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There are three people in my family. Theyre father, mother and I。My mother is a Chinese teacher. She is not tall, nor short, just right. She is fat. She likes to eat noodles and vegetables. Her favorite colors are brown and red. She doesnt like animals. She lets me to learn playing piano. I love her because she is nice and hard-working. She cares for me a lot. She is take cares of grandparents. Sometime my father and my mother fight each other。

My father is a manger. He is thirty-six years old. He is fat and tall. He is good at maths and physics. He cares for me much. Sometimes he buys me stationary. I like my dad。

Now its my turn. My name is Tina. Im eleven years old. Im not thin, nor fat, just right. Im tall. I go to Simon English School. Im in grade four class one. I like to eat french-fries and some friends but I dont like meat. I can paint. My best friends are Lily and Helen. My favorite colors are black, white, yellow and blue。

Sometime in my family everything is very nice。




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My name is Simon. Im 24 years old now. Im from Changsha University. I

major in English, because I have the gift for language study.

In my opinion, English is well-known all around the world. If I can speak

excellent English, I could travel to everywhere in the world without language

barriers. Now I can speak English like an American. Most of my classmates always

envy my oral English.

I like traveling very much. Through traveling, I can widen my perspective

and know more about our world. Now I have been to so many cities, such as

Guangzhou, Zhuhai, and Zhongshan. These cities are nice, clean and modern.

I think Im easy-going and hard-working. When Im at work, I always try my

best to do everything well. I never let others do anything that I can do, and I

never put off todays work to tomorrow. When you have difficulties, I’m eager to

give you a hand if Im able to. I hope I can be your best friend.



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The time of middle school is short and precious, but for some students,

they sit in the class and dont show any passion to learn knowledge. They like

to do something that is against what teachers tell them to do. Such as when the

teacher is presenting knowledge, they choose to read novel, or when it is the

time for them to do some exercise, they sleep. They dont care about study. It

is so negative for them to treat study. We are young and should be full of

energy. It is the best time for us to gain knowledge. What we learn today will

help us to realize our dreams, so lets fight for our goals.



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Have you ever wondered about the stars? In some ways, stars are like people. They are born. They grow old. And they die. A star is born from dust and gas. Slowly the dust and gas make a ball. The ball gets very hot. Then it starts to give off light. The young star grows into a giant. Many years go by. The older star begins to get small again. At last its light goes out. The stars life is over.



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Hello ,teachers. I want to say something about a girl :This is a girl who is beautiful .She has two big eyes ,a small nose ,and two small ears .She likes swimming and dancing .She likes learning English ,because it’s interesting .But she doesn’t like maths ,it’s very difficult.There are three people in her family :father ,mother ,and her .They love her very much .Do you know this girl ?Yes ,this is me , a lovely girl.

Hello ,teachers. I want to say something about a boy :This is a boy who is handsome .He has two big eyes ,a small nose ,and two small ears .He likes swimming and playing computer games  .He  likes learning English ,because it’s interesting .But he doesn’t like maths ,it’s very difficult.Do you know this boy  ?Yes ,this is me , a  cool boy.



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In todays world there is no big problem as a population. People began to worry about the support of the earth. And theres probably only standing room for everyone in the future.

The population of Lima is 5. It was 7 million in 1985, but it grew to 9. 1 million in 2000. Tianjin was 790 million in 1985. In 2000, it increased to 9. 7 million dollars. London, Osaka, Moscow, Beijing, Karachi, New Delhi, Jakarta, Seoul and Tehrans population growth has a similar city. Calcutta, Shanghai, New York, St Paul and STO saw a faster population explosion. Tokyo has 18 million 800 thousand in 1985. It became 20 million 200 thousand in 2000. Mexico City had 17 million 300 thousand people in 1985, but in 2000, its population reached 25 million 800 thousand!

What does population growth mean? This means increasing consumption and greater soil pressure. If more people are added to our world, the population has not been warned or taken any action, we will only stand in the end of twenty-first Century.

Each government and the United Nations should see that each countrys population and each city stay for the next 50 years.




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Hello everyone.My name is Happier1.I come from Guangxi.

Im very happy to come here to study with you.

This class feels just like a big family to me.

Im interested in sport,pop music.I also enjoy playing games on net.I would love to play with you sometime.

I hope I can become your friend soon and make our dreams come true together.



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Last month I went to an amusement park, because I had an excellent grade on my final exam. At the beginning when we drove through the gate, I throught what a magnificent gate. The gate was huge and decorated with many fancy things, such as fake jewelleries, and shinning glass. On the way to the entrance, I could see some wild animals wondering on the place, just like lions, elephants, and hippoes. Also there are iron fences to block them , I still felt exited,

When we entranced the amusement park, I was shocked by what appeared to my eyes.The venders were dressed in colorful and fanny costumes. The souvenir shops were selling things that I’ve never seen before. The roller coaster was so scary and exciting. We tried almost everything in the amusement park, and none of them was boring.

At the end of the day, we were having dinner in the stylish restaurant. The waiters and waitresses were beautiful and handsome, and the food was owesome too. Everything in the restaurant was well designed, such as the tables, chairs and the utensils. We sat next to the window, so we could see the night view of the whole amusement park.。 How beautiful it is! I throught.

After I came home, I could still remember the moment clearly when I saw the night view. It was such a wonderful day for me.








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I had a very happy day yesterday. In the morning I played computer games , that was great! And in the afternoon I went jogging alone and I listened to music. I ate a great dinner at night and went to bed early.



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hello!my name is Mingming.I am a pupil.i like speaking english very much.I go to school five days every week.every day i go to school on foot. because my school is not near my home.i like my school.there are about 3500 students and 54 teachers in my school.and i study grade 4.there are 45students in my class.my english teacher is tall and handsome .i love him very much. welcome to my school.you must be very happy.



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植树一年一度的植树节到了,今年的植树节很特别。表姐家所在的糖果社区开展了一次有趣的业主植树活动。早上,温暖的阳光照耀着大地,我们驱车到了糖果屋, 来到后山公园。啊,后山公园里很热闹啊,很多业主全家出动,大人和小孩老人已经在山坡上植树了,有的种龙眼树,有的种石榴树,有的种荔枝树......我 们商量着说石榴树长得快,又容易生长,明年就可以结果子了,就赶紧领了一棵石榴树来种。我们在山坡上找了一个好的位置,就迫不及待地开始种树。姑丈拿起锄 头挖了个大坑,我和表姐们将树放在坑里,然后拿个水壶装水淋到树根上。妈妈负责照相。最后表姐在树上挂了个牌子,牌子上写了名字和种植日期。我们又笑又 跳,真开心啊!小树的叶子在春风里摇动起来,好像比我们还高兴呢!小数快快长大吧,希望明年你就结上很多果子!

我和爸爸妈妈买了几棵小树苗去外婆家植树。到了外婆家,我和爸爸妈妈一起去拿植树的工具。爸爸先用铲子在地上挖了一个大 坑,我和妈妈一起把树苗放进坑里,接着把土填进坑,再踩结实。最后,我又用水壶往泥土上洒水,水慢慢地被吸进了泥土里,我心里在想:“小树苗呀,你喝了我 浇的水,快快长大吧!”这个植树节真快乐啊!

今年的植树节让我体验了一次植树的快乐,也让我感受到植树后的一种寄托与希望。我们植的这棵树是四个人一起合作的,它留下了我们共同的足迹,也给予 了我们共同的希望,希望这棵树可以成活,可以一直常青,也希望它见证我们的友谊可以长久。我们将它命名为“生命之树”,其实当时也没想什么就给它取了这样 的名字。

我们八点钟从学校出发,径直到了湖湘公园。我、李永洪、罗艳作为外员参加了土木学院教育学院的义务植树活动,我们空手去的,他们准备了桶,矿泉水,还打着 红红的院旗,出发的场景很壮观。每个人似乎都带着一种愉悦,但也有少数人似乎面无表情,感觉前来植树是勉强的。今天来植树的队伍规模挺大的,我们科大就有 好几队呢,另外还有湘大和一些单位的队伍。


我们领了工具分了组,还有一个男生与我们一组,是土木学院 的刘镔锋,他话比较少,是个实干有内涵的男生。护林组的负责人简单和我们介绍了植树的要求,于是大伙就开工了。我们选了一棵最高的树苗,我和永洪先摘树 叶,罗艳和刘镔锋在那挖土。我们摘完树叶,赶紧的忙去抢锄头,都想试试挖土的感觉和植树的乐趣,真的很有趣,锄头都不知传递了多少回。我们都挺开心,边开 玩笑边干活,还时不时的拍照,留下精彩快乐瞬间。我们的坑挖好了,可以放树苗了,那负责人说在放树苗之前要先放好优质的黄土,于是罗艳和锋哥就忙活去了, 我和永洪就负责扶树苗了。土一堆堆的覆盖了,我们的心情逐渐高涨了,我们心里都在想着我们亲手种的树就要完成了,那个兴奋劲儿别提有多高兴了。浇了水,盖 了土,用脚踩紧了土,一棵树植好了,欣慰的笑容自然浮现在我们脸上了。这时我们最想干的就是用相机记录我们的快乐,于是一张照片在我们最自然最自豪的状态 下生成了。

最有意思的是我们在讨论是不是该在树上系一根红条作为个标志时,镔哥告诉我可以问坐在装工具车上的叔叔。我当时就很兴奋,跑过去什么都没想叫了声叔叔,再 提出我的请求,这时我才发现我犯了一个错误,坐在右边的年轻人发表意见了:“怎么叫叔叔呢”我只得陪个笑脸,对着左边的中年人回答:“不好意思,我叫的是 他,叫你当然是哥哥了”年轻人这才满意地笑了,我也轻松了一口气。拿过红条,就迫不及待地签名了,一个个地签,最后李永洪就建议它为“生命之树”。

远远地看着我们的成果,他似乎很挺拔,但也似乎有点飘摇。 我还是很满意地点点头,微笑着,这时锋哥让我们小受了打击,他说去年植的树没一棵成活,我很惊讶,真的很惊讶,但我还是从内心里祈祷:你一定要成活啊,你 是生的希望,也是我们在湘潭足迹的见证啊。我还说我有时间就过来看看他,大四毕业了来看看他长成啥样了,生命之树你一定满足我们的心愿啊。





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I started playing a small note, good things, bad things too numerous to mention, I will list a happy thing for everyone to see it.

Once, I told my buddy Xu Weiming to play with the embankment. We saw a lot of pebbles in the distance, we went together in the past, put a row of pebbles thrown into the river, the game who threw far, and later we play sweat, they sat on the cobbled puff.

I found a piece of wood in the distant stone heap. I said to Xu Weiming: "We put the board as a surfboard, how?"

"Well, and I mean." Xu Weiming happy said.

I said, "Let me try it first!"

"Well, thats all right." Xu Weiming hesitated.

So, I do a good job "skateboard" on the slope, after a long while also filament does not move. I had to ask for help Xu: "Xu Weiming, you kick me kick me down." So he told me to give me a kick. I "thundered" slipped down. That feeling really cool. The final direction did not master, planted a few big somersault, became a sand man.

I went up, down to Xu Weiming smile before leaning forward. I look at the ground of a pool of water, the whole big face, even my own laughter. Later, when he slipped my lesson in the downhill stopped the surfboard before no old tricks. So we spent a pleasant afternoon.

This is one of my happy things, you also told me to listen to it!



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I like to listen to music so much, because music can smooth my mood. My favorite singer is Leehom Wang. He is not only very handsome, but also very smart. He graduated in the top school and he is a music genuis. His great talent in music attracts me a lot. I will always stand by his side, he is an excellent music artist.




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will christmas replace the spring festival?

this worry is fairly unnecessary. why ? one reason lies that christmas only affects christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. another reason is that christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. by contrast,the spring festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.



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Today isTree-planting Day.

We went to plant trees in Daning Greenland. As soon as we arrived, we began to work.Some were digging holes, some were planting and others were watering. We all know trees are very useful to man. Growing trees means saving man himself. We all worked very hard. When the sun went down, we came back home.

Although we were very tired, we felt very happy.




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My name is * * *, this year eight years old, I was a boy. My blonde hair, big ears, nose pianpian like SAN MAOs nose.

I like to play basketball, football, table tennis, I also like fishing, my favorite is swimming. Remember the first time is swimming in the sea. Because cant swim, I drink a lot of water, the water is very salty. I cant help but ask dad: "how so salty sea?" Knowledge is not his dad, didnt also answer.

The second time I go swimming, my father bought me a swim ring, I cant swim at the beginning, dad said to me: "you learn slowly, and dont be too worried." I hear the word of the father, through my efforts, I finally learned to swim.

I understand a truth: nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it.







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由于小学生年龄较小,生活经验不丰富,知识范围有限,决定了他们对直观、新颖、有趣的材料容易理解和接受。比如学生学习“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”这三个问候词时很容易混淆,我就用道具设置情景:画了三幅图,有从东面初升的太阳表示上午,有正在上方炎热的太阳表示中午,有明亮的月亮表示晚上。再叫学生用“good morning ﹑good afternoon ﹑good evening”来说,加深了学生的印象。作为一个小学英语教师表情要丰富,如果表情呆滞,语言平淡,学生就不能全身心投入学习中。所以在课堂上,老师需要生动地表演,丰富的表情,使学生进入一个童话世界。在制作教具时可让学生自己动手画、动手做。在教学中要用到的图片,可以提早几天布置下去,当他们的作品被运用在课堂上时,孩子们都很兴奋。这样使学生体会到成功的喜悦也激发了学英语的兴趣。此外画图片,也培养了学生的绘画能力,也可让他们熟悉一下将要学的新知识,真是一举多得啊!




尽管这世界有许多诱人的芳香,但如果缺少了“书香”,精神家园将是怎样的黯淡。最近,阅读了《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》一书,给我以心灵上的触动! 从《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》中,我看到了一个个令人感动的爱心故事。很多优秀的老师很好地关注沉默的孩子;描述了后进生的转化过程;给于学生关爱和尊重,使学生获得了进步的动力与源泉。他们都能真正赏识这些孩子,他们掌握了一种教育的艺术,爱的艺术。

“每个人心灵深处的信念,都存在着一种能量场,如果你从未怀疑过自己的学生或孩子会成为一个优秀的人,那么他会从你信念的能量场中接受到你的这一信息,并且又会把这一信息变成他的奋斗动力。”“一位女孩”,被国内教师评为“缺乏数学脑子”,却被美国老师赞为“具有数学特长”,能够“优雅且具有创造性地解决难题”;一个“厌学” 的孩子变得出类拔萃,让美国教授对其能力和品质“以性命担保”。爱波斯坦,世界一流的脑外科权威专家之一,然而在读书时却有严重的学习障碍,他称“我曾是智障者”……《小学英语新课程课堂教学案例》所展示的是感人至深的教育故事。它为我开启的,是教育的奥秘,那就是在对学生的心灵进行了真正的解读后,爱的付出。

一、真爱学生,才会低着头,弯着腰,与学生进行心灵的交流,才能从每位学生身上找到金子般的闪光之处。长期以来的“精英教育”,致使很多学生因为评价制度的偏颇成为所谓的“差生”,而教育的最终目的在于最广泛的提高人的素质。现代教育理论也表明,人的智力决非是学习的能力。 “一支铅笔有多少种用途?”——无数种,更何况是万物之灵的人!




