季节类英语作文winter comes通用两篇热门2篇 作文(热门19篇)







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There are four seasons in a year.The first season is spring. In spring, almost everything comes back to life. The snow begins to melt, the trees sprout and the grass turns green.Spring is warm so that its a good time to go hiking outdoors. After spring, itis summer. Summer is my favorite season,because I can swim quite often. The third one is autumn. In autumn, the weather is cool and comfortable. Farmers may be the busiest people, because autumn is a time of harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. In winter, the weather is very cold. In the north, it usually snows. Children can play games or make snowmen after snow. It seems very funny. But, because of the cold weather, I dont like winter very much. Whats your favorite season?





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Of all the four seasons,I love summer most.

Firstly, summer is my most favourite season because the longest vacations of the year are in summer.I can have a lot of fun during summer vacations, include of camping with friends and family members, going to the beach or swimming at public pools, traveling and sightseeing locally and nationally.

Secondly, summer is a pleasant season for all kinds of cold foods and juicy fruits. Ice cream is our all time favourite dessert. Yeh, I love ice cream so much. I have to eat some ice cream almost everyday in summer. There are a lot of fresh fruits selling everywhere. Watermelon is proudly rated to be the most demanding fruit in the season. All kinds of iced drinks are greatly demanded in summer.



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Every time, when the sun shining brightly, I know summer is coming. Though it is very hot, I still prefer summer. In hot summer, I like lying in the sunshine, sometimes. Because its too hot, I always stay for fifteen minutes. Always, you can see lots of people swimming in the sea, or in the swimming pool, I like playing with my friends in the swimming pool and enjoy the happy time.

Most people hate the sunshine in summer because its too hot, but I just like it. It makes me feel happy, bright and warm .



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It is true that summer is hot,very hot.But the wicked summer sun is nothing to me,for I dont usually go out.

What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read.I love to read,but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading.Endles assignments press down upon me like a mountain.I feel confined and imprisoned.

Once the summer vacation comes,however,I have all the time in the world to read and read and read.I read everything I want to read.I read to my hearts content.My room maybe small,and the sun maybe hot,but Im free,Im happy,Im really living!

Oh,how I love summer!







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My favorite season is spring.

When spring comes. Snakes wake up. They find their tasty food. White rabbits run on the grass. Many fish are in the river.

Spring is beautiful and green. In spring, the air is fresh, the sky is blue, the clouds are white. I often wear a red sweater and blue jean. I can fly kites on the green grass. In March we can plant trees. In spring, the weather is always sunny and warm, usually I go shopping. Sometimes I go hiking and climb mountains. I like spring.



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我喜欢的季节My Favorite Season

Among the four seasons in the year, my favorite season is autumn. In autumn, the weather is very comfortable. It feels so great after the hot summer. Therefore, I like going outside for hiking in autumn. I can enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature. Besides, autumn is a season of harvest. Farmers are busy with their farm work. After such long time of hardworking, its time for them to enjoy their fruits of labor. After the harvest, they are going to prepare for the new year. Therefore, harvest means a lot to the farmers, because it is able to bring a good new year to farmers.




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Wintergrandpa is coming, the weather turned cold, winter grandpa to blow a sigh of relief, the earth covered with a layer of white carpet, let the trees put on a white coat, let the house became the past beautiful snow, there are clouds in the sky white snow, people put on thick cotton-padded clothes cotton trousers...

Saturday morning, of snow, the snow swirl coming from the sky to the earth mothers arms, the earth covered with a layer of white quilt. I woke up and had a stretch, down from the bed and put on the clothes, was attracted by the snow outside! I went to the window and saw a beautiful sight: there was a big, mischievous snowflake doll from heaven to the earth mothers embrace, let the earth covered a layer of white quilt, ah! High-rise buildings into past white castle, changed the silver tree, all the flowers, the grass is withered, only the plum flower is still there and enjoy.

I saw such a beautiful scenery, hurriedly ran downstairs and rolling the first two snowball, stack them up, then took two small stones when the snowmans eyes, and then with a carrot as snowmans nose, get a few small stones when light snow mans mouth, and I took a small hat to wear of light snow person, and two root tree when the snowmans arm, I roll again two light snow ball when the hand of the light snow, I afraid of cold snowman, also specially to light snow for a long scarf.

Ah! Winter is beautiful! I love winter!


星期六的早晨,下了一场大雪,大雪纷纷扬扬地从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,给大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被。我醒了,伸了一个懒腰,从床上下来,穿好衣服,被外面的雪景吸引住了!我走到窗前,看见了一幅美丽的景色 :外面下着鹅毛大雪,调皮的雪花娃娃从天上飘到大地妈妈的怀抱里,让大地盖上了一层雪白的棉被,啊!高楼大厦都变成了一座座白色的城堡,大树换上了银装,所有的花儿,草儿都凋谢了,只有梅花还在那里美美地开着。





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I like winter best. I often go skiing on Sundays with my family. When it snows, everything turns white. There is thick snow on roads,strees,trees and houses. Its a beautiful world! My friends and I like making snowmen. Sometims we paly with snow . Its very interesting and exciting, And one of the most important reasons is that Spring Festival comes at this time of the year




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Hometown inWinteris a beautiful, hometown is cold in winter, hometown in winter is also a permanent pale.

Hometown of winter is beautiful, especially when it snows, flying snow, swirl, like jade crumbs, like feathers, like petals, quietly dropped. Fluttering and dancing in the red clouds are gathering in the sky. They clean as jade, as white as silver and light like a fog, like the wicker is soft. They are so pure, pure and bright; They are so quiet, quiet silent. Every snowflake is a music flowing, elegant, pure and fresh; Is a fast, harmonious, bright little poem. Let your heart also enjoy them.

Hometown is cold in winter. Early in the morning, open the window, and bone-chilling winds and drill in, sleep all disappear. When you open your arms, let this chill stroke over your whole body, you seem to have forgotten everything.

Winter is located in the hometown of the boundless, in the boundless grey cloud, with sparkling light snow flower falling. Snow falling on the slope, the roof, the earth, to put on the beautiful silver heaven and earth, between gathers more spectacular. Home at this time, I was intoxicated by the charming scenery of snow.

This is the winter in my hometown. I love my hometown in winter!








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I love season, summer and fall.


Hot summer, showy flowers, with green grass and trees, with luxuriant foliage. Cicadas in the trees sing: "cicadas, cicadas..." The beautiful butterfly rise and dance in a happy mood in the flowers.


Golden autumn, was a riot of colours of the flowers and green grass withered. A breeze, the golden leaves like snowflakes falling down from the trees, to the earth covered with a layer of yellow carpet.


I like hot summer and fall like an invigorating autumn climate. Because in the beautiful summer can wear a skirt, you can also eat the freezing point; the pleasant scenery of the autumn leaves were collected, you can. The two season to add a lot of color to our life, I like summer and fall.


篇10:季节英语作文:The benefits and disadvantages of summer

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I love summer.There ia a summer vacation in summer.What I like to do best during the long summer vacation is to stay in my own little room and read. I love to read, but during the school year I could hardly find a free moment for reading. Endless assignments press down upon me like a mountain. I feel confined and imprisoned. Once the summer vacation comes, however, I have all the time in the world to read and read and read. I read everything I want to read. I read to my hearts content.

I hate summer.In summer, the weather is hot, the air is humid, and the wind doesnt blow at all. In summer, everything seems tired——except the mosquito and the fly. They are everywhere. They bring diseases to people. No one likes to walk or work under the summer sun. Because the wicked sun will burn your skin. So the hot summer confines you to your room. Hot weather makes me drowsy and I cant study effectively. I hate summer. I wish it would go away quickly.

All in all,summer is a season in every year.Of course,Ican adjust to summer.



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There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter.


In spring the weather gradually gets warmer and everything comes back to life. The peasants are busy with sowing.When summer comes, the weather gets very hot. It rains quite often. It is a busy season for the peasants.Autumn is the best season of the year. The weather is neither too hot nor too cold. The sky is blue and cloudless. At night millions of stars shine in the sky. It is the time for harvest.Winter is the last season of the year. The days become shorter and the nights longer. The weather is cold and windy. But the peasants are still busy preparing for the next spring ploughing.




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There is no month in the whole year,in which nature wears a more beautiful appearance than in the month of August.


Spring has many beauties,and May is a fresh and blooming month, but the charms of this time of year are enhanced by their contrast with the winter season.

春天美不胜收,而五月也是一个明媚清新、繁花似锦的月份,但这些时节的魅力是由于与冬天的 对比而增强的。

August has no such advantage.


It comes when we remember nothing but clear skies,green fields, and sweet-smelling flowers,when the recollection of snow, and ice, and bleak winds,has faded from our minds as completely as they have disappeared from the earth-and yet what a pleasant time it is!

它来的时候,我们只记得明朗的天空、碧绿的田野,还有芳香四溢的花朵,记忆中的冰雪、刺骨的寒风都已完全从我们的脑 海中消逝,就仿佛它们在地球上了无踪迹—然而八月是多么令人惬意的季节啊!

Orchards and cornfields ring with the hum of labours;trees bend beneath the thick clusters of rich fruit which bow their branches to the ground; and the corn, piled in graceful sheaves,or waving in every light breath that sweeps above it,as if it wooed the sickle, tinges the landscape with a golden hue.


A mellow softness appears to hang over the whole earth; the influence of the season seems to extend itself to the very wagon,whose slow motion across the well-reaped field,is perceptible only to the eye,but strikes with no harsh sound upon the ear.

整个大地似乎笼罩在醇香柔和 的气氛中;这秋季的气氛似乎也影响了那些马车,只有眼睛可以察觉到它们穿过收割过的田野缓慢移动,但耳旁却寂静无声。


篇13:季节英语作文:I love you fall

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It gradually turns cool. The sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. The hot summer went by at last. The favorite season in the year is coming.

Everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. The farmers faces are full of smiles. They are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work.The autumn evening is especially beautiful. When the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.

It is getting cool at dusk. The wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. Such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.



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My favourite season

Hello, my dear friends! What’s my favourite season? Let me tell you.My favourite season is spring. Spring is a lovely season, I think. There is a garden behind my house. In spring, the trees become green and the flowers give off fragrance(芳香). There are many butterflies and bees over the flowers. The butterflies are dancing and the bees are singing. Sometimes it rains. It usually rains quietly. The rain moistens(滋润) the trees and the flowers. I think they may say, “We’re very thirsty. The rain is very good. It can help us.” What a beautiful scene! Don’t you think so? And what about your favourite season,could you tell me?



你好,我最亲爱的朋友!我最喜欢的季节是哪个呢?让我告诉你。我最喜欢的是春天。我觉得春天是个可爱的季节。在我家后门有个花园。在春天,树变绿了,花也散发着芳香。有许多蝴蝶和蜜蜂在花丛中飞舞。蝴蝶在跳舞,蜜蜂在歌唱。有时候,会下雨,常常都是下得轻轻的。 雨水滋润了树木和花朵。我想他们会说,“我们好渴,这雨水真是及时。”真是一幅美丽的画面!你不这样认为吗?你能告诉我你最喜欢的季节吗?



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Fall is my favourite season!

Autumn comes, it just cant wait to fly to the orchard, open its cosmetic box, put the apple on the apple tree is painted red and fiery red, to orange trees as the golden orange dye, the grapes of the vine over dyed purple sky. Pomegranate pomegranates on the baby to see the autumn is coming, open the mouth to welcome it, they laughed very sweet very sweet, as if to say: "you see, my fruit like glittering and translucent picking through ruby?"

Autumn quietly came to our garden, open it beloved color box, color the chili red, like a fiery red firecrackers. Good people are waiting for the arrival of the autumn, the bright red pepper pickled chilli sauce. People say that after the beginning of autumn pickled chilli sauce can save for a long time didnt sour!

Autumn came to the maize fields, the painted golden corn, corn see autumn immediately smiled, it laughs teeth are going away. Waiting for it to hard-working farmers growing fullness, rich good do seeds in the coming year!

Autumn to fly to the rice fields, open its sewing box, the rice with golden silk embroidered golden. When we looked around, as if their goes into a desert... Farmer uncle is eagerly looking forward to its early maturity, fetch a good price!

Fall is the students nervous. School begins, everyone into my studies. For we just four grade, learning task is heavier, more homework. The teachers pay too much...

Autumn is the harvest season, let people much a cooler, more than a happy, also much a harvest; At the same time also let the students a more nervous. Let us happily spend this beautiful autumn!


秋天一到,它就迫不及待地飞到果园里,打开它的化妆盒,把苹果树上的苹果涂得火红火红的,把橘子树上的橘子染得金黄金黄 的,把葡萄树上的葡萄泼染得紫莹莹的。石榴树上的石榴宝宝看到秋天来了,就裂开嘴儿来欢迎它,它们笑得很甜很甜,好像在说:“你看,我的果实像不像晶莹剔 透的红宝石?”







篇16:季节英语作文:Stars on a Snowy Night

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The thermometer had dropped to 18 degrees below zero, but still chose to sleep in the porch as usual. In the evening, the most familiar sight to me would be stars in the sky. Though they were a mere sprinkle of twinkling dots, yet I had become so accustomed to them that their occasional absence would bring me loneliness and ennui.

It had been snowing all night, not a single star in sight. My roommate and I, each wrapped in a quilt, were seated far apart in a different corner of the porch, facing each other and chatting away.

She exclaimed pointing to something afar, “Look, Venus in rising!” I looked up and saw nothing but a lamp round the bend in a mountain path. I beamed and said pointing to a tiny lamplight on the opposite mountain, “It’s Jupiter over there!”

More and more lights came into sight as we kept pointing here and there. Lights from hurricane lamps flickering about in the pine forest created the scene of a star-studded sky. With the distinction between sky and forest obscured by snowflakes, the numerous lamp-lights now easily passed for as many stars.

Completely lost in a make-believe world, I seemed to see all the lamplights drifting from the ground. With the illusory stars hanging still overhead, I was spared the effort of tracing their positions when I woke up from my dreams in the dead of night.



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Every time,when the sun shining brightly,I know summer is coming.Though it is very hot,I still prefer summer.In hot summer,I like lying in the sunshine,sometimes.Because its too hot,I always stay for fifteen minutes.Always,you can see lots of people swimming in the sea,or in the swimming pool,I like playing with my friends in the swimming pool and enjoy the happy time.

Most people hate the sunshine in summer because its too hot,but I just like it.It makes me feel happy,bright and warm .






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Winter is a beautiful and cold season.

Heavy snow in winter,so I like go out with my friends to play snow

Winter, although very cold, but it has incomparable warmth and hope.

I like white, I love white snow,so I like winter. What a lovely winter!


It is cold and dry outside. the wind often blows strongly. the days are shorter and the nights are longer. many animals go to sleep. they will sleep for a long time till the spring comes. people don’t like to go outside. they have to wear heavy coats, scarves and gloves. but children like to be outside. because it often snows. there is snow around. there is ice on the ground. children can throw snowballs, make the snowmen. oh, look. what a surprise! do you see? the river is frozen! here come the boys, there come the girls, they are skating in the river happily.

oh! winter comes. it is really an interesting season. it has so much fun!



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There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In spring, everything begins to grow. The weather gets warmer and warmer and the days get longer and longer. The leaves turn green. The children can fly kites.

In summer, the weather is very hot. It often rains. The plants grow fast. The children can swim freely in a pool or in a river.

Autumn is the harvest season. You can eat fresh fruit and begetables. In this season, farmers are very busy picking up crops. The weather is very cool. So it is the best time to travel.

In winter it is very cold. It often snows. The children can make snowmen and go skiing.
