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As time goes on,going surfing on the Internet become more and more popular.It is a new phenomenon and sounds an alarm (for online security ).

Network security cover anti- virus , network security and hacker protection . Together with the technology of Access Control , redundant backup recovery and network security , it makes an allround security system . Many companies devote to the information security technology and product research and development , production and sales , providing advanced network security solutions . Firewall just is an effective measure of network security .




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“小艺” 上初中后开始玩网络游戏,平时活泼乐观的他一下子像变了一个人,半学期里学习成绩从班级前十名落到倒数几名,后来他选择了跳楼自杀。就在小艺自杀一年后,我省16岁网瘾少年同样选择了极端方式结束他了年青的生命,在网吧连续玩了11天,服下了巨毒的锄草药。他在遗言里写到他实在是管不住自己,不玩他受不了,玩了对不起爸爸妈妈。





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今天下午的作文课很有意思,我们的班主任言老师以“网 络游戏好坏”为主题,让同学们畅所欲言地讨论关于网络游 戏的利弊。

“哪位同学能告诉老师,在你眼中,网络游戏是好是 坏?”老师的话音刚落,曹文捷就腾地站了起来。“老师,我 觉得网络游戏是好的”。他清了清嗓子,接着说:“因为,当 我们学习累了可以玩一会儿网络游戏消除疲劳。”“我也赞同 曹文捷的说法!”戴维还没来得及举手,话就从嘴里冒出来 了。言老师微笑着看着大家没有说话。“我认为网络游戏对任 何人来说都是不好的!”杭飞飞站起来认真地说道:“网络游 戏色彩鲜艳,游戏好玩、刺激,很是吸引一些同学——特别是 男同学的喜爱,这本来不是什么坏事。可有的同学一玩就玩上 了瘾,一连几个小时沉迷于其中,导致视力下降,学习成绩变 差。所以,我不认为网络游戏好。”……

听着听着,我想起妈妈曾经给我讲过这样一个故事:有一 个品学兼优的高中生,原来的学习成绩在班里都是数一数二 的,可学会了玩网络游戏后很快就着了迷,学习成绩一落千 丈。后来连大学都没考上,他非常后悔、痛苦,一时想不开便 跳楼自杀了。所以我赞同杭飞飞的观点。

在同学们热烈的争论中,一节课很快过去了。最后言老师总结 道:“网络游戏对你们小学生来说是弊大于利。同学们不如利 用玩网络游戏的时间去看书、打球、爬山、听音乐等等,这些 活动对同学们更为有益。

这节作文课对我来说收获不小,通过与同学们的争论交流 中及老师的点拨,我更深刻地认识了网络游戏的好坏。懂得了 我们小学生应该把时间和精力更多地用在学习和健康的活动 中。




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When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughters school life. To my surprise, the girl told his father to read her blog so that he can get what he wants.

Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.

For one thing, the Internet makes the interpersonal communication more convenient. We can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Internet makes full use of time and space. What’s more, we can also share our daily life and knowledge through QQ, MSN, and blog with others. For another thing, the Internet speeds up our interpersonal communication. We can save time to do our work. However, the Internet also brings about many problems, such as safety problems, cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they dont have time to interact with person in real life, which result in the absence of ability in communication in reality.

It has both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet. We can get to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest, we have to talk with people and develop our ability to communicate in reality.



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提示词: give up concentrate on be (become)interested in

Li Xiaohu spent too much time playing computer games andhe fell behind others. As a good/close friend of his, I must do something tohelp him.

First, I think it’s veryimportant for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time onhis study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playingcomputer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So hemust give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he willbecome more interested in sports than computer games. And then Ill ask him toconcentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him withall his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find muchfun in studying. At the same time, Ill ask both his parents and our teachersto help him, too. If I try these, Im sure he will make great progress soon.




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Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. According to Russ Brock, a director and consultant at the Center for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet’s main components are E-mail and the World Wide Web. “There’s a lot more to the Internet than E-mail, search engines, celerity web sites, up-to-the-second sports scores, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools - if it’s used adroitly”. Almost all households contain the Internet; however, before people connect to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantages and advantages.


Many fear the Internet because of its disadvantages. They claim to not use the Internet because they are afraid of the possible consequences or are simply not interested. People who have yet connected to the Internet claim they are not missing anything. Today’s technological society must realize, it is up to them to protect themselves on the Internet “Half of U.S. adults, or 94 million Americans, aren’t online”.


Children using the Internet has become a big concern. Most parents do not realize the dangers involved when their children log onto the Internet. When children are online, they can easily be lured into something dangerous. When children talk to others online, they do not realize they could actually be talking to a harmful person. As a result, there have been many cases where children have been convinced to meet people they have talked with online. In fact, “stories seem to come out every week: a child or teenager lured into something foolish, dangerous, or even deadly on line” . Cathy Cleaver of the Family Research Council claims that it is against the law for a molester to even attempt to find children online . In addition, children may also receive pornography online by mistake; therefore, causing concern among parents everywhere. Whether surfing the Web, reading newsgroups, or using email, children can be exposed to extremely inappropriate material.

Pornographic sites tend to make sure they are the first sites to be listed in any search area; thus, children come across such sites easily. A man from Pearl, Mississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloading pornographic images of children from the Internet. He was charged with 290 counts of child pornography . Some critics say that parents are responsible for their own children on the Internet because there are available services to protect children. To keep children safe, parents and teachers must be aware of the dangers. They must actively guide and guard their children online. Parents should talk to their children about what is online and what might happen online, claims Howard Rheingold, writer of The Virtual Community . There are a number of tools available today that may help keep the Internet environment safer for children. Some companies, such as America Online, try to monitor everything that is said and done on their online service; however, because thousands of chat rooms are available, it is simply impossible for everything to be monitored, claims Tricia Primrose, worker for America Online . In other words, children want to explore things; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.






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Just as what is shown in the picture,a girl is asking a question online. Answers from different netizens differ so greatly that the girl is very confused about whom she should follow. It is obvious that it is becoming a fashion for people to ask questions online when confronting a dilemma.

The implication implicit in the drawing can be elaborated as follows. On the one hand, the Internet has provided us with great convenience. For example, we can get knowledge about nearly all aspects on the Internet with only several keyboard commands and a few clicks of the mouse through search engines such as Baidu and so on. On the other hand, with an explosive amount of information on the Internet,it can be difficult to tell good information from bad. For example, teenagers and adolescents may mistake the bad information online as good, the result of which can be rather devastating. Some dirty information on the net may exert negative impacts on people.

In conclusion, on the one hand, it is important for us to take full advantage of Internet to enhance our efficiency and save our time. On the other hand, effective steps should be taken to educate people to avoid and elude inappropriate and even wrong data online so as not to be misguided. Only in this way can the net better serve for our life, study and work.



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在当今社会大家都喜欢玩电脑!这是众人皆知的事情!可是电脑对我们的危害,又有几个人得知呢!就算得知了可是实际行动呢?那么,电脑游戏对于我们中小学生而言,有哪些害处呢? 首先,玩电脑游戏,是需要时间的,如果玩电脑游戏的时间过多的话,那么,我们用来学习的时间就必然会大大地减少,除非是不用学习一看就会的天才,就我们这些普通人而言,学习成绩不下降才怪呢! 其次,玩电脑游戏,尤其是长时间地玩,十分有害我们青少年们的视力和健康,当 你 沉迷在电脑游戏带给你的快乐中时,你的视力也在不知不觉中一天天地衰退,等 你最后醒悟时,已经为时晚矣!可能还要搭上你曾经拥有过的健康身体。

第三,玩电脑游戏,十分地浪费金钱,作为中小学生的我们,其零花钱,主要依赖于我们的父母大人所赐,试想一下,有哪一位父母,很爽快地给钱让我们去上网玩游戏,所以,为了能够进网吧上网玩电脑游戏,我们必然会巧立名目向我们的父母索取,要不然就东拼西凑,挖空心思地弄钱,哪里还有心思学习,有的同学甚至因此而走上了犯罪的不归路,这又是何苦来着? 第四,玩电脑游戏,可能会污染我们青少年纯洁而美好的心灵。因为,许多的电脑游戏,都是打呀、杀呀的,为了达到目的,可以不择手段,试想,这与培育我们高尚的情操简直就是南辕北辙、背道而驰。

而一个品德、素质低下的人,又如何能够作为一名优秀的人才,从而担负起社会赋予他(或她)的重大责任呢? 电脑游戏还有很多的危害,我就不再一一列举了。 也许有的人可能会不服气,你说了那么多电脑游戏的害处,难道电脑游戏就没有一点益处了吗?起码玩电脑游戏可以锻炼、提高我们的反应能力和手脑的快速配合能力,可以帮助我们了解电脑、认识电脑、学习电脑,可以使我们在紧张的学习中得到放松,可以使我们得到在现实中我们得不到的荣誉等等,好处还是很多的嘛!何况,很多的大人不是照样沉迷在电脑游戏中吗?




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1. 现在有许多大学生沉溺于网络游戏

2. 沉溺于网络游戏给大学生带来的影响

3. 建议大家远离这种消遣方式



① be addicted to沉迷于(addict有……瘾的人,addiction上瘾)

② drop out of 离开,退出

③ isolate from使隔离

④ be more liable to 更易于……

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet

The following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of Internet. Netsurfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品). What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on Internet. Its advantages seem countless.

Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stop.



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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:





本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指 出对于某问题的一种反面看法,提纲第2点指出对于该问题的正面看法,提纲第3点要 求谈谈我对该问题的看法,由此可判断本文 应为对比选择型作文。

根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:指出大学生沉迷于网络游戏的问题,阐述家长和老师对该问题的否 定态度和他们的担忧;指出一些人对待网络游戏的肯定态度,并阐述网络游戏的好处;表明我对网络游戏的看法。

Online Games

As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. Many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. But if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.



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A couple of years ago, individuals can only take courses at real schools. In other words, only when they go out to schools by themselves will they have lessons which they want to have. However in recent years, with the development of internet and education mode, online teaching has become increasingly common. This kind of teaching mode means that a student just needs to have classes sitting in front of a computer at home, which appealing to lots of people.

It is widely acknowledged that online teaching has its apparent merits. First and foremost, shared resources online are accessible to all people, which costs a little at the same time. This feature brings about significant benefits especially to those who fail to afford that many courses at real schools. Secondly, online teaching makes it come a reality that one is able to study at the best pace suitable for him according to his own schedule. Last but not least, studying at home without going out is much more comfortable as well as convenient to busy people in contemporary society.

Meanwhile, there is no denying that online teaching also has demerits that cannot be dismissed. For one thing, online teaching, not like face-to-face teaching, lacks interaction between teachers and students, causing teachers not to receive feedbacks from students in time. For

another thing, for people who are poor at self-discipline, learning online at home will be a less effective way since they are easier to be distracted by other things. Besides, all of online teaching courses are ready-made rather than custom-made, that is to say, it is troublesome to be flexible when changes are needed.



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When I first set my eyes on a father and his daughter, I heard the father ask about his daughters school life. To my surprise, the girl told his father to read her blog so that he can get what he wants.

Now, the Internet has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has influenced us a lot, especially on our interpersonal communication.

For one thing, the Internet makes the interpersonal communication more convenient. We can contact with each other no matter when and where. The Internet makes full use of time and space. What’s more, we can also share our daily life and knowledge through QQ, MSN, and blog with others. For another thing, the Internet speeds up our interpersonal communication. We can save time to do our work. However, the Internet also brings about many problems, such as safety problems, cheating and so on. Many people spend too much time on the Internet, and they dont have time to interact with person in real life, which result in the absence of ability in communication in reality.

It has both advantages and disadvantages to interact through the Internet. We can get to the problem in our work and study. Last but not lest, we have to talk with people and develop our ability to communicate in reality.






The usage of Internet becomes one of the most controversial topics in the society. As a student, I believe Internet is beneficial to me more than the way it harms me. There are many advantages for using Internet.

First, I can best use my time to find information online instead of going to different libraries. Also, the information can be dated back in decades ago. It is very helpful to use those information as reference and historical proof. In the library, it is hard to find so much "old" information. Another advantage to use Internet is that I can stay home and have a lecture online. It is much more convenience to me because I can stay warm to have class in the winter time instead of spending two hours on the bus and physically attend class. In addition, Internet provides me a better way to communicate with my friends and professors. I can get response from my professor in a few minutes instead of waiting outside of his door for hours. Some of my friends are living in a foreign countries, I can simply just drop him an email whenever I can and get a message from him very quick. It is much better than waiting for letters. Also, the email will not lose while the letter might be losing in the process of delivery.

However, there are also disadvantage of using Internet. For example, I might spend too much time on the Internet to concentrate on my study. Also, there is a chance that I am cheated because of the Internet purchasing. Last, Internet has lots of information, both helpful and harmful. There might be too much tempatation that I will access some of the harmful information I can on the Internet.Even though the usage of Internet has both positive and negative effect to me, I still consider Internet is a symbol of technology development. I believe I can use the Internet very well as long as I know how to control myself.






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在此,我只想告诉“网瘾少年”,别玩了, 让我们成为网络的主人,它是拿来用的,不是拿来玩的,只把它当成一种工具,不要让网络游戏把自己玩了。



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A social network is a social structure made up of individuals called "nodes", which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.

Social Networks are groups of people who share interests and who interact in a variety of ways via software on websites. These include file-sharing, chatting, messaging, exchanging photos/video etc. Social network sites are usually free to join. Include Myspace,Facebook,Bebo,Orkut,LinkedIn and so on.

We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.

The Importance of Social Networking:Social networking can help a business gain contacts, clients, and increased public awareness.Even entrepreneurs who run small businesses from their homes can take advantage of this resource to set up a global presence.

To make the most of social networking, its important to fully understand the concept of social networking and how it can be applied in ways that will help you grow your business.

Social networking is making its mark in history these days. In fact, it is progressing so fast, it is leaving the news media in the dust. Everyday people are reporting news faster than a whole news team.










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Every afternoon during the summer vacation, hundreds of thousands of teenagers pour into Internet bars. They switch on a computer, and indulge themselves in a fantasy world playing games such as World of Warcraft and Counter Strike.

As everyone knows, playing Internet games can do much harm to teenagers if they spend too much time in the virtual world. Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time and teens will have little time for their study. Secondly, those who play video games day and night will be harmed physically for lack of adequate sleep. Thirdly, teenagers’ social ties will suffer as a result of the immersion in the virtual world.

In my opinion, the whole society should pay more attention to this problem, especially the parents and the game industry. Besides, the youth shouldn’t spend too much time, energy or money on the Internet because study is their priority. In conclusion, the youth should make good and proper use of the Internet.



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My views on campus security

Our university have a bad campus security problem I think.There is so much thieve in our campus,one of my schoolmate had already been stolen three bicycle,for more convenience in campus,he cannot help but bought anyother second hand bicycle.they go to the emplacement bridge for second hand bicycle,and the crabman there find more bikes for selling,and then people who lost the bicycle go there for another,then they stolen more, then come into being avicious circle that will never be end. From Joozone.com.And the dormitory security isn’t enough for more and more student found that they have been stolen valuables when they come back dormitory after class. For does the campus sexurity well,I think it should give more guards around student’s dormitories when students are studying.And I think it also should make another more firmly door for dormitory guard.



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Recentlythe news that U.S attack on Chinas Internet is always exposed.And the question of how to stay online safely raises a lot of discussion in our country.As a resultin the era of rapid development of networkwe must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively.


From my perspectivein the first placewe should call attention to our personal information.Not only do we not offer them at random in some strange websitesbut we need to distinguish right from wrong among the numerous websites.Furthermoreit is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed.And it will make it possible for that network can run more steadily.In addition to doing some work by ourselvesthe government needs to draw up some policies to preserve national cyber security.It involves probing for deeply rooted reasonsdevising creative solutionsdeveloping high-tech talents and strengthening the supervision.


Although scientists still cannot overcome the problem completelythey are studying a great deal about how to protect our national cyber security.Howeverconsciousness of cyber security should not decline.Only in this waywe just enjoy the convenience brought by the network.网络的好与坏高中英语作文




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The Internet is indispensable in real life, it has become a part of peoples life. The Internet has both advantages and disadvantages, so let me say it.

In terms of interest, one: broaden your horizons. It also enriches the brain. 2: it is possible to communicate with each other, and one of the shortcomings of students is that they lack confidence and can overcome obstacles on the Internet. Third, it can promote the development of adolescent personality. Can reduce the pressure of homework. Talk to your friends about your worries. Four: can exercise writing pen, can have a sense of achievement. Five: can grasp the new education dynamic, the online test paper has everything, the student can choose freely. Teachers can also learn about new teaching methods.

There are three reasons for this. One: the Internet is just a virtual world. There are many pitfalls. For example, some unhealthy websites, high school students are not very good, only harm themselves. 2: the Internet is full of aggression, abuse and lying. We can say what we want, without any responsibility! Its immoral not to think about other peoples feelings at all. 3: according to the law, under the age of 18 years of age is not allowed to enter net bar!

Every new thing comes with a variety of worries, from films in the 1920s to the popular music video games. The focus of concern is violence, pornography, decadence and so on. There is a thin line between good and bad. Often "a miss is as good as a mile." The same goes for the Internet. The boundary between profits and profits is a disadvantage.

As a student, I am for myself on the Internet. We need not only to relieve the pressure of study, but also to replenish our food supply. Admittedly, most of us surf the Internet for better learning. In this sense, the net is the advantages and disadvantages.

The network is illusory, it is progress. The Internet is good for the bad, its up to you.

