my hobby英语作文初二水平【优秀20篇】

正如世界上没有两片完全相同的叶子,每个人也都是独具一格的。下面就是小编为您收集整理的my hobby英语作文初二水平






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There are four seasons in a year, spring means reborn, the trees become green and the flowers get boom. In the summer, the weather is hot while in the autumn, the weather is cool, the winter means cold. Among the four seasons, I like the winter best, though it is cold, I enjoy the weather. I don’t have to bear the hot weather, when I sleep, the warm makes me feel so comfortable, I have the good sleep. What’s more, I can play the snow, I like to build all kinds of snowmen, I play with my friends, we are enjoying the moment. I like winter so much, it brings me so much happiness.





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在外语四项技能中,写作对学生的要求是最高的,它要求学生具有以外语思维方式谴词造句,熟练掌握拼写、标点等写作的基本知识的能力。还需要学生有创造性、有合乎逻辑的表达思想的能力。目前的小学英语教学中,极其重视“听、说、读”的能力训练, “写”的教学基本一直停留在“抄写”阶段,没有开始真正意义上的写作教学。






























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Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.

Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we’re getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.



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National Day, happy day

Country celebrated the sixty-sixth birthday, on behalf of the motherland 60 year old mother. Dear motherland mother has experienced sixty-six years of ups and downs, how powerful ah.

Today, in this festive day. Everywhere decorated, red flag waving, laughter in air. In the evening, I chat with mom and dad brother elder sister to eat guessing riddles. I think it is the most abundant meal, what a happy meal. Even the moon out of the window is happily went home, so the stars together to chat. I also like to hear their happy laughter.

How a day with joy that day.







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Life is a mirror. If we smile to her, she would also return the happiness

to us. But if we cry, she would be disappointed. Therefore, we should be

positive toward life, so as to get happiness.

Actually, happiness is everywhere if we keep a good attitude. As we keep a

good mood, our world will be a sunny land, which is resounded with soft music.

However, if we are pessimists, well find our world is full of darkness.

While on the other side, happiness is not a destination but a

journey.Because theres no paradise at all, but we can make a paradise if were

hard-working and intelligent. So we should work like we dont need money, smile

like weve never been hurt, and perform ourselves like no one can see us.



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作文第一步是仔细审题,考生要仔细阅读试题要求及相关信息,如图表,图画,数字等,准确把握出题者意图。考研作文忌信手掂来,提笔就写,根本不审题,想到哪儿就写到哪儿,或完全凭自己想象编故事,置考试要求于不顾, “下笔千言,离题万里”。比如1998是一幅卡通画,老母鸡申明外加一首打油诗,讽刺一些企业把该尽职之事作为推销产品的承诺。如果考生说老母鸡很可爱,但爱自夸,然后说自己某个同学也爱自夸,这就偏离主题。2000年的作文“A Brief Histiry of World Commercial Fishing ”.它给出了两张图,从1900年的渔船和鱼量之比到1995年的渔船和鱼量之比的变化谈如何保护渔业资源,应从商业性滥捕鱼这一主题展开话题,有的考生却大谈环境污染,其它英语写作《如何在短期内提高考研英语作文》。这就偏离了主题,因为题中自始自终都没有谈到环境污染问题。





一篇文章往往由四部分组成,标题(title),首段(opening paragraph),主体(body paragraph),结尾段( concluding paragraph)。标题要新颖,能引起读者兴趣,首段的内容根据文章的体裁而变化,比如议论文可以从一种现象,一种观点出发引出作者的观点。记叙文往往交代人物和故事背景。主体是文章的主要部分,通过合适的语篇模式表达一定的观点,考生要围绕中心按一定顺序分层次有重点的展开叙述,描写,议论。结尾段是对全文的总结,论点上要与前面的叙述一致和统一。写作时要注意以下几点。
















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My dream home is not very large.Its a wooden house.it is near the sea.Id like to have 5 rooms in my home.I have a kitchen,a bathroom,a sitting room,a studyand my own bedroom.I like living near the sea because it is very quiet there.I can watch the sea and can always play on the beach.

The furniture in my house is all made of wooden.

It is good for our health.I like having a rest in my bedroom.I like listening to music of JJ while Im reading books in my room.I always ask my friends to come here.



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My father likesFishing. He always goes fishing with his friends in Autumn.

One day, he took me to fish, too. In autumn, fish have grown up. It is the best season to fish. First, we chose a good place. Then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook. Afterwards, I threw the fishhook into the river. I waited for a long time. Suddenly, I saw the float sink. I was very happy. I pulled it out of the water but I only saw half of the earthworm. The fish played a trick on me. I was very angry. But my father said to me, “it takes time. You need to be more patient.” I tried again. A few minutes later, I caught a big fish and I showed it to my father. My father praised me, “what a good angler you are!”



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Last week Chang Feng Park held a flower show. I went to visit it with my friends. I was very glad to see so many beautiful flowers in the park. I was really amazed to see a sea of colourful flowers. They told me that some rare flowers came from Taiwan.Thousands of people stopped and watched them carefully. I took many pictures there. Taiwan has always been a part of our country. I am sure sooner or later we can go there to see many more beautiful flowers. What great fun it will be.



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Speaking of grateful parents, everyone will say parents are raising me, of course to be grateful. First of all, we would like to thank them here let us born in this beautiful world. Without them there would be no us, without them there would be no us today, without them there would be no we now good result.

Parents is we are the first teachers in life, from we began to learn to speak, walk, has been to grow up, every success, and even failed every time, parents will remember in my heart, accompany in your side, give you silently support, patient counseling, let us quickly learned how to be a useful person to society. So we have such parents, just can have happy today.

Parents also is very love us. Even the body piercing minor injuries, they will be very self-reproach, why didnt always want to watch the children of her own heart. If you are sick, they must be out in a proper meal, sleep, even cry for a little while. Remember once, I had a high fever, mother carried me to the hospital, from the anxious expression in her eyes I deeply feel the parents of my love is from the heart. Parents take care of us like to take care of the little angel, let we grew up and became a healthy and lively big boy. They pay for us, we do everything never called for the return.

The classmates, let us learn to Thanksgiving! With a grateful heart to treat their parents, with a heart sincere heart to communicate with their parents, dont take it for granted that their parents to help us to do anything, they brought us to this beautiful world, is great enough, and pull us is big, also not return, silently pay for us, Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving parents give us everything!

This again, I also wish the world says parents well-being! Happy!








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It was raining when Tom was on his way home. He opened his umbrella and

walked faster. Suddenly he saw an old woman staggering forward with a stick in

her hand. She hadnt got an umbrella with her and was wet all over. Tom went up

to her and tried to share his umbrella with her. But the old woman was tall and

he was too short to hold it high enough. Then he saw the old womans stick and a

good idea came to him. He tried hard to tie the stick to the handle of the

umbrella. Then the umbrella was long enough for both of them. The old woman

thanked him again and again. Then they went on walking home.



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It was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Zhongshan. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an Englishdaily composition. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours.I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry.

这是我们第二天的暑假。我感觉很好。我觉得我很自由。我有很多时间做我喜欢。我的父母都在中山。所以,我独自生活,但我并不感到孤独。但是,我没有做什么特别。我住在家里看电视。噢!我写了英语日记组成。这是我的功课。今天,我睡了14 小时.我以为我很疲惫。现在是吃晚饭。我必须去!我非常渴望。



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Dear X:

We have not seen each other for a long time. I miss (think of) you very much. I wish (that) I had wings and could fly to your home. However, this is impossible!

Father (My father) has gone abroad of late. If I had had time then, I would have accompanied him. Only Mother (my mother) and I are at home now (at present). We are leading (living) a quiet and happy life. We look as if we were fairies. I hope (that) I can hear from you very often.

Sincerely yours.



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I have lots of things to do in my free time. I like sports. I play basketball with my classmates after class because I think doing more exercise is good for my health. In the evening, when I finish my homework, I love listening to soft music. That can make me clam down.

On weekends, I usually go hiking with my family. The fresh air and beautiful scenery make me comfortable. Also I like helping my mother cook and doing some reading at home. I think doing these can relax myself.

I’m going to visit Beijing during the coming summer holiday. Look! How happy I am! Let’s enjoy our free time.

[我的空余时间My Free Time英语作文



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it was the first day of our winter holiday. all of us were very happy. why? because we have one months to do things we love to do. we are free. although we have some homework. but we can finish them in several days. and the rest time we can make good use of. my god! we have been very tired after hard studying. in winter holidays, i want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. last but not the least, i will have a good rest.

january 14 XX

it was the second day of our winter holiday. i felt good. i felt i’m free. i had a lot of time to do things i like. my parents are in beijing. so i live alone but i don’t feel lonely. but i didn’t do something special. i stayed at home and watched tv. oh! i wrote an english daily composition. it was my homework. today, i have slept for 14 hours. i thought i was very tired. it was time for dinner. i must go! i am very hungry.

january 15 XX

it was the third day of our winter holiday. today, there are many business in my mother’s company. so my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother’s company. i sat in my mother’s office and help her answer the telephone. while i was free, i was writing my homework. although i also have a lot of time to do my homework, i still do it. because in my mother’s office, i had nothing to do. if i did nothing, i was wasting my time and my life. i can’t do the foolish thing. we should take good use of our time.

january 16 XX

it is a special day today. my mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. i like to eat red bayberries. it tastes nice. when they arrived in shanghai, they were still fresh. but most of them would be sent to my mother’s business friends. i chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. i put the rest in my refrigerator. red bayberry is my hometown’s special product. it is well-known in china. many people like to eat it.

january 17 XX

today, i still went to my mother’s office. my mother was very busy, so was my father. they always live in beijing. they must get up early. because they will manage the factory. so i know they are very laborious. so i should save my money. also i should help them. although i can’t do something useful, but i think i should share the work with them. i am one of my family member. in the future, i will take a job and work. it’ time for me to begin to learn how to work.

january 18 XX

i have rested for a week. i began to feel bored. so i went out with my friends. they are my best friends in the middle school. we didn’t go to someplace special. we just saw the other. we had lunch together. while we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. yes! a year later, we have grown riper. and we learned much more things and got new life. we haven’t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. we only have two years. two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us.

january 19 XX

i have stayed in shanghai alone for a week. it’s time for me to go to my real home—it is in beijing. my parents are waiting for me. although outside is no matter how beautiful, beijing is still my home. in fact, there is many fresh things. like red bayberries. in the afternoon, i took a bus to beijing. i was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. i was very sad. i didn’t know why thieves went to steal other’s things. why don’t they hunt for a job? i don’t why! i hope there is no thief in our motherland.

january 20 XX

when i got home, it was very dark. why? there is no electric. every year in beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. because there are a lot of factories. and it is very cold in winter. so the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must stop working. my house is in the manufacturing district. i was unlucky. it was very cold. so my father use the electric making machine to make electric. oh! what a unlucky winter!

january 21 XX

it was cooler than yesterday. one of my father’s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. you must know it is unusual. because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. there is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don’t live in beijing. on the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. it was enjoyable. it is said there are wild pigs in the hill. what a beautiful natural.

january 22 XX

today i found time was a cruel thing. whatever man is, time always goes on. it won’t stay to wait for somebody. you can’t use anything to exchange time. time is also a fair thing. although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won’t leave them more. today i found i hadn’t enough time. although i have 50-day holiday, but i found i had a lot of things to do. i had a lot of homework to do and i had something necessary to do.

january 23 XX

i have rested for 10 days. in these days, i felt very bored. i didn’t know to do what. although i had a lot of things to do, i felt uncomfortable. i was ill because of the cold weather. i was tired, sleepy and had no strength. my parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn’t matter. i was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. so when i went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. finally, i was ill.

january 24 XX

today, when i awaked up, i found the air-conditioner didn’t work. i used the control, but it still didn’t work. i knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. i went downstairs. my father told me two air-conditioner and two computer had been broken. because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. it led to the trouble. oh! whenever the government will let the factory use electric? if it lasts longer, i will be crazy!!

january 25 XX

it doesn’t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. but my notebook-computer also was broken. i really don’t know what to do. so i went to play basketball. i didn’t know any one in that place. and i was the first time to go there to play basketball. at first, there was no person playing basketball. so i played basketball alone. a few minutes later, some students came to play. so we played together. of course, we had a match. and it lasts two hours. after the match, i felt i would be dead. i was too tired.

january 25 XX

no computer, i will not know to do what. i have no solution to the problem. so i sent my notebook-computer to the asus computer company. i must have my computer repaired. and the other one, it was thoroughly broken. it can’t be repaired again.the computer company told me that my notebook computer needed one week to repair. the electric led to all trouble. and many electrical appliances are broken. i don’t know when our country can solve the problem.

january 26 XX

i have lost two computers, but i had another one. i bought it about five years ago. it can be called curio. though it was old. but it can still work. although it works slowly, i was pleased. i can go on internet again. chatting with my friends is a good relaxing. in the internet, one of my old friends invited me to tomorrow’s party. he told me that some friends would go, too. so i promised to go. a-ha! i can see my old friends. i was very happy and hopeful.

january 27 XX

it was sunny today. i was excited. i got up at a quarter to seven. i made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. after i had my breakfast, i went to the city center of beijing. it was cold outside. when i arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. i waited for him in front of the kfc’s door. i haven’t seen them for a year. and in a year, we didn’t come into contact with others frequently. about ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. after we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch. the lunch cost us 800 yuan. oh, dear! they were all very rich, and one was poor.

january 28 XX

yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. i remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. i heard some my friends had gone abroad. they went abroad to study. maybe i couldn’t see them in the future. i think next year we won’t make a party. next year is a very important year. we all will prepare for the college entrance examination. it is the most important for us now.

january 29 XX

i was bored. so i wanted to travel to hong kang. i told my father my decision. to my surprise, my father agreed. my father thought i always at home was bad. he thought i should go out to see our country clearly. how beautiful our country is! my father drove me a travel service. i filled out an application form. after that, the agency would finish every things. at last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.

january 30 XX

the screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. when you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. you can’t see from the screen. and my father is a businessman. he needed a new one. so my father and i went to the electrical appliance shop. there are many new kinds of mobile telephones. at first, my father chose a sumsung one. but all the telephones have sold out. finally, my father chose a motorola one.

january 31 XX

the food in shanghai disagree me. i think the food in beijing is the most delicious. seafood in beijing is very fresh. prawns in restaurant are all alive. and there are many food that you can’t see in other cities. it is very cheap that you eat seafood in beijing. the less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are. maybe my stomach is ill. whatever food i eat, i am still thin. and i am too thin, i want to be a litter fatter. so i must eat more.

february 1 XX

my dog will be dead. she is very old. we have kept her for ten years. now her hairs are falling. and she always lies on the ground. she can’t see very clearly. she eats a little. she becomes thin. she was very strong before. she is still guarding my family. she is one of my family member. now we are all uneasy because she will die. i think you may know my thinking. even if it is a dog, you can’t forget it. so these days, we feet her the best food.




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It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why?

Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free.Although we

have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we

can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In

winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to

replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.



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When I grow up ,I  m going to do what I want to do .I  m going to move to some where interesting.Parie sounds like a city that.I could enjoy.There are lost of art exhibition there.I want to be an artist.First I  m going to find a part time job for a year or two and save some mony.I also want travel all over the wolld .Now I  m going to get good grades ! What are you to when you grow up.



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July 21

I had a good time last weekend. On Sunday morning, I stayed at home and did my homework. The homework wasnt difficult. After that, I played volleyball with my friends. It was tired, but very exciting. In the afternoon, I cooked dinner for my parents. It was a little difficult, I think. After dinner, I went to swim in the river. I can swim very well. I had a relaxing weekend.


