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(四)论文——材料和方法 按规定如实写出实验对象、器材、动物和试剂及其规格,写出实验方法、指标、判断标准等,写出实验设计、分组、统计方法等。这些按杂志 对论文投稿规定办即可。

(五)论文——实验结果 应高度归纳,精心分析,合乎逻辑地铺述。应该去粗取精,去伪存真,但不能因不符合自己的意图而主观取舍,更不能弄虚作假。只有在技术不熟练或仪器不稳定时期所得的数据、在技术故障或操作错误时所得的数据和不符合实验条件时所得的数据才能废弃不用。而且必须在发现问题当时就在原始记录上注明原因,不能在总结处理时因不合常态而任意剔除。废弃这类数据时应将在同样条件下、同一时期的实验数据一并废弃,不能只废弃不合己意者。


(六)论文——讨论 是论文中比较重要,也是比较难写的一部分。应统观全局,抓住主要的有争议问题,从感性认识提高到理性认识进行论说。要对实验结果作出分析、推理,而不要重复叙述实验结果。应着重对国内外相关文献中的结果与观点作出讨论,表明自己的观点,尤其不应回避相对立的观点。 论文的讨论中可以提出假设,提出本题的发展设想,但分寸应该恰当,不能写成“科幻”或“畅想”。

(七)论文——结语或结论 论文的结语应写出明确可靠的结果,写出确凿的结论。论文的文字应简洁,可逐条写出。不要用“小结”之类含糊其辞的词。

(八)论文——参考义献 这是论文中很重要、也是存在问题较多的一部分。列出论文参考文献的目的是让读者了解论文研究命题的来龙去脉,便于查找,同时也是尊重前人劳动,对自己的工作有准确的定位。因此这里既有技术问题,也有科学道德问题。

一篇论文中几乎自始至终都有需要引用参考文献之处。如论文引言中应引上对本题最重要、最直接有关的文献;在方法中应引上所采用或借鉴的方法;在结果中有时要引上与文献对比的资料;在讨论中更应引上与 论文有关的各种支持的或有矛盾的结果或观点等。

一切粗心大意,不查文献;故意不引,自鸣创新;贬低别人,抬高自己;避重就轻,故作姿态的做法都是错误的。而这种现象现在在很多论文中还是时有所见的,这应该看成是利研工作者的大忌。其中,不查文献、漏掉重要文献、故意不引别人文献或有意贬损别人工作等错误是比较明显、容易发现的。有些做法则比较隐蔽,如将该引在引言中的,把它引到讨论中。这就将原本是你论文的基础或先导,放到和你论文平起平坐的位置。又如 科研工作总是逐渐深人发展的,你的工作总是在前人工作基石出上发展起来做成的。正确的写法应是,某年某人对本题做出了什么结果,某年某人在这基础上又做出了什么结果,现在我在他们基础上完成了这一研究。这是实事求是的态度,这样表述丝毫无损于你的贡献。有些论文作者却不这样表述,而是说,某年某人做过本题没有做成,某年某人又做过本题仍没有做成,现在我做成了。这就不是实事求是的态度。这样有时可以糊弄一些不明真相的外行人,但只需内行人一戳,纸老虎就破,结果弄巧成拙,丧失信誉。这种现象在现实生活中还是不少见的。

(九)论文——致谢 论文的指导者、技术协助者、提供特殊试剂或器材者、经费资助者和提出过重要建议者都属于致谢对象。论文致谢应该是真诚的、实在的,不要庸俗化。不要泛泛地致谢、不要只谢教授不谢旁人。写论文致谢前应征得被致谢者的同意,不能拉大旗作虎皮。












是指实验结束后到着手写作论文前一段时间的准备。应该收齐材料,处理好数据,制备好图表,完成统计处理。然后打好论文腹稿,列出 论文提纲,明确基本观点和主要结论。与指导者和合作者讨论,取得共识。深思熟虑后,一气呵成。其中“打腹稿”是写论文的关键阶段。这时应将所有工作和数据通盘考虑,全局在胸。这就像战斗打响前的运筹帷帽一样,是作者脑力劳动最紧张的时刻。




如果只是着力于做好论文近期准备和中期准备,往往还不能写出上乘的论文,这就要看论文作者的远期准备,也就是学习阶段的基础准备了。这种准备是指对研究动态的掌握,专业基础的积累和逻辑思维、文字表达、分析综合等各方面能力的总体水平。这决不是一朝一夕所能企及,而是终生积累训练而就的。这就是为什么要强调“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”,“尔果欲学诗,功夫在诗外”了。这些平时积累的功夫,决定着作者 论文的写作水平,而论文写作水平又影响着论文的传播。这种能力不是临用时提得高的,而是要作者从年轻时就下苦功的。


一气呵成写好论文稿件后,是要反复修改、千锤百炼的。不仅自己应该反复锤炼,还应请有关人员提意见,最后还要通过编辑部请相关专家审阅。 论文修改时凡是属于写作规格和篇幅方面的问题应按刊物规定的要求修改。作为论文作者,自己辛勤努力取得的实验数据当然十分珍惜,总希望在论文中尽量表达。但 论文审稿者旁观者清,往往提出一些合并或删除的意见。这时作者应该冷静考虑,该列入论文的列入,不必列入的不要列入。写论文只有“删繁就简三秋树”,才能“领导标新”地开出“二月花”。

论文审稿者也常会对所论观点提出意见。这是需要认真推敲决定是否采纳修改的。论文作者毕竟对自己的工作己有过长期实践和思考,逐渐形成了观点。应该说这些观点是有相当根据的。只要言之有理,述之有据,可以对审稿人的意见进行解释,保留自己的观点。但有时 论文作者自己局处一隅,想法越来越钻牛角尖。论文审稿人从更高的角度宏观审视,一针见血地指出论文立论和观点中的问题,这种情况也是有的。这时论文作者就应该认真思考意见的实质,调整思路,反复推敲,决定取舍。既不固执己见,也不曲意迎合。抱着探讨真理的态度,相互交流,共同提高。

论文通过审稿,有些意见不大,稍事修改即可发表。有些要有较大的改动才能发表。有的论文甚至认为基本事实不可靠或基本观点有误而无法发表。论文作者应冷静分析这些意见,妥善处理。一切都应坚持科学的、实事求是的态度。如果自己确认结果和观点无误,那么可以在 论文退稿后改投他刊。同一时候是不能一稿二投的。




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Computer has been part of our life. We use it to work or to keep in touch

with our friends. Computer provides people a way to recognize the world and

share resources. For teenagers, they are so crazy about computer games. There

always news reports teenagers playing computer games for a long time. Some

people blame the company to create online games, while others criticize the

school for not educating children well. Actually, parents have much

responsibility to teach their children the danger of playing online game too

much. Whats more, not every child overuses computer, so it depends on their




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my father bought a computer as a birthday present for me last year. it becomes my best friend in my room. id like to play on the computer as soon as i get home. at weekends, i often play games on line with my friends.

ive made a lot of friends on the intenet. but my eyesight becomes poorer and poorer, and i am not able to finish my homework on time. its terrible that my father will remove the computer. from now on, i should pay more attention to my study.



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NO.1 写作


NO.2 仔细对比


NO.3 背诵



NO.4 默写


NO.5 仿写







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1. 自然交代,平引下文:新学期一开始,我就注意到一个问题:我们班三十三名男生,二十七名女生,男生两人一桌恰好多一名,女生亦如此,必将出现一个男生和一个女生同坐一桌的危机。可万万没想到这个危机会降临到我的头上。--

2. 歌词开头,响彻云际:"明天你是否会想起/昨天你写的日记/明天你是否会惦起/曾经最爱哭的你……"一曲悠扬的《同桌的你》从路边音像书店传了出来,那带着绵绵情思的乐曲,把我的思绪带回了三年前的时光……--

3. 排比反复,创造旋律:朋友,就是我可以为他献出真挚情感的人;朋友,就是我可以对他付出全部信任的人;朋友,欢乐时与我分享,危难时与我同行。人生中没有朋友,就像生活中没有阳光。我就有着这样的一个好朋友。--

4. 设问开篇,无沿无边:往事如烟,随着时光的流逝,大都渐渐淡忘,而那双眼睛,怎能使我忘怀?--



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Lucy once was my classmate, but now she has moved to another city. However, we communicate with each other all the time, sharing our lives with each other. When she firstly moved to the new city and went to the new school, she did not adapt very well. But she is outgoing and talkative, it did not take very long time for her to get on well with others. She is so kind that people are likely to make friends with her. Therefore, I do not worry about her in the new environment. I hope she will have a new start in the new city and school and I am sure she certainly will.





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My ambition is to become a teacher. As a child, I had many dreams, but

becoming teacher is the most thing I want to be. During the class, I pay more

attention to teacher‘s instruction, and act as teacher ‘s helper. I think

teacher has more influence on children‘s mind and behavior. There are many

crimes and disorders in our society, as many of outlaws come from broken family

and human‘s greed. If I can be a teacher, I definitely will ask my students be a

honor and useful person. The goal of our life is to help each other and reach

the harmony happiness. I hope my ambition and dream can come true. I am willing

to study hard and become a teacher in the future.



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The characteristics of formal writing


I do not eat much.-->I am a light eater.

The clock on the desk reminds me of time.-->I put a clock on the desk as a reminder of time.

We once cried, laughed and disappointed.-->There were moments of tears, moments of laughter, and moments of disappointment.

注意:名词化趋势的句子当然还有动词, 目的是尽量把表达句子中心意思的那个词汇用名词表达.符合英文的习惯.



More and more young students studied further in the past two decades.

-->The past two decades witnessed a growing number of young students for further study.

Looking out of the window, you will have a nice view.

-->A glance out of the window offers you a nice view.

注意: 名词化趋势和无灵主语常常是相结合的.



Great efforts should be made to…..

What can not be denied is that….


Main features of English sentences:


Love is patient and kind. It is never jealous, boastful, proud or rude. It keeps no record of wrong that others do. It always protects, always fruits, always hopes, and always perseveres. Love never fails.




He who wants to save his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for me will save it.



三、Variety of sentences:

1. ”-ing & -ed” groups


(1)Standing by the riverside, the Master sighed,” May time go on and on like this, never ceasing day and night.”

(2)Reviewing what one has learned and gaining new insights, one is fit to be a teacher.

(3)Compared with the tradition, modernity is more dynamic.

2. ”to do” groups


To spend too much time in study is sloth; to use them too much for ornaments is affectation; to make any judgment wholly by their rules is the humor of the scholar.

3. adverb

Simply, amazingly, absurdly, broadly, practically and so on


Intelligently applied to daily life, modern technology will surely bring benefits to the well-being of the human race.


In pursuit of, in spite of (注意平时自己的收集)


In pursuit of excellence, ever pushing up the limit, life consists in the hope born of despair.



What China needs is not more morals, but more prisons for politicians.

句子的变化还有 It is self-evident(adj) that…….和There be 这样的句子



Never before has such a high standard been achieved.

Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.


Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from the bushes.

In came a pretty girl he had never seen before.



1.先看一个小技巧:(对there be 句型均有效)

There is, recently, a debate amongst educators that……



Direct experience, a necessary means to recognize the world, which differs from knowledge acquired from books, is a major step to the cognitive world.


1.Television, one of the most pervasive and persuasive technologies, marked by the rapid growth and drastic change, has a profound impact on people’s lives.

2.Courage, a basic quality that every human being is supposed to possess when facing a dilemma, is highly cherished among young people.

3. Convention, generally accepted practice especially with regard to social behavior, has now been increasingly challenged.









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Recently, we have little time to keep close contact with nature. We spend

too much time on study or working. We almost forget that how green the grass is,

how beautiful the flowers are, and how sweetly the birds are singing outside our

windows. A saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". It means

that we need to relax ourselves and go out to breathe more fresh air. We can

also climb a hill in the suburbs.Its good for our health.

Lets go outing.



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Today, many people, especially young people, are phone freaks. They are addicted to their mobile phones. They always spend too much time chatting or watching movies on their mobile phones. They have less time to communicate with their friends and family members. They often feel anxious without mobile phones.

Depending on mobile phones too much is a kind of illness. Its bad for health. Looking at the mobile phones too often is bad for our eyes. Playing with mobile phones is a waste of time and gets in the way of study.

Phones can help us communicate more easily and know more about whats happening around the world. If we can use them at proper time and proper situations, they can help us have a better, happier life.



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Dormitory Clean Duty In China, when students go to middle school, most of

them need to live in school from Monday to Friday, they can go home on


Students have to spend most of their time in school, they start to learn to

get along with others.

Everyone has roommates, there are always four people live in a dormitory,

without parents’ caring, students need to take care of themselves.

The first question needs students to think about is the dormitory clean

duty, while most of them are princes and princess at home. Students need to do

the house work, they should take turns, in that case, the dormitory will keep


It is reported that boys’ room are dirty, because they never clean


It is everyone’s duty to clean the dormitory, we should not keep silent

about the problem, students need to realize the clean environment can make their

mood comfortable.



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What is happiness What is happiness? There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand peoples eyes. though everyone has different opinion about happiness .i will list some views about it.

In my class ,some students think putting heart on study is happiness,For they can earn much kownledge throngh it.Besides ,parentslove,which contains caring for their life、health would also make them feel happy.Howere some students think it is a hapiness when they get into trouble,someon ecan come out for help .Or correcting them when they made mistakes.

In my opinion,happiness is something which can be easy to get .when one need help,you can give he or her one hand on time ,you will feel happy.when we are walking on the street.i happen to listen my favorite songs.that wll make me happy.Do you agree with me ?




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一、 背诵:

首先认真研究历年四级写作真题,重点研究2001年6月—2005年12月的11次真题,分析近年来四级写作的出题规律和考试重点,从语言、结构、 内容三大层面,认真研读经典写作真题范文:语言方面学习范文中的精彩词汇、词组、句型;结构方面学习范文的框架结构、内在逻辑、关联词、同义替换和代词替换;内容方面学习范文的论点、论据和论证。同时背诵精彩写作范文,要求滚瓜烂熟、脱口而出、多多益善,扎扎实实提高自己的写作实力。历年英语四级六级真题 >>



三、 中译英:


四、 写作:





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题目:请以“My Class Teacher”为题,写一篇不少于60个单词的作文。

My Class Teacher我的班主任

My class teacher is Mr. Wang. He is strict but kind. He has taught us Chinese for two years.我的班主任是王老师,他是一个要求严格而亲切的老师。他已经教了我们两年语文。

He always tells us to study hard but not all the time. Sometimes he plays with us. He says, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." I think he is a good class teacher.他总是告诉我们要好好学习,但不是时时刻刻学习。有时他会和我们一起玩。他说:“只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。” 我觉得他是个很好的班主任。


I am a 15-year-old girl. My name is [ename]Cherry[/ename]. Now I am studying in the middle school. I want to be an actress because I think it is a funny and exciting job...


This is my friend, Mary.

She is... years old.

She is a teacher/ an artist/ a singer...

She/ He gets up at 6/5... / early/ late.

She/ He has sports at school.

She/ He likes...

She/ He is strong/ fat/ slim/ kind/ thin/...

She/ He looks like...

She/ He is good at English/ maths/ Chinese/ physics...



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at present, more and more people think that men and women should enjoy

equal rights. many countries even have passed laws to guarantee such an equality

between different sexes. accordingly, there are now no longer certain jobs or

certain places that are closed to women. the number of business women, female

doctors, scientists and leaders is considerably increasing.

there are three main reasons for the improvement of womens social

position. first, women themselves have been persistently struggling for

equality. second, men also realize that women are not born inferior to them.

women can do a great many things as well as or even better than men. third,

social development has produced a great demand for womens participation in

every field.

in spite of these changes the liberation of women has not been completely

realized. prejudice against women is deeply rooted still in some peoples mind,

especially in distant rural areas. so, mankind should take further painstaking

efforts to really realize equality.



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A Birthday Party

Yesterday was my birthday. I was fourteen years old. My mother had a party for me and I asked my friends to come. My mother gave me some books as birthday presents. My friends bought some presents for me. We had a good time.




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When we watch TV, there are so many beautiful models, wearing beautiful dress with their skinny body, they are sending out such message that if you are skinny, you’ll be looking gorgeous just as them. Affecting by the trend, young people loose weight by no means.


On the one hand, some young people lose weight by taking medicine, even eat no food. The ads are always leading the young people to the wrong thought, they tell people that they can loose weight quickly by taking some pills, which are doubted by the doctors. In order to look as the movie starts, people even reject to take food, they eat fruit and fight against hunger.


On the other hand, some young people keep the clear mind, they make themselves look perfect by doing exercise and keep balanced diet. Their purpose is not looking as good as movie starts, but for keeping fit. They don’t believe in the ads, they believe that lose weight not properly will hurt the body, so they pay special attention to the health.


Loosing weight is hard work, even dangerous thing, if we are so blind to loose weight, we will lose our life. Young people should take care to the healthy way.





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We have enjoyable classes in the school.we would also have many kinds of

extra-curricular activities.We could go skating and swimming and join other

popular sports with teachers.Every year we would go camping with our classmates

at least twice.Students could help each other either in study or daily

life.Sometimes,when we were having a big problem and could not solve it by

ourselves,we would go to find our teachers.Teachers would listen to us patiently

and help us to solve the problem.The school should have a big garden so we can

plant flowers and take care of them.



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China has always had a splendid traditional culture, and there are Dragon Boat Festival, qingming festival, National Day... I like the Spring Festival best.

The streets are full of lanterns, people are busy buying couplets, the annual goods, the arrival of the Spring Festival

Every time Chinese New Year, we young children wear new clothes, wear new hats, the adults face a satisfied smile. Its been a great year for people to eat family reunion dinner. In the evening, the grown-ups are playing mahjong, playing poker, and eating melon seeds, chatting and talking. Children like to set off fireworks. The bold children go to the fire, the timid children look behind. Fireworks are colorful... Just play and play! Have fun!

It was a long time before I left my friends to go home. I thought to myself, "I wish I could spend the Spring Festival every day."



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My Best Friend


Everybody has a best friend that they can share everything with. I also have a best friend. We met in school, and were in the same grade.


My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking. I learn a lot from him. He helps me with math; I help him with English. We always help each other. Besides that, hes honest and reliable. I trust him completely and we share secrets all the time.


My best friend is a loyal and brave boy. When a bully teased me, he came to my rescue right away. He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be with. He tells funny jokes and stories. He always makes me laugh. Finally, he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when Im down. I hope well stay friends forever.





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October is just the National Day, that is, the mothers mothers birthday.

When the National Day approaching, the unit hung on the door of the lantern, and even above the plug in the banners, the door also posted the "celebrate the National Day" four characters. Park, the streets of the trees are hung with lanterns. Both sides of the street are filled with colorful flowers. Filled with festive atmosphere everywhere.

In order to meet the National Day, we have some writing, some painting, and from the inside to choose a few best works posted in the back, do a national celebration column, as the mothers birthday gift to the motherland.

I wish my mother a happy birthday!
