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We are students now,so we all have learning habits ourselves,whether or not they are good,let‘s share with everyone. I have some learning habits too.In the evening,i sometimes read alond .textbook,then memorize them.When i take class ,i listen to teacher carefully,and i learn some knowledges from teacher ,then ,i will take notes,i always keep to doing that every class.In the afternoon,i try my best to finish my homewotk,because i want to have long time to review what we have learned in the evening,but i do my homework so hard,when i meet the problems ,i will ask my father to solve them,so every evening,i will learn useful enough knowledge,i always feel very happy when i understand them.But i think it’s important for us to be interested in studying,i think we have to make friends with study,then we could help other classmates to study,because we can exercise ourselves by helping them. There are my ways to learn,although they are not so good,i will improve them,and start to try new ways. Learn is a life journey,in this journey,may be we will miss a lot of problems,but we can‘t afraid of them,we must to be the owner of study.




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时间一分一秒地过去,新年的钟声终于敲响了。我兴高采烈地跑下楼去放鞭炮。我放了“惊天雷”和“蝶舞飞扬”。惊天雷”点燃后在地上转圈并挥洒着火花然后飞上天空,在空中发出响亮的“劈啪”声响。接着我开始放“蝶舞飞扬” ,“蝶舞飞扬”是点燃后在地上转圈儿,并且火焰会变成不同的颜色,最后发出“劈哩啪啦”的响声。当然,我还放了其它各种各样的鞭炮。这时候,人们陆陆续续地都下楼来放鞭炮了。

我放完鞭炮后回到了家,从窗户往外看,放鞭炮的人们数不胜数。突然一朵朵烟花升起,好美呀! 不一会儿,四面八方的烟花都升起来了,看了这朵又错过了那朵,简直叫人眼花缭乱、应接不暇。我最喜欢的烟花有两种,我不知道它们叫什么名字,所以我就自己给它们取了名,分别叫“满天星”和“流星雨” 。“满天星”是升上去后散开时,火花变成了银色的星星,一闪一闪地,很耀眼,又很多,密密麻麻地就像满天的星星。“流星雨” 是升上去后散开像流星一样落下 。烟花这种鞭炮点燃后人离远一点没有危险,我很喜欢。放烟花就好像仙女把一篮子美丽的花儿撒下,也好像仙女的飘带在随风飞舞,让人陶醉。




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The New Year, through the footsteps coming towards us. Happy winter holiday will begin in a minute, then how can I let this winter holiday, full and meaningful? I struggled to think one day, finally, how to spend the winter vacation. Think it over.

See some books, do some reading notes; Appropriate to do some winter vacation homework every day; Look at the news, know about the state affairs and social news. Exercise every day, exercise their bodies; Go to the library, the place such as science and technology museum, xinhua bookstore, get some learning opportunities, broaden their field of vision; Do something can help mom and dad......

Reading a book. In order to let oneself see some good books, I early came to the bookstore. The variety of books in the bookstore I chose some books I like, put the bookcase of home. So it is not afraid of no books to read. I ran to the stationery store to buy a thick, beautiful notebook, in winter vacation, I have to write it.

Movement. Sport is a source of health, can strengthen our heart and lung function; Can help us to prevent osteoporosis; Can mitigate and control of our emotions... Exercise every day for three hours, exercise your body. Jump rope, kick the shuttlecock, sprint, long distance... Do sports every day, let your body become more healthy.

Do something you can reach for mom and dad. Help mother wash the dishes, sweep the floor, in the mother, when they feel tired to give mother a cup of tea, let mom have a rest, instead of mother do for a while. My father work in the day tired, returned home, to the father fills back, fills the legs...


This is my winter vacation plan, all right?










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It was cooler than yesterday. One of my fathers friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who dont live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural.



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He thinks he isnt pretty healthy. He doesnt like exercise, so he does exercise once a week. He is very fat. He doesnt like vegetables, so he hardly ever eats vegetables. He likes eating junk food. He thinks it is very nice. He eats them about four or five times a week. He loves milk, but he doesnt drink it every day. He only drinks them two or three times a week. He eats fruit once or twice a week. But he sleeps nine hours every night. His lifestyle is not very well. But he knows healthy lifestyle helps him get good grades. He tries to eats some vegetables and eats lots of fruit. And he wants his parents to play sports with him. He wants to be the healthiest.

watch TV every day. Some students watch TV twice a week. Some students watch TV four times a week. Some students have sports every day. Some students have sports twice a week. Most students have sports four times a week. All the students do homework every day. No students do homework twice or four times a week.

unit2假设李平是你的朋友,他目前的身体状况不好。他从来不锻炼,他经常感到很紧张,很疲倦,他爱吃零食,有时会胃疼。这几天,他感冒了。头很痛。请写一封信给他,并给他一些建议。 Dear LiPing,

I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well。I think you should see a doctor,then you should take some medicines,and drink a lot of water。You said you are stressed out and tired。Why do not you listen to music and go to bed early。

You should also try to exercise。Eating less junk food。Eating more healthy food,like apple,orange and milk 。I think they are good for your health。

I hope you feel better soon!


unit3.版本一:假设你的一个笔友上个星期天来看你,你安排了一个游玩计划,大意如下:早晨8:30在火车站接他后来到苏州动物园。那里有很多不同种类的动物。12:00吃午饭。然后乘车前往虎丘(Tiger Hill),那里风景秀丽,你们玩得很开心等。(字数60左右)

One of my pen pals came to see me last Sunday. I went to meet him at the train station at 8:30 a.m. We went to Suzhou Zoo together then. There were many different kinds of animals. At 12:00 we had lunch. After that we went to the Tiger Hill by bus. It was very beautiful there and we enjoyed ourselves very much.

版本二: 十一、要求是我十月一日去哪里度假可以想象,和谁一起去为什么去那里度假什么时候出发,那里天气怎么样,在那里呆多长时间。

Onthe holidaymorning ,Iwenttotheparkwithmyfriend,because thisday is myfriends birthday,myfriendwantedme to go totheparkwithher,so I wenttotheparkwithmy friend, therewerelotsofpeopleinthepark,theweatherwasgood.westayedintheparkabouttwohours, weleft ataboutnineoclock.In theafternoonwenttomyauntshome withmyparents,myauntgavemelotsofsweet,(thisismyfavoritefood) ,In the evening,Iatedinner with

myparents atmyauntshome,ateightoclock,wewent home.today,I’mveryhappy,howaboutyour’sholiday?

unit4.根据下列育英中学八年级(1)班学生上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文。不少于70 个单词。

to school in different ways. Fifteen students take buses because they live far from the school. Ten students walk. They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. Twenty-five students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. No one goes to school by car

unit5.版本一:你去Marry家,想问问她去不去参加你的生日聚会,但是她不在家,你给她留了便条。 任务:






Dear Marry:

Im XXX(你的名字). Tomorrow is my birthday, I want to invite you to take part in my birthday, can you come tomorrow? The party will begin at half past six in the evening. My parents, friends and classmates will come, you can see them in the party. If you come to my birthday party, please make a phone call to me, I will be pleased that you can come.

Yours, XXX

版本二:你的好友Sonia过生日,你不能去,请写一封e—mail 说明理由,你有一些什么事要做(至少3件事),不能参加了,但你准备了一份精美的礼物请注意电子邮件的格式

Hi Hey,

Thanks for your invitation. I’m sorry I can’t come to your party this week. I am really busy This evening I’m going to my cousin’s birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. (Yuck!) On Wednesday, I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to study for my chemistry test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I’m going to the movies with some friends. Can you come to the movies with us on Friday?

Write soon,


Unit7.版本一: 周末,同学们准备开一次聚会,在聚会上,大家想自己动手制作一些喜欢吃的东西,许多同学爱吃牛肉三明治,你会做吗?请你根据下面所给的材料,写出制作牛肉三明治的过程。2 slices of

bread; 1 teaspoon of cheese; 1 green pepper; 1 onion; mushrooms;3 slices of beef; 2 teaspoons of relish


1. 审题。本篇作文要求写如何制作牛肉三明治,注意祈使句的用法。

2. 列出相关的短语和句子: 全面用到上面所列出的短语,及不可数名词表示计量的方法(数字 + 量词 + of + 不可数名词)。3. 谋篇。注意使用句型,特别是first,next,then,finally 四个副词的用法。4. 注意。某些动词的使用,如:put...on...;cut up;add...to...等。5. 写作 现在同学可以按照上面的写作过程来写作啦!

范文 First, put the cheese on a slice of bread. Then cut up a green pepper and an onion. 版本二:请你写一篇制作玉米花(popcorn)的小短文。注意使用first, next, then, finally等表示过程的词。不少于50个词。

How to make popcorn

I like popcorn very much. I learned from my mother how to make popcorn. Now let me show you the ways. First you put the popcorn into the popper. Next, turn on the popper. Wait for several minutes. Then you pour the popcorn into the bowl. And put salt on the popcorn. Finally you can eat the popcorn.



Michelle Kwan is famous. She is an American figure skater. Her father, Danny, is Chinese. Her mothers name is Estella. She is an American. She was born on July 7, 1980. She has a brother and a sister. Michelle has won seven medals at National Championships of America, and has won eight medals at the World championships. She has also won two Olympic medals, the silver medal in 1988, and the bronze medal in 2002.



My good friend Mike

I have a good friend. His name is Mike. He was born in September, 1988 in a small town near London. He is a middle school student. He came to China with his parents two years ago. His parents are teaching English in China now. He and his parents like China and Chinese food very much


My Dream Job

Everybody both has a dream job. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future? Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much. And I think that I can sing on the stage(舞台). I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there. Although it is a tired job, I love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular. That’s so interesting and exciting. For my dream job , I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly, I can’t wait! How about you? What’s your dream job?


When I grow up , I’m going to do what I want to do. I’m going to move somewhere interesting. Pairs sounds like a city that I could enjoy. They have lots of fashion shows there. I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine. So how am I going to do it? First, I’m going to find a part-time job for a year or two and save some money. Then I’m going to be a student at art school in Paris. And I’m going to study French at the same time. Next, I’m going to hold art exhibitions because I want to buy a big house with the money and I’m going to travel all over the world. Finally, I’m going to retire somewhere quiet and beautiful. Unit11.版本一:假如你叫Dave。你和父母明天将去度假。请写一张留言条给你的好朋友李明,请他帮你照看你的猫(cat)。


1.请使用Could you ?句式及祈使句。




1. Could you please??

2. Please …

3. Dont forget to …

Dear Li Ming,

My parents and I are going on vacation tomorrow. I went to your house, but you werent in. I need some help. Could your please






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To have good study habits. I come back from school every day, the first thing to do is Ill finish my homework, finish writing, carefully, carefully check, to see if there are any leakage and write wrong.

In this way, the accuracy is high. Check out, I will have to prepare for tomorrows class content, can you write in a book, also want to check information, read the text. Class must listen earnestly, the teachers questions to ponder earnestly, actively raise your hand to speak. Speak wrong, dont lose heart, to think again, combine the content. After class, but also review the learned knowledge to review, will be remembered.

And, at the textbook knowledge is not enough, also look at some of extra-curricular literature, reference books. There are a lot of good words, we, good, collected them, write a composition, diary when using them, make the essay more beautiful and vivid. At recess, when finishing the homework, also want to read more, the book is the ocean of knowledge, can let us know no textbook knowledge.

This is my study habits.







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On New Years Eve, our class had a party. The atmosphere was good.

It was out of the ordinary from the very begining. The boy student from one bedroom gave an unusual performance. We saw a boy named Li Xinmin turn off all the lights in a sudden snap. Then with three resounding crow of a cock echoing in the hall, the hall was again brightly lit in a snap.



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课上了一半,枯躁无味的新概念把我们带到了一个乏味的世界,当教到case(盒子)这个单词时,我们再也没有兴趣继续学习了。老师看了看我们痛苦的表情,灵机一动,说:“我给你们讲个故事吧。在我读大学时,给我们教英语的是个男老师,在学case这个单词时,他问:“Who can give me a case?(谁能给我一个盒子)”,但我们都把case听成了同音词kiss(吻),老师看没人举手,便走到一个女生面前,问:“Can you give me a case?(你能给我一个盒子吗)”,只见她慢慢站起来,脸比苹果还红,然后不好意思地亲了一下老师,捂着脸坐下了。搞得那位教授丈二和尚摸不着头脑,莫名其妙地把嘴张成了O型。”蔡老师的话音还没落,全班同学早已笑成了一锅粥。




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My family and I went to the seaside. My dad went fishing in the sea. My mumstayed under the umbrella. She read a book. My uncle ate an ice cream. My consins ate bread. My brothers made a sandcastle. My sisters bathed on the sunny beach. Mike went swimming in the sea. Kate and I played football. We were very happy.



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When I see other students have their parents to drive them home after class, I don’t feel jealous, because I have a happy family. Though we are not that rich, my parents will spend a lot of time to play with me. They give me all their love. I am so lucky to have them as my parents. They are my everything.



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It was a very busy evening. I was doing my homework at my home. My father was writing a composition in the study room. My mother was interested in Shanghai opera. She was watching a Shanghai opera contest. The apartment was very quiet. Suddenly the light went out. It was a blackout, but I liked it very much. It came and I didn’t have to do my homework. We went to the living room very slowly. After 5 minutes, we all sat in the sofa. It was a lucky, fortunate day. I said that let’s held a concert. My parents agreed with me. I took out some candles and lighted up. We were singing, laughing and talking. We had a really good time. But while I was singing, the light suddenly turned on. Oh, my God. My father went back to his room went on writing. My mother turned on the TV and said to me “Dear, do your homework!” I felt very frustrated. I sat at the desk and thought I hated light. I hoped there would be a blackout the next day. I thought I would enjoy myself more and more. I went into a dream……

今晚真是个忙碌的晚上。我正在家里写作业,我爸爸正在书房里写作文。我妈妈对上海歌剧感兴趣。她正在看上海歌剧比赛。公寓非常安静。突然间断电了。一切都黑麻麻的,但是我很喜欢。断电了,我就可以不用写作业了。我们慢慢的走向起居室。五分钟后,我们都坐在沙发上。这是一个既幸运又倒霉的一天。我说让我们开个音乐会。 我父母都同意了。我拿出一些蜡烛并点燃它们。我们唱歌,大笑,聊天。我们都玩得很开心但是当我在唱歌时,灯突然亮了。哦,我的上帝啊。我爸爸继续回房间写作文。我妈妈开着电视并对我说“亲爱的,去写作业!”我觉得很沮丧。我坐在桌子边,想我恨灯光。我希望第二天还能够断电。我觉得我会越来越开心的。我陷入了梦境…………



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Winter vacation is coming.We‘re happy to welcome the holidays.Usually,winter vacation is funny because Spring Festival is during the vacation.

Spring Festival is a excellent day for every Chinese,especially for children.During the festival,relatives go to visit each other and give presents to each other.Then it‘s the happy moment for children,children are given some lucky money.

But i‘m not a child any longer.I want to make the festival a little bit different. I plan to have a different day.I‘m going to sell some toys in the flower market.I will ask my friends to join me.If i earn some money,i‘ll buy some presents to my parents.Well,it‘s my turn to give back to my parents for their love.



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Tomorrow is mothers day once a year, every year in the second week of May. Now remember that mother is so selfless. She always wanted the best thing for us, she would prefer to work rather bitter child, she is in the future for children to do, there is such a selfless man?


My mother always when I am in trouble to bring help, always when Im sad to comfort, always selfless dedication and ask for nothing in return. If I use a word to describe my mother that I would say: "selfless dedication, asking nothing in return." So after the dispute with her mother must be more sympathetic to the mother, dont let them very sad.


There are several times, I do not pay attention to health, only time. Later, the mother behind always helped me up, when I think of it, always very grateful to her. Thank you for your mother, your selfless nurtured me, thank you!


Wish you everything is going smoothly. Later, good luck in everything!



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I want to review the New Year, busy in years, I most like make yuan.

Sitting in the car, pass by square, the square was a sea of people, a number sweet laughter. I see the dark sky, a flash of flap "stars", the original is kongmin light. Looked at it, slowly on the ground to fly to the sky, like want to hurry into the arms of mother "sky" in. "I want to buy a kongmin light." Sitting beside me cousin said the words, to be honest, I really want to fly kongmin light, moreover is also the first time to see, so I got off the car, bought a few colorful kongmin light.

In tiantai, I quickly spread out the sky lantern, wow, what a big yo, can be in the sky look so small, early listen to elder sister say write wishes on the kongmin light, it is possible, and now, I took the pen, sweet meimei wrote his own desire, to the uncle, help me to light a candle, just lit the candles for a sky lantern is a bit cant wait, seems a bit "feel good", "wow, fly up! Good high good high..." Brother cried with a loud voice, fly kongmin light, with my wishes, faded away...

"The Lantern Festival is really good, streets of covered......" TV came a burst of beautiful music, yuanxiao is really busy, but its the culmination of the Spring Festival, I silently think: if the next Spring Festival can come soon, then.







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Tuesday, February 12 is cloudy.

The day before yesterday, my sister bought a present for my brother and sister. Red lanterns and barbie dolls.

Red lantern on the top is golden yellow lace, red and red body before and after writing a golden blessing, below is red, yellow, green three colors of the tassel beautiful! It had two wires and a red heart, and a long, small hand to carry it.

If you switch it on. The red lanterns body will not only emit green and yellow light, but also sing the song "congratulations on your fortune".

My brother and I like the present very much.



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Luxuriant it gives us boundless endless fun. A long summer vacation to supply the vast reveals itself for the classmates of the stage. And plans to use the summer vacation time, has become our current begin to should do.

One, scientific and reasonable to develop a plan of summer vacation work.

Amount of work in the holiday, want to do the work. To put these job screening, mediation, according to the summer fair time settling, draw up a table "" summer deeds. All the cruel deeds should be carried out in accordance with the "schedule", but still need to be careful mix.

Second, serious review, welcome to scholarship test

This test is after the summer vacation the first put a summary of the semester, summer vacation, want to put the first semester studies the entire contents of the seriously review again, and to formulate a "review schedule. For good measure.

Third, develop my funny hobbies, growth of my specialty.

According to my funny hobby, takes an active part in all kinds of funny Hong shed organized group, such as: painting, calligraphy, music, English, journalism skills, grasp the skills, as to lay a foundation for the growth of the letters patent day.

Fourth, study diligently, careful accumulation, longer than writing, used motor

Manipulation of the heat I visit a few good books as points. Such as: national classics, history allusions, good books and periodicals, fables, fairy tales, etc., progress I browse ability and writing level, edify sentiment.

Else, might as well also active in the summer sports refined, help parents do more housework, experience to meet the social actual deeds... Only seize the opportunity to reveal themselves constantly, expand the line of sight, to be healthy growth.



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Today, I opened my free forum and I was very happy because I could do a lot of things there. I decided to upgrade my forum and make it interesting. Then I will make it grow up and at the same time, I can write down what I want to say there. I will be very happy.



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Fri. ,Feb. 5 Rainy

In my dream

Last night ,I dreamed I became a very beautiful brid. I dreamed that I was in a forest. In tht forest,there were a lot of animals. Then,an old bird told us,"we have a very beautiful forest,we should therefore protect it from pollution. "All the animals agreed with him.

But the second day,people came into our forest. Many animals were caught. The people wanted to build house and parks in our forest. Many old trees were felled. And then suddenly,nothing was left standing.

I was so shocked and then I bursted out crying. I woke up at midnight. It was only a dream.

二月五日 星期五 雨


昨晚我梦见我变成一只非常漂亮的鸟。 我梦见我在一座森林,森林里有很多动物。 然后有一只老鸟告诉我们,"我们有一座非常美丽的森林,因此我们应该保护它,免受污染"所有的动物都赞成他。

但是第二天,人们进入我们的森林,许多动物被逮捕。 这些人要在我们的森林地上建造房子和公园。 许多年老的树木被砍下,然后,突然间,一切都被夷平了。

我很震惊,接着突然大哭起来。 我在半夜醒来,原来只是个梦。
