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今天是国际三八妇女节,老师要我们自己做一件事,来感谢妈妈。我们一小组商量了一下自己做什么事。 我想帮妈妈洗衣服,因为今天正好脏衣服很多,我想一起把它洗完,我端来了一张小椅子,坐下来开始洗我们一家人的衣服了。

我用肥皂在衣服上搓搓,然后再在手上搓。当我要洗了一大半的时候,一个黑点怎么洗也洗不下来,好像在和我作对一样,我没办法只好拿出我的秘密武器—刷子了,我拿刷子在上面刷了几下,果然一点颜色都没有了,我把剩下来的衣服全部洗完了。我把刚刚洗完的一大盆衣服拿到阳台上,一件一件地夹了上去。 晚上睡觉时,我想:妈妈多辛苦呀,看来我要天天帮妈妈做家务才行啊!



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"5.12" international nurses day is to commemorate the founder of the international medical care nightingale and set the day. Held a memorial service, the purpose is to inspire the nurses JiCheng and carry forward the glorious tradition of the nursing career, with "love, patience, careful, responsible," treat every patient, do a good job of the cure patents. The most unique function of nursing work is to assist patients and healthy people prevent disease, alleviate pain, restore health or health promotion, it is combined with science, ethics and a subject of art, therefore, nurses must constantly enrichment, to foster nursing staff career accomplishment and can-do spirit. Nursing care on the front of a "white angel" with strong career-ambition and high sense of responsibility, the sincere love selfless dedication for each patient, study and develop the founder of modern nursing, Lawrence? The spirit of the nightingale, "burns oneself, illuminates the others", "the nightingale was a hero, is the pride of our nurse, she and the portrait of queen Elizabeth ii was printed in pounds is on the back, who was born in 1820 nurses rescue the wounded in the Crimean war moving deeds, inspired generation after generation of personnel management, she live in our hearts forever." Let us to cultivate more trans-century nightingale type of nurse and work together!




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掌权日 每年的1月4日,是瑞士某些地区的“妇女掌权日”,在为期4天的节日中,家里大小事务全由妇女说了算,男人统统“闭幕”。

求爱日 每逢闰2月29日这天,是英国旧俗中的“妇女求爱日”。这一天,妇女可以摆脱世俗的清规戒律,大胆向意中人或未拿定主意的情人示意。西班牙的“女市长节”,也在2月份。当日,由女性主持市政公务,发号施令,男人如违抗,就会被公众群起攻之。

少女节 3月3日是日本的“少女节”,又称“姑娘节”,是全国性的节日。日本人认为,这时正值红桃报春,是女性美的象征,所以也叫“桃花节”。

妈妈节 4月,在尼泊尔有一个历时3天的妇女节,来自各地的妇女,披着红色“纱笼”,成群结队地涌向首都加德满都的帕苏帕蒂庙。她们在吃饱了由丈夫烹煮的美食后,便在神像前大唱赞歌。在印度,这个月有一个“妈妈节”。这一天,已为人母者穿上彩色缤纷的“纱笼”,带上各种首饰,显得风姿绰约。这日也是一年中她们最受尊重的一天。

母亲节 5月的第二个星期日,是美国、加拿大和欧洲一些国家的母亲节,其主要内容是尊敬母亲。这一天,美国的家庭成员要按习惯佩戴石竹花,做一些使母亲高兴的事。5月29日,是中非的“妈妈节”、母亲要带着孩子参加游行。5月的第三个星期日,是西班牙的“百女节”,订了婚还未过门的少女们持花登高,互相祝福。

太太节 8月23日至9月15日,是德国汉堡的“太太节”。由妇女组成的演艺团体,专演一些宣传男女平等的戏,以示庆祝。8月12日,则是泰国的“母亲节”。

狂欢节 10月10日至15日,是德国莱茵地区的“妇女狂欢节”。在此期间,妇女“大自由”。男人们不得查探妇女活动的内容,违者会被抓问罪。10月17日,是非洲马拉维共和国的妇女节,这一天有全国性庆典,男人在当天要对妻子呵护有加,侍侯周到。

休息日 12月31日到第二天中午,是希腊的“主妇休息日”。这天,妇女在家里什么也不干,一切家务全由男人承担。




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International Day of Peace September 21st In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace. The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.Peace Day for Young People at the United NationsSince 1997, the World Peace Prayer Society has assisted the United Nations Department of Public Information in producing a program for New York school children at UN Headquarters, including a World Peace Flag Ceremony. On Sept. 23, 2002, this program included greetings by Mrs. Nane Annan, Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.International Day of Peace VigilThe goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: "To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world."This Vigil is meant to demonstrate the power of prayer and other spiritual observances in promoting peace and preventing violent conflict. Support this worldwide initiative by committing to hold a 24-hour vigil on 21 September.The World Peace Festival Celebrating the International Day of PeaceThis year, the annual World Peace Festival in Amenia, NY, will be held on Sunday, September 21, 2003. The Festival, always a joyful multi-cultural gathering of music and dance, activities for children, and a magnificent World Peace Prayer Ceremony with the flags of all nations, will serve as a focal point for festivities worldwide honoring the International Day of Peace.




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1. 烦心事,丢出去;家务活,脑后去;身体累,休息去;调情绪,娱乐去;赶时尚,打扮去;爱自己,心里去;妇女节,祝如意;笑容甜,最美丽!妈妈,节日快乐!

2. 烟花三月的节日,没有华丽的芍药,没有富贵的牡丹,唯有纯净如莲的玉兰,恰如我们的母亲。祝妈妈三八妇女节快乐,健康常在,美丽永驻!

3. 请开心的笑起来,让生活充满你灵动的色彩,请幸福的唱起来,让日子像美景一样令人开怀。

4. 发一条短信给你,我亲爱的妈妈,祝你三八妇女节快乐!

5. 爱你爱得稀里哗啦,恋你恋得噼里啪啦,想你想得七上八下,思你思得日日牵挂,愿你过上快乐三八,我们总是幸福一家!妈妈,三八快乐!

6. 说你不美丽,那是骗你;说你不善解人意,那是误解你;说你不温柔,那是不了解你;说你不聪明,那绝对没道理。妈妈,妇女节了,祝你安康好身体,开心如意!

7. 你知道,我知道,你在我心中很重要;你懂得,我懂得,今天要过好妇女节;你快乐,我快乐,幸福不断如长河!愿美女节日快乐,好运多多!

8. 你的美丽属于天生丽质,你的气质就是一尘不染,你的性格就是坚韧不屈,你的特点就是巾帼不让须眉,你的本事就是以柔克刚,作为被你克主的一块钢,祝你妇女节快乐。

9. 围裙扔一旁,抹布快甩掉,今天你做主,全家任你遣;信用卡刷刷,购物忙得乐,三八妇女节,祝你最开心,最如意,最最最美丽!

10. 你的脸蛋是美丽的,你的本性是善良的,你的头脑是聪明的,你的性格是温柔的,你的品格是真诚的,你的名声是最好的。祝最完美的你,妇女节快乐,永远年轻!

11. 妈妈,我曾是你身边的一只备受关怀的小鸟,今天它为你衔来了一束芬芳的鲜花。祝您妇女节快乐,身体健康,万事如意。

12. 妈妈我感谢你赐给了我生命,是您教会了我做人的道理,无论将来怎么样,我永远爱您,祝您在新的一年里身体健康,万事如意。

13. 世界因为女性的诞生,而显得分外美丽!虽然只是一个小小的问候,却代表了我最真最浓的祝福!美女,三八妇女节快乐!

14. 如果现在你快乐,我愿你永远快乐。如果现在你烦恼,就把它丢给我。今天是你的节日,无论如何你也要快乐,今后的每一天我都要你快快乐乐!:)

15. 你们快乐吗?我们不快乐!你们放假狂欢了,剩下我们忙碌着!晚上要你们请客呀!祝办公室的全体美女,三八节快乐,永远年轻漂亮!

16. 世界因为有了女人,而显得格外美丽!我的生活因为有了你,而显得有滋有味,谢谢你每天让我过男人节,今天你过女人节吧!愿你永远年轻漂亮!

17. 每天我都仰望夜空,对着每一颗划过的流星许愿,祝愿我的朋友永远开心。今晚,你抬头会看见一颗特别的流星,我已经向它许愿:祝你妇女节快乐!

18. 风吹了过来,你转身离开,你说你会很快回来,我说我会等你回来。今天是你的节日,我祝你妇女节愉快!我还在等待重逢的一天,只愿你早日归来。


20. 你自尊自爱又自强,多识多艺更多才。今天是三八妇女节,愿天上的每一个流星,都为你而闪耀天际,愿勤劳善良,朴实美丽的你,永远幸福又快乐!

21. 最远的你是我最近的爱!最近的我天天在等待。等你归航,为你铺好了红地毯!亲爱的,节日快乐!

22. 珍惜自己,拿自己“当回事儿”,就让我们从这个三八节开始吧。

23. 半边天,今天要想去逛商场的话你就去吧,只求别疯狂购物。

24. 今天不能怨我不陪你逛街,实在是幸福的妇女同志放假回家而我还须坚守岗位,分身乏术哇。你买东西我报销吧!

25. 老伴,全家人祝你节日快乐!我们永远爱你。

26. 老婆,在"三八"这个充满女权意味的节日里,你还需要浪漫吗?:-)

27. 老婆,结婚这么多年,你做了那么多,辛苦了。



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Our house has a beautiful angel mommy no wings. Today is international nurses day, at the start of your morning I found my mother had to work to.

To the mothers hospital to see a statue before, mom told me it was the founder of the nurse Florence Nightingale, and told me about her story, because she saved the lives of many people, very great, people like her very much, so I gave her a beautiful name - lantern. Mother is very like to nurse the work, she saving lives very hard every day. Her job is related to the patients life, one thousand dozen wrong needle or hair wrong medicine will be dead. So my mother every day work is conscientious and also often work overtime to very late, exhaustion of body and mind back to home.

I think mothers day the first kiss, a mothers love is second to none. Tomorrow is mothers day, I wish mom in during the holiday is so happy!






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1912, the International Council of Nurses will Nightingales birth - May 12 as the International Hu Shijie, designed to encourage the majority of nursing care to inherit and carry forward the glorious tradition of the cause, "love, patience, careful, responsible Heart "treat every patient, good care. Initially called "Hospital Day", also known as "Nightingale," in China, known as the "International Hu Shijie." In this day and vigorously promote care and encourage nurses to learn life-saving humanitarian spirit, all countries in the world has become an event of the nursing profession. This year is the 95 anniversary of the International Hu Shijie.

"5.12" international Hu Shijie nurses is the common festivals around the world, is to commemorate the founder of modern nursing ---- British nurse Florence Nightingale (also known as the "lantern President") and the establishment of the .





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三是要以镇党委、政府“深入开展‘塑造南汇新精神、展示文明新形象’为主要内容的教育活动,努力提高××人民素质和城镇文明程度”的要求,要在文明单位、文明小区、文明村的创建活动中,广泛动员全镇妇女姐妹们积极参与,充分发挥妇女组织“组织性好、凝聚力高、战斗力强”的优势,推动文明创建水平与质量有新的提高。同时,也要在维护妇女权益上发挥作用,利用各种宣传工具大力宣传男女平等基本国策,宣传维护妇女合法权益的法律法规,充分利用民主参与和民主监督渠道,推进社会运用法律的、政策的、教育的手段,抵制歧视妇女的行为,打击侵害妇女合法权益的违法犯罪活动,真正成为妇女 “娘家”。









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March 8th, uh, its womens day. Ive been thinking about giving my mother a present. Its almost time for school. I should buy her a practical point later.

Mom came to pick me up after school, just passing Li Feng, take her mother to go shopping Thats a good idea. I told her, and agreed, and we went in.

after a while, we came to Watsons, just mother thirsty, want to buy water, I had an idea, told her I came to buy water. a bottle of water, plus a gift, is within twenty yuan. I turned round the counter, looking for it. Mom was surprised and asked me, "where are you doing?"" I quickly disguised: "nothing, Im looking at what else?"......" I almost said I missed it, so I quickly made up my account and gave water to my mother. "Mom, wait for me first."." With that, I quickly looked around.

"This, no!". Well, its a bit too expensive......" The ten yuan in my hand was squeezed out of sweat. "This!" at a counter, I saw a very useful mobile phone bag. The price is ten yuan, I took it from the shelf, repeated, well: white FENBO (partial powder) at the bottom, seemingly smooth waterproof shell, soft lining, OK, on it. I gave ten yuan to the cashier, and the cashier returned me 0.5 yuan because of the discount.

Holding the mobile phone bag, I walked out of the shop and came to my mother. I handed her the mobile phone bag and said, "Mom, this is a gift for you. Happy womens day."!" Mother mischievously blinked: "thank you!"!" I smiled and asked her to open it. Mom was glad to put her cell phone in, and then she took me shopping.

Until the evening, my mother was very happy, I think, I am also very happy.



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Every day looking forward to the “61” Children has finally come.

Morning, 5:30 on my . My mothers face cream first serious个true face wash, and then red comb black comb Liangliang the braids, in a flower on the top bar.draw good makeup, I look at themselves in the mirror left-right look, feel really good, they turned to the school run. As if my joy will not walk, do not know how I went to school from home.

Went to school, teaching see hanging in front of the building to celebrate “61” Children of the huge banner, banners below are to allow us to display the broad stage of talent. We will be here to celebrate “61” International Childrens Day.

Renqing “61” event at the thunderous applause began. First, school leaders give excellent Shaoxian squadron and outstanding young pioneers, “ten juvenile Flower”, “to help learn flower” were presented with awards in recognition of advanced, next is our childrens talent show, performances.

The first one-year program are the children as “61” section of the clapping song rehearsal. Only a small lively Student beautiful, full of energy ahead. Liang opened their voice to sing hard, hard shot with open hands, small hands beat red. The second program is the sixth grade, Big Brothers and Big Sisters performing chorus. They lined up a huge team, bright open -like voice, singing, crying to celebrate “61.” At the time singing, laughter, applause, music passed fast. The play has been our fifth grade. We must use the joy of dance to celebrate “61.” Standing on the platform, I do not know how good my jump, but I saw the audience of teachers and classmates are looking at our laughter towards our applause. After the U.S. dance , Xu sweet for everyone classmates sang “Solar Rain” theme song, her sweet voice with their own resounding solo to celebrate “61.” Turn to instrumental performances, and we took to go blowing clarinet Units, tracks are “painting the Carpenter”, “cowboy”, “Spring has.” Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing, sound filled the campus, applause reverberated in the campus, smiling at his face in full bloom.

How time flies! Unconsciously program finished performing, but our hearts are still immersed in the joy of holiday in a long time should not calm.

Back home, turn on the TV I watch to celebrate “61” Highlights of the event. Original country, children all over the world with us as excited as joy, as happy, because today is the U.S. holiday, are “61” International Children ah!











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Today I am very happy, because today is not only "38" womens day, but also

my mothers birthday.

Early in the morning I thought, what to do for my mother? I thought to

myself, I didnt think of a way, so I went to ask dad. Dad said, "you can make

her a card or do something for her." So I decided to make her a card. I took out

a small piece of cardboard and wrote, "happy holidays and good health." Well, I

put the CARDS in my room.

I went out to help my mother mop the floor, my mother said in surprise:

"you dont even touch the housework, how do you have to mop the floor today?"

Ill just mop the floor and not answer mom. At noon, I put the CARDS in my

mothers room, and my mother said to me, "what are you doing in the room?" I

smiled at my mother and said, "its a secret."

At night, I said to my mother, "happy birthday to you, and I wish you a

happy holiday." Mother said: "today is my birthday I remember, today is what

holiday?" I opened my eyes to my mother and said, "today is march eighth

international womens day! Dont you remember? "I thought you knew it was for

you," I said to my mother. My mother took the card and looked at it, moved to




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On March 8th, 1975, the United Nation started to celebrate the

International Women’s Day. In China, the women’s day also called “March 8th”day.

Why we celebrate women’s day? There is a long story.

On March 8th, 1909, the Women’s Union of Chicago demonstrated against the

inequality between men and women. They demanded that they should have the same

payments, the same working hours as men had, and they should have the rights to

vote. They even put forward a slogan: Bread and Rose, which stood for equal

payment and a better living standard. This demonstrated had caused international

attention to the women’s rights. A year later, a critical meeting was held in

Demark, in order to promote the women’s liberation and equal rights, the council

members decided to establish the Women’s Day on March 8th. Then March 8th, 1911

just became the first Women’s day.

In our country, during the women’s day, the women usually have a day-off

holiday. The communities or companies will organize the recreational activities

such as a spring outing, a nice dinner and some extra welfare. On this special

day, the women can really realize that a woman’s value is not only giving birth

to a child, doing endless housework, but also find her own status in the modern

society. That is she can make a different. She can do everything that a man can

do. When you look around, you will find that more and more women are acting as

scientists, doctors, lawyers, even leaders. Just try to remember, women rule

half of this world. The life could quite different without their wisdom and


Happy International Women’s Day!



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The establishment of the international childrens day, and during the second world war massacre of a famous for. In 1942 June, the German Fascist shot of the Czech village of Lidice men over the age of 16 and all more than 140 babies, and women and 90 children taken to concentration camps. The village houses, buildings were burned, a village it was ruined by the German fascists. After the Second World War, the world economic recession, tens of thousands of workers unemployed, lived a life suffer hunger and cold. Childrens situation worse, some got infectious diseases, batch to die; some were forced to as a child, tortured life and life is not guaranteed. To mourn Lidice village and the world all the victims of fascist aggression in children, in 1949 November, the International Democratic womens Federation Council meeting held in moscow. In order to protect the worlds children to survival, health and education, to improve the lives of children, the first day of the conference decided to Lidice village massacre of June as the international childrens day. Then many countries agreed, especially the socialist countries.


Many countries in the world will be June 1st as childrens festival, especially in socialist countries. In the European and American countries, childrens Day date each are not identical, and there is often little celebrations. So it is misunderstood as only socialist countries will be in June 1st as the international childrens day.


In order to protect the rights of children around the world, in 1949 November, the International Democratic womens Federation held the Executive Committee in Moscow will be decided in June 1st of each year as the international childrens day. After the founding of new Chinese, the Central Peoples Government on December 23, 1949 shall be Chinese, childrens day and international childrens day together.



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The socialist market-oriented economy in our country is developing rapidly, just like a truck running at a high speed. But the general public is surprised to find that there are more and more fake and inferior products seriously hampering the expansion of our marker economy. Consumers have to be very careful in purchasing goods and services they need; otherwise they will fall into the traps set by the illegal manufacturers who make fake and inferior products. From Joozone.com


There is no doubt that fake and inferior products are extremely harmful. In the first place, they endanger people’s health, giving rise to a lot of injury accidents. For instance, inferior-quality medicines not only aggravate a patient’s condition, but also tend to threaten his life and, what’s worse, to result in his death. Secondly, fake and inferior products are usually sold on the cheap. In many cases they interfere with the normal economic order in our country, affecting the market of many high-quality goods. This in a great degree, hinders the development of our socialist market economy and harms the interests of our state. Therefore, we can say that fake and inferior products are a dangerous “tumor” in our healthy economy, which must be cut away as soon possible.


In my opinion, several strong measures should be adopted to fight against fake and inferior products. On the one hand, those who make them must be severely punished by the law. On the other hand, due to the growing complexity of the market, consumers are often faced with deceptive practices. Although there are laws designed to protect consumers, there is not a sufficient number of law enforcers to cover all the abuses of the marketplace. Hence, consumers should learn to discern between true and false. Only in this way can they defend their own legal rights and interests.




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The world because of had the woman, but appears particularly beautiful! The regards are only the short several lines, is actually a thick true meaning! Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is forever young attractively!


Will not have the sun, the flowers not to open; Has not liked then not having happiness; Does not have the woman also not to love; Without the mother, also will not have the poet, also will not have the hero. The International Working Women‘s Day is joyful!


What is arrogant? Cow! What is modest? Installs! What is diligent and thrifty? Digs out! What is Fengxian? Silly! What is intelligent? Blows! What beautiful woman? You! The beautiful woman holiday is joyful!


As soon as delivers you to tie the rose, flirts to express one’s ideas depends upon it. Delivers you a peach blossom, a change in one‘s fortune from bad to good depends entirely on it. Delivers you a pallid to gather, hundred years good and count on it. After delivering you bowl of jellied bean curd to finish eating, laughed. March Eighth joyful。


1000 roses give you, wants you to love itself well; 1000 paper cranes give you, lets the worry be far away from you! 1000 ascendents give you, lets the good luck revolve you! The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!


Is also the March Eighth, delivers you ten catties iron. Boils the pot nutrition soup, makes up the calcium the blood tonic. Puts a new years vacation again, the wages gives in the same old way. What question also has, looks for green jade prostitute


The wife, today is March Eighth International Working Women‘s Day, is your great holiday! At this moment, I must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable “poor”!


My shoulder is not very perhaps broad, but covers the wind and rain sufficiently for you; My arm is not very perhaps powerful, but can also support blue sky for you. The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!


The International Working Women‘s Day delivers you the feminine keeping in good health law: 1 happy, facing me when long hangs the smiling face; 2 careful, completes matter which every I confessed; 3 intimate, forever places me first. Has remembered?


The world because of feminine birth, appears particularly beautiful! Is only small regards, is actually a thick true meaning! The International Working Women’s Day is joyful!



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In nineteenth Century 80s, with the stage of monopoly capitalism into the rapidly growing ranks of the proletariat, in the magnificent labor movement. The bourgeoisie for capital accumulation, the cruel exploitation of the working class squeeze, they used various means to force the workers engaged in a day long 12 - 16 hours of labor. The majority of U.S. workers gradually realized that in order to protect their rights, we must fight together.


From the beginning of 1884, the United States advanced worker organization by resolution, to fight for the realization of "eight hours of work a day", and decided to start a wide range of struggle, for in May 1, 1886 the implementation of eight hour working system. Eight hours after USA slogan, get the enthusiastic support of the working class and the immediate response, many city thousands of workers in the struggle. The workers on strike bloodily American authorities, many workers have been killed and arrested.


In May 1, 1886, Chicago city America 350000 workers held a general strike and demonstrations, demanding the 8 hour working system, improve the working conditions. This struggle shook the whole American. Working class solidarity powerful fighting force, forcing workers to accept capitalists requirements. The strike of workers to the United States to victory.


In 1889 July, led by Engels, the second International Congress held in Paris. In order to commemorate the "American workers five one" strike, "proletarians of the world, unite!" The great strength, and promote national workers for the eight hour battle, meeting passed a resolution, decided in May 1, 1890 to the international workers marched in May 1st, and to this day as the international labor day. In May 1st, the international labor day, it is the struggle of working people throughout the world to commemorate the history, each country attaches great importance to it, especially in the United States, Canada, South africa.



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International womens(iwd) day occurs on 8 march annually and is an occasion marked by womens groups aroud the world.the fist iwd was held on 19 march 1911 in german,austria,denmark and other eurpean countries.German women chose this day because this date in 1848 the prussian king,faced with an armed uprising,had promised many reforms,including an unfulfilled one of votes for women.

Today iwd is an oppurtunity for women to come together and look back on a rich history of struggle for equality,justice, peace and development and to surpport this work in the present and future.



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Today is March 8, International Womens Day is to commemorate the world of working women to fight for peace and democracy, womens liberation struggle holiday.

Since yesterday, I discussed with my father on how to make my mother happy over the holiday. I would first make a suggestion: "Give my mother to buy a new phone." Dad thought for a moment, said: "Mom bought a mobile phone soon, you can use, there is no need to change." Dad said: "We go out to buy some cosmetics, her mother there." I am opposed to: "Moms cosmetics too much, many of which are not all useful." My Father and I are anxious, and in the end what got her point? We simply asked her what he wanted bar. But my mother said: "I do not want to buy, I just want to sleep." I do not know why my mother this way, but I know my mother is very hard to control more than 300 college students, daytime talk, meetings, writing papers, fill out information and give students lessons, etc. in the evening and students should check the study up the bedroom. If it is me, I would like the mother, in addition to want to sleep, the other wants to do nothing.

However, I and Dad are determined to give my mother, "International Womens Day" gifts, things came back to buy her mother was shocked at my father bought a goggles and a pillow, my mother smiled.

I wish Mom "Womens Day" Happy!
