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During weekdays, I am busy, because I must go to school. I usually get up

at 6:30 a.m.. And then I do some washing. After that, I will have my breakfast

at 6:50. I usually go to school at 7:15. Now, I can go to school and come home

by myself. I have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. I have

my lunch at home. I study Chinese, math, English and some other subjects at

school. At night, I can watch TV or play computer. But I have to finish my

homework first. I usually go to bed at 10:00 p.m..




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In my family, there are only three people, my parents and I. because of my

parents’ work, they could only have one child at that time, so I don’t have any

siblings. I felt so lonely when my parents went out for their work. Now the

government changed their policy, people can have the second child. But some

people refuse because they think they can’t afford it. Despite the expense,

there are many advantages to have the second child. For one thing, the only

child can have someone company, so they won’t feel lonely on the process of

growing up. For another thing, two kids will help each other, they can share

things together. Learning to share things is a very important lesson for

children. In Chinese tradition, more kids, more better, but I think two are

perfect for the family.



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dear dick,

i am very glad to hear from you. you asked me about the change of school education in china. we are really happy about the changes called on to reduce learning load. before i had to study six days a week and i always went to bed after 11:30. i seldom had free time to do what i like. but now i have more spare time. i can read many interesting books, watch tv or even do some sports. and i never feel tired in the class as before, because i go bed at 10:00. all of my classmates are happy about this new arrangement of things.



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If life is a banquet,Friendshipis a flower. Friendship is to our life

what water is to fish. If you are in trouble, friends will surround you and

remove the barriers for you. Friendship plays an important role in our daily

life. I’ll cherish my friendship forever.

When I was in Grade 3 in senior high school, because of serious headache, I

couldn’t go to school. The doctor said that I must have a rest for a week. Once

hearing that, I was anxious. The step of Gaokao approaches. The subjects are

quite difficult. One night at eleven o’clock when we heard someone knock the

door, mum opened the door. Li Ming came in .He walked towards my bed and asked

my body. Then he said he would help me with the subjects. I didn’t agree with

him .After a day’s classes he was very tired. But he insisted on helping me with

the subjects. In the end, I agreed. Whether it was fine or not, he came

punctually. I was deeply impressed by his kindness. Apart from helping me with

the subjects, he also comforted me. And I felt better. As proverb says “If you

tell your sorrow to your friends, your sorrow will be reduced by half.” I

thought he had helped me a lot. If he had not helped me with the subjects at

that time, I firmly believed I would have fallen behind others. I felt an

immense gratitude to Li Ming. I was happy to have such a friend.

To sum up, a life without a friend is a life without sun. Friendship is one

of the most valuable things in life. We should treasure our friendship.



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The 2012 Summer Olympic Games, London 2012 are scheduled to take place in

London, United Kingdom, from 27 July to 12 August 2012. London was selected as

the host city on 6 July 2005. London made great efforts to compete for the

Olympic Games. However, because of the financial crisis in 2008, London met many

troubles in Finance. London has successfully held two Olympic Games before, the

fourthin 1908 and the 14th in1948. This Games have a total of 26 items, and will

produce 302 gold medals. We hope that our Chinese athletes can get good results

in this Games.



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Every day I will come to my house downstairs garden that buy vegetables,

every time to buy food I will carry a green bag, and I buy food is the most

fresh, the most nutrition, without any pesticide of vegetables.

After buying vegetables, I will go home to cook cooking. I hold accuse the

electric meal bao in the home is from solar power, so that use of low cost, no

pollution to the environment, to adapt to the sustainable development; High

reliability, and does not need complex azuowenry system. I started cooking. My

family is from downstairs stream into electric frying pans hydro power, its low

cost, no pollution, can be continuous regeneration. Can strong effect. Water

dissolving force is big, has great ability of ionization, can make the water

soluble substances in the body exist in dissolved, and the attitude of the

electrolyte ions, help active chemical reactions in the human body, increase the

vigour. After dinner, I go to do my homework.

My home is the LED desk lamp, it can be environmental protection and energy

saving can save 80% of the electricity; More comfortable visibility, provides a

more uniform light and clear images; Long life; Easy to use security. Homework,

Im ready to go outside to play for a while.

I rode my bike and looking at the flowers outside, very beautiful flowers,

colorful; Grass, grass, cui lust flow. His heart alacrity. My bike is very good,

he is very environmental protection, no pollution, can let us save Labour, save

money. In the look at the car outside, energy consumption; The tail car cause

air pollution, global warming; Go out by car, reduces the chance people walking

exercise, affect the body health. Say to say, wed like to keep the car bicycle,

drive a car. I went to bed after I exercise the body.

My bed is very warm, it is because we use heat to keep the bed warm. He

covers an area of small; Dont need to do central heating time saving manpower;

Thermal efficiency is higher, the heat utilization rate of hot water is several

times. Very practical. In my warm bed asleep slowly, slowly fall asleep. This is

my low carbon life, my home!



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1. 防控新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,那是必须的!对宅在家里、减少外出的我们来说,积极健身增强抵抗力,也是必需的!

2. 今年春节的正确姿势是?一个字宅!调整好心态,“宅”出好情绪。面对新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情,全国人民都在用“宅”在家的方式,表达对抗击疫情的决心和支持!

3. 积极响应政府号召,为防止疫情扩散“宅”在家中,做好自我防护,为阻击疫情贡献一份力量。

4. 疫情当前,宅在家里就是为祖国做贡献了,2020鼠年,这个年注定不一样!加油逆行者们!加油,武汉!

5. 鲜花一组,献给奋战在疫情前线的勇士,也献给宅在家防控疫情的人们,希望在前,坚持就是胜利!武汉加油!中国加油!

6. 这个春节,一定会让我们永生难忘。举国上下都在为抗击新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情而努力,这是一场全民参与的共同战疫。

7. 对于我们普通人而言,参与这场“战疫”的最好方式就是保护好自己,“宅”就是履行社会责任,少出门就是与疫情抗争。

8. 宅家十天并不寂寞,网络、电视、广播资讯四通八达,我们看到了上下齐心共抗疫情的决心,更坚定“宅在家不添乱”的决心。宅不仅为自己健康,也是对社会负责。

9. 天气晴朗,多么美好的天气,多么适合小孩踏青,可是一场疫情让多少人宅在家里,天佑中华,祝福快快好起来。

10. 致敬那些冒着生命危险奋斗一线的英雄们。好期待疫情快点过去啊,大家能早日回到正常的生活。

11. 祝愿早日战胜疫情所有人健康平安!大家记得戴口罩、勤洗手、照顾好自己和家人,我们一起加油共渡难关!

12. 致敬前线与疫情抗争到底的人,愿每一位医护战士都平安,爱心汇聚,武汉加油!祝早日战胜这场疾病!

13. 一定会早日战胜疫情!!我们相信!看到一些人说的那些沮丧话,我真不知道该说些什么了!请为中国加油!

14. 不瞎站队,不乱带节奏,只祈祷我们能早日战胜疫情,让前线辛苦奋战的人们可以休息休息!

15. 天佑中国,在武汉前线奋斗白衣天使们加油,早日战胜病魔,武汉加油,各地同胞加油。

16. 愿早日战胜疫情,再看不了生离死别的故事,祝愿国人平安顺遂! 加油武汉,加油湖北!加油中国!愿早日战胜疫情!

17. 武汉加油,中国加油,愿一切安好,愿一切平安,愿早日战胜病魔,愿早日恢复健康!

18. 向这些战斗在疫情战场的工作人员致敬,武汉加油,中国加油,希望能够早日战胜疫情,希望大家能够平安!

19. 这段时间心里难受,一场突如其来的病毒,让这个春节的天空充满了阴霾,没有了过年的气氛。今年的冬天特过漫长,希望早日战胜病毒。迎来真正的春天。

20. 以前总觉得自己很忙,现在就趁这个机会沉淀一下自己,愿祖国早日战胜疫情,人民健康安定!

21. 武汉加油中国加油,请尊重辛苦的医务人员成果,大家保持自觉,共同早日战胜疫情。

22. 祈福武汉,早日彻底战胜病毒!让勇敢大爱的逆行者早日平安回家,中国人民早日战胜疫情有坚强信心。

23. 2020一开始世界就在提醒人们,要学会珍惜,等熬过疫情,就去见想见的人做想做的事,不要给人生留下遗憾,意外和明天你永远不知道那个先来。

24. 世界很大,幸福很小。希望如期而至的不止春天,还有疫情过后平安的你。愿一切美好都如期而至! ​

25. 那有什么苦尽甘来,但是生活是苦不尽,甘常在的。那么苦的人生里一点点甜都可以回味很久。希望疫情赶快结束!

26. 一场疫情看遍人生百态,每天睡醒都觉得自己生活在一场灾难片里,希望早日有个好结局。

27. 我们会因为疫情而感到踌躇,但不会停下生活的脚步,因为时间从来不会为你的人生按下暂停键。

28. 人生,你永远都不知道惊喜和意外哪个会先来。等这次疫情过了,去见想见的人,做想做的事吧,别给自己留遗憾。

29. 春天来了,万物更新!除了关注目前疫情,我们还有生活,做好该做的,保持心情愉快,笑面人生。 ​

30. 从未想到灾难距离自己这么接近!对不幸染病的个人和家庭而言,人生与美满生活戛然而止。希望尽快控制疫情,挽救更多生命与家庭!

31. 世界一直在用各种方式来提醒我们学会珍惜。待到春暖花开的季节,愿所求皆所愿,山河无恙,岁月安康。

32. 漫漫人生路,修行和风险管理是一辈子的旅程,就像这次疫情,就像突然的噩耗,都在告诫我们,做好自己,愿历此坎坷,山河可无恙,人间皆可安。

33. 在家里躺着,能吃能喝的我,已经是最大的幸福者了。这平凡的人生里面,遇到的所有烦恼,难过痛苦,在这疫情前面,什么都不是。 ​

34. 也许这次疫情,看尽了人生百态,但是我们依然要保护好自己和家人,安安心心等着这场疫情过去,加油!

35. 只希望疫情能早日结束,春暖花开之时我们都能走在街头不戴口罩,繁华与共!国泰民安,风调雨顺,希望“疫情”早点过去!

36. 一场疫情,让我们明白:人生没有永远,来日并不方长,一定要活好当下,珍惜眼前,想做的事,快点做,想见的人,早点见,别再等待,别总拖延,否则就会留下无法弥补的遗憾。

37. 经历疫情洗礼,我们开始反思人生,管他什么爱恨情仇,活着最重要。抗击疫情,宅家健身增强免疫力。

38. 疫情结束后,重新开始。人生总是这样十有八九不如意,重新开始,不偏不倚,依然满怀希望。一切都是最好的安排。越努力越幸运! ​

39. 没有人生来勇敢,正因为被需要,他们才选择了逆风前行,坚定地履行职责。疫情的阴霾之下,他们远离家人,奔赴战“疫”前线!

40. 祝福那些支援湖北的天使们,一定要健健康康安安全全的,希望老天保佑善良的人一生平安。一世幸为中国人,千世万世也要为中国人!



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I am a girl of ten, and I live in a small mountain village far from

Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is

away for eight years, working in a city.

During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and

tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even

harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home

for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not

money, but my father. I miss him very much!



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21st century is the century of technology. Nowadays, technology is

everywhere around us. The development of technology has a significant affact

toward the society. Several technologies that we usually use are the internet,

computer, and cellphone. These new technologies make our life much easier and


First, the development of computer changes our life. Decades ago, people

needed to do lots of complex calculation on hand because they did not have

computer, and more obvious, they did not have the software for calculation. As

the result of that, people spent hours on the equations that a computer can

solve in just a minute. Since the development of computer, people are able to

use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical

calculation. Computer becomes the most helpful equipment for the sciencists

because they can use their time more efficiently.

Also, internet is another useful tool for us today. The development of

internet brings a great impact toward the society. Instead of going to library

and fliping all the books to figure out some information, we can just simply use

a mouse and click on the website to do research. The internet leads us to a

place where we can find unlimited information and resources. It makes our life

much easier and better.

The last technology is cellphone. Nowadays, many people have a cellphone.

But it just appears on the market for about 10 years. It is very convenience to

the users because we can talk to anyone we want with a phone as small as a

wallet. Also, we can communicate with others by making a phone call instead of

sending letters. It is very fast and useful way to communicate.

In conclusion, I believe the development of technology brings significant

impact to our life. It is very helpful to us and I believe technology will keep

improving in future.



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As the technology and economic is developing, the environment problem is

becoming a severe problem, and the people are seriously affected.

The sustained damage to the environment has caused a serious problem, such

as air pollution, sand storm, extraordinary weather, and diseases etc., people

suffer from what they have done to the environment.

However. People have realized that it will be too late if they don’t do

anything to prevent things from getting worse. For example, there is an “Earth

Hour” on a Saturday of March of each year. It is a global movement, usually it

lasts from 8:30pm to 9:30pm. It is also called “Light-off for One Hour”. During

this hour, all the light will be turned off. The purpose of this movement is not

only to save energy, but also to warn the people to realize the importance of

protecting the mother earth, and to stop violating the environment.

Anyway, people and the environment have to keep a balance relationship.

People take from the environment, and have to protect it too.



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The summer holiday is coming. Our class have had a discussion about what to do during the holiday. Some are in favor of staying at home. They think its both convenient and comfortable. Whats more, they can save money for other purposes. But they will lose the chance of getting to know the outside world.

However, others prefer to go out for traveling since it can increase their knowledge and broaden their horizons. But they will spend more money and meet some difficulties while traveling.

In my opinion, it would be much better to stay at home, for I can do what I like, such as reading books, watching TV, and helping my parents with the housework.



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It is well-known that fruit is good for our health and we should have more.

Do you really understand what benefit it brings to us? Let me show you some.

First of all, fruit is good for our skin. Fruit has rich trace elements and

vitamin, which can nourish the skin. The makeup is hard to reach its effect.

Besides, some fruit have the effect of delaying senescence for the elements

their contain. So, eating more fruit can make skin better and look more


Secondly, fruit is good for our health. It helps to prevent and treat

disease. Fruit is helpful to treat cardiovascular disease, dental ulcer and so

on. The people who eat fruit often have less risk to get those diseases.

Last, fruit is delicious. Different fruit have different tastes. Many

people like eating it as snacks. For me, eating delicious food can make me feel

happy. I often eat apple, pear, banana, litchi and so on. I like them.

To sum up, fruit is really good for us, inside and outside. We should take

some in our daily life, but we should not eat excessively.



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Since I was small, I have heard about the Great Wall, it is very long, a

lot of people come to Beijingto watch it. In China, there is an old saying“One

who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero”. As it is so famous, I want to

the site when I have a chance. I see many pictures about the Great Wall on the

books, I also watch it through TV. Every time I see it, I feel so eager to reach

there. My father traveled there once, he took many pictures, this is the first

time I feel so close to the site. I must work hard, so I can have money to go to




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This is our school library . It s openfrom 8:30 to 11:30 in the morning

and from 1:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon . It s not verylarge . It has only

three assistants and about two thousand books . The assistants are friendly and

the books are interesting . So we often come here after class . From thelibrary

, you can borrow two books at a time , and keep them for two weeks . In its

reading room , there are tables and chairs . There you can do your homework or

read the magazines .



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In a few days is the National Day, our school will be on holiday then.

The students know the origin of the National Day? Now I introduce you to the students.

On October 1, 1949 the day announced chairman MAO on the tiananmen rostrum, the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.

So this day is called "National Day".

I also saw on TV the peoples liberation army uncle for the motherland people can live a happy happy life, is not afraid of Japan on the battlefield, with their life for our happy and beautiful life today.

And outside people have a holiday back to work and study, and the family reunion together, about this season.

This is my idea of a "National Day", I hope everyone can enjoy a nice holiday.



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Everyone will have some unforgettable memories. These big and small

memories are like the shining stars in my memory, and one of them is the first

time I read science books.

It was the second day of the summer vacation for Daban. It was sunny and a

little sultry in the morning. My father said to me happily, "son, today my

father will take you to climb the mountain and enjoy the beautiful scenery on

the top of the mountain." I readily agreed. So we came to the famous Dayang

mountain in Dongzhu.

My father and I went to the foot of the mountain, looked up, and could not

see the top of Dayang mountain. My father said, "climb to the top of the

mountain and you can enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the world." I look

forward to my father.

At the beginning of climbing, I was full of energy and very relaxed. But

when I climbed to the middle of the mountain, my body became heavier and heavier

like lead. Dad saw me like this, so we rested for a while, and continued to

climb up. After a long time, I saw that I was exhausted when I was near the top

of the mountain. I begged dad to take me down the mountain. Dad encouraged me:

"hold on a little longer, and soon I will be at the top of the mountain Well,

the ancients said, "you will be at the top of the mountain and see all the small

mountains." dont you want to experience this feeling? " I gasped and said, "Dad,

I really cant climb. I cant move my legs anymore. I want to go back..." Dad

helplessly took me down the mountain.

At that time, I didnt stick to it. Unfortunately, I missed the beautiful

scenery at the top of the mountain. Ive learned that if I do anything, work hard

and stick to it to the end, there will be gains. Study is also, persist in the

end will achieve good results.



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What is the definition of success? I believe different people will have

different opinions about it. If anyone asks me what is success for me, I will

tell him progress is success for me. I can have small goal or great aim in my

whole life. If the goal what I set is too large for me, I will not taste the

feeling of success. Or I always set small goals, so I will feel success all the

time, which may make me become autophilia and without ambitions. Therefore, I

think if I can be better than yesterday or last time, then I am successful.



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So many children take what their parents do for them for granted, they

haven’t realized the meaning of being grateful. So they always get angry with

their parents, because they don’t get what they want. According to the news that

a little girl went out of the house and refused to go home because her parents

did not give her enough pocket money. I was so shocked to hear it, I would never

ask much from my parents, because I knew they were not easy to make a living and

I am always feel so thankful for what they offer me. Even the one who gives me a

hand when I am in need, I would remember him and when I have the chance, I will

return. A grateful heart makes us a kind person and create a harmonious




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Teacher, perhaps the two words you have listened to many times, but I still want to say to you: "teacher, thank you!" On the occasion of arrival of teachers day, I will always think of you taught my scenes at ordinary times. When I have trouble, you always took pains to my guidance and help me; When I have a mistake, you will seriously pointed out, and then kindly help me to correct mistakes; When I achieved good grades, you will always be cock thumb, smile with canthus.

Teacher, you are my teacher! You are let me admire, let me progress, let me grow up tutor!

Teachers, thank you!



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With the rapid development of the internet, shopping on the Internet has

become a fashion in our daily life. According to the latest data, over two

hundred million people used to buy commodities on the Internet. Some of the

students also join the group.

There are many advantages about shopping on the Internet. Just by a click

of the mouse, you can buy whatever you like without going outdoors. You don’t

need to worry about being trapped in the crowed people and cars, or wasting too

much time on walking. When shopping on line, you can choose from more varieties

of goods, whose price are generally lower.

Every coin has two sides. Its disadvantages are obvious, too. On one hand,

it’s very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the

internet,which is quite disappointed. On the other hand, shopping on the

Internet may cause people to buy commodities that are not badly needed. It’s a

waste of money.

After all, I really enjoy shopping on the Internet.
