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我的家乡山清水秀,鸟语花香,是风景优美、特产的好地方。 先说说我家乡的特产吧!家乡的特产大家熟悉的水果——龙眼。而我家乡门前就有一颗粗壮结实的龙眼树。春天,全家每天轮流照料它,然后看看龙眼树开花结果。夏天,龙眼树就慢慢地开出一朵朵金… 我的家乡山清水秀,鸟语花香,是风景优美、特产的好地方。 先说说我家乡的特产吧!家乡的特产大家熟悉的水果——龙眼。而我家乡门前就有一颗粗壮结实的龙眼树。春天,全家每天轮流照料它,然后看看龙眼树开花结果。夏天,龙眼树就慢慢地开出一朵朵金黄色的小花,那小花总是发出一股令人陶醉的芳香,每当路人这里时,偶尔会停下来,闻一闻那浓浓的香味。而那些可爱机灵的蜜蜂们,也经常飞到这里来采蜜,采的蜂蜜还比普通的甜多了!等到那些花朵渐渐的结成了个又大又圆的龙眼,成熟后,爸爸总会派手脚灵活、聪明机灵的小伙子爬到树上去把已成熟的龙眼摘下来,装到篮子里,精心挑选后爸爸便把一筐筐龙眼拿来分享给大家吃,我剥开龙眼的皮后,就看见里面晶莹剔透,犹如一颗水晶在闪闪发光;咬下去后味道香甜可口,而且我满嘴那美味甜润的汁,让人看了直流口水。 哦!该介绍一下家乡的优美风景了!在个我家两公里的地方,有亭立公园。亭立公园里绿树成荫,百花齐放。一进门,就可以看见一片一望无际的草地。地上全是绿茸茸的小草,草里夹着粉色的、黄色的、浅蓝色的野花,像一块的地毯铺在了亭立公园的门口边。 块草地的西边有名叫“明丽”花园的小花园,花园里有许许多多各式各样的花,比如桂花、公主兰、月季花、猪笼草、双面针等我不知名的奇花异草。而我,却不像别人的爱好,我喜欢的花却是朴素的仙人球。它是圆滚滚的,全身碧绿碧绿的,身上还穿着令人畏惧的“金甲”。有时,仙人球长出五颜六色的小花,美丽。每当敌人接近它时,他总会用的“金甲”保护着他的儿女和。奋力地和敌人拼搏,精神是多么值得可敬啊! 在“明丽”花园的正有一尊雕像,雕像上刻着一位小姑娘,这位小姑娘捧着一束花,身上穿着一套公主裙。其实,这讲述着传说:从前,在很远的地方,有一间破旧的老房子。这座老房子里住着一位心灵手巧、聪明伶俐的小姑娘和她相依为命的妈妈。这位小姑娘可爱开朗,他非常喜欢花,每次见到花,她总是要闻一闻、摸一摸。有一天晚上,他做梦梦见变成了一位美丽如仙的花朵公主。她醒来后睡在软绵绵的床上,住在豪华、宽阔的宫殿里,身上穿着公主裙。她以为还沉迷在梦中,搓搓眼睛,她真的变成了公主,的妈妈也成了美丽的女王。可她惊讶地,她身上的裙子是花做的,床是花做的,就连整个皇宫里的所有东西花做的。(除了粮食、水等食物花做的。而且,皇宫很结实,永远不会塌,就算地震来了也不会塌)于是,小公主就爱惜用花做的东西。从此,这里就变成了芬芳扑鼻的地方。,花园的主管就叫人雕了雕像,好提醒大家爱护大自然。 在“明丽”花园的旁边,有一条直流向东面的小溪,这条小溪是用鹅卵石围成的,名字叫清水溪。你们知道他为叫清水溪吗?那是清水溪里的水清澈见底,清得像一面镜子,而且还能看见水底的那些光滑的鹅卵石、碧清的水流撞在鹅卵石上,发出铃铛摇动般的脆响,叮咚叮咚,大自然乐器奏出的音乐,在宁静的亭玉公园里回旋飘荡;每当微风吹过时,清水溪两旁的柳树好像在照着镜子,正梳理着碧绿的长发,等到风停后,它们又笔直地站在那,像个英勇的战士,保护着公园的安全。每当早上时,小鸟们都会在亭立公园的草地上飞来飞去 ,叽叽喳喳的叫着,好像在说:“亭玉公园真美啊!”到了下午的时候,小朋友们又回来这里踢足球,在“明丽”花园里欣赏花,玩得可开心了;傍晚,大家都会来清水溪游泳、泡脚或者嬉戏。娱乐完后,又会来到柳树下乘凉,观看日落。这可真是一幅的景象啊! 我的家乡真美丽啊!我爱瓜果飘香的家乡,更爱的家乡。




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My hometown yichang, is a place of picturesque scenery, is a world famous city of water and electricity. Yichang is the famous three gorges dam, the beauty of the yiling square, is a good place to travel.

Yiling square open every day music fountain, play is the music of the world famous musicians, fountain, along with the music rhythm dance. If you rely on the close, sometimes water mist spray on your body, the whole body wet. Square, there are many old man jump some dancing, bashan dance, I feel or our children jump of good, ha ha!

The three gorges dam is the worlds most famous dam, the highest dam, whenever the dam flood discharge, spurts out big water column magnificence, very spectacular, let me see the awe. Whenever the holidays, tens of thousands of visitors.

I love my hometown, a beautiful scenery, charactizing a fine spring day. I love my hometown, Im proud of my hometown, proud!







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My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a drastic change.  Take my family for instance. Previously, we do not have a computer at home. Dad  was the engineer. Before Dad hands painting drawing, painting with the rulers,  not used correctly attached. Black will be careful not to rub the drawing,  painting slowly, and had to keep cutting pencil. The lines do not paint  beautiful. Spend one or two days drawings drawings. Also drawings, and printing  of plans to eventually create engineering drawings. A total needs three days.  Now, I bought a home computer. He can use a computer drawing, no trace; Just one  little click of the mouse to point, Instead of doing everything we can. A  picture works better if some time. An unfinished print of a direct, clear and  beautiful. With computer. I have an article on a computer to help their mother.  I also used folders, saved a cartoon, diaries, essays and other. I also use it  as literature. I also use it to learn English, the software installed, use it to  fight game : : Mama system testing, fighting words. I brought a lot of  convenience to the home computer. This summer, Tim, we also have a refrigerator.  Before, during the summer, often a bad thing, a bad throw on the more  unfortunate. Now refrigerators can be frozen foods, no bad foods freezer. I can  give it to produce ice. I makeup back, I let my thirst ice on a frozen. DIABLO  convenience of a refrigerator to me. Last year, we also have to buy an air  conditioner. Previously, in the winter without air conditioning, get up clothes,  I always behind the blanket. Now, with air-conditioning, and the cold would not  dressed up. No air-conditioning in the summer, heat can help people attain the  doldrums, not activities. Now, with air conditioning in the summer, no matter  what time, as long as a use of air conditioners, and water wind, he feels very  cool. in a cool place like the same forest. Recently, our county appeared to the  Internet, most of the computers on the home network Inter. Previously, no  Internet, or something happens you just want to submit an email composition can  vote on upswing the letter sent out. We have to bring the convenience of the  Internet. ! We really big changes in home!












Protect Our Eyes

Nowadays, there are more and more students becoming short-sighted. Some  students get short-sightedness when they are little. There are fifteen students  wearing glasses in my class. Being short-sighted is common among students, even  in primary school. That is too serious. Therefore, we should protect our eyes  carefully. When we are reading and writing, we should keep a standard posture.  Besides, we should not watch TV or play computer for too long. They are bad for  our eyes. And, we should do eyes exercises regularly. A good rest is also  important to our eyes. In all, eyes are the windows of our mind. We should keep  it healthy.






My First Experience of Plane

Today I was very excited, because I traveled plane for the first time. My  parents and I traveled toBeijingtoday. When the plane took off, I felt it was  shaking. But I was not nervous because of excitement. After a while, it stopped  shaking and flied higher. I could see the buildings on the ground. They became  smaller and smaller. And finally, I couldnt see them anymore. Through the  window, I could see the blue sky. It was very clear. Clouds were under the  plane. They looked so different from the ground. It was amazing. I like the view  very much. It took only two hours to get toBeijing. TheBeijingairport is very  large and wonderful. There are many planes and people. I think my trip will be  funny.






Plan for Winter Holiday

The winter holiday is coming. I expect it very much, because the Spring  Festival is the most important event in the holiday. First, I will relax myself.  This term I work very hard, so during the holiday, I want to have fun. My  families will go back to the hometown. We will get together to celebrate the  Spring Festival. I like families getting together and organizing various  activities. It’s funny and warm. Of course, study can’t be ignored. After the  festival, I will spend some time on my study. There will be exercises for the  holiday. And I will do some reviews for next term. Math is my weakness, so I  must work hard to improve it. This is my plan for winter holiday.






This Is Me

My name is Li Xing, a boy in fourteen years old. I come from Dalian,  Liaoning Province, which is a beautiful and energetic city. Every year,  thousands of tourists visit there. There are three people in my family, my  parents and I. My parents are doctors who work in a big hospital in my city. I  have many interests. Swimming, reading and movie are my favorites, which bring  color to my busy study life. In study, I am good at Chinese and English, while  math is my weakness. I work very hard to improve it, but it doesn’t work very  well. Besides, I am easygoing and likely to make friends with others. Friendship  is an important part of my life.





学习计划 Study Plan

At the beginning of this term, I made a plan for my study. Now, I find that  I carry it out well in the past month. I was poor in Chinese and English last  semester. Therefore, I put the two subjects in the priority and I spent much  time on them. Happily, I made progress in the two subjects this semester.  Besides, math and physics is not so hard for me, but I must do many exercises to  improve my knowledge. Half of an hour for each is necessary and I have always  been doing so. The other subjects are easy for me. As long as I carefully listen  to the teacher in the class and do some reviews, I can do well in them. While,  it does not mean that I attach no importance to them. I make plan for my study  to ensure the efficiency of my study.





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I have had a dream, in the dream I dreamed that the qingshui river became very terrible.

I went to qingshui river with my father and mother. I was just walking towards the river when I heard a loud crying. I followed the sound of the past, it was a piece of grass. I squatted down and asked, "grass, why are you crying here?" The grass said, "this is a vast prairie, but people are going to build a big house here. My sisters have been pulled out, and I am the only one who has not been pulled out." "Said the grass, and began to cry again.

I stood up, turned and heard: "help me." I walked past, originally is qingshui river to cry. "Why are you crying?" I asked curiously. "Please help me," he said. I saw an aunt throw a pack of garbage into the water. Plastic bags fly apart in the air, wrapped in peel, the leftover soup is scattered into the river. I went over and said, "aunt, its wrong of you to do so." The aunt said angrily: "you care for me? Little thing. You see, everybody is not like this?" I looked across the river and some of the people on the bank had coal dust, some threw waste paper. Some factories are discharging black and black waste water, along the river, into the distance. Then I saw a yellow and yellow thing floating on the river.

God, thats terrible!

Wake up and think of the old water river. In the summer some people play in the river, and some fish swim freely in the water. On the bank of the river, the willows fly, and the bees sing.

From now on, we will save water, protect the environment and protect our homeland. My slogan is "protect the environment from me."




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My beautiful home, where its spring scenic.

Spring, my hometown, green grass and flowers are in bloom. Out of the tree branches, birds singing in the merry. Looking around is the continuous mountains, mountains and rolling hillsides in the spring, as if a domesticated hen the carpet, until the sky. Graceful flowers blossoming in a dotted mountains, attract colorful butterflies; in the depths of the mountain is the terraced rows of shapes, by definition, is the same as the stairs rice; a winding path to article rice into the ever-changing shape, some like crescent, and some, like boats, some as sickle ... ... in the spring, when seedling growth, fresh green color of the home that add still more beautiful.

Summer, sun spit fire, but the hills in the home full of trees, in the shade of the shelter, the very cool; also known bird burst into song. Kind of ripe watermelon in the mountains, home of the watermelon usually round and bright, and that the air moon, as round; cut, I saw a bright red flesh, sweet and delicious; black seeds, like the eyes of swarthy .

Autumn is a golden rice, breeze, rice started singing a harmony of the song, when hard-working farmers are harvesting rice; rice harvest of the cheerful sound of voices and interwoven success of the harvest of the symphony .

Winter, although the trees have been dying, but is everywhere in the roadside grass and wild flowers, which stand at attention in the cold. They tell you: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?"

This is my beautiful hometown, my favorite home.



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The world is changing all the time, and my hometown is no exception. In recent years, my new eyes have witnessed the welcome changes in my hometown.

The mountain in the hometown changed, the former bald "steamed bread", now green oil; The water in my hometown has changed. Once full of mud and mud, the water is now crystal clear. The road in my hometown has changed. Once the muddy dirt road, now not only became the spacious asphalt road, but also repaired the traffic light; The house in my hometown has changed, and  bungalow, formerly short and small, is now a spectacular high-rise building. The transportation tool in my hometown has changed. Once upon a time, it was the goal of the people to have a bicycle, and now the streets are almost all beautiful cars. The clothes of the family changed, and there was a patch on the clothes of the old people. In the past, there was another saying, "three years, three years, three years of sewing." And now, peoples clothes are colorful, fashionable, there are suspenders, suits, skirts, dresses, and so on, very beautiful...

My hometown is changing day by day.

Home is changing little by little.

I opened my eyes wide, observed carefully, searched carefully, and carefully found... I wish I could change all the changes of the mountains and rivers of my hometown, and put them all into my mind and become a part of my beautiful memory.

Once upon a time, there was nothing at the edge of the Yellow River.

Now, the yellow side construction is very good, there are a lot of colorful lights on the Yellow River, there are a lot of lights on the bridge, the bridge is also full of colored lights, some of the bridge also has spotlights!

The sculpture on the edge of the Yellow River is also beautiful, with the Yellow River mother, the tang priest in the journey to the west, and so on, the statues are all vivid, as if they were real.

The most beautiful is the music fountain. The music fountain has a acoustics next to it. It has a wonderful music. The fountain will go up and down with the music rhythm. The pool also has colorful lights, very beautiful.

When the foreigner came to lanzhou, they said that the Yellow River was comparable to the bund in Shanghai.

Ah! I am pleasantly surprised to find that my hometown is undergoing rapid changes, and our motherland is also undergoing earth-shaking changes! The change of hometown is a microcosm of the prosperity of our motherland!

I love my lovely hometown!


篇7:关于家乡英语作文my hometown

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myhometownis beautiful place it stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. it has many tall buildings and wide streets. there are trees and flowers everywhere.

but it has not always been like that. in the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. for the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

everything has changed since liberation. the people, led by the party, have got rid of the mud and dirt. they have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. they have an assembly hall and a hospital. along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks. a lot of factories have sprung up. on the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night. they carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

i love my hometown, and i love its people. they also have changed. healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.



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To my hometown, where is not wide, fame is not too big, but in my heart, it is better than any other big cities, because of the change of the home is too big, it become more and more beautiful, more become more lovely.

Considerable hometown scenery also more and more, such as huang taishan parks. Was a barren loess slope, the mountain of trees, let a person see the very boring. And now, has become a beautiful scenic spot, with hills, have small trees, flower beds, grassland, water... All the year round, the distinctive beauty. Artificial lake, the original is a river, the river used to shampoo in the rainy season, flooded farmland, villages. Downstream of the upstream reservoir, lake water, into the lake big lakes, this is no disaster. There, you can swim, can fishing, billow above during the day, night glittering and moving, is really fascinating.

Farther away, said the Aries valley. Here the mountain is the Great Wall, mountain spring water, the scenery pleasant. If you want to climb the Great Wall, you may wish to try first to Aries valley, you dont look down upon it, is also very high, it is not easy to climb. Want to play water, also can to the Aries valley, theres a big spring river, on the surface of the boat to catch ducks, havent seen it, very interesting. From sheep head spring water, pure natural, very clean.

In recent years, home building cover higher and higher, the width of the flat road, and even rural road hardening, became the real new rural ecological civilization. You are a genuine, locals out three to five years, also afraid of couldnt find the way home.

Home store my happy time, left a deep impression on me. Hometown of beautiful scenery bring us joy. Every time I want to home, I just cant help but think of my childhood in my hometown of happy days. Such a beautiful home, dont make me to love it?

I forgot to tell you, my hometown is - qianan region, had the opportunity to shoot, must it will make you linger!









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My hometown WuGang is a steel town, here beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Is known as the northern small jiangnan.

My hometown is beautiful scenery. Here beside the mountain water, surrounded by green trees. There are mountain, mountain tianchi, nine head cliffs, such as mountains, all are the countless places of interest. Legend is er lang shen mountain pick to a town, still two lang absolute being like stay there. Tianchi mountain waterfalls, plunges three thousand feet, very spectacular. The wind falls, smoke, such as fog, such as dust. Nine heads cliff, past closely linked castle peak, a total of nine mountain, the mountain there is a trickle, beautiful natural scenery make people linger.

My hometown is not only there are mountains, there is a pool pool.

Especially the stone floodplains reservoir at the foot of the mountain, and west lake. Early in the morning, the sunshine reflected in the water, the water sparkling, as silk on the appearance of fine lines, smooth and pale green. The white clouds in the sky and on either side of the castle peak clearly reflected in the water. The blue sky, green hill, the lake together, really beautiful.







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River bend around a few, through my door, that is born I keep my place - the metro. Metro is a beautiful place, as a handsome township of children, we should say loudly: "metro is a good place!"

Metro beautiful scenery. In front of the metro is water, is behind the mountain, under the blue sky white clouds, mountains, everywhere is tall tower, all is wide asphalt road. Binjiang road but also the beautiful scenery line of metro. Long corridor, clean the pavilion, also with many beautiful flowers all the year round, everywhere with a light faint scent, let people leisure mood is particularly happy. Binjiang road is very long and it is said that its length is dozens of times longer than a train! In binjiang road east, there is a large square, it is the famous marshal RongZhen square. Marshal statue stands in the east side, every day to protect the children of handsome township. In the bottom of the square is the metro music fountain, every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. People mountain people sea here, and all the people gather here from all directions, watch the wonderful and magical fountain, make you unconsciously with the music, such as into the wonderland in the colorful spray. In pieces of screams, cool water mist spill in your face, when you will suddenly wake up, a fountain there are movies.

In metro east side, there is a second Yangtze river bridge, it is currently the only car sharing with light rail bridge in chongqing. It is not only a bright spot of the metro and metros masterpiece. Metro is rapid economic development, it is with chongqing, before is no longer that little city!

Metro products is also very rich. Have metro meters flower sugar, metro sesame rod, shancheng, peanut oil creek, pioneer in Chinese prickly ash, metro dahongpao orange, etc. Among them, my favorite food is dahongpao orange. Because of it, a sour sweet. Gently bite and juices flowing, sings full flesh, delicious!

Look, this is my beautiful hometown -- metro!








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My hometown is located in a very beautiful place. It was once a green city. But now it is becoming dirtier and dirtier. Lots of buses are running on the streets and plenty of factories are built around my hometown so that the heavy smoke is the most usual view there. Besides, more and more trees are cut down, as a result, we can not hear the birds singing in the blue sky. But I still love my hometown like before. It is in the place that I was born. So I hope that we can take action to change our hometown into that beautiful place like before.




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My Hometown 我的家乡

My hometown is on the Fenhe River. This is the place where my grandparents and parents have lived. When I was a boy, I often played near the bank of Fenhe River.

There are about one thousand people in our village. Most of them are living a hapy life. They have built their new houses. All of their children can go to school. Last year ten students from our village went to college.

There is a reading room and a library here. Every evening many villagers go to the evening school to learn science and read newspapers.

This is my hometown. I hope you will visit here one day.



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Lanzhouis situated in the temperate zone and enjoys a semi-arid climate (Kppen BSk) with hot summers and very cold and dry winters. Mean annual rainfall is 315 millimetres (12.4 in), almost all of which falls from May to October. The winters are so dry that snow is extremely rare.

In regard to air pollution Lanzhou has some of the worst air quality of all cities in China. According to the Blacksmith Institute, Lanzhou is one of the 30 most polluted cities in the world, with its TSP (total suspended particle) rating 247% above that of the Gansu State recommendation. The air quality is so poor that at times one can not see Lanshan, the mountain rising straight up along the south side of the city. At one point, a controversial suggestion was put forward to bulldoze a mountain adjacent to the city, in order to let fresh air in to the bowl where Lanzhou is situated. It was suggested on the premise that the surrounding mountains block a free flow of air in the city. The city is located in a narrow river valley with an unfortunate curve causing it to be hemmed in with no free air flow. Lanzhou is also the home of many factories, including some involved in petroleum processing, and suffers from large dust storms kicked up from the Gobi Desert, especially in the winter and spring.



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My hometown Yibin is located in the Yangtze River, Minjiang River, Jinsha River and Sanjiang. In the territory of Yibin, the Yangtze River, Jinsha River, Minjiang River, and U river?, Fu Jiang, cross river, river, South River, Yellow River, these rivers have brought wealth to Yibin, but also gave birth to these rivers of Yibin River culture, the continuation of the cultural roots of Yibin. Yibin River culture, covering Long Chongbai, "Jing Chuan master" and repairing the town water tower, piers and other folk. Without Sanjiang (Jinsha River, Minjiang River, Yangtze River), there would be no such land as Yibin, nor the ancient city of Yibin. The river has enriched the mountains and plains of Yibin, and the river has shaped the original cultural model of Yibin. For thousands of years, the first cultural element that infiltrates the veins of the people of Yibin is the great river culture. River to accommodate hundreds of rivers, toward the sea spirit, to create the image of Yibin people, absorb anything and everything open and liberal, advocating freedom and the pursuit of truth and the spirit of temperament, which is the soul of river culture.

Yibin is a famous historical and cultural city of China, known to the world famous Wuliangye, that is produced here, the wine industry developed to Yibin become worthy of the name "China wine". Yibin city is one of the earliest development of the Yangtze River, the oldest city, is the starting point of the Southern Silk Road, known as the "Southwest Banbi Goujon state" in the world. It has gone through more than 40000 years of history, space and time, carrying more than 3000 years of wine history, more than 2780 years of construction history, is the upper reaches of the Yangtze River development of one of the earliest ancient cities.

Surrounded by mountains, the Jinsha River and the Minjiang River pass through the city, merging with the Yangtze River in Jiangmen. The old city of Yibin yard, backed by the countrys second largest city of Forest Park, jade Park, fresh air, beautiful environment, is a rare treasure of Feng Shui, the Buddhist resort cultural relics of Buddhist temple, the temple is located in Nezha Nezha Palace cuipingshan Park, national key cultural relics protection units Zhenwu mountain ancient buildings located in the park Zhenwu hill.

Located in the downtown area of Jiangbei Wuliangye ten wine city, is the national industrial tourism demonstration sites and scenic spots in Athos wine, Pengcheng Plaza, Lok Chuen, endeavor tower, Century Square, East Gate Plaza, wine history museum, wealth Hotel and other attractions.

Yibin sprouts is a must, it is one of the four famous dishes of Yibin, also called "Xufu sprouts", was founded in the Qing Dynasty (about 1838), in which fresh vegetables cutting wire, dry to more than leaf gradually withered with pickled condiments. The main features are fragrant, crisp, sweet, tender, delicious and tasty. Yibin Black Tea is also good, it is one of the three famous Chinese kung fu tea, and "Mr red" and "black" par.

What about? My hometown, Yibin, isnt it? Welcome to my hometown for traveling!




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Hometown is a beautiful picture scroll, sometimes also is a book, when you think of my hometown, just opened the book and have a look.

My hometown, although not what big city, but my hometown - wenling city a very beautiful place, have played a lot of foreigners also come to my hometown. My Alma mater west primary school is a beautiful campus, every morning will be LangLangDe pup - into your ears.

Hometown has a famous lakes - jiulong lake. Although it is comparable to the west lake is not so famous west lake, lively, every time the National Day, our whole family go to jiulong lake barbecue with my good friends, everybody together talking and laughing. Play tired sitting on a chair to enjoy the scenery of the lake.

There is a place that is Yintai city, countless goods inside, just entered the door will feel like in heaven. Yintai city sometimes make an activity.

My hometown - possessing is heaven. Hometown scenery never, but better than but peoples heart.

Birthday remember once, my grandmother came to my house, after the villagers know, have run to come over to my grandmother to send blessings, there is a foreigner specially bought a gift for my grandmother, when the grandmother thanks to him, he said: "old woman, your grade, this gift to you, I wish you a healthy body, foreign affairs luck!" Said, and turned to go, grandma said to himself: "this guy is interesting, send a wish to go, also the gifts, disorderly spend money." Listen, I know that I am I old woman says, in fact heart already feel very gratified.

The next day, I and friends to play, on the way home, I saw the foreigner sitting on the doorstep to paint. I went to ask the foreigner life situation, finally in a barbecue on hearing his name is wang, now a year old, earn money by him and his wife in the home, he didnt work, only to make money by painting.

I love my hometown!











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Henan has a humid warm-temperate climate. Dry and windy in winter and spring, the province is hot and rainy in summer and bakes in strong sunlight during the autumn months. Rainfall averages about 600-1000 millimeters increasing from north to south, as does the annual temperature which increases from about 12.8C in the north to 15.5C in the south.

Henan province is considered the cradle of Chinese civilization due to its location on the Yellow River. This rich historic heritage has endowed Henan with numerous historic treasures, from primitive dwellings to earliest wheel thrown pottery. The remains of some of the earliest human settlements have been unearthed here, including the over 7000-year-old Peiligang Culture Site, the 6000-year-old Yangshao Culture Remains and the 5000-year-old Dahe Culture Remains. All these cultural remains have profound significance in the history of Chinese civilization.

Luoyang City has been the capital of nine dynasties since the time of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770BC-221BC). There are many historical sites to be viewed in Luoyang as well as the opportunity to purchase replicas of the famed Tang three-glaze horses. Luoyangs Longmen Grottoes, famous for its grand treasure trove of Chinese Buddhist statues, are located 12km (7 miles) south of Luoyang. First sculpted and chiseled around 493 AD when the capital of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) was moved from Datong City to Luoyang, the grottoes of Luoyang house an awe-inspiring collection of sculpted Buddha and other religious subjects.

Kaifeng, one of the ancient capitals, also boasts the following buildings worthy of a visit: Iron Pagoda (Tie Ta) of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), Dragon Pavilion (Long Ting) - site of imperial palace of the Song and Jin dynasties - and the 1400-year-old Xiangguo Temple which is one of the most famous Buddhist temples in China. Also on view in Kaifeng are ruins of the Shang Dynasty, an important part of human cultural and historic heritage. The Shang Dynasty Ruins, also known as the Yin Ruins, are famous because of the unique style of the large palace and its grand mausoleums, in which emperors of the Shang Dynasty are buried. The bronze vessels of the Shang Dynasty, which were both finely decorated and popularly used by the citizens of the Shang Dynasty, are well-known at home and abroad.



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My home is a small town,where the scenery beautiful,tree-yin.

Spring,the branches out of the verdant branches,grass lazily opened his eyes,the flowers are in full bloom one after another,and red,blue,yellow,purple,and strange,colorful.Flowers were sent bursts of intoxicating fragrance,attracted a large group of butterflies,butterfly fluttering in the air,it can be really beautiful scene!

Summer,and leaves more green,but also to the river Mo Yu,Shu-Yi Keke,as some fighters that the general.Fragrant flowers are also more attractive.Lotus has also opened,the leaves are green,pale pink flowers,really beautiful,ah!We mostly like to Hawthorn adopted children to eat lotus root,a fish in the water swimming in droves,one by us to catch up on the "jump" to see if it looks like begging really poor!

Fall,geese fly south,while rows of adult-shaped,while they line up a shape.Blue blue sky,the sky is a golden scene,wheat is yellow,the leaves are yellow,the leaves from a tree a mothers embrace,alone "travel." Farmers uncle in this season Coke,and is also busy,because they sweat cultivated wheat maturity,they are busy Ge Maizai it!

Winter came,and many hearts snowflakes falling from the sky to the ground,the whole world,a white,snow is a flower-shaped,white,pinch in the hands of the melt into the small droplets of crystal.

My hometown really beautiful,I love my hometown!



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Great changes taken place in my hometown.A few year ago,there were few buildings which were shabby and bare with grassland covered its walls. Nowhere could people go for relaxing since amusement places were exceedingly rare.

But now, with the development of the current booming economy, as well as the common reserve fund loan deducted interest policy, those low income staff in my hometown are enjoying enormous benefits .And you can see that tall buildings and shopping malls standing here and there, which not only bring great convenience to peoples lives, but also add colors to our dull routine of lives.

I love my hometown, for its prosperity and harmony.



