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Dear Mary, 26th Oct 2009

Thanks for inviting me to your birthday party this Saturday. We have not met for so long, I am very happy to have a chance to catch up with you and celebrate your birthday. Unfortunate, my mother is down with a bad flu. My father has been assigned to work overseas. I am the only family member available to look after her.

Therefore I am not able to attend your party. I have selected a very special birthday present for you.

John will send the present to you on my behalf. I hope you will like it. Please dont be made at me. I will also find another time to have dinner with you.

Happy birthday!

Yours faithfully,




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There is no denying the fact that the introduction of the Golden Week holidays in China has considerably promoted the development of the nation s economy and touring industry and enriched people s life. People around the country have spent more time and money traveling and relaxing themselves.

As every coin has two sides, the Golden Week holidays have also brought about piles of problems. For one thing, due to the fact that people across the country are spending their vacations during the same period of time, it is terribly crowded almost everywhere: trains, buses, hotels, scenic spots, etc., which have ruined people s mood for vacations. For another, some businessmen take advantage of the weeklong holidays and raise the priced of commodities and services.

Personally, I believe that it is necessary for people to have long vacations, but there is no need for them to have the vacations during the same period of time. Instead, they should be allowed the freedom to arrange their own vacations. Only in this way can they really relax and refresh themselves for a new round of work.




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the history of christmas

christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of jesus christ. no one knows the exact date of christ‘s birth, but most christians observe christmas on december 25. on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees. the word christmas comes from cristes maesse, an early english phrase that means mass of christ. the story of christmas comes chiefly from the gospels of saint luke and saint matthew in the new testament.

the history of christmas dates back over 4000 years. many of our christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the christ child was born. the 12 days of christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early mesopotamians.

many of these traditions began with the mesopotamian celebration of new years. the mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-marduk. each year as winter arrived it was believed that marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos. to assist marduk in his struggle the mesopotamians held a festival for the new year. this was zagmuk, the new year‘s festival that lasted for 12 days.




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1、 您好!圣诞节到了,我是圣诞老人,请把你家的房门钥匙,卧室门钥匙,最好还有保险箱钥匙都送给我,我好送你圣诞礼物:绝对让你惊喜,快乐地过圣诞!

2、 昨天圣诞老人来了一趟,送了我一包“幸运糖”,叫我与朋友一起分享。我精心挑选了“平安”“幸福”和“健康”,速递给你尝一尝。味道怎么样?呵呵!祝圣诞快乐!

3、 据说孔圣人以前也下过一个蛋,俗称圣人蛋。孔圣人说:赶紧把它扔到后院去。从此,西方人认为圣人蛋从天上来,就叫:圣诞。这一天就叫圣诞节。

4、 春花秋月何时了,节日知多少?圣诞节现在又来到,快乐祝福不能少。问君能有几多愁,恰似一堆节日过不休。也罢,随大流!圣诞快乐,祝你幸福。

5、 幸福之前,我祝你平安,快乐之前,我祝你安康,辉煌之前,我祝你奋进,坎坷之前,我祝你挺拔,困难之前,我祝你坚毅,曲折之前,我祝你顺心,新春之前,我祝你发财,元旦之前,我祝你圣诞快乐!

6、 圣诞节一起来砸蛋,砸掉霉运的臭蛋,砸掉晦气的坏蛋,砸掉烦恼的笨蛋,砸掉忧伤的傻蛋,砸掉郁闷的糊涂蛋,接受我送你快乐的金蛋,一起开怀庆祝吧。

7、 圣诞衣、圣诞帽,圣诞节日又来到,圣诞树,礼物绕,美满祝福送怀抱,愿你美,愿你笑,愿你幸福乐逍遥,拥平安,无烦恼,健康平安迎春笑。祝圣诞快乐!

8、 朋友之间看重的是情谊,有事没事常联系。圣诞节到了祝福送给你,愿你爱情生活总甜蜜,事业平步青云心欢喜,亲人、友人和爱人身体健康事事如意!

9、 圣诞节到来,送你一首歌,歌唱生活,送你一首诗,诗化梦想,送你一束花,花色爱情,送你一杯茶,茶香希望,送你一句祝福,祝你安康,送你一条短信,愿你圣诞喜洋洋。

10、 2015年到,我祝你元旦快乐!春节快乐!元宵快乐!端午节快乐!劳动节快乐!儿童节快乐!国庆节快乐!圣诞节快乐!我把今年所有的祝福都给你了!

11、 串联起一份快乐将你围绕,聚集起一份幸福与你分享,圣诞快乐,许下最真诚的心愿,愿您平安健康,幸福快乐,心想事成,万事如意!

12、 一路走来,或悲或喜,或浓或淡,都曾感受,与你相识,与你同行,与你同欢忧,都曾铭记,圣诞节来临了,我深深地祈祷,祝你:幸福安康!

13、 午夜钟声敲响了圣诞的惊喜,窗外美雪飘扬着喜悦的气氛,圣诞老人驾驭着快乐的麋鹿,温馨短信传递着温暖的情谊,真挚祝福带给你无限甜蜜快乐。愿朋友圣诞开心,好运连连!

14、 圣诞佳节,洋溢喜庆。圣诞钟声,飘扬喜悦。圣诞树上,盛开吉祥。圣诞老人,带来幸福。圣诞问候,倍感温暖。圣诞祝福,甜你心坎。愿君快乐,幸福永远!

15、 吹响幸福的号角,演译吉祥的节奏,点燃平安的灯火,敲响圣诞的钟声,发出节日的问候,送上圣诞的祝福,圣诞节,愿你快乐相随,如意相伴。

16、 平安歌曲款款而唱,幸运天神从天而降;鹿车铃声叮叮作响,快乐生活闪亮登场;烟花焰火高高而放,吉祥如意随风四散;圣诞短信串串相传,开心祝福全球同享。

17、 大雪纷飞时,你悄悄地走来;天寒地冻时,你呼呼地跑来。问我:“你冷不冷?”我说:“不冷。”“为什么?”“我的屋子里25度呢!”祝你圣诞快乐!

18、 圣诞到,瑞雪飘,片片财运把你抱;圣诞到,戴红帽,顶顶好运把你罩;圣诞到,灯火耀,颗颗红运把你照。祝圣诞快乐!

19、 愿寒冷的天气冻僵你的忧愁,洁白的雪花覆盖你的不快,凛冽的寒风吹散你的烦忧,圣诞的热情燃烧你的疾病,平安的祈祷托起你的希望,快乐的节日送去一份祝福,圣诞快乐!

20、 吉祥的雪花挂满窗棂,欢快的舞姿热情似火;平安的钟声和谐悦耳,幸福的火花越燃越旺;健壮的驯鹿奔走四方,真挚的祝福传遍八方:朋友,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福永远!

21、 圣诞节到了,愿你幸福做加法,烦恼做减法,快乐做乘法,困难做除法,幸运开平方,霉运开根号,坏心情像小数点,好心情循环无极限。祝圣诞快乐!

22、 因为有了你才感觉世上的温暖,因为有了你才使我朝朝暮暮思思念念,因为有了你过节时我心里才甜甜蜜蜜。真心祝福你圣诞快乐!

23、 圣诞节快到了,听说很多人凑在一起,要给你发祝福短信,想将你的手机挤爆,我想出手晚了就来不及了,于是就提前祝你:圣诞快乐!

24、 在这阔别的岁月里,悠悠思念,且籍此小小信息,为我们的友情加温,也愿它带给你快乐无数,在这洁白的圣诞节日!

25、 我们之间有个9,当你的烦恼是9,我就是围住你的根号。当你的快乐是9,我就是你右上方的平方。这样你就可以烦恼减半,快乐加倍了,圣诞快乐!

26、 圣诞节送大礼!移动公司开展“我认识xx我骄傲,我认识xx我自豪”活动,现在每天按原文嗷嗷大叫即可获赠百元话费!还犹豫什么?马上行动吧!

27、 这条短信,收到就行;要是再忙,不回也行;今天的你,快乐就行;记得call我,偶尔就行;看完之后,笑笑就行:)圣诞快乐!

28、 圣诞节,欢乐夜,送个苹果开心一夜;洁白雪,晶莹树,挂上礼物温馨一刻;问候语,祝福话,圣诞短信涌向你。圣诞节,愿你快乐每一秒!

29、 圣诞节,我吃着香喷喷的圣诞大餐,给傻乎乎的你发一条暖呼呼的短信,里面有软绵绵的思念,甜蜜蜜的祝福,笑嘻嘻地对你说声:圣诞快乐!

30、 圣诞节,平安夜,送个苹果开心一夜。洁白雪,晶莹树,挂上礼物欢乐一刻。问候语,祝福话,圣诞短信涌向你。圣诞节,愿你快乐每一秒!

31、 草船借箭是妙算,破釜沉舟是决战。风花雪月是浪漫,舍生取义是奉献。你若继续往下看,你就是个大笨蛋,圣诞的蛋。

32、 圣诞乐,圣诞乐,快乐心涌,祝福手中握,条条短信是礼物,条条短信是快乐!礼物堆成堆,快乐汇成河。圣诞老人在说话,圣诞快乐!

33、 圣诞天使提醒你:只要笑口常开,忧愁就跟你拜拜;只要充满期待,舒眼就能感觉未来;只要你想分享,无论是喜是哀,我一直都在。

34、 趁火山还没喷发,地还没震,风还没狂,雨还没暴,楼还没倒,路还没被淹,你还在,我的手机还没欠债,早早预祝你圣诞愉快,生活精彩!

35、 圣诞天气预报:圣诞前后大面积会下钞票,东北华北美钞,西北卢布,华中华南英钞,东南部分地区有支票,局部地区有金条,圣诞节口号改为:圣诞发财。



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How did Christmas

Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while its still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents----find any with their name on it, shake them to guess whats inside, and then maybe theyll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!"

Christmas day is on December 25, people around the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.Some people celebrate by giving gifts. Children may be thanking Santa Claus for new toys. They may also be going to church with their families. All the people always decorate a Christmas tree and sing and dance at home on Christmas day.







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Dear ___,

Christmas is coming,I think it is the largest festival in your

country,which just is as grand as chinas spring festival.At this nice

moment,let me say happy to you,and also say hello to all your family.hope you

and your family have the best festival.


sincerely ___



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This years Christmas, I am very interesting, I received a gift from Santa Claus gave me not only, but also made 11 yuan of money. And you share together.

December 24th is Christmas Eve, after school, I and ten students in the class by our mothers to tongzhou Simon high traffic place selling Christmas fruit, moms let us experience life, these children also have an unforgettable Christmas.

To the site, we two people a group, is divided into five groups, each group of a small basket, filled them with six peace fruit, our action began, parents are watching.

We saw a aunt went by, we can shout about 10 people surrounded the past say: "aunt, buy a Christmas fruit, 5 yuan a, I wish you a merry Christmas." Ten people noisy, are competing to sell their own, the result is scaring away aunt, who didnt buy, we have ten people begin to blame each other, and began to chirp quarreling. Our mothers look at we quarrel all without a word, just looked at us. For a while after the quarrel, we should feel distance, cant be together at, I took two apples to overpass and sold it, I asked a few people, uncle and aunt, they do not buy, Im crying, apple in hand, with tears in eyes, a look back, the mother behind me with a smile said to me: "kid, I want to buy a Christmas fruit, how much money a?" I said: "dont sell you, look at me, I will be able to sell." Then came an aunt, I walked over and said: "aunt, you buy a Christmas fruit, 5 yuan a, I wish you a......." My words havent say that finish, have never thought the aunt said: "children, I bought one." Aunt give me 5 yuan. "Yeah, I sold a safe fruit." Im happy to jump very high, Im so happy, forget the cold, forget the sad just now. I then sold two apples, one is for $5, is 1 yuan to buy a, I sold a total of 11 yuan.

Mothers make collections, we are going to have a meal, I took his earning up to 11 yuan, flattered. Mothers asked us this than 10 kids to eat buffet, we eat special special fragrance. While eating, we also sell more money than those who, brand Chen firm sold the sunrise 50 yuan, at most, there are five yuan. Ha ha, Im not the last name.

Next to the table, the mothers at dinner, they were talking about us, all have a mother smile tears out.

This years Christmas, I realized, really not easy to earn money, to do things I cant give up, believe in yourself and insist on. Life is very interesting, I this years Christmas play good. Little friends, do you have this experience? Also to share with me.

Is an unforgettable Christmas, although I only sold 11 yuan of money, but, but I feel a lot.











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Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to p>

Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date p>


西元纪年创制于西元5世纪,后来圣诞节这一天就按格里高利历法,即西元纪年的“公历”来确定了,而日历按着假定日期把时间分为公元前(耶稣基督诞生前)和公元后(A. D. 是拉丁文缩写,意思是“有了我们主--耶稣的年代”)。后来,虽然普遍教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又因各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,



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Happy Fathers Day

Today is the fathers day,I want to buy a gift for my dad .


I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading the Fathers Day cards. They all had a special message that in some way or another reflected how I feel about you. Yet as I selected and read, and selected and read again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want to say to you.

今天我在商场的时候, 我读了好长时间的有关“父亲节”的贺卡。那些卡片上面的文字很特别,也或多或少地表达出了我对您的感受。我挑选读过一次后,又挑选读了一遍,但那并不是一张贺卡所能表达出我想对您说的话的。

Youll soon be 42 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Fathers Days together. I havent always been with you on Fathers Day nor have I been with you for all of your birthdays. It wasnt because I didnt want to be with you. Ive always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in the way.


Happy Fathers Day,my dear dad.




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Christmas Day is the biggest festival in the western countries.It is on December 25, the birthday of Jesus Christ.Before the festival, every family will buy a Christmas tree, and put it in the middle of the living-room. And their houses look more soft and beautiful.


On Christmas Eve, children always hang up their Christmas stockings and hope Father Christmas will come to put presents in them. In fact, their parents put the presents in their stockings.


How interesting it is! On Christmas Day, people say "Merry Christmas" to each other.

你说有趣不有趣! 在圣诞节那天,人们互相祝贺“圣诞快乐”。



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Every year we have all kinds of festival, in the festival, I most like Christmas, because Santa Claus will give us gifts.

On December 24, at night, I was writing my homework, suddenly came the mothers cry: "Deng Zhuo for, someone said you write Spring Festival couplets outside a nice words, you go and see who it is?" I slowly walked to the door, open the door, a look, and surprised cried: "wow! Santa Claus!" The original one was wearing a bright red clothes, wearing a pair of glasses from Santa Claus. Santa to give gifts! I looked at him joy and excitement. He took a lot of gifts from a large bag, Im nervous hand are a bit shaken. Santa Claus gentle said to me a lot of, want me to study hard, do a good child! My mother gave me and Santa Claus took a lot! Santa Claus is leaving, he said to a lot of children gifts. I didnt know that Santa Claus is how hard ah! Such a cold winter, the rain, come out to so many children had brought a warm and happy.

I hope every day is Christmas day.






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New Years day is an important day in China, because the New Years day means a new beginning.

When the first sunshine through the treetops, I open my hazy sleep, preparing for the first day of the New Year.

As the saying goes: to have New Year new atmosphere, in order to meet the New Year. Television scheming, racking their brains, and made a New Year SaiShiHui when actor came to recite their cruelty, but when the audience applauded, incisively and vividly that he will be poetry, though they are exhausted, but still strives for perfection, hope to give the audience the best and the most perfect performance, hope to make them feel regret it.

New Years day is a celebration of the day, so even in North America to celebrate! In North America are under the big, artists ready to strike while the iron is hot, with their dexterous hand, after a finely crafted, completed the past ice sculpture, at the same time, it also opened an ice sculpture park, people seemed to be returned to the ice age.

In order to the arrival of the New Year, we must study hard!








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为了在圣诞节联欢会上大展身手,我早早的在郑红艳那里报了我最拿手的吉他。并且还做了充分的准备,嘴里哼的都是表演的曲目。 In order to show my skills at the Christmas meeting, I reported my best guitar at Zheng Hongyan early.And I was fully prepared, and what was humming in my mouth was the performance of the performance.








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At school today, I went home with my classmates. Because today is a wonderful Christmas Eve. As soon as he came home, dad told me to eat at International Building today. I listened and jumped three feet high with joy. As soon as my mother went home, my father and I went out to eat. On the way, I saw a smiling face on the face of the pedestrians tonight, giving people a feeling of peace and warmth. Walking to the gate of International Building, a warm stream was felt, the cold wind outside the glass door was piercing, and the door was pushed into the warm spring. The Santa Claus in the building waved to us all the time. The green trees of the Christmas tree were covered with thousands of colorful lanterns. Twinkling and twinkling eyes blinked.

When I entered the building, I went straight to the 2 building, and a Christmas song was raged in the western restaurant. A photo of an amiable Santa Claus on the wall. I was sitting on a table with my father, mother and aunts and aunts. All of us were like a big family. It wasnt long before those delicious dishes came. At the sight of the fragrant duck, I cant control myself again and eat it. After I finished these delicious fun, I and many children ran in for a while to see the International Building and courteous and accessible Santa, for a while to see the Christmas tree that a riot of colours of light.

Christmas is a good holiday for gifts. When I was young, I always dreamed that one day Santa could come to my house and give me a nice Christmas gift. When I grew up, I knew that when I was a child, those gifts were sent by mom and dad. Todays Christmas, I pestered my father and mother to give me a gift. Mother told me with a smile. The mother laughed and told me, "tomorrow morning you wake up, Santas gift will be returned." Although I knew the gift was sent by my father and mother, I still put a pair of socks on the head of the bed at night. I woke up in the morning and found a 35 dollar book stuck in my socks. I was so happy that I jumped on the bed and yelled, "long live Santa Claus!" I went to school with a book card to show off to my classmates.

I love Christmas!



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