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A library used to be only a building with a lot of books and a very quiet place to me.

I had never wanted to enter a traditional library because it was a boring place for a child. Since I became a senior high school student, I have more homework that requires me to find the latest information on a topic or some good ideas. So I got into the habit of going to the library, and I cant tell you how wonderful it is! There are so many interesting books Ive never read, including novels and books about science and computers.

Most important of all, there are even a lot of famous classic films, which are very popular. Now I also have something else to do when Im in a library: studying. Studying together with a lot of people is a good experience. Now Im never bored when Im in a library. Do you want to see how much fun it is? Come with me to a library today!





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eg.You are the very person Im looking for.


Red Army fought a battle on this very spot.


Not a single person has been in the office this afternoon.



e.g.I myself will see her off at the station.


You can do it well yourself.



e.g.The baby is generally healthy,but every now and then she does catch a cold.


Do be quiet.I told you I had a headache.


4.用"...and that","...and those",等结构表示强调

e.g.They fulfilled the task,and that in a few days.


I gave her some presents,and those the day before yesterday.



e.g.There is no reason why this new immigrant should not have the same success.


A man can never have too many ties.


I cant thank you too much.


A mother can never be patient enough with her child.

I am not unfaithful to you.我对你无比忠诚。

6.用短语"in every way","in no way","by all means","by no means","only too","all too","but too","in heaven","in the world","in hell","on earth","under the sun"等表示强调

e.g.His behaviour was in every way perfect.


The news was only too true.


Where in heaven were you then?




It is that或 It is who

e.g.It was the headmaster who opened the door for me.


It was yesterday that we carried out that experiment.




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My dream is very simple, it is also difficult - travel painter. Since I was young, I want to be a painter, but I dont want to be a painter to draw in the studio all day. I like to travel, like watching the scenery, want to see the landscape, so when I grow up I want to be a painter, travel at a place, a place, I painted all the pictures make it a memoir, to the old time will be very pleased.

Make travel painter is very simple, it is also difficult, simply because the painting can follow ones inclinationsly, difficult because require a lot of money, if the money up, everything is not so difficult. So I always think of it as a distant dream, not desire anything. I was stupid, not the topic, others taught several times I also learn cant, so I can only rely on study hard, but I am trying to learn, also can be to average. Mother is very worried about my study, I know I like painting, just give me a quote for a painting class. I will go to in order to dream, learn to draw, start is difficult, then more draw more skilled, up to now I have to calligraphy and painting a picture intermediate difficulty of feng shui and sketch. If you ask me to learn a few years of painting, painting now? I sorry to tell you: "five years, um... study on the pictures." But you dont laugh oh, Ive been coming to the end, the clever boy than I also want to learn at least four and a half years.

Remember I also cant talk at all at the age of three or four, others see I dont speak, think that Im a mute, mother heard, very afraid, teaches me to mother tongue every day. In five or six years old, I would speak, but up to now, I speak not clear, sometimes against the elder sister call I couldnt say any words clearly, so I practice every day. What does this have to do to talk with travel painter? Then you have to go listen to me carefully.

Painting at the age of five or six, I see this two word, mother didnt teach, I just say out, mother very happy, just call me a pen to draw, then, of course, I can only draw four feet birds. And so it all began.

Time flies, suddenly I have already become a big girl, but never change is I the passion for painting.








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一 、试卷基本情况:

.这套试卷是一套综合型试卷,考核了学生考之前所应达到的英语运用综合能力,考核的难度系数中上,词汇方面考核了学生生容易掌握的词汇。总的来说,试卷涉及的知识面广,模拟中招试题形式,但缺少考查听力能力的(听力题)。卷面结构为:选择填空25分,完形填空10分,阅读理解30分, 情景对话10分,词汇20分,书面表达25分。总分120分


⑴、⑵两个班最高分:114分, 最低分:10分,⑴班平均分:83分,⑵班平均分:65分;100分以上有11人,90--99分有25人, 80—89 分16人,72—79分有9人,⑴班及格率90%,⑵班及格率:41%,优秀率20%, 60分以下有28人


1 、单项填空:单项选择题分两部分,A部分为单词辨音,主要考查字母u 、i,字母组合ea、ear 、ow 在单词中的读音,学生失分主要在第1、3题。B部分为单项选择,考查的知识点多,覆盖面广,有一定的难度。但老师课堂都有讲到,可从学生做题情况来看,此题失分较多,从中可以看出学生对基础题掌握不够扎实,知识掌握还不到位。失分最多的主要集中在第 14(考查kind of 和 a kind of的区别)15、(考查spend,pay和take的区别),16(考查 It is +adj. + do…的句型),17、(考查have fun doing sth.结构),20题( 考查多个修饰词的顺序结构)



4、 情景交际主要考查学生综合运用语言的能力。所选材料贴近学生的生活实际,考查题目基本都可以通过上下文语境完成,相对比较容易,得分较高。



写作分AB篇;A篇小作文的要求是介绍人物的,浅显易懂,学生有话可说。写自己印象最深刻的人,这题材学生练过的,也是都是学生在日常生活中经常用到的,说到的语言,学生组织起来不难。所用的句型、单词都是学生学过的,且都是重点内容。在日常教学中,是老师反复强调的内容。因此,本题得分率还可以;而B篇 书面表达。 从试卷得分情况看,学生对于写作部分的词汇用法掌握不到位。对于动词的第三人称单数的概念不清,时态运用正确,大部分学生基础知识掌握得不好,张冠李戴的现象比较突出,个别学生不注意审题。⑵班好些学生空白不写。有些学生甚至抄阅读理解的短文内容。








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此题考察学生是否能正确理解所听的内容,并具备用英语进行释义的能力,用英语回答问题的能力,在特定的语境中进行交际的能力。听力部分共a.b.c.d小节,设计由浅入深,由易到难,循序渐进,从知识到能力,具有一定的梯度。a部分为理解,1-5小题看图听句子,十分简单,学生只要听懂个别单词就能回答出来;b部分为反应:6-10小题根据所听到的句子,从a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳答案。这部分与前部分相对难一点,即要求学生听懂句子的内容又要求选出答案。c部分为对话理解,听对话根据问题选出答案,这部分简单。d部分为笔录要点:根据你所听到的的内容,填写下面的表格。这部分为整个听力的难点。即要听懂句子又要能写单词。总之就整个听力部分而言,略显简单,对于基础较好的学生来说,此套听力题略显简单,小部分都是满分大部分都在18分以上,他们对听力题中侧重的词组及一些英语成语已做到熟练掌握的程度,完全达到了英语教学中对听力的要求。对有一定英语基础,但掌握不扎实的学生来说,听力还存在薄弱的环节,尤其在b部分,c部分和d部 分,句子的理解和写单词对这类学生来说,仍然是个难点,缺乏对整个话题、文章的理解,单词记得不牢,语音、语调、连读、弱读方面还缺乏一定的训练。另外学 生除了对听力的训练不够,答题的方法和技巧也掌握的不是很好。对于英语学习吃力的学生来说,听力是相当难的,成绩也很不理想。








主要考查学生调查以怎样的方式上?学生写的时候不觉的费力. 但个别同学在语言的灵活应用上欠功夫,不能够把书上的语言恰当的运用到自己的作文中去,且中式英语较重, 语言表达不地道,语法错误较多。这说明学生在日常写作教学中我们还存在着问题,没能在很好的驾御教材的同时注重学生能力的培养。


总的来说,这次考试成绩不是很理想,优秀率偏低,尖子生还没有发挥水平;低分较多,两极分化的距离还没有缩少。通过整体的分析,反映了学生在复习中,基本上 能领会课堂的要点要求,一些知识点在堂上反复出现的,掌握得较牢固,但是运用这些知识去解决实际问题的能力较差,这与课后的练习有关,说明了部分学生对课 后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性,而且,解题的依赖性强,缺乏独立的思考能力,另外,对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成,学生的遗忘率也很高。还有一 个也是最关键的一点就是普遍的学生学习习惯不好,及少的同学能聚精会神的听课,认真完成作业的.

五、今后的教学中应改进的措施。 通过期末这套试卷的分析,我们教师在以后的教学中,应该在以下几外方面进行改进。









篇6:小升初英语作文:My Family

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This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me.

My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”。 He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy.



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Failure exists in every stage for everybody. As students, I think the most common failure would be failing in the exam. Yes, I have failed in the exam for many times. It is very common, because on one can keep the name of ever-victorious generals forever. But some students do not figure out this. When they fail in the exam, they need a long time to recover, even have directly negative effect on their inner heart. This is not the right way to deal with this problem. We need to figure out the reason why we don’t do well in the exam. And then correct it. Try our best to get better next time.





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Resultsis more important now.But it is difficult for many students to study it.Now I make some suggestion,maybe can help you.First,you should take notes and take them here and there.When you’re free,you can take them out and read it.Next,you should read Results loudly.Many students know many grammars,but talking with others is hard.

So reading is very important.It can make progress in your talking and listening,and it can also make you get excited,let you have a nice day.Then,talk with people in it’s interesting and very used.Finally,most importantly,try your best to learn English.No Resultspains,no gains.I hope you can improve your LearnGood luck!


篇9:小升初英语作文:shall we go out to play football?

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shall we go out to play football?

Afrer a whole days hard studing, I fell very tierd and want to go out to play football for fan. But my teachers always say that it takes too much time and can make us away from studing.So they usually dont let us play football.

While teachers reject it, we still want to have a play. I think the playing after school can be a redressal and make our bodies healthier. At the same time, temperate exercise wont tamper with our studies.

According to that, I think playing football after school have more advantages than disadvantages.



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i am xxx. i was born in xx. i graduate from senior high school and major inenglish. i started learning english since i was XX years old. my parents have alot of american friends. that’s why i have no problem communicating withamericans or others by speaking english.

in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such aslistening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or evenattending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to goapoad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot ofdaily life english and saw a lot of different things.

i think language is very interesting. i could express one substance byusing different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more englishliteratures and enlarge my knowledge.



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It is of great importance to make and maintain a green campus in our university or college. Obviously, a growing number of people are beginning to realize that it is our duty to do that in the present days, since the concept of “a green world” has become the focus of the society.

The idea of “a green campus” is beyond a green environment. To begin with, the development on the campus is to be sustainable and recyclable. Some of the authorities’ budget should be on how to reduce of the waste. What’s more, we’d better be aware of the seriousness of pollution around us. Thus the idea of environmental protection may become a common occurrence in our daily life.

It is necessary that effective actions should be taken to protect our campus from waste and pollution, and hence these activities are to play an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. Certainly, there is little doubt that further consideration must be paid to our green campuses.






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Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room.

The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser.

I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.I an lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano.The piano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play the piano.And the computer is near the window.I often play the piano.

This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room?


We have a new flat. It’s on the third floor. There are there bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a big living room. I have my own room now. It’s big and nice. There is a big curtains and an air---conditioner. It’s nice. I love my new room very much.


Look,this is my room.It is nice.my bed is on the floor .My basketball is under the bed.My backpack is on the table.My books are in the backpack. And my computer game is on the bed.Ilikeplayit.I love my room!



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Dear Johnson,

I’m writing to tell you the good news that I have received a postgraduaterecommendation.

However, recently I have been struggling for making the decision,whether to accept therecommendation or to choose job-hunting.

As you know, graduation from university is deemed as a turning point in one’s life.

Therefore, I need your suggestions to help me make this critical decision.

My hesitation lies in the following aspects.

On one hand, postgraduate recommendation is an opportunity for me to pursue furtherstudies, and I can equip myself with sounder theoretical knowledge.

Nevertheless, I’m afraid that continuous pursuit of theoretical knowledge will deprive me ofthe chances to gain practical experience.

On the other hand, to find a full-time job may enable me to accumulate more life and workexperience, which is exactly what I lack.

But by doing so, the stop of further study may pose a threat to my future career development.

I’m really in a dilemma now.

Please take my consideration into account and analyze the merits and defects of these twochoices.

I believe your analysis will be more objective and I look forward to your valuablesuggestions.

Yours friendly,Tom



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The earth is our home. We must protect it, do not polluted it. To attain low carbon life, actually very simple.


The scientists found that at least 100 kinds of environmental harm atmospheric pollutants, including so2, nitric oxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen fluorine hydrocarbon etc on human body has great harm. Industrial production and transportation exhaust gas and dust is the main way if atmospheric pollution. Industrial waste gas of the dust particles would adsorption many poisonous and harmful substances, these pollutants in the atmosphere will produce all sorts of chemical reaction, generate more contaminants, second pollution formed. Atmospheric pollutants in the air accumulated in air quality declining, directly harmful to human health, and make ozonosphere being damaged, cause global warming. Environmental problem has become a global problem, even influenced the survival and development of mankind. Latest research shows that when people in Nineveh is virtuous orchid climate mutation of extinction.




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My hometown taian located at the foot of mount tai, is a beautiful scenery, economic prosperity, culture developed, the transportation is convenient, clean civilization, unique tourist city.

I love tofu, because taian "tofu cabbage water," the most famous. FeiTao is also called the "Buddha peach", weighing 0.5 kg. Inserted through a straw, skin, juice can be clean, smoking is a fruit of the treasures. Have enriched the ningyang jujube, and taishan on stream in the mountain stream red herring, tender meat, taste fresh, no smell, one of the famous eight Jane. There are more than 400 wild herbs in mount taishan, fleece-flower root, lance asiabell root, rhizoma polygonati, radix arnebiae seu lithospermi were called the "four generic" mount tai.

My hometown specialty not only is rich, and the scenery is more charming. Now I take you to the magnificent mount tai, it is made up of granite, gneiss, metamorphic rock. In 2.7 billion years after passage, ice deceives ingression, changes in the earths crust, still standing frame coastlines east. Do you know? Now more than 1500 meters high on mount taishan is still at an annual rate of 0.5 mm long. Due to more than 2000 years since the past emperors, writers come to taishan I worship, step into her, admire infinite, leaving a large number of renowned masterpieces, inscribed in taishan up and down, therefore, taishan now and was named "world famous calligraphy".

Taishan magnificent absolute cliff steep peak, square, deep and remote risks spring waterfall, strong ancient pine trees, lush with myths and legends of shiping to blame, not only everywhere, lifted up his eyes, love, and all the year round, sunny YinYuXue, different scenery. Sunny view peaks GongDai, if the mountains high; Yin YunHao such as the sea, such as fog. Spring is sprouting times mountain, baihua romance; Summer clouds shrouded, diversity; Autumn is pale mountain water provided, reflected the red day; Winter is dancing silver snake among snowing mountains, pine BaiXue curtain. On the top of the mount tai, people can enjoy watching the four wonders of mount tai, "sunrise", "sea of clouds tracts", "sunset afterglow", "Huang Hejin belt".

Present to mount taishan is a walk into a large, natural history, museum of art.

Ah! I am proud to be a taian people of proud!









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How to learn English well?

How to learn English?Do you know?Here is some advice on me: You should listen to the radio and listhe to the music.You can learn many new words from it.But you cant understand every word.You only need to listen to the key words and main ideas.Why not speak English as much as possible in class?lets try to find some English friends and talk to them.How about reading?You should read English newspaper and English magazines.I think writing is important too.Why dont we write down our mistakes in the notebook?And dont forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes.

I hope my advice can help you improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing.



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我知道我今天的行为不光彩,就算过的又怎么样,想到被人都是自己的努力才拿到证书,而我却是通过不光彩的方法拿到一张空的证明书。我今天的行为不仅是我自己阴影,也给我们系丢脸的,想到我们班的同学他们平时多么努力的复习英语,而我考试却投机取巧 心存侥幸想蒙骗过关。最后沦为这种地步也是自找的。让自己成为的一个不诚实的人。





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my father is a kind man. he is not very tall but he is a man of perseverance. he works very hard and his services are highly appreciated.

my father is a man of devotion. every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us. in the evening, he is always the late to come back home. at weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. he is a man of few words, but he often says to me "a little learning is a dangerous thing". i will always remember these words.

i love my father very much.
