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1、 圣诞节快到了,圣诞老人告诉我,谁在圣诞夜把袜子当头套,两脚并拢立正站好,天再冷也不穿棉袄,谁就能把祝福和礼物得到,特此通知你,千万别忘了!

2、 看一场雪在演绎美丽的主角,听一场雪在弹奏洁白的乐章,吻一场雪在珍藏你每一个快乐的瞬间,白色的世界,不会虚伪,白色的世界,我祝你白色圣诞节愉快

3、 圣诞节要到了,圣诞老人声明:不要迷恋老哥,老哥只是个传说,老哥没有火鸡,也没有烧鹅,老哥很爱干净,不会钻烟囱,老哥只会给你祝福:圣诞节快乐!

4、 我把思念写在牵挂里,把牵挂藏在问候里,把问候融在祝福里,把祝福丢在你心里。在这个白色圣诞节即将到来之际,把我真诚祝愿送进你的手机:圣诞快乐!

5、 人生最悲哀的事:听唐骏说成功,听禹晋永说学问,听郭敬明说创作,听任志强说房价,听周立波说素质,听李刚说愧疚,听圣诞老人说今年不出国。

6、 把我的诚心,化作一朵祥云,飘在你的天空,把我的关心,化作一阵清风,飘在你的心中,把我的祝福,化作无限热情,伴你圣诞愉快,把我的短信,化作手机铃声,收到一定要感动嗷!

7、 圣诞好,圣诞妙,圣诞人人分钞票。圣诞美,圣诞俏,圣诞个个美如妖!圣诞蹦,圣诞跳,圣诞家家中彩票!圣诞欢,圣诞闹,圣诞事事都好笑!圣诞快乐!

8、 圣诞如果晴天,我用阳光编织幸福送你;如果是雨天,我用雨水凝聚祝福送你;如果是阴天,我把云揉成棉花糖送你;如果是雪天,太好了,揉个大雪球砸你。

9、 圣诞好!虽然说得有点早,不过考虑到你在江湖的人脉地位,怕你临时忘了我,所以我还是决定先提醒你。顺便告诉你,我的袜子已洗好,你懂得起的。

10、 圣诞传说:信息发一发,钞票任你花;信息看一看,幸福围你转;信息读一读,快乐你做主;信息转一转,好运永做伴。祝你快乐圣诞!

11、 圣诞忙里偷闲,许个美好心愿,祝你快乐连连;发个美丽誓言,祝你风度翩翩;圣诞完了元旦,不要手忙脚乱;写份爱的信笺,祝你万事圆圆!

12、 圣诞节想你是最快乐的事;见你是最开心的事;爱你是我永远要做的事;把你放在心上是我一直在做的事;不过,骗你是刚刚发生的事。圣诞快乐!

13、 圣诞节不送礼,发条短信祝福你;健康快乐伴着你;万事如意随着你;天下好运追着你;各路财神盯着你;美酒佳肴候着你;飞黄腾达由着你!

14、 圣诞老人太胖了!麋鹿载不动!雪橇坐不下!所以我自告奋勇,由我来代替他分送祝福,愿我的朋友一切顺利!圣诞节快乐!送你满满的祝福!

15、 知道我现在想什么吗?想你!知道为什么想你吗?喜欢你!知道为什么喜欢你吗?因为你有味道!知道你有什么味道吗?剩蛋的味道!祝圣诞快乐!

16、 圣诞节,狂欢夜,祝福像一阵阵清风,吹拂着每一个角落;我把全世界最流行的一句话,注入我最真挚的情感,,派圣诞老人向你传达:祝你圣诞快乐!

17、 生日的惯例吃蛋糕,结婚的惯例送红包,圣诞节的惯例放袜套,情人节的惯例是玫瑰拥抱,元宵节的惯例是吃元宵。元宵节送你香甜元宵,祝你一生乐淘淘!

18、 农历四月四日是文殊菩萨圣诞。吉祥智慧、辩才第一的文殊菩萨托梦说:转发此条短信者,都会在360行,行行出人头地,飞黄腾达!

19、 放一次生,放开一切烦恼,收获一辈子的快乐;诵一遍经,修炼清静心灵,开启一生的智慧;今天是文殊菩萨圣诞,祝你文殊智慧如利剑,金榜题名在眼前!

20、 圣诞到,祝你像圣诞老人一样乐观,工作像雪橇车一样没有阻拦,生活像圣诞树一样绚丽斑斓;钱包像圣诞老人包袱一样,永远都是满满!

21、 今天是农历四月初四,大智文殊菩萨圣诞日,文殊菩萨保智慧,佑功名。真心地祝愿十年寒窗苦读的学子们,它日金榜题名,无限欢喜!有缘人,随缘随喜!

22、 准提菩萨圣诞日,遇风顺风,风调雨顺;遇雨顺雨,润泽苍生;遇求必应,大吉大利;遇人则福,福满一生。图吉讨彩,好运送你,转发有功,心诚则灵!

23、 一条短信载上诚挚的祝福飞到你身边,也请你在这个欢快的节日能想起我,想起让自己幸福快乐的一切,祝你平安夜快乐、圣诞节愉快、元旦节幸福!

24、 一夜平安,夜夜平安,今夜冬风,明日春暖,户外冰雪,室内欢笑,礼物飞来,祝福声起。今夜是平安夜,祝你万事如意,天天美满。圣诞节快乐!

25、 一条信息,双手奉上,载三分思念,四分祝福,五分牵挂,六分眷念,捎七分幸运,八分快乐,九分平安,送到你身边,愿你圣诞快乐、新年吉祥,十全十美!




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the christmas day is the christianity world greatest holiday.why can decide as december 25 christmas day? because december 25 is jesuss birthday. the westerner take red, green, white tricolor as the christmas color. what is red is the christmas flower and the christmas candle. what green is the christmas tree. what red and white intersection is santa claus, he is the character who the christmas day moves most receives welcome. in the west, acts santa claus is also one kind of custom. the christmas song mainly has three, one is "christmas eve"; one is "listens, angel newspaper good news"; third is "bell makes a sound dingdong". the foreign countrys christmas day is equal to chinas spring festival is equally important.。





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Heaven is a beautiful Christmas eve. As soon as I finished school, I went home with my classmates.

As soon as I got home, my father told me that today I went to the restaurant outside with my uncle and aunt, and I listened and jumped more happily. But mom hasnt come back yet, so shes going to wait for her mother to go home.

After a while, my mother came home, and I urged my father to take my mother out. Along the way, I saw tonights pedestrian faces are filled with smiling faces, giving people a detailed, warm feeling. Walking to the entrance of International Building, I felt a warm current. The cold wind outside the glass door pushed the door into the warm spring. The Santa Claus in the mansion waved to us all the time. The green branches of the Christmas tree are covered with thousands of colorful lights. Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, eyes.

As soon as I entered the building, I went straight to the 2 floor. There was a Christmas song in the western restaurant. The songs were melodious and comfortable. On the wall is a picture of an affable Santa claus. Uncle and aunt already arrived, my father and mother walked over, greeted them, and sat down, everyone seems to be a big family.



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吃完午饭后,家校联系本发下来了,我看见朱老师在上面写了一句“merry christmas”的圣诞祝语。应该每个同学都有吧,我想。果然,其他同学也都欢喜的指着自己的祝语给别人看。教室里传来一阵阵快乐的笑声。







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merry christmas

it was one of the last days before christmas, and the as sistants in the large store had their hands full serving eager christmas shoppers.

at one counter an old lady was choosing gloves red ones for her daugher in law, light blue ones for her niece, pink ones for her grand daughter, green ones for her sister and by the time she had found what she wanted, the counter was covered with pairs of all colors and sizes.

when the salesgirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next customer with a tired voice. "thank you very much, madam," the old lady suddenly cried out, "oh, i almost forgot..."——"anything else, madam?" said the girl, "yes," began the old lady, "id like to buy another pair, but i m not quite sure about what exactly i should cloose. i wonder if you could help me." "certainly, madam", was the girls reply. the old lady then went on to explain that what she was looking for was a pair of gloves for a girl of her age. she was not at ail sure what color to choose, and the design was a problem too.

the tired girl did her best to help the old lady make up her mind, showing her ail kinds of gloves.

at last the chosen pair of gloves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the girl was about to turn to the next customer, the old lady handed her a little parcel and said, "these now, dear, these are for you and thank you for being so patient. i do hope you have a merry christmas !"



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Dear teacher,


It is also a harvest season and a safe season. On this special holiday, On behalf of all the students in the Class of Business School x, I would like to extend my most sincere holiday wishes to the teachers!

Time travel, the passage of time, in the blink of an eye we from a naughty child to sensible youth. Two years ago, it was the teacher who brought us to the university gate. In the past two years, we have felt the care of the teachers relatives.

As a Chinese saying goes, "teachers are teachers, so they impart knowledge and solve doubts". In the classroom, I can still see the busy figure of teachers. They impart their lifes knowledge to us without reservation and patiently teach us. I remember that one of our international trade professional teachers often give us lessons in sickness, listening to her hoarse voice so far I can not imagine; We did not have water to drink in the training room. She brought us water to drink by boiling it herself and took care of us like a kind mother.

"A day as a teacher, a lifetime as a mother," in the life of the teacher meticulous care to take care of us. Just entered the university we are not used to the university life, teachers often come to our dormitory to visit us and chat with us. I remember one time when a student in our dormitory got sick at 2 o clock in the evening. After dialing the teacher, the teacher immediately came to accompany him to the hospital. He didnt come back to school until 7 o clock in the morning. When we thank, the teacher said such a situation often happen, you do not need to thank, this is what we should do.

"Happy to go home, safe return to school" every holiday home, business school will be under the leadership of Secretary Xu visited each dormitory, exhort ten thousand safety first.

Out of the school, review the reading career bit by bit, campus events in mind. The heart of gratitude, the presence of exhibitors: do not forget the hard work of teachers, teachers do not respect the teachings. According to the preliminary understanding of the X class of business school internship situation is optimistic. Ask 13 classes of students, most of the number has been in the unit internship. There are internship in foreign trade companies, logistics companies internship also some in the factory tracking orders, like a large number of students chain classes are in the supermarket internship...... Different students are distributed across different industries. They are conscientious in their posts and study hard to live up to their teachers expectations.

Remember that President Wang once said to us: even if you go out of the school but the teachers and students love continuous, always depend on; On campus, you are proud of your school. On campus, the school is proud of you. We will return the teacher with excellent results, live up to the teachers expectations of us.

"Spring silkworm to the death of silk, wax torch ashes tears before dry", looking back yesterday, looking forward to the Ming Dynasty, we thank the teacher for our dedication. Finally to all the teacher sincere tunnel 1: "hard work, teacher!" And I would like to express my highest respect to you! May teachers flourish and peaches and plums fragrance all over the world!





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Joy carries midday

The door is ed moxa, sweet full hall, delimit remove dragon boat to enter the Dragon Boat Festival.

This day, I and pa, Mom watchs dragon boat game together to clear in relief river, river side rise is worn a few dragon boat, I see red line and white group are in the match.

White at the beginning group be far ahead, red later line is chased after again. Because in front what the person of feel uncertain hits is much faster, delimit the person of dragon boat delimits from the back much faster. At that time, sound of the sound of gong and drum on field, hubbub, firecracker, ring, lively and extraordinary, I and pa also cry in emphatically: "Red line is cheered, red line is cheered! Red line is cheered!!

Return old home, I see the grandma is ing Ai Xie, later, the grandma takes I and true elder brother to select Zong part of a historical period together to hill again. After coming back, the grandma takes out the polished glutinous rice with good bubble, place red jujube, earthnut, ormosia inside to rise with Zong Xie Bao, after the package is nice, thoroughlied cook it. Ground of my too impatient to wait ate, original, the zhongzi is so sweet, so sweet, do not know Qu Yuan to smell in the river its faint scent.

This dragon boat festival, I am very happy!




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It was Christmas Day yesterday. We had a Christmas party at school. Many friends of mine came to the party. After we said"Merry Christmas", we began to sing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on. Then we told some Christmas stories, such as Christmas Father. Then I danced and laughted with my friends. We all had a good time. When the party came to the end,we said "Happy New Year" to each other.




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The chinese spring festival and the western christmas-中国的春节和西方的圣诞节

evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals give people a chance to be away from their regular work and everyday worries to enjoy themselves and to develop kindship and fiiendship. The spring festival is the chief holiday in china while christmas is the most important redletter day in the western world.

the spring festival and christmas have much in common. Both are prepared hefiorehand to create a joyous atmosphere; both offer a family reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the children with new clothes, lovely presents and delicious food. However, the chinese spring festival has no religious background while christmas has something to do with god and there is santa claus with white heard to bring children presents. The westerners send each other christmas cards for greetings while the chinese people pay a call on each other.

nowadays, some of the chinese youth has begun to celebrate christmas, following the example of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of curiosity.



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Christmas is coming! I embrace both nervous and looking forward to the coming of the mood to greet it, I will receive a special Christmas gifts, but since the rise in grade five, I have never received, may be when I grow up; Or is my performance is not good, Santa Claus is not a gift to me >

"Jingle bells, jingle bells..." A bell sound when wake me up, a fat fat fat, have a big rub white beard "grandpa" to stand in front of me, he was red, how lovely! He kind of took me by the hand and lead me to sit in the sled, sledge before have a lot of moose! They each power, magnificent, good looks gentle, then we fly to heaven, looking at a white piece of land, I suddenly felt a little regret, but curiosity got the better of me regret it, so we will be an adventure.

After a while, and elk started slowly landing, the next scene to my surprise, a group of small winged genie is hard work, they face with a cheerful smile, like me, a beautiful elves and friendly like me to introduce myself, she is called "Helen", she is very good to me, and to introduce me to each elf, and the unfamiliar environment, I also quickly become one with all of you, help you packaging, production and combination together, work together, they finished the work quickly, finally went to "Santa Claus" freight!

I and Santas sleigh again, and will present one by one to those children are looking forward to the mood of her arms, and looked at their innocent face, I good gao xing! Finally Santa Claus will my peace back to my room, he also gave me a small gift, I didnt break gift right away, but I know that my heart was filled with great joy, burst out of tears, also dont listen to the servants, and it is the tears of joy! ? How I wish this dream continue to continue, but the ear is gently call me, in my lackadaisical climb up, this is a wonderful dream! The gift was quietly at the edge of my body, I opened the package, it is the Christmas tree ornaments as little angel, it shiny shiny, I use it to hang on the Christmas tree, looking at it ah wave. "Christmas" is how special this year!



飞了一阵子后,麋鹿开始慢慢的降落,接下来的情景令我惊喜万分,一群矮小有着翅膀的精灵正辛勤的工作着,他们脸上都带着愉悦笑容,一位美丽的精灵像我走来,并友善的像我自我介绍,她叫做“海伦”,她对我非常的好,并向我介绍每个精灵,和这个陌生的环境,很快的我也和大家打成一片,帮大家一起包装、制作和组合,大家同心协力,很快的便完成了工作,最后就交给〝圣诞老公公〞去运货 了!

我和圣诞老公公再次坐上雪橇,并且将礼物一个个送到那些抱着期待的心情的那些小朋友怀里,看着他们天真无邪的脸蛋,我好高 兴喔!最后圣诞老公公将我平安的送回我的房间,他也送给我一个小小的礼物,我并没将礼物马上拆开,但我知道我心里洋溢着无比的欢喜,泪水也不听使唤的涌了 出来,这就是喜极而泣吧!?我多么希望这场梦继续延续下去,但耳边正轻轻的在呼唤我,我庸懒的爬了起来,这是一场多美好的梦啊!那份礼物竟悄悄的放在我身 边,我打开包装,里面是圣诞树上的一样饰品小天使,它闪闪的发亮,我将它挂在圣诞树上,看着它摇啊摇的。今年的“圣诞节”是多么的与众不同啊!



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Happy Christmas Eve is coming, my heart is very excited, because Santa Claus comes

Its Christmas day on December 25th, and we still go to school as usual. No way, can only go to school, ah foreign friends must have a holiday, because this is their festival, why, why, China does not have a holiday!

In the evening I see Santa Claus, he and I said with a smile, Ill give you gift, I accept gifts, open on see, is a piece of paper, top write: I wish you good good study, day day up! Dont dwell on vacations!

I dont want to have a holiday when I hear that!! Thank you Santa!







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期待已久的圣诞节终于来到了,小熊和伙伴们天天都盼望这天能够早日到来,有时小熊在梦中也会梦见它和小伙伴们玩耍的情景。 圣诞节的这一天小熊特别的高兴,一大清早,就戴上可爱的圣诞帽,穿上漂亮的衣服,去找它的伙伴们。刚推开门,眼前的景色让它感到很吃惊,屋外到处到是白茫茫的一片,漫天飞舞的雪花是那样的美丽,那样的迷人,也是多么的令人向往,让小熊觉得自己好像进入了冰雪王国一样。





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Today is Christmas, I said to mother: "merry Christmas!" My mother said to me: "merry Christmas". I ran to the kitchen to grandma said: "merry Christmas!" , grandma also said to me: "merry Christmas!" .

I walked to the kitchen window and saw through the window there are many children with a Christmas hat on a snowman, children to raise the dog and cat with a Christmas hat, also they are in the snow to trash, like in the drawing!

So I walked out of the house, I saw the square have many children, some in a snowman, some in the snowball fights.

I also want to a beautiful snowman, so I put on the ground of snow to rub into two snowball, made of black glass ball eyes again, made from carrot nose, hand broom, finally gives a snowman Christmas hat, wow! What a beautiful snowman!

At this moment, I looked at the sky, ah! Its not late, I should go home.

At home, before going to bed I put my socks on my bed and wake up in the morning, wow, all of my socks is are Santa Claus gave me a gift, have wood ultimate dragon king toys, 36 color crayons, Hamburg. I said in my heart silently: "thank you Christmas grandpa!" .









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我们是第个二玩的,到我时,别人给我提醒了一个我就回答出来了。最后周老师说:“你们想不想把圣诞老人请到教室里来呀?”我们说:“ 想。”接着圣诞老人就进来了,给我们发了好多礼品。我们都特别高兴。最后还给我们发了蛋糕很高和一个大苹果。老师说明年还有这样的活动。我高兴。



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圣诞节的脚步越来越近,我和妈妈准备去花店购买些装扮圣诞节的物品,只见大街小巷喜气洋洋、张灯结彩都在为圣诞节忙碌着。 来到花店,我被琳琅满目的商品吸引住了,我们买了棵绿茵茵的圣诞树、慈祥可爱的圣诞老人和滑稽的圣诞小帽子来布置房间。在爸爸的帮助下,我们把家里布置的漂漂亮亮的。晚上,姥姥、爷爷和我们一起过的平安夜,桌子上摆满了新鲜的水果,我们一家人围在桌边,我对爷爷、姥姥说:“祝爷爷寿比南山不老松,祝姥姥寿比东海长流水。”姥姥爷爷连声说:我的乖孙子,真是没白疼你。”正当我们说的热火朝天的时候,只听见“咚、咚、咚”的敲门声,我想这么晚了,是谁呀?我们大家互相看了看,我急忙跑道门口的“猫眼”向外一看,连忙打开了门,哇!是圣诞老人。 圣诞老人的帽子和普通的帽子没什么区别,只是帽子的顶部有一个小绒球球。

他的皮肤白里透红,衣服和裤子都是红色的,腰间还系着一条灰色的皮带,他送给我一袋用帽子装的礼物,我好奇的打开,里面还有一封信: 祝:儿子好好学习!天天向上! 代凯文 收 爸爸寄 我看见了圣诞老人脚下穿了双大皮鞋,呦,原来是爸爸,我扑向爸爸怀了,全家人都笑了。



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Christmas is annual festival in western world that is one of the most

important festivals for them. Previously, only westerners or Christians

celebrate it. But in recent years, more and more Chinese people celebrate it,

especially among young people. There are many activities in that day. I think

there are the following reasons that make Christmas popular in China. First,

it’s a western holiday and it’s new to Chinese. Second, with the development of

the world, the mutual influence between China and the west makes it work. Last,

the merchants make great contribution to its popularity.
