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christmas is coming

i like christmas, it is just like our spring festival.

maybe the spring festival is much more important and interesting than christmas, but i like christmas day better. because we can spend time with our friends and classmates during christmas. when it is snowy,

christmas becomes much more lovely, just like in fairytales. i can imagine i am in a fairytale, the girl who sold the matches is my friend, the ugly duck becoming more and more beautiful and so on. what a beautiful place! so we can also call christmas “snowy lovely day.”

on christmas day, shops are red and green. there are so many christmas cards, christmas hats, christmas dolls and many colourful things. so shops look very beautiful. we can give a card or a doll to our friends and say “merry christmas.” by the way, i think studying can also become much more interesting.

christmas is coming, it also means a new year will come. let’s study harder to welcome the new year!




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Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The authors of the American Declaration proclaimed happiness to be one of the essential rights that make life worth living. William James, the first American psychologist, echoed this emphasis on happiness: If we were to ask the question: What is human life s chief concern? One of the answers we should receive would be: It is happiness. Every philosophical and religious system has offered its pathway to happiness for the individual and the group. Happiness has been related to pleasure, refuge from pain, intellectual contemplation, union with God, friendship, children, wealth, honor, successful activity, and even state burial with statues! Today, scientists have joined the dialogue to seek answers about what contributes to happiness or, as they call it, subjective well-being . From joozone.com.

If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it is reasonable that it should be in accordance with the highest excellence. Aristotle The concept of happiness--while difficult to define-- is obviously here to stay. But the desire for happiness can set up expectations that are often hard to fulfill. The right to pursue happiness was conceived of as an inalienable right; the entitlement that everyone be happy was never promised. As captured by Eric Hoffer, a misguided search we hope to provide a framework that will guide you in your personal pursuit of happiness.




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Dear Miss Luo,


A year has slipped away from our laughter between our eyes, and we should say goodbye to you. Although we only wanted to work for a short year, you left me a deeper impression than the foreign teacher who taught me for five years.

I used to think that Chinese class is a boring thing, but since I know you, I like Chinese class.

First of all, I think you love to encourage classmates. When I answer questions in class, if the answer is right, you will look at me with happy eyes and ask me to make persistent efforts. If I got it wrong, you encouraged me with a gentle voice and spoke to the whole class about my problem. Whether I am right or wrong, I feel happy.

Secondly, I think you are very earnest and meticulous in doing things. For example, when we borrowed arrows from the grass boat, you not only let us learn the surface meaning, but also took us to study the text deeply. To my surprise, you also let us listen to the pingshu, to stimulate the interest of the students, so that the students learn more practical.

You still love to delay, I used to think that it is to deprive me of time to play, but a long time I understand the love for us then, let us learn more knowledge.

Finally, I think you are very concerned about the students, once, there was no meal in the canteen, the students had to be hungry, but you did not ignore, but to invite them to eat noodles.

All in all, you are wonderful, admirable and unforgettable. It seems that this is the main reason that you are better than my original teacher!

I wish you success in your work!

Your students



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1、 您好!圣诞节到了,我是圣诞老人,请把你家的房门钥匙,卧室门钥匙,最好还有保险箱钥匙都送给我,我好送你圣诞礼物:绝对让你惊喜,快乐地过圣诞!

2、 昨天圣诞老人来了一趟,送了我一包“幸运糖”,叫我与朋友一起分享。我精心挑选了“平安”“幸福”和“健康”,速递给你尝一尝。味道怎么样?呵呵!祝圣诞快乐!

3、 据说孔圣人以前也下过一个蛋,俗称圣人蛋。孔圣人说:赶紧把它扔到后院去。从此,西方人认为圣人蛋从天上来,就叫:圣诞。这一天就叫圣诞节。

4、 春花秋月何时了,节日知多少?圣诞节现在又来到,快乐祝福不能少。问君能有几多愁,恰似一堆节日过不休。也罢,随大流!圣诞快乐,祝你幸福。

5、 幸福之前,我祝你平安,快乐之前,我祝你安康,辉煌之前,我祝你奋进,坎坷之前,我祝你挺拔,困难之前,我祝你坚毅,曲折之前,我祝你顺心,新春之前,我祝你发财,元旦之前,我祝你圣诞快乐!

6、 圣诞节一起来砸蛋,砸掉霉运的臭蛋,砸掉晦气的坏蛋,砸掉烦恼的笨蛋,砸掉忧伤的傻蛋,砸掉郁闷的糊涂蛋,接受我送你快乐的金蛋,一起开怀庆祝吧。

7、 圣诞衣、圣诞帽,圣诞节日又来到,圣诞树,礼物绕,美满祝福送怀抱,愿你美,愿你笑,愿你幸福乐逍遥,拥平安,无烦恼,健康平安迎春笑。祝圣诞快乐!

8、 朋友之间看重的是情谊,有事没事常联系。圣诞节到了祝福送给你,愿你爱情生活总甜蜜,事业平步青云心欢喜,亲人、友人和爱人身体健康事事如意!

9、 圣诞节到来,送你一首歌,歌唱生活,送你一首诗,诗化梦想,送你一束花,花色爱情,送你一杯茶,茶香希望,送你一句祝福,祝你安康,送你一条短信,愿你圣诞喜洋洋。

10、 2015年到,我祝你元旦快乐!春节快乐!元宵快乐!端午节快乐!劳动节快乐!儿童节快乐!国庆节快乐!圣诞节快乐!我把今年所有的祝福都给你了!

11、 串联起一份快乐将你围绕,聚集起一份幸福与你分享,圣诞快乐,许下最真诚的心愿,愿您平安健康,幸福快乐,心想事成,万事如意!

12、 一路走来,或悲或喜,或浓或淡,都曾感受,与你相识,与你同行,与你同欢忧,都曾铭记,圣诞节来临了,我深深地祈祷,祝你:幸福安康!

13、 午夜钟声敲响了圣诞的惊喜,窗外美雪飘扬着喜悦的气氛,圣诞老人驾驭着快乐的麋鹿,温馨短信传递着温暖的情谊,真挚祝福带给你无限甜蜜快乐。愿朋友圣诞开心,好运连连!

14、 圣诞佳节,洋溢喜庆。圣诞钟声,飘扬喜悦。圣诞树上,盛开吉祥。圣诞老人,带来幸福。圣诞问候,倍感温暖。圣诞祝福,甜你心坎。愿君快乐,幸福永远!

15、 吹响幸福的号角,演译吉祥的节奏,点燃平安的灯火,敲响圣诞的钟声,发出节日的问候,送上圣诞的祝福,圣诞节,愿你快乐相随,如意相伴。

16、 平安歌曲款款而唱,幸运天神从天而降;鹿车铃声叮叮作响,快乐生活闪亮登场;烟花焰火高高而放,吉祥如意随风四散;圣诞短信串串相传,开心祝福全球同享。

17、 大雪纷飞时,你悄悄地走来;天寒地冻时,你呼呼地跑来。问我:“你冷不冷?”我说:“不冷。”“为什么?”“我的屋子里25度呢!”祝你圣诞快乐!

18、 圣诞到,瑞雪飘,片片财运把你抱;圣诞到,戴红帽,顶顶好运把你罩;圣诞到,灯火耀,颗颗红运把你照。祝圣诞快乐!

19、 愿寒冷的天气冻僵你的忧愁,洁白的雪花覆盖你的不快,凛冽的寒风吹散你的烦忧,圣诞的热情燃烧你的疾病,平安的祈祷托起你的希望,快乐的节日送去一份祝福,圣诞快乐!

20、 吉祥的雪花挂满窗棂,欢快的舞姿热情似火;平安的钟声和谐悦耳,幸福的火花越燃越旺;健壮的驯鹿奔走四方,真挚的祝福传遍八方:朋友,祝你圣诞快乐,幸福永远!

21、 圣诞节到了,愿你幸福做加法,烦恼做减法,快乐做乘法,困难做除法,幸运开平方,霉运开根号,坏心情像小数点,好心情循环无极限。祝圣诞快乐!

22、 因为有了你才感觉世上的温暖,因为有了你才使我朝朝暮暮思思念念,因为有了你过节时我心里才甜甜蜜蜜。真心祝福你圣诞快乐!

23、 圣诞节快到了,听说很多人凑在一起,要给你发祝福短信,想将你的手机挤爆,我想出手晚了就来不及了,于是就提前祝你:圣诞快乐!

24、 在这阔别的岁月里,悠悠思念,且籍此小小信息,为我们的友情加温,也愿它带给你快乐无数,在这洁白的圣诞节日!

25、 我们之间有个9,当你的烦恼是9,我就是围住你的根号。当你的快乐是9,我就是你右上方的平方。这样你就可以烦恼减半,快乐加倍了,圣诞快乐!

26、 圣诞节送大礼!移动公司开展“我认识xx我骄傲,我认识xx我自豪”活动,现在每天按原文嗷嗷大叫即可获赠百元话费!还犹豫什么?马上行动吧!

27、 这条短信,收到就行;要是再忙,不回也行;今天的你,快乐就行;记得call我,偶尔就行;看完之后,笑笑就行:)圣诞快乐!

28、 圣诞节,欢乐夜,送个苹果开心一夜;洁白雪,晶莹树,挂上礼物温馨一刻;问候语,祝福话,圣诞短信涌向你。圣诞节,愿你快乐每一秒!

29、 圣诞节,我吃着香喷喷的圣诞大餐,给傻乎乎的你发一条暖呼呼的短信,里面有软绵绵的思念,甜蜜蜜的祝福,笑嘻嘻地对你说声:圣诞快乐!

30、 圣诞节,平安夜,送个苹果开心一夜。洁白雪,晶莹树,挂上礼物欢乐一刻。问候语,祝福话,圣诞短信涌向你。圣诞节,愿你快乐每一秒!

31、 草船借箭是妙算,破釜沉舟是决战。风花雪月是浪漫,舍生取义是奉献。你若继续往下看,你就是个大笨蛋,圣诞的蛋。

32、 圣诞乐,圣诞乐,快乐心涌,祝福手中握,条条短信是礼物,条条短信是快乐!礼物堆成堆,快乐汇成河。圣诞老人在说话,圣诞快乐!

33、 圣诞天使提醒你:只要笑口常开,忧愁就跟你拜拜;只要充满期待,舒眼就能感觉未来;只要你想分享,无论是喜是哀,我一直都在。

34、 趁火山还没喷发,地还没震,风还没狂,雨还没暴,楼还没倒,路还没被淹,你还在,我的手机还没欠债,早早预祝你圣诞愉快,生活精彩!

35、 圣诞天气预报:圣诞前后大面积会下钞票,东北华北美钞,西北卢布,华中华南英钞,东南部分地区有支票,局部地区有金条,圣诞节口号改为:圣诞发财。



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Everybody celebrated Christmas, you received what gift I guess everyone is mom and dad to buy you but I am a Santa Claus. I have received Santa Claus gift for twice.

The first was in the previous year December 25th. That evening, I returned home from school, just take the door, I can think of is hung on the lamp Christmas gifts, and a letter. The day before Christmas, I gave Santa wrote a note. Wrote: "Santa Claus, I want to have a remote control car, finally is wishing you all a merry Christmas and a healthy body." Santas reply was, "thank you, you already have a remote control car, so I send you a Mickey Mouse." I even write my homework helping open directly, and it is a Mickey Mouse. Underneath there is a button, and then sing "the moon". When I heard this song, I feel like as happy to see Santa Claus.

Second is December 25 last year, and the last time the same, the same gift. I feel this is mom and dad gave me. But dad with an honest face told me: "Santa Claus has a real". I also mentioned this matter with classmates, classmates said affirmation is a mom and dad to buy me. Solve this problem is hard to over the past two years, I am a grain of salt. Today, I write this, my sister told me a story, named "the origin of Christmas old man" (true story).

In a long time ago, Santa Claus is a relatively wealthy people, every year December 25, his gifts to the poor. Later, he was dead, in order to commemorate him, there are a lot of people learn to do Santa Claus, gifts for the children (toy). Christmas is so memorable to me, how let me excited. Today, I finally solved the mystery, Santa Claus is really some, how much he care about me, my in the mind is how love him, when Christmas memories, I would sincerely a knowing smile.







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The chinese spring festival and the western christmas-中国的春节和西方的圣诞节

evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. The spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

the spring festival and christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. However, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.



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"Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells..." Christmas day coming, quick make to wish, Santa Claus will help you achieve.

On this day, Santa Claus driving elk flying over the sky, he dont have a drivers license, also do not need a drivers license; Heaven no lights, because if there is a traffic light, gifts will delay time.

Have you ever put your own socks hanging in the window or on the wall? If you didnt hang up, please immediately put the socks hang up immediately, but remember, dont hang a smelly socks, decades without washing. , in this case, the second day you will find in your next to the socks, there will be a faint in the ground, before you go past a look, originally you mother.

Ah!!!!! Of course we know, there is no Santa Claus time, if you have, it is only your family. Have little desire, family will help you achieve, with great desire and could realize, you work hard, come on.







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Christmas is coming, I have a lot of desire to achieve, to the snow outside the window I quietly pray:

Dear Santa Claus: please give me a time machine. I would be very happy, thank you! Do you see my smile will be very happy, right?

I also hope I can fly machine, fifty tea eggs, one hundred popsicles, a refrigerator, a picture of a lady Yang portraits, article 50 sausage, a rod and an automatic pencil. All of these things should be easy to tidy up, and sent to me, I will share with my friends, you say?

Who are you building? Is god? If its mom and dad posing as, I want to thank you. I want to have a read, dont worry mom and dad. My wishes in this Christmas.







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Ocean Park is very exciting and fun. The cable car is very good, when you look out the window, you will see very beautiful scenery, but one thing I don’t like is we need to wait 45 minutes. If you want to go quickly, you can take the ocean train, just like the subway. It’s very fast.

When you go up, ther are many rides, like a roller coaster, water ride and many things to do. I want to cry when my mom and I get on the roller coaster. I yelled, because the roller coaster is so exciting. I don’t want to ride it again, so I go to the ocean museum, and the polar bear place. The last thing is very good, it’s a waterride. We are very bored when we were in the middle. Suddenly, the water is pushing the boat. “Ahhhh!” I’m shouting, I’m very excited, the water is very fast, then the boat goes down. “Wow!” My mom yelled, and the ride is over. Our shirts are all wet, and the sky is almost dark, so we leave the park, and go back to Kowloon Hotel.

What a fun day!



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I spent a very happy Spring Festival this year, because I traveled to  Zhuhai and Zhongshan.


It was a very special journey for me, for it was the first time that I had traveled by plane. It was the first time that I had enjoyed myself at the seaside had seen the beautiful Macao. And, it was also the first time that I had spent the New Years Day outside.


When I was in I had a great time with my brother. We climbed the mountains, visited some parks, walked around the downtown area and spent the happiest time on Hailing Island.


On February 10th, I went to Zhuhai. I was happy in Zhuhai, because my former classmate kept a good company with me. We visited so many interesting places, such as Xiangzhou Port, Gongbei Port, Shijingshan Park, Haibin Park and so on. We also traveled around Macao by ship. It was very exciting.


After my two-day trip in Zhuhai, I went to visit my best friend in Zhongshan. We toured around the city on the day and chatted with each other happily at night. Both of us enjoyed ourselves very much.


This was the golden time in my life, so I’ll keep it in my memory forever.





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Chritmas is the day that Jesus Christ was born. People in the world celebrate and worship this day in his honor.

The santa claus will come out and send presents for children.

Christmas cards and decorated trees are all over the place. The carolling of Christmas songs echo through the air.

I am not a Chirstian, but I also enjoy the atmosphere of Chrismas. I wish everybody have a merry Chirismas.



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Christmas is western holiday.

On a holiday,people don’t work. Children don’t go to school.

Christmas is special.Why?Becouse we have Christmas trees and santa.Who is santa?santa is a merry man in red clothes.Santa brings toys for children on christmas.

We invite our family to our house,family bring gifts for us .We give our family gifts too.We sing special songs at christmas.When is christmas?It’s December twenty-fifth!

Christmas is happly holiday,our family are have fun.

[merry christmas圣诞节英语作文



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Dear Santa Claus:

It is my great pleasure for me to write to you while the Christmas is

approaching.Since I love you so deeply and trust you so sincerely ,you are

always appearing in my dreams which make me excited and happy all the time.I

believe that you are so kind-hearted with geat magics to the young kids and all

the people as well.I am writing to you,telling you that the world nowadays are

totally a mess!Wars,disputes,pullutions and many natural disasters are torturing

the world and the people.It seems that the earth is coming to its end where the

human being cannot live any longer.Sincerely wish that you can help us and the






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In the morning, as soon as I entered the classroom, several of my classmates said, "there are some sugar in your desk." I said, "sugar? I dont know." I quickly ran to the desk, and opened the desk to see: wow! There are two beautiful candies, one is the black chocolate, one is the red paper of the beef sugar, a look makes my mouth water, however, I still endure the patience, saving for lunch.

Later, lu teacher back to us to see a letter of Santa Claus, the letter said: "two (2) class of kid, you all received the candy, I sent you two of the children can have a clean the table sugar, the table dirty children only get a candy. I wish you a merry Christmas!

This Christmas is really fun!



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Speaking of winter, winter is my favourite season, although it was very cold but full of emotional appeal feeling. Standing in a do you think the highest place overlooking hope, you will suddenly feel that the world is so beautiful so fine.

When I was a child, I will only in the winter with my friends to play with snow. For example a snowman ah, I like a snowball fight! This series of play snow method. Every winter grew when I wont go to play with snow filled with childishness, Ill use appreciation vision to enjoy the beautiful snow, occasionally the snow hold it in your hands careful observation of snow is how warm hand in my melting. Again fine point you will feel snow really good beautiful beautiful! Breathtaking dare not to trample. I sometimes find the white snow into the mouth taste it is what taste. Wow! Good cold ah. It melted quickly just on the mouth cape side becomes water, sometimes also want to snow will meet any setbacks, will we do meet with difficulties, then by their own belief the setback and difficult to solve.

Now Im junior middle school second grade students. Time eye passed. Some memories do before regret only alas! Sigh. The snow in winter is still so pure so charming. The snow in winter I like you I think you let all my things away, troubling all my wishes are realized. The snow in winter you really good beautiful beautiful!
