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I took part in a few meaningful activities during the summer vacation. Through this activity, let me experience the hard work of making money and not easy!

I buy a newspaper on the first day: "I got up early, with the fastest speed to reconcile my things packed, I will happily out of the door, called TaoYaNi also, we with the feelings of a is full of joy to Simon in the paper, on the way we are very happy. When we put the newspapers apart, begin to set the papers, we have earnestly brightly colored paper sets together, after we put the newspapers set, found on the ground, there are two or three zhang section TaoYaNi immediately and I hurry up, we have apart just set good paper, each carefully again to turn over again, the results of a no more and no less, only one person is missing one or two newspapers, it can put us under can be anxious that bad, I said, or well sell motionless... we are talking about."

After a while, we finally proposed the same thing, but at this time it was half past seven and we hurried out of the door, and we were fighting for business... It was almost nine o clock when I finally sold the newspaper.

We counted the money you earn, the in the mind very happy, because this is the first time that oneself earn money, although very hard, hot with smelly sweat, but we are still very happy, happy. Because only oneself know, the money that oneself make is very good!




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1. 写作题材贴近考生的学习和生活。历年来高考作文题的题材都非常贴近考生的学习和生活,如校园活动、校外见闻、交友、旅游,和考生有关的话题讨论等。可以预料明年高考写作题的题材还会在这些范围之内,并为所有所考所熟悉。

2. 写作的体裁主要是故事性描述和应用文。基础写作题的体裁主要有故事性描写和应用文写作两大类。命题形式可能是看图写故事、看图表说明、根据表格信息完成一封短信或一份通知这类的应用文等。

3. 内容呈现的方式具有半封闭性。作文试题逐步走向开放将是大势所趋。但是,基础写作题还只能是半封闭的,其特点是写作的内容是被规定了的,考生必须将文章所规定的信息点完整、全面地表达出来,但对于语言表达的方式、信息组织的先后秩序、需要补充哪些必要的信息等,考生又有一定的自主构思空间。

4. 用5句话表达。这是基础写作题与往年书面表达题最显著的不同点。往年是规定字数(100词左右),句子的数量不作规定,所以很多考生为了不犯句法错误总是用一些简单句。而基础写作只能用5句话来表达题目所给的全部信息点,但所给的信息点与往年的书面表达相比并不会减少,所以,用5个简单句很难完成任务,必须使用复合句或并列句来综合多个信息点,而且还要照顾句子之间的衔接和语意上的连贯。从这一点来说,基础写作题对考生运用语言能力的要求大大提高了。



1. 信息组织能力。笔者认为,信息组织能力包括信息归类、信息排列和信息表达三个环节。对于题目所提供的各种信息点,考生首先需要依照一定的标准将信息进行归类,并初步计划将哪些信息放到同一个句子中;其次是将信息进行合理的排列,排列必须依照一定的标准,如时间顺序、空间顺序、因果关系、递进关系等;第三是选择信息表达的秩序,确定句子之间的先后关系,这既要考虑语法上能否衔接,还要考虑语意上的连贯。在组织信息的过程中,还要对某些信息进行必要的增删,使文章意思连贯、语言畅通、逻辑严密。

2. 运用复杂句子的能力。在整理和归类信息点之后,就需要正确地使用比较复杂的句子,综合地表达信息。复杂句子主要有三类:


第二类是并列句,包括具有递进关系的并列句, 如由and,then,besides,in addition, furthermore,moreover, what’s more等连接的并列句,具有转折关系的并列句,如由but,however,on the contrary, after all等连接的并列句,具有平行选择关系的并列句,如由both…and…,as well as,as well,neither…nor…or,either…or…,not only…but also…等连接的并列句。

第三类是一些特殊句型,如使用强调句、倒装句、含有with复合结构的句子、there be开头的句子、以形式主语it开头的句子等。









参加英语角 学唱英语歌曲

听英语讲座 表演英语短剧

看英语电影 教外宾学中文



1. 选择适合你的时间并说明理由;

2. 解释你只能参加其中的两项活动(听英语讲座和教外宾学中文),虽然你认为所有的活动都很有意义;

3. 说明你选择的理由:听英语讲座了解英美文化的信息;教外宾学中文因为2008北京奥运让越来越多的外宾想了解中国。


1. 必须使用5个句子表达全部的内容

2. 信的开头和结尾已给出。

Dear Sir or Madame,

I’m glad to be invited to the English summer camp.

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Ping




1. 养成重视审题的习惯。虽然基础写作题是半封闭性的,但审题仍然十分重要。现以样题为例,谈谈如何审题:







要写文章的信息点有哪些?(information items)






2. 提高组织信息的能力。组织信息的过程包括信息分类、信息排列和信息表达三个环节。这些步骤看起来好像很繁琐,但对于中下成绩的考生来说,一步一步地思考这些问题是很有必要的。现以样题为例,说明该怎样组织信息。











3. 夯实基础,掌握基本的句子结构及其用法。对于大多数考生来说,用词不准和句子结构错误是写作失分的“罪魁祸首”。夯实基础、掌握基本的句子结构及其用法是基础写作备考的主要任务,完成这项任务可以分步骤进行:




Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m glad to be invited to the English summer camp. ①Thank you very much for arranging so many activities, such as English corner, English lectures, English films, English songs, English plays and helping foreigners learn Chinese. ②I am sure all the activities will do a lot of good to us students. ③But it’s a pity that I can only take part in two of them, because I will have to spend some time in doing my research project. ④I would like to listen to the lectures, by which I will learn more about western culture, and help foreigners learn Chinese, as more and more foreigners want to know about China and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

⑤I want to see my grandparents in the country right after our school finishes in mid-July, so I am going to attend the camp from August 15th to 22nd.

Thank you very much.

Yours truly,

Li Ping



第③句用but转折并用it’s a pity 句型表示委婉的歉意,然后解释原因。





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Two years ago, my father asked me if I wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. I said No at once because I didn’t like this job at all. But now, I change my mind. A month ago I went to see the doctor.

I found that many doctors weren’t careful enough to look over the patients. They liked to give the patients the most expensive medicine. I was very angry. So I make up my mind to be a doctor in the future. Doing this is very rewarding because it can help save people’s lives and make people healthy. My grandma died of cancer.

I want to heal people who have cancer. Now we have no ideas and no good medicine to heal those people. Cancer makes many people lose their lives, makes their relatives cry hard and spends much money. So I will work hard from now on. I wish I could work out this difficult problem with other friends.




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1.传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠 2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读 3.仅有文字和图片


1.新兴媒体,信息更新速度快 2.依赖于电脑及互联网 3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频


1.短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥; 2. 词数:100-120 3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But theyre different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. Whats more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites.








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注意: 1。 词数不少于 60。

2。 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。


There was a problem with the parking place for bikes in our school, I noticed the entrance was small and almost blocked。 So my classmates and I had a discussion and wrote a report。 Then we went to meet the schoolmaster in his office and gave the report to him。 He accepted our suggfestions。 Soon afterwards, a second entrance was opened to the parking place。 Now it is easy to park our bikes there。



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Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败

Fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼

Business is business 公事公办

The style is the man 文如其人

More haste,less speed 欲速则不达

Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同

Misfortunes never come alone 祸不单行

Hedges have eyes,walls have ears 隔篱有眼,隔墙有耳

Man proposes,God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天

Beauty is in the eye of beholder 情人眼里出西施

Time and tide wait for no man 时不待我/岁月无情

A young idler,an old beggar 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲

A man should not bite the hand that feeds him 不要恩将仇报

Health is better than wealth 家有万贯财,不如一身健

Out of office,out of danger 无官一身轻

In time of peace prepare for war 居安当思危

The tongue cuts the throat 祸从口出/言多必失

Out of sight,out of mind /far from eye,far from heart 眼不见为净

All shall be well,Jack shall have Jill 有情人终成眷属




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As the holidays passed and homework was reduced a little, the joy of the holiday was long gone. I think its a holiday, you can have a good time and relax yourself.

At the beginning of summer vacation, I spent the whole day on the Internet, the days are long, I also feel no fun, but I dont know what to do without the computer. The elder brother had reported to the cram school, and often complained to me that there was no freedom; My elder sister is a good student. She has already arranged her summer vacation in apple-pie order. I, however, didnt like the planned summer vacation plan or the summer camp or the cram school, but now my summer vacation is so boring. My mother is afraid I sit at the computer desk all day, give me the time of Internet time, it is time to make a plan for oneself.

Every day of the summer vacation was uneventful, there was no moment to record, and there were no memorable moments, and I went to ask my sister. My sister told me that every day is different, and every day is a moment worth recording, but you dont find it. I asked her if it was a matter of record. Sister smiled and said, of course, my sister has just learned to write a diary in junior high school, isnt it worth writing?

The summer holiday is dull, but full of fun! The heart to understand, every day is unforgettable!




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We have an annual Mid-Autumn festival, I love Mid-Autumn festival, love its moon cakes golden and full, and love its beautiful moon circle.

Fifteen moon was round, so we decided to go to the moon in the evening of sixteen. Night, we came to the plaza, we sat down on the grass, didnt appear at that time the moon, the sky is dark blue, but in the square street lamps are festooned with colored lights, the street was filled with the festive atmosphere of the festival. People hold glowing fluorescent sticks in their hands, colorful and more beautiful in the streets. The moon seems to want to play hide-and-seek with us, never to appear. The sky had only a few scattered and faint stars. Suddenly there appeared some white in the sky, as if the moon were coming, watching the moon rising from the west. At this time the moon is not very round, there was no light, a dark clouds, the moon through the test of time and time again, finally with a perfect, beautiful gesture to show in front of people, the crowd trouble. The fireworks, the smile of fireworks and the moon made a beautiful scene. After a while, the fireworks ended and the crowd quieted down. Began to appreciate the moon, and I cant help but think of my grandma and grandpa in hometown, the Mid-Autumn festival is family reunion, how I want to my grandma and grandpa, can in the side with us to enjoy the night silent, beautiful, and the moon bright and tender. I hope the moon in my hometown is so beautiful, so round. In the moon seems to have so little drops shadow, it reminds me of the "chang e" of the story, the dribs and drabs shadows should is the goddess of the moon in the missing seed, "chang e should the regret steal the efficacious medicine, every night heart". Back home, our family around the table cut moon cakes, moon cakes have almond, ice skin, double yellow and so on, but my favorite double yellow, because it looks golden full, thin skin filling jing, taste palate is rich. Im going to eat mooncakes!

Qi shuang qiu gao, I love Mid-Autumn festival, also love the Mid-Autumn festival all customs, habits.



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i had a joyful summer vacation. during the holidays, i traveled with my families. we went to beijing and stayed there for four days. we lived in the hotel. it is very beautiful. we visited to the tiananmen square, the imperial palace, the summer palace and the old summer palace. we also went to the great wall. the weather was very hot, but we were exciting. i like beijing very much. i hope i can go there again.




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how i spent my summer vacation

the summer vacation had come round again. i was happy that i could forget about school at least for a while. lest i fool around all through this summer vacation, i made a plan as to how to spend it. first, i thought i should go over all those things my teachers taught in the previous term so that i could have a better understanding of them. then i thought i should take up some forms of exercise, such as walking, running and rowing, to keep me physically strong. it stood to reason that with such a good plan i should make the best of my vacation time. i did, because i lived up to what i had planned.




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summertime is the besttime of the year。there is no school for months and i get to do what i want。with no tests and no homework,im as free as a bird。

i do many things during the summer vacation。i relax by reading books and watching tv。i also hang out with my friends and travel with my family。however,i dont only play in summer。i take advantage of the free time to learn more。for example,last summer i learned to swim。this summer i might study computers or english。summer vacation flies by fast,so its important to do as much as you can。




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The national day is coming soon. At that day, I would like to go to Beijing,Because I never have been there before. This year, we will have eight days off, so my parents decided to go to Beijing for a trip for my pleasure. Our plan is following.


The first day, we will visit Tiananmen square. On second day, we are going to go sightseeing. And on third day, we decided to go camping, and on the last day, we plan to retun home. I think it will be a best day, because my parents and I are going the trip together. And I hope that we have a good fun on the trip




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Hello,everybody!Summer holiday is coming.Do you want to know what I am going to do when it comes?

Well,I m going to travel to a beautiful place called Xiamen.I m going to take photos with foreign people because there are many foreign people in Xiamen.Im going to climb mountains,eat delicious food,buy some beautiful souvenirs there and Im going to stay there for one month.I think that will be a lot more exciting,wont it?So thats all,how about your summer holiday?



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1、 每天的四个“1小时保障”











1、 不参加语文、数学的培优,不请家教,相关课程自己独立完成。

2、 语文课程计划





3、 数学课程计划查看.




4、 英语课程计划






1、 随父母至少省内出去旅游一次,争取省外旅游去一次;

2、 至少去乡下亲戚家2次,体验生活,其中爷爷家族亲戚去一次,外公家族亲戚去一次;

3、 每天保障一小时的户外活动或运动,散步、溜冰、找小朋友玩等,要注意安全;

4、 每两天至少帮家里做一件家务事(10分钟以上),洗衣服、择菜、简单做饭等;

5、 一个人尝试独立在家呆1-2天;邀请同学或者小朋友在家玩若干次,并独立招待;

6、 每周玩电脑2小时左右,重点加强打字能力的提高;

7、 尝试掌管家里经济和家务安排1-2天,当1-2天家长;

8、 其他:根据具体情况,灵活安排。




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My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable。 I went to the

countryside to spend my summer holidays.It is very beautiful there。 there are

green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals kind people。 i spent two weeks

helping my grandfather do some farm work there.Iwrote down what happened in my

diary every day.

Besides that,I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their

lessons.I helped them read english improve their spoken english.Their parents

thanked me for this.



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i’m going to read some books and listen to music and relax for a few days first. on the fifth day, i’m going to do my homework. of course, i’m also going to do some housework. lunar new year’s day, i’m going to take a trip with my parents. i think it must be very happy. i can hardly wait!

in the first six days of february, i’m going to visit my relatives. it’s going to be fun! after a few days, i’m going to finish my homework, because i am going back to my school on february 16th.






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Suddenly, the summer vacation is coming. Im happy to "one jump three feet high" but I gradually found that summer vacation is boring.

I wanted to finish in ten days, but, I have been doing for 24 days. The 30 day finally finished, father has bought me, only on Saturday and Sunday can rest a while. I dont like a holiday, but, as long as I still quite like no homework.

More like summer and winter vacation, homework, tired bad. I hope can have a holiday, and can not write my homework, how comfortable, how carefree! If the day sentient days also old, if a man love die young.



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20XX.X.X 晴

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.



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On October 1, I did not go out as usual.

Since it was National Day, 61th anniversary of my homeland, like many people, my parents and I just sat in the couch and watch TV.

We didn’t want to miss the program, parade. We were all excited when we saw such beautiful and magnificent scene.

There were so many people gathered together to celebrate the 61th anniversary.

From their smile, I can feel their happy, their proud and confidence.

I feel proud there are many advanced weapons to secure our country.

We, Chinese, are never aggressive. We love peace.

We know how to secure the peace because Chinese is the victim of war.

When I saw 61 flower buses passed through Tian An Men, I am so excited.

I believe our country will have a prosperous future.



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1 Im going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I wont miss it.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,Im coming!

2 On July 23rd my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at YuTingqiao hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.

The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, , North Lake and Xiang Hill. I know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. joozone.com

Later, I went back with my parents by plane. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.
