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The name of Christmas is short for “Christ Mass”. Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. In 4th century is a holiday for the church. By the 12th century, Christmas had become the most important religious festival in Europe. In 19th century, two Christmas customs became popular-decorating Christmas trees and sending Christmas cards to relatives and friends. Many well-known Christmas songs were written during this period.

For most people who celebrate Christmas, this is a special holiday for gathering of family and friends, enjoying delicious foods, and giving gifts. A traditional Christmas dinner in American includes stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes and so on. One of the most important Christmas traditions is receiving gifts from Santa Claus. Today, Santa Claus brings presents to children in many countries, including the Unites States, Canada, Great Britain and Australia




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Evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. The spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

The spring festival and christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food.

However, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

Nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.




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one day ,long ago ,a litter baby was born.his name was jesus.

jesus was a special baby.mang people say he was the son of god.

think that he is born in the sky having a new come into being, and evasive intense star brilliant rays occasionally. have had three sages to follow person star brilliant rays , have found jesus. they have brought about the peculiar gift, and have foretold that jesus grows up may become a great people the day afer tomorrow.

jesus has become great one teacher after growing up, he has taught people loving god heartily , shown loving care for each other.

afterwards,jesus is envied and hated because of meeting with judaism upper strata, the nail is suffered calamities on the cross , the at last is passed away by evil person.

people hangs with the star in the christmas tree top for the thing commemorating jesus , when christmas day , people give present each other.










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The classroom was decorated very beautiful, the window is full of stars, like the stars. This is in preparation for the class team activities in the afternoon.

Class meeting began, violin, guitar, hulus play, and word games. But these are not neutral, the teacher buy cake is interested students do, the appearance of the students eat cake to make people more surprised. That is, some even cracked a joke to the teacher.

Though Christmas party was finished, but still very happy!




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the chinese spring festival and the western christmas

evely nation has its own folk festivals. those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. the spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

the spring festival and christmas have much in common. both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. however, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. the westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.




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Today is Christmas day

It was one of the last days before Christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager Christmas shoppers.

At one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes.

When the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "Thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "Oh, I almost forgot..."——"Anything else, madam?" said the girl, "Yes," began the old lady, "Id like to buy another pair, but I m not quite sure about what exactly I should cloose. I wonder if you could help me." "Certainly, madam", was the girls reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. She was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too.

The tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves.

At last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient. I do hope you have a merry Christmas !"




最后女售货员开了发票,疲乏地说了声“非常感谢,太太”,正要转向下一个顾客时,老太太突然叫了起来,“哦,我差点忘了……”“还要别的什么 吗,太太?”女售货员问道。“是的,”老太太说了起来,“我想再买一双,不过我不知道该选什么样的。不知你能不能帮我选选。”售货员的回答是“当然可以, 太太。”老太太接着解释说,她要买的是一双像女售员这样年轻的姑娘戴的手套。她一点也不知该选什么颜色。再说,选什么式样也是个问题。





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圣诞the birthday of Jesus Christ

圣诞歌Christmas carol

圣诞卡Christmas card

圣诞老人Santa Claus

圣诞树Christmas tree

圣诞快乐Merry Christmas

圣诞柴yule log(圣诞节原木形大蛋糕)

圣诞节的次日Boxing Day

圣诞晚会Christmas party


圣诞节前夕(12月24日)Christmas Eve



圣诞祝贺Christmas greetings

圣诞采购Christmas shopping


圣诞节前夕Christmas Eve


圣诞节Christmas Day


圣诞节节日Christmas season


圣诞节假期 (自十二月二十四日至一月一日或一月六日)Christmas time



烛台candle stick

圣诞大餐Christmas feast


圣诞礼物Christmas gift

耶稣基督Jesus Christ

圣诞礼物Christmas present

圣婴Christ Child

圣诞树Christmas tree

圣诞颂歌Christmas carol

圣诞气氛Christmas spirit

圣诞音乐Christmas music


圣诞圣歌Christmas hymn

圣诞佳节Christmas festival

圣诞节用的装饰物品Christmas ornament

圣诞节暂停营业、上学、工作期间Christmas recess

子夜弥撒midnight mass

望弥撒to hear mass

圣诞节景象Christmas scene

报佳音to go caroling

圣诞节用的装饰Christmas decoration


圣诞节假期Christmas holiday

圣诞老人Santa Claus

常青树枝编的花环evergreen garland

(英)圣诞老人Father Christmas

圣诞邮件Christmas mail

常青树枝evergreen bough

圣诞舞会Christmas dance


圣诞布丁Christmas pudding

红丝带red ribbon

圣诞袜Christmas stocking

烤火鸡roast turkey

包装纸wrapping paper

小红莓果酱cranberry sauce


番瓜饼pumpkin pie


干果布丁plum pudding

雪橇铃(系于雪橇或拖雪橇之鹿上的小铃)sleigh bells

闪烁的电灯泡twinkling electric light

行宪纪念日(十二月廾五日亦为我国)Constitution Day

多采多姿的装饰colorful decorations

银色圣诞White Christmas

欢乐气氛joyful atmosphere

圣诞采购Christmas shopping

圣诞玩具Christmas toy

疯狂采购shopping madness

庆祝圣诞celebrate Christmas, to



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1、 没有贴邮票,也没有盖邮戳,我的信,如同我急切的心,以不可思议的光速,瞬间飞过千山万水,来到你的面前,只为成为第一个为你送来祝愿的人:圣诞快乐

2、 圣诞节快乐,还没有收到礼物吧,我送的礼物有圣诞靴用来装美好愿望,圣诞树结满幸福的苹果,传递幸福和美好愿望,开心快乐!

3、 雪花一片一片飘,圣诞一步一步到,听那叮叮咚咚声,圣诞爷爷到,床头放双袜,睡前许个愿,看完短信去做梦,心愿一定会实现。

4、 不装神秘,只派礼物,不是傻蛋,是圣诞;不装清高,只露慈祥,不是超人,是老人;不装亲切,只作友善,不是快乐,是狂欢。朋友,圣诞快乐!

5、 圣诞节快到了,送你一棵圣诞树:树根是健康的体魄,树干是幸福的家庭,树枝是顺心的事业,树叶是美满的爱情,树梢是辉煌的成就,树荫是惬意的生活!

6、 圣诞节快到了,准备好的祝福语,无非是“快乐”二字。可你知道,我对你的关心,并不平常。我不只希望你圣诞快乐!我要你天天快乐!

7、 圣诞节快到了,麦兜族露出微笑,乐活族开始狂欢,零帕族释放压力,晒客族摆起地摊,奔奔族搬运礼品,穷忙族做慈善义工,咱们秒杀族,忙着送祝福。

8、 圣诞节快到了,我怕我的祝福没有悍马的力度,奔驰的速度,宝马的气度,奥迪的风度,林肯的大度,挤不上短信的高速公路,所以让祝福提前上路,提前祝圣诞快乐!

9、 圣诞节快到了,愿你幸福做加法,烦恼做减法,快乐做乘法,困难做除法,幸运开平方,霉运开根号,坏心情像小数点,好心情循环无极限。祝圣诞快乐!

10、 圣诞节快到了,我用我专业十级英语祝福:藕买达零,买低儿,爱辣无油,眯死油馊麻吃,爱旺特吐磕司油,爱你的油,嗷,抗氓被逼,抗氓!科瑞斯么斯。

11、 圣诞节来圣诞树,圣诞老人送礼物,闭上眼睛许个愿,长对翅膀飞上天,围着地球随便转,圣诞之夜都实现,错过机会后悔晚,你可别行动太慢。

12、 圣诞节快到了,作为朋友不得不提醒你:礼物是必不可少的;问候是必须冒泡的;关心是一定要到的;祝福是务必送到的;快乐是必定环绕的。你准备好了么?

13、 拿出我的真心,做成一个围巾,温暖你冰冷的心。拿出我的思念,做成一个手套,驱走寒冷有依靠。拿出我的祝福,寄托与圣诞老人,送给那头的你,愿你温暖过圣诞,开心每一天。

14、 喜迎圣诞,愿你“喜”笑颜开-收到礼物,愿你“迎”春接福-衷心祝福,愿你“圣”下开心-美满温馨,愿你“诞”生幸福-快乐无数。圣诞快乐,幸福。

15、 因为考虑过几天铺天盖地的祝福信息会塞满你的手机,所以我决定提前占领高地,要祝福的都排到后面去,“圣诞快乐”我第一!

16、 问候你,因为朋友装在我的心底;祝福你,因为友谊永远值得铭记。朋友,祝你圣诞节快乐,愿你健康永远,平安永远,快乐永远,幸福永远!

17、 地上的鸭子呱呱呱,天上的喜鹊喳喳喳,小孩子哭得哇哇的,圣诞我想你想得眼泪哗哗哗,不回短信那可就是挨烤的白鹅嘎嘎嘎的哦!

18、 圣诞节日即将到,朋友思念未能少,让那想念化作雪橇,让那关心化作驯鹿,让那问候化作礼物,让自己的影子化作圣诞老人,让祝福化作动力,让我来到你身边,祝愿你关怀你!

19、 圣诞节就要到了!不管天多么冷,刮多大风,下多大雪,结多厚的冰,也不管物价涨得有多快,哪怕发一条短信扣十块,我也要祝你圣诞快乐!

20、 今年圣诞换心意,一条短信表情谊。字里行间传真情,堪比礼物甚真心。美好祝福字间藏,祝你圣诞梦甜蜜,休息每天事如意,美好快乐都归你。

21、 今夜,我不小心在黑暗中划燃了一根火柴,一个小女孩出现了,她:你带我来到世间,给你一个愿望,赶快许愿吧!我说:我要祝我所有的朋友,圣诞快乐,梦想成真!

22、 今年圣诞节,想要礼物的朋友们,请登陆圣诞老人博客,凭积分点击下载礼物券。转发此信息可获取积分,特通知,下载密码是:圣诞快乐

23、 今夜有一颗星星眨眼,那是祝你平安;有千万颗星星在闪,那是祝你快乐;如一颗星星也没有,那是祝福太多星星黯然失色!圣诞快乐!

24、 今年圣诞节,我在你心里种一棵圣诞树,种子是平安,嫩芽是希望,树干是健康,树叶是快乐,树枝是吉祥,年年这个时候都结出祝福:圣诞快乐!

25、 今年圣诞节,圣诞老人改用坐公交送礼物啦,想要礼物的就快给我回短信哦,我将告诉你他的乘车路线!呵呵,越快越好。同时祝你圣诞节快乐。

26、 圣诞节快到了,为了地球环境与资源,请自觉减少购买传统纸制贺卡,你可在大面值人民币上填上贺词,寄给我。感谢你对环保事业的支持!祝你幸福快乐!

27、 今年圣诞不送礼,送礼还送短信息,神奇短信送给你,表达对你的情谊:接收即有好福气,储存事事都顺利,回复生活甜如蜜,转发一切都如意!

28、 送你一片雪花,带去一份牵挂,雪花飘飘洒洒,牵挂真真切切,在这平安之夜我的祝福已被点燃在浪漫的烛光里,慢慢的熔化进你心里。祝你平安夜快乐。

29、 圣诞快到了,我向圣诞老人预定了一只公鸡和一只母鸡送给你!公鸡说:生蛋,生蛋!母鸡说:快了,快了!祝福你圣诞节快乐!

30、 我要在巴西圣保罗伊图圣诞树(世界最高圣诞树,84米)前许下我的愿望,祝福你快乐、祝福你平安、祝福你的人生道路开阔平坦,圣诞快乐!

31、 圣诞祝福虽紧俏,抢先送你最有效,圣诞礼物很畅销,收到礼物微微笑,圣诞短信很忙碌,好运随着短信到,圣诞祝福转一转,快乐指数转得高,圣诞快乐就好!

32、 圣诞节日到,祝福不能少,一祝身体好,礼物扛得了;二祝心情好,总是没烦恼;三祝工资高,时常我替花;四祝事业好,步步在涨高;五祝节日好,圣诞快乐不得了!

33、 圣诞节到了,想装成圣诞老人爬烟筒送礼,怕被你烤熟,想挖棵圣诞树用汽车运输,怕被交警查处,想写张圣诞卡让邮局邮寄,怕时间耽误,最后还是写个短信吧,起码也是高科技。祝圣诞愉快!

34、 圣诞(生淡)节,愿你:生出快乐,淡化烦恼;生出温馨,淡化困扰;生出顺利,淡化坎坷;生出幸福,淡化困恼;生出健康,淡化病绕;生出万安,淡化愁消;圣诞节到,祝你快乐,愿你逍遥!

35、 圣诞传说:信息发一发,钞票任你花;信息看一看,幸福围你转;信息读一读,快乐你做主;信息翻一翻,吉祥连成串,信息转一转,好运永做伴。祝你快乐圣诞!

36、 一生的相识来自天意;一段友情来自诚意;一份美丽来自惦记;一句祝福来自心底;希望你的一生既是快乐的,又是幸福的更是成功的,祝圣诞快乐!

37、 一丝真情胜过千两黄金,一丝温暖能抵万里寒霜,一声问候送来温馨甜蜜,一条短信捎去我万般心意:圣诞快乐!开心过好每一天!

38、 一心想你,二心抱你,三心吻你,四心蠢蠢欲动,五心开始动摇,六心风吹草动,七心渐入佳境,八心翻天覆地,九心长长久久,十心深深相印!圣诞快乐!



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In Boston,carol singing festivities are famous.The singers are accompanied by hand bells.

In New Orleans,a huge ox is paraded around the streets decorated with holly and with ribbons tied to its horns.

In Arizona,the Mexican ritual called Las Posadas is kept up.This is a ritual procession and play representing the search of Mary and Joseph for a room at the inn.Families play the parts and visit each others houses enacting and re-enacting the drama and,at the same time,having a look at each familys crib.

In Hawaii,Christmas starts with the coming of the Christmas Tree Ship,which is a ship bringing a great load of Christmas fare.Santa Claus also arrives by boat.

In California,Santa Claus sweeps in on a surf board.

In America the traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables and sauces.For dessert it is rich,fruity Christmas pudding with brandy sauce.Mince pies,pastry cases filled with a mixture of chopped dried fruit.

The majority of Americans celebrate Christmas with the exchange of gifts and greetings and with family visits.For many,the day begins on Christmas Eve with the Midnight Mass.At Christmas it snows in many states,so dinner is usually eaten indoors.Dinner usually is roast turkey,goose,duck or ham served with cranberry sauce,then plum pudding or pumpkin pie followed by nuts and fruit.



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christmas is one of the most important celebrations of the year for the western countries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of december and has the same importance as chinese new year to people with english backgrounds. the celebration is for the birth of jesus christ, who is the son of god in christianity. now days christmas is no longer only celebrated by the christians, but by most people from all over the world.

on the twenty- fourth of december everyone gets excited for it’s the day before christmas which is called christmas eve. the children are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “santa claus will only come and give you a present if you be good.” the younger kids actually believe that santa will come down the chimney on the sleigh that’s pulled by his reindeers. food like short bread and beer are prepared for santa when he comes, however most times parents just eat them. some children put socks and sacks up for the holding of the presents (that their parents put in).

rise and shine on christmas morning! the children are always the first ones to wake up, some even do at four. present wrappers everywhere! they look into their presents with a big smile on their face and oh dear….i hope no one’s disappointed. i feel sorry for anyone that got pink underwear. children play while dinner is prepared by the adults. the christmas dinner are usually eaten together by relatives. the tradition of christmas pudding and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. the rest of the day is usually games and fun before the good days all come to an end.

i wish everyone a merry christmas and a happy new year!!!



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Christmas Day


Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on

December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will

buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their

houses look more soft and beautiful.


On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope

Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put

the presents in their stockings.


How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say "Merry Christmas" to each


你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。



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At school today, I went home with my classmates. Because today is a wonderful Christmas Eve. As soon as he came home, dad told me to eat at International Building today. I listened and jumped three feet high with joy. As soon as my mother went home, my father and I went out to eat. On the way, I saw a smiling face on the face of the pedestrians tonight, giving people a feeling of peace and warmth. Walking to the gate of International Building, a warm stream was felt, the cold wind outside the glass door was piercing, and the door was pushed into the warm spring. The Santa Claus in the building waved to us all the time. The green trees of the Christmas tree were covered with thousands of colorful lanterns. Twinkling and twinkling eyes blinked.

When I entered the building, I went straight to the 2 building, and a Christmas song was raged in the western restaurant. A photo of an amiable Santa Claus on the wall. I was sitting on a table with my father, mother and aunts and aunts. All of us were like a big family. It wasnt long before those delicious dishes came. At the sight of the fragrant duck, I cant control myself again and eat it. After I finished these delicious fun, I and many children ran in for a while to see the International Building and courteous and accessible Santa, for a while to see the Christmas tree that a riot of colours of light.

Christmas is a good holiday for gifts. When I was young, I always dreamed that one day Santa could come to my house and give me a nice Christmas gift. When I grew up, I knew that when I was a child, those gifts were sent by mom and dad. Todays Christmas, I pestered my father and mother to give me a gift. Mother told me with a smile. The mother laughed and told me, "tomorrow morning you wake up, Santas gift will be returned." Although I knew the gift was sent by my father and mother, I still put a pair of socks on the head of the bed at night. I woke up in the morning and found a 35 dollar book stuck in my socks. I was so happy that I jumped on the bed and yelled, "long live Santa Claus!" I went to school with a book card to show off to my classmates.

I love Christmas!



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evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. The spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

the spring festival and christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. However, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.














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Santa Claus was born in US in the 1860s he was named this as he had a white beard and a belly,so he was named Santa Claus as this was the Dutch word for St Nicholas,Sintaklaas.Although the Dutch had bought him with them in the 17th century,he did not become an important person at Christmas until the Novelist Washington Irving put him in a novel that he wrote in 1809.This first Santa Claus was still known as St.Nicholas,he did smoke a pipe,and fly around in a wagon without any reindeer,but he did not have his red suit or live at the North Pole,he did however bring presents to children every year.

In 1863 He was given the name Santa Claus and bore the red suit,pipe,and his reindeer and sleigh.

Now Christmas celebrations vary greatly between regions of the United States,because of the variety of nationalities which have settled in it.

In Pennsylvania,the Moravians build a landscape,called a putz - under the Christmas tree,while in the same state the Germans are given gifts by Belsnickle,who taps them with his switch if they have misbehaved.

Early European settlers brought many traditions to the United States.Many settled in the early days in the South,these settlers would send Christmas greetings to their distant neighbors by shooting firearms and letting off fireworks.In Hawaii this practice is still in use as under the sunny skies,Santa Claus arrives by boat and Christmas dinner is eaten outdoors.

In Alaska,a star on a pole is taken from door to door,followed by Herods Men,who try to capture the star.Colonial doorways are often decorated with pineapple,a symbol of hospitality.

In Alaska,boys and girls with lanterns on poles carry a large figure of a star from door to door.They sing carols and are invited in for supper.



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christmas day-december 25-which celebrates the birth of jesus christ, the founder of the christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the christian world.

according to the bible, the holy book of christians, god decided to allow his only son, jesus christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand god better and learn to love god and each other more. "christmas"- meaning "celebration of christ "- honors the time when jesus was born to a young jewish woman mary.

mary was engaged to be married to joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. because joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

but after he had considered this, an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "do not be afraid to take mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the holy spirit. she will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name jesus, because he will save his people from their sins."

although the exact date of the birth of jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date divides all time into b.c. (before christ )and a.d. ( a latin phrase, anno domini, "in the year of our lord.") for the first 300 years, jesus‘ birthday was celebrated on different dates. finally, in the year 354, church leaders chose december 25 as his birthday.



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Tonight there will be a white bearded old man jumping into your window, grab you and put you in a big bag...... He was giving me a Christmas present.


How deep is the sea? Only the fish will know! How high is the sky? Only the birds know! How red are the flowers? Only butterflies know! How happy is Christmas? Only Santa knows! Merry Christmas? But to be happy!


The new millennium Christmas Eve with you forever! Let Santa Claus under our two sincere heart, friend to accompany this life! Safe and pleasant!


Because of Christmas, snow doubly romantic; because of the dream, life be more splendid; because of the miss, climb the happy smiling face; because of the wish, winter to feel the warmth; may you experience my thoughts, feeling my wish, Merry Christmas!


Christmas greeting! Solemn statement: without permission of the blessing discount, if not reply no group etc.. Once found irregularities, I will be forced to send a blessing, until your phone off the phone.


Christmas Story: message is sent, money you spend; information see, happiness around you; information read read, happy you call the shots; information turns, auspicious connected on information transfer in the turn, good luck forever. I wish you a merry christmas!


The angel said that as long as he stood in the heart of the 99 roses in a wish, God will hear. I filled the room with flowers. And God said to me, "make a wish, child."! I said I just want to see people who have a merry Christmas!


Christmas, to send you a tree the best Christmas tree, wish you everything satisfactory, good luck in everything; send you a sweet too apple, keep you suisui is safe, smooth, send you a warm good wishes, I wish you a happy and carefree, happy and healthy!


Christmas is approaching potpourri, a sweet send you money spinner, two sweet send you help noble, three incense send you feel good, four sweet send you no worries. Send your money with spicy. Six incense to send you forever health!


I am a Christmas wish, wish you happy, such as the universe is vast and boundless, let your life like a Christmas clothes booming, let your body, such as reindeer like energetic. Can you help me with these wishes? Merry christmas!


The joy of a snowflake float to you, lucky wind blow to you, happy meteors bombarding you, the wealth of sunshine according to you, the blessing of the message towards you, gently authentic sound: Merry Christmas!


SMS tariff, sub - blessing to: sub - Miss, miss, sub - care, sub - attachment, sub - tender, considerate, sincere, sub - caring, sub - warm, sub - romantic. Merry christmas!


With the arrival of Christmas Eve, and think of the distant friends, ask: how do you do? The way: dear, merry christmas! May friendship last forever!


Winter street is not in the cold, and your company a warm pit of the stomach; people are hurrying to and fro in the joy, waiting for the midnight; Christmas is coming, I want to share with you, happiness and good luck belongs to you, the wealth Fu Yun follow you. Best wishes for christmas!


The message by the Santa Claus is responsible for the creation, by happiness is responsible for compiling, by happiness is responsible for sending, fortunate by charge transfer, by my responsible investment delivered in advance to your phone, wish you: Christmas Eve luck and merry Christmas!


Today is Christmas, Apollo, Athena, Venus and Cupid Quad immortal neat bless you, wish you mood permanent Mu sun, full of wisdom and strength, appearance and never grows old, love is sweet as honey!


One received, cheerful mood; read, happy honey; save a deposit, good luck; a turn wealth in a steady stream. A message he is safe, Merry Christmas in front. Wish you a merry Christmas and a healthy body.


HI, how are you still here, do you know your importance? Without you, who took the Santa Claus to give everyone a gift ah, merry christmas!


Click on the whole winter, but did not search to my face; copied a lot of missing, but did not paste my heart; download a pile of thoughts, but has been hidden in the heart. Give you a chance, Christmas, please eat a meal should not be difficult?


Christmas, be happy! Want to eat delicious food, to the stomach, so that it is affected. Think of fun, is handed over to the head, let it bother fees. If you want to hear it, just give it to me. I wish you good luck again and again, happiness forever. Merry christmas.


Star in the little bit of flashing fluorescent, surrounded by colorful Qili dream, bless you promised this year, the desire, can come true one by one in front of you, I wish you a warm holiday joy!


Happy smile in bloom, happy songs sung; auspicious snow in dancing, melodious bell in the drift; Christmas gifts in the delivery, holiday wishes in the transmission. Wish you a merry christmas!


May the bright and festive glow of Christmas candle warm the days all the year through. Just like the smile in my heart!


Send you a snowflake, take a care, snowflakes fluttering Sasa, worried about genuineness, in this Christmas Eve my blessing has been lit in the romantic candlelight, slowly melt into your heart. I wish you a happy Christmas eve.


Christmas is coming soon, mention "money" we wish you a merry Christmas, may you live without sorrow is very rich and success will make money, dundun dinner, do not spend money, leisure entertainment is not bad money. In short, is a good way to life money"!


Long time no see.! Often think of you, countless Christmas blessings, that friendship, thick accumulation of pleasant memories, the world of family, the warmth of heaven, and finally brought us all. I wish you a merry christmas!


I bought you a house, dots, Yishiyiting, but relatively spacious, although it is a layer of sunlight is very adequate, complete water and electricity supply, refined decoration, I think you should be enough to live, for I gave it a good name, the kennel! These days, there has been a problem for me: you obviously not a hen, why do you have to wish you a "raw egg" happy?


I heard you are going to have an egg tomorrow, is it true? Then I have to wish you a happy life! A few days your eggs full moon, I also wish you a round ahead of eggs (New Years day) happy!


Breeze sent to your side, charming and beautiful; good luck to your side, the body health prosperous; some thoughts will be handed over to the side of you, greetings to friends always dont forget!


Gone with the wind, snow and ice, a vast expanse of whiteness, warm and caring hearts warm; when the wind blows the, up cold and true friends dont forget, my mobile phone rang, greeting warm, sincere early send on. I wish you a happy Christmas and friends, caring heart!


Distance can not stop me to send you the blessing, distance can not pull me and your contact, the distance between the distance I miss you, distance can not take me to send you the Christmas Eve message: bless you, merry christmas!


Dear friends, today I went to the post office, sent you a letter, which contains my greetings to you, care, thoughts and greetings, I hope you will be happy to receive, Christmas must be happy ah!


On the night of Christmas Eve, I want to go to church with you, OK?


Melodious bell, wonderful music lingering side; flashing lights, beautiful colors enveloped me you; snowflakes dancing, romantic breath flying all over the sky; Christmas Eve, I wish you dream, good circle, circle of life business circle.


Christmas, for you to plant a Christmas tree, with friendship irrigation, can give birth to the root of good faith, the bud of care, long out of the leaves of Thanksgiving, the health of the crown, the results of a happy fruit, out of the flower of happiness!


Christmas is coming, I wish in this beautiful day you happy holidays, good luck in everything, xinxiangshicheng.


Avian flu does not frighten you, veterinary more not to erase your family for the continuation of the efforts of the spirit, see you again into Rubicon maternity ward, I silently bless you: Happy Birthday!


The white snow fluttering, Lu Ling knock, sweet christmas eve is coming soon! Swing dancing son, son will soar, happy Christmas happy! SMS blessing quietly, early, wish you happy Christmas joy!


Last year I told you not to your comfort, watching you leave the back I do not know how to face, but the eyes are full of tears, tonight is Christmas Eve, you give me some comfort, dont let me heart broken...... Santa Claus!


Slip through your fingers by living in the passing of time, from the fingertips gently sent is the wish all over the sky, time does not stay, happiness to grasp, wish your Christmas Eve warmth is permeated with, wish your Christmas happy!




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the christmas day is the christianity world greatest holiday.why can decide as december 25 christmas day? because december 25 is jesuss birthday. the westerner take red, green, white tricolor as the christmas color. what is red is the christmas flower and the christmas candle. what green is the christmas tree. what red and white intersection is santa claus, he is the character who the christmas day moves most receives welcome. in the west, acts santa claus is also one kind of custom. the christmas song mainly has three, one is "christmas eve"; one is "listens, angel newspaper good news"; third is "bell makes a sound dingdong". the foreign countrys christmas day is equal to chinas spring festival is equally important.。





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The annual Christmas is childrens favorite holiday, is also a time for the kids happy adults busy, because that adults need to prepare a Christmas gift.

Every child likes gifts are different, and my favorite gift is two skirt beautiful temperament, its a pity that its too expensive, so mom dont buy for me, but my mother said, wait for a discount can buy, then I dont know what disappointed, or the happy? Every child hope can get your idea of a gift, but some parents have no way to give their children a gift they "hope".

I think I was lucky, thank my parents work hard to make money, I didnt have such a nice family. Christmas that night, I should get Christmas presents, but I still want to wish, let me get I want a Christmas gift, also hope to have a happy Christmas. But even if I didnt get what I want gifts, I will cherish it, cherish it.






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In winter, when I was not aware of, quietly coming. Christmas day, the happy holiday, without slipping away again. Christmas is a fairy tale, inside it there is a beautiful story. And my favorite, it is the more beautiful, more moving "Santa Claus" fairy tale.

Tiny, mom and dad told me: "the night before Christmas, Santa Claus will send Christmas gifts to the children. However, Santa Claus will only send to obedient child, not obedient child, can not receive." Around Christmas, therefore, I will be very obedient, clever, just for get the so-called Christmas gifts. Young, I never know that this is just a mom and dad in order to satisfy my little wish and make up a white lie.





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Christmas, a popular festival of the west, that the Chinese also love.

Christmas day on December 31,, I am extremely excited mood to greet it.

In the western countries, they always take a pumpkin mask ask someone else to sugar. In the west, Christmas is a festival, everyone is wearing clothes, some in animals, in plants. And some lovely some terrorist.

Christmas in previous years, my mothers good friends and our family together. We back to the hotel, oh! I forgot to say with you, to which every Christmas. Because...... Hee hee they will send me many gifts. That kind of person I am??????? The main because of good service attitude, the most is the most important food delicious.

But this year I dont know. Do not know the Christmas grandpa will not give me a present.








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"We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas…"Have you heard that song? Yup! Its Christmas time! This Christmas, I stayed with my "host family"1. It was an amazing experience to see how a typical American family would celebrate the biggest western festival of the year.

Christmas, like our Spring Festival, has a meaning in itself. Christmas Day, which is on December 25, is the birthday of Jesus Christ--the son of God. Thats why it is called Christmas. On that day, Christians would get together with their families to celebrate the birthday of Jesus. But nowadays, the religious meaning of Christmas has become less emphasized. To many families, it is just a time of family reunion and the ever-exciting present-giving.

Our school had been on winter vacation since December 11. I stayed at my friend, Stephen Stapczynskis house--his family was my "host family". Although Christmas was still more than ten days ahead, the festive spirit had already been teeming everywhere. The Christmas tree had already been set up, and on every windowsill, there were Christmas lights. On the first day I arrived at their house, Stephen and I helped Mrs. Stapczynski put decorations on the Christmas tree. The tree looked so nice with all the lights on and the beautiful ornaments dangling from its branches.

As Christmas came closer, the whole neighborhood had made preparations too. Some people would hold parties at their houses, inviting all their neighbors to come. So every night, if you went out, you would see a long line of cars parked in front of some house--a partys on!

Whats more, the Christmas decorations that some people put on their windows and in gardens were just amazing. On one night, we went out in our car for a "tour of lights". There was one street that was so famous for its lights that it got its way into the local paper. We had a hard time finding the well-hidden street, but it turned out to be worth the effort. Lights shone brightly in front of nearly every house, on trees, bushes, doors, windows…everywhere, taking different shapes, making it seem almost like daytime. Huge inflatable figures in the front gardens were waving to us: there were Santa Clauses2, of course, chuckling merrily away; and there were also other Christmas figures, like Rudolph3--the red-nosed reindeer--with his red nose gleaming ever so brightly; even Bart Simpson--a character in the famous comedy The Simpsons--had joined the jolly party, wearing a Santas hat. The street set off a lot of "ooh"s and "aah"s inside the car.4 When we left, there was a line of cars in the street, all there to see the lights.
