送给英语老师的一封信汇总2篇 作文怎么写(经典20篇)







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June 23, 20__

Dear Xiao Wang,

I am delighted to know that you will be able to visit me for a week during

the National Day holiday. I am looking forward to your visit and to the

opportunity to catch up. Welcome to my home in Nanjing!

As you know, Nanjing has many places of interest to see, to discover, and

to enjoy. Among its historical sites are stone city wall, the Confucius Temple

with its magnificent night view, and Dr. Sun Yetsens Mausoleum. With all its

universities, Nanjing is a cultural center, offering an abundance of artistic

and musical performances. Its also a city of beautiful gardens and parks, such

as the Xuanwu Lake Park. With all these features, we will have a fun-filled

week, especially that in early-October, there are many sunny and mild days for

outdoor activities. So, I would suggest visiting these places first, and

deciding on the others as our week develops.

Finally, since at this time of the year the weather gets a little chilly in

the evening, I would suggest that you bring some warm clothing with you. Also,

as there will be crowds of people at the stations and on the trains, you need to

be very careful with your belongings!

Best wishes for a pleasant journey!


Zhang Ying








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小学老师们:你们好! 转眼我已经是一名初中生了,突然间,觉得自己长大了许多。在小学的酸甜苦辣,渡过的日日夜夜,我都铭记在心。





数学老师,您 是我们最喜欢的老师,您 有着一肚子的“坏”主意和幽默。记得有一次我们睡觉起来 没有精神,您



小学时的往事令我难忘,每一个老师都给我留下了不同的印象,也都为我们付出了很多。在这里,我要跟您 们说声谢谢。






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After the death of Cassim, Ali Baba wanted revenge from those terrible

robbers, and so thought of a plan. When his wife and he finished their porridge,

Ali Baba used his money and bought as much oil as his three mules could carry;

and then disguised himself as the king’s peasant.

When it was the afternoon, Ali Baba tied the jars of oil to his three

mules, and then set off to where the rock is. When the robbers arrived they saw

Ali Baba in the disguise of a peasant, they said, “Dear king’s peasant, we wish

to let you move aside, so that we could get something that could make our

life-a-a-a-better,” “Okay dear boys, but first I want you to have some of this

oil which is fresh made. They are very cheap.”

The robbers argued with Ali Baba until they said, okay, but first you step

aside while we get something in the cave; and then come out to buy some oil;”

then they drove Ali Baba away for about a kilometer away from the rock, and then

went back to get their money. The captain of the robbers said, “Open sesame!”

and the door flew wide open, and then they walked inside. After a short time

they came back, they loaded some wood so as to pretend they went there just to

get wood; and then rode off to where Ali Baba stood staring at them eagerly.

“Okay king’s peasant,” said the captain of the robbers, “We shall drink the

oil in which you requested us to do;” and so Ali Baba gave them each a scoop of

oil to drink, and then went back himself.

The next day he went to where the robbers lived, since oil can make people

dizzy, they probably should wake up very, very late. And so he took with him a

can of white paint, and painted their house door with it; then without a word to

say, he carved, “Put the robbers in jail, they stole some money and pretended

that they were nice!”

After a short time he found the robbers waking up, and then dressing up.

They found out all the people in town were staring at their door, they thought,

“Look Erick! They must think our door is pretty indeed. ”And then all the

robbers went out and waved here and there without even noticing that on their

door was the sign. And so they had to be arrested. After a few minutes when they

opened their eyes, they were in jail. And they had a guard to guard the lock,

and so they couldn’t get the keys and come out.

The robbers were not happy, but they said, “Chill up,” to every other

robber because that they had a sick plan.



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Ali Baba quickly got as many bags of gold as his mules could carry, and

then put them in the sack; after that he placed the wood upon the gold so firmly

that the gold couldn’t be seen.

Then Ali Baba rode home with his mules, and carried the wood with bags of

gold into the house. After placing them on the floor, his wife came out with

porridge, “How are you today?” and his wife; Ali Baba smiled, “Better than

usual,” then he quickly poured the wood out, and under it was bags of gold. Ali

Baba’s wife was also astonished to find their good fortune. Ali Baba was pleased

as well.

His wife loved the gold so much, that she wanted to know how many pieces

there were. After dinner, his wife began to count, but Ali Baba stopped her and

said, “Wife, as much as it is to hear but you will never finish counting; if you

don’t finish today and wait for tomorrow then you will have to start from

scratch again.”

“You are right husband, but I still want to figure how much we have. How

about this, I will go to your brother Cassim’s house and borrow a measure, and

then measure how much we have, okay?” Ali Baba agreed, for he was almost the

person in the world to find out how much they have.

And so the next morning Ali Baba’s wife went to Cassim’s house to borrow a

measure, Cassim’s wife came out and said, “Sister, we have lots of measures; you

are welcome to borrow any one of them.” And then she went to the basement, and

got a bag of measure, and then Ali Baba’s wife picked one and went back to her

house. When she approached, she knelt down and began to measure. After a short

time, she went to Cassim’s house again to return the measure, not noticing that

one piece of gold coin stuck to the bottom of the measure. “Here you are

sister,” she said as she put the measure down, “I have finished using it.” And

then went away.

Cassim’s wife did not take long to realize the piece of pure gold coin. She

took it off and called Cassim, “Husband, I know you suspect that you are a rich

fellow; but your brother Ali Baba is ten times as rich as you, he does not count

his money; but measures them.”

Cassim looked at the gold coin and knew at once, “Ali Baba just pretended

that he was a poor fellow and borrows anything we have,” Cassim was not even

pleased at his brother’s good fortune, but was the opposite. And then Cassim led

his wife to Ali Baba’s house, “Ali Baba, tell me, where did you get all of this

good fortune.” At that moment, Ali Baba knew that the secret had been spread

though his own wife’s stupidity. “Look Ali Baba, if you don’t tell me where you

got this gold; I shall tell everybody, and not only will you get no more, but

you will have no more gold in the rest of your life! Ha!” laughed Cassim.

And so Ali Baba told him where he found the gold, and even the words he

knew of how to make the door open and shut. And so Cassim woke up early the next

morning, and took with his ten donkeys to fill the gold. He arrived at the place

where Ali Baba had told him, and pronounced these words, “Open Sesame!” the door

instantly opened wide, and inside of course; he found a chamber of pure gold,

and in it was gold.

Cassim filled as many bags of gold as he wanted. But when the robbers

arrived he was still filling. When the robbers found out, they used their swords

and soon killed him.



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Li Hua is a Yong Pioneer. He is going to the park. Now he is waiting for a

bus. Suddenly he finds a watchon theground.He askssome people, "Whose watch is

it?" But the watch isnt theirs. So he gives the watch to a policeman.

Now Li Hua gets on the bus. He is sitting near the window. An old woman

gets on the bus. She has no seat. So he stands up and says, "Here is a seat for

you, Granny. Please sit here"



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1. 九月开学了,也应来了教师节!老师您辛苦了!老师你是我一生最难忘的人,因为有了你,让我的生活出现了乐趣,有了你我的人生出现转折,谢谢你!

2. 九月金秋,一个收获的季节,一个感恩的季节,一个属于教师的季节;九月短,一份给老师的祝福,一份给老师的感激,一份给老师的挂念!快乐教师节!

3. 九月金秋,老师是这个季节的主题,空气中弥漫着感念师恩的情绪。尊师重教是永远的美德。过去的,现在的,将来的,所有的教师都应该享受崇敬与祝福。教师节搞笑短信

4. 九月,如期而至,金秋的时光荡漾着心绪的涟漪,十号,随风而来,圣洁的日子波动着真挚的关怀,教师节,我的祝福为你而来,祝愿你生活似锦越来越精彩。

5. 九月,明月皎洁,金桂飘香,就像我们敬爱的老师默默的为我们付出的点点滴滴。值此教师节来临之际,我祝老师们心情惬意,身体康泰,阖家幸福!

6. 九月,不仅有收获的幸福,更有耕耘的甜蜜;九月,不仅有饱满的果实,更有学生最深的祝福。正值九月教师节,让这条最诚挚的金色短信带给你节日快乐!

7. 敬爱的老师是园丁,质朴无华;是慈母,真情感人;是蜡烛,温馨动人;是春蚕,呕心沥血;是春雨,润物无声;是人梯,无私奉献。祝您教师节快乐!

8. 敬爱的老师,在求学的道路上有您的指点,在困惑无援时有您的帮助,在懈怠失望时有您的鼓励,我披荆斩棘,一路前行!值此第26个教师节来临之际,祝愿老师平安健康!

9. 敬爱的老师,您用赤诚的爱,唤醒了迷惘,哺育了自信,点燃了青春,摧发了征帆。教师节,祝辛勤工作的老师身体健康永不老,工作顺利生活好!

10. 敬爱的老师,您是最伟大的人,您是最可爱的人,您是最美丽的人。值此教师节之际,祝福您工作顺心,幸福安康,平安如意,生活美好,快乐一生!

11. 敬爱的老师,您是园丁,质朴无华;是慈母,真情感人;是蜡烛,温馨动人;是春蚕,呕心沥血;是春雨,润物无声;是人梯,无私奉献。祝您教师节快乐!

12. 敬爱的老师,您给我的是一颗种子,长出似锦的前程,您给我的不仅是成绩,还是一种能力,有了这一切,明天的路我会走的更精彩,祝您教师节快乐。

13. 敬爱的老师,都说一时为师,终生为父。感谢您曾经的悉心教诲,感谢您曾经的指点迷津。今天教师节,愿您幸福安康,福运连绵,快乐无疆!

14. 敬爱的老师,百花沐浴阳光齐盛开,草儿喝水绿油油!您是一盏明灯,为我指明了知识的方向;教师节到了,送上祝福,祝您教师节快乐!

15. 经年的期待,不变的关怀,我的思念与教师节同在;让我们的心情澎湃,用拼搏去赢得美好未来;今天祝福天下教师节日愉快!也祝愿你人见人爱,事业不败!

16. 经历了风雨,才知道您的可贵;走上了成功,才知道您的伟大;师恩重如山,学生不敢忘,借您的节日送上一份祝福,祝您身体健康,万事如意,桃李满园!

17. 金秋十月,秋风送爽,在徐徐的秋风中,我们迎来了一个美丽的节日。教师节,恩师情重,无以回报,唯有默默祝福,愿您身体健康,一生幸福。

18. 金秋九月,是一个收获的季节,更是一个感恩的季节,老师成了这个季节的主题,空气中到处弥漫着感念师恩的情绪。祝:教师节快乐!

19. 金风送爽,明月银辉,美菊芬芳,瓜果飘香,教师节来临,高唱师恩难忘,祝福老师:两袖清风精神爽,成绩多多多得奖,工资年年往上涨。

20. 今天我还是一株幼苗,是你给我阳光给我雨露,让我快快成长;明天我将成为一棵参天大树,做国家的栋梁之材,报答老师的养育之恩!祝老师教师节快乐!



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Dear Sir,

I would like to apply for the post of Works Manager, which was advertised in The Guardian of I2 October 2004. I feel that my qualifications and experience are ideally suited for the position.

I was born in 1968, and I went to school from 1973 to 1988. In 1987 I took the General Certificate of Education, and I got good grades in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. After leaving school, I attended the Orient Technical College, where I first studied Fiber Technology and Color Chemistry; later I studied other subjects related to textile manufacture, and in 1991 I obtained the Diploma in Textiles.

After completing my studies, I joined the Top Clothing Company where I worked until 1996. In that year I moved to Prior Productions, who was pleased with my work, and as a result, in 1998, I was promoted to Assistant Works Manager there.

I enjoy my work, and I am prepared to work hard. Moreover, I am sure that Prior Productions would give me an excellent reference. I therefore feel that my application deserves your serious consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mary Ma



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My best friend is Jim. He is a cool boy. He has curly blond hair, big

eyes and a small mouth. He likes to eat strawberries and bananas, and he loves

sports. He often plays basketball in the school playground. He watches sports

every night. He has good manners and studies well, so everyone likes to make

friends with





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Dear Mr. President,

I am writing this letter to you to express my concern about the sports

facilities on campus. I have noticed that our university has very limited

resources in terms of opportunities to participate in sports, especially given

that the number of students on campus is increasing every year.

As we both know, sports are very important for the sound growth of young

people. If they have access to quality sports facilities, young people are able

to choose a healthier lifestyle, to boost self-esteem and confidence, and to

build a positive outlook and sense of achievement.

My proposal is to build a new sports area. It should be designed with

soccer players, basketball players, and ping-pong players in mind. It should

have a different section for each activity and be available to students all year

round. I believe such facilities will meet our sporting needs.

Thank you for your reading this letter.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming



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dear leo,

how are you?

tem-4 is around the corner. according to the teachers’ telling, i know passing tem4 is not an easy thing. although it may not be too difficult to pass it, getting a high mark needs hard work. so i often go to the library to study.i like the feeling of working hard. while i prepare for the exam, i often feelso satisfied. i think it’s a good thing for me to prepare tem4. the most difficult thing for me to do well in tem-4 is the vocabulary. i find it’s hard to remember, and i am unwilling to remember words, because in middle school and high school ididntneed to remember vocabulary on purpose. i can remember them through the exercises. unfortunately, i can’t do it now. but my problem is i still can’t find a good method which is fit for me to remember vocabulary well. could you do me a favor? i am looking forward to your replying. best wishes!

sincerely yours,




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once upon a time. there was a house. beside the house there was a bird

cage. one day a cat went to eat the bird, so the cat jumped and hit the bird


the bird cage fell down to the ground knocking the bird cages door open.

the bird then flew away. so the cat started to chase the bird and the dog chased

the cat. however the bird flew on top of the tree. so the cat started to climb

the tree and the dog barked at the cat. before the cat could reach the bird, the

bird flew away. this caused the cat to fall out of the tree.

the dog then ran away, the bird quickly flew back into his cage and the man

from the house carried him safely home.



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Dear teachers

Hello! Here, on behalf of the kindergarten, I would like to extend new

years greetings and high respect to all the hardworking staff!

Although I didnt go through every day of the year with you, my eyes and my

heart have always been paying attention to the good times along the way. With my

eyes, I will take you to review the fragments in the deep memory. Lets comb the

pictures that shake our hearts and find the footprints of our colleagues growing


Spring is the spring of sowing hope. Just experienced the re evaluation

work of provincial kindergarten, every colleague has experienced a

transformation like "Phoenix Nirvana", and the power brought by this is like a

hibernating and waking small animal, stretching endless power.

"Standardized and colorful kindergarten life" enables children to fully

feel the real happiness of preschool life; "happy body intelligence" activity

makes childrens body stronger, and makes a seed of love of sports quietly take

root in the hearts of every teacher and child; We are committed to building a

home co education system, inviting parents into the classroom activities,

attracting parents to our side and becoming our indispensable educational

partners; the humorous foreign English teachers bring us different thinking and

different feelings, and also expand our international career infinitely. "Green

poplar smoke outside the light, red apricot branches spring."

In this beautiful spring, we sow love and hope!



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Dear David,

I am afraid that you will think me unpardonably negligent in not having

answered your letter dated 7, December sooner, but when I have told you the

reason, I trust you will be convinced that the neglect was excusable. When your

letter arrived, I was just in Hong Kong. As my family could not forward it to me

during my absence, it has been, therefore, lying on my desk until the moment

when I took it up. Now the first thing I have to hasten to do is to write to you

these few lines to express my deep regret.

I enjoyed many pleasant sights during my trip. I shall be pleased to give

you an account to of them when I see you next.

Sincerely yours,




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A long time ago, there were ten sun in the sky. The weather was very very

hot.Plants could not grow. Animal could not live long. There was a man. His name

was Houyi. He short nine suns out of the sky. In the end, only one sun remained.

The weather got cooler. Plants could grow. People were happy.



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Dear the headmaster :

I am a student in your school, I heard that we will hold a activity but you

arent decide the date,so I want to offer some ideas.

First,we cant hold in a very cold or hot weather,the best weather is


second,we can have the activity in the afternoon sothat students can have a

good time.

Thats over. If you could accept my ideas,I would very happy.





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There are about fifty-two weeks in a year. And there are seven days in each

week. The first day of a week is Sunday. The other days of a week between

SundayandSaturdayare Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Monday is

the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday

is the fifth day, and Friday is the sixth day. Whats the last day? Do you




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Our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. It has a

population of over twelve hundred million. Beijing is its capital.

We Chinese people are brave and hardworking. We have a glorious

revolutionary tradition. We drove out all the enemies. In 1949 the Peoples

Republic of China was founded. Since then great changes have taken place in our

motherland. Now our country is getting stronger and stronger. We Chinese people

are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

Children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. In our country

children are taken very good care of. Special laws have been issuedto protect

them. Thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all

children. The Party and the government pay special attention to the growth of

children because they represent our bright future.



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My dear teacher:


Recent work smoothly?

Sitting at the computer desk think: should you write this letter to you, finally, I decided to write.

I thank you for your love to me for a year. When I have a setback, you comfort me; when I encounter difficulties, you help me; when I was successful, you encouraged me. You are usually the most trusted me, what things are at ease let me to do, thank you. Two days ago, I because the distribution value of the week of the task, and you make to resign. Here, I apologize, I hope you can forgive me.

Yesterday, I met with the school a grade four neighbors and good friends, he said: our teacher is particularly good, open Christmas party, buying candy, melon seeds, instant noodles for us to eat. But I said: it is not the best teachers, the best teacher is for the sake of the students, for the sake of the students of the school; and not meet the students needs as the material, we miss song. He listened, lowered his head, it should be ashamed to show it.

Today I want to tell you a word: Thank you, miss song! You are the best teacher in the world

Wish you good health! Work smoothly!



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dear teacher,

it has been a long time since i wrote the last letter. nowdays, people

write letters less and less, instead, they make a call or send a sms. however,

it is still a good way for us to communicate with each other by sending a


its my honour to get the chance to write to you. "approachable" is my

first impression of you, because you always keeps smiling. students may fear the

teachers that are serious both in and out of class. smile makes a teacher

popular with his students, you are a teacher of this very kind.

you always arrive at the classroom ahead of any of the students, from which

we could imply that you are a diligent man with regular habit. before the class,

you like to talk to us, at this very time, you are more a friend than a teacher.

to be honest, i was surprised in the first class when i learned a teacher at

your age could speak english insuch a fluent way.(i didnt mean you are old,

youre young at heart.) moreover, you know well how to keep your class

attractive. youve got such an active mind that you can keep talking during the

whole class without a pause. i always appreciated your ideas and enjoyed

listening to you. in your class, i learned not only the writing skills but also

the presentation skills as well as much knowledge of other areas. thanks for

your excellent teaching.

ive got some suggestions for you. it seems that we students have got few

chances to participate in discussion during the class time. most of the time, we

are listening. seldom did we express our own ideas. i suggest that teachers

should interact with students more frequently in the class. besides, id like to

practice writing more, so would you please leave us more assignments?

happy new year.

with every good wish.

yours sincerely dali wang




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There is snow and ice everywhere and you are always in a white world. You

must wear warm clothes.

The most exciting thing is playing with snow. Skating is also very

interesting there.

I will always remember Harbin, for the snow, the ice and all the beautiful

things. I love Harbin.
