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The spring festival is Chinese most traditional festival every 365 days. Each Chinese pay much attention on it. Every year about 15 days before spring festival, the migrate works and white-collars are beginning crowded home-returning.

But, in recent years, with the development of the world, many different attitudes between the young and the old towards the spring festival come forth. The old are still pay more attention to the spring festival, but the young gradually change the mode to spend their spring festival holiday, such as travel overseas.

When I am a childhood, I celebrated the spring festival with my family about a month in my winter vacation in traditional way, such as helping cleaning our houses, putting red couplets on gates, setting off firecrackers, and wear new clothes. Now, I spend only 4 or 5 days at home with my parents in celebrating the spring festival, then I will hurry back to work. Maybe in the near future, I will have no time celebrating spring festival hometown, and my parents have to come to stay with us in the city.

Whether or no, I like the spring festival. It is one of the most important part of our Chinese culture. However busy I am, I will try my best to celebrating it with the traditional way to protect those our ancestor has leave behind.




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Dear teacher


Im writing to you again. Its the new year. 2020 is coming and 2021 is

coming. Do you look forward to the holidays again and again, just like us? But

every time we go home, we are speeding up our separation.

Forgive the students for talking about such a sad topic in this jubilant

time. 2020 is the difference, it is tension, it is pressure, it is sentimental.

2020 will change a lot and take away a lot. It will take away our best three

years and the time we spend together. It passed, it will never come back,

leaving only memories. What is good as long as the heart is together, isnt it

even more painful when the heart is together but people are not around? It also

said that there was no emotion at that time, and it came true when you said that

you would walk away. However, the feelings between you and us have been deeply

rooted and can not be broken at all, so it is inevitable to be sad.

There is no feast that will never end. We have been together for three

years. Isnt it just a gift from God? Teacher, you should believe that it is

fate to meet us and good fortune to meet you. Over the past three years, we have

cried and laughed together. When we have to leave, we cant help but stir up

emotions. At this time, no one will feel superfluous. No ones heart is made of

iron. You should know that everyone has been remembering your good, your smile

and the way you stand behind the door in the past three years. Even if you are

angry, you will always come to the class unconsciously and take a look at us.

You are really worried.

But your worry is not in vain. Now, although some people have learned to

smoke, drink and make friends, those people are still grateful to you, but they

are not good at expressing themselves. In other words, Thanksgiving is like

"fruit of human body". Once it blooms in three thousand years and bears fruit in

four thousand years, its seeds are planted in my heart early. Although it grows

slowly, it has great power when it grows.

You said that in the self-study class, we dont study hard. We look at the

watch and glance at the teacher. We are so cute. But when you are looking at us,

we are also looking at you. Moreover, you look up and you always frighten


The last excellent diary of this semester has changed. It is not happy and

naive, but full of sadness and maturity. In that class, everyone was thinking of

something in their hearts. It was from the heart and could not be covered up. It

was the most significant excellent diary ever.

I think there is no literary talent, like every excellent diary, everyone

will think hard about what to write. Even if they do, they cant write anything.

But now, writing this topic, everyone has a lot to say. As long as the heart, is

a good article.

Old wusky once described the scene of a year: when we came back one day and

wanted to see you, you had to call the guard and tell them to let us in before

we could enter the campus. Come to your class, not only you and me, but also a

group of students waiting to grow up like us at that time. Looking at them, I

think of myself. What happened in the New Glasgow is unfolding in front of us.

However, people are not those people anymore.

Its so sad. Old wusky is great.

At noon, I have been dreaming for half a day. In the dream, we have

graduated. All of a sudden, everything moves up, and the essence is condensed

into a small world. Its just in the air, playing everything weve been doing

for three years. When it disappeared, we all cried, and simply broke into the

small world. Everything in the small world has not changed at all, that is our

three years, but we can not touch it. We saw our performance at that time, so

proud. I saw you and wanted to talk to you, but you ignored me. I envy myself at

that time, tears stop in the eyes.

Teacher, how I wish that small world really exists! Teacher, the feelings

of the past three years are not clear. I cant find any words, a sentence to

describe our previous feelings, which only those of us who have experienced can

understand. But everyone wants to express, cherish and grasp.

Teacher, thank you! Thank you for your meticulous care when we are ill,

thank you for your restraint when we indulge, and thank you for the punishment

when we make mistakes. Each of us is a piece of white paper, you can sketch

everything on it. Thank you for sketching so many beautiful things, bitter and

sweet, let us have a good start.

Teacher, Im sorry, please forgive our treason. Every time we make a

mistake, you will say, "or a child?" this is to comfort us, but also to comfort

yourself. But we dont understand you. We always misunderstand you, blame you,

get angry with you, and dislike you all day. Its not good here and there. In

fact, we also know that you are indeed a good teacher.

Teacher, please forgive these children, please fall in love with these

children, please remember these children These children will never forget



The last day of 2020



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Spring Festival is very important in China.We always celebrate every  year ,and everyong likes  the Spring Festival very much.

Before Spring Festival , the people often do some shopping in the shopping mall,they buy the new ciothes,something to eat  and so on.

On New Years eve, the family will get together to eat meal.

In the Spring Festival,people usually eat dumplings.People will go to elder home happy New Year ,then children can get red packets from their grandparents, parents,uncle,aunt.

I like the Spring Festival very much.How about you ?



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A new year ,a new start,when I stand on the edge of  a new year,I cant help thinking about my plan of next year.

Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,Im quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.

But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned,and the result will prove it.



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The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.People usually decorate the doors and windows with red papercuts.becouse red means good luck.People usually clean house too.becouse they want to sweep away bad luck.Children can get some new clothes or presents from their parents and grandparents.On New Years Eve,family always have a big dinner.Everybody are watch TV and talk.In the midnight,there usually fairworks.On New Years Day,people usually put on their new clothes and visit their femily and friends.They usually say Happy New Years Day. The Spring Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.People usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.It can take people good luck all the year round.




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导语:新年好,春节祝福到! 下面是小编给大家整理的2017新年春节祝福语,欢迎大家阅读!

1. 鲜花的香味抵不过你的硕果累累,美酒的甜美抵不过你的成绩卓著。快乐的掌声在你身边响起,成功的笑容在你脸庞绽放。愿你在新的一年继续努力,取得灿烂的业绩!

2. 机缘,在合作中生根,情谊,在合作中加深;事业在合作中壮大;梦想,在合作中腾飞。愿新的一年,我们继续再接再厉,合作双赢,创造新的辉煌!

3. 新年到,向您问个好。开心无烦恼,好运跟着跑。家人共团聚,天伦乐逍遥。朋友相扶持,心情不寂辽。事业风水顺,金银撑荷包。祝春节快乐!

4. 新年到,国务院发五条禁令:禁止假装忙不理我,禁止发财忘了我,禁止有难不帮我,禁止吃饭不叫我,禁止闲时不想我!春节快乐。

5. 新年来百花香,一条信息带六香。一香送你摇钱树,二香送你贵人扶,三香送你工作好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满箱,六香送你永安康!祝春节快乐!

6. 新年天气预报:春节前后,欢声笑语席卷全球,大面积会下钞票,局部有金条,你的手机将装满祝福,心情阴转晴,欢乐热度不断提升,此类天气预计持续一周。

7. 新年来临百花香!一条信息带六香!一香送你摇钱树!二香送你贵人扶,三香送你工作好,四香送你没烦恼,五香送你钱满箱,六香送你永安康!祝春节快乐!

8. 新年又来到,我也不迟到,祝福早报道,短信问个好,办事步步高,生活日日妙,好运天天交,越长越俊俏,地上长元宝,墙上出钞票!祝春节快乐!

9. 新年好,祝您:身体健康,万事如意,合家欢乐,生活美满,事业有成,珠玉满堂,多寿多富,财大气粗,攻无不克,战无不胜!春节祝福!

10. 感恩于上苍的赋予,感恩父母的养育,感恩朋友的帮助,感恩大自然的恩赐,感恩食之香甜,感恩衣之温暖,感恩花草鱼虫,感恩困难逆境,春节快乐!

11. 春节到了,鉴于你超有人缘,祝福肯定超载。我不得不超前抢位,愿你好运超重,成功超高,日子超美,幸福超级给力。新春快乐,猴年如意!

12. 春节到了,想送你点钱,发现你比我能挣;想送你点衣服,发现你比我俏;想送你点吃的,发现你比我能蹧;想送你点快乐,发现你比我能笑;只好送你四个字:新春愉快!

13. 春节到了,我要送你什么呢,送你宇宙吧,太长了;送你太阳吧,太烫了;送你星星吧,太多了;思来想去还是送你快乐实在,春节到了,我祝愿你开心快乐

14. 春节到了,我扛着塞满快乐的麻袋,提着装满财富的篮子,赶着堆满好运的马车,踏着充满健康的步伐,一步一步走向你,在猴年到来前把幸福交到你手里。

15. 春节到了,提醒你记得把微笑带上,让快乐跟上;把小心捎上,让平安赶上;把祝福送上,让感情至上;把好运拎上,让幸福向上。祝你猴年快乐哦!

16. 春节到了,我让财神给你当小弟,让嫦娥给你当小蜜,让耶稣基督给你送福记,让如来给你唱般若波罗密。没有别的用意,就是想提前祝福你猴年大吉大利!

17. 春节到了,请把烦恼收藏,把快乐搜索,把健康下载,把财运复制,把如意粘贴,把平安保存,把幸福编辑,把生活刷新,嘿嘿,你就偷着乐吧。

18. 春节到了,但愿在新年里,你的生活像奥运会一样精彩不断,像国庆阅兵一样高潮迭起,像世博会一样令人期待。你的幸福永远和祖国的强大同在!

19. 祝在新的一年里:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

20. 祝你把金财银财大财小财,汇成万贯家财;用你的朝气英气正气勇气,换得一团和气;把我最真的祝福祝愿心愿许愿,一并送给你:祝春节快乐,富贵连年。

21. 祝好运接二连三,心情四季如春,生活五颜六色,七彩缤纷,偶尔八点小财,新的一年开始,烦恼抛到九霄云外!请接受我十全十美的祝福。祝春节快乐!

22. 祝福信息看一看,日元、欧元或美元,元元都是你的钱;遇到幸福莫转弯,旦夕快乐到永远,信息读完笑开颜,记得祝福要传传。祝春节快乐!

23. 祝您:位高权重责任轻,钱多事少离家近,每天睡到自然醒,工资数到手抽筋,奖金多到车来运,别人加班你加薪!春节快乐!

24. 祝你在新年里:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

25. 这几天同志们发了很多短信向你表示祝福,讲得很好很全面,基本上代表了我的意见,我都同意,另外我再补充三点,春节了:要身体好、心情好、假期要过好。祝春节快乐!

26. 祝福不论多少,心诚就好;快乐别嫌多少,开心就好;幸福只多不少,照单全收就好;出入不计远近,平安就好;春节祝福趁早,愿你万事大吉,好上加好!

27. 祝您把金财银财大财小财,汇成万贯家财;用您的朝气英气正气勇气,换得一团和气;把我最真的祝福祝愿心愿许愿,一并送给你:祝春节快乐,富贵连年。

28. 祝在新的一年里:一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心;一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安;天天精神百倍,月月喜气洋洋;年年财源广进,岁岁平安祥和!春节快乐!

29. 喜迎新春贺新岁,财神大步到门来,恭喜添福又发财,有情男女一对对,工作顺利加薪水,老板个个笑颜开。

30. 新年到,鸿运照,烦恼的事儿往边靠,祝君出门遇贵人,在家听喜报!年年有此时,岁岁有今朝!春节快乐!



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I had a wonderful time this Spring Festival, we all put on new clothes, get the lucky money, taste the delicious food, play to the manifold blessings that lie in the fireworks firecracker, saw the wonderful Spring Festival gala... The most memorable to me is that colourful fireworks!

Since to the flower market and bought after the fireworks, Ive been looking forward to the arrival of the year, because the day can play to fun interesting fireworks.

Finally, the day arrived, I was so happy in my heart, like eat the doping! After eating dinner, dad and I happily with fireworks and gun platform to the third floor, "out of the blue marble, out of the blue marble", on the third floor has a lot of people in the play firecrackers to celebrate the New Year. I also cant wait to come up with a gun like bombs let father, himself like a flee for lifes little rabbit ran so far! This gun rotated, rotating at the same time also spew out golden fire, flame spray out, jump up out of the blue rattled play firecrackers. Wow, this gun is so rich and colorful! I took out a rubiks cube box of the rockets, father lit the fuse, 25 small gun with sound box have to fly to heaven, and bursting charming flowers in the sky, I also jumped up excitedly, really want to and they compare discretion!

Its so wonderful! My heart sighs. Suddenly, a loud noise startled me, it turns out that the other side of the village in a large-scale fireworks! The bursting fireworks like pieces of beautiful flowers, the color of the beautiful flowers really much ah, there are red, green, white, yellow... Watch, I as if went into the ocean of beautiful flowers, is full of colorful, beautiful flowers...

The Spring Festival is really interesting! I had a wonderful time!








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Dear teachers

hello everyone!

Novel coronavirus our wills unite like a fortress. The Spring Festival

holiday in 2020 has been a long time for us. Facing the sudden outbreak of the

new coronavirus, the people of the whole country are united in their efforts to

fight the epidemic. In this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, as a member of

the real primary school kindergarten, we should always put "the life safety and

health of teachers and students first", respond to the epidemic situation with a

positive attitude, and do our best with a high sense of social responsibility!

To this end, the following initiatives are issued to all teachers:

1、 Be the forerunner of scientific epidemic prevention

Teachers should follow the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention

guidelines and other epidemic prevention regulations, do not gather, do not

gather, do not gather at the gathering place, eliminate contact with the

relevant personnel in key areas of epidemic prevention and control, wear masks

outside, wash hands frequently, return to good hygiene habits, do well in their

own and family health management, and actively cooperate with the community

(Village) group control. Work, strengthen physical exercise, improve physical

quality, fully show the good image of peoples teachers.

2、 To be a caretaker of students

At this special moment, every teacher should pay more attention to and care

for children. Through wechat group, QQ group and other ways, we should further

strengthen the scientific prevention guidance for children and parents, do a

good job in the touch and arrangement of each child, understand the daily

movement and health situation of children, and summarize them according to the

times of the school. Guide parents to take good care and supervision, remind

parents to pay close attention to childrens physical and mental health,

appropriate exercise, reasonable diet, to ensure childrens physical and mental


3、 Be the practitioner of online service

As the saying goes, "spring is at the end of a year". According to the

guiding opinions on primary and secondary schools and kindergartens during the

delayed start of epidemic prevention and control in Chongqing city "issued by

the Municipal Academy of education and science, Shixiao kindergarten has decided

to guide children to" suspend classes and never stop school, Da Ai Yong online

"during the period of school extension

1. According to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, the school

will be postponed. Teachers scientifically arrange their own work and life at

home, and take grade group as the unit, formulate online learning activities

(including one week activity plan, work and rest schedule, activity content,

childrens learning feedback and other requirements).

2. Through the class wechat group (or QQ group) upload activity

arrangement, effectively carry out the class self-help learning guidance work

(childrens learning feedback).

3. Adhere to professional reading, read "learning with children" carefully,

and think about the kindergarten based curriculum of "etiquette education"

combined with class examples.

In this special holiday, lets always pay attention to the growth of

children and use professional strength to convey warmth and love! Home hand in

hand, accompany children to spend special holidays!

Dadukou Experimental Primary School Kindergarten







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January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.

The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of ecember.During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.

Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels.On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.




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The Spring Festival is a traditional festival of all nationalities in our country, more than 100 years ago, folk artists "one hundred" in his QuBenZhong writes: "in the first month in every New Year, Lantern Festival view on the lamp, month circle, flower box at everywhere, loud fireworks, make streets are swim series." Set in the history about the beginning of the Spring Festival.

Legend rao period, our country has this festival, shells we find in the oracle, there are also records about the Spring Festival, celebrated the first Spring Festival custom wind, but at that time, calendar, is to rely on "view as timing", is accurate, it is difficult to determine, in 104 BC the first year of emperor too early, created "the beginning calendar", our people and at specified day of the first lunar month as from then on, the customs of the lunar New Year is been around for 2000 years, until the founding of new China, to switch to the later, the holiday is to the Spring Festival.

In our country the most ancient written records, there are many stories about the beginning of month, and the New Year, it is "the autumn harvest winterizing later in the season," han zheng xuan also said that early age is not "of LaoNong to rest." Our todays terms, is the meaning of combining exertion and rest.

So whats the Spring Festival? According to legend, in a long time ago, there was a man named ten thousand youth, see the seasonal mess, want to seasonal probable, one day, he went up into the mountain cutting wood, sit down to rest under the shade and shadow movement inspired him, and he devised a sundial shadow gauge measurement days. Day rain fog, however, affect the measurement, the later, cliff drops springs cause his interest, he began to make the five layers clepsydra, over time, he found that every three hundred and sixty days, and the length of days will repeat.

At that time the king called ZuYi, days of the contingency, made him very upset. The secretary of a named scale, in order to curry favor with the emperor, play to tiantai worship god worship, ZuYi justification, has led officials to worship, but to no avail, know that in ten thousand, could not help but to see the emperor with the sundial and clepsydra, to explained the lunisolar ZuYi run of reason. ZuYi incurred after listen to big yue, feel that makes sense. Then leave in ten thousand, built in the temple of heaven before the sun pavilion, built sundial and clepsydra pavilion, and sent 12 serve in ten thousand, the lad ZuYi to said in ten thousand: "rule, hope you can measure the accurate runs calculated accurately ChenXi time, create a calendar, the plebeian inhabitants of the world."

Once ZuYi regards the scale to know the progress of testing the calendar in ten thousand, when he appeared on the day of 20:30 liu jianhua calls to see cliff wrote some words on the side of the temple of heaven, equilibrium saw after know ten thousand calendar has research is successful, he is afraid of the emperor reuse, founded in ten thousand, sent to assassinate, the assassin was caught by the guards, ZuYi know later, to punish the criterion, personally the pagoda to see the sun in ten thousand, in ten thousand, pointing to astronomical phenomena, the ZuYi said: "now is the full twelve months, out has ended, and spring after beginning, king please appoint a section." ZuYi said: "spring for years, just call the Spring Festival."

Winter, year after year, then, in ten thousand after long-term observation, carefully calculated, formulated the accurate solar, later in ten thousand to commemorate the merits, will be solar day named "calendar" in ten thousand for the birthday girl and, later, people hang up the birthday girl figure during Chinese New Year, according to legend is in memory of the ten thousand.

Now we also have a New Year customs, such as "f" word, firecrackers, happy New Year and so on.











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xxxx年x月x日 星期x 天气x









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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .

In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .

Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .

They can also get some money from their parents.This money is given to children for good luck .People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune.



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The Spring Festival is a major festival for Chinese people. It has a long history and a splendid cultural background. And many small rules and little superstitions of the Spring Festival are the same.

Everyone should know that one thing is very important, for the spring festival. Lets not look down on this matter. For example, the fruit is not so careless, not all the fruits are suitable for the ancestors and gods. Choose a good fruit. For example: apple, orange, kumquat in peace, full house, orange, xinxiangshicheng. Like pears, not as a tribute because some people think pear and "leave" is the word homonym. So its not welcome. And its Bananas - a lot of trouble. So some fruit is not available.

There is only a part of fruit dumplings as a tribute tribute must not put in pairs of. As for the sugar tribute to put candy not fudge. Because the sweetness is hard enough.

For even one candle, incense, and so on, but the most important is the paper, paper to be really money before they can burn, but also a main pressure, which could be felt more sincere.

Whether it is true or false, but at least it is the reason why we must have our ancestors talked about. I hope that these Spring Festival common sense can let more and more post - 80s, and the post-90s know how important the Spring Festival is in the eyes of our Chinese people. If the Spring Festival does not have any taboos, it will mean that not so many people pay attention to it. The more rules, the more the significance of the Spring Festival.



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The Spring Festival comes after New Years Day.Its usually in January or February.Its the Chinese New Years Day.The Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China.All of the Chinese like this festival.When it comes,people are busy.They usually do some cleaning,go to the stores to buy some new clothes and a lot of meat,vegetables and fruit.On the eve of the festival,everyone in the family comes back home from other places.They get together and have a big supper .They eat dumplings,New Years cake and some other delicious food in their houses.Some people like New Years cake,but more people think dumplings are the most delicious food of all.Some families have a party.They sing,dance and have a good time.I like this festival very much because I can play with my friends and I can get "red envelopes".





全文共 2022 字

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It was thirty of the year. We had a new year. We were very happy. We put on new clothes and went out to play. The most favorite thing for children to play is to set off firecrackers. We came to buy firecracker shop to buy a box of small, can not wait to come to the place where few people lit a cannon, put it into the bottle with “ ” a bottle of “ &rdquo a whoosh; straight to the clouds, to limit the fun. Happy we jump three feet high.

In the evening, it is time to eat the years night dinner, several of our children have agreed, and wait after dinner in my small yard inside the fire. After eating, I asked grandpa to put the long bought fireworks in the yard. As they came, my grandpa announced to start shooting, so I picked up a happy paradise “ ” uncle lit a sweet to me, I think the fireworks would suddenly explode; a point I quickly fling caution to the winds only listen to “ ” PA; a sound but I have a cold sweat.

When my grandfather brought “ &rdquo, “ 10000 joy; Donald Mickey ” and “ fruit treasure agent ” any of various uncle and I bent down, picked up the incense, close to the firing line, I was very frightened, hurriedly ran to the balcony of my house “ Dong Ba ” “ Dong Ba ” a loud noise; we look to the sky; a beautiful fireworks in the sky spread, Ambilight, gorgeous fireworks, who sometimes like Liyudiaolongmen, sometimes like a day with flowers; sometimes like butterflies; sometimes like a bud just ready to burst. The red symbolizes the festive fireworks, blue symbolizes wisdom, green symbolizes vitality, yellow symbolizes warmth, purple symbolizes the romance of any of various riotous with colour intoxicated, addictive. Followed by &ldquo ” a crackling sound; a peony red rose to the sky, suddenly appeared in the sky after another large “ peony, ” the slightest petals stretched open wider, became a huge crystal hanging lamp lantern cover in our head, green and yellow purple sea. We are unable to restrain the emotions to applaud, head repeatedly praise, too beautiful! Its beautiful!



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The Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year is a great occasion to the Chinese people。 It lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty。 Students do not go to school, and shops are closed。

Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare。 Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens。 City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables。  Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors。 Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate。

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner。 After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve。 Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to wele the new year。 On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best。 When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year"。 Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other。 Children indulge themselves in games。



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To tell you the tr uth,I don t like the Spring Festival at all. When I was young I liked it very much,because I could had something tasty to eat during the Spring Festival,and I could enjoy very wonderful TV programmes,too,I also could had much free time during which I could did something I liked to do. I don t like it now, there are many reasons.

Firstly,I can t have a good time during the Festival. Every New Year s Eve something unpleasant often happens. Once I quarreled with my second brother.

Secondly,I can t relax myself during the Festival. I have to do many things,watch so many TV programmes, meet so many people,all these things make me very tired.

Thirdly,spending one Spring Festival means that I become one year older,I don t like to be old. I want to live longer and be young all the time. Readers, what is your opinions about the Spring Festival?Please tell us,we can share our opinions. Thanks for reading! Goodbye.



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More than 10 days before the Spring Festival, grandma just get busy preparing something for the Chinese New Year, and kill the chicken, and duck slaughter, and cooked the meat, and cooking, busy trying. Grandma said: "now is no New Years day, better than New Years day !" Dad said: "now is Chinese New Year still busy!" But as for me, although is welcome, not participate in discussions, but has been realized in the harmonious society people overjoyed when!

By year, every household lights, very busy. We eat a good meal in a hurry, picked up a firecracker quickly ran to the designated place, for fear of being robbed the first. We can be more firecrackers, there are "flowers" "double bang firecracker" "cuckoo cybele" BaiZiBao "..." Lets put the "flowers", firecrackers like a fire ball shot on the blue sky. All of a sudden, its not rise, but suddenly burst, formed a colorful flower, have a plenty of gold to red, have a plenty of yellow and green, or blue and red. Then we put the "double bang firecracker", it is also good, listen to "bang" a loud noise, a Mars for a moment, its a "bang" sound, golden fireball exploded in the sky, but not immediately. "BaiZiBao" two thousand multiple, how much more enjoyable enough. "Cuckoo crow spring" is my favorite, after burning up a clump of flame, the above quote pieces of colorful flowers, each flower so bright, so bright!

Look at the beautiful fireworks in the sky, listening to all round the loud firecrackers, I want to, and came to the New Year, our motherland will present a new atmosphere.






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The Spring Festival is very important to Chinese people。In the past,people could not often have meat,rice or other delicious food。They could only eat these during the Spring festival。So every year they hoped that the Spring Festival would come soon。Now,although people‘s life is much better,and we can eat the delicious foods everyday。People still like the festival。Because most people can have a long holiday,and we are free to go on a trip or visit our friends or have parties with our family。In the evenings,we can have a big meal in the restaurant or stay at home with family and watch the TV programmes。

I like the Spring Festival very much。How wonderful the Spring Festival is!





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Looking forward to, looking forward to, and finally close to the steps of the New Year.

The Spring Festival is the traditional festival of the Chinese nation, Chinese people have attention. From New Years day and more than half a month, everyone began to close down of drum and planning.

In the era of speed up the pace of life, relatives, friends gather to seem to be very difficult, and the Chinese New Year is wandering the ends of the earth and the great opportunity of family reunion. Work outside of friends can be together again, although I cant take you in the mood, but when friends gather to play in a New Year, but also fun.

As a child, love to play, of course, usually busy learning, good and pored over the New Years day can finally. You may wish to share with me I have to annual!

Look at the party. Just finished eating dumplings on New Years eve night, the whole family was eager to wait for the party, despite the party every year, but each time the party can be equally, crosstalk laughing, alternately, reveling in a wonderful song and amazed by the magic of air...

Set off firecrackers. This year New Years day, I bought a lot of firecrackers, on New Years eve the twelve o clock, I lit a big bunch of firecrackers, the New Years bell and firecrackers sounded at the same time, the scene is very spectacular. Be free and at leisure, but also can with brother put little match crackers. In the eyes of an adult is no meaning, but these firecrackers left a deep impression in our memory.

New Years day, the elder give money saving up to buy some things they need, feeling really good! This year, I also learned a new skill - making dumplings. Eat their package dumplings, very delicious!

New Years day is busy, but my sister told me: "years behind also with heavy responsibility, we are one year older again, for the life should be a more thinking." In the face of the New Year, how to adjust itself to the new self in the face of the New Year.

I think: this is the meaning of the New Years day!












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My New Year`s ResolutionsWell, New Year`s Day is coming. Do you want to know what I am going to do next year? I am going to leave my home for Xiamen with my family . We are going to there by plane .And after we are getting there, we are going to eat delicious food, climb the mountains, visit the Jin Bang Park and the Bai Lu Zhou Park.We are also going to go shopping , play basketball with my uncles at the same time. And we are going to stay there for a month . After a month , we are going to come back to our home.We will have a good time there. How about yours? What are you going to do next year?
