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I will graduate from elementary school soon .

6-year learning is coming to an end. I clearly know that Im going to a junior high school soon.

I have heard that the study there is much harder than that in primary school. So I have to work hard to achieve a new height. First I will read lots of books so that I can get ready for the future learning. Then I will do some practice. As the saying goes: Practise makes perfect.

In a word I will try my best!









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As early as a few days ago, the streets were filled with zongzi, and the

fragrance of zongzi wafted everywhere. Today, I can finally eat the delicious

zongzi made by my mother. Because the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.


My mother is really amazing. She can make several kinds of zongzi with

different tastes, including red date zongzi, bean zongzi, egg yolk zongzi, and

my favorite meat zongzi. As soon as zongzi is out of the pot, my brother and I

will fight for it from you for fear that we will eat one less.




Just as we were about to put zongzi into our mouths, Dad came over and

smiled and said, "do you know why we eat Zongzi on Dragon Boat Festival?" we all

replied in unison, "in memory of Qu Yuan!" "yes! Then why do you remember him?"

my brother and I looked at me and I looked at you and shook our heads. " In the

spring and Autumn period, Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet, saw his motherland being

invaded and his heart was cut like a knife, but he could not bear to give up his

motherland, so he threw stones into Miluo River on the fifth day of May and

died. Later, on the fifth day of May every year, there was the custom of dragon

boat racing and eating zongzi, in order to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu

Yuan. "


My brother and I nodded. It turns out that Dragon Boat Festival has such a

meaning. Today, I have not only delicious zongzi, but also a lot of harvest.



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Hello,everyone! My Winter vacation`s life was so interesting.Do you want to know what I did during the Winter vacation? Well, at the first week, I did my homework,surfed the Internet,played computer games and watched TV. At the second week, I helped my parents with housewrk, so I did the dishes, washed lots of my parents` clothes and helped them take out the trash. At the third week, I chatted with my girl friend on mobile phone and we both had a good time.I had a happy Winter vacation`s life ! So how about you? What did you do during the Winter vacation?



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篇4:小学英语作文:My School Bag 我的书包

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I have a good friend. Her name isSchoolBag. She is a very beautiful girl. Look! There is a picture on her face. Its a picture of a lovely girl. She wears a red coat. There are some books, some copybooks and a pencil case in her stomach. From Monday to Frid

ay, I go to school with her. She helps me a lot. And I like her very much.



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According to a recent article on Newsweek concerning children’s’ education,

there is an increasing number of parents worrying their kids to an extreme

extent, depriving them of independence and freedom by keeping them around

parents all the time.

Some people applaud this phenomenon, suggesting that kids’ safety is the

most important. Thus, they’d better not enter the hazardous society without

supervision unless they become adults. From my point of view, some of their

opinion is correct but keeping children away from independence is a completely

erroneous decision. The reasons are as follows:

First and foremost, “locking kids” may hinder their healthy growth, both

mentally and physically. The kids who are locked may have heavy reliance on

their parents, as their comprehensive skills such as communication skills or

cooperative spirit being prevented from developing.

Secondly, what these parents fail to see is the fact that the crime rate

and accidents aren’t on a rapid rise. It is the abuse of mass media that make

crimes and violence more scary. The parents, who love their kids so much, are

completely forced to live under the illusion that our society is full of riots

or threats of accidents. Thus, kids can be allowed to have more freedom such as

walking to school by himself, for instance.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that

kids should be given more freedom by parents’ effort. At the same time, parents

should take many factors into consideration such as the time restriction for

children and the evaluation to kids’ maturity and capability. Only then can they

enjoy a safe and meaningful childhood.



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2、  xxx,就要过去,20**,迎面走来,回首一年,淡化得失,看轻成败,忘记悲欢。面向新年,放下包袱,重燃希望,激活动力,再造辉煌!

3、 走过一天天,告别**年,日子不用算,366天,拼搏和压力,算出了成绩,奋斗和努力,创造了功绩,靠大家的团结,我们11很顺利,愿大家的继续,给我们**年锦上添花,再续佳绩。

4、 脱去xxx的烦恼,洗掉xxx的疲惫,20**在即,换上如意套装,穿上开心皮靴,戴上欢喜帽子,唱一曲20**神曲,今年你最红!

5、 xxx的烦恼随风飘到了九宵云外,20**的好运象棉花糖一样粘着你,xxx的疲惫象雪球样越滚越远,20**的事业象芝麻开花一样节节高,xxx你如大雁般飞走吧,20**你如小朋友眼中的肯德基般降临吧。

6、 回望xxx,走过一年的风风雨雨,迈过一年的坎坎坷坷,看过一年的形形色色,干过一年的琐琐碎碎。展望20**,愿新的一年:“走进”明明亮亮,“迈入”平平坦坦,“看见”美美好好,“干到”充充实实!

7、 把心气太高,把斗志升高,把激情燃起,把努力继续,xxx接近尾声,鼓起力量最后出击,愿**年的工作多点成绩,愿**年的新篇开的欣喜,愿你身体健康,万事如意。

8、 xxx即将成为往事,开心伴随难过,欢笑伴着泪水,失意催生成功,奋斗谱写卓越,前方的20**将是一段更辉煌的旅程,前方的20**,让我们盛装起航,20**万事如意!

9、 有拼搏才会有成就,有付出才会有成绩,有团结才会有功绩,有目标才会更欢喜,今天团聚在一起,总结去年的成绩,心中喜气送大家,愿你们心情快乐,开心如意。

10、 不问你一年收入有多高,只问你一年收获有多少;不问你一年荣耀有几回,只问你一年成长有几多;不问你一年跌倒有几次,只问你一年幸福有多久!xxx,已然过去,20**,扑面而来,祝愿朋友,新年快乐,万事如意!

11、 时间的火车拉着xxx年的记忆缓缓开走,不管成功亦或失败,开心亦或懊恼,都必须统统忘掉,20**年的火车已经向我们使来,只有抓住时机的人才不会误了火车,愿你20**年生福生财不生病。


13、 送走一年的“忙碌”,洗去一年的“尘埃”,储存一年的“所得”,忘掉一年的“烦恼”,丢掉所有的“压力”,换身新衣带上微笑!20**让幸福快乐把你拥抱!新的一年好运将把你来围绕!

14、 一分一秒,刻着xxx年奋斗的激情,一时一刻,写着xxx年坚持的热情,一月一日,流着xxx年离去的温情,一年一季,怀着xxx年进取的信心,愿你20**年的自信改变你的一生!

15、 忙忙碌碌度过一年,坎坷苦难留给去年;收获多多带回家园,风霜雨露造就丰年;甜甜蜜蜜就在新年,欢欢喜喜过个好年!20**大家团圆,带着幸福,载着好运,给亲爱的朋友‘拜个早年’!

16、 xxx年的最后一天,为自己画一幅画像,画上一年的得失,画上一年的成败,画上一年的忧喜,画上一年的悲欢。然后,逐一修改,期待来年,收获多多,成就多多,喜事多多,幸福多多!

17、 一年辛苦一年努力,一年成绩今天记,拿出开心和甜蜜,一年幸福放杯底,愿你多点快乐,多点幸福,多点甜蜜,多点如意,来年工作更顺利,身体更健康,心情更快乐,天天好运气。

18、 xxx年底开心了,为啥?房子住上了,票子拿到了,车子开上了,没去医院了,20**树立目标了,是啥?住房大一倍,收入翻一番,车子提一档,健康多一些!祝您20**快乐!

19、 一年到头不是头,总结一下继续走,愿你总结经验迎接新挑战,调整心情迎接新人生,放开烦恼面对新目标,端正方向走向新梦想,鼓起斗志创造新辉煌。

20、 把**年的开心继续下去,把**年的运气聚攒下去,把**年的斗志坚持下去,把**年的拼搏紧张下去,把**年的梦想奋斗下去,把**年的成功延续下去,愿你**年更成功,事业更辉煌。

21、 向xxx说声拜拜,和失望,痛苦,悲伤,失败说声再见,对20**道声祝福,让满足,快乐,开心,成功插上翅膀,牵着你的心飞向20**幸福的地方,愿你再创辉煌!

22、 年底到,回看一年有乐也有苦,我手提“吉祥鞭”放响“如意炮”,xxx坏事全驱除,好事迎进20**的门,得意失意已成为天上浮云,幸福和美还看20**!祝您来年大吉,顺利如意!

23、 年末岁首,喜忧参半,有失有得,有败有成,有人为的,有天意的,总结经验,吸取教训,祝福好友,20**,好运吉祥,幸福快乐,事事如意!

24、 不知不觉11走到头,工作生活收一收,算算成绩和经验,把11用心总结,算算开心和幸福,把11快乐收结,算算目标和方向,把12尽情走远,算算人生和路程,把未来继续走远。

25、 走到20**的大门前,在门口,剪掉xxx一年的烦恼,洗去365天的尘土,功过全抛到脑后,戴上一符“祝福咒语”,常念念,你的20**一定开心顺意:困难小小,阻碍少少,梦想大大,快乐多多!

26、 辞去忙碌充实的虎年,迎接快乐幸福的龙年!用新年的雨雪洗去一年的疲劳,用短信把满满的祝福打包!新的一年让我用短信给大家送真心的祝福,祝愿我的朋友“20**好运连连,常开笑颜!”

27、 xxx年的脚步渐行渐远,20**年的钟声即将响起。年终岁尾,让我们共同饮下一年来我们用激情、汗水、智慧、努力、创造、专注、卓越、合作酿制的好酒,并期待来年更加芬芳更加醇厚更加醉人的美酒!

28、 一钩弯月挂眼前,几分思念在天边,说声问候送吉祥,寄句祝福度平安,冰雕玉刻雾凇雪,晶莹剔透琼世界,为你铺下白玫瑰,不信公主不快活。

29、 新年喽,做到料理送给你。主料:幸福。辅料:健康、快乐、顺心、如意、好运连连、财源广进!把这些材料放到一起搅拌,撒上欢笑就完成了!这就是20**最牛的万事如意合家欢料理!愿你新年快乐,幸福每一刻!

30、 怀着xxx年离去的温情,点燃20**年前进的激情,用xxx年持之以恒的恒“心”,实现幸福美好梦“想”,用xxx年不再重犯的错“事”,真切造就无为自“成”,愿你20**年心想事成!

31、 xxx年底岁末:烦恼是过去的,快乐是现在的,辉煌是将来的,忧愁变成了昨天,开心只属于今天,幸福将陪伴明天!20**距离是短暂的,相聚是永恒的,友情是永远的!祝你20**大展宏图,喜上加喜!

32、 最后一缕风,带走一年的忧喜;最后一场雪,清除一年的得失;最后一弯月,映照一年的悲欢。而一轮红日,为这过去的一年画上一个圆满的句号。祝你20**年万事如意,一切顺利!

33、 xxx年的风,吹着奋斗不息的歌曲,xxx年的雨,流着辛勤劳作的泪水,xxx年的日,照着光彩夺目的成果,xxx年月,陪着刻苦钻研的信心,xxx年的过去钻进20**年的回忆,愿你温习过去珍惜未来!

34、 成绩用来分享,成功用来传扬,友谊拿来温暖,感情拿来畅谈,拿起杯中酒,一杯往下干,11走过来,合作常欣欢,12又开始,事业续发展,愿你我更顺利,合作更愉快。

35、 耕耘了,播种了,收获了,欣喜了,年末了,过去了,新年了,开始了,加油了,努力了,奋斗了,拼搏了,祝福你,成长了,成功了,幸福了,圆满了。

36、 由于xxx辛勤的劳作,能够逮到一只开心猪,瞄准一只成功鸟,击中一只幸福龙,20**要你更上一层楼,尽享新一年的美妙富足!

37、 耳,存满了xxx年叮嘱的声音,目,布满了xxx年奋斗的身影,手,长满了xxx年刻苦的记忆,心,装满了xxx年美好的情意,再见吧xxx,奋斗吧20**,愿你20**年快乐生活,快乐工作!

38、 收收心,算算账,一年工作没白忙,看业绩,看成绩,一个努力有成绩,收回一年来的努力,把握一年来的付出,总结一年来的收获,享受今天的甜蜜,开出幸福快车,愿**年把成功进行到底。

39、 xxx的风中,有朵彩色的云,云上写满了期待与收获,20**的天空,接管这片云,用辛勤与汗水,画上新的色彩,祝您新的一年开心幸福!

40、 一年打拼,二分收获,三分欣喜,四(事)在人为,五(乌)云飘去,六六大顺,七星高照,八面风吹,九九归真,拾得圆满,年末岁首,喜迎新年,祝福朋友,百事可乐,万事如意。

41、 时针转一圈一天过去了,地球转一圈一年过去了。原来好轻松,没有什么伤不起的,没有什么hold不住的。用放大镜放大你的快乐,用哈哈镜调侃你的悲伤,抬起充满泪水的脸,带着微笑迎着朝阳大声说:Hello,20**,欢迎你的到来!

42、 xxx年这集剧集已经进入完结篇,把所有精彩、感人、振奋人心的片段都存储到记忆里,不会丢掉忘记。为了广大的热爱我们的观众童鞋们,20**这部大戏我们全力以赴,精心投入,演出更绝美的篇章!

43、 年末了,找个没人的僻静处反思,这一年我过得咋样,和我开年时的期望相比,我是进或退还是原地踏步?无论结果怎样,即将过去的这一年弥足珍贵,对明年怎么活,你可想好?总结过去是为未来充电。20**,愿每个人过得精彩!

44、  旧日换新颜,开心连成片,想过去,不愉悦,曾经逝去最真切,xxx记忆多,保留开心与快乐,年末承前又启后,勇往直前大步走。辞旧岁迎新年,预祝新的一年里,事事顺心,大吉大利。




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I like eating fruit. Watermelons are my favourite fruit.

Watermelons are big and round. In Cixi, watermelons are very sweet, because they grow on the salty ground.

During summer holiday, I can eat watermelons every day. After eating, I often make a watermelon lantern with my friends. In the evening, we often take the lanterns and play in the park.

My grandmother uses the watermelon peel to make pickled food.(酱瓜) It’s salty, but very tasty.

Watermelons are so useful! Do you like them?



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Water is very important for us. We must drink water everyday. We cant live withoutwater.


Water is everywhere around us. At home, we use water to wash clothes, wash dishes, cook rice, clean the flat, have showers, clean our teeth and so on. At work, people use water to put out fires, grow vegetables, make things in factories and so on. Water is important for us, isnt it?


There isnt much water on the earth. It is not inexhaustible. It is very valuable. We must to save it.




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During those days。 I enjoyed myself。 At first, I went to the zoo to see lovely animals。 And then。 I went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes。 That was very interesting。 Secondly I went for a trip with my parents, we went to Linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods。 We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children。 It was very exciting。 After that, I held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house。 My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party。 We played very happy。 I also watched lots of carton films at home, they were wonderful。

I like the holiday。 I like my May Day。



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I am Happy

Today, the biology class is very different. We don’t need to sit in the

classroom, because the teacher takes us to do activities. We go to a field that

is near our school, and the task for us is to observe flowers. We feel so

excited and finish the task very carefully. It is a good way for us to learn

knowledge. I am so happy.




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Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. And it is the most popular festival in China. People often do different things before Spring

Festival. Some of them clean and decorate their houses. Some of them go shopping and buy some flowers. Some of them stay at home and do nothing. I usually help my mum clean the house. People get together and have a big meal at Spring Festival. They often eat fish, pork, goose, chicken, vegetables, soup and so on. I like Spring Festival very much, because adults give me some lucky money.



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Yesterday, I asked my mother to buy me some candies. It was my favorite

white rabbit rolls. When my mother bought it for me, I ate a little and hided

the rest. I was going to bring them to school to give them to my primary school

deskmate, Xiao Fang, because today is white day. I want to give present to her

to make her happy on this special day. I will give the candies to her later.

Wish me good luck. Hehe!



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Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, and finally to the new years day, I am happy! That kind of feeling, strange, like eating honey, is simply indescribable in language.

Early morning, my mother called me up, I rubbed my eyes: "what are you doing? So call me so early? " Mother said, "today is your grandfathers birthday, we have to go faster." I reluctantly dressed, washed and finished, and my mother pulled me around. I felt like I was running so fast for the first time in my life. My mother was still running, saying, "hurry up, hurry up, the car is leaving." Walking on the street, the streets are gray. Because the streets are deserted in the morning and no shop opens, they cant see that today is new years day. There is no doubt about the atmosphere of new years day.

In the country, a lot of fog, everywhere there is the sound of firecrackers, the way people are gathered together, talk about their home in the new years Day is to kill a few pigs, slaughter a few sheep, and buy what new things, everyone put on new clothes, filled with a smile. In the face, giving a feeling of children bursting with happiness, have also come out, with new toys, their families run around here and there, in the run between, to the club to candy, to Hezekiah to drink, no one to blame them, because this is after all new years Day!

However, I am not interested in this, because I still miss me >warm quilt!

On the morning of new years day, I opened my eyes with the sound of a firecracker. Open the calendar, open a new year, open a wonderful story. I l



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My father is long with a black hair, a pair of bright and piercing eyes, big nose, looks very handsome, there is a problem - love to drink.

A father came back from work to see the table with two bottles of Wuliangye, my father suddenly enraptured, "ah! Great! Great!" Said, my father flew past, pick up the bottle to drink, "Gudong Gudong ... ..." Breath to drink a bottle, and then picked up another bottle, so that two bottles of Wuliangye is also no left. Dad after drinking, said to me: "go! And I went to thousands of passengers Long supermarket, I bought you a car to go!

Come back, my father riding a crooked, my heart is very afraid, urging my father to ride, my father said: "Nothing! Nothing!" Said, the car just like the earth embrace. "Oh ... ..." my ass broke the flowers, my father quickly worried to ask me: "how ah, did not fall?" Looked at my father look anxious, I had to say: "nothing!" Then I squeaked and said: "Dad, you - after - do not drink -" Dad lowered his head and said: "Well!" Look at my fathers appearance, I laughed.

This is my dad, i love my daddy.



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My name is wang fengyi. i’m a beautiful girl. i have a happy family. there are three people in my family, they are my father, my mother and i.

I’m ten years old this year. i’m a pupil . i’m in liu shi fu xiao promary school, class one, grade three. there are thirty-nine classmates in my class. i’m very excellent, because i always study very hard. i like english, chinese, math and muisc. i’m good at dance, i often show evrywhere on festival and holiday. i’m very humorous, so i’m very happy everyday.

I have a pet, the pet is a yellow rabbit. it is very cute. i sometime plant vegetables in my backyard.

My mother’s surname is xu. she’s thirty-five years old. she is short, but she is very prettyish. she is a designer. she can draw many many beautiful pictures. she always does housework evryday. she likes to watch tv.

My father’s surname is wang. he is fourty years old. he is tall, he is handsome. he is a engineer, his company built shanghai zhengda square in 2001. he is very clever. he likes ponder every day , he likes reading and chess very much.

We often play games together in the evening. we usually go to the park on sunday.

I love my partents very mch, and my partents love me, too. we are very happy family!



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My school life in primary school is wonderful! I have a lot of friends. They are friendly to me.We study together play together and talk together.My teachers are very patient .They teach me a lot and help me with many problems. The school life is unforgettable



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二年级英语作文:My new friend

Now, I’m in Huang Pu School. I’m a new pupil here. But I have some new friends. Luky is one of them. Luky’s Chinese name is Fan Junran.

She’s twelve years old. She is tall, but not plump. She has black long hair, two big eyes and a lovely mouth. She often tells me lots of the funny things.

Luky has many hobbies. She likes sports very much. She can play basketball. She plays very well. She is good at the high jump, long-distance running and swimming.

She is very health, right? And Luky likes art. She likes singing, dancing and playing the electronic organ. She dances very well.

She likes Hip-hop so much. She is so cool when she dances Hip-hop.

We are good friends now. I’m so happy to meet her. She is a very breeziness girl. Do you want to be friends with her now?

二年级英语作文:My English friend

My English friend name is jim.

He is ten, his family in london,he and his family member comes our china to play.he has a cosin,he name is qianyu hi is oniy four years old,but he has a lot of questions.look he is pointing at the chopsticks to ask that my this is anything.

I and jim has become the good friend .several days later jim said that he wanted, he said that i love china .i will forget that you zhou lei, will have free time london to look at me .ok see you jim.see you.



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i am cendy. i am in nanhai eperimental primary school. i am in class 9, grade 6. i am tall and thin. i live in dali. i have many good friends. i often play with them.

i have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. but i like to read books the best. because of reading books is good for my study. i also like riding bikes. because of it does a lot of good to my body.

what’s your hobby? can you tell me?
