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I have a future world in my heart. Its beautiful and spectacular. Now, let me take you there for a tour.

We set out in the shape of a water drop solar car. The biggest advantage of this kind of car is that it will not pollute the environment. Its shape is also very interesting. The front is a transparent frame made of long wooden boards and some glass pieces, and the back is a patterned tail made of hard stone. Almost everyone can drive this kind of car, because it is very easy to operate, as long as you press the start button, the following is controlled by the language.

In the future, animals in the world can communicate with people. If you feel bored, animals will come to talk with you and play with you. Of course, these animals have to be your own pets. In the zoo, the keepers will also give the animals the food they want, take them to the places they want to go, and play the games they want to play.

Next, we come to the childrens palace, which is a 50 story building. Children have their own cabinets and desks here. You can enjoy learning and playing with your classmates. The most interesting thing is the restaurant here. When you want to eat, you have to do a small performance, even if you read some ancient incantations and dance a strange dance. You dont have to cook, and the rich food will show up in front of you. OK, let me take you to have a try now. The delicious food will surely make you salivate.

How wonderful my future world is! How about you think about your future world, maybe better than mine!




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Earth day is every year on April 22, is a worldwide environmental movement. The first earth day activities were rising in the 1970 s in the United States campus environmental movement, this activity towards the world from the United States in the 1990 s, became a worldwide festival of environmentalists and environmental protection awareness day, on this day people of different nationality in their different way to promote and practice the concept of environmental protection.

The first earth day selection in the vernal equinox solar terms, it was a day in the world any corner of the equal length in both day and night, the sun can shine in the South Pole and North Pole at the same time, it represents the equality of the world, but also a symbol of the human to throw controversy and different between each other, harmonious coexistence. In many countries have traditionally celebrate the spring equinox solar term tradition. The United Nations has early in earth day activities every year at the vernal equinox. Earth day the day

"Earth day" one day, the United States without the country about 100 million people in the car home, in case of vehicle emission of waste gas and other harmful emissions into the air. In China, the then prime minister li peng on April 21, to address the environmental problems through the television, CCTV also played the "only one earth" special report. From now on, our country every year for the earth day "campaign.

In late February 2000, hayes to accept the invitation of the China, to come to China to participate in the "China" earth day "in 2000 Chinas action" to start the ceremony.

In the late 1990 s, the gaylord nelson and brookings Anderson (solar architect, author and New Hampshire "earth day" organizers) for the "earth day" make an annual state, high level of activity, set up "the earth". "Earth day" web site opened in 1995. "The earth" organization in 1999 changed its name to "earth day network," become a geared to the needs of the world, promoting "earth day" every year international activities of the organization. "Earth day" in 2000, is by the gallo nelson and Dennis hayes, leadership, the difference is that this time they, on the basis of "earth day" in 1970, joined the global public sports, and make full use of the network this emerging information means, the wisdom and passion of people of all countries together. In gaylord nelson, Dennis hayes and his comrades, todays "earth day" has really become a whole earth festival, reminding human to protect the earth, be gentle with the earth.








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"Ordinary world" is a good book, because hes characters and the plot is very real.Straight lets a person as if place oneself in that era, experiencing the ups and downs of The Times.Let a person very inspired after see, delicious.

This is a book worth reading of each and every one, as for some writers on the criticism of this book, I dont think the writer must be a genuine writer.Because he didnt realize that the book in the true sense of genius.This book is not only able to interpret from the literature.Why dont dream start, the true value of because he has not been found."Ordinary world" in the future a certain period of history would be like a dream of red mansions by many experts to study the book.The value of it is that it gives us a generation, is the very book that we need.

What we need is such a book!Not those who read the book without feeling after.Do you agree?



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On May 19, 2008, was the first "world hepatitis day", in the true sense of the world hepatitis alliance (WHA) are teaming up to the world health organization (who), other UN organizations, the Red Cross, Open society institute (Open SocietyInstitute), the Gates Foundation (the Gates Foundation) etc, on May 19, 2008 in global launch five years of the "world hepatitis day" campaign. This is the first time since the foundation of the world hepatitis alliance at the world within the scope of activities, at the appointed time, more than 200 organizations throughout the five continents will be synchronized action, arouse the people of the world focus on viral hepatitis prevention and control work and attention. In China, the world hepatitis alliance (WHA) will hand in hand China hepatitis foundation to carry out the promotion activities, let the people of the whole country cautiously aware of hepatitis b is a serious threat to human health, ultimately help mankind common control hepatitis infection and spread of the disease.

The main purpose of this world hepatitis day is to raise the public (including hepatitis b and c) of viral hepatitis c cognitive, understanding of viral hepatitis a threat to public health. "I am the twelfth? (AmInumber12?)" is the theme of the first world hepatitis day, refers to the world about 12 people in there is a chronic viral hepatitis patients (including hepatitis b and c), and these people would probably be on my side, you and failed to get timely diagnosis.

2008年5月19日是第一个真正意义上的“世界肝炎日”,世界肝炎联盟(WHA)将联手世界卫生组织、其他联合国组织、红十字会、开放性社会研究所(Open SocietyInstitute)、盖茨基金会(Gates Foundation)等机构,于2008年5月19日在全球正式启动为期5年的“世界肝炎日”运动。这是世界肝炎联盟成立以来首次举行的世界范围内活动,届时,遍布全球五大洲的200多份个组织将同步行动,唤起世界人民对病毒性肝炎防治工作的关注和重视。在中国,世界肝炎联盟(WHA)将携手中国肝炎基金会开展推广相关活动,让全国人民慎重意识到乙肝正严重威胁着人类健康,最终协助全人类共同控制肝炎疾病的感染与蔓延。




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In 1971, the Spanish naturalists suggested that we should set up a day to call on people to protect the forest and make the full use of it. Then the representatives of the naturalists from all over the world decided that March 21 is the world forest day. In some countries, this day is also deemed as the tree-planting day. After 4 decades, the world forest day is more than a day to call on people to protect the forest, making people realize the relations between human being and the forest is also the aim of the forest day.


It’s generally accepted that the forest has the functions of cooling off the global temperature, refreshing the air, preserving soil and water, protecting the nature links and so on. The forest is also the key to solve the severe environmental problems. In American Indian’s cultural, the local people believe that the forest raise up the sky. If the forest disappears, the sky will collapse, and the living beings would die out. With the rapid development of human society, the forest coverage rate is decrease. While the demands of the woods and papers products keep increasing. It can hardly meet the needs of human beings. Everyday, countless trees are cutting down to make various paper products. In order to make more money, people destroy the forests, and there comes different kinds of problems. For instance, soil erosion, global warming, glaciers melting, and sea level rising. The forest is so important to this planet. We should do something to protect the forest.


First, stop cutting down the forest blindly. If we really have to, plant more trees. Second, the government should do something to enhance the people’s awareness of forest protection. Last but not least, we can reduce the use of paper, such as avoid using disposable paper goods. Protect the forest is to protect ourselves. Without the forest, we can not live on the earth either.




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1、“奖励”型 政府发戒烟费




西班牙 违法吸烟行为按轻重等级,将受到30欧元(约合257元人民币)到60万欧元(约合5175360元人民币)的处罚;

墨西哥城 违法吸烟的个人将被处以50美元(约合340元人民币)~150美元(约合1021元人民币)不等的罚款,惯犯将被监禁36小时;

新加坡 违法吸烟者最高罚款2000新加坡元(约10045元人民币),在公关场所扔一个烟头罚款500新元(约2511元人民币)或打4板子。



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My father made me a little cabin on the tree when I was five years old. I like this cabin so much, it is my little world. I put many toys in it, I decorate this cabin so well. I can do what I want in this little world, sometimes I will ask my friends to come. I have a good time in my little world.




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The earth is the common home of human, but human activity has caused serious damage to the earth. Such as forests, lakes, wetlands of biological survival are disappearing at an alarming rate; Coal, oil, natural gas and other non-renewable energy because of excessive exploitation of dried up; Energy combustion emissions of greenhouse gas lead to global warming, the resulting problems such as the polar ice caps melt, rising sea levels threaten to human survival and development.

Protect the earth resources and environment, to seek the sustainable development pattern has been urgent. At this years "world earth day", "earth day network launched a" green generation "plan, advocate the human society to the sustainable economic development pattern transformation. The plan called for the public to maintain three core principles: eliminate human reliance on fossil fuels, is committed to the development and utilization of renewable energy, creating a "c" in the future; Commitment to personal consumption habit consistent with sustainable development requirements; To establish "green economy", by creating "green jobs" for the poor out of poverty, and transform the global education system for environmental protection.

Since the 1990 s, China has held in every year on April 22, is "the world earth day" campaign, and according to the case, determine the activity of the subject.






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Today following with economy , Science and technology‘s devolop , we human are destorying the environment.

But we must know we have only a world ,if its broken we havent any places to live. So we cant leave it along,we should do something to stop it.

To make it ,we should do anything from ourselves ,such as not waste water or electic power etc.

Besides it we should persuade people joining us as more as posible.

If every one can do this our world will be more beatiful and tomorrow is another day.









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The world meteorological day is on March 23, aims to let the people all around the world know about the meteorological organization and its main contribution to economic development and national defense. Every year, the WMO will select a theme to celebrate this special day. This year, the theme is Weather and Climate: the Participation of Young People.


After we step into the new century, the activities of human being are increasing. In order to develop economic, the balance between nature and living being has been destroyed. Due to the global warming, the extreme weather leads to natural disasters such as flood, typhoon, and droughts are kept on increasing. Thanks to the world meteorological organization, people can know the natural disasters in advance. The organization always keeps an eye on the uncertain weather. If something bad happen, it will let the people know, and make sure that they have enough time for preparations. In this case, countless lives and properties could be protected.


This year, the WTO calls up the young people to pay more attention to the global climate changes. The naturists agree that the natural disasters have something to do with the climate changes. And the human beings activities can affect the global climate. Every individual should realize that protecting the environment can create better weather and climate. Even an ordinary people can make a difference. Care about the weather and climate is to care about our future.




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Do you know the world book and copyright day is which day? How is the world reading day origin? Xx 20 years, the United Nations to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, make reading become an indispensable part of Peoples Daily life, up to 20 xx years, UNESCO, announced every year on April 23, positioning the world book and copyright day.

UNESCO in 20 xx to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, everyone asked social members of reading, the book is necessities of life, reading be everyone an integral part of everyday life.

20 xx years, UNESCO announced on April 23, for "world reading day". This day is the Spanish writer Cervantes and famous British writer Shakespeares death anniversary. According to the data show that since the "world reading day" announced more than 100 countries and regions to participate in this activity.

In every year on April 23, the reading promotion into a home the joy of the festival.







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1、 把爱写下来,把善装进去,把美贴紧些,把福寄远点。世界邮政日,邮你开心,邮你快乐,邮你好运,吉祥与人共享,如意与人同担。

2、 恣意昂扬的情感,一泻而下,在美丽的信纸上湍急流淌,激荡着温馨浪漫的爱语,飞溅着肆意缠绵的眷恋。世界邮政日,信使会送达我的浓情蜜意,衷心的祝愿亲爱的你,快乐如影随形,幸福常伴左右。

3、 我在这里记录头顶上的云彩,你在那里抬起头,看到了同样美丽的云彩。我在这里拍下一张照,你在那里拆开信封看见了我的笑容。我在这里写下一句祝福,你在那里深深的感受。世界邮政日,邮政联通你我,将快乐传递。

4、 把心愿放进信封里,寄出一份幸运给你,收到的是好运连连,把问候装进包裹里,寄出一批快乐给你,收到的是幸福不断,把祝福装满箱子里,寄出一世如意给你,收到的是开心一生,世界邮政日,愿你工作顺利,事业发达,生活步步高!

5、 阳光的笑脸,月光的挂牵,星星的情愫,白云的祝福,写成“爱的邮件”,真情永不改变。世界邮政日,把“关爱邮戳”印在心间,无论经过沧海桑田,友谊将永久不变。祝朋友:天天开心,事事如愿!

6、 给亲人寄封信,表达感激;给朋友寄封信,增进友谊;给父母寄封信,温馨祝福;给恋人寄封信,传情达意。世界邮政日,用信件联通你我,让我们的心相连!

7、 龙飞凤舞入木三分,此中情意刻骨铭心。一笔一画,都有万种风情。一封一邮,饱含多少忧愁。彩色的纸笺,写满甜言蜜语,孕育思念悠悠,用一滴蜂蜜粘住邮戳,也粘住了多情的我。世界邮政日,送一封甜蜜的祝福,祝你永远幸福!

8、 邮政是树,将我对你的思念长出绿色的树叶,挂满枝头,在你经过时为你奉上阵阵凉意;邮政是花,将我对你的牵挂散发迷人的芬芳,香飘四野,在你劳累时为你驱走阵阵倦意;世界邮政日,我的祝福你是否收到?

9、 无论包裹还是信件,无论风轻还是沉甸,一份关怀在心间,邮政联通你我之间。世界邮政日,送上一声祝福,愿你快乐无限。

10、 将问候托给明月照着你走遍四方;放一份爱交给鸿雁,一路陪伴左右;将一份关怀交给清风,时时处处能感受到我的温柔。世界邮政日,我的爱陪你到远方。

11、 风里飘来“我爱你”的话语,云里映着是浓浓的爱意,鸿雁带着问候落在你的肩头,短信伴着温暖送到你的心里。世界邮政日,有爱就不存在距离。

12、 在深夜里把思念写下来,让熟悉的字给你关怀,让它穿越沙漠飘过大海,在晴朗的那一天拆开。世界邮政日,愿我的信赶走你的阴霾,将快乐带给你。

13、 世界邮政日,寄一缕阳光,灿烂你怀抱;寄一份快乐,消解你烦恼;寄一丝轻风,好运身旁绕;寄一份思念,情意永不少;寄一份祝福,温暖来报到。

14、 我是一枚空空的信封,里面没有内容你却读得懂。我把所有的思念,装进信封里,在梦里寄给你。世界邮政日,愿你开心,你就是我的唯一。

15、 叫一声朋友,让天上鸿雁为你捎去快乐;诉一缕思念,让绿色使者带给你好运常“邮”;世界邮政日,送一句祝福,让友情明信片给你邮去幸福。

16、 鸿雁传书,雁鸣是期盼的表达;邮差送信,邮票传递温暖牵挂;短信祝福,送给想念的他;铃声是浓情的酒,震动似馨香的茶,世界邮政日,形式常变,情意不改,祝福依然。

17、 绿色的通道,把平安传递;洁白的信笺,让思念遥寄;亲切的笔迹,将快乐记忆;朴实的文字,让真情永续。世界邮政日,一封祝福信,愿幸福与你相伴行!

18、 如今时代变化真是快,以前几张信纸漂泊几天来寄思念,现在一条短信传递一分钟就能寄祝福,无论过去的信还是现在的信,都能把情牵,就看你放不放在心上

19、 有话好好说,有话慢慢说。再急也要把话说清楚,再慌也要把话说明白。如果不方便不好意思当面说,还可以发发短信是不?短信常联系,感情不降温。

20、 世界邮政日,捻一片叶,写下绿色的希望;采一朵花,留下思念的芳香;我把它们装入平安的信封里寄去给你。请你用微笑接收我对你诚心的祝愿:开心每一天

21、 用斑斓信纸,写下真情文字,折成一颗爱心形状,再用美好记忆信封将它盛装,染上一抹这个季节的柔软桂花香,托吉祥鸿雁,飞过思念晚霞铺满的天空,对你说祝福:再忙也要注意身体,世界邮政日,愿你快乐健康!

22、 把云彩粘成信件,里面装满爱的小雨点,让清风吹到你身边,打开爱的信件,落下无数祝福心愿,祝福你时时都是好运连,世界邮政日,传递爱的邮件,愿幸福吉祥把你黏。

23、 梦回披衣想写诗,多愁善感惹人痴。每把思念封信封,幸福甜蜜入心中。欲寄彩笺与尺素,又恐浓情意不足。风雨无阻且行行,万水千山都是情。诗意清纯像首歌,邮戳联系你和我。世界邮政日,我说我爱你!

24、 一封信笺寄思念万千,一笔汇款集真爱无言,一个包裹装人间冷暖,一个快件传欢乐无限,邮政的神经把幸福平安牵连。世界邮政日,祝你联通开心大路,漫游吉祥天空。

25、 有联系,牵挂却是时时刻刻;没有沟通,灵犀却在你我之间。世界邮政日,用邮票架起沟通的桥梁,用信封串起联系的纽带,用一页心语,带去无尽的思念!



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Smoke has something for people in poor health, nicotine.

Nicotine in a cigarette can kill a mouse, 25 g of nicotine in cigarettes can kill a few cows, 40 to 60 mg of pure nicotine can kill a person.

The dangers of nicotine is also quite big, it can cause stomach or other stomach disease; Also can make the person causes heart disease cause rhythm of the heart is not straight; The outbreak of serious still can cause cancer.

Cigarettes are hidden in the invisible killer, around us are all should be vigilant.

According to scientists, the chemical composition of tobacco contains hundreds of complex, most harmful to human body, including tar, nicotine, phenols, alcohols, acids, aldehyde is 40 kinds of toxic and carcinogenic substance. Smoke after the fire, smoke, contains the chemical composition of tobacco in all, at the same time than the tobacco itself and added some harmful substances, such as carbon monoxide, tobacco tar and so on. This is because in addition to the tobacco itself, in the process of cigarette made, to add some cocoa in raw materials, liquorice, sugar, glycerin, such as ethylene glycol, moist, taste fragrance and combustion-supporting material. Although these additive itself is harmless, but changed in the process of combustion. For example, in the back of the rat with cocoa after burning smoke oil, can grow skin tumor. Glycyrrhizic acid in glycyrrhiza after burning, with other ingredients, can generate have carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Sugar increased after combustion with tobacco tar, and the product of sugar after combustion is an important carcinogens in tobacco. Glycerin and glycol after the burning of the material, not only can make smokers bladder cancer, and the acrolein inhibits the trachea and cilia secretion from the lungs, thereby increase the chances of suffering from bronchitis and emphysema, and make people with both became seriously ill.

Smoke harm to people is how great! So we cant smoke. Stop smoking, the benefit of future generations.


一枝香烟中的尼古丁可以毒死一只小白鼠,25g的香烟里的尼古丁可 毒死几头牛,40至60毫克纯尼古丁可以毒死一个人。







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Tobacco is a wild plant growth in central and South America, the first Indian to chewing tobacco or cigarette burning to suck. Tobacco in the global popular for over 200 years, until the 20th century, mankind began to realize that the dangers of tobacco to human. In 1977, the American cancer society first puts forward the control smoking is a form of publicity and education, no tobacco day.

This day, in the United States for nationwide smoking harm health propaganda, dissuade smokers do not smoke in the day, shop a day halt to the sale of tobacco products. The United States put every November 3 weeks on Thursday as the countrys no tobacco day. Later, the United Kingdom, Malaysia, China and other countries and regions also successively formulated the no tobacco day. In November 1987, the UNs world health organization recommends will every year on April 7, as the "world no tobacco day", and in 1988 began to perform. But was established by the world health organization on April 7, anniversary, this day each year, the world health organization (who) has to request a health topics. In order not to interfere with the theme of health, the world health organization decided to will each year since 1989 on May 31 as world no tobacco day, China will as Chinas day that day.


这天,在美国全国范围内进行“吸烟危害健康”的宣传,劝阻吸烟者在当天不吸烟,商店停售烟草制品一天。美国把每年11月第3周的星期四定为本国的无烟日。以后,英国、马来西亚、中国等国家和地区也相继制定了无烟日。 1987年11月,联合国世界卫生组织建议将每年的4月7日定为“世界无烟日”,并于1988年开始执行。但因4月7日是世界卫生组织成立的纪念日,每年的这一天,世界卫生组织都要提出一项保健要求的主题。为了不干扰其卫生主题的提出,世界卫生组织决定从1989年起将每年的5月31日定为世界无烟日,中国也将该日作为中国的无烟日。



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Today is world sleep day, our dormitory the night lessons ready to sleep early and enjoy the day of sleep.

"Wu Jiaqi, I sleep with you tonight, or you will cant sleep, can you?" I lay in my bed for Wu Jiaqi said. "Yeah, warmly welcomed in, you bring a pillow and a quilt cover me." Wu Jiaqi readily agreed. "Oh," I picked up the pillow walked up to her bed, cover the quilt, and she began to chat: "Wu Jiaqi, do you think you of the 9 days youll think you mom and dad?" "Yes." "That ` ` ` ` ` `" I had a long chat and Wu Jiaqi, imperceptibly, fell asleep in a daze.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up. Beside only hear the sound of waves "shout shout", has always been I turned and looked at, it turns out that there is Wu Jiaqi snore. So noisy! At that time, I found that she not only play the snoring, also is so crowded that I left a small piece of place. Wow, good uncomfortable, probably more than 30 cm ` ` ` ` ` ` I gently pushed her, want her to stop snoring, at the same time, give me a small piece of the position of the bed. Wu Jiaqi, however, did not give me the position of the bed, there is no snoring, rather more loud snoring, give me the location of the smaller bed. Well, really sad ah! In my helpless, had to pick up the pillow moved.

Moved back to the my "home". Moved back to the "home" after Wu Jiaqi snore also echoed in our voice, when I was the last straw, next to a bed Yu Run heart suddenly stood up from the bed, scared me. She is going to do? I thought to myself, you turn your head to the position of her go, saw only Yu Run heart rushed to the front of the Wu Jiaqi bed, pinched her nose. Wu Jiaqi "hum" for a moment, turned around, finally dont snore, alas! Nightmare is finally over.

Alas, this world sleep day, its really a tragedy, I have to continue to sleep again tomorrow.








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If I say the world earth day, you will think of what? Is a river full of garbage, is with the black smoke of the chimney, and the corridor will sweep up the rubbish, or even a spitting behavior?


Do not care for the environment of the things happen every day, whether you have such a behavior? If there is, if you can one day to reflect on World Environment Day? If not, would you stop that?


The classmates, I hope everyone together and I: caring for the environment, to defend the homeland, bit by bit from the start!



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World Environment Day is started from 1972, which is established by the United Nations General Assembly for raising global awareness to take actions to protect the Nature. The establishment of World Environment Day shows people’s the cognition and the attitude to the environmental problem, and expresses our human beings’ desire of pursuing the better environment. Every year the United Nations Environment Program proposes a theme, and the 2014 theme of this day will focus on ‘Small Island and Climate change’ and the slogan is “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level”.


World Environment Day can be celebrated in lots of ways, for instances, planting trees, doing some recycling, participating the clean-up campaigns and so on. Certainly people can also do something simple, like going to work by bus instead of private cars. I believe if everyone takes environmental actions as a habit, we are doing a big difference for the better environment.庆祝世界环境日的方式多种多样,例如植树,对废物进行循环利用,参加清洁行动等等。





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Since 1997, every year on April 11, was identified as "World Parkinsons Disease Day" (World Parkinson s diseases, Day). The day was the discoverer of the Parkinsons disease, the British physician Dr James Parkinsons birthday.

On April 11, 1997, the European federation of Parkinsons disease (EPDA) announced in its charter, Parkinsons disease has the following rights: 1, was introduced to the Parkinsons disease with a special interest in the field of the doctors rights; 2, the right to accept an accurate diagnosis; 3, easy to get the right to help or service; 4, accept the rights of the long-term care; 5, participate in the treatment process.

The world health organization (WHO) to support the world the determination of Parkinsons disease, and the agenda of the European federation of Parkinsons disease. The government departments and the social from all walks of life in many countries have chosen in Parkinsons disease theme activities on April 11th. The world health organization and some countries government department, international medical community and regional cooperation, jointly promote the research and treatment of Parkinsons disease.

从1997年开始,每年的4月11日被确定为“世界帕金森病日”(World Parkinsons Disease Day)。这一天是帕金森病的发现者——英国内科医生詹姆斯·帕金森博士的生日。





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Iraq is a part of the middle east next to iran & kuwait. it is very important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum fields.

It is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war started.

on september 11,2001,the twin towers in new york as well as parts of the pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made george bush declared to fight the country’s enemies.it was said that iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the un to find the clues.though no evidence was found, america still wanted to go to war with iraq and the main target is sadam hussein. the war was just like the quiet battle between france and china in 1800s.it was said that a relation of sadam betrayed him.

I think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight. it is related to so many victims’ inrerests . as a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.





