, happy society! Let this world is full of love.









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“Animals deserve our kindness, sympathy and understanding,” that is what Anna Sewell-the author of Black Beauty-wanted to convince her readers. Thanks to Sewell, I now think about the animal-human relationship from both the human and the animal’s point of view.

The inspiration for Anna Sewell’s novel was drawn from her own relationship with horses. Anna Sewell was born on March 20th, 1820 in Norfolk, England and was crippled while still very young. Due to her disability, she relied on horse-drawn carriages and grew to love horses as a result. She also became appalled by the careless and cruel treatment horses often received from humans and determined to write a book.. In the second year of work on the book, she was told that she had only eighteen months to live, but she persevered in order “to induce kindness, sympathy and an understanding [of the ] treatment of horses.” Five years later, she was still working on Black Beauty, her only book. Unfortunately, Sewell died a few months after publication and never learned of the book’s huge success. Black Beauty formed an impassioned plea for animal rights at a time when such a notion had been dismissed as ridiculous.

The novel portrayed the real condition of working horses living in Britain during the Victorian Era. In that time period, the wealthy thought that their horses were treated well because they never stepped into the stable. In order to call people’s attention to horses’ hard life, Sewell tells the story through the first-person narrative voice of a horse. This innovative personification of an animal made the book a real success. Readers heard the stories straight from the horse’s mouth, literally, as an animal spoke of extremes of joy and suffering. People were shocked by the truth exposed by the novel and changed their attitudes towards animals.

Sewell formed the novel with three kinds of characters: Black Beauty, Ginger and other farm animals. Through their different experiences, I saw similarly painful lives led by the animals. This method made the earnest appeal for animal rights become more and more persuasive.

As a domestic animal, Black Beauty was continuously sold from one family to another. Over the years Beauty enjoyed good masters but also endured mean ones. Sometimes, he was cared for and at other times tortured. In the end, everything turns out all right in a story that is so tender and yet meaningful. His story was so vivid that caught the readers’ heart. The novel brought people laughter and tears and also enlightened them to understand animals at the same time.

Animals cannot speak so understanding is significant to them. Once, for example, Beauty was drawing the carriage to a wooden bridge. The bridge was flooded out in the river and John, the groom, was not aware that it was cracked. But the quickly realized that something was wrong because of Beauty’s abnormal behavior. Momentarily, a man shouted to them, “Stop! Stop!…The bridge is broken in the middle. If you come across, you’ll fall in the river!” Beauty had saved John. However, if John had not tried to understand what Beauty wanted to tell him, there would definitely have been an accident. I learnt from the story that understanding animals is not only essential to them but is also beneficial to us ourselves.



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the Little Prince – A Tale of Love and Life Title: the Little Prince Author: Antoine de St-Exupery Main Characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. Despite I’ve not in my childhood yet, I still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. This summer I’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. It’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the French author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prince. As many other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prince is not very complex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the Sahara. In this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. In that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. On his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. From these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. Following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the Sahara, on the earth. Traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. At that time a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word “tame”, becomes his new friend. At the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by him. From that the little prince begins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose. At the anniversary day of his descent of the earth, rejecting the pilot’s advice, he goes back to his own planet by bite of a snake. “It’s too far. I can not carry this body with me. It’s too heavy.” he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he must be responsible for his rose, so he has to go back. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the ending directly.



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I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story. This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain. Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St. Petersburg. The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyers life.

Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs. What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood. The book is filled with Toms adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper. Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of. The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child. It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics. The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.

The book is a little difficult to read at first. Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book. Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms (which Im sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.






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Created in 1600 —— 1601 Hamlet had been admired for centuries. Is to at the moment, still feel his vocal. And all this is not the plot, also not only only is excellent literary technique, it is reflected by the problem. In general,

It describes a kind of extremely primitive, people.

The hero Hamlet first dealing with your original ideal world. At the start of the benefits in some Hamlet "childhood", he did you experience any huge setback, living environment is more simple, always learning western orthodoxy. But in the end, noble, to adore the father died, less than a month is virtuous mother remarried his uncle to usurp the throne. This made him wonder in the world. And after this doubt directly contributed to his hesitation. He realized that they are not perfect it, chastity but desire, moral victory over greed. He thinks you should go to revenge, but the moral person is his mother; His uncle killed his father and he is a person, is a persons thoughts. But even if revenge success, again how? He said: "to be or not to be, this is a question worth thinking about" life is a pain, but the fear of death and have less absolute. He met a problem, cant answer is unavoidable.

Hamlets situation is not the only, the life of big hands to hold each one is so tight.(.)

The old kings death, which are not related and queen. But as a woman she faces two kinds of selection, it is moral or desire. She chose the latter. However she scorned by the Hamlet and criticism, moral emptiness has brought her considerable pain, in fact, the queen is a kind person, she is not morally repugnant. She is to choose what kind of misfortune, not in the selection of your own destiny.

The new king, the uncle usurped the throne, he is the biggest villain in the play leading role. He wanted to the throne, and to the queen with desire. But the king was others. Is his brother, he dont deserve the throne. He, like all of the faces the loss of the ideal world in my heart. But he strenuously to win, but at the moment, he was a hero general spirit, he bravely to fight for originally do not belong to own. But it is also the tragedy. He paid the price, his hands stained with the blood of others, cannot repent. In later, he found Hamlet after knowing the truth, he began to save themselves may lose the happiness of life. He hovered between sin and rational, in the end he didnt jump out, died in his own sword.




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The old man and the sea mainly tells the story: an old fisherman for eighty-four days without fish, met with a giant marlin on the sea. After three days and three nights of struggle, the old man finally killed the big marlin, but he on the way home, but being attacked by a shark, when he returned, the big marlin only fish head fish left.

This story, but tell the immortal hero, although the old man fails, but thats just the sort of strength and a failure of the body, of his confidence and hope that it is impossible to burst. "People are not born for defeat. A man can be destroyed, but can not be one to beat! This is a tough guy spirit!" A very valuable spirit!

老人与海》主要讲述了:一位老渔夫连续八十四天没有捕到鱼的情况下,在大海上遇到了一条巨大的马林鱼。经过了三天三夜的较量,老人终于杀死了大马林鱼,可他返航的途中 ,却被鲨鱼袭击了,当他返回时,那条大马林鱼只剩下鱼头鱼尾了。




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After reading this wonderful story, I can feel love, brave, deep friendship and some other good spirits in the people.

The Scarecrow wanted some brains, but on the way to the Emerald City, he thought out of a way to cross the river. The Cowardly Lion wanted to be brave, but when they met the river, he carried other friends to jump across it. And the Tin Man wanted a heart, he said he couldn’t love, but he didn’t want to hurt any animal.

In fact, they all have the things they want: the Scarecrow is clever, the Cowardly Lion is brave and the Tin Man is kind-hearted.

This book tells us a story of how a little girl Dorothy goes back to her hometown when she is in another strange city. Dorothy is a little girl who lived with her aunt and uncle in Kansas. The weather there is very bad, sometimes there was a cyclone. When a cyclone came, people stayed under their houses. But one day a cyclone blows Dorothy’s house, with Dorothy and her dog Toto in it, to a country called Oz. In that city there are four witches and a very famous wizard—the Wizard of Oz. And Dorothy’s house just fell on the bad Witch of the East and killed her, so the people there were very happy. Dorothy took the witch’s red shoes and wore them. She wanted to go home to Kansas but she doesn’t know how to get there. So the Witch of North told her to go to the Emerald City to find the Wizard of Oz to help her. Then Dorothy met the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, but they need help too. The Scarecrow wanted some brains, the Tin Man wanted a heard, and the Cowardly Lion wanted to be brave. So they all take the yellow brick road to the Emerald City. On the way to the Emerald City they met some difficulties, but they solved them successfully. After they met the Wizard of Oz, the wizard gave them another challenge—to kill the bad Witch of the West and they accept. During the way to the Witch of the West’s house, they were caught by the witch and Dorothy was requested to work for her. One day, when the witch tried to catch Dorothy’s red shoes, Dorothy threw some water on the witch by accident and the Witch of the West disappeared. Only water can kill her. So Dorothy went back to the Emerald City with her friends but they found the Wizard of Oz is not a real wizard, he is also a man came from Kansas, and he is just a conjurer. He wanted to go back to Kansas too. So he made a big balloon and prepared to go. But when the balloon is going to raise, Dorothy’s dog Toto jumped away to run after a cat, so Dorothy had to get Toto back and they were left in Oz. Then Dorothy and Toto went and find the Witch of the South and the witch told them they can just use the red shoes on Dorothy’s feet, they’re a pair of magic shoes, they could take anybody go back to their home as soon as she said‘East, west—home is the best!’After Dorothy said goodbye to her friends, she went back to her new home with her dog. It’s really a wonderful risk.

Yes, no matter where we are, home is always the best place for us to rest or study. There are our parents here; there are also our favorite things here. At home, we feel safe, we feel comfortable, and we can relax ourselves.

From this story, we can see Dorothy is a brave and kind-hearted girl. She killed the two bad witches in Oz; she helped the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion to go to the Emerald City to find the Wizard and get what they want. She solved problems when they met difficulties. It’s really not easy for such a little girl.

We also learn that teamwork is important for us. When we are in trouble, we can ask our friends for help, and also, when our friends need help, we should go and help them. Just remember, more people, more power. It’s always better has more people to do a thing. Teamwork is really necessary in our lives.

And we can see the Scarecrow is absolutely cleaver, he understands things, he can think, he learn quickly, and he suggested Dorothy to cut down a tree to cross the river. The tin man has a kind heart, he laughs, he cries, he loves, he feels sorry for people. The Cowardly Lion is really brave, he did a lot of brave things, he carried the friends to go across the river, and he wanted to find some food for his friends and so on. We should learn from them too. When we are in trouble, we should calm down, watch the things around carefully, and try to think out of a way to solve it, just like the Scarecrow. We also should be brave as we are in danger, we can’t be afraid, we should face the difficulty and try to go through it, just like the Cowardly Lion. And we should learn to love people, to feel sorry for people, to make more friends, to get on well with everyone around us, just like the Tin Man.

Yes, we should learn how to get on with other people, we should help each other, we should be brave, we should love other people. If we can do like this, we can be a better girl (boy), more and more people will make friends with us, and more and more people will like us!



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The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, on this day we want to open happy heart. We also need to eat dinner, also called family reunion dinner, at a distance of family want to go home to have a meal, round and round, round.

Before the arrival of the Spring Festival, my sister and I, aunt go to the supermarket to buy necessities. My sister and I run around in the supermarket, to see what good can get a shopping cart. Like two little cat take things in the supermarket. We took a lot of things, chewie, chocolate, egg roll, potato chips, etc., are all good. To check when we spent four hundred multivariate, aunt love dearly died. We two greediness, the Spring Festival we began to eat snacks are yet to come.

Spring Festival arrived, brother, sister, father is come from a far country and reunion dinner with us. My aunt to burn a lot of delicious dishes, beef, oil, meat, shrimp, spring rolls and so on, and my favorite food is coke chicken wings. People are together, we touched a cup and started off the devoured. Brother said I am very introverted, in fact I at ordinary times is alive in the home, just saw more people to get up, I am shy. This year, I received a lot of red envelopes, sister, grandma gave me a also for his sister, very happy.

Finished eating delicious food, my brother and I, my sister and brother-in-law persons together. At first they are absent-minded, persons, and playing the mobile phone. Later, under the guidance of my aunt, I won several plate, there is a hard man to convince flowering, 10 yuan one person, they began to nervous, hands began to shake. They also said that let me vomit receive red envelopes are, now can not lose money. We rub a mahjong in the afternoon, I win a lot of money.

Pleasant and memorable finally over the Spring Festival, in addition to happy or happy in my heart. But once a year is really too not enough. I wish every day is the Spring Festival.








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Anne is a distinctive girl. She had her own mind. Maybe in the views of others she is a naughty girl. Especially she has a quiet sister. Comparing with Margot she was not favorable. At the beginning her general appearance her character her manners were discussed from A to Z. But with the time going by she were becoming sensible. One must apply one’s reason to everything earning to obey to hold our tongue to help to be good to give in. Life has the great power to change us to adapt it. In addition Anne started afresh and tried to get to the bottom of it all. As she said we should examine the whole matter carefully ourselves and find out what is true and what is exaggerated. In our daily life we often meet arguments with parents. We can stick to the Anne’s principle. If parents are wrong we shall try first of all to make them alter their ideas and if we don’t succeed we shall stick to our own opinions and judgement. Although she lived in a small room she still had a brightful heart. She believed that it was spiring within her she felt that spring was awaking she felt it in her whole body and soul. And in the book she wrote and thought much of the time about things which very sensitive. For example she described a lot about the affair with Peter. It’s normal for a teenager. I think parents should read this book so they can regard this question correctly.

Anne said “One certainly could not call us rich now but all my hopes are pinned on after the war.” Now we are in the peaceful world hope is full of our life. So there is no reason putting off achieving dreams we should treasure everyone everything every moment that we have.



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Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day) belongs to a particularly large festival in North America, especially for canadians and americans, the holiday is particularly important, even if people in a foreign land to back before the holiday with their family, altogether celebrates the holiday. Canadian Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day in the United States, however, is not in the same day, Thanksgiving Day in Canada is the second Monday in October each year, while the us is the last Thursday in November.

Why call Thanksgiving? Traced back, Thanksgiving is ancient and American indians, especially with the corn planting has a very close relationship. On September 6, 1620, a group of British Puritan unbearable religious persecution, take the "mayflower" wooden ship bound for America. They are fatigue, hunger, cold and disease under attack for 65 days in the Atlantic, finally arrived in Plymouth colonies in North America.

During the winter, cold climate, loneliness of the field. Local indians generously take out storage winter corn and potatoes, sent to hunt ducks and turkeys. The spring came, indians taught, they grow corn and pumpkin, raise turkeys. White settlers and the indians established a close friendship. For a big corn crop this year autumn, immigrants will held a hearty gratitude, with a roast Turkey and corn pastry treats the indians. The indians with a variety of corn products, roast Turkey and pumpkin pie, wild grapes and corn JiuJiang etc to the party, people sing songs and dances, burning it. Later in the corn harvest after the end of November each year, white immigrants settled in here are going to have a Thanksgiving, every roast Turkey, cooked corn food, hospitality indians. In the long term, this kind of gratitude can become a practice.

感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)在北美属于一个特别大的节日,特别是对于加拿大人和美国人来说,这个节日特别重要,即使远在异乡的人也都要在节日前赶回去与家人团聚,共庆佳节。不过,加拿大的感恩节和美国的感恩节不在同一天,加拿大的感恩节是在每年10月的第2个星期一,而美国则是在11月的最后一个星期四。





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Shakespeares Hamlet is a classic masterpiece. The book on the surface of the plot and the history of the legend and there is not much difference, spoke or the Danish prince the story of revenge for his father, full of violence and death. As dramatis personae huo pull xu said: "you can hear adultery slaughter, abnormal repair, tho, accidental massacring, borrow the guile of hand to kill, and on the harm result."

Winding down plot, tightly around the revenge. From the German vuitton Hamlet rushed back to home, is to attend the funeral of his father, that he cannot accept is that he did not catch up with his fathers funeral, has witnessed a mother and uncle claudiuss wedding, it has made Hamlet once in mind, coupled with the night in the royal palace castle balcony to meet his fathers ghost, ghost jeremiad, the pile brutality is Hamlets uncle, and revenge for his father to him.

At this point, he started the difficult revenge course, and claudius launched a life-and-death battle. In the end, the blade of revenge on claudius sent out.






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The Old Man and the Sea is one of Hemingways most enduring works and may very well become one of the true classics of this generation. It played a great part in his winning the Pulizer Prize in 1953 and the 1954 Novel Prize for Literature and confirmed his power and presence in the literary world. Hemingway is also one of my favorite writers. Besides The Old Man And the Sea, I have read some of his other works, such as The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms and The Snow of Kilimanijaro. But The Old Man and the Sea is the one that left the deepest impression on me.

I first read this book when I was in my fifteens. And now I remember it just as well as if I had read it yesterday.


On summer vacation of this year, I studied in novel " old man and sea " of Hemingway , famous writer of U.S.A. ,. I admire the old fishermans will in the novel very much, he lets me understand that a person must have unremitting spirit, could succeed . What the novel is described is an old fisherman almost the sixty years old, when go to sea and fish alone once, have angled to a big fish, but can not draw. After tough fisherman and fish have socialized for a few days, just find this is a big Malins fish which exceeds several times of ones own fishing boat, though know perfectly well that it is very difficult to win , does not give up yet. Because big Malin fish fishlike smell of wound attract odd herds of shark vie for the food again later, but the old man is still unwilling to give up like this, stress the tight encirclement finally , take the large fish back to fishing port , let other fishmen admire it endlessly. The old fisherman thinks that as I read ": It is really too close from here to coast, perhaps there are bigger fish in the farther place ……" When,admire very much because this old fisherman in the persons, because play not for some fishing he already at this moment I, but he is not satisfied with the existing state of affairs , but advance towards greater goal. Seeing us again, meet some little difficulties at ordinary times , all of us complain bitterly. We are the future of the motherland, should be as ambitious as this old man, go to pursue well , greater goal. Read as me " big Malin fish is it enclose light fishing boat move about , is it get mast to twine cable fast to begin, old man right hand hold steel fork high , jump out in a flash , affording to try ones best above water in it, a sound of wail has finished the life of the loud fish, it floats on the surface of water silently ……"When,the I one heart is too fall like pieces of stone not big. I admire that kind of fearing of the old man at all , unremitting spirit very much, though know rivals strength is very strong , but he has not shrunk back at all , meets the difficulty. Just because there is this kind of spirit, the old fisherman has obtained the victory of the trial of strength of this life and death. We should study the old fishermans spirit too in life, do the thing and is not afraid of the difficulty , could achieve success . Read big blood offensive smell of fish smell one shark , fall over each other to visit to vie for the food, left hand of old man pull a muscle just, he can only use right hand, can weapon attacked to used for defend oneself with stick , mouth of swordfish that catch everything, and has driven away this herd of shark finally. But big meat of fish take into big half already, but old man criticize ones own left hand " when the work this when have a rest " humorously also, I am subdued by old mans optimistic spirit too. In life, some losses are unavoidable, we should treat the optimistic attitude , cant worry about petty gain or loss . Finally, the novel sees with a teenager that old fisherman has 18 feet of big long Malins fish totally in the tolerance , the ones that have described this fish are enormous again, prove that old fishermans difficulty overcome is big, than ordinary. Old fishermans spirit that makes great efforts to struggle fearless of danger and difficulty that the novel has been extolled, we should be like him too, can t be satisfied with the current situation , should be positive upwards, it should be unremitting to do anything, it must not give up halfway to meeting difficulty should meet the difficulty. Only in this way, we could obtain greater success and victory .





