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We grew up in a happy times, living conditions have made a lot of improvement than before. But the environment around us has suffered severe damage, human homes, earth is facing ecological crisis, if not protect the environment, human will be faced with a major disaster.

In recently listen to TV news said: our capital Beijing area and more dust storms have taken place in the city, these economic developed city almost was huge sand "bury", the oasis is gradually reduced, we human beings that only themselves to blame disorderly cut down trees, destroy the environment, make the soil and water loss. Dont, only the forest into the barren hills, grassland into desert, humans will suddenly realize?

Now the most polluted on earth resources, is the water. River that the original clear float above is full of garbage, plus factory emissions of industrial wastewater, the water is now dark and smelly, passing from the river to wu wear the nose, the fish in the river ah, shrimp had long ago lost.

Just take a look at the sky, is always a grey, which is called the blue sky white clouds, it is grey day ash cloud. Can only look at the moon at night, the stars are gone. See the most is the factory, thick tall a black smoke from the chimney. Took to the streets, often can smell exhaust frying. Recipients pollution everywhere around us.

Man is the master of the earth, but also its destroyer, is the final victim. As the owner of the new century, we cant let environment continue to be polluted. Environmental consciousness is the people should have modern consciousness of the 21st century, in order to in the new century to create a beautiful and pleasant environment, let us take action immediately: save a drop of water, save electricity, once more take a tree... To protect our home together!









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Some people love to play badminton, some love to play football, others love swimming, but my favorite sport is basketball. It is very popular in China because of Yao Ming. Because of him, many boys in China get to know about basketball. He is so excellent that everybody wants to play like him. He is my idol.


After school, I often play basketball with my friends. I am the tallest boy in my class, so I play as center. Playing basketball is not only good for our health, but also helping us to make friends. I hope someday I can be an outstanding player just like Yao Ming. Maybe in the future, I will go to NBA and win the champion.





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On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.





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My mother is the loveliest person in the world. She Ioves her children very much and is always kind and gentle to us. Every mother is kind to her children but my mothcrs kindness to us is unlike others.

She never gets angry and never loses her temper. When we are naughty and do not listen to her words, she truly pretends to be angry and walks away. She will come back to us later and asks whether we like to be good boys and good girls again. She is so gentle and patient to us.

My mother is busy all day. She cooks for us, washes our clothes and also teaches us to do our homework. We all love mad respect our dear mother.




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i have a lot of hobbies,such as playing badminton,playing the piano,and swimming.i really like swimming because i enjoy the feeling in the cool water.i love to swim in summer.under the hot sunshine and dive into the cool water.the feeling is really nice.i like freestyle.i swim well.i also win a lot of prizes.i want to be a swimmer and my dream is to win a gold medal in the Olympics.





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There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival most. Not only because it’s the biggest festival in the year, but also because it’s a new beginning that brings hope to people and it’s time for family gathering. Before the festival, people come home no matter where they are. Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve.

And then families sit together and share their lives or planes. Some will play games or hang out to have some fun. On the New Year’s Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone they meet. Children can get lucky money from relatives.

In the following days, we will visit relative’s home and bring New Year’s wishes to them. In short, it’s a time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it.



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Christmas Day-December 25-which celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the founder of the Christian religion, is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States.

According to the Bible, the holy book of Christians, God decided to allow his only son, Jesus Christ, to be born to a human mother and live on earth so that people could understand God better and learn to love God and each other more. "Christmas"- meaning "celebration of Christ "- honors the time when Jesus was born to a young Jewish woman Mary.

Mary was engaged to be married to Joseph, a carpenter, but before they came together, she was found to be with child. Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to p>

Although the exact date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ago is not known, the calendar on the supposed date p>


西元纪年创制于西元5世纪,后来圣诞节这一天就按格里高利历法,即西元纪年的“公历”来确定了,而日历按着假定日期把时间分为公元前(耶稣基督诞生前)和公元后(A. D. 是拉丁文缩写,意思是“有了我们主--耶稣的年代”)。后来,虽然普遍教会都接受12月25日为圣诞节,但又因各地教会使用的历书不同,具体日期不能统一,



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Every people has his own idol, my favorite is Huo Jian Hua.Though he is very famous, but he never shares his own private life.He even doesnt have Micro blog.When the reporter asked him why, he answered that He doesnt like, to share many private things.In his opinion, the feeling of the life is private and has no necessity to share with others.He has a lovely daughter.When talking about his daughter, he hopes his daughter can be a happy people.And he wont give too much pressure to his daughter.When he goes out for making a motion picture,he doesnt need to bring many people.Because he thinks that he is a man, and doesnt need others special cares.And All known to us, he never receives his fans gifts.According to his word, he just does his job and is unnecessary to give him anything.



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期盼已久的北京奥运会终于到来了。在赛场上有许多来自世界各地的顶级运动员,其中有我最喜欢的中国男子体操运动员——杨威。 杨威身材短小,但是很强壮。眼睛不算大,但是炯炯有神。最有趣的是他的鼻子,大而笔挺。 杨威是个非常沉着的人。当他得了高分时,他不骄傲;当他得了低分时,他也不泄气,不管什么时候,他都摆着一副沉着的面孔。在北京奥运会之前,杨威有一个外号——千年老二。因为在比赛中他老是得第二名。但是在这次奥运会中,他用完美的动作征服了评委和观众,获得男子体操团体冠军和全能冠军两块金牌。这是他刻苦练习的好结果。希望他继续努力多为中国争光,多为自己夺冠。 杨威加油,我支持你!



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In the last century, the government carried out the policy of family

planning to control the increasing population. So most families have only one

child, but recently, a new policy has been announced and people can have the

second child. It sounds like the good news for the family, as the only child can

have a sibling to company. While for some parents, they seem to be not the

qualified parents. A boy complained that his parents’ second child was the smart

phone, because they lowed down their heads all the time. Many parents did not

realize the lack of communication with their children. If they want another

child, they’d better learn to communicate their kids first.



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I like goldfish, Because goldfish is beautiful.

It is orange on the left, It is red on the right. I says:"wow,goldfish is beautiful!"

This is a red goldfish,It live in the aquarim.A boy want to catch the goldfish,but the goldfish run

I like very beautiful the goldfish!Because goldfish is a very cute!







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体育使生命更健康,使生活更美丽,使人类不断进步,使世界追求和平和发展,使不同民族特质成为高尚而和平竞赛的动力,使我们的生活更 加甜蜜。

在众多的体育项目中,我最喜欢的是游泳,一个个优美的动作在水中 展现出别样的风采,令人们喜爱和陶 醉。而游泳运动起源于英国,最早是 在江.河.湖.海边的古代人所创,为了 生存,他们需要下水捕鱼,在观察. 模仿鱼类,青蛙等动物在水中游泳的 动作后,逐渐学会了游泳。随着社会 的发展,游泳逐渐成为人们增强体质 的需要。1869年1月,把游泳作为一 个专门的项目,二次大战以后,游泳 在全世界有了飞速的发展。现在游泳 已经成为奥运会上令人瞩目的大项之 一。我一直认为体育不是自己的强项 ,有一年的暑假里,同学约我一起去 水上乐园游泳,我欣然答应了。于是 我带着游泳圈和泳衣去了水上乐园。 当好朋友建大我带着游泳圈时,失望 不已的对我说:“你怎么还带着游泳 圈啊,不如让我教你游泳好了。”听 了这句话我欣喜万分的点了点头。走 入池中,清凉明亮的水闪烁着耀眼的 光芒,如颗颗钻石般闪闪发亮,璀璨 耀眼。周围的人们有的在水中快乐的 游泳,有的人们正在激烈的玩着打水 仗,有的正在玩游戏·····在一片喧闹 中,朋友把我叫到潜水去人少的地方 教我游泳。同学像游泳教练一样熟练 地叫着我游泳,首先,我们要屏住呼 吸,把头沉入到水中憋气,当能够长 时间在水中憋气时,便可以平躺在水 中,屏住呼吸,这时身子就会浮起来 ,慢慢地就可以学会了。我按照朋友 说的方法,一步步的开始练习,起先 ,我反复练了很多遍都没有成功,但 我不甘示弱,在反复练习中,终于学 会了游泳,我终于可以不用带游泳圈 ,像小鱼一般自由自在的游来游去了 ,在学会游泳时,我心里像灌了蜜一 样甜,充满了激动与欣喜。从这件事 中,我体会到了坚持不懈和永不言败 的精神,使我更加热爱游泳,热爱体 育。

游泳还能给我们带来许多好处, 可以增强人体的肺活量,让新陈代谢 加快,促进血液循环增强心肌功能供 给运动器官更多的营养物质,增强抵 抗力,强身健体。

苦短的生命在体育中得到延伸, 张扬,是我们有活力有朝气,运动的 乐趣让人的生命感觉到了快乐现实和 万物之长的自信心,体育可以使我们 不断的发现着自己,超越着自己,生 命因体育的存在而放射着永恒的光芒 。



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,柔柔地下着,静静的,轻轻的。雨丝从灰蒙蒙的天空飘飘洒洒地降落下来,宛如凌波仙子悄然落地。即使落在人们的脸上,也只留下一阵凉爽的感觉。世界寂静无声,仿佛是怕打搅熟睡中的人们的好梦。 rain, softly underground, quiet, light.The rain silk landed from the gray sky fluttering, as if the fairy Lingbo landed quietly.Even if it fell on peoples face, only a cool feeling was left.The world is silent, as if he is afraid of the good dream of people who sleep.











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How glad I am that summer has come!

I like summer best because I can have a very happy time then. Every summer I stay at my uncles house in the country for some time and enjoy the life there. I can also catch worms that are not found in cities. In addition, we can see many kinds of birds. I think the country is certainly a better place than the city for vacation.

Summer is my favourite season.



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Autumn, is a beautiful season.

In autumn, like a painter?? Every moment in nature to add color. She came to the woods, the universe will gently caresses, the leaves yellow, falling leaves in autumn wind a flying on fields, like butterflies fly in the air. Really let a person feel the magic.

Autumn, like a makeup artist again, put the children to get dolled up on. Look, the children take off the summer wear, has been wearing the colors of autumn type. In the autumn wind, in the autumn, but also under the qiuyang, grow up happily.

In autumn, and is a harvest season.

She went into the orchard, decorated with colorful fruits on fruit trees. The bright red apple, violet grape, orange, orange... Let a person see the it gives birth to a kind of love.

She crossed the paddy fields, just hung up the golden rice, with lots of grains. The sun, a burst of autumnal winds, paddy waves, like a golden sea, sing the songs of joy. The composition

I love autumn! I love the lovely nature!



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National Day is coming.I am going to Beijing with my mother and father.I want to do something interesting. I am going to the Great Wall.Well I  am also going to Tiananmen Square. After that I am visiting to the Palace Museum.Its a good vacation. I cant wait.

