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Autumn rain, like a box of colorful pigments.

Look, it gives red to persimmon, red persimmon, like a light lantern, according to ah, according to the beautiful autumn. It gives the sun to the sunflower, yellow sunflower like a sun, according to ah, according to the autumn of the sweet smell. Golden yellow is to the rice, see, the golden rice like the earth covered with a golden carpet. Red apple you squeeze me, fight people to pick it! Sweet-scented osmanthus fairy to get more color, orange, pale yellow, golden ... ... beautiful sweet-scented osmanthus in the rain often nodded.

The rain of the rain blows up the golden horn, and he tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The wild goose flew to the south, the snake in the stepping holes, ready to sleep comfortable sleep, small ants get bread slag, rubbish ... ... when the grain, maple, elm leaves floating at the foot of the mother The They have to prepare for the winter.

Autumn is a world that makes me feel happy, and the kids let us enjoy the joy of autumn.




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I have a very lovely and beautiful mother.

Every time I got 100 marks, my mothers face was as beautiful as the peach blossom she opened in March. Also, whenever I exam more than 80 points when mom will send a lot of temper, fly into a rage, really terrible.

My mother likes playing table tennis, she also likes rice noodles, and mum likes surfing the Internet most, but its her job!

I wish mom health, health, happiness, and more beautiful!



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My school is so beautiful that i cannot think of leaving there for less a day. The lofty trees, colorful flowers and the charming attract me a lot. When i first went there, i was amazed by its wonderful atmospherem peaceful and warm. Everyday, my teacher teaches me a lot of knowledge from different aspects such as Chinese, Math,and English. It benefits me a lot. And there are my schoolmates. We play together everyday, making plenty of fun. When we meet trouble on study, we always get together in a group. Talking about the quickest way to solve the problem, we strengthen our relationship. We become better friends. At the same time, we practice our minds.



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In the courtyard of the grandmothers house, there is a garden. I like it the way it falls!

Autumn garden and usually different, very cute! Every seam to the fall, the garden is full of people like the grass. Spring, small grass just germination, the number of small, the color is not too green Summer, although the grass more, but it is too green! Winter, the temperature is low, all the grass and all withered. And only to the late autumn, the grass from the spring has long been to the autumn, it is the largest number! And the color of the grass becomes golden, played the golden wheat waves. Grass a cluster next to a cluster, a cluster of crowded a cluster, like a golden carpet, very nice.

The garden of autumn is surrounded by chrysanthemums. This is usually not see the scene. The chrysanthemum of the autumn garden is multipolar. As long as you walk into the garden, it will be surrounded by many chrysanthemums. The door of the rockery is chrysanthemum, trails on both sides of the chrysanthemum, small stone bench next to the chrysanthemum, rockery under the feet, or chrysanthemum! Chrysanthemum color colorful. There are white, yellow, purple, red, pink, especially people feel beautiful, is the flower of chrysanthemum, there are green! Chrysanthemum than other flowers are strong, weak flowers to the fall Long withered, but not only did not fade chrysanthemum, but also head over his head, Tingzhuo, open very good!

There are a few maple trees in the garden. Usually you can not see what they are special, but one late into the autumn, their leaves will become as red as fire, who read will be amazed. Maple leaf coloring process is very interesting. Maple leaves were originally green, to the fall, it first slowly into yellow, waiting for a few days after it turned red. And wait until late autumn, Maple Leaf this becomes dark red, like blood red!

There are ten trees next to the maple trees. In peacetime, the yellow cedar tree is not as characteristic as the maple, and in the late autumn it is the same as the maple, and the leaves are turned from green to crimson. But the leaves of yellow cedar trees than maple leaves, and there is no five horns, is round. This yellow cedar also let me make a joke it. One day fall, my father and I read in the garden, I saw the yellow cedar leaves red, pointing to their father said: "Dad, this a few maple leaves are red!" Dad a laugh Rhettled and told me: "This is not a maple, is a yellow cedar tree! You see its leaves, is round, maple leaves but the pentagonal!" I look carefully, this found himself wrong.

I love the garden of autumn. Every late autumn, I often stay in the garden, the game. I am afraid of the winter, the beauty of the front will disappear, back to the garden to take pictures, can take pictures, I always feel that the photo is not as ideal as I imagined, so I often give the garden to draw, after each painting , I always feel that some in the ointment, so I also love in the painting to draw some of the garden is not the fruit, because I love the garden too far!



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Qingdao, located in the southeast part of Shandong Province, is a beautiful seaside city with clear air and enchanting sea view. This city, bordered by the Yellow Sea on two sides, has the largest bathing beach in Asia and produces the mellow Qingdao Beer. To the east of the city, a short distance across the Yellow Sea, lie Korea and Japan, making the city an important port for international trade.

For thirty three years, up to 1949, Qingdao was a colony of Germany . Thus, it has a great deal of European architecture. This foreign architecture -a remnant of the colonial past- now beautifies this seaside city.

The red roofs, green trees, blue sea, and azure sky form a bright and colorful picture of Qingdao. The city is sometimes known as the Switzerland of the Orient.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Qingdao attracts many tourists with its charming seascape. Sights like the Eight Passes Villas, Wusi Square, the Zhan Bridge, Mt. Laoshan, No.1 Bathing Beach, Badaguan Scenic Area will help you remember the city. Just walking on the sand and listening to the surf breaking on the beach becomes enjoyable.

Qingdao offers food with distinctive flavors--especially seafood. So take this chance to enjoy the delicious seafood. Also, the city is the home of the famous Qingdao (Tsingtao) Beer. Have a bottle of pure Qingdao Beer right here!

The Qingdao Municipal Government recognizes the importance of the tourism industry and has further plans to develop the local tourism. To enhance the tourism industry, the city now sponsors the Qingdao International Beer Festival, the Qingdao International Sea Festival, Beach Culture Festival, the Sea Affection Festival, and the Summer of Qingdao Festival.



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I like the vibrant spring, hot summer, also like the white winter, but I most like the golden autumn.

Autumn, rice has matured in the paddy field, in a glance, seems to spread all over the floor of gold, and the farmer uncle one by one to pick up the "gold" in their field. The breeze blowing, golden ocean layers has moved.

Fruitful tree is decorated with their "success" : persimmon tree, far see like hang up red lanterns. Persimmon you squeeze me, as if to say: "pick me, pick me, my flesh is sweet." Zizyphus jujube tree, zizyphus jujube fell all over the floor, people hurriedly picked up, I picked up a bite, good acid! Vineyard vines have purple black, like the black pearl, to eat into his mouth a sour, sweet, let a person forget the taste.

Autumn stream is so cool, take off the shoes, soak a while sitting on the rocks, the whole people all spirit tremble.

I love autumn, love charming autumn scenery.








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When we are very small, most of us have heard the song about the praise of the mother, we have been told that mother is the best people in the world. Indeed, our mothers are the persons who give birth to us, who will never abandon us whatever happens upon us. Sometimes we will argue with our mothers, because we think she doesn’t understand us, but after a little while, we always regret for the argument. Actually, she knows her babies, she just cares too much that she doesn’t expect that it will hurt her babies. As kids, we should understand our mothers, too, it is our duty to take care of her, when we are young, mothers take care our us, when they are old, it is our turn to take care of her. It is love that makes the world beautiful, let’s show our love to mothers.




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Rabbit mammals Lagomorpha, herbivorous invertebrates, mammals. Head a little like a rat ear according to different varieties, large and small, upper lip middle division, is a typical three petal mouths, adorable. The rabbit who is gentle, lovable, is a popular animal. The tail is short and upturned, forelimb is shorter than the hind legs, be good at jumping, running very fast. Pet rabbits like sticky, hare afraid. Color is generally white, grey, withered grass, brown red, black and color.




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My mother is a great woman in the world, since I grown up I have thought it.

My mother’s name is Zen Yan fang, but her best friends often call her sister Zen. She is 42-years-old now, but I do feel that she is always a young woman. And she has a very long hair that she likes to keep changing shape. My dad don’t like that she often changes her hair, but I know it’s the way my mom want to hide her changing age.

To tell you the truth, I even don’t know what things my mother really like to do. In my memory, she is good at lots of things. To keep this family, she worked as a mechanical worker, as a salesperson of insurance. And these years she is the boss of herself. I appreciate that I have such a diligent and brave mother. I knew that she is very hard, but she never tell it to us.

She is such a strong woman so that she is strict to us. When I was a little girl, I often fell down on the floor, but my mother never comes to comfort me. She always said, “why don’t you look at your own way, and you deserve it.” I swear I hate her at that moment, but now I don’t hate her at all. I love her. Thanks to her treat me that cold way so that I can be such strong. And I

won’t be worried about such a little thing again.

My mom told me that to be a happy is the best way to live. My mom told me everything can be possible.

My mom told me that never give up.

My dear mom told me lots of things that instruct me all my life. I love you, my dear mom.



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在一个寒冷的夜晚,妈妈用双手拿来被子,轻轻地盖在我身上,使我觉得全身上下一阵温暖,因为妈妈的双手替我赶走了寒冷,给我带来了一股巨大的热量。在这个时候,妈妈的手是温暖的! 在一个阴森森的地方,我吓得毛骨悚然的时候,妈妈用双手拍起了小调,哼起了歌曲,使周围一阵轻松,而妈妈的手拍得通红通红的,可妈妈还是忍着强烈的巨痛,装出一副轻松的样子,这时,妈妈的手是无私的! 在我学习上遇到难题,冥思苦想也想不出来,感到无助时,妈妈伸出双手,在草稿纸上演算了一遍又一遍,手酸了也不说一声、停一下,直到演算成功,并且讲解到我明白时,她的双手才“依依不舍”地停止工作。这时,妈妈的手是神奇的!

在我们家地板上铺上了一层“垃圾地毯”时,妈妈用双手拿着拖把,扫把、水桶………一丝不苟地干起来,直到地板上一尘不染、干干净净时,妈妈的双手才肯歇息。这时,妈妈的手是勤劳的!在我裤子裂开时,妈妈又毫不犹豫地伸出双手,替我修补裤子,手像梭子一样穿来穿去,一会工夫就补好了。这时,妈妈的手又是灵巧的! 在我的印象中,妈妈的手会七十二变,会变出我需要的东西。虽然,妈妈的手长满了老茧,变得苍老不堪,可在我的目光中妈妈的手永远是年轻的!



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暑假,马上要去外婆家了,我非常开心,不止因为那风景好,还 因为外婆外公不会像妈妈样唠叨,不会像妈妈样严厉的训斥我。可在那儿住了几天,动不动就和表妹闹矛盾,她那么不讲理,总让我感到满腹委屈。来时觉得是种解放,觉得是种自由,可现在,却只有无助、委屈、辛酸。晚上,夜深人静,外婆、表妹都入睡了,我却在思念母亲,那个唠叨的母亲,那个会严厉训斥我的母亲。我想:现在我还 可以在电话里听见母亲的声音,回家后还 可以再见到母亲。可是,以后呢,若再也听不见,看不见了呢。虽然这是五十年之后的事了,可仍值得思考。想到那天终会来到,我就十分伤感,想着想着,泪水就这样流啊流。那晚,只听见她们的鼾声和自己泪水流淌的声音。

小时候,总爱唱“世上只有妈妈好”,对于小时候的我而言,它仅是歌词,可对于现在的我而言,是句能让我感动落泪的话。除了母亲,再无人能如此无微不至地呵护我。都说“孩子的生日就是母亲的受难日”这话点儿不错。小孩子要过生日了都高兴,可以请朋友来吃蛋糕。我也这样,可是妈妈点都没吃,都给了我和朋友们。那年今日,妈妈是忍着剧痛才有了我和我的生日。她是生日和蛋糕的“创造者”,却不吃点儿,年年如此。想到这些,我想:以后我还 是不过生日吧!那个日子,我开心,妈妈曾经却那么痛。




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Wearing winter clothes, bathing winter rain, with a strange feeling can not tell. Although the falling rain bead mixed with the cold wind gives a feeling of cold, but it rushed to the earth a happy new year bath, to meet the New Years coming. But also reflects the atmosphere of the winter.

Walking on the road, and the raindrops hit the crack on the crack, so I remembered the summer wearing a raincoat umbrella scene. Suddenly look back, everything as old The swaying of the wind swiftly reminds me that it is winter! All the creatures of the earth are beginning to hibernate. The rain in the winter is like a pearl sprinkled on the earth, and the careful observation of the dense raindrops will make you dazzled and dizzying.

Look up and wait and see you will find the rain racing scrambling to fall from the top down, and some quietly lying in the grass, like a crystal clear and shiny shining light; some directly falling on the tree, like a Precious stones to help it dressed beautifully to meet the coming of the New Year; some fall into the thirsty river and lake, for their quench their thirst, like a mother to feed their own son, so timely. Suddenly, blowing waves of wind, feeling waves of cold but the heart is so sweet, because we immediately have to New Year friends.

The rain has been under, it seems to let people review the winter atmosphere. After the rain the earth is more like bathing New Years weather, the air is more clean fresh, clean up the dust, but also sober people impetuous heart.



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travelingis usually boring. There are always too many people in the places

of interest in China and it is crowed everywhere, when it comes to the golden

weeks, this situation could be worse. Just imagine that you are waiting in line,

hungry and thirsty. All you want is a ticket that can get through the door to

see the beautiful view. You may complain: “why am I coming to the terrible

place? Why I do this to myself?” If you are unlucky, you may encounter a bad

guide who forces you to shop here and there. How horrible it is! What’s worse,

you may spend more money than usually does.

Why don’t you just stay at home and enjoy the cozy life? You don’t need to

go outside to see the view, you can just turn on the TV or computer, the amazing

view will represent in front of you. You not only save a large sum of money, but

also your precious time. And you can do other things too, such as watching a

classic movie, chatting with friends on the phone or surfing the Internet. This

could be so much fun! Therefore, I prefer to stay at home instead of going




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My writing teacher, Cissy, was the most meticulous and the strictest teacher I had ever seen. Pursuing a nearly perfect class, she had high requirement in our photos’ presentation. Although the presentation was limited within three minutes, from selecting the photos to organizing the language to thinking about the nuclear idea, all of the processes should be prepared a long time and couldn’t be dealt with causally; otherwise, you would receive her merciless comment. Any unsatisfactory words occurring in the presentation, breaking in without waiting for the students finishing their speech, she pointed out their faults by sharp words, making you heartbroken and feel like suffering a heavy rain suddenly in a sunny day. Although in simple recital, her strict style still played an important role in it. Disappointed and sad, everyone had experienced the criticism from Cissy, because she thought that not only did we lack right rhythm, but also we couldn’t express our emotion completely and adjust our volume. As a result, receiving her praise was seen as the great honor in our class. A meticulous attitude should be kept in her class. To show respect to the speaker, she didn’t allow us to whisper and after every presentation, genuine applause should be given. It was as a punishment that anyone who forgot to take her picture in the presentation would be cut down her scores and delayed her presentation in the last class. Indeed, being her students made you in risk of being engulfed by her sharp words, but in the same time, due to her strict and meticulous attitude, you would be greatly improved in writing.





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