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1.honest and kind; virtous and sincere


◎ 厚道 hòudao

[honest and kind] 待人接物,仁厚不薄


为人善良宽容,不刻薄。 明 张萱 《疑耀·官吏不得受监临饮食》:“今 曹修 止於尊酒,随而自首,已为刻薄,法官又以赃罪加之,剖析一条,以为二事,不察人情,不顾大体,非厚道也。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“大凡做个人,原要厚道些。” 巴金 《砂丁》四:“ 张先生 相貌厚道,做起事来刻毒!”




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1.(惹人厌烦) disagreeable; disgusting; have no use [time] for; repugnant; nuisance; be tired of; be sick of; be disgusted at [by]; How boring!; have an aversion to sb.; be antipathetic to; be repugnant to; be disgusted with; take an adversion to; be browned-off with; hold sth. in abomination; be fed up with



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expect to sell at a high price














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Shakespeare in Love




并不华丽的场景却真实地再现16世纪的伦敦闹市,跟随着主人翁的步伐,我们来到了剧场,这里正在招聘演员,男女主角的第一次见面就在这里发生。中国有句古话:冥冥之中,定有天意。Viola正是那位Shakespeare所需的能激发其灵感的女神,年轻的Shakespeare敏锐的感觉让他发现了 Viola是个漂亮的女孩,接着如同那些爱情小说里描写的一样,他们坠入了爱河。这时候Shakespeare的灵感如泉涌,并将他们的爱情付诸成文字, Viola成为他生命中的Juliet,而他这个Romeo也找到生存的意义。

如同众多的爱情悲剧小说里的情形一样,他们的爱情被残酷的现实所阻挠:Viola必须嫁给Wisher爵士,这是Victoria女王所钦定的,并且 Shakespeare早已成婚。在一场身分混淆、错综复杂的乌龙闹剧中,大吃干醋的未婚夫和未婚妻的情人决斗,私定终身的情侣偷偷调情,而年轻的 Shakespeare不但得为他的剧本想出完美的结局,也得为他自己的爱情找到快乐的结局。

曾为《钢琴师》、《跳出我天地》等欧洲名片谱写过电影配乐的英国新进作曲者Stephen Warbeck以其擅长的古典剧作笔法,既吸取了古典配乐上的欢快与幽默,又努力向时尚的剧情烘托靠拢。本片的配乐一直都维持了一股宫廷电影应有的典雅与高贵。音乐一路描绘着剧中人物的情感变化。影片从昂扬的揭开序曲,一路细腻且生动地描绘着剧中人物的喜怒哀乐,到及的深沉情绪中,紧密交织的古典交响曲式,慢板的钢琴曲及女高音Catherine Bott跨刀吟唱无一不紧扣人心。




Layla Kaylif - Shakespeare In Love

Hes fought and hes fallen

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet

A sinister romantic

Oh, hes about to be and shes about to see

Teachin torches to burn bright

Shes hanging on the cheek of night

A snowy dove trooping with crows

He never saw true beauty till tonight


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Hes fought and hes fallen

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet

A glittery romantic

Oh, hes about to be and shes about to see

His bountys boundless like the sea

His love is endless, just as deep

The more he gives the more he has

`Cause both of them are truly infinite


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Thats Shakespeare in love

A sinister romantic

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Thats Shakespeare in love




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Read "the old man and the sea" this article, I could not help secretly for Hemingways masterpiece. Image lifelike the story describes how an old man with a firm belief deftly will be a big fish to his humble, and how to get rid of "invasion of the enemy" -- a shark. Although he failed to bring the whole fish back, but his spirit is worth our learning: people must have the self-confidence, he will say to yourself "I can do it!" . You think about it, if the old man caught a fish, 7, 8 times more than himself he saw was afraid, put the fish, he can put the fish back to Hong Kong? No, no, he relies on ordinary people to accept such determination, to catch the big fish.

In our class, there is learning of poor students, they are lack of confidence to oneself, plus others ironic, then, they have no interest in learning, thus make grades decline gradually, falling...

Now the society developed, if can clone the self-confidence, that I must have a clone, send it to lack of confidence friend!






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1.(摩擦和使用造成的损耗) wear and tear; abrasive wear; abrase; abrade; detrition; wear; scuff; wear-out; fray; battering; abrade wear; abrasion; attrition wear; defacement; excoriate; foreworn; wear down; wearing; wornout



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Life is like a box of chocolates

-----The review of Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump is a famous film which won a high reputation , it’s tell us a story of a low IQ boy’s unexpected and legendary life. In the film, Forrest’s IQ only had 75 lower than normal people, but he graduated from the university,participated in the Vietnam War, took part in Table Tennis Competition in China as diplomatic envoy, became a millionaire...

“If God intended everybody to be the same, hed have given us all braces on our legs. “ God is so fair. Forrest met lots of accidents and every accident fortunately achieve him. I think nothing is predestined except death. Just like Gumps mother did not know that she will be his mother,just like Forrest did not know that God gave him only 75 IQ,just like Lt. Dan Taylor did not know he had to endure the pain of losing legs...

Tom Hanks who played Forrest Gump said “our destiny is only defined by how we deal with the chance element to our life.” When we face our life,maybe we should have this preparation---“Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what youre going to get.”



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The annual Thanksgiving Day is coming soon. In fact, in life there are so many people need we to gratitude, such as parents. Classmates. The teacher, etc. But I want to gratitude is miss li.

It is often said that children are flowers of the motherland, the teacher is not cultivated flower gardener? B: yes. Not a gardener, we can still grow so bright, so can do? Of course not.

Remember once, I was sick. But that is what Im on duty when the monitor. When the students are doing eye exercises, you called me to come over, with a cordial tone, said: "there is no fever?" "No!" I said busy. At that time I really feel very warm, very comfortable. Her gentleness, my little heart melts. As if Im not a child, but adults, one of her old friends.

Oh, miss li! You not only the ignorant we introduce the spacious classroom, also teaches us how to be a man. Your care is like the genial spring breeze; Your protection can make us happy under the blue sky, healthy growth; You also constantly nurturing the with hard work in us.

In Thanksgiving Day, I will thank you very much, and I will work hard, strive to use results to repay you.








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这是一个根据黑人投资专家Chris Gardner的传记性图书《The pursuit of happyness》这一真实的故事改编的电影主人公克里斯·加德纳的成长过程并没有父亲的陪伴,28岁才第一次见到父亲。于是当他也做了父亲的时候,他发誓要做一个称职的好爸爸。然而天不遂愿,这位单身父亲屡遇不顺,遭遇失业等不幸,和年幼的儿子相依为命、流离失所。为了儿子的幸福,加德纳咬紧牙关重新振作,处处向机会敲门,并毛遂自荐进入一家证券公司工作,从最底层的员工做起。终于皇天不负苦心人,他最后成为知名的金融投资家。之后,他慷慨解囊,热心捐助公益活动,成为全美知名的慈善人物。而过程中支持他咬紧牙关的最大动力,除了宝贝儿子外,就是他始终相信:只要今天够努力,幸福明天就会来临。






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It is said that in the year of 300 AD, there was a kind old man and his name was Saint Nicholas. He was always ready to help the poor and often gave presents to them.

Today, Father Christmas is an imaginary figure, but nearly all young children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.

On the night of the twenty-fourth of December every year, Father Christmas from some cold northern land comes down the chimney of the fireplace to put presents by the beds of children or to fill their stockings. So when children go to bed that night, they hang up their stockings, and on Christmas morning they wake to find them full of presents. Of course, it‘s really their parents who fill the stockings.

Another name for Father Christmas is Santa Claus.









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To: Andy ~ From: Tricia

Dear Andy,

Now, I know we have not gotten to really know each other all that long and there is a little bit of an age difference between us, but I do really like you. You are a very special guy. There is so much about you I see that I know most girls dont see. They are all looking at you for your body. But Honey, I am telling you, that is not what I am doing. There is so much more to you than that. I have liked you for a very long time now but just never had the guts to say it to you. Well, that has all changed now. I am going all out and I am going to say it all. I really care a lot about you, and I would like to be a lot more then just friends. You mean so much to me. I mean, just seeing your cute little smile when I am having a bad day just makes the day seem not too dim. Or just to have you give me a hug makes me all warm and tingly inside. Just to see your smiling face brightens my darkest day. So, Hon, what do you say, would you like to give it a go?

Love Always,








Every beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be withyou, oh, please, please, feel the same.


I am looking for a word. I am looking for a whole new word. I am looking for aword. I am looking for a word that nobody knows. I am looking for a word. I amlooking for a word that says...that you are the best!


If you are the wind, I am the sand.

If you are the shoe, I am the brush.

If you dont love me, I just wanna die.







I will not beat you, not scold you, but torture you with all my love.


If you want a cute baby, and you are still worried about this, then I willadvice that you marry me!


My family name is “I”, first name is “love you”, and surname is “miss you”; mycognomen is ”understand you”, appellation is ”feel badly about you”, epithet is“think of you” , book name is “dream of you”, nickname is “chase you”. You cancall me I kiss you.






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1.surrender; yield; bow to; give away; knuckle under; submit to


◎ 屈服 qūfú

(1) [surrendor;yield;knuckle under;at the feet of]∶降服;折服


(2) [bend and undulate]∶弯曲起伏


(1).曲折起伏。《庄子·大宗师》:“众人之息以喉。屈服者,其嗌言若哇。” 成玄英 疏:“屈折起伏,气不调和,咽喉之中恒如哇碍也。”

(2).降服;折服。《吕氏春秋·应同》:“故割地寳器,卑辞屈服,不足以止攻,惟治为足。”《后汉书·宋意传》:“强者为雄,弱者即屈服。”《南史·隐逸传下·马枢》:“王欲极观优劣,乃谓众曰:‘与 马学士 论议,必使屈服,不得空立客主。’” 宋 窦苹 《酒谱·醉圣》:“ 李白 每大醉为文,未尝差误,与醒者语无不屈服,人目为‘醉圣’。” 曹禺 《家》第三场:“你只知道跟恶势力妥协屈服,一天天走上庸俗昏瞆的路。”



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A simple story, an ordinary man, an ordinary big marlin, in the vast sea happened seemingly ordinary and extraordinary experience.

This book is about a Cuban old fisherman named diego, a man fishing alone, in the 84 days after nothing caught a big marlin. This is the old man never seen nor heard of than his boat two feet longer a big fish. Big fish strength is big, dragging the boat drifted for two days and two nights, the old man has experienced in the past two days and two nights have never suffered tough test, finally put the big shark fin die, tied to the bow. At this time, however, encountered a shark, the old man and the shark dogfight, result the big marlin was shark ate up, old man finally dragged home only a pair of bare fish skeleton.

After reading this novel, I found that the old mans story is not only a symbol of the relationship between human and nature, and a symbol of the whole human spirit indestructible. In reality, though he failed, but in spirit, he is the winner. Here, the old man is not only represents a person, but to represent a force, a kind of spirit, that is to let a person admire perseverance, the spirit of never yielding. I also very admire the novel old fishermans will, he let me know how a man must be strong, cant meet the frustration is losing, that will never be a one thing.






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1.(按照一定的程序和技术要求进行活动) operate; manipulate; handle

2.(所进行的若干连续生产活动的总合) operation; manipulation; handling; machining; processing


◎ 操作 cāozuò

[labor] 劳动;劳作

◎ 操作 cāozuò

[operate;manipulate;handle;manage] 按规范和要领操纵动作



(1).劳动。《后汉书·梁鸿传》:“﹝ 孟光 ﹞乃更为椎髻,著布衣,操作而前。 鸿 大喜曰:‘此真 梁鸿 妻也。能奉我矣!’” 宋 李纲 《题》诗:“儿童玉立形骨清,挈笠携筐助操作。” 清 唐甄 《潜书·权实》:“匠之於器,日夜操作,则手与器相习而无不如意。” 清 周淑履 《述怀》诗:“轧轧机杼声,漠漠空天雪,操作入中宵,十指皆皴裂。”

(2).按照一定的程序和技术要求进行活动。 艾芜 《鞍钢啊,我回来了》:“有些操作,先前需要两三个人的,现在只消一个人按下电钮就行。” 靳以 《跟着老马转》:“你自己就违反了操作规程。”



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有两则关于同一条英语谚语Blood is thicker than water的译例。其一是“清水不浓血却浓”,其二是“血浓于水”。从字面上看,上述两则译例译得固然不错,似无可厚非。译文读起来很顺,又比较易懂,但读后似有不知所云之感。


Longman Dictionary of English Idioms(p.28)上对这条谚语的解释是“The relationship between people of the same family is stronger than other,relationships”因此,这则谚语似可以借用汉语中一句俗语“亲不亲一家人”来译更能表达出“属于同一血缘关系的一家人比别人更亲近一些”的寓意。



Pride comes before a fall.骄兵必败。

Amiss is as good as a mile.差之毫厘,失之千里。

Two is company,but three is none.两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚无水吃。

Walls have ear.隔墙有耳。

Enough is as good as a feast.知足常乐。


Two can play the game.孤掌难鸣。

Newbroom sweeps clean.新官上任三把火。

Speak of the devil,and he appears.说曹操,曹操到。

The grass is greener on the other side of the hill.这山望着那山高。

Putting the cart before the horse.本末倒置。


People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.如译成“住在玻璃房子里的人,不应扔石头”不如译成“己有过,勿正人”或“责人必先责己”。

In fair weather prepare for the foul.如译成“晴天要防阴天”,不如译成“有备无患”或“居安思危”或“未雨绸缪”。

Murder will out.如译成“谋杀终必败露”,不如译成“纸包不住火”。

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.如译成“愚者敢闯天使不敢去的地方”,不如译成“初生牛犊不怕虎”。

One cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs.如译成“想吃煎蛋卷,就得打鸡蛋”,不如译成工“有得必有失”或甚至可以引申为“不破不立”。


God helps those who help themselves.上帝帮助那些自己帮助自己的人。或“自助者天助之”。

Money is the root of all evil.金钱是万恶之源。

An empty sack cannot stand upright.空袋立不直。

Do as you would be done by. 以你所期望的别人待你的方式待人。

这与另一谚语: Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you.“己所不欲勿施于人”很相似。

Money talks.钱能通神。


You may take a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink.





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1.be on guard against; watch out for; be vigilant; be on the alert


◎ 警惕 jǐngtì

[vigilance] 对可能发生的危险等保持警觉


保持警觉,小心戒备。《朱子语类》卷九七:“湛然纯一之谓斋,肃然警惕之谓戒。” 明 王直 《钟铭》:“嗟尔子孙,警惕弗愆。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章十九:“他警惕着意外事情的发生,做着最坏的准备。”



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Can Hollywood, usually creating things for entertainment purposes only, create art? To create something of this nature, a director must approach it in a most meticulous manner, due to the delicacy of the process. Such a daunting task requires an extremely capable artist with an undeniable managerial capacity and an acutely developed awareness of each element of art in their films, the most prominent; music, visuals, script, and acting. These elements, each equally important, must succeed independently, yet still form a harmonious union, because this mixture determines the fate of the artists opus. Though already well known amongst his colleagues for his notable skills at writing and directing, Frank Darabont emerges with his feature film directorial debut, The Shawshank Redemption. Proving himself already a master of the craft, Darabont managed to create one of the most recognizable independent releases in the history of Hollywood. The Shawshank Redemption defines a genre, defies the odds, compels the emotions, and brings an era of artistically influential films back to Hollywood.

The story begins with the trial of a young banker, Andy Dufrense, victimized by circumstantial evidence, resulting in a conviction for the murder of his wife and her lover. After a quick conviction, Andy finds himself serving a life sentence at Shawshank prison, with no hope of parole. He exists in this prison only in appearance, keeping his mind free from the drab walls around him. His ability to do this results in the gaining of respect from his fellow inmates, but most of all from Ellis Redding. Ellis, commonly referred to as Red, finds gainful use of his entrepreneurial spirit within the drab walls of Shawshank by dealing in contraband and commodities rare to the confines of prison. Andys demeanor and undeniable sense of hope causes Red to take a deeper look at himself, and the world around him. Andy proves to Red and the other inmates that in the conventional walls of Shawshank prison convention will find no home in his lifestyle.

By creating the films firm foundation, the meticulously chiseled screenplay paved the way for this films success. Frank Darabont outdoes himself with the phenomenal adaptation of Stephen Kings equally noteworthy novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. In this novella, King demonstrates that he can break free from the genre he dominates and still create a marvelous piece of modern literature. Though the film mirrors the novella in many ways, Darabont illustrates a focused objective of improving upon the areas where the novella came up short, resulting in one of the best book to film transitions ever.

While maintaining some of the poetic and moving dialogue of the novella, Darabont also proves that a films score can generate a great deal of emotional response from its audience, as dialogue does. He employs the cunning Thomas Newman, son of the legendary Hollywood composer, Alfred Newman. Darabont shows recognition for the films needs by employing Newman, who makes the gentle piano chords whisper softly to the viewer, as if a part of the scripted dialogue. Newman lends himself to individualism and tends to drive more towards the unique in the realm of score composition. His effort in Shawshank did not go unnoticed, as his score received an Oscar nomination in 1995. While unique and independent, Newmans score never once intrudes on your concentration or distracts from the film.

With work from vast array of talented scene designers, costume designers, composers, cinematographers, and various other Hollywood artists, the cast of The Shawshank Redemption had a strong foundation to work with. The marvelous cast of this film will dazzle you with some of the most convincing performances you will witness in a film. While both Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman shine as Andy and Red, respectively, the true spectacle of acting lies within the plethora of amazing supporting actors who easily disappear into their roles. Most noticeable of these, the veteran film star James Whitmore, who portrays the elderly Brooks Hatlen. Brooks, a man incarcerated for an unmentioned crime for so long that he finds himself attached to the Shawshank and the daily life he has lead. Each of these actors show a true dedication to their art, and a focused purpose in their motivations, creating a convincing setting that never once caters to anything unbelievable.

With all of the aesthetic touches and attention to cinematic detail, the most beautiful part of the film lies within its thematic material, such as its focus on the human desires for the most abstract concepts, like hope and freedom. These themes, which concern things the human spirit undoubtedly yearns for, seem so intricately woven into the plot that it easily draws its audience in to its story. Though full of hardened criminals, your heart will go out to these men as they display the most basic of human emotions, and deliver some of the most quotable lines in a film to date. Like a great novel, this film manages to succeed at greater things than simply entertaining an audience. Darabont tells his story most masterfully, illustrating principles and inspiring his audience to think. He leaves us a poignant film with a powerful message of hope, and redemption, something we all seek.

This film manages to redeem Hollywood in the eyes of people who feared it long lost in a dark sea of clichés and predictability. Darabont shows us that artists still work in the Hollywood studios and production facilities. These artists show their capability to produce art; real art that inspires you to look at the deeper aspects of life and the world around you. The Shawshank Redemption delivers much-needed breath of fresh air for anyone who realizes the capability of film. It proves that masters of the craft still live on this earth, and still bless us with timeless masterpieces that we will never forget.



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1. Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

2. No pains, no gains.没有付出就没有收获。

3. Constant dripping wears away a stone.水滴石穿,绳锯木断。

4. Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。

5. Genius is nothing but labor anddiligence.天才不过是勤奋而已。

6. Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人物。

7. Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。

8. No rose without a thorn.没有不带刺的玫瑰。

9. There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。

10. No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧。

11. Success belongs to the persevering.坚持就是胜利。

12. The finest diamond must be cut.玉不琢,不成器。

13. Adversity makes a man wise, not rich.逆境出人才。



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1.(跳跃奔跑) gallop


◎ 奔腾 bēnténg

(1) [gallop]∶[许多马] 跳跃着奔跑


(2) [surge forword]∶比喻水流汹涌


(1).飞奔急驰。《后汉书·和帝纪》:“旧 南海 献龙眼、荔支,十里一置,五里一候,奔腾阻险,死者继路。” 唐 杜甫 《病橘》诗:“忆昔 南海 使,奔腾献荔支。” 毛泽东 《十六字令》之一:“奔腾急,万马战犹酣。”

(2).谓水流汹涌。 唐 戴公怀 《奉和郎中游仙山四瀑泉》:“淙潨泻三四,奔腾千万秋。” 清 王韬 《淞滨琐话·徐麟士》:“须臾浪涌若山,潮翻如雪,奔腾澎湃之声,震闻数里。”



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1.(有意识地) intentionally; willfully; deliberately; on purpose; go out of ones way to; intent


◎ 故意 gùyì

[intentionally;deliberately;designedly] 存心;有意识地。明知不应或不必这样做而这样做



(1).旧友的情意。《南史·鲍泉传》:“ 僧辩 入,乃背 泉 而坐曰:‘ 鲍郎 ,卿有罪,令旨使我锁卿,卿勿以故意见期。’” 唐 杜甫 《赠卫八处士》诗:“十觴亦不醉,感子故意长。” 清 吴敏树 《吴云台哀辞》:“其生平所与交游,始皆与尽欢,后多稍疏,避而去。独余犹以故意遇之。”

(2).原意;旧意。 唐 温庭筠 《张静婉序》:“ 侃 自为《採莲》二曲,今乐府所存,失其故意。”

(3).存心;有意识地。 明 冯惟敏 《不伏老》第一折:“都只是虚张声势,止不过故意穷忙。” 赵树理 《小二黑结婚》一:“后来有些好玩笑的人,见了 三仙姑 就故意问别人‘米烂了没有?’”
