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My hometown is in henan, where tree-lined, the air is fresh, the four seasons have different views.

In the spring, trees grow new leaves, it is a new life. Melting of river water, and began to pour the cheerful, hibernate frogs, and began to play, sing the joy, rhythmic songs "quack......" ......

This is a spring for revival.

Summer, is a hot season, so, my brother and I, take a swim ring (in fact, the waste tyre) to the river to go swimming, a river of the water is very clear, clear can see the bottom of sand, we can play, until sunset xishan. Back home, eat ice cream, while watching TV, when the fan open, and air conditioning.

This is the joy of summer.

Autumn is a season of harvest, industrious people, starting to work. And as for me, I also just want to find some work, I heard grandma loudly call: "kou kou, go, lets go to the fields to receive food!" Im glad to picked up the basket and grandma came to the garden. I saw in the garden colorful, spiky chili, other delectable pumpkin, long beans like a braid... I am happy with a basket, began to collect food.

This is the season of harvest.

Its winter, snow, thick snow covered a layer of white bed, to the crops on the ground of a pile of snow, the children began to snowball fights, make a snowman and fun.

This is snow in winter.

This is my hometown.














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My hometown is in xiushui county, jiangxi province, there is a beautiful place. Trees all the year round, flowers in full bloom.

Spring, connect dressed in colorful dress, lightly stepped onto the stage, she put the long sleeves, shrub land were stained green. Connect and dainty hand weave beautiful flowers, to go to the audience. Flower fly to the green earth, fly to the green trees, instantly, between the green leaves of green compose full of flowers.

In summer, the hot sun baked the earth mercilessly. The cook was JiaoFa very hot, the ground seemed to have been a huge steamed over, make a person to breathe. But, this is the charm of summer, it let me have a kind of place oneself in the warm feeling.

Autumn is a harvest season, look, on the apple tree in the orchard, one is big and red apple crowded high up in the tree. The grapes of the vine tree and violet is big, it seems, is flow saliva. The pomegranate tree full of red pomegranate on, them one by one to get, if carelessly will fall down.

The breath of winter quietly came to earth, he will blow the world turned white; He a blow off the goose feather snow; A blow to the people to love for the winter; It blows the trees the clothing to blow away; It blows... .

My hometown is like an exhibition hall, the beauty of spring, summer, autumn and winter even show come out, I love my hometown!









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The river in my hometown has a beautiful name— Xiaoqing River.The water in the river is nice and clean just like its nice name.

Xiaoqing River usually shows us her kinds of beauty. When spring comes, grass and flowers will cover both of her banks. We find our Xiaoqing River is really like a girl in white clothes. To our children, we like the river in summer best.

We can enjoy ourselves during the holiday, like swimming, playing water games and so on.




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My hometown is shenzhen beautiful, clean and neat, in the south of the country, is a mountain water seashore city, four spring-like, is not very cold in winter, summer is not very hot. The sky is so blue, the air is fresh, the sky is so clear...

Shenzhen qifeng list of mountain, countless, lotus, nanshan, small mountain, wutong mountain... The mountain is very spectacular, one of the most famous is the "lotus". Lotus in shenzhen futian central district in the north, it is not very steep majestic, only 106 meters above sea level, but it has a beautiful artificial lake, can boating for children, adults fishing; It also has broad kite square, adult children all love flying kites on the lawn next to the square, watching a kite fly up, the mood is like a kite, happy, free to fly. The most famous of the lianhua, want to belong to the top of the hill in the square, a great man deng xiaoping grandfathers statue. Grandpa deng self-respect, big step forward. Every day to the lianhua "visit" grandpa deng came in an endless stream. Since I was young, I grew up in lotus feet, is one of the regulars. Listen to mama said xi to shenzhen and specially to give grandpa deng, chairman of the flowers, it is the symbol of shenzhen development and progress!

Shenzhen mountain beauty, water beauty, too. Shenzhen sea fascinating beautiful! The big plum sand, xiaomeisha beach, is the national famous tourist resort. Among them, my favorite is the big plum sand, the sea and the sky there. Sky is blue, the sea is green, golden beach, hot, stepping up very comfortable. Static is the mountain, the water is moving, the mountain as the tallest tree, water like a green big plate. Gull spread your wings and fly in the blue sky, it cried loudly, as if it is very like the beautiful scenery here.

I love my hometown, I will good good study, day day up, it with their own ability to build more beautiful!







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娘子关位于平定县城东北45公里处,是古代的一处关隘,原名苇译关,世传为万里长城第九关。这一关隘处于山西、河北两省交界处,是山西河北的界关,关城座落于悬崖山脊上,骑在起伏的绵山山脊上,面对奔腾流淌的桃河水,形势极为险要。娘子关历史悠久,隋代开皇年间曾在此设苇泽县,唐太宗李世民的妹妹平阳公主,曾率领娘子军据守此关,所以后人皆称之为娘子关。关城,现存南、东两座关门和长达650米的城墙。城南门书额“京畿藩屏”四个大字,门洞前是近百米的石铺古车马道。城门楼建于门洞之上。 关城内,还有关帝庙,真武阁等古建筑。城内民宅、街道仍保持原貌,当地居民多为明、清两代“军户”后裔。东门洞门上镌刻有“直隶娘子关”五个大字。关城西桃河岸边有点将台。而绵山上的避暑楼, 相传为唐代平阳公主所建。娘子关瀑布位于娘子关城堡东门附近约300米的妒女祠下。娘子关瀑布,是泽发水的源头,人称水帘洞,由多股泉水汇流而成,沿悬崖峭壁倾泻而下,悬空如白练悬挂石壁,形成高达十几丈高的飞流。瀑布旁,有“趵突泉”突突喷涌,并有诸多小“趵突泉”相映衬。一股股水流喷吐冒出,浪花纷飞,日夜不息,常年涌流。在娘子关城东南方500米处,飞瀑奔泻,悬流百尺,山坡谷中泉眼累累,形成悬泉。瀑布落差30多米,宽达10多米,“海眼”是最大的泉眼,泉水翻滚,激起层层浪花,响声震耳。平地涌出的泉水,从“海眼”旁的峭壁上直泻而下,汇入桃河,形成水帘洞瀑布。 藏山位于盂县城北18公里处,相传,这里是春秋时程婴藏赵盾遗腹子赵武之处,原名盂山,后更名藏山。春秋时,晋国大夫赵盾受屠岸贾陷害,全家遭满门抄斩之祸,门客程婴、公孙杵臼为救其遗孤赵武,将赵武藏匿于藏山、公孙杵臼也被抄斩。藏山为这一故事的发生地。藏山,属太行的支脉,这里南北双峰对峙,满山青翠,风景秀丽。建有藏山庙,保存完整。藏山庙创建于元代,明代清代也曾修茸。庙宇保存完整,有照壁、牌坊、山门、宫殿、楼阁等。庙内有藏孤洞、极恩洞等。庙东、有滴水崖,水积成沼,清彻透底,每逢盛夏,池水澎湃下泻,形成瀑布。藏山口有“龙凤”二松。老枝弯曲,更加深了藏山古老的风韵。藏山附近,还新建了春秋战国宫。 冠山位于平定县城西南4公里处。冠山主峰顶状似冠,故名。冠山风光秀丽,山上有冠山书院,元代中书左丞吕恩城、明代兵部尚书乔宇都曾在此读书。明末清初的医学家书画家傅山,也曾在冠山隐居。现代女作家石评梅从小在此读书,并创作了以冠山为背景的小说《红鬃马》。山上,明、清题字刻石颇多,达30余处。山中现存团龙照壁、槐音书院遗址、崇古书院、半周亭、仰止亭、石棺石、吕祖洞、文昌阁、字纸洞遗址等。 藏山别祠——大王庙,位居盂县城西,北两关相衔的香河北岸,为春秋时晋国上卿赵武之行宫。此庙始建于金大定十二年(1172),历经元、明、清先后11次修葺、扩建,虽久历沧桑,然至今仍保留了金代建筑之特色。其建材之繁,造型之全,年代之久,刻工绘艺之精湛,皆居盂县之首,名驰三晋,具有较高的历史、艺术与科研价值,是山西省历史悠远而保存最完美的一座古代建筑,系省重点文物保护单位。家乡阳泉市的城市建设也在发生着翻天覆地的变化,洮河两岸已是一片浓绿,儿童乐园散发出阵阵笑音。 朋友们,阳泉欢迎您。



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My hometown Shao Dong, is a land of fish and rice, orange township, there is also a prosperous city. Although Shao Dong is not big, but I love Shao Dong.

I love the hometown of reservoir. On one occasion, we went to the cave to play, passing a reservoir, the endless blue waves with the water, to break out. Green mountains with clear water. Waterfowl like received an invitation from nature, hurried to the reservoir above the dancing, just like a beautiful landscape painting.

I love the hometown of the field. The late autumn season, casing of orange trees, small lanterns hung, approached a look, this is where the lantern, was shimmering oranges! In the whole stream, small groups of fish in the play, grass carp as reserved gentleman, easygoing to swim in deep water; Carp like naughty children, the high jump. Rice in the field waves rolling, during the day, people in the field cultivation; In the evening, people with a fishing rod leisurely sitting on the river.

I love my hometown city. At a young age, the city is full of garbage, sunny day is grey, rainy day is mud, really let a person feel sick. Now, wide cement road convenient; These skyscrapers, can take the lift to the top; Busy pedestrian street in the supermarket and lively, everywhere surging crowd; Center of the park under the big tree, there are rows of the bench to rest to the person, there are many small bench next to fitness equipment; And one small unit of the courtyard, the yard has a garden, pavilions, white wall, the wall covered with ivy and grasses, herbs, or feel more tender in accordance with the people.

Shao Dong is my beautiful hometown, I love my hometown Shao Dong.








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I love my hometown. Warm spring to all things on earth brings great blessings, make the earth full of vitality. Home with a mountain lion in the mountain, the mountain flower although there is no the smell of the rose aroma; Nor as very beautiful peony. But ordinary like that. It looks so good. So generous.

I love my hometown. A hot summer day in baked the earth. We enjoy cool air under the tall trees, proud of cicadas in the "make" project for us. Little girls picked up the flower on the head of the ground, held than the competition.

I love my hometown. Cool autumn brings people a warm smile, because autumn is the harvest season. From a distance that today the beans of fluorescent valley pieces of beautiful and noble carpet. Make the person see will not give up to leave, will lead you forward, can bring people closer to like rich gold.

I love my hometown. The cold winter in the cold wind blowing shout loud, want to give firmness unyielding plum to wake up. The plum flower fragrance bring industrious bees, they "buzzing" honey, as if to say: "ah, the plum flower I love you. Without you in this cold winter we had been starved to death."

Ah! I love my hometown.








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Today I went to grandmas house to play。 I have five years did not go。 I was under the impression that it is a small village。 No four wheel vehicle nor spacious asphalt road。 But also a few households do not have a computer and television。 I broke away from science and technology is always boring there。 But this time, the small village let me be startled at。 Here built villas and almost every family has a TV or computer。 I was very surprised。 My grandmother smiled and said, it is because of this a few years the rapid development of technology, more and more rich Chinese relationship。 I looked at the happy smile。




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My hometown is a beautiful small village in the west of zhejiang.

In front of the village is a small river, the river along a winding road, to far away places, the river bottom, but the water is very shallow, I asked my father why, dad said: "this years drought time is too long, has been no rain, the water evaporated." On both sides of the river is rolling hills, there are many trees on the hills, from a distance the lush. At the foot of the mountain covered with flickering like villa house, great.

We crossed the bridge, found a yellow lovely kitten, dad hand stroked the cat, the cat in the cock tail. Suddenly, there was a dart out of the dog, the little cat quickly jump to the railing, action is very agile. I looked up and saw a bird orioles leisurely under the blue sky standing on the pole. In my home, a hen walk on the stone road, in looking back from time to time, my father told me: "the rooster comb is bigger than the hen, tail is longer than the hen, the hens legs short than the cock." A pear, pear trees in front of the junction is full of many brown small pear, pear are small, but it is original, very environmentally friendly.

Knot shelf-space, sesame sesame seeds, sesame seeds, on the top of the then reminded me of a words: "now." I saw a plant grapes, sesame beside its vines clings to the stone base into the wall.

A ginkgo village, said that the tree is left over from the tang dynasty, the history is very long.

In the evening, my father and I in the river, although the weather is very hot, but cool breeze blow to feel special. This is my hometown.









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Home of the most round moon, home of the most tea, home of the most alcohol, home food, the most impressive.

I was a Hakka. I left my hometown Meizhou from my childhood. I followed my parents to this strange land and opened up our new home. As I grew up in this new environment, the impression of my hometown was gradually blurred. But in my mind, it cant forget the hometown dish of my childhood taste buds.

Many home dishes are famous far and near, and those special flavors have attracted a lot of people. One of the most famous dishes is "Mei Cai Braised Pork", my dad is a generation old Hakka love. Although it sounds like this dish seems to be difficult to get in good taste, but this dish is representative of Hakka peoples diligence and frugality quality.

My father said, "our hometown is Mei Mei Cai Braised Pork" single dishes there are many complicated steps. When the farming harvest, the farmers harvest the mustard, then put it in the sun to matured, and then take the food to the ground, arrange it, and sprinkle a lot of salt on it. According to my father, when they were young, they were trampling the dishes with clean feet after the salt was sprinkled. After the tread, put it in a vessel to a degree, then take the steam, then take the sun... So the three steamed three sun, the earthly plum dried vegetables!

"Mei Cai Braised Pork" another character is meat, meat to choose "pork fat pork". Making this dish, put the Mei food dry cleaning, cut thin pieces, the fat basin under the streaky pork belly pieces, Mei dish, steamed for a long time, fat oil seeping into the plum dried vegetables, plum dried vegetables fragrance dipped into fat, opened a pot. Hot, delicious food Braised Pork pan mei! A pot of delicious food Braised Pork Mei can eat for a long time, because the salty, not perishable. A small pinch to the bowl, the fragrance of the four spilled, can pick up a few rice, that taste, to taste to understand. Such a dish reflects the diligence and frugality of the Hakka people, which is the favorite of the Hakka people.

When I heard my Dad talking about his hometown dishes, dad was fun, innocent, and rich in homesickness. In my fathers age, and cant eat "Mei Cai Braised Pork", to wait until the new year will kill pigs, so have a good heart is also waiting for Spring Festival to eat.

In my opinion, McDonalds and Kentucky fast food are far more infatuated than this dish. Maybe it is because I have not experienced the father of that era, cannot understand a dish not easily won; perhaps because there is no contact with the home, can not understand the charm of home cooking; perhaps because now no children of that age as difficult as father, do not know how precious home cooking. But from my fathers love for home food, I read the charm of my hometown cuisine, and I also fell in love with home food.

Home of the most round moon, home of the most tea, home wine is the most alcohol, home food is the most lingering.



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Welcome to my hometownMy hometown is Nanning in Guangxi .Its very beautiful place, famous by the green city. standing near a wide river at the foot of continuous low green hills. Youcan see many birds, for example, swallows and sparrows, fly up and down freely with happy songs.How picturesque my hometown is!In my hometown there is well-konw snack street, zhong shan road. You can taste all kinds of delicious food.The classical old friend powder stems from there.If you have the opportunity to arrive here,Surely do not have to miss here. Nanning, a city full of excitement, a vibrant place, a worthy person to like, it is worth people love the city. Welcome to my hometown - Nanning



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My hometown is not what famous tourist attractions, but with its unique charm; My hometown is not green hills and water, but with a languid brook; My hometown is not gorgeous, but pure and fresh and natural.

Spring is a season for revival, at this time, in the home of individual trees, there are many wild flowers with their own kind of flowers, fruit trees sprout, so fresh green, then the living green, the flowers are also unwilling to lag behind, scrambling to open, the flower is not as good as the odd coloured different grass in the city there as jiao qi, precious, but show their vigor and vitality, breathing the sunshine rain and dew of the field, it seemed to be very satisfied, it revealed in plain ordinary people feel pure and fresh feeling.

A continuous drizzle, knocking the door during the summer. After the rain and baptism, more verdant leaves. Been, patches of green.

Autumn girl holding chrysanthemum sisters hand, shanshan, heavy autumn girl basket every year. Look! Persimmon, elliptic, is like a small lantern, the golden pear, tempt people, let people cant help to bite and the sweet smell from the taste buds your heart...

Winds and heavy rains come hand in hand, everyone in the winter wind force put on the wool coat, the plum blossom is the only thing standing alone in the snow, its should be "plum blossom incense from Fairbanks to" historic sentence!

I love my hometown, the hometown of green, the beauty of love home, love hometown more vigor and vitality!









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Lanzhouis situated in the temperate zone and enjoys a semi-arid climate (Kppen BSk) with hot summers and very cold and dry winters. Mean annual rainfall is 315 millimetres (12.4 in), almost all of which falls from May to October. The winters are so dry that snow is extremely rare.

In regard to air pollution Lanzhou has some of the worst air quality of all cities in China. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Lanzhou is one of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, with its TSP (total suspended particle) rating 247% above that of the Gansu State recommendation. The air quality is so poor that at times one can not see Lanshan, the mountain rising straight up along the south side of the city. At one point, a controversial suggestion was put forward to bulldoze a mountain adjacent to the city, in order to let fresh air in to the bowl where Lanzhou is situated. It was suggested on the premise that the surrounding mountains block a free flow of air in the city. The city is located in a narrow river valley with an unfortunate curve causing it to be hemmed in with no free air flow. Lanzhou is also the home of many factories, including some involved in petroleum processing, and suffers from large dust storms kicked up from the Gobi Desert, especially in the winter and spring.



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【网络综合 - 英文写作翻译英语作文】

My hometown is beautiful scenery, rich products, beautiful, and is a beautiful place.

My hometown is in ji hills, although not a big place, it is a very intelligent and a town. In the west of her was a famous JiShan temple, the tomb. Is a national key protection object, trees lush, hill strewn at random have send, has now become a tourist area. Attracted many domestic and foreign tourists to come and visit.

JiShan is rich in rice, fish, animal husbandry developed. JiShan fish sell well all over the country, JiShan dragon meters and color white, taste sweet, is famous at home and abroad.

Every village of JiShan repaired smooth tarmac. It was built JiShan people, walk in the street, mood is extremely happy. In the field ?








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huangmei is myhometown. it is in the east in hubei.it is east on the city named anqing of anhui.and it is south to the city named jiujiang of jiangxi. it is a great city in my heart.it has a long history for about 1800 years in china .example .the temple named sizu and wuzu were in huangmei for a long years-old.today,every year many visitor come different part to there.as a daughter from huangmei.i leaved it away for about seven years. but i miss it everyday .even in a lot of my dream in the night .i belive huangmei will be richer and richer .the new year 2009 will going .tonight i hope everything will be well in my new 26 years-old.all my friends will be well.i must work hard in the new year.i will be ain growth as my hometown .



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My hometown is located in western hubei province, is a good place for beautiful scenery. Today Ill give you introduce the scenic spots in my hometown.

First of all I want to introduce is "shennong xi". It is a beautiful river, the river clear, on both sides of the picturesque, like a beautiful little girl between the mountains.

My hometown has a mysterious "passive hole". It is located in the mountains between, very long and narrow hole, the hole of the water is warm in winter and cool in summer, strange stalactites cave there are a lot of image, and bats, for passive hole was always full of suspense adds a layer of mysterious color.

Finally, I give you introduce "autumn pavilion". The connections that it is very big, because KouZhun young was once 3 years in our badong county magistrate, KouZhun county government is located in the autumn wind pavilion. The autumn wind pavilion modelling beautiful generous, majestic, when people see it will think of great feats of KouZhun was set in padang.

Friends! Our hometown is beautiful? You are welcome to our home a guest!








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My hometown is in ZhenZhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,Its a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.

My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring ,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days!i hate cold weather,

so i dont like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown .fairly cool for this time of years!summer is always hot,Its quit muggy in summer.

My hometown has different food,the food is excellent and quit cheap ,Its doesnt pollute.In the restaurant,you can enjoy good service and delicious food .

welcome you to my hometown travel!



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Henan has a humid warm-temperate climate. Dry and windy in winter and spring, the province is hot and rainy in summer and bakes in strong sunlight during the autumn months. Rainfall averages about 600-1000 millimeters increasing from north to south, as does the annual temperature which increases from about 12.8C in the north to 15.5C in the south.

Henan province is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization due to its location on the Yellow River. This rich historic heritage has endowed Henan with numerous historic treasures, from primitive dwellings to earliest wheel thrown pottery. The remains of some of the earliest human settlements have been unearthed here, including the over 7000-year-old Peiligang Culture Site, the 6000-year-old Yangshao Culture Remains and the 5000-year-old Dahe Culture Remains. All these cultural remains have profound significance in the history of Chinese civilization.

Luoyang City has been the capital of nine dynasties since the time of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770BC-221BC). There are many historical sites to be viewed in Luoyang as well as the opportunity to purchase replicas of the famed Tang three-glaze horses. Luoyangs Longmen Grottoes, famous for its grand treasure trove of Chinese Buddhist statues, are located 12km (7 miles) south of Luoyang. First sculpted and chiseled around 493 AD when the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) was moved from Datong City to Luoyang, the grottoes of Luoyang house an awe-inspiring collection of sculpted Buddha and other religious subjects.

Kaifeng, one of the ancient capitals, also boasts the following buildings worthy of a visit: Iron Pagoda (Tie Ta) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Dragon Pavilion (Long Ting) - site of imperial palace of the Song and Jin dynasties - and the 1400-year-old Xiangguo Temple which is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. Also on view in Kaifeng are ruins of the Shang Dynasty, an important part of human cultural and historic heritage. The Shang Dynasty Ruins, also known as the Yin Ruins, are famous because of the unique style of the large palace and its grand mausoleums, in which emperors of the Shang Dynasty are buried. The bronze vessels of the Shang Dynasty, which were both finely decorated and popularly used by the citizens of the Shang Dynasty, are well-known at home and abroad.



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Welcome to my hometown!

My home town is a good place .

It is near a hill. There are many big trees、beautiful flowers and nice food.

There is a shopping mall in the centre of the town.There are many shops in the shopping mall.Such as: clothes shops 、shoe shops、sports shops and KFC.It also has a park.You can go walking there .You can see green trees and lakes ,too.

There is little air pollution,because cars cant go into the centre of the town.

Peple here are very friendly and helpful .

I think my home town is a wonderful place to live.

I love my home town!
