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Can open a shop when the boss, is the goal of every businessman, is everybodys dream.

If I really became a boss, want to open a store, that is, of course, want to open a senior restaurant, developing different creative food every day, let the boss when I try to eat, after my mouth and accreditation, you can share with customers.

So that I can not only meal a day, also can sit on the seat, waiting for everyone to taste my food, that is what a wonderful thing!

When a senior restaurant boss, eat every day to make money, eat fat, long like a maitreya, I am also willing to.

My goal is to introduce the worlds top chefs, contacted me this piece of diao mouth, also take care of my loyal customers, how to serve several.

Occasionally can also held a big stomach king game, see who can eat this store large twenty doses of pasta, launched by the first name can be obtained by the house of the prize "twenty doses of pasta to a", let the guests can always think of our meals.

Think "eat", I came to this shops dream, will make me work harder toward the dreams.












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Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.




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People always complain time is limited, they want to have more time to do more things, but the time stops them. Actually, I once feel my time is less while others have a lot of time to do what they want. I start to think about myself, I realize that I always waste my time on playing computer games, so I decide to not to play computer games.




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I have to say that music really has a strong attractiveness to me. Naturally, everyone can choose suitable music to listen to. However, when you find a kind of music which can bring happiness to you, you will be surprised and become excited. Music has a magical energy, and it can help people gain good mood in a great extent.

When you feel sad, you can have a try to listen to soothing music. At first, soothing music will let you calm down. You will find that you will play much attention to the music, and then your sadness can be decreased. You will enter music ocean. You can experience a baptism of your heart. It does not matter that when you listen to soothing music and you want to cry, you should just follow yourself feeling to have a thorough release. Music will give you enough encourage to overcome difficulties.

Music also can double your happiness and arouse the fighting. For instance, when you solve some very difficult situations and gain success eventually, you will have a great mood. At this time, exciting music will witness your success. You will feel satisfied. Music lets you remember the glorious moment and cherish your success. Music can give you unlimited motivation to achieve goals,because you still want to listen to glorious music.

In addition, music includes a lot of useful knowledge. People can learn precious knowledge from music. Because there is different music, we can find out that different nations have different music thoughts to express. And from music, we can listen to music culture. Music culture will givee you a deeper understanding to learn foreign culture, such as foreign language, foreign history and foreign traditional customs and so on. In a word, music has an important effect on promoting society development.

Music indeed has a magical power to help people and society develop. I believe that music will still continue to bring us many surprises. As the development of society, great music will become more important.


当你感到悲伤时,你可以尝试听一下舒缓的音乐。首先,舒缓的音乐可以让你平静下来,你会发现你将会把注意力转移到音乐上,这样你的悲伤就会减少了。你进入 了音乐的海洋。你也经历了一次心灵的洗礼。当你听舒缓音乐时忍不住想要哭时,不要有任何顾虑,就跟着你的感觉走,让自己有一个完全的释放。音乐会给你足够 的勇气来战胜困难的。

音乐当然也可以让你的快乐加倍并且激发你的斗志。例如,当你解决了许许多多的困难并且最终成功时,你就会有一个好心情。这时,振奋人心的音乐会见证你的成 功。你会感到满足,音乐会让你记得这个光荣的时刻并且让你珍惜你的成功。音乐给了你无限的动力取得成功,因为你依旧想要听到光荣的音乐再次响起。

此外,音乐还囊括了许许多多有用的知识。人们可以从音乐中学到珍贵的知识。由于存在着很多不同的音乐,我们可以发现不同的的国家所表达音乐思想不同。从音 乐中,我们可以聆听到音乐文化。音乐文化将会给你一个更深的理解力去学习外国文化,例如外语,外国历史,外国传统习俗等。总而言之,音乐对促进社会发展有 着重要的影响。





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Dear teacher,

Well have a class meeting this afternoon. All of us students hope that you

can attend it. Please accept our sincere invitation. I

n the class meeting, we will make some plans about all the subjects,

including English. We do have some puzzles and we need your help. So we hope you

can set some time aside to be with us in the class meeting. We will feel honored

if you can come to attend our class meeting.

Looking forward to your coming.










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I had a joyful summer vacation. During the holidays, I traveled with my

families. We went to Beijing and stayed there for four days. We lived in the

hotel. It is very beautiful. We visited to the Tiananmen Square, the Imperial

Palace, the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace. We also went to the Great

Wall. The weather was very hot, but we were exciting. I like Beijing very much.

I hope I can go there




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1 正如恶劣的品质可以在幸运中暴露一样,最美好的品质也是在厄运中被显示的。——培根

"As bad quality can be exposed to the same lucky, the best in quality but also in the bad luck to be displayed. - Bacon "

2 美丽属于自信者,从容属于有备者,奇迹属于执着者,成功属于顽强者。

"Who are confident beautiful, calm those who are well prepared, miracles are persistent person, success belongs to those who tenaciously. "

3 作家当然必须挣钱才能生活,写作,但是他决不应该为了挣钱而生活,写作。——马克思

"Of course, the writer must earn money in order to live, writing, but he should never live to make money writing. - Marx "

4 过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。——雪莱

"Past is death, the future belongs to you. - Shelley "

5 人生只有必然,没有偶然。

"Life is only inevitable, there is no chance. "

6 冬天已经到来,春天还会远吗?——雪莱

"Winter has come, can spring be far behind? - Shelley "

7 人生就像奕棋,一步失误,全盘皆输。——弗洛伊德

"Life is like a game of chess, step by mistake, all bets are off. - Sigmund Freud "

8 人生就像钟摆,晃动在痛苦和无聊之间,其动力便是欲望。

"Life is like a pendulum, shaking between pain and boredom, its power is desire. Selected from: Motto  "

9 蔚蓝的天空虽然是美丽,经常风云莫测的人切是起落无从。但他往往会成为风云人物,因为他经得起大风大浪的考验。——方海权

"Although the blue sky is beautiful, often unpredictable situation of people cut is landing impossible. But he tends to become a man, because he can stand the test of storms. - Fang Sea Power "

10 人间没有永恒的夜晚,世界没有永恒的冬天。——艾青

"Room no eternal night, the world is no eternal winter. - Ai Qing "

11 人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不只在于生存。——亚里士多德

"The final value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, not only is survival. - Aristotle "

12 人生就是场经营,有人经营感情,有人经营利益,有人经营幸福,而有人经营阴谋。

"Life is a field operation, it was their emotional, some business interests, it was operating well, but it was business conspiracy. "

13 你在公交车上看到骑自行车的人在寒风中拼命蹬车不由庆幸,骑自行车的人看到在公交车上挤成沙丁罐头的你不由窃喜,原来短处都是从别人身上发现的。

"You see cyclists pedaling hard in the cold not help Fortunately, cyclists swarmed the bus to see you could not help chuckle canned sardines in the bus, the original weaknesses are found from others the. "

14 孤独和勇敢是探路者的游戏。——冯宇学

Lonely and brave Pathfinder game. - Feng Yu learn

15 心作良田耕不尽,善为至宝用无穷。我们应有纯洁的心灵,去积善为大众。就会获福无边。——方海权

"Geng not as fertile mind, good for treasure with endless. We should have purity of heart, to be charitable for the public. It will be a blessing boundless. - Fang Sea Power "

16 "人的生命是有限的,可是,为人民服务是无限的,我要把有限的生命,投入到无限为人民服务之中去。——雷锋"

"Human life is limited, however, to serve the people is unlimited, I want a limited life, serving the people go into the infinite. - Lei Feng "

17 要不断提高自身的能力,才能益己及他。有能力办实事才不会毕竟空谈何益。故事的结束总是满载而归,就是金榜题名。——方海权

"To continuously improve their ability to beneficially own and him. It will not have the ability to do practical things, after all, talk about what benefits. End of the story is always a rewarding experience, is pass the examination. - Fang Sea Power "

18 人生是伟大的宝藏,我晓得从这个宝藏里选取最珍贵的珠宝。

"Life is a great treasure, and I know to select the most precious jewels from the treasure inside. "

19 不受天磨非好汉,不遭人妒是庸才。

"From day wear non-hero, not being jealous is mediocrity. "

20 炫耀什么,缺少什么;掩饰什么,自卑什么。所谓正常人,只是自我防御比较好的人。真正的心理健康,是不设防而又不受害。

"To show off what he needed anything; hide anything, what self-esteem. The so-called normal people, good people just self-defense. The real mental health, is defenseless without victimization. "

21 不要乱说话。话说出去之前你还是话的主人,话说出去之后你就成了话的奴隶。

"Do not talk nonsense. Before or after saying the words out of your master, saying the words out you become a slave. "

22 学习必须如蜜蜂一样,采过许多花,这才能酿出蜜来。——鲁迅

"Learning must be such as bees, taken too many flowers, which can spawn honey come. - Lu Xun "

23 "路是脚踏出来的,历史是人写出来的,人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史。——吉鸿昌"

"Lu is a foot out, history is written out, people every step of the action in writing their own history. - Ji Hongchang "

24 人生只有经历酸甜苦辣,才懂得人间的味道,因此也必须学会珍惜人生和珍惜感情。——方海权

"Only experienced ups and downs in life, and understand the world of taste, and therefore must learn to cherish life and to cherish feelings. - Fang Sea Power "

25 以智慧时时修正偏差,以慈悲处处给人方便。

Amended from time to time with wisdom deviation compassion people everywhere convenience.

26 给人幸福的不是身体上的好处,也不是财富,而是正直和谨慎。——德谟可利特

"Giving happiness benefits not physically, nor wealth, but integrity and caution. - Democritus to Split "

27 "生活真象这杯浓酒,不经三番五次的提炼呵,就不会这样一来可口!——郭小川"

"Living the truth of strong drink this cup, without repeatedly refining Oh, would not this way delicious! - Guo Xiaochuan "

28 人生有两出悲剧:一是万念俱灰,另一是踌躇满志。——萧伯纳

"There are two tragedies in life: one is despair, and the other is smug. - George Bernard Shaw "

29 成功的人总是愿意做没成功的人不愿意做的事。

Successful people are always willing to do successful people did not want to do.

30 人的价值是由自己决定的。——卢梭

Persons value is determined by its own. - Rousseau



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Fifth lunar month, is a traditional Chinese folk festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, it is one of the oldest traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Dragon Boat Festival is also called terminal five, duanyang. In addition, the Dragon Boat Festival and many nickname, such as: the midday, weighs five, may festival, bath festival, dolls, days of the holiday, to wax, poets section, dragon, etc. Although the name is different, but in general, around the custom of the peoples holiday or the same than different.

The Dragon Boat Festival, is Chinese two thousand years of tradition, because the region vast, many nationalities, with many stories, so not only produced many different section name, and also have different customs. Its content mainly has: the daughter back, hanging doors, like to meet a ghost ship, noon, afternoon Ye Fu, hanging calamus and wormwood, swam out, her sweet bursa, for he feels ashamed, dragon boat racing, duration, the shots, swing, for children with realgar, drinking realgar wine, sweet wine, bread eaten ruling, salted egg, zongzi and seasonal fruit, etc., in addition to the superstition color activities gradually disappeared, the rest has spread all over China and neighboring countries. Some activities, such as dragon boat racing, has been a new development, broke through the time and geographical boundaries, become an international sporting event.

About the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, very much, such as: to commemorate qu yuan said. Commemorating wu zixu said. Mark Cao E said. Up to three generations of the summer solstice festival said. Ward off evil, evil month, said wu said month national totem and so on. Above all, said all this down. According to Mr Scholar wen yiduos "dragon boat test" and "dragon-boat festival history education" article lists hundreds of ancient recordation and expert archaeological research, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, is Chinas ancient southern wu yue festival held national totem, earlier than qu yuan. But in one thousand, qu yuans patriotic spirit and moving poem phrase has been widely popular, so people "pity and sorrow, the theory of the speech, to how" legend has it, therefore, to commemorate qu yuan said, the deepest, widest influence occupy the mainstream status. In the field of folk culture, the Chinese people, such as the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat boatrace and eat rice dumplings are linked to commemorate qu yuan.

Today, Dragon Boat Festival is still a very popular among the Chinese peoples grand festival



关于端午节的由来,说法甚多,诸如:纪念屈原说;纪念伍子胥说 ;纪念曹娥说;起于三代夏至节说;恶月恶日驱避说,吴月民族图腾祭说等等。以上各说,各本其源。据学者闻一多先生的《端午考》和《端午的历史教育》列举的百余条古籍记载及专家考古考证,端午的起源,是中国古代南方吴越民族举行图腾祭的节日,比屈原更早。但千百年来,屈原的爱国精神和感人诗辞,已广泛深入人心,故人们“惜而哀之,世论其辞,以相传焉”,因此,纪念屈原之说,影响最广最深,占据主流地位。在民俗文化领域,中国民众把端午节的龙舟竞渡和吃粽子等,都与纪念屈原联系在一起。




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Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans celebrate every year. It means "holy evening," and it comes every October 31, the evening before All Saints Day. However, it is not really a church holiday, it is a holiday for children mainly.

Every autumn, when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and put a burning candle inside. It looks as if there were a person looking out of the pumpkin! These lights are called jack-o-lanterns, which means "Jack of the lantern".

The children also put on strange masks and frightening costumes every Halloween. Some children paint their faces to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they come to a new house, they say,"Trick or treat! Money or eat!" The grown-ups put treat-money or candy in their bags.

Not only children, but most grown-ups also love Halloween and Halloween parties because on this day,they can disguise themselves as personages or ghost as their imaginations will lead them. This bring them the satisfaction of being young.








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It is important to know our good and bad points because this knowledge will

help us to improve ourself. We should examine ourselves and learn who we



Above all, we should recognize our strengths and weaknesses. For example, I

am healthy and fit, so I can work hard. Im also optimistic, humble and polite.

These are my strengths. However, I also have weaknesses. For one thing, Im

stubborn and a little impatient. Im sometimes lazy as well and can spent a

whole day just watching TV and eating junk food. Im not ashamed to admit these

bad pints. Knowing what they are lets me focus on improving myself.




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Dear Mr Fu,

This is my first letter to you. Its a thank-you letter!

Thank you for what? Thank you for teaching me and helping me.

When I am in trouble, is your warm hand to help me, not when I want to give

up when you use your words to support me, I sincerely thank you! Thank you very


In the coming Christmas, I would like to express my deep thanks to you


I wish you good health and good luck in everything!

Your students










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I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year.Playing

basketball is always my favourite,so some of my classmates and I will form a

small team and play basketball together.Sometimes we may have a match against

some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win the game.




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In current society,thanks to the deepening reform and opening-up,there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.In an effort to land a decent job ,a host of school-leavers choose to attend the graduate school‘s test.They want to learn more knowledge before acquiring a fine job.They also can be confident in taking interviews.Consequently,attending the graduate school‘s test is pevalent increasingly in late several years.

Among other folks intend to secure a job after graduating.Although the competition for jobs is very fierce,it is also very difficult to find out a fine job for colleage students.After a couple of years,the number of the graduate students is sharply up-swing.It is same to face job problems for graduate students.Secuing a job after graduating can accumulate experience in order to get on well in the future.

In my eyes,the Middle kingdom enjoys a booming economy, a rising number of companys from overseas come to built themselves factories.We are facing opportunities and challenges.We might well choose to land a job after graduating.Plus,we are still young,we can choose to attend the graduate school‘s test after accumulating working experience.It will be wise for us to do that.



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I am a shy boy.I speak less than other students in my class.“On the contrary”,my best friend is much more outgoing than me.He plays basketball better than many students in our class.He is one year older than me.We both like to watch Harry Potter.We often talks about Harry who has a more special life than other boy.I often imagine if  could have more magic than other people.My friend laughs at me.




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I am now a student of Dongzhou Middle School, but I still remember that day when I was in a primary school.

That day, the weather was so bad. When school was over, it began to rain. All of us looked very worried, so our teacher let us go home at once.

When I went out of the school gate, I saw my father standing there. I went to him at once. My father had a raincoat, because hed just had a meeting and he went to school as soon as the meeting finished, so he had no time to return home. When he saw me, he took his raincoat off and gave it to me. I didnt want to receive it. He looked at me and said, Take it. I had to put on the raincoat, but my heart was not still. I cried, and I couldnt let myself stop. Since that day, I knew my father loved me. Oh, I cant forget that day all my life.

[初三英语作文:That Day



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how are you, i call xx.this year is 22 years old.graduate from xxxx college.the profession is a calculator multimedia.i am one is bright, optimism, there is the person of responsibility.a fondness for plays basketball, computer, listen to music, etc..thankful your company gives me this the opportunity of the personal interview!




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The Dragon Boat Festival ,also called the Duanwu Festival ,is celebrated on

the fifth day of the fifth month according to the

Chinese calendar.People always eat rice dumplings and watch dragon boat

races to celebrate it.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races,especially in the

southern places where there are many rivers and lakes. It ís very popular.

The rice dumpling is made of glutinous rice,meat and so on. You can eat

different kinds of rice dumplings.They are very delicious.

And Dragon Boat Festival is for Qu Yuan. He is an honest minister who is

said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river.

Overall, the Dragon Boat Festival is very interesting!







The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on

the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. This

festival is to commemorate the death of QU Yuan, an upright and honest poet and

statesman who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a


The most important activity of this festival is the Dragon Boat races. It

symbolizes people‘s attempts to rescue Qu Yuan. In the current period, these

races also demonstrate the virtues of cooperation and teamwork.

Besides, the festival has also been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous

rice)。 Zong zi is made of glutinous rice stuffed with different fillings and

wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. People who mourned the death of Qu threw Zong

zi into the river to feed his ghost every year.

With the changes of the times, the memorial turns to be a time for

protection from evil and disease for the rest of year. People will hang healthy

herbs on the front door to clear the bad luck of the house. Although the

significance of the festival might be different with the past, it still gives

the observer an opportunity to glimpse a part of the rich Chinese cultural








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Our motherland has a long history, there are many traditional festivals, and there are some distinctive folk customs. But my favorite traditional festival is the Spring Festival. The new years Eve has passed and the Spring Festival is coming, the new year begins.


The new years Eve that day lively, every new year is full of rushes, wine and meat smell. The men and women and the young and the young were all wearing new clothes, the door was red and red couplets, and the house was pasted with various years of painting. On New Years Eve, lights all night, no interruption, the sound of firecrackers day and night. Outside work unless people cannot but, must come home for family reunion dinner. That night, in addition to a very small child, not what people have to sleep staying-up late on new years eve. The Spring Festival was very different from the Lunar New Years Eve: operators are on the board, in front of a pile of cardboard last night fireworks, the city is at rest. The men before noon to relatives and friends at home pay New Years call. Women receive guests at home. In many temples outside the city, temple fairs were held. Peddlers sold tea, food and various toys outside the temple. The children loved visiting the temple, as is the opportunity to look at the scenery outside the city, you can ride a donkey, can buy new year special toys. There are horse racing and camels on the temple fair.


These games do not compete for the first second, but the good posture and skill of the horses, camels and riders in front of the audience. "Bang riotous with colour in the sky". The original annual fireworks will begin, every family had their most beautiful fireworks in the sky, the fireworks in the black sky split apart, than the one in the sky seems to The brightness dazzles the eyes., held a beauty contest. Beautiful! All of them stopped at that moment. They only heard the exclamation of fireworks. Their faces showed a childlike smile and began to recall their happy childhood.


At the same time, we all quietly made a wish: I hope I can go to a high school with a good result this year! A new year, a new start. I hope that all the students in grade six will work together to create their own future with a good result.



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Christmas Day


Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time, they always have several days off, so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places.

为了纪念耶稣大部分西方人都庆祝圣诞节作为他们的主要节日。在这段时间里,他们总是有好几天假,所以他们可以全身心的享受这个节日。小孩们经常与他们的朋友聚在一起。大人都忙着装饰他们的房子。他们还互相赠送明信片以及他们对彼此的祝福。 在街上,有很多圣诞老人在派送礼物给路人。超市里面的所有东西都在打折。所以,超市是最忙的地方。



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My Dream School

I always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. There are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We can choose our favorite lessons to learn.

We can spend more time doing some outside reading. The students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. We needn’t do a lot of homework. We are all happy to stay at school.

Besides that, my dream school looks like a big garden. There are many kinds of flowers around the modern buildings. Sweet perfumes are diffused all around. If I want to have a rest, I can lie on the grass, listen to music by the lake or look out at the flowers from the classroom windows.

I love my dream school. We will grow up to be happier there.




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请以 My Best Friend 为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。 My Best Friend 我最好的朋友My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home toget

请以“My Best Friend为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。

My Best Friend


My best friend is one of my classmates. Her name is Mary. Every day, we go to school together and go back home together. We often help each other and learn from each other in study.


We have the same hobby-collecting stamps. She has many nice stamps. She is very proud of them. Sometimes she gives some of them to me. I think she is a very good girl. We will be good friends forever.


点评:这是一篇记人的叙述文。先交代了My Best Friend是谁,接着通过事例交代了为什么“我们是最好的朋友”。最后阐述了主题。
