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We have a lot of happy and sad things every day, I am no exception, especially worthy of happy things - I help my mother to wash clothes.

I remember one time I helped my mother to wash clothes, before I started to know how to wash clothes clean, my mother carefully taught me how to put my clothes good

Her mother while washing clothes, while I show me, she first put the clothes into the water, put a little wash liquid hand rub, and soon followed the first time the mother clothes, and then wash the clothes again, my mother put a no Clean clothes washed very clean, my mother said: "Then let you wash it!" "This is not easy!" I said proudly up. I put my own clothes in the water.

First of all, I took the laundry to the side, pour a little wash liquid, hand rubbing hard I turned over the clothes to see if there is no clean, my mother looked at the instructions I have not washed clean, I said: "I wash very clean. I want to play." Mom angry, "play what play, things "I know wrong, the clothes and wash it again, my mother happy, I am also very happy."

As the saying goes: "look easy, difficult to do things." We do things must be patient.

This thing though I got the criticism of my mother, but I am very happy. Because I know how to do things beginning and end, to be patient and meticulous ... ...




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新的一天又来了,今天我要做一个最最大的决定——自己坐 车去学校,我最快乐的一天。

以前,我想自己坐车去学校可外公都不允许。今天,我终于 可以自己独自坐车了,我一定要好好感受这一天。早晨,太阳公 公发出万丈光芒,让人们觉得很刺眼。我6时30分从家门出发, 一路上大树仿佛像妈妈一样在对我说:“路上要注意安全”。来 到车站,车已经来了。我走上车啊!车上人比我想象的要多得 多。这时,售票员阿姨已经向我伸出手要钱买车票了,我最快乐的一天(http://1.unjs.com)。我拿出一 元五角给了售票员阿姨。到了阳阳光假日酒店,许多小学生都在 这里下车了。我心想:为什么这些小学生都在这里下车呢?这 时,我才听到一位阿姨说:“在万松这里读书的怎么这么多?”

我恍然大悟,原来,这里有一所叫万松小学的学校啊!不一会 儿,我也到了,我走出车叫了一辆去学校的三轮车,直接到学校 了。

今天,对于我来说是一个既惊险又高兴的日子。也是一个能 锻炼我胆子的一天,以后,我要自己的事情自己做,不依赖父 母。让自己变成一个独立、胆大的女孩。



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"Come, come!" I dream of the new computer finally came.

With the new computer imagination and hope, ye late I was lying in bed excited to go over and over sleep, my mind always emerge with the imagination of the new computer looks like, until late, late ... ...

The new computer is silver black and white, dignified host, mother and son speakers, LCD monitors, multi-function keyboard, optical mouse, handsome! Listen to the computer master, the new computer CPU is Pentium 4 · 4, hard disk 120G, memory 512 Trillion, DVD drive ... ... great! Noble and gorgeous appearance, ultra-new high-level configuration, my heart suddenly excited all of a sudden over the body, really elated.

The new computer a Bahrain, I can not wait to jump on the chair, hands and use, while the mouse, while the keyboard, for a while ... ... Although my family had two computers, with the front of this new computer, is simply a world of difference. Crash, error, slow and so on are "flying" to the clouds to go outside.

Application of new computer Internet, download, run the software, the speed is very fast. It makes me really enjoy the fun on the information on the highway. Because of the high quality graphics and precision liquid crystal display, so the image is very clear, even the pores are so clear. The new computer with a burning function, I use it carved several CDs, there are beautiful pictures, games, I will give them to my little partners, let them share with me happy! New computer brings Music is so pleasant, new computer ...

I enjoy tasting this beauty, this sweet, I am intoxicated!



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In a sunny afternoon, I looked out the window of the white clouds, the cloud is like a mass of cotton like. I see my father is very free, on the father said: "Daddy, we play badminton it." Daddy one, came strength, still very proud to say: "Well wow, we go to a ratio, but certainly again You lose! "I said without hesitation:" than to know who wins who lose it!

To the badminton court, is the father first serve. But my father did not mercy, just played on a very fierce ball, I saw the ball like a bomb like to fly to me. I hastened to dodge, the ball landed. Dad got a point first.

Turn my serve, I thought must take the score to recover, beat his father, they also tried to send a very fierce ball, but my father easily hit back. I caught, and hit back. Hey, dad really have two times, once again hit back. I flew in the badminton to fly to me that short moments thought of a good way: change strokes. So I will count on the account, changed to a super short ball, so that the ball just over the net, then go down I finally got a point.

So that we come to me, hit one after another ball

Finally, I still win. I am happy to jump a few feet high, could not help but education from the father to: "modesty makes progress, proud behind people." Dad after listening, it seems a bit uncomfortable look, but I know this is my father care for me, humble me result.

This is my happy day, anyway, anyway, I was defeated my father.



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春末夏初之季,阳光普照大地,每天早晨,我迈着快乐的步伐去上学,总是在经过校门口时,看见一个角落里挤满了一大堆人。有一天,那里还是热闹依然如故,我的脑子里出现了许许多多的问号。我实在是太好奇了,就也挤了进去。出人意料,一位老爷爷坐在一张竹椅上,正在卖可爱的蚕宝宝和翠色 欲滴的桑叶呢!“哇!太棒了!这不是我日日夜夜都盼望的事吗?”我边惊喜地嘀咕边急忙找出剩下的早餐钱,一股脑全买了蚕宝宝,一共四条,卖蚕宝宝的爷爷看我那个喜欢劲,竟然又送了我五片桑叶,我乐得连蹦带跳地进了学校。








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Remember that it was a Monday morning, our whole school in the rise of the flag, after the rise of the flag, the school principal announced the "civilized etiquette small star" list, which I have a, when the president read my name I was suddenly cast, and the people around me pushed me and said, "You won the prize and go to the prize!"

I jumped up and ran to the podium, the principal gave me a small red books, the school then gave me a pencil case, I hit the little books, there is a certificate, I looked very excited Because it was my first prize.

On the last lesson, I think the time is too slow, slower than the snail crawl, I looked out the window, the birds twitter, as if for my award and happy!

The bell finally rang, my first out of the classroom flew home, on the way home, I see the certificate of merit, laughing from ear to ear, so all the way to Xiaohehe.

I came home, my first thing is to give the certificate to the father and mother to see, my parents can be happy, my mother said to reward my table delicious, I am very happy.

Afternoon to the class, the students are envious of me, that I am awesome, the teacher also boasted me!

Come home at night, my mother fulfilled her promise, I looked at the certificate, my heart was beautiful.

This is my pleasure, you have it?



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I have a lot of happy things, but I feel most happy is my six birthday.

That day my father said I was a small birthday, he took a day and my mother to accompany my birthday. They took me to the swimming pool, I like a small tadpole, like in the water free to swim to swim. Then, I went to the mattress bed to play, like a happy little rabbit in the same jump on the jump ... ... I am most happy and Mom and Dad in Zhongshan Park crazy paradise in the fight.

The battle began, my mother and a pair of upstairs, my father downstairs. My mother helped me pick up a lot of bullets, I have poured into the launcher, aimed at the father, "beep, beep ... ..." There are a lot of bullets are hit the father. Dad is not to be outdone, he also launched a fierce attack on us. "Dodo, beep, beep ... ..." bad! Mom shot, but fortunately I hid not played. At this time, my father did not bullets, and he hurried to the ground to pick up bullets.

At this critical moment, we hurry to win. My mother gave me a lot of bullets, we all went to my father. In our concerted efforts, my father was beaten. Later, I pressed another button, who knows, next to the shelves of the ball are falling, like the same day, like the flowers scattered to the father just like picnic. Daddy said I was cunning, we all laughed ...

Every time I think of this thing, I will feel very happy, very happy.



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National Day holiday to happen, happened to run into the autumn of the weather, the weather is the best to fly a kite.

One day, my father suddenly whim, proposed: "Today, blue skies, the most suitable for flying kites, we went to the kite it!" My sister and I overjoyed, said in unison: "Well!

So, we happily came to an open space. "Ah, how many people are flying kites!" I can not help but say. I saw a lot of flying kites in the sky, there are lively and lovely swallows, handmade exquisite dragonflies, the mighty eagle ... ... like the flowers in the sky, colorful, mix and match.

I am happy to say to my father: "Daddy, let our butterfly fly in the sky!" "Okay!" Daddy agreed. He let me hands holding butterflies, and held high. Then Daddy clasped the spool with one hand and the other hand, and then ran forward quickly. Until a few tens of meters away from me, the line stretched, he shouted to me: "ready, put!" I immediately let go.

I saw our "butterfly" like an athlete like, desperately fly to heaven There was a flower in the sky. I saw the kite sometimes hovering up, sometimes dive down ... ... gradually, the kite fly higher and higher. Ah, my heart seems to follow the kite flying on the sky, it took me in the air roaming, I seem to see the Great Wall, as if to see the Tiananmen Square, as if to see the Nanjing Bridge ... ...

I looked at the rising kite, the heart had a leap: ah! In the future I have to learn kite flying like high, climbing the peak of science.



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I started playing a small note, good things, bad things too numerous to mention, I will list a happy thing for everyone to see it.

Once, I told my buddy Xu Weiming to play with the embankment. We saw a lot of pebbles in the distance, we went together in the past, put a row of pebbles thrown into the river, the game who threw far, and later we play sweat, they sat on the cobbled puff.

I found a piece of wood in the distant stone heap. I said to Xu Weiming: "We put the board as a surfboard, how?"

"Well, and I mean." Xu Weiming happy said.

I said, "Let me try it first!"

"Well, thats all right." Xu Weiming hesitated.

So, I do a good job "skateboard" on the slope, after a long while also filament does not move. I had to ask for help Xu: "Xu Weiming, you kick me kick me down." So he told me to give me a kick. I "thundered" slipped down. That feeling really cool. The final direction did not master, planted a few big somersault, became a sand man.

I went up, down to Xu Weiming smile before leaning forward. I look at the ground of a pool of water, the whole big face, even my own laughter. Later, when he slipped my lesson in the downhill stopped the surfboard before no old tricks. So we spent a pleasant afternoon.

This is one of my happy things, you also told me to listen to it!
