送给英语老师的一封信汇总2篇 作文怎么写20篇







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Dear Mr Li,

I’m very excited to write to express my thanks to you。 I am now a freshman

of Wuhan University, which I have been dreaming about。 Mr Li, I still remember

the days when you taught me English。 My English has been improved greatly

because of your creative work。 However, at one time, the pressure of

examinations, too much homework and the high expectations made me depressed。 I

was tired of the warning that if I didn’t do my best, I wouldn’t have the chance

to go to college。 Thanks for your encouragement; if not, I wouldn’t have

realized my dream。 And now I really understand you。 I wish more and more of your

students could go to their ideal colleges。 Are you still so busy? How I miss


Hoping to hear from you soon。


Li Hua




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1、 朋友,这次发短信主要有两个目的:一是锻炼指法;二是联络感情。现在很郑重地告诉你,今天就是端午节了,送句没技术含量但是我真心的话:端午节快乐!

2、 天多高,海多深,钢多硬,风多大,尺多长,河多宽,酒多烈,冰多冷,火多热……我只想告诉你,这些都不关你的事!祝福您端午节快乐!

3、 有一种拥有实实在在,有一种友谊长长久久,偶尔繁忙,不代表遗忘;夏日的到来,愿你心情舒畅,曾落下的问候,这一刻一起补偿,所有的关心,凝聚这条短信,祝端午节快乐。

4、 端午到,送您一个香甜的粽子,以芬芳的祝福为叶,以宽厚和包容为米,以温柔的叮咛做馅,再用友情的丝线缠绕,愿您品味出人生的美好,祝端午节快乐!

5、 端午节快到了,我按键敲下了我一行行的祝福,千言万语化成了这一条短信的祝福:亲爱的朋友,端午节祝你幸福快乐!

6、 端午闻见粽叶香,你我欢喜买来尝。红线拴着贵如银,吉祥如意好心情;蓝线拴着福如海,团团圆圆好家庭;绿线拴着寿如山,活力四射好身体。端午节快乐!

7、 端午节到,愿你事业‘粽’成功,步步高升,爱情‘粽’甜蜜,幸福如意,家庭‘粽’美满,好运连连,五月初五端午节,祝你钞票‘粽’也数不完,快乐‘粽’在身边伴。

8、 你的眼睛弯弯,你的笑容甜甜,你的声音美美,你的身姿恋恋…我天天期盼着与你相见。今天端午节,再不送我粽子,我就…我就…一直骚扰你!

9、 五月初五是端午,家家户户过节忙。门前艾草竖在旁,疾病不会进门墙。糯米红枣裹粽忙,一片心意粽里藏。河边又闻鼓声响,龙舟竞渡歌声扬。愿你端午人快乐,笑声不断心欢畅!

10、 端午节到了!我把祝福棒切成五段送你,段一是健康,段二是幸福,段三是好运,段四是关爱,猜猜段五是什么?答案:段五是快乐!

11、 雄黄醇酒杯中情,交杯换盏过端午。香粽美汁鲜味溢,艾叶飘香吉祥照。身体健康福临门,佳节良辰心欢喜。河口江岸人沸腾,龙舟号子长调扬。祝你:端午节日喜乐美,幸福美满生活丽。

12、 我想就这么一直抱着你不放开,你的香气是如此迷人,你的体态是多么均匀,好想咬你一口,粽子真好吃。端午节快乐。

13、 粽子祝福大放送。祝你:身体像粽子一样壮实,爱情像糯米一样粘稠,工作像粽叶一样轻松,生活像粽馅一样丰富!端午节快乐!

14、 看到“粽”是最开心的事,闻到“粽”是最快乐的事,吃到“粽”是最幸福的事。端午节,愿你吃出平安,吃出浪漫,吃出甜蜜,吃出如意,吃出欢喜。

15、 端午节,送你香甜粽子:以芬芳的祝福为叶,以宽厚的包容为米,以温柔的叮咛做馅,再用友情的丝线缠绕,愿你品尝出人生的美好和这五月五的情怀!

16、 端午也有冬宵寒,辗转反侧夜无眠,虽说浊酒饮至酣,对影成双更孤单,海角远离乐中苦,天涯相隔醉也欢,今生有幸与君行,来世再续一生缘。端午节,送给你最深的思念!

17、 端午节还未到,我的祝福先来到:愿健康平安对你关照,吉祥如意和你拥抱,幸福快乐对你微笑,烦恼忧愁统统跑掉。祝端午乐淘淘,天天乐逍遥!

18、 端午到了,送你一个万能“粽子”,仅限端午食用。食用的效果:幸福紧随如风,烦恼跑得匆匆;知识用之不竭,钱财取之不尽;事业如日中天,彩票一买即中。

19、 粽子巧搭配,吃出健康来,木耳和菠菜,护胃促消化,瘦肉和蔬菜,防止血糖高,白萝卜拌菜,爽口添美味,饭后一杯茶,解腻是王道。关怀送到,假期安好!

20、 看着那蜜蜂花丛间盘旋,看着那蝴蝶树林间跳跃,孤单的我对你倍加思念,发条短信传递我的思念,顺带问句:端午快到了,粽子啥时候给我快递过来?

21、 一缕春风,两滴夏雨,三片秋叶,四朵冬雪,做成五颜六色的礼盒;打着七彩八飘的丝带,用九分真诚,十分热情,装进无数祝福送给你,愿端午节好运。

22、 香囊高挂,好运绵绵引进房;龙舟竞发,快乐滔滔满大江;畅饮雄黄,健康天天陪身旁;粽子尝尝,幸福久久万年长。端午节就要到了,我提前为你把祝福送上,愿平安阳光把你照耀,如意日子永远吉祥!

23、 溜溜的粽子,溜溜的光鲜;甜甜的馅儿,甜甜的思念;大大的粽子,大大的福源;圆圆的粽子,圆圆的明天;端午节了,端端的问候,祝你端端溜溜的乐哟!

24、 端午节到了,给粽子穿上祝福的外套,加进健康的调料,画上平安的符号,填满吉祥的功效,送你:让你看着微笑,吃得可靠,感觉美好,预祝节日快乐!

25、 龙舟渡大江,艾草香满堂,家家饮雄黄,户户俱安康。端午祝福扬,愿君永吉祥,事业步步高,薪水节节涨,爱情蜜如糖,好运伴身旁,幸福快乐绵绵长!

26、 看到你“粽”是最开心的事,闻到“粽”是最快乐的事,吃到“粽”是最幸福的事。端午节,愿你吃出平安,吃出浪漫,吃出甜蜜,吃出如意,吃出欢喜。

27、 端午佳节到,健康要注意,休闲莫忘记:偶尔爬爬新加坡,没事听听墨西歌,嘴馋尝尝俄罗丝,有空想想摩纳哥,无聊晃晃牙买家,顺便逗逗巴拉龟。

28、 桃儿红,杏儿黄,五月初五是端阳;五彩线,荷包香,系在身上保安康;粽子香,包五粮,剥个粽子裹上糖,幸福生活万年长,祝你端午节快乐!

29、 你永远都是我最爱的粽子里面的蜜枣,我要做糯米还要做粽子?,把你包裹着,紧紧裹着,让我们一起过了甜蜜幸福的端午节!

30、 端午节送你一颗好运粽,里面包藏健康米,好运蛋,平安菇,快乐虾,长寿花,幸运栗,如果你收到将会好运连连。端午节快乐!

31、 家和睦,人似仙,潇洒走人间;酒当歌,曲轻弹,霓霞舞翩翩;花儿美,碧水涟,日月彩云间;梦成真,福禄全,祝愿开心每一天;祝端午节快乐!

32、 一句平淡如水的问候:很轻;一声平常如纸的祝福,很真;采一片清香的粽叶,包一颗香甜的粽子,装入真情的信息里,送给你:祝端午节快乐!

33、 粽子几多情,包裹着端午的情结;艾叶多神秘,凝聚着端午的韵律;龙舟几许意,刻画着端午的精神。端午时节,一条短信勉励你我,与时俱进,努力生活!

34、 端午节到了,我的祝福也到了,我用最简单的话语,送去我最朴实的祝福,愿此时正在看短信的你永远快乐,端午节快乐!

35、 愿幸福就像一根根粽绳,紧紧地缠着你;愿快乐就像一片片粽叶,团团地围着你;美满就像一阵阵粽香,久久地环绕你。衷心祝你端午节幸福、快乐、美满!

36、 米饭和糖包结下仇恨,见到三角形的就打。此日米饭偶遇粽子,大怒:小样,别以为图成绿色我就不认识你!粽子把外套一扯大叫:我是卧底!端午节快乐!

37、 我要把一束艾草挂在你的房前,愿你平安;我要把一盘粽子盛到你的面前,愿你快乐;我要把一个香囊送到你的手中,愿你幸福;我要把最真的祝福传到你的心里,愿你端午节快乐。

38、 我以清蒸鲈鱼的鲜嫩,拨丝香蕉的甜蜜、口味蛇的火热、葵花虾饼的精美、在端午节即将来临之际,至以红烧大鲍翅的高档的问候,预祝您端午节快乐。

39、 ^o^端午节各省风俗:山东早起饮杯酒,传说可以辟邪毒;陕西兴安观竞渡,兴平端午耍人偶;湖南攸县供龙首,草船泛水送瘟疫;江苏嘉定过端午,无论贫富买鳇鱼。

40、 饮罢一杯酒雄黄,闻得青衣粽子香。敢问何人赛龙舟,忽然梦回汨罗江。又是一年五月五,端午佳节祛病灾。门前艾叶嵩草在,自有安福护吉宅。

41、 淡淡烟雨淡淡愁,淡淡明月上西楼。淡淡鱼儿水中游,淡淡蝴蝶落绣球。淡淡胭脂淡淡酒,淡淡酒解淡淡愁,淡淡思念给朋友。祝端午节快乐!

42、 好茶清清淡淡,越品越香;好朋友简简单单,越久越真;好缘份久久长长,地老天荒,真诚的友谊叫人终身难忘,祝端午节快乐!

43、 此短信乃巅峰之作,于端午节前后进行公众测评,传达基本含义:祝你端午节快乐,平安健康,合家幸福!再深点含义:问候祝福你,多点联系,让生活美丽!

44、 吃的是粽子的香,品的是生活的甜;划的是龙舟的勇,追的是幸福的岸;收的是信息的愿,尝的是友谊的暖。端午来临,读的是祝福的心,享的是幸福的满!

45、 将甜蜜涂满香粽,把祝福缠满艾叶,端午节,愿携你手,同观龙舟,共度佳节。祝你“粽”是年轻貌美,“粽”是幸福喜悦!

46、 迎端午共欢度,幸福常在心中驻;喝黄酒贴五毒,年年岁岁都有福;系百索戴荷包,前途事业涨得高;吃粽子送祝福,生活美满多富足!端午节快乐!

47、 一句清淡如水的问候,很轻;一声寻常如纸的祝福,很真;采一片清香的粽叶,包一颗香甜的粽子,装入真情的信息里,送给你:祝端午节快乐!

48、 因为一筐鸡蛋,所以勾践伐吴了;因为一杯雄黄酒,所以荆轲刺秦了,因为一只龙舟,所以屈原投江了;因为一个粽子,所以我骚扰你了!端午快乐

49、 朋友虽多,我最珍惜你;日子很多,节日最有意义;从冬到春,由春到夏,虽不能常常问候,却在这传统的节日发一条信息,真诚祝你,端午节快乐!

50、 粽子黏黏,思念甜甜;粽子软软,祝福闪闪;粽子香香,健健康康;粽子大大,财运佳佳;粽子多多,快乐多多。粽子节到了,一定要快乐哦!



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I want to have a cat,because Im very alone. So, Im going to keep a cat.

The cats colour is white and orange, and it has big green eyes, and its so

beautiful.I hope that it can be beautiful. I think cat is a kind of cute animal

and keeping one is good for me. The cat is clean . Cat likes drinking milk and

eating fish. fish is good for health. Sometime cat is naughty, but dont worry,

I love it. How nice my friend is !I love it more and more.



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To me ,the most interesting subject is English.But I find studying English

is very difficult.So if you ask which subject is the most difficult to me.My

answer will be English.Now I am a student,everyday I have more than one English

classes,I like studying it very much and I hope I can study it very well,so I

can talk with foreigners and know the foreign countries things,it is very




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Dear Ms.vv,

I write this letter because I want to talk to you about thepunishment of copying the sentences on the English book.

I don’t think this punishment is fair.

Firstly, I am quite sure that I did complete my homework before. Itis a weekend assignment. Li Peiqi goes to myhouse every Friday. We do our homework together. She can prove thatI did it exactly.

Secondly, I remembered that I handed in the paper.

Thirdly, I don’t know the rule of punishment before. Besides, Idon’t know my paper disappear.

Last, I still like you so much while I would like you to know thetruth.





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Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last!

) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at

the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the

afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions. There is a bus from

the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city

and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station. To get to my place in the

eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the

train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right

at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my

place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you

will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian

will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my

flat. Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some

exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is

only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window. Cheers and looking

forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,


P.S. I will leave something for breakfast in the fridge. Help yourself to

anything you want.



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祝您身体健康 !




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Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

When you arrive at my flat, ring the intercom for Flat 2. My friend Lillian will be at home and she will open the front door for you and let you into my flat.

Presumably you will be tired and want to sleep. But if you feel like some exercise after that long flight, you could stroll down to Cooper Park, which is only ten minutes away ? you can see it from the window.

Cheers and looking forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,




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Dear Mr. Zhang


We all say that the teacher is like a candle to light our way forward and

let us thrive. Regulations the flower of building the motherland!

I think you are more like a great gardener, nurturing the blooming flowers

of the motherland.

You are also a bridge for us to connect the long river of history and the

blueprint of the future.

Teacher, you have also developed a lot of our study habits.

Lets finish the second part of the lesson. With two courses, we not only

understand the text thoroughly, but also accumulate a lot of good words and


Composition class, you guide us more seriously, often boring, plain class

into a rich content of a class, it is so, each of our students writing level

has made different progress.

Teacher, you did not pay a lot for me... Flowers return nature with its

rich fragrance. I want to thank you for my progress in study!

I wish you:

Good health and happy New Year!




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let me begin my speech with a replay of scenes familiar to most, if not

all, of those present here today.

mum, im sorry, but i need 3,000 yuan for my tuition this year.

mum, it is my friends birthday tomorrow, i must buy her a present.

mum, this jacket was out of fashion long ago, would you do me a favor?

take. the relationship between a mother and a child always seems to follow

such a pattern.

i know my mother is always there for me, providing me with everything i

need; from food to clothing, from tuition to pocket money.

i never thought twice about all she did until one day she said, will there

be a time that youll say you have taken enough from me?

like a child endlessly asking, we humans, throughout history, have been

continually demanding what we desire from nature.

we enjoy the comfort and beauty of our furniture, yet we never bother to

think about the serious soil erosion caused by deforestation.

we take it for granted that we must warm ourselves in winter times, yet we

seldom realize the burning away of precious natural resources.

we appreciate all the prosperity from the development of modern industry,

yet few would give the slightest consideration to the global air and water

pollution caused by industrial wastes.

our ruthless exploitation has permanently impaired our mother earth.

as we tragically learned from last summers floods.

we cannot continue our carelessness.

finally, standing here at the threshold of the 21st century, we cannot help

thinking of our posterity.

nature is not only the mother of the present generation, but also the

mother of the generations to come.

how severely our descendents will criticize us if we leave them a barren

and lifeless mother? how much more they will appreciate us if we give them a

world of harmony to inherit? let us start respecting and caring for nature from

now on.

let us start the campaign of creating a mutually beneficial relationship

between people and nature right from this moment.

with this new start, i firmly believe, that our children, and our childrens

children will live in a brand new age of green trees, clean air, crystal water,

blue sky and an even more promising world!



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I live in an ordinary family. Though my parents are not rich enough to buy

what I want, they give me the best thing. That is love. I have a rich friend.

Her name is Lucy. She always complains that her parents are too busy and don’t

have much time to play with her. So I am so thankful for the things I have. I

feel the real happiness.



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Dear Mr. Hu

First of all, I wish you good health and all the best! I heard that your

Spring Festival this year was spent in Shanxi. I think it must be a very happy

one. Is the Spring Festival in Shanxi lively? Next, I will tell you about my

colorful spring festival life!

On New Years Eve, after dinner, it was still early. My mother and father

came to the county front street to feel the new years atmosphere. The streets

are full of excitement, and clusters of colorful balloons float around in the

wind, like girls in full dress and dancing. One after another gorgeous fireworks

in full bloom, like a spring message. Pedestrians on the road step on the pace

of leisure, are ready to a beautiful mood to welcome the arrival of the new

year. All of a sudden, I saw the "stars" over the Shanmen bridge, and I couldnt

help shouting: "Mom, look! There are so many Kongming lanterns!" Wow! Its so

beautiful! "While appreciating, my mother regretted:" if I knew that new years

Eve was so beautiful and lively, its time to bring a camera. "The Kongming

lights were still rising one after another, with good wishes to the mysterious

night Empty, the mountain city festival night set off a different kind of warmth

and harmony.

Next, the whole family sat around and watched the Spring Festival Gala,

which was a very hard program in our family. What impressed me most at this

years party was the magic of making goldfish dance. Its amazing! Of course, I

also absolutely supported the crosstalk between Jia Ling and Bai Kainan. There

are also Jay Chous singing and Zhao Benshans sketches, I also love to see, ha


Speaking of the new year, my most interesting thing is to buy balloons. In

the past, I asked my father to buy me some balloons when I was a few years old.

But this year, I decided to save RMB, so I decided to buy only one balloon. I

secretly boast in my heart that I have grown up. However, the father said,

"sensible child, lets buy five balloons."

When we came to the street, we were full of colorful lights and busy

traffic. Balloons of different shapes make me dazzled and dazzled. My first

choice is Haibao, the mascot of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo. The World Expo is

the pride of Chinese people. My mother took me to visit the World Expo. I cant

forget the grand occasion. Ill buy a Haibao balloon as a souvenir. The second

one is rabbit balloon. Because this year is the year of the rabbit. The mother

rabbit has a big mouth, red eyes, a bow on one ear and a diamond necklace on her

neck. Its really impressive. She is carefully feeding the baby rabbit sitting

on her lap with carrots. I also bought an oil rope balloon, the color is my

favorite purple, long, very stand out from the crowd. My favorite is two love

balloons. These two hearts, like the love of my parents, have accompanied me for

11 years.

This is my spring festival life. Mr. Hu, do you find it interesting?




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Last week we did a survey about good places in our city. This is what we

learned. Most of high school are great. No.10 high school is the best of all. It

has the best teachers and it is the most beautiful. People’s hospital is the

best hospital in town. It has the most comfortable seat and the friendliest

service. Modern Cinema is better than any other movie theater. It has the

biggest screens. Xiwang Clothing Store is the most popular in our town and has

the best quality clothes. Hefei 168 FM is the best radio station. It has the

most news and the most interesting music. I hope our city can get better and




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Everyone has his favorite teacher ,so do I. My favourite teacher is Miss

Wei, our English teacher. We felt English very difficuit when we began to study

English. Miss Wei had a good idea to solve the problem. One day, Miss Wei came

into the classroom with some fruits, such as apples,bananas,and oranges. She

said: “Today we are going to learn the names of the fruits. You can eat the

fruits if you can tell me their names in English . ”All the students listened

carefully and studied hard . Someone even stood up to answer questions. Class

was over ,and the fruits were all eaten. From then on ,I am more and more

interested in English, and I want to say from my heart: “ Thank you, Miss




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I always hear some people to say that,Where did the time all go to? Time

how always insufficient? My also feel time truly crosses very quickly, the

unconscious time very quickly passed, we must certainly treasure the time. Is

precisely that time experience, caused me to understand treasured the time the

importance. That one time, lets my feelings be very deep.That is a midterm

examination approaching, schoolmates all is going all out to review, but I

contentedly am playing actually, at the same time looks schoolmates are

reviewing diligently, at the same time thought: Oh! Serves a need such studies

hard, not is an ordinary test, serves a need that anxiously! When takes a test,

schoolmates all neatly take begin a stroke write, but I sit actually in there

take set pen to paper a vigor to be in a daze.Because before I have not

reviewed, therefore speaking of me, these topics are simply ordinary on likely

the book from heaven.Again has a look other schoolmate, some is pondering

diligently, some in does not stop is writing, but also has does not stop

repeatedly the checking calculation.Only then I feel helpless, did not know how

should write, anxious sweats straight! Finally at final time, I also was brace

oneself have made some reluctantly, also did not know to wrong.The test from now

on, schoolmates in full of enthusiasm will be discussing, looks their the

appearance which will cheer jumps for joy, my feeling as if a knife were

piercing heart.At this moment, I share a table slightly red excitedly run said

to me that,“How Yang Munan does you test? You know, my this feeling tests very

much well” her this saying, my tear flowed all of a sudden, in the heart pledged

secretly, I later certainly will have to grasp the time review schoolwork, next

time will take a test must certainly test a good result. From this, every day is

on vacation from school the proficient first matter completes the work, in

completes the work in the foundation, but also increased some practices, soon is

taking a test especially in that period of time, makes the best use of all time

to carry on the review.In the final terminal examinations, obtained the

extremely outstanding result, schoolmates all has thrown the judgment to me

which envied. Tells me through this matter: Humans life is very short, the time

cannot be very many, but some people can be very splendid actually, because they

have grasped the time.Some people leave uncultivated the time, the time can

become very much long, Sha Shibiya has said: “The abandonment time person, the

time also can abandon him”.Said is precisely this truth.Therefore we must

treasure us now the time, completes our each matter.



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Dear Sir or Madam:

I’m writing to complain about a typewriter I bought seven months ago.

In February of 2001 I bought a Jones Typewriter, Portable Special Model, at

ABC Store, I had used it only a few days when the space bar broke.

I took it to a local shop, they told me it was factory defect and suggest I

take it back to ABC. ABC accepted the machine and sent the part in. I waited

three months, and since your company did not send a replacement, they let me

have the space bar from another typewriter. Now, six months later, it has broken

again. I took it back to ABC. They are no longer carrying your typewriter, but

they assured me that the guarantee is still good and suggested that I write you

for further instructions as to what steps to take.

I will appreciate anything you can do to help us on this matter.


James Bergen



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Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers

of English. This isnt easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English

with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue.

Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international

membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many

people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what

would be involved in getting something going.



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dear honey,

you are 18 years old today. dont to be naughty and dont cry anymore from

the time you see this.

you are no longer a little girl.

How i hope I can feel your velvet hair, look into your big eyes. but things

always go contrary to my wishes

I will spend next 5 years working hard to make my dream come true, which is

watch the beautiful scenery from sun raise to sun set(from sun to sun)with


promise for the beautiful future time.

Success always come after the feeling of fail. no matter how many times I

failed, I know once I succeed that will be enough.

baby! working hard for ourselves from now on! Today, I give all my wishes

to you.

Give you freedom,as you fly,wherever and whenever you feel tired or vexed,

come to me, always to be the sentence that I always behind you. we can solve any

problems together.

this what I send you as 18-year-old present. never be overdue.

love you,

