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On this day in twenty-first Century, the new century is a widely used technology, the "no wonder Wurenbuxiao," is the "computer", with a "computer" is brought about by the Internet -- known to every family!

The computer is a great invention in the recent ten years before coming out of the network, it is a great progress, as the acme of perfection, as food and clothing, housing and transportation, education and entertainment, the network can help you. The network not only can satisfy you in life, even entertainment are you satisfied with the package, such as good housekeeping, whenever and wherever possible convenience, everyone yearned, also had its "universal" show the white feather, admire.

Nothing is perfect in every respect, is the so-called "extreme" network, although it is very popular among the public, but because it is in everyones life, so by the unscrupulous covet: manufacturing of computer viruses, Trojan horses, and even set up fishing and pornographic sites, is threatened by growing crises. If you accidentally enter the website not fit to be seen should be shut down immediately, otherwise, like yangruhukou, fall into the lions den as difficult to get away.

The first three feet gods, and reward those who want to take advice, network instruments of crime criminals, must not hold fluky mentality, doing something illegal, so as not to violate the law, then it is too late. Although the website can satisfy human needs and desires, but if you use it as a tool for crime, is tantamount to stoop, harm.

"Water can carry a boat, can also capsize, the network is the same, I hope everyone can remember using the rules of network, as long as the use of computer to comply with safety rules, so you can be a happy E generation.




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Finally, my ninth birthday! I had been talking to my mother about having a birthday party, and my mother said she would give me a surprise. In the evening, when I came home, I found the room filled with colorful balloons and banners with "happy birthday".

I invited nine students to my birthday party. The first came to know, and I was so excited to take him to the park in the neighborhood. Soon, many children arrived on time. I take them to my room to play, everybody depend on babble, very not lively! "Well, its dinner! Moms voice just dropped, we were jumping up and down to the restaurant. "Wow, what a big dinner! I dont know who cried. Everyone ate unceremoniously. Ah, there are so many students eating together. Its delicious!

After dinner, we sang karaoke. "Campus top ten small singer" pan daichen has a lot of talent, wang and pan daichen have also become the host of the show. We took turns performing, I performed the erhu horse racing, and I sang the tan te. Everyone laughed until they had a stomachache. Mom and dad were laughing too hard.

At the beginning of the cake, I lit a birthday candle and everyone sang happy birthday. I also painted a lot of people with a big cat. Everyone looks in the mirror, laughing and tears come out!

Today, I am so happy! This birthday is the happiest Ive ever had, a "record-breaking" birthday!



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This years fathers day, I finally feel that Im not around my parents,

how much I miss them. Its like several years. I guess I miss them too much. Do

you miss me? In a flash, I grow up. Time is really fast. Because of this,

sometimes I think of my childhood.


I still remember when I was a child, you took me on a bicycle and galloped

in the fast lane just for fear that I would be late for school to catch the bus

I wanted to take; you also remembered that I forgot to take my homework, you

were afraid that the teacher would scold me, no matter how busy or how bad the

weather was, you would come to the school to send it to me; you also remembered

that in primary school, the teacher said you were a model parent; Remember that

when I was sick and had stomachache, I cried to ask you to knead my belly for me

in the middle of the night, and you would be sleepy to sleep, but you would

immediately wake up and continue to knead for me until dawn; remember that when

I was a child, every time I was lying in the bathtub, you would help me to rub

the bath; remember that when my dirty clothes were thrown around, you would

silently pick up the clothes on the ground and clean them for me; I still

remember when you were a kid, you blew my legs in order to send me to learn the

piano, and you often hurt in the winter when riding a motorcycle. I still

remember that you often ran around for work, and your hair turned white. I still

remember that you got up at the earliest time every morning to buy food for my

mother and me, so that my mother and I would wake up and see all kinds of

breakfast on the table; I remember when I was sad for school, you always said,

"its OK, and Dad!"



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Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. One of the most serious problems is the pollution of air, water and soil. The polluted air does great harm to people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

Luckily, governments of many countries have done a lot to protect the environment. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution.

To serve as responsible stewards of the planet, we must promote and popularize a low-carbon life among the public from every detail in our daily life. Firstly, we should walk or ride bikes instead of driving cars. Secondly, when we leave our house, we would better turn off the lights, fans and air-conditioning. In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.



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Easter is celebrated by exchange of Easter Eggs and other nifty gifts.Gift range may vary from anything between money,clothes,chocolate or go on holidays together.Some people make Easter bonnets or baskets,which have things like daffodils in them or mini eggs.Children sometimes go to a local community center to enter an Easter bonnet competition to see whose bonnet is the best and the winner gets an Easter egg.

The Easter bunny is very much a part of the Easter tradition in British.The shops are filled with thousands which people buy to give to each other.The Easter bunny hides the eggs in the houses and children on Easter Sunday search to find these treats.

Hot-cross buns are popular foods on Good Friday.These are sweet fruit buns with crosses on top.Some people still make these with yeast,but shops now sell dozens in the week before Easter.






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Shakespeare in Love




并不华丽的场景却真实地再现16世纪的伦敦闹市,跟随着主人翁的步伐,我们来到了剧场,这里正在招聘演员,男女主角的第一次见面就在这里发生。中国有句古话:冥冥之中,定有天意。Viola正是那位Shakespeare所需的能激发其灵感的女神,年轻的Shakespeare敏锐的感觉让他发现了 Viola是个漂亮的女孩,接着如同那些爱情小说里描写的一样,他们坠入了爱河。这时候Shakespeare的灵感如泉涌,并将他们的爱情付诸成文字, Viola成为他生命中的Juliet,而他这个Romeo也找到生存的意义。

如同众多的爱情悲剧小说里的情形一样,他们的爱情被残酷的现实所阻挠:Viola必须嫁给Wisher爵士,这是Victoria女王所钦定的,并且 Shakespeare早已成婚。在一场身分混淆、错综复杂的乌龙闹剧中,大吃干醋的未婚夫和未婚妻的情人决斗,私定终身的情侣偷偷调情,而年轻的 Shakespeare不但得为他的剧本想出完美的结局,也得为他自己的爱情找到快乐的结局。

曾为《钢琴师》、《跳出我天地》等欧洲名片谱写过电影配乐的英国新进作曲者Stephen Warbeck以其擅长的古典剧作笔法,既吸取了古典配乐上的欢快与幽默,又努力向时尚的剧情烘托靠拢。本片的配乐一直都维持了一股宫廷电影应有的典雅与高贵。音乐一路描绘着剧中人物的情感变化。影片从昂扬的揭开序曲,一路细腻且生动地描绘着剧中人物的喜怒哀乐,到及的深沉情绪中,紧密交织的古典交响曲式,慢板的钢琴曲及女高音Catherine Bott跨刀吟唱无一不紧扣人心。




Layla Kaylif - Shakespeare In Love

Hes fought and hes fallen

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet

A sinister romantic

Oh, hes about to be and shes about to see

Teachin torches to burn bright

Shes hanging on the cheek of night

A snowy dove trooping with crows

He never saw true beauty till tonight


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Hes fought and hes fallen

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet

A glittery romantic

Oh, hes about to be and shes about to see

His bountys boundless like the sea

His love is endless, just as deep

The more he gives the more he has

`Cause both of them are truly infinite


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Thats Shakespeare in love

A sinister romantic

Hes on his knees before hes on his feet


Shell take him to the brink of deliverance

Show him that much

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

So he falls in love to feel that hes falling

Shell let him know his heart

Oh, dont you know it

Oh, dont you know it

Thats Shakespeare in love

Thats Shakespeare in love




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In my impression, I dont seem to have ever received a Christmas gift. But this year I have received several pieces of Christmas gifts, gifts received the moment, indescribably happy!

It happened on Christmas day, I came to the school with the joyful mood, suddenly found his pocket which turned out to have a lot of lessons for Christmas, I sat on the seat quickly put out gifts found above the names of many students, I am excited golden beans are falling out, everyone looked at me and said "Zhao Runze, dont cry. This is a token of our ah! Again, you have to go, we are not allowed to send you ah (in fact, forget to tell you, I actually have to transfer)! We dont have anything to send you. Its Christmas day, and well have to give me a Christmas gift. Haha, dont be sad, our school will always welcome you! " I didnt cry when I heard them.

The second day I was going, and when I went, everyone was sending me off, and some of my good classmates were crying. I dont think Im crying too. They cry and comfort me. I think this is the best Christmas gift!

Now, I am learning in the new school, the new school atmosphere and the new environment. My classmates are treating me very well. I hope to write this composition so that my former classmates can see it. I want to tell them, "I miss you!"



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一开门,就是一句“新年好,哈—匹—牛—叶(happy new year)!”哇,现在就连普通话都不怎么好的叔叔也有一口“流利”的英语,他说,他这是现买现学,这句话是刚从他儿子那学来的!


早上,我硬是被爸爸妈妈给拖起来,只喝了一杯牛奶,就跑去客厅里来看电视准备打发时间,这时,爸爸妈妈对边看电视边打瞌睡的我说:不用看电视了,我们出去玩!” “有地方玩吗?” “有,你别忘了,现在这里住着的我们都认识,难道还不愁没人玩吗!”爸爸妈妈兴奋地说到。我们先到了最近的一户人家。 一开门, 就是一句“新年好, 哈—匹—牛—叶(happy new year)!”哇,现在就连普通话都不怎么好的叔叔也有一口“流利”的英语,他说,他这是现买现学,这句话是刚从他儿子那学来的!尽管有点不标准,不过在我这个大师的指导下,你别说还真有点长进!由于他们家还没有吃好饭,所以我们一家三口又继续出发了。后来,我们不仅参观他们的新房子,同时也道了新年贺词,啊多么愉快的事呀!挨家挨户都走过了,现在也该歇息歇息了,大人们在阳台上下象棋,瞧,他们还兴奋地说“出将”呢!有的在打麻将,一个个都想趁着这个新年有个好手气!, 有的客人还在看鱼,那些顽皮的鱼儿从假山的石缝里钻来钻去,让客人们忍不住那棍子去逗逗它们。而我们小孩子呢,哈,看电视的看电视,玩电脑的玩电脑,也都很快活!

晚上,我们吃完饭,就趁着这好天气好风景来到阳台上放烟花, “嘭、嘭、嘭!”那一朵朵烟花绽放在我们的头顶上非常漂亮!啊,今天这个年过得还真是有味!

Open the door, is a "good new year, ha — horse — Happy New Year!" Wow, even now, even Mandarin is not very good uncle also has a fluent English, he said, he is buying now, this sentence is just from his son learned。

"Well, its the new year, the new year is the most uninteresting, I know that watching TV at home, there is nothing to do! Oh。。。 " I think the children now have the same idea as I do。 After all, now the new year a little atmosphere are not before, every family is busy hanging red lanterns, paste "Fu", there is a hurry to buy Eight Delicacies Rice reunion! At the beginning of the year we got up early in the morning and went out to the door in groups。 Our children were playing at home, and then we had a reunion dinner together。 But now its very different, and now even when the new year, I will forget, the day before the year of the year are asking when to celebrate the New Year!

In the morning, I was dragged up by my mom and dad。 I only drank a glass of milk and ran to the living room to watch TV and prepare to kill time。 At this time, mom and dad said to me while watching TV, dozing: no need to watch TV, lets go out to play。 "Do you have a place to play?" "Yes, you do not forget, now we live here all know, dont worry about no one to play!" Mom and dad said excitedly。 We went to the nearest family。 Open the door, is a "good new year, ha — horse — Happy New Year!" Wow, even now, even Mandarin is not very good uncle also has a fluent English, he said, he is buying now, this sentence is just from his son learned。 Although it is not standard, but under the guidance of my master, you cant say that you are a little better。 As their family did not have a good meal, the three of our family went on again。 Later, we not only visit their new house, also said the new year, how happy ah ah! They have gone from door to door, and now its time to rest and rest。 People play chess on the balcony。 Look, they are also excited to say "go out"。 Some are playing mahjong, all want to take advantage of this new year with a good hand! Some of the guests, watching the fish, those naughty fish from the rockery stones in the turn, let the guests can not help but stick to tease them。 And we children, ha, watching TV watching TV, playing computer and playing computer, are also very happy!

At night, we eat a meal, take advantage of the fine weather and scenery came to the balcony fireworks, "bang, bang, bang!" That blossoming flower blossomed on our head very beautifully! Ah, this year is really good for this year!



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January 15th,Sunny

As the winter vacation is drawing near, I have a plan about my vacation. Im going to do what I want to do. Im going to study harder in order to get good grades in the following term. After finishing all my homework, Im going to enjoy myself in the sea of knowledge. Reading must be a good idea. Im going to keep fit at the same time. Ill get up eary in the morning everyday and play sports. I really love sports. Besides that, Eating a balanced diet is also good for my health. Im going to help my mom and dad with the housework as well in the vacation.Ill learn to cook. As for

travelling, Im planning to go to Hainan. But whether going there or not will be decided on the weather.During the vacation,Im going to learn more about history,as Im really poor on it.



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Joy depicts the crisis of faith that overes Rabbi Banish of Komarov, who, having buried his four sons and two daughters. Only through the mercy of the God he has denied, manifest in a radiant vision of the dead Rebecca, his beloved youngest daughter, is the rabbi’s belief restored. The sense of wonder and the touch of heavenly joy that linger after the vision dissolves convince Rabbi Banish of the folly of judging God’s actions by human standards. The rabbi has interpreted the apparent tragedy of his children’s premature deaths as evidence of God’s alienation, forgetting that God is by definition inscrutable. That God’s purpose transcends man’s ability to prehend it is made clear to the expiring rabbi when the family dead approach his deathbed with arms outstretched to enfold him among them. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven to which a loving God has called them; and their deaths have evidenced not God’s wrath but his grace.

A version of Rabbi Banish’s deathbed revelation appears to Rabbi Nechemia in Something Is There. At twenty-seven he is already racked by the doubts that torment Rabbi Banish. So shaken is his belief in God that he deserts his rabbinical post in provincial Bechev for the flesh-posts of Warsaw. Although the prostitutes, unclean food, and shady business dealings which he witnesses there hold no attraction for the erstwhile rabbi, they intensify his revulsion from the world created by God and therefore his alienation from God himself. Unlike Rabbi Bainish, whose intimations of immortality and consequent rededication to God precede his radiant deathbed vision, Rabbi Nechemia cannot allay his doubts until the very moment of death, when a light he never knew was there flickered in hid brain.

While his dying words—something is there—resolve his crisis of faith, they e too late to affect the spiritual renewal attained by Rabbi Banish. No explicit promise of immortality, let along of salvation, attends Rabbi Nechemia’s vision. Perhaps grace is accorded Rabbi Banish because his doubt is triggered by devastating personal losses, and withheld from Rabbi Nechemia because his despair is the bitter fruit of idle speculation about the unknown. Whatever the reason, relatively few of Singer’s characters are granted at the moment of death the transcendent vision of unity between man and God that appears to Rabbi Banish in Joy. For the fortunate few, release from time into eternity is affected by a divine visitation which obliterates distinctions between past and present, living and dead.

These kinds of characters are lost in their world because of the seducement of the material world. They doubt their formal faith and gradually give up what they believed. But after they have experienced so much hardship, they realize that they cannot adapt to the life of the outer world so they regress to the former life with formal faith. They realize the importance of God and they begin to think seriously about the relationship between man and God. At last they find their right way of their life.



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Hainan not have winer.In Hainanover here is very very hot!You can go to there in winter.Because the winter in HaiNan is warmer than most areas of China.Swimming in the sea playing on the beach or having meals outside are very good choices for travellers. But you must be good sunscreen preparations.There are usually 40 degrees Celsius .But before and after Septemberthere are usually 30 degrees Celsius.I like Hainan very much!



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Dear Mr. Brown,

Much to my regret,I was unable to keep my engagement to meet you at the

park gate. I fear you are displeased at my failing to keep my promise, but I

trust you will forgive me. Let me explain. My mother suddenly fell sick early

yesterday morning, and I had to send her to hospital.

I shall be gladif you will kindly write and tell me when and where we may

meet again. I hope to see you soon.


Li Ming



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01, happiness is to work late at night, and back to their downstairs, looked up to see the window of the living room still showed little light.

02, happiness is the dead alone and read a book under the lamp, happened to read a word touched the heart the most delicate nerves, inadvertently looked up and found that the orange light softly covered room.

03, happiness is like people, in a favorite place to do what you love, whether it is love or quarrel.

04, happiness is the road to see a blind musician is playing the flute, melodious flute hauntingly, who took out all the change, turn left at the time, the pace has become light up.

05, we sometimes mistakenly believe that what we cannot get is precious; what we already own is cheap. Unable to obtain, because of the lack of in-depth understanding, it is just a beautiful illusion, showing us a gorgeous appearance. If one day, you close to it, and know the truth, you will find that it is similar to what we have! Dont keep your eyes in your imagination. All you have is your happiness.

06, you should dare to put the future of happiness on my body, gambling, I dare to live with you, to the last let you lose.

07. The wind is transparent, the rain is ticking, the clouds are flowing, the song is free, the bells are wonderful, you are the happiest.

08, happiness is a feeling, like a candle, when you walk in there is a piece of lamps and candles of a myriad families, the warm fluorescent light your way home; like a aftertaste lingers in the heart, all sorts of joys and sorrows are once the chase; like a desire, longing when time crawling forehead wrinkles, can still calm happy and deserved no regrets. Happiness is a glass of imagination, dreams of ordinary rice brew wine fragrance, and then waiting for life and treasure.

09, in the right place, met the right person, that is real happiness. Therefore, in every windy day, we will be full of thanksgiving heart, thank you for the fate of our meeting, thank you for life, let us walk in the helpless intersection of the encounter.

10, when love is absent, you must learn to live well and love yourself. When love is absent, you should learn to clear, shook his head and everything will be past. When love is absent, learn to accept yourself; accept yourself, and you will be happy. When love is absent, you must work hard; work hard; after all, love is not the whole of life. Life has many helpless, please try to enrich yourself, enrich your happy life.

11, happiness is to see in the morning on the balcony personally planted Milan shyly out blossoming golden yellow flowers; found that the "missing" has long been the shoe was cleaning under the bed; see grandma is sitting in the rocking chair slowly fall asleep, covered with I gave her son the shawl.

12, two people are happy together, should not be too much; two people meet each other is happy, dont expect too much.

13, want to elope with you, go to the most distant cities and towns. There is no earthly troubles, no money and desire; no envy and fear; do not work with the endless car shrill whistle. We enjoyed the sunshine and the flowers together and smiled frankly and frankly to strangers. As if to grasp the gate of time, gently pull, so that happiness has become slow and long. So holding hands, together to the end of the years.

14, there are two people, always say do not care about each other, but always unable to part attachment. There are two people, obviously because of each others words hurt deeply, but always unconditionally believe each other. There are two people, the other partys happy, the other sides sad, but always tied together. There are two people, obviously want to forget, but always inadvertently between remember.

15, when we grow old, someone can accompany together every day on, it will be a very happy thing!

16, at this moment, in the heart, in addition to the pain is miss, God always likes to open such a joke, let us forever separated by a turn around distance.

17, true love should know how to cherish. It is no shame to love only one person all ones life. A lifetime is not long, how lucky it is to meet someone you love. Why not hold his hand tightly?. Even if the heart knows, in addition to him, there will be more outstanding people appear, nor greed. A heart needs another heart to be honest, so that you can be happy.

18, life with your careful care, life with your sincere tolerance, our love, is a beautiful miracle. Together, watching the sunrise and sunset; a romantic life together, beautiful, good times will you stay for me. At this moment, there is a strange excitement welled up in my heart, I want to embrace you, a quick cry, just because this is a kind of tears of happiness.

19, what kind of life is a happy life? In fact, happiness is just a state of mind. When you feel happy, life is full of happiness; you feel pain and life is miserable. The same day, people looked up and saw the cloud layer, people can through the clouds, feel the boundless blue.

20, who can let you forget the past, can give you the future. Who makes you forget yourself, can make you proud. Who can let you forget the benefits, can give you happiness. Falling in love with a person, the memory will become worse, a lot of past forgotten. Once important, because of him, but no longer important. If a person lets you forget many times, then he is your destination.

21, happiness is to work for a long time, to sit in the classroom listening, watching the podium grey-haired professor of preaching tuition FAQ, bowed notes if you went back to the University of the times a quiet afternoon.

22 、 Happiness is like a magnet, life is like iron. Life is like a book, but the more you read, the more refined you become, the more you write. When reading, open mind, everything has been indifferent to the heart. The book is neither good nor bad, only the good and the bad, probably because of its book is self experience, self compiled from the reading of things, for a long time, there are things in the book, worthy of note; when the realization of less, there will be no charm at all.

23, happiness is lonely, received a long time no contact with a friends phone, two people on the phone 1.5 hours.

24, happiness is to wake up in the morning, see the sunlight just fell pillow. You can not hurry up, hiding in bed listening to the mother in the kitchen busy not cautiously without any noise, while Poached Egg smell filled the room.

25, I once did not believe in love, now I believe. The only thing in the world that is more blessed than to love is to love; the only thing luckier than being loved is to find someone worth loving in the vast sea of people.

26 listen to a beautiful music and sing a favorite song. Prepare a big dinner for your family and chat with your family. Or do not want anything, to put down the busy work, to the nature of the trees, listen to birds. Happiness is simple, simple life is happy, brew a cup of tea, or a glass of homemade hot drinks. Open the favorite magazine, read the beautiful essay, read between the lines, feel relaxed and cheerful. Simple is happiness.

27, since two people because love together, seriously manage this feeling, treat lovers to understand, to accommodate, to trust, otherwise dont treat him as a lover. Remember that the person you love is just plain human. When you make mistakes, forgive them for the mistakes they make, and accept that he points out your faults and shortcomings. That is, he can forgive you when you are careless and when you make mistakes. What you pay for, what you end up with is not what you pay for.

28, what is happiness? Happiness is holding a pair of holding hands, waiting with loneliness; is to accompany a person to accompany, laugh when happy, cry when sad; is to have a want to have heart, repeat boring day not boring, doing the same thing not boring, as long as we have love heart, we will be happy, happiness is in the original commitment, in the dream of the future!

29, many people have passed, let it become a landscape. What is happiness? Happiness is a pleasant state of mind and feelings. The happiest man is the one who always makes himself happy at all times. The happiest man is the happiest. A group of people, is the most happy.

30, happiness is happy when someone accompany go out to eat a big meal, sad when someone patted his shoulder and handed him a cup of hot coffee, shilly-shally is like a lighthouse illuminating my direction, I am tired, found someone has been not far from silent.

31, happiness is after dinner and sat on the bed and stitch knitting a blue scarf, thinking of him wearing a scarf. It must be like a bear, so I cant help laughing.

32, life is like walking on a road, you walk in the road will meet different people, some accompany you go a paragraph, and some accompany you go a lifetime. We can not have another childhood; there is no middle school; there can be no first love; there can be no previous happiness, happiness, sorrow, pain. Yesterday, a second ago, it is impossible to go back again. We can not go back, life is a film that cannot be replayed.

33, happiness is wearing a white cotton dress walking in the dusk of the evening, after a video shop just rang a long song. Then stopped to listen to the song, many beautiful distant memories gradually clear up in my mind.

34, you are the sweetest lover, and what I want to hear is not how you love me, but the promise that youve always been there for me. The thing that makes me feel most happy is that you are always there. I thought you were my sweetest lover, and I knew youd never leave.

35, life is like a movie, we are their own director, what kind of life, it is our choice, happiness, happiness is not happiness, sadness or joy, is what they say, so, from today, a free and easy life!

36, happy sentence: the happiest thing is a bad tempered girl, a good tempered boy has spoiled her.

37, we keep turning back memories, happiness, can be related to love, but also can not be related to love, can be related to wealth, but also irrelevant to wealth. Especially when you are old, especially when you are lonely and lonely. Like walking in the desert in the eyes of people, happiness is just a drop in the eyes of the hungry,

38, after experiencing some things, people will grow up, will also know more about things; and after experiencing a relationship, will know better love. Stay for the happiness, the passage of regret. The taste of happiness is sweet and sour occasionally; feelings of regret is hard, sometimes spicy. Treat the people around you well, and be happy together.

39, happiness is that a person to accompany you boring, rare is that you two are not bored.

40, yes, we live in a small and ordinary life, we can be small and ordinary life, itself is a kind of happiness, and I am small and ordinary, happiness is still going on, I am really very happy.

41, the so-called happiness, that is, a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you, a group of trusted friends.

42. Jealousy is a fatal vice of a woman. Always looking at other peoples life better than yourself, such a life will not be happy, and more will not be happy. Relax your mood, life will be more relaxed, always contrast, just let him think you are careful, so, rather than constantly comparing jealousy, make yourself more attractive.

43, most happiness is short, even momentary, do not imagine happiness forever. The water reflected the beauty of reflection could be dashed with a fish tail softly, but the beautiful impression will not burst. Marriageable age of pure love, because of a little Sunian and the end of fermentation, but not the end of love touched. There is no happiness that can last long, but every moment of happiness will endure, and there will be no lack of happiness in life.

44, I agree with the strong is: suffer the misfortune of life, but still looking forward to happiness; betrayed by others, but still brave to love; see the ugly of the world, but still pay goodwill.

45, what kind of life is a happy life? In fact, happiness is just a state of mind. When you feel happy, life is full of happiness; you feel pain and life is miserable. The same day, people looked up and saw the cloud layer, people can through the clouds, feel the boundless blue.

46, happiness is the spring occasionally smell the fragrance, summer wear bright T-shirt sitting on the beach watching the tide, autumn walk in full is the French Phoenix Street, there is a touch of sadness, in the winter snow when standing on the roadside eating reeky sweet potato.

47, happiness is like the rock out of the water, not spectacular, but sweet and refreshing. In this world, only those lower expectations of life for, to a correct understanding of their own ability and happiness in life to just perfect the real coordinates of the center of the people, is the most happy. Happiness belongs only to those who are thankful - for contentment, happiness is everywhere; and gratitude, happiness, comes from time to time.

48, the so-called happiness, is a kind of sense, it depends on your point of view, whether you can have happiness, is your feedback response of things that exist between sincerity and reaction can you make of your happiness, if you are happy, you will beat all the chips not sincere things, not happiness, not only sincere person.

49, a happy person is not because he has many, but because he care less, know how to search, and has a broad mind, grace Tayas demeanor.

50, love quotes: my most happy thing, when you have an angel.

51, the happiest thing is a bad tempered girl, a good tempered boy has spoiled her.

52, a persons misfortune, is from envy others begin. If you always try to become someone in your imagination, the problem will come. People are tired, because more and more will not do their real self. You know, God gives you such a life, it has its own reason. To live your life well is the only shortcut to happiness.

53, after the storms of life, life is empty; did not experience the pain of people, can not appreciate the true meaning of happiness. Most people are in the fight and frustration, only to understand the treasure, a small number of people in the constant wind and rain baptism, only to find the true self. If you want to reach the realm of ecstasy really, must undergo a sharpening and practice; if you want to appreciate the true happiness, you must first learn to bear the pain of suffering.

54, life, only to have the heart to laugh at as boundless as the sea and sky; over the loss, the water overflows; in life, in the face of the lost, we keep calm treat with indifference, mood; face get, keep a normal heart, cherish; ordinary people own ordinary people happy, since you are not others, do not envy others, but do not ignore the side of happiness.

55, happiness is praised by the leaders at work, long breath out from the directors office, and then exaggerated to do a victory gesture.

56, happiness is in the middle of the night was troubled by nightmares, sweating woke up and found were invaded wet towel, moonlight like water flowing quietly through the window.

57, somebody! You have to remember, I am waiting for you now, because I really fell in love with you, I do not want to hurt, just want to live happily!



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After reading "the tea flower girl" I really appreciate the shock force that this world famous book brings, my heart is still trembling for a long time after reading. I dont know how many people have shed tears of sympathy and sadness for hundreds of years, but it really makes me feel sad and sympathetic for a long time.

Dumass "La Traviata" is a masterpiece. In it, the love of Armand and the camellia is the theme. They love each other, but they do not get the sympathy of the world, but they have been treated with a lot of unequal treatment. It is normal that no one is willing to let his son marry a prostitute, the camellia is a prostitute, and she sells her youth for food. This point in this line, she and other women not what were, but she is different from other women, she has a clever mind, she read many books, know a lot of things, she has her own thoughts and ideas, is a know astronomical knowledge of geography is not the sort of woman, only know how to use the appearance to attract a man prostitute, she will get so many upper class men love and loved this is why.

Undoubtedly, this is a tragic tragic, touch one deeply in the heart, people sympathize, beautiful love, especially in the middle of the nineteenth Century bourgeois society early in the society the fickleness of the world, naked money relations, more let a person greatly.

I am deeply sad and sad for the tea flower girl.



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Peace is a life many people aspire to.But some people want to make war and destroy peace.

"Boom!How many happy families have been destroyed by the bomb?How many children have lost their father;How many wives lost their husbands, how many mothers lost their sons...

The smoke-filled battlefield has claimed the lives of many, especially the recent war in Iraq.That day, I turn on the TV, elegantly heart-pounding meat jumped picture immediately reflected in the screen: in a hospital, a child lying on the bed and cried, can be seen from their big eyes in despair;There was a big explosion at a station, killing a lot of people.There was a pile of dead bodies, some blown up;Some of them broke their feet, they blew their heads off...At the time, I thought: if there was no war, there would be no accident.

The bullet of sin.You dont have to show up!Youre gone forever!You make people all over the world hate, because you are so ruthless, you let a young life disappear in this world!

Peace!Come down to earth!People on earth are eager to get your moisture.If every day of the earth is filled with peace and love;How wonderful the world will be, look!Friends on the grass happily frolic;The old man was chatting under the shade.The blind man could not cross the road, and the pupil came to help him across the road.The teacher imparted the seeds of knowledge to the students in the spacious classroom.And... and...People understand love, understand each other, and understand a lot.A lot of...

Peace, how long will it last?Im dying for peace!




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Although every day we ate hamburgers, French fries, drink a chocolate drink, one family reunion round together, I think this is a happy life.

Mom and dad always said joy of peace, but I am very strange, it is made up of those world war?

Some time ago, a sensation in the world of the war in Iraq, I saw the Iraqi refugee camp residents on TV, where they eat, can hear the child crying every day. Look at the battlefield, many corpses lying spread all across in confusion, these soldiers land was stained with blood, and artillery bombardment of the aircraft shot down the bomb, can whenever and wherever possible sounded, oh, this is a time of peace and happiness of life?

Now TV stations are playing Taiwan every day to be independent. China is negotiating with Taiwan. I am a Chinese and have the responsibility to pay attention to national events. I think Taiwan is an inseparable part of China, even if it has not returned to the mothers embrace of the motherland, but it is the "son" of the mother of the motherland.

Television is a popular theme of Japanese television drama, I saw Chinese workers in Japan at the scene, Chinese Japanese in order to complete the project after go home, what have suffered, and hateful to Japanese after they finish the project all day I kill them, how hateful ah, I feel sad Chineses death, and pride is more Chinese firm and inflexible spirit!

I hope the world is full of peace and never have war!



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1、向你俩致以最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生幸福。I take great pleasure in sending here with a little wedding present in celebration Of the happY event

2、在你们订婚之际,请接受一个老朋友最美好的祝愿。MY verY best wishes to You for a lifetime of happiness

3、愿你俩婚姻美满幸福。Best wishes from one of Your old friends on Your engagement

4、值你俩大喜之日,谨致最诚挚的祝贺。Our best wishes to the two of You for a happY marriage filled with all the good things

5、谨向你们即将到来的幸福结合致以衷心的祝贺。MY sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of Yours

6、正值阁下新婚之禧,恭贺幸福无量。MY heart felt congratulations on Your coming happY union!

7、我丈夫和我一同祝愿你俩美满幸福,白头偕老。Wishing You manY happY returns of the wedding daY

8、值你新婚之际,请允许我加入祝福的行列。MY husband joins me in hoping that You have a long and happY and prosperous life together

9、请接受我对你和……的神圣结合的最诚挚的祝贺,并祝愿你俩幸福无量。Allow me to join the chorus of congratulations upon Your recent marriage

10、Wishing You a world of happiness and love as all Your dreams come true 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!

11、He must be extra special, because he is marrYing a lovelY girl 新娘如此可爱, 新郎必定英俊不凡。

12、MaY the joY You share on Your wedding daY Be the kind Youll share all along lifes waY 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。

13、I wish You manY more anniversaries each happier than the last 愿你们有更多周年纪念日,一年比一年更幸福。

14、We never knew two people better suited to each other 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

15、Youre the luckiest guY in the world 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。

16、He must be extra special, because he is marrYing a lovelY girl 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

17、A wish to two happY people for a future of dreams comes true, congratulations! 祝两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。祝贺你们!

18、OnlY once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true And suddenlY Your entire world seems beautiful and new Best wishes alwaYs! 一 生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹,你俩的整个世界顿时变得绚丽新奇。祝永远幸福!

19、MaY the joY You share on Your wedding daY Be the kind Youll share all along lifes waY 愿你俩婚礼之日分享的喜悦,将伴随你俩共度人生的岁月。

20、God bless You and Yours, and surround You ever with his blessing 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。

21、MaY You two alwaYs be in love! MaY happiness increase with age 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与年俱增。

22、Wishing You a world of happiness and love as all Your dreams come true 但愿天从人愿,幸福与爱情无边!

23、MaY the coming Years, fill Your lives with love and happiness 在未来的数年,将你的生命装满爱和快乐。

24、MaY You have a long and loving life together 愿你们长久、热爱生活在一起。

25、Wishing You two an abundance of love and happiness 祝你们俩有丰富的爱和幸福。

26、Wishing You manY Years of joY and happiness 祝你有用永远的欢乐和幸福。

27、congratulations to both of You 祝贺你们俩。

28、Wishing You a wonderful beginning, and love to last a lifetime 愿你有一个美妙的开始,相爱一辈子。

29、For the Bride and Groom Wishing You love in Your hearts, joY in Your home 为新娘和新郎祝福你爱在心中,在你的家里。

30、Best wishes for a lifetime of love and happiness 最美好的祝愿,祝你们终生爱情和幸福。



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Tiny ghost-like dolls hang from trees, big plastic spiders sit on rooftops and bloody plastic hands reach out from gravestonesAre you ready for the scariest night of the year? 树上到处悬挂着鬼怪小玩偶,屋顶盘踞着巨大的塑料蜘蛛,墓穴里伸出一双血淋淋的塑胶手一年之中最恐怖晚到来了,你准备好了吗?

October 31 is Halloween, one of the most popular festivals in the US, Canada and Britain. The festival began as a day to remember the dead. But nowadays its all about the carnival atmosphere when people can enjoy dressing up and scaring each other.10月31日万圣节前夜是美国、加拿大和英国最受欢迎的节日之一。这个节日源起于对死者的纪念日。但现在它已经完全成为一场大狂欢,人们尽情享受着改装易容互相恐吓的乐趣。

Halloween is one of childrens favourite nights of the year. They dress up as monsters and go to their neighbourshouses. Knocking on the door they shout: Trick or treat! Of course, usually people give them treats - a like sweets and chocolates. But, if you dont, you can expect a prank such as having your car windows soaped or your garbage cans turned over.万圣节前夜还是一年之中孩子们最喜欢的一个夜晚。他们打扮成妖怪去邻居家,敲着门大喊:不给糖就捣蛋!当然,人们通常会给他们糖比如甜食或者巧克力。但如果你不给,那就等着一场恶作剧吧,你会发现你的车窗被涂上了肥皂,垃圾桶翻倒在地,等等。




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Christmas is annual festival in western world that is one of the most important festivals forthem. Previously, only westerners or Christians celebrate it. But in recent years,more and more Chinese people celebrate it, especially among young people. Thereare many activities in that day. I think there are the following reasons thatmake Christmas popular in China. First, it’s a western holiday and it’s new toChinese. Second, with the development of the world, the mutual influence betweenChina and the west makes it work. Last, the merchants make great contributionto its popularity.



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How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will

graduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and

sadness with you. I had so many memories in three years’ life. One of them

impressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found

it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and

almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a

talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping

me. Little by little, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it. I

think I am so lucky to become one of her students. I’ve learned a lot from her.

I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing

to help others.



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Winter came and the north wind blew up. The snow was heaped on the roof, on the ground, and in the pond a thick layer of ice. I dont have to pass the final exam,

A group of children were attracted by the white snow. They put on thick cotton padded clothes and went to the snow to play happily. Some of them are having a snowball fight, see, such a cold day, they can play the sweaty; some in the snowman, look, they pile up can be really nice; and in skiing, they had a good time!

How beautiful the winter is!
