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In my middle school I had many good teachers, but Mr. Zhang was the one I partic ularly liked and respected. He was a middle-aged intellectual who lived a simple and hard working life but was always optimistic and spared no effort in teaching us.

He was a scholar of Chinese literature and history. We felt that he knew everything in this field. His knowledge and eloquence, as well as his klndness, made his lectures so attrative and touching that we were reluctant to hear the bell ringing to dismiss the class.

One lesson he gave us that I cannot forget concerned some quotations from a pupil of Confucius, who always felt at ease in spite of his life of abject poverty. In his lecture, Mr. Zhang revealed his true feelings in devoting himself to teaching all his life. This deeply moved us all.

I respect Mr. Zhang and should learn from his noble spirit and do my best to study hard for our great socialist country.



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Our English Teacher 我们的英语老师

Our English teacher is a middle-aged woman. She has taught English for more than twenty years. She works very hard and has been a model teacher for many years.

She is kind to us. but she is rather strict with us. She always encourages us to speak and read more English. She often tells us that "practice makes perfect."

She is very good at teaching and tries hard to make every lesson lively and interesting. She often gives us slide shows, teaches us English songs and helps us to put on short English plays.

She loves us and is always ready to help us. In fact, she is not only our good teacher but also our good friend. We all respect and love her.






1. 外籍教师Lynne任教期满准备回国,学校答应派车送她去机常她在临行前一天写了张便条提醒办公室李老师:


2).她之所以要确定一下,是因为太早不好叫出租车。 3).感谢费心,并感谢一年来的关心。


5).留下一些英语书给贵校图书馆,希望对学生有用。 字数:100—120个词。

Hi, Mr. Li,


Could you please check on the car to take me to the airport? Please remind the car driver of this. I want to be sure of this car, because it will be too early in the morning to call a taxi if the school car doesn’t show up. I am sorry to trouble you again. Here I thank you again for all that you have done for me during my stay in your school. I really enjoy teaching here, and will never forget the day I spent with my students. Probably I will come back some day. I leave some English books to your library. I hope they will be useful to your students.






my favourite English teacher 我最喜欢的英语老师

Mr. Lee is my English teacher, and is thirty. He likes sports very much, so he looks strong and young. He is fond of singing too. When we feel tired in the class, he will teach us some English songs. Sometimes he tells us some funny stories. He often encourages us to speak and write in English. Although we may make mistakes now and then, he always corrects them patiently and tells us how to write properly. He is really a good teacher. We all love him and his class.


My English Teacher 我的英语老师

Im have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my English teachter Mis/Miss Gao.

She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.So I always feel free in her class.

I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play English games and English songs,too.since she become my English teacher,Im have madel a lot of progess.

I like English,I like my English teacher.





我的语文老师 My Chinese teacher

I love my Chinese teacher.Her name is Lui Xiaohong. She is from Nanchang. She’s very active and strict. She has two big and brighteyes. She’s very nice.She is short and thin. Sheis alwayssmiling. I don’t know what season is her favourite. Because I don’t know her very well. Her class is very funny, Ilove it very much.


中考英语作文范文:我的语文老师 My Chinese Teacher

以"My Chinese Teacher"为标题写一篇字数为80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:





My Chinese Teacher

Of all the subjects, I like Chinese best because I have a good Chinese teacher. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

My Chinese teacher is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.

Ms Sun works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.

Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.




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Dear teacher,


In our life, since childhood, we have received the educational grace of our parents, now, we are receiving the educational grace of our teachers.

Teachers, hard gardener, all the time for our sake, and you are one of them. You and other teachers, three feet of the podium, a piece of chalk, do not know how much knowledge for us to write down. Chalk foam dyed your hair white, winter to spring, you in this small platform, do not know how many students.

I remember when I was just in junior high school, you led our class to teach us Chinese, but our classs Chinese score was not good, so I was afraid of Chinese class. Every class, I will be a person silently hiding in the corner. A few days later, you spotted me and called me to your office. At this point, the school is over and you are the only one left in the office. You kindly said to me: "my child, learning is an essential part of the way of life. It is by studying that you can acquire knowledge. But knowledge has the power to change everything. You must study if you want to grow up and get out of this backward village. And Chinese, is our mother tongue, is our root. We are all descendants of the Chinese people and should carry forward our mother tongue." I hung my head in shame. "Chinese is an essential part of learning. In fact, Chinese is not difficult to learn, as long as you carefully observe everything around you, usually pay more attention to accumulation, you will improve: you go back to think about it. Say that finish, let me hurry home.

As I trudged out of the office, I looked through the window and saw that you were still correcting our homework. The red marks on the exercise book all show your diligence and hard work. Since then, I will study hard Chinese, carefully observe the things around me, listen carefully in class. When you saw this, you finally smiled. This smile, like the sun, warms me and makes me work harder.

You are no longer teaching me, but you have taught me the most profound lesson. I will never forget you. I will never forget your back as you corrected your homework under the light. I will never forget the time when we studied together, the help you gave me.

Teacher, it is you who taught me Thanksgiving and taught me knowledge. I will always grow up with a grateful heart.

Wish: good luck in everything and good health.



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2. 老师!向您致十二万分的敬意!您好!现在嗓子好吗?身体好吗?儿女听话吗?学生努力吗?校园的记忆和您灿烂的笑容,一直都在身边。

3. 感恩的心,感谢有你,让我学会了人生的真谛。感恩的心,感谢师恩,教我学会了做人的道理。在教师节来临之际致意我真诚的祝福,祝你青春常驻,快乐。

4. 老师给我了一生的知识,感恩老师的教诲之情。三尺讲坛上,粉尘染白你的双鬓而无怨;昏灯陋室里,熬尽你青春年华而无悔。教师节的来临之际,向在一线岗位上的老师们致以最亲切的问好。

5. 最爱那一抹夕阳,映红羞涩的天空,将温暖播撒;最爱那一束晨光,通透闭塞的绿叶,把爱意送达。有您的指点,我们才能放飞梦想。老师,我们爱您!

6. 曾经有一份真诚的关怀放在我的面前,可是我却没有好好的珍惜,如果上天能再给我一次机会,我会对您说五个字:老师,谢谢您!

7. 老师,今天是教师节,您在睡懒觉吗?我们乖,不打电话吵醒您,您多睡一会儿吧!

8. 虽然过了好多年,可是我对老师您的敬仰之情依然如涛涛江水,连绵不绝......

9. 老师,天都黑了,您乖乖的,早点睡吧,晚安!我们都喜欢您笑,您笑起来真的很漂亮,真的!

10. 老师:想请您吃饭却没有钞票;想送您礼物却还没买到;想说我爱您却怕师母生气......那就让今天快点过去吧!教师节快乐!

11. 粉笔,仍在吱嘎作响;叮咛,仍在耳边回唱;勾叉,笔笔划在心上;脚步,在身边来回游荡;关爱,漾起多少欢快的浪。教师节到了,祝老师桃李芬芳!

12. 为教育事业鞠躬尽瘁,为培育英才呕心沥血,为传播知识不辞辛苦,为后代子孙树立不朽丰碑,教书育人不求名利,教育事业平凡而又伟大!教师节到了,感谢老师们的默默付出,祝你们健康愉快,幸福如意!

13. 毕业别后漫漫岁月,您的声音总在我耳畔响起;您的身影常在我脑中浮现;您的教诲常驻在我心田......在今天这属于您的日子里,恭祝您平安如愿!节日快乐!

14. 您培育了满园芬芳,您成就了桃李天下,您将每个学子放在心上,您对每个学生的情况了如指掌,您的恩情永不相忘。敬爱的老师,教师节到了,祝您节日快乐!

15. 一日为师情谊深,两鬓白发写青春,三尺讲台奉献爱,四方学子暖心怀,五体投诚谢恩师,六六大顺祝福您,爱心传递表达爱,祝您健康乐开怀,万事顺利美如意,开心快乐好运聚。

16. 您那双鬓已渐渐斑白,岁月已经悄悄爬上您的脸,刻出一道道痕迹。三尺讲台留下您默默耕耘的汗水,而如今我们已长大,不敢忘您的教导之恩,老师谢谢您!教师节祝福语

17. 面对困难,是你教我们勇往无前;面对灾难,是你教我们笑对人生;面对苦难,是你坚持不懈。如今我们已长大成才,祝愿老师幸福快乐吉祥安康!

18. 教师,您是春天的雨露,夏天的凉风,秋天的甘霖,冬天的阳光。雨露拂醒我们年轻的心灵,凉风吹绿我们稚嫩的生命,甘霖滋润我们渴望的心田,阳光温暖我们求知的道路。

19. 拨动真诚的心弦,跳动快乐的音符,吟唱青春的美妙,铭记成长的辛酸,成功的道路离不开您,亲爱的老师,祝你教师节快乐!

20. 讲台是你的舞台,你用辛勤培养祖国的未来;粉笔在你的手中绽放智慧的光彩,黑板前你的形象光辉多彩。教师节到了,感谢您的关怀,感恩不曾忘怀!敬爱的老师,祝您节日快乐,身体健康!

21. 给我们青春无限,你留下日益苍老;给我们智慧之灯,你独守奉献黑暗;让我们飞跃蓝天,你遥望深情期盼,敬爱的老师,辛苦了,教师节,送上我最真的祝愿,祝您健康平安,快乐团圆。

22. 您把知识的力量盈满我们人生的行囊,您用温馨的叮咛温暖我们纯真的笑脸,您任手中的粉笔化作漫天爱的灰屑。愿我的祝福化为你身边的一缕清风,吹落您眼角堆叠的皱纹,教师节快乐。

23. 距离遥远不能见,祝福绵绵永惦念,教师佳节情灿烂,桃李芬芳永开遍,愿短信努力争先,扎进您手机里面,道声快乐连成片。

24. 九月的天空下,您燃烧着热血的青春,迸射出辛勤的汗水,守望着下一朵梅花。因为真理,所以您固守着清贫,因为热爱,所以您固守着讲台,您的身影在九月的天空下四处荡漾。亲爱的老师,教师节快乐。

25. 教师是蜡烛,燃烧自己照亮别人;教师是粉笔,磨短自己补长学生。教师的事业天底下最壮丽,教师的称号人世间最可敬!教师节到来,祝老师们幸福健康,永葆青春!

26. 黑板上写不下您的师恩,讲台上露不出您的愁容,脑海里忘不掉您的教诲,短信中谱不下您的诗篇。又是一个教师节,老师,祝您节日快乐!

27. 有一个人,引领我们从蒙昧无知走向文明智慧。有一个人,培育我们从井底之蛙变成苍天雄鹰。这个人就是你,敬爱的老师。我们感谢你,祝福你,祝你健康平安,教师节快乐。

28. 老师-感念的季节风吹过我的眼眸雨落在心中几番幕起又幕落忍不住又忆起童年往事悄悄问候您老师不是万能的,没有老师却是万万不能的。祝教师节快乐。

29. 一片赤诚之心携清风两袖,三寸不烂之舌道四书五经,六尘不染无杂七杂八事,九州四海授仁义道德书,谢恩师十分谆谆教诲,祝节日万分欢乐开怀!

30. 不惜付出,克己复礼;不畏清贫,坚守四季;不惧风霜,宽厚弘毅;不计辛勤,芬芳四溢;桃李天下,无可匹敌。亲爱的老师,衷心的祝愿您教师节快乐。

31. 我尊敬的老师,我的成功是您给予的支持,千言万语一声"谢谢"--您是我永远的老师,永远的朋友!九月十日您的节日即将来临,我只说一句我的心里话:老师,节日快乐,愿您有一个更美好的明天。

32. 九月是情满四溢的酒杯,盛着十分的思念,十分的祝福,十分的眷恋,十分的牵挂,十分的爱恋,亲爱的老师,请在九月的节日里,满饮这十分的真诚的献礼,节日快乐。

33. 感谢您的关怀,感谢您的帮助,感谢您为我所做的一切。请接受学生美好的祝愿,祝您教师节快乐,天天快乐!

34. 您是严冬的炭火,是酷暑里的浓荫伞,湍流中的踏脚石,是雾海中的航标灯--老师啊,您言传身教,育人有方,甘为人梯,令人难忘!

35. 那一张张朴实的面孔,那一双双辛勤的双手,为培育祖国的花朵而不辞辛劳的园丁,在您的季节里,祝你们节日快乐!

36. 高山不移,碧水常流,我师恩泽,在心永留!

37. 点一盏心灯,您为年少的我明亮方向;洒一腔热忱,您为教育事业奉献激情。教师节,祝亲爱的老师幸福安康,快乐无疆!教师节祝福短信

38. 我是幼苗,你是雨露,滋润我干涸的心田我是小草,你是太阳,照耀我成长的路拥有年轻,梦想即成真;拥有幸福,频频出佳绩;拥有财富,桃李满天下。

39. 所有的思念,更融合着不尽的感激与敬仰,愿您的节日里洋溢着璀璨平安。

40. 恩师!你因我们而老,我们因你而傲!这深情的称呼:"恩师!"是我们真诚的谢语。

41. 顽强的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰,当年您凭此教导劣徒,今天我以此驾驭人生。老师,您辛苦啦!

42. 本想用电话向您道一声节日快乐。但是您一笔一画教我学会了写字,所以这里我要用短信息向您道一声:教师节快乐!

43. 当星星隐匿在遥远的天际,依稀的灯光依然闪亮在您窗前。正因您的执着,才有我们璀璨的明天!节日快乐!



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遇到你是在我在外实习 回来的那个学期,你穿着粉红色的裙子走在那个有着美丽小花的校园,我与你相对而走,平时特别害羞的我那时居然破天荒的叫了声老师好,还说了句:老师你真美!呵呵,现在想起不禁佩服当年的勇气。在我得知你就是我的英语老师的时候,我可高兴了,为此我还努力学习了一下英语。

成熟,美丽,温柔,稳重,善良,细心,……。你有着女人所需要的一切优点,令年少的我着迷。那天,为了你,我翻遍了英语的杂志,终于找到了一句我想对你说的话,我把它抄到了我的作业本上,交了给你。那句话,我至今不忘:The most beautiful English teach,I’m only hungry for your love,这是我唯一可以用英语表达的一句话。

时间 在不知觉中飞逝,我已离开了你两年了,在这个校园,我也遇到很多很美的 女孩 ,可惜,她们都不肯为我展一个花开般的笑容,老师,我该怎么办呢?很想很想你,想再见到你。其实,我最想的是完成当年没完成的一个心愿,轻轻地吻一下你。















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My Teacher-我的老师

My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face.

Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing.

Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea.

This is my favourite teacher. Our classmates all like her very much.





[My Teacher-我的老师英语作文



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Mrs Zhao is a kindly teacher, she always make us laugh and at the same time, she will teach us more knowledge.She doesnt seem like a teacher, and her friendly always make her like our friend, however, it doesnt mean that she is not care about our grade and homework. She is also strict, every time, she checks our homework very carefully, and make us understand anything in class. so that is our teacher who is kindly and serious.




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Dear Mr. Cousins,

Since you are a well-known musician, I’m writing this e-mail to ask you for

some advice on how to form a band. I, together with two boys and two girls in

different classes in our school, want to form a band. We are all fond of pop

music and modern dance.

I’d like to know whether we should play one kind of music or different

styles to start with. And is it enough to practise only at weekends? How can we

get more chances to perform? We’d appreciate it if you would come up with a name

for our band. Looking forward to your reply.

Best wishes!

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



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从小到大,经历了无数个老师的教诲,常常会回想起他们,想起他们的音容笑貌,想起他们的独特,想起他们作为一个老师所独具的影响力,最难忘我初中的英语老师,到今天为止,她也是我见过的最漂亮 最优雅的女人。

在农场黯淡的天色下,婉老师是一道亮丽的风景,她出生于一个大地主家庭,曾经是川大的校花,没有人知道她为什么会流落到农场来教书,她教我们的时候,已是四十岁的中年人了,苍白如纸的 脸上却看不到一丝皱纹,五官极精致,总给人不真实的感觉,有一种拒人于千里之外的高贵,她上课的时候,教室里出奇的安静,最调皮的男生就算逃课也不会在她课堂上喧哗的,除了讲课她不会有一 句多余的话,总是上课来,下了课就走,也不跟任何人寒喧,独自来独自去,眼神却是空茫的,农场庸常和琐碎的生活里,婉老师象不真实的影子留在我的记忆里。

我离开农场以后,婉老师也随着高升的丈夫到了省城,超常和孤傲的美丽注定了她会有一段轰轰烈烈不同凡响的经历,她竟然放着好好的官太太不做,跟一个小她十多岁的男人私奔了,最让人不能 接受的是,那男人除了一张漂亮的脸蛋和满嘴的油腔滑调以外一无是处,而且整整比她矮了一个头,所有人都说婉老师鬼迷心窍了,我想她是太想证明自己太想给自己找到一个舞台,女儿以死相逼也没 能让她回心转意,结果应了那句老话:”自古红颜多薄命“,没过多久,小男人因诈骗被判入狱,婉老师却没了退路,儿女拒绝认她,老公对她恨之入骨,那一刻,她要面对的不只是伤痛和悔恨,而是 整个世界的垮塌和陷落,于是,她消失了,从那以后,农场的人再也没有看见过她。




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teacher is science teacher。 he’s very strong。he has a big mouth,two big ears,two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose。he often wears a black new shirt and brown pants,with two big shoes。

my science teacher is very kind。 and he is very smart,isn’t he? today,we have science class。we are very happy。because he is so funny。 who is he? he’s a mr。zhang 。




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Dear Mr. Wang,


Recently, our class held the "Beautiful Christmas Chorus Competition" activity, I was unable to participate in the school recitation team recording activity, so I feel very sorry.

Remember Monday, you asked the students: "these days there are two festivals - Christmas and New Years Day, which holiday do you want to celebrate? We happen to coincide with the selection of "Christmas", of course, this is also my favorite holiday, it can be seen that we love Christmas in particular. Although, the festival chose my favorite, but when the team leader, not so gratified. You let the students recommend, but for some reason, the students did not choose me. I think, if you can recommend yourself first, then let the students vote on it. Because only let the students recommend or vote, the recommended students may not want to be, while the equivalent students like me, but may not have the opportunity, do you think I said reasonable?

Teacher, in fact, this is a small matter, the most regrettable is not able to spend Christmas with my classmates. How I envied bu Qingyang the other day for his successful participation in the party! Do you know? That afternoon, during the rehearsal of the recitation team, we were absent-minded, dejected and extremely sad.

Teacher, in fact, I understand your work, you are also for our good, I just want to talk with you about my heart.


The work is smooth

Song Yuxuan



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Miss chen是我的英语老师,她一头栗色的卷发披在肩上,两只眼睛射出的目光像探照灯一样,照得你浑身上下不自在。Miss chen性子比较急,走起路来像一阵风,还像夏天的雨点打在芭蕉叶上,让人听了心里一阵紧张。“我们的英语老师可不是好惹的!”Miss chen的严厉是出了名的,一到英语课,教室里就响起一片哀叹声,干什么事都打不起精神来,要是听到少上一节英语课,全班欢呼雀跃,那喜悦的情绪简直可以掀翻屋顶!嗯?!英语老师怎么这么不受欢迎?让我来给你诉诉苦吧!


每当Miss陈一脸严肃、大步流星地走进教室时,那些欠作业专业户就吓得浑身发抖,厄运即将降临!当她踏上讲台,一脸平静地扫描欠作业名单时,不好,晴转阴!随即,一场暴风骤雨必将以迅雷不及掩耳之势拉开序幕。My God! Miss陈很生气,后果很严重。我的心情如搅浑了的湖水一样糟糕。唉,欠作业或没带书Miss陈最痛恨的事了,生气了总要发泄吧,骂着喊着,用手指着,气急了就使用绝招——扔粉笔头,“啪”、“啪”……却不一定是百发百中,有时还会伤及无辜,可怜的粉笔头呀!可现在,Miss陈来了个360°大转变,再也不扔粉笔头了,你猜怎么回事?原来,我们把粉笔头全部换成长粉笔了,她总不能折断了来丢吧?!








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Teachers and workers, Party members, teachers and educators in the


happy new year!

On the occasion of spring and winter, the Party committee and

administration of Jiangan County Education Bureau extend their cordial

greetings and festival congratulations to all Party members, cadres, teaching

staff and educators who have worked hard and selflessly on the education front,

and extend the most sincere New Years wishes to the retired comrades who have

contributed their youth to the education reform, development and stability in

our county!

20__ is a fruitful year. The countys education work around the municipal

Party committees "stability and efficiency, innovation and progress" work

requirements and the county Party committee, county governments "145"

development strategy, implemented the work deployment of the Municipal Bureau of

education and sports, worked hard to implement the "12388" education work ideas,

fully completed all the objectives and tasks, won 58 awards of various types at

all levels, overcame one difficulty after another in tackling difficulties, and

achieved success in the transformation and catch-up We got one gratifying result

after another. First, the four major projects of "two bedrooms, one hall and one

road" in rural compulsory education took the lead in fulfilling the solemn

promise of "three-year task and two-year completion" made by the county Party

committee to the municipal Party committee one year ahead of schedule. Its

working practices have been communicated and promoted in the City for four times

and have been publicized and praised by the whole city; Second, the teaching

quality of each stage has been comprehensively improved and the goal and task of

"three-year action plan for quality improvement" of the county Party committee

and the county government has been successfully completed. Preschool education

has won the first prize of the city (third place), the teaching quality of

compulsory education has won the second prize (fourth place), the second prize

of recommendation and selection of top-notch innovative talents (third place),

and senior high school education has won the citys top-notch innovative talents

training contribution award and the second comprehensive teaching quality award

Jiangan vocational school has won the first prize of comprehensive evaluation

of teaching quality and the first prize of National Youth Science and technology

innovation; third, the system of education supervision responsibility area

established by innovation has been promoted in the whole province and has been

praised by the provincial and municipal education supervision committee, and has

been exchanged and promoted inside and outside the province; Fourth, the

education and peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment ranked the top

three in the city for five consecutive years. In the citys education and

peoples livelihood work goal and task assessment achieved 7 first places and 6

second places, especially the rural compulsory education "two bedrooms, one hall

and one road" project ranked first in the city; Fifthly, new breakthroughs have

been made in raising funds for educational development. The proportion of

financial education funds in the countys budget expenditure has increased to

24%, reaching 517.55 million yuan, and a total of 100 million yuan has been

obtained in the whole year

20__ is an extraordinary year. It is not only the year with the most

outstanding features and achievements, but also the most complicated year in

which the positive energy is gathered and the negative containment is actively

resolved under the new normal. However, under the strong leadership of the

county Party committee and the county government, with the care and help of the

county peoples Congress and the county CPPCC, and under the careful guidance of

the Municipal Bureau of education and sports, the party and government team of

the County Education Bureau united and led the vast number of teaching and

administrative staff in the county, took a firm stand, took the initiative, took

the courage to take responsibility and overcome the difficulties, withstood the

severe tests again and again, overcame one difficulty after another, and won

each other The understanding and support of the leaders and the society have won

a good opportunity for development. Here, I would like to express my heartfelt


The year of 20__ is a key year to promote the reform of the whole area,

administer education according to law, and adapt to the new normal. The

education work of the whole county will closely follow the development

orientation of the "three demonstration counties" of the county Party committee

and the county government and the main line of "steady speed and quality

improvement", comprehensively implement the work deployment of the Municipal

Bureau of education and sports, highlight the work theme of "promoting

righteousness, promoting harmony and strengthening development", and focus on

the implementation of the "six ones" development strategy with "three needs" and

"two behaviors" We should pay close attention to a plan, that is, the overall

plan of education reform and development of the whole county; vigorously

implement a project, that is, to implement the project of "going out and

inviting in"; build a core with solid, namely, the core of education quality;

Make a good preparation with eyes, that is to prepare for the acceptance of

balanced development of national and Provincial Compulsory Education in 20__; We

should make great efforts to promote the new development with the new normal of

"six uses" of force, heart, energy, practicality, eye and policy, and strive to

run a satisfactory education for the people, and make new contributions to

accelerating the realization of the "three major struggle goals" in the whole


In the new year, with a new starting point and a new journey, we hope that

the staff and Party members and teachers in the county will meet the new

challenges with a new attitude and create more brilliant achievements. At the

same time, I wish the teaching staff, Party members, teachers and educators in

the countys education system a happy new year, good health, happy family and

all the best!



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Dear teacher,


The teacher, you are like a red candle, although the burning of a red candle is brief, but the teacher you burn yourself to illuminate others hearts will never change, is everlasting!

Thank you for encouraging us all the time. You always pay attention to us with concern when we try. Even if we fail, you will not only not be sarcastic to us, but also tell us what to do and guide us.

Thank you, beloved teacher, it is you for us to correct one after another homework, you use the red ink and pen, in our writing, shed how much sweat ah! You use the red ink and pen, in our writing, pay how much effort ah! Every time I see the homework marked with red ink, I will think of you -- the figure correcting homework under the dim light!

Fourth grade next semester final exam in the afternoon, I was writing the test paper, my stomach up suddenly, I endured the pain in a hurry finished fill in the paper, in the end, I really cant stand the pain, I think of go home from school, I know that from the school was still early, will tell the teacher, the teacher quickly take out a cellular phone a phone call to my dad. The teacher also asked me from time to time whether my stomach was still painful. The teachers concerned eyes, let me feel a trace of warmth.

Teacher is the most glorious career under the sun, you teach us the knowledge bit by bit, you get up early and get up late to prepare lessons every day, and then teach us the knowledge. How many hours of sleep you have lost for us!

Teacher you treat us, like your own children, is you take us to swim in the ocean of knowledge, is you take us through the naive childhood, you put us a ignorant child education into a qualified pupil. You did so much for us!

Teacher, thank you for all that you have done for me with your blood and sweat. I wish you a happy holiday!



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Shen Fang is a primary school teacher. She teaches Chinese in a fourth grade class. She helps the boys and girls read and write. Her classes are interesting, and the children all love her.

Shen Fang gets to school at half past seven in the morning, half an hour before classes begin. At luch she eats together with her pupils.

After class she corrects their home work. She leaves school at six. She is busy with her work all the day, because she loves teaching children.






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For every student, meeting a good teacher is very important, it will change their lives. I am so lucky that I met a good teacher and she opened the new chapter of my life. I will never forget the things she taught me.

对于每一个学生来说, 遇到一个好老师是非常重要的,它将改变他们的生活。我很幸运,我遇到了一个好老师,她打开了我人生的新篇章。我永远不会忘记她教给我的东西。

When I was in high school, I felt so bored about the English class, because I did not understand it. Miss Li was my English teacher, she found my attitude to her class. One day, when the class was over, she asked me to her office. She did not blame me for sleeping in her class, instead, she smiled and asked me the opinion about her class. I said her class was a little boring and I thought she would be angry. Miss Li smiled and agreed with me. She asked me to give some opinion. I was so surprised that she was so kind. Miss Li improved her class and I became very active.


Though I enter the college, I will never forget Miss Li’s class and the things she taught me. She respects me and makes me important. I am so thankful to her.




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Our new English teacher is Mr. Smith.

He wears a pair of thick glasses. He is very serious and strict to us.

I never saw him smile until the Teachers’ Day. On the Teachers’ Day, my classmates and I planned to give him a special gift——a smile. So the naughty John pretended to have passed out in the classroom.

When Mr. Smith came in, he was so scared that he held John in his arms right away. On the way to the hospital, John burst into laughter suddenly, which made the teacher confused. After we told him that it was only a joke, Mr. Smith laughed too.

We were all pleased to see him smiling at last.




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Your personality charm conquered by students, Your nurturing students with rich knowledge, Your enthusiasm infection with the students, unselfish You use the warm sunshine. Bleyou, my dear teacher: every day like the sunshine with smile, happy life and happy family, healthy body, thank you!
