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1) 给你做了件时髦时装:衣裤一体,背带设计,搭配肚兜,裤腿超短,内有开叉,透气透风。请穿上参加儿童节时装表演,保证性感十足!

2) 收起你的世俗,藏好你的成熟,找到久违的童真。六一至,超龄儿童们,抖落身心的束缚,向世界宣布:快乐等着,我一定会回来的!

3) 听说你反常态!新买的裤子剪了裆,崭新的床单画了框,刚洗的脸蛋偏弄脏,问你原由不开腔。原来六一了,只要你快乐,童年随便装!

4) 鉴于你身材已超高,体重已超标,多年不尿床,晚上睡得早,天天知道笑,生性很乖巧,童心尚未老。六一特授你超龄好儿童称号!

5) 瞧你的样子,直着眼珠子,淌着清鼻子,光着脚丫子,撅着嘴巴子,弄着小手指,蔫着脑瓜子。才知六一到了,你昨晚又尿床了吧!

6) 让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!

7) 愿早晨的太阳将你的前途照亮,愿初夏的清风让你的夏天凉爽,愿祝福的短信使你的生活吉祥;祝儿童既然节日快乐!

8) 一天天走远,一夜夜演变,一年年走远一个回不去的童年。一次次想念,一封封信笺,一条条短信送回你一个快乐的儿童节!

9) 让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!

10) 每片树叶都有开心的记忆,每朵小花都有快乐的留念,在我们小时候嬉戏的花园再次把童年怀念。我的发小儿们,儿童节快乐!

11) 心愿是风,快乐是帆,祝福是船。心愿的风,吹着快乐的帆,载着对小朋友祝福的船,漂向快乐的你,轻轻地问候:六一节快乐!

12) 嫦娥一微笑,八戒魂都掉;黄蓉一微笑,郭靖心就跳;孔明一微笑,计谋定当妙;你若一微笑,鼻涕往外跑;祝儿童节快乐!

13) 风长不大,时而乱舞时而飘忽;雨长不大,噼啪变成羞答;你长不大,光想不是办法。儿童节到了,祝你快快长大免我牵挂!

14) 生活多微笑,童心永在;心情要舒畅,童趣拥有;一切更美好,童真永留;六一儿童节,愿你万事顺利,身体安康如意,祝儿童节日快乐。

15) 六一六一,回味童年,想想趣事,找找欢笑,觅觅童真,叙叙旧事,欢笑没减,快乐无限,笑声可爱,祝福依然,问候到了:儿童节快乐!

16) 忘不了童年的欢笑,忘不了儿时的趣闻,那里承载着永恒的记忆,那里有着美好的回忆,六一到,真诚地道一声:儿童节快乐!愿你永远开心。

17) 全民动员迎六一:儿童过节有童趣,少年过节也开心,青年过节添回忆,中年过节忘压力,老年过节笑眯眯,大人小孩齐欢喜!

18) 六一儿童节,请你听我说:我怀念的不是节日,而是那份童心;我珍藏的不是回忆,而是那份喜悦;我给你的不是短信,而是一份祝福。

19) 给一点糖果,你就笑;给一点引诱,你就中圈套;给一点捣乱,你气得哇哇叫。在我眼里,你还是那么小。六一节了,愿你乐逍遥!

20) 听说你很萌,儿童佳节,在此祝你:快乐像雪球越滚越大,烦恼像雪糕越吃越少,收入像风筝越飞越高,生活像糖果越嚼越有味!

21) 六一儿童节,重拾温暖的回忆,把柴米油盐放进童话的小屋,忘记一切不快与烦闷,给残存的童心放个假,享受心灵的按摩。愿你快乐!

22) 一粒糖果,打跑眼泪;一个故事,哄你睡觉;若受委屈,嘴巴扁扁鼻涕冒;若是难受,小打小闹一直绕。六一到了,宝贝就该笑口常开。

23) 小时候盼望:一觉醒来,随便赖床;长大了盼望:一觉醒来,人在课堂。亲爱的,儿童节来了,不管啥愿望,愿你快乐天天一个样。

24) 六一到了,花儿笑了;童心醒了,忧烦没了;童真回了,惆怅消了;童趣有了,欢乐来了;童颜笑了,生活美了。宝贝,儿童节快乐!

25) 生生不息,永不停息,年年不息,岁岁不息,儿童是最珍贵的天然资源,儿童是最丰富的物资财产,儿童是希望,儿童是梦想,儿童节快乐!

26) 人人都是儿童。儿童属于你,儿童属于我,儿童属于他,儿童属于我们大家。六一儿童节来啦,祝福你,祝福我,祝福他,祝福我们大家!

27) 你的一笑,使我心跳,你的一看,世界震撼,你的一站,交通瘫痪,你一出汗,海水泛滥,你不打扮,已很好看,你一打扮,宇宙惊叹,儿童节快乐!

28) 别人都说你最近很反常,好好裤子被你剪了裆,好好脸蛋你偏要弄脏,好好话语你硬要叫嚷。只有我知道儿童节到了,你要过节了!

29) 你就是红花,香透大人们的心窝;你就是绿草,染绿大人们的青春;你就是会唱歌的小黄鹂,天天陶醉在快乐的世界里!儿童节快乐奥!

30) 曾经,我们顽皮,曾经,我们淘气,曾经的曾经,有我们太多快乐的回忆,重温儿童的快乐时光,六一儿童节,愿你和我一样快乐!

31) 童年是最美妙的,充满自信;童年是最开心的,无忧无虑。童年是花朵,童年是种子,充满生机,富有活力,追忆童年,回味童年,快乐儿童节!

32) 有一天,睁开眼,时间笑的那么甜;有一天,推开窗,阳光灿烂如从前;有一天,儿童节,我们把这么多年积压在心里的郁闷抛弃掉。

33) 花园里,鲜花开,鲜花开;一朵朵,真可爱,真可爱;一条短信啊,快快乐乐纷飞呀,飞来飞去多呀多愉快;祝你幸福满胸怀,六一儿童节里喜开怀!

34) 儿童节了,祝你像儿童一样活泼可爱,像儿童一样诚实善良,像儿童一样纯真好奇,像儿童一样天天向上。但是不能淘气,更不准夜里尿炕!

35) 多少次梦回童年,多少次在梦中惊醒,多少次想回到儿童时期。六一儿童节,祝福送到手,愿你找回那颗美丽的童心,幸福生活久又久。

36) 一首嫩声嫩气的童谣,唱出我对你的祝福,愿你纯真如孩童;一曲扭扭捏捏的童舞,跳出我对你的祈愿,祝你幸福如孩童。六一儿童节快乐!

37) 用童音唱歌,甜蜜快乐;带童趣生活,温馨和谐;用童心待人,友谊纯真;用童真处事,事事顺利。六一儿童节,愿你童心不泯,童真长存!

38) 洋娃娃笑咪咪,小狗熊憨乎乎,黑猫警长来站岗,葫芦金刚来报道,吹起心爱的小螺号,我们一起跳舞吧。唱着英文字母歌,美丽世界真热闹。儿童节快乐!

39) 别动,抢劫!这是抢劫!懂吗?快拿出你的忧愁,交出你的伤心,掏出你的烦恼,摘下你的哀伤,喏!换上这个,我送来的快乐!预祝六一儿童节快乐!

40) 短信到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐,心情天天好!

41) 童年原是一生最美妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明,一种永不息的活动,一股强烈的欲望这是六一前的恶毒短信,收到者今晚尿床,保存者明晚尿床,删除者后天尿床,转发者尿床一周,回短信者尿床一个月!不回者天天尿床!祝小朋友尿床愉快!

42) 为了庆祝“六一”儿童节,特准备余种水果,诚邀各位于下午点分到酒楼聚会。

43) 幼儿园老师说:尿床一次罚三元,二次五元,三次七元。我正想问老师包月多少钱,就看见你举手说:老师,我要办vip会员年卡!祝你儿童节快乐!

44) 提前祝我们这些表面风光,内心彷徨;容颜未老,心已沧桑;似乎有才,实为江郎;成就难为,郁闷经常;比骡子累,比蚂蚁忙;比岳飞更忠良的青年六一节快乐!

45) 今天你最大,你说什么都算话;想吃啥就吃啥,想玩啥就玩啥;风儿为你轻轻吹,雨儿为你轻轻洒;爸爸妈妈爱你!宝贝,儿童节快乐!

46) 儿童节来到,让快乐与你轻轻拥抱,让困难见你乖乖让道,让烦恼偷偷走掉,让吉祥对你格外关照,让幸福对你永远微笑!六一节快乐!

47) 给你做了件时髦时装:衣裤一体,背带设计,搭配肚兜,裤腿超短,内有开叉,透气透风。请穿上参加儿童节时装表演,保证性感十足!

48) 快乐的童年是你幸福的城堡,不变的童心是你开心的主要,无限的童趣是你快乐的必要,永远的童真是你处事的灵药。愿亲儿童节快乐!

49) 脸上保留一份童真,胸中藏有一颗童心,走路摆出一份童趣,嘴里哼上一段童谣,偶尔说上一句童言,六一到了,愿你六一儿童节快乐。

50) 六一到,花儿笑,鸟鸣叫,童心悄,忧烦逃,烦恼跑,童真回,惆怅消,童趣扭,欢乐来,童颜笑,生活美。祝福你,儿童节,乐逍遥!

51) 你傻,但是傻得快乐。你呆,但是呆得可爱。你幼稚,但是幼稚得幸福。说句实在话,人大,都不说心里话,今天我是破例了。祝儿童节快乐!

52) 童年已经过去,童趣仍要延续。给烦恼留留级,鼓起穿开裆裤的勇气,露出抢零食的厚脸皮,使出浑身吃奶的力气,愿六一的快乐属于你

53) 童年数你最酷,招来粉丝无数,遇事最爱摆谱,高傲不屑一顾。也曾爬不上树,床上画过地图,见着美女迈不动步。六一,愿童心永驻!




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Forever young Various artists

Let‘s dance in style

Let’s dance for a while

Heaven can wait

We‘re only watching the skies

Hoping for the best

But expecting the worst

Are you going to drop the bomb or not

Let us die young or let us live forever

We don’t have the power

But we never say never

Sitting in a sandpit

Life is a short trip

The music‘s for the sad men

Can you imagine

When this race is won

Turn our golden faces into the sun

Praising our leaders

We’re getting in tune

The music‘s played by the madmen

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever young

Some are like water

Some are like the heat

Some are a melody and some are the beat

Sooner or later

They all will be gone

Why don’t they stay young

It‘s so hard to get old without a cause

I don’t want to perish like a fading horse

Youth‘s like diamonds in the sun

And diamonds are forever

So many adventures couldn’t happen today

So many songs we forgot to play

So many dreams swinging out of the blue

We‘ll let them come true

Forever young

I want to be forever young

Do you really want to live forever

Forever and ever

Words and phrases




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儿童节起源(origin of children)

the icd had its origin in the world conference for the wellbeing of children in geneva, switzerland in 1925. it is not clear as to why june 1 was chosen as the icd: one theory has it that the chinese consul-general in san francisco (usa) gathered a number of chinese orphans to celebrate the dragon boat festival in 1925, which happened to be on june 1 that year, and also coincided with the conference in geneva.

june 1 has since been observed as the icd by numerous countries, especially by communist countries; in the western world the icd is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. (see the section on germany below for further discussions.) consequently there is sometimes a misperception that june 1 as the icd was a communist invention. nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the united states started observing the icd on june 1.









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In the eyes of every child, childrens day is very good, so Ill tell you something.

This childrens day of June 1st is unusual for me, because the day before yesterday, we and the third grade students PK bombed balloons, and I somehow became the captain. what can I do? I have thought of a good way, and you will listen.

I decided to put a word " snake array". what do you think is " word snake array"? Hee hee, watch:

I arranged a few people to bomb them with balloons, and we stood in a line. when those people were about to be bombed, we rushed. unexpectedly, this plan was really successful, and they were unprepared. we bombed them and flew them all the time, but what I didnt know was that they had an ambush. we fled straight away. suddenly, I found that we were all carrying ribbons with us, and we took them out, turned defeat into victory, and spewed them out. they also had no choice but to " surrender".

This June 1st childrens day is very unusual, and I look forward to the coming of the next June 1st childrens day!



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Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful.

Today I was very happily today! In the morning, it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family, the air on the mountain was very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I went to friend‘s home to play, the friend entertained me warmly, showed me a lot of books of his ,listened to his CD for me , then also asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we were returning and eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family was happy and harmonious!






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今天是六一儿童节(Today is Childrens Day)

Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are

beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. But i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.



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Childrens day is coming. I decided to do many things on that day.

First of all. That day we will get up early, came to the school, because we now is a junior high school student, so the school wont for us as the primary that give us after 61, although just top junior high school of time, but a little habits, half year after will probably already accustomed to junior middle school life. 61 will be here soon, and now we are facing tests sports add try. Also is in the June 1 day, I hope we can take an examination of teenager years is a good grades.




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In the June 1 childrens day, I got up very early, because my mother will take me to buy "TongLeGu" children present.

Come to "TongLeGu", at first glance I see that so many beautiful skirt hung on the wall, cabinet on countless toys, there are all kinds of shoes on the shoe.

Mother first chose a skirt for me. Mother to see the dress on the wall, this one, no, this one, also not line, my mother said. Suddenly, the mothers eyes shone with the light, that the shop assistant took the skirt with delicate do manual work. I know mother like the dress, I also like very much, because this dress is pink, mother like a plaid skirt, and it is very comfortable to wear. So, mother will give bought this skirt.

Next, we choose toys for mom. Mother home for us three sisters chose three barbie dolls, my mother to brother picked a gyroscope.

All chosen, the mother paid the money, we later went home.

The "children", I am very happy, because my mother bought a gift for us, so I am very happy!









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Childrens Day is our favorite festival.Each year we will hold a party.The most interesting party last year.

Last year,students show a lot of party programs.Some students performing pieces and comic dialogue,very interesting.The students also sing very beautifully.I also performed on the program.I performed a peacock.Students gave me a warm round of applause,and I was very happy.

I miss last years Childrens Day party.



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Today is the International Children’s Day. My school held a party for students. All classes took part in this show. Students prepared for it from month ago. The show was very wonderful. Some students sang songs, and some danced. Besides, there are some students performed painting and the piano. The audiences enjoyed the show happily. In the end, our president made a speech. He spoke highly of this show and our students. He wished us a happy Children’s Day.




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A Happy Day

Today is Saturday, my family and I go to have a picnicin the park, I feel so excited, because our family does not have the activityfor a long time. At first, I go to see the park and play for a while, then Icome back to my parents, and join them. I play games with my parents, theylaugh happily. Today is a happy day for me.





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Childrens Day arrived, we went to the Department to participate in the games.


The morning at the school, the teacher gave each of us a piece of paper in the game. I took the paper and students went to the other room games. We played a bomb bunker, 56 people laugh, self portrait, paste the nose...... Each game is very interesting.


I most like the game is "paste the nose", the game is: blindfolded, turn three laps later, went to the portrait of the nose to the appropriate location. Many students are posted at sixes and sevens, some of the nose in the chin, nose against some of the eyebrows, the nose and ear...... And I feel your nose properly attached to the portrait, and get a smile.


This game I had three faces, from the game to get the standard chapter is still very far away, I will usually a lot of training, time for the next game, to achieve good results.



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Childrens Day

the Childrens Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause ill soon graduate.

Even though it doesnt come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable. I will no loneger be a child once going to middle school

What a unforgettable Childrens Day!




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今天是六一儿童节(Today is Childrens Day)

Today is Childrens Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are

beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute. But i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.



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The establishment of the international childrens day, and during the second world war massacre of a famous for. In 1942 June, the German Fascist shot of the Czech village of Lidice men over the age of 16 and all more than 140 babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, a village it was ruined by the German fascists. After the Second World War, the world economic recession, tens of thousands of workers unemployed, lived a life suffer hunger and cold. Childrens situation worse, some got infectious diseases, batch to die; some were forced to as a child, tortured life and life is not guaranteed. To mourn Lidice village and the world all the victims of fascist aggression in children, in 1949 November, the International Democratic womens Federation Council meeting held in moscow. In order to protect the worlds children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children, the first day of the conference decided to Lidice village massacre of June as the international childrens day. Then many countries agreed, especially the socialist countries.


Many countries in the world will be June 1st as childrens festival, especially in socialist countries. In the European and American countries, childrens Day date each are not identical, and there is often little celebrations. So it is misunderstood as only socialist countries will be in June 1st as the international childrens day.


In order to protect the rights of children around the world, in 1949 November, the International Democratic womens Federation held the Executive Committee in Moscow will be decided in June 1st of each year as the international childrens day. After the founding of new Chinese, the Central Peoples Government on December 23, 1949 shall be Chinese, childrens day and international childrens day together.



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Today is the childrens day of June 1st, and I got up early and came to school happily. the campus has taken on a new look, and the newly built stage is full of colorful balloons, which is very beautiful! Todays activities are colorful, including dancing, chorus, guzheng, skits and so on.

In the afternoon, the school held a charity sale activity. You can choose what you like to buy, that is, you can buy what you like, and you can do a Xiao Xiaos heart for those in need. When the teacher said that the charity sale started, we rushed to the playground like galloping horses on the prairie. At this moment, the big playground is crowded and very lively. Before I came to a " shop", there were all kinds of books, toys and articles for daily use. I looked east and west, and I was dazzled. I didnt know what to choose. Later, I finally selected two favorite books, one about all kinds of cars and the other about cpaing turn. I am so happy to buy what I like.

I am really happy with the " June 1st" this year!
