初三这个冬天很温暖的作文实用2篇 作文英语【精彩20篇】

温暖,一个多么令人舒适的词汇,它指的不是肉体上的温暖,而是心灵上的。这世上很多东西可以让你感到温暖。比如,问候可以温暖、动作可以温暖、话语可以温暖,笑容可以温暖,鼓励可以温暖……下面是小编为大家带来的初三这个冬天很温暖的作文实用2篇 作文英语,希望你喜欢。






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都城十日雪,庭户皓已盈。 或许有人喜欢鸟语花香的春天、烈日炎炎的夏天、果实累累的秋天,然而在我心中的那一个冬天也是别有风味。



我走在雪地里,脚完全被淹没在了雪里。当我走到学校时,鞋子和袜子已经全部湿透了,当我到了班上我已经冷得发抖了。这时班里已经早读了,我静静地坐在座位上,瑟缩成一团,发抖 。

这时徐老师走了过来,微笑着对我说 跟我来一下! ,我心里一惊,难道作业有问题?还是 ?我怀着不安的心情走进了办公室。这时只见徐老师往一个盆里倒着腾腾热水,回过头说 你看看,鞋怎么湿成这样!冷吧?坐下,啊! 我顿时明白了老师是要给我泡脚!虽然鞋依然是湿的,脚也仍然是冰的,但我一点也不觉得冷,老师那关切的话语和热情的表情让我忘却了冷,不知所措的站着、坐下。

她把我的鞋子与袜子轻轻的脱掉,只见老师的手上长满了老茧,又在这冬天变得红红的,还有许多皮似乎将要裂开似的。这时她将我的脚放入脚盆里,语重心长的对我说: 刚刚很冷吧?这样泡一泡会暖和许多的,等会把鞋子和袜子放在这里烘一烘,先穿我女儿的袜子和鞋子吧。 这一刻,热水的温暖从脚底涌到了我的心里 。





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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?




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这时,我看见她蹒跚地走向路中央 那儿静静地躺着几个塑料罐,老婆婆走过去,慢慢弯腰拾起来。

就在这个时候,一辆摩托车摇摇摆摆地飞驰而来,老婆婆来不及闪避。 啪 地一声,我的心抖颤着,摩托车终于刹住车了,可是老婆婆已被撞倒在了地上。老婆婆手里的垃圾袋也被耍到了一旁,脏兮兮的垃圾撒了一地。

出车祸了! 我双眼怔住,在心里惊呼。

老婆婆静静地躺在了地上。肇事者扶起他的摩托车,慌慌忙忙地掏出手机拨打120。周围的人都急忙围了过去。早餐店里坐着一个孩童,他用稚嫩的童声叫着: 出车祸了! 说完,又不明所以地 呵呵 笑几声。

老婆婆怎么样了呢?只是昏迷了,还是已经 我不敢再想下去了。

这时,一位长得脸庞清秀,身材瘦小的姑娘飞快地跑过去。寒风把她的头发吹得飘扬起来,脸冻得通红通红的。她高声说: 大家让让,我是护士! 大家闻言,立马让出一条道来。

那姑娘三步并作两步走到老婆婆身旁,蹲下来,面色凝重地检查了一番,毫不犹豫地为老婆婆进行人工呼吸急救 将老婆婆翻正身子,让她胸腹朝天,姑娘自己则深呼吸一口气,对着老婆婆的口将气吹入

见此情景,我除了惊诧,还是惊诧:老婆婆不仅是捡垃圾的,还那么脏,那姑娘竟不假思索地为老婆婆进行人工呼吸急救!不过,我又转念一想,难道她会袖手旁观,任由老婆婆自生自灭吗?那她挺身而出去为其急救,好像又是一种本能,更是一种时时刻刻记在心中的责任感。 白衣天使 的形象在我心中似乎得到了更好的诠释


很快,救护车来了。救护人员为老婆婆检查身体后,微微露出一丝笑意,说: 幸亏急救得及时啊,再差几分钟,老婆婆的状况就不好了。 我站起来,走了过去,暗暗觑了那小姑娘一眼,只见她欣慰地笑了,眉眼弯弯的,嘴也弯弯的。




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In order to learn English well, you should keep practicing it as much as possible. There are several good ways to help you with the English study.

First of all, you must listen carefully and be active in class .Speak as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes .Second, you’d better read widely and learn some important points by heart .Third you should practice writing often .Of course there are many other ways , You can also see English films ,learn to sing English songs or make pen pals with foreigners . You can listen to English programs on the radio and you can join English clubs and so on .They are all very helpful. Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it .If you do it like this in your English study ,I am sure you will learn English well.




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Man has been fascinated by outer space for thousands of years, It has been almost over forty years since man s first landing on the moon. Now, some people believe that space exploration is a sheer waste of time and money. They point out the thct that it cost billions of dollars to can3 on the space research, but a little infrmation was brought back. In addition, the time and money spent on space exploration is too much to calculate.

However, every coin has two sides. There are still a majority of other people who believe that space exploration has more advantages. And I agree with those people. Many new products, such as weather and communication satellites, are also products of space programs, and they have benefitted people all over the world. And what s more. scientific knowledge about outer space has been acquired by the mankind.

We benefited a lot from space exploration. We believed that it will bring more benefits in the future, which perhaps we can not even imagine now. Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That s why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.

[Do We Need Space Exploration初三英语作文



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The winter is coming, the weather is cold and cold. The snow is great, you see, the roof, the ground, branches are covered with white snow. When the snow covered the earth, small animals do not want to play out. Even the birds who love singing do not go out at home. The frog is smarter, it dug a deep hole and hibernate in it! But the kids can not be afraid of the winter. They think the winter can be fun! Can fight snowballs, you can snowman ... ... I also love the winter, I would like to draw a beautiful picture for it.

You see, a few small sparrows in the snow twitter jumping, not a moment, white silver bright snow, leaving a dense small claw printed son. Deep and shallow.

The pine trees on the distant mountains live in red silver, flashing the catastrophe of the sun, silver shiny, bright, charming drunk eyes.

What a lovely winter!



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A cold night, winter grandfather brought us a precious thing, the south of the thin - snow.

Look, that snow is the gods of the white, is hanging in the tree of the silver flower, is the winter unique "white butterfly." Walking in the street, snow like a fairy dancing in the air, high-rise buildings snow-capped, like wearing a white jacket, very beautiful.

Snow grew bigger and bigger, gradually, the plot built a thick snow, we step on, deep foot shallow foot, very fun. Trees were covered with snow, as if they were greater than anyone else, and finally, the trees were better than the snow, but they fell asleep and begged for mercy.

Continue to move forward, heavy snow has been drowned my small courtyard, this white snow, such as cotton covered with the whole small courtyard, has become a silver world.

After several days, the snow stopped, the snow on the roof began to melt, such as tears down the drop. Formed a section of ice, that ice feet two feet long, crystal-like crystal.

Snow is not the kind of fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus; no plum that attitude; but it flower-like hexagonal shape to bring people to a white world.



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篇9:初三年级英语作文: Visiting My Friend

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We couldn t believe that it was a village. The buildings for the farmers were very beautiful, the streets were very clean and there were many flowers in front of the houses. In the middle of the village there was a school with a wonderful building and a large playground. All the children in the village study there.

The farmers got richer by planting vegetables and raising silkworms. In their houses there were colour TV sets, fridges,washing machines, new furniture and even motorbikes. All these showed the farmers life was getting better and better.

The great changes had attracted foreigners. Today some of them would come to visit it. We were happy for the farmers. We hope the farmers will be richer and happier.



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Winter morning is sometimes good, sometimes bad, really make people wonder.

It makes me know what the cold and windy, let me know the taste of the knife, but it is sometimes good.

Open the window in the morning and found the earth covered with a thick layer of white cotton blanket, bare tree also put on a white clothes, from afar, beautiful ah! Ran out, playing in the snow two roll, Kick a few feet, race a few times to run, catch a few times to hide, playing a few snow battle, heap a few snowman. Ah, really happy!

Into the foot of the forest, the forest is not a spring of vitality, but I believe that the spring will come. Climbed to the mountainside, has been about to see the end of the town. At this time, the town has been a pair of white hands to protect. Climbed to the top of the hill, the sun has been from the horizon, struggling out. At this time, found the town is so cute, surrounded by several hills to help the town against the cold wind.

My favorite winter snow. Snow is the beauty of beauty: powder makeup jade puzzle, snow vast. In the morning, open the doors and windows: a tree tree with a long blossoming pear. This reminds me of the "Suddenly the night of the spring, thousands of trees million pear tree open."

In this morning full of infinite dreams, I understand that people simply so easy. Winter morning beauty, with us to enjoy. Winter in the context of nature, enjoy blooming with their own grace, for our lives add infinite vitality and vitality.



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When we read newspapers, we often come across the wordPollution. This word was not familiar to the people some decades ago. But now, it is a serious threat to us because.it means the poisoning of the air, seas, rivers and lands, which would do harm to our health.

There are many factories that bring pollution to us. We can not have fresh air in the morning. This is mainly because of the poisonous smoke coming from factories, especially chemical ones. In rivers, seas and oceans, there are industrial wastes. Some factories just throw their wastes into seas or let them flow into rivers. When people drink the water from such rivers, they get poisoned. Besides, there is rubbish from ships and when sometimes an accident occurs in an ocean, oil flows out from tankers.

On land, the accumulation of rubbish in the streets may dirty the city and ruin our health. This is mainly due to the improper disposal of rubbish by people.

If we do mot fight against pollution, surely one day all of us will be killed. Some people like to put the blame on the industrial revolutions. On the contrary, the pollution problem will be solved only with the help of modem science and technology.




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Winters in Taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime. I usually look forward to the Lunar New Years Day and the winter vacation when I can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays. Also, I look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; I like my grandmothers food very much. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood.

In the city, I usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold .



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Winter is the last season of the year, winter rain is the last rain in a year. Winter rain is not like spring rain, people feel valuable; winter rain is not like summer rain, people feel comfortable; winter rain is not like autumn, it is poetic. The winter rain inherited everything in winter, but I felt nothing but cold from it.

Winter rain is very thin, very dense, very cold Actually reminds me of the elderly. The elderly, experienced a vibrant boy; energetic youth; experienced middle-aged; now, is sunset.

Winter rain is watching the elderly grow up, the old man is watching the growth of winter rain. Year after year, the elderly in this life I do not know how many winter rain, year after year, winter rain in the old mans life I do not know how many times the elderly.

I do not know which day, see an old man walking in the winter rain. He did not umbrella, did not wear a raincoat, only wearing a hat on his head. Is not the old man afraid of rain? I think so. I see the old man more than once in the winter rain, do not umbrell, do not wear raincoats. Suddenly, my heart slipped through a cold: the old man may want to feel more before the candlelight winter rain. I can not help but worry about the elderly, then I thought, why should I be self-assertive? Perhaps the old drought on the indifferent fame and fortune, see through the life and death _ I am afraid that I am afraid that the old man is not afraid of the cold rain poured out the beam of light candle it? Now do not understand

Winter rain gone, the second year will come again; old man gone, will come back again Come .

I blame the injustice of nature, but a closer look, the balance of nature is still balanced, winter rain is really eternal stop, it can be with the world with a lonely and a thousand years ago, winter rain and one What is the difference between winter rain? Yes, they are no difference, they are spreading a theme - winter: the elderly are different, although they are gone, but they accumulated the experience of life, lessons are Passed to future generations, so that future generations who become better, stronger.

The old man in the span of life and never winter rain, but the accuracy of the elderly in life is far better than the winter rain.



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Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.

The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.

I like winter. Do you like winter?



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