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Life is each persons wealth, because the world with life and colorful, full of vigour, let us love and cherish own life, seize every minute of life. Life is short, be gone for ever, human life is fleeting, time can not be reversed, we can only in a limited life infinite brilliance.

That day, my good friend clay came to my house to play, my mother know, immediately do a lot of delicious to clay. When we have fun when, suddenly, clay fainted. Mom saw mud, immediately sent to hospital. After the doctors detailed inspection, the final judgment is had leukemia. Doctor for my mother said: oh! The child to live no longer than four months, if you come a little earlier treatment, it is no big deal. But now... Alas! Mother pale, said to the doctor: doctor, do not save? The doctor reluctantly shook his head. At that moment, I have tears in eyes is the best, but couldnt flow down. I think: why the event would fall in my good friend why, why! My mother said to me: my daughter, you dont cry. We dont know if that mud, mud know she will be very sad, you promised mom dont tell clay, okay? I cried and said: Mom and I promise you, I will not tell her.

We came to the clay ward, pretending to be happy. For I in the four months to make clay can happy every day, make clay in full every day, I spend a lot of time. But time always flies so fast, I am very sad, because I know the clay have not much time.





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·The first day of my high school life

The first day of high school life, I have some thoughts and feelings. The passage of time can always give people some special things.

In the new environment, I feel a bit excited. Be able to recognize the new students and teachers is my greatest gains. In the next three years, we will learn、work and progretogether to make our dreams come true. I will have new friends, and share the joy and sadnewith them. The proceof learning is also a growing process.

Similarly, I will also face many difficulties. I might have difficulties in learning and getting along with classmates , bearing some pressure in life. However, I will get stronger and get through every step of high school three years.








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Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This troth seems to be self-evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do ,something or that their difficulties are too great to be overcome,For someone, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.

Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing some thing? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.

It is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. We should never underesrimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: "Where there is a will, there is a way." Confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully.



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1. a big headache令人头痛的事情

2. a fraction of 一部分

3. a matter of concern 焦点

4. a series of 一系列,一连串above all 首先,尤其是

5. absent from不在,缺席

6. abundant in富于

7. account for 解释

8. accuse sb. of sth.控告

9. add to增加(add up to)

10. after all 毕竟,究竟

11. agree with同意

12. ahead of time / schedule提前

13. ahead of 在...之前(ahead of time 提前)

14. alien to与...相反

15. all at once 突然,同时

16. all but 几乎;除了...都

17. all of a sudden 突然

18. all over again 再一次,重新

19. all over 遍及

20. all right 令人满意的;可以

21. all the same 仍然,照样的

22. all the time 一直,始终

23. angry with sb. at/about sth.生气,愤怒

24. anxious about/for忧虑,担心

25. anything but 根本不

26. apart from 除...外

27. appeal to 吸引,申诉,请求

28. applicable to适用于

29. apply to适用

30. appropriate for/to适当,合适



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Today was Sunday, I was so happy because our family had a big meeting, we went to the park to have the barbecue. We called our relatives to join us, it was such a great party. As the family members haven’t got together for a long time, so my father decided to get everybody united. In the park, I played with my cousins, we were taking a visit of the park while the parents were doing the barbecue.

When my counsins and I played so tiredly, we went to join the grow-ups’ activities.

The fathers were talking about the business stuff, while the mothers were talking about the children and their daily life. Our family was so harmonious, we shared the things together and helped each other. I like this activity so much, I wish my families can have more time to be together.





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Nowadays, some discussions about the childrens education and management

have raised the whole social concern. It seems not only about childrens

personal development, but also about the whole countrys future.

There are two main views in debate, which of them is that children should

obey the rules set by parents and teachers. The other is that less control will

help children to deal with their future adult life.

As for the former, the advantages of it seem to be very apparent, which of

them is that children can make a distinction between right and wrong things. And

they will have a sense of principle and responsibility. Of course, the

disadvantages are also very clear. Firstly, children will be lacking in

imagination and creation. Secondly, they cannot make up their mind on their


Concerning the latter, the view seems to be reasonable because in this ways

these children are more clever and active to create something special. However,

the drawbacks couldnt be ignored as a result of a problem that children cannot

get a clear understanding of their lifetime.

Combining the both points, as far as Im concerned, parents and teachers

are supposed to instruct children to obey the primary principle when they do

some deeds. Moreover, children need more freedom to realize their dreams. Only

in this way can the problem be solved perfectly.

In conclusion, we cant only support one side simply. On the contrary, we

ought to choose different measures to educate children flexibly.



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最近关注的一个公众号每天都更新一篇新概念英语的课文,课文下面还有文章里应该掌握的语法,然后还有具体的翻译,每天都会准时更新。有好的意见还可以告诉小编。 以前的英语老师也给我们抄过新概念英语,每周一篇……










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1、 那一树繁花像是走过的日子,即使眷恋,即使不舍,最终将离岁月的枝头而去。而满地的落英缤纷,则是留给自己的回忆,那些曾经的美好和诗意,静静躺在那里散发着幽香。

2、 贫困的岁月里,人也能感受到某些深刻的幸福,像我常记得添一碗热腾腾的白饭、浇一匙猪油、一匙酱油,坐在“户定”(厅门的石阶)前细细品味猪油拌饭的芳香,那每一粒米都充满了幸福的香气。

3、 炽热的火伞高张在空中,热得河里的鱼不敢露出水面,鸟也不敢飞出山林,就是村中的狗也只是伸长舌头喘个不休。

4、 鹰击长空的壮阔令我们羡慕不已;大厦高耸的巍峨让我们感叹不已;成功者的光环让我们惊羡不已。我们在感叹这些时,是否想到鹰的一次又一次苦练,是否想到大厦的坚强柱石,是否想到成功者背后的脚踏实地的奋斗?朋友,振翅飞翔需要脚踏实地。

5、 江山如画,尽付那一笑倾国,素颜如花,不负那一场繁华。旧时伊人的青丝,指尖似仍能触碰,一如昨日。那年的江南烟雨,似你纯净的笑靥,而今却只徒留一阵神伤。

6、 心是一棵树,一个个故事被年轮携载;一回回驿动与飞鸟相约;一次次碰撞使它绵密柔韧;一幕幕经历造就了它博大的胸怀。

7、 有只瓶子一启封便清香四溢,那美妙的气息,我们称之为爱情。那叫人痴迷,止不住心旌摇荡,怎么也抑制不住脚步的景色,就是爱情。那魔幻般的吸引力,就来自爱情。或许,你还没有涉足的意念,那撩人的彩蝶已翩舞于眼前。

8、 大海的深处是平静的,花朵的一生是无声的,巍峨的山峦是缄默的。大自然中许多蔚为壮观的生命往往以沉默示人。

9、 生命的幸福原来不在于人的环境、人的地位、人所能享受的物质,而在于人的心灵如何与生活对应。因此,幸福不是由外在事物决定的,贫困者有贫困者的幸福,富有者有其幸福,位尊权贵者有其幸福,身份卑微者也自有其幸福。在生命里,人人都是有笑有泪;在生活中,人人都有幸福与忧恼,这是人间世界真实的相貌。

10、 尝试是乌云蔽日时能直上云霄的那种勇敢的鸟;尝试是大浪迭起时海上勇往直前的一叶扁舟。对于勇敢者,尝试是一条崭新的生活之路;对于懦弱者,尝试是一座铁筑的高墙。

11、 生活中有许多东西被摆错位置,放到不该放的地方。这就是人们常说的错位,由物及人,偏僻处英雄真金失色,闹市区狗熊瓦釜生辉。

12、 不管鸟的翅膀多么完美,如果不凭借空气,鸟就永远飞不到高空。想象力是翅膀,客观实际是空气,只有两方面紧密结合,才能取得显著成绩。

13、 寂寞的严冬里,到处是单调的枯黄色。四处一片萧瑟,连往日明净的小河也失去了光彩,黯然无神地躲在冰下面恹恹欲睡。

14、 眼泪不一定是脆弱。眼泪可以是成长,可以是安慰,可以是怀念,可以是真情,可以是跨越,也可以是走过。因为可以流泪,我才可以感受亲情、爱情、友情,感受生活,感受生命。

15、 无知者为梦想中的虚幻而苦苦等待,换回的不是所求的,而是岁月在脸上留下的印痕,一事无成的人一生便是虚度。生活中,与其花时间去等待,不如加快步伐去追寻理想,试着与时间赛跑,也许身躯、心理会感到劳累,但这样的生活毕竟是充实的。

16、 蜡烛有心,于是它能垂泪,能给人间注入粼粼的光波;杨柳有心,于是它能低首沉思,能给困倦的大地带来清新的嫩绿;百花有心,于是它们能在阳光里飘出青春深处的芳馨。

17、 别在树下徘徊,别在雨中沉思,别在黑暗中落泪。向前看,不要回头,只要你勇于面对抬起头来,就会发现,分数的阴霾不过是短暂的雨季。向前看,还有一片明亮的天,不会使人感到彷徨。

18、 不管你是何等渺小、卑微、你同样可以在属于你的天地里,谱写生活的童话,创造生命的奇迹。也许。正是因为有了你,世界才增添了一份色彩,你要勇敢地时自己说:“我很重要,我就是一道风景。”

19、 你是否羡慕过东坡的人生?是啊,他乐游赤壁,醉饮山林,写下光照千秋的激昂文字。然而,你是否看到他内心的累累伤痕?作为一个人,他肩负着出将入相,封妻荫子的期许,却接连惨遭贬谪。他的不平,他的郁闷,他的痛苦,他的无奈,你看到了吗?

20、 机智和美好的语言有时只不过是一种瞬时的智慧和淋漓的表达。但智慧和表达的本身并不证明结果,朴素的行动才是开在成功路上的鲜花。

21、 当浮华给予了我们过多欺骗,现实中的虚假几乎让我们忘却了真的存在,是真情换回了迷离的心,是真情带给了我们最纯、最真的感觉,它流露的是美的誓言,渗透的是永恒执着的真爱。

22、 你如果只是一滴水珠,但你折射出了太阳七彩的光芒,让弦子们见到了世界上最美丽的颜色。对于孩子们来说,你是何等重要。

23、 劝人上进不必直言,使人觉悟不必耳提面命,与人智慧无需喋喋不休。

24、 翻开早已发黄的页张,试着寻找过去所留下的点点滴滴的足迹。多年前的好友似乎现在看来已变得陌生,匆忙之间,让这维持了多年的友谊变淡,找不出什么亲切感,只是偶尔遇上,淡淡地微笑,如今也只能在这发黄的页张中找寻过去的那些让人难忘的,至少我可以握住这仅剩下一段的“丝线头”……

25、 今天阳光很好,坐在窗前,看窗外如此晴朗的天感觉特别舒心,雨过天晴后的世界总给人一种明媚,仿佛阳光照耀在“心田”上空,让前些天被风雨践踏的花朵重新得到爱的关怀,重现生命的活力!

26、 其实每一朵花,都有它自己的生命。当花儿枯萎的时候,就是它生命终结的时候,而它的种子,就是它生命的延续,在这个世界上继续承受风,经受雨,面对另一个轮回。

27、 友谊有两面,一面灿若云霞朗若皎月,闪烁的是真诚的光华,洒下的是关切的妩媚,不因距离阻隔,经得起时间的淘虑;绕到友谊的另一面,那各式各样的花花绿绿,或旋转着或摇晃着,乃至让人眼花缭乱的全是幌子。

28、 生命是一枝铅笔,那木质的笔杆,更像一棵苗条的小树,派生出清清溪涧、幽幽鸟鸣。从铅笔刀的刀口吐出的小小刨花,多像落叶,轻舒漫卷;又像波浪,给生命镶上美丽的花边……生命如一枝铅笔,总是给你许多优美而又深刻的遐想。生命是一枝铅笔,还意味着在人生这篇文章里,如果因为某种原因而写出了错字、别字甚至病句,你就可以用醒悟的橡皮轻轻地擦去,再在擦拭一新的空白处,重新斟酌,重新运笔,写下自己新生后的火热心迹。生命是一枝铅笔,你可以用它为自己的未来设计充满喜悦与渴望的蓝图,也可以用灯下苦读的身影做细线条,勾勒出一幅充满活力的图画。生命是一枝铅笔,它还给予我们这样一个有力的启示——做人,要像它一样,时时刻刻把腰杆挺直!

29、 灯,带有一种明亮的光,每当深夜来临,是它陪伴着你,如此默默无闻。它是平凡的,外表华丽与否,那都是一样的,珍珠点缀,水晶加饰的灯它只能用以装饰,来满足人们的虚荣心,比起这,普普通通的日光灯是幸运的,因为它照明的本性没有改变,如同生活中的一部分人平平凡凡却实实在在。

30、 微笑着、去唱生活的歌谣。眼泪,要为别人的悲伤而流;仁慈,要为善良的心灵而发;同情,给予穷人的贫苦;关怀,温暖鳏寡孤独的凄凉。

31、 你可以做阳光下艳丽娇嫩的牡丹,让世人艳羡;你可以做雄伟壮丽的河流,让世人赞许;你可以做山顶上高耸入云的大树,让世人惊叹。但在面对艳羡,赞许,惊叹的同时,不要忘记你的脚下是孕育你的土地,是承载你的河床,是支持你的高山,所以在我们面对一切美名的时候,请不要忘记,是实在的精神与依靠成就了我们。

32、 预言凝聚着人类的智慧,闪烁着道义的光华,有聚瑰宝撒珠玑之美,揽天地含宇宙之妙,能给人以顿悟般的针砭与启迪。预言无需装饰,一如珍珠无需雕琢鲜花无需涂色。

33、 有些冷,有些凉,心中有些无奈,我一个人走在黑夜中,有些颤抖,身体瑟缩着,新也在抖动着,我看不清前方的路,何去何从,感觉迷茫,胸口有些闷,我环视了一下周围,无人的街头显得冷清,感到整个世界都要将我放弃。脚步彷徨之间,泪早已滴下……

34、 喜欢海,不管湛蓝或是光灿,不管平静或是波涛汹涌,那起伏荡漾的,那丝丝的波动;喜欢听海的声音,不管是浪击礁石,或是浪涛翻滚,那轻柔的,那澎湃的;喜欢看海,不管心情是舒畅的或是沉闷的,不管天气是晴朗的或是阴沉的,那舒心的,那松弛的……

35、 这个世界始终充斥着太多的东西,我们看到的,看不到的。到处都是嘈杂的喧闹,用极高的音调,试图证明它们的美妙。被剥夺的宁静,开始,在绝对高温中化为尘埃;落在不为人知的角落,独自,沉默。空气中弥漫着各种难闻的,却又不断声势壮大的异味。它们毫不掩饰地在这个世界横冲直撞,千方百计。于是,很自然地,它们成功了。它们把世界不断升温了,成为独霸一方的胜利者,骄傲地纵横在各个领域。一种快要蒸发的感觉,很快很快地弥漫开来。头晕,目眩,被累得喘不过气来。现实总是以绝对的高温在燃烧着,一切的一切,在瞬间蒸腾。

36、 自我的天地里我们该独立,不是从明天而是从今天。我总觉得芬兰的人们值得每个人效仿。那里的孩子跌倒了知道自己爬起来,不要像丹麦父母那样的安慰,不要像瑞典父母那样的谨慎,不要像挪威父母那样的指导,他们不会哭,因为自己的事情自己处理。我想这就是芬兰民族沉着所在。小孩子尚且懂得拥有自我的天地,而逐渐长大和已长大的人呢?

37、 用一朵花开的时间去诠释生命,去体味一种刻骨铭心的辉煌。就像是虔诚的教徒站在耶路撒冷的圣地之上,毫无杂念地享受人生,拼搏人生。侧耳聆听,谁的青春又在低吟浅唱?

38、 天空像是被飓风吹了整整一夜,干净得没有一朵云。只剩下彻底的纯粹的蓝色,张狂地渲染在头顶上面。像不经意间,随手打翻了蓝色的墨水瓶。

39、 一直很讨厌高中时的自己:每天都不快乐,却从没想过改变,让自己深陷痛苦的沼泽,顾影自怜;现在看来,我今天的思想,竟全都来自当时的这些记录——原来,我一直在努力;原来,我误会了当初的自己。

40、 能力之树生长着,沐浴着信念的阳光,吸吮着知识的养料。本领不是年龄的恩赐,而是努力的奖赏。才能跟着勤奋走,正像光明跟着太阳走一样。

41、 夏天,隐藏了太多太多的迷茫,也怒放了太多太多的浓艳。就像雨后黄昏的天空,大片大片的珠黄、玫红、山蓝、艳紫的云朵翻涌其中,仿佛突兀的胭脂涂抹在冷郁的脸庞上,有着凄凉的美丽。



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coronavirus came to our side light of heart from care and the carefree




novel coronavirus is named after a crown. He was like a proud and ignorant king

who locked people in his home and could not go out.



Spring Festival in 2020, in the hearts of all Chinese people, is destined to be

a memorable memory forever. The novel coronaviruss raging force makes the bell

ring for the old and new year more heavy, and the mask on peoples faces makes

the Spring Festival feel cold.



virus has brought great disaster to human beings. I want to say to you, "come

on! We have a way to deal with this virus, we will win! "





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I earnestly hope to lead a healthy and prosperous life in the future. Judging from my aptitude inclination and personality streaks, my ideal life will be that of a scientist, researching, lecturing, and writing books. As I am from a farming family, I particularly enjoy being close to earth. If I can afford to live a pastoral life in the countryside, I will feel most blessed. As far as social life is concerned, simplicity is what I intend to pursue, so I really dont need too many friends. All these will be mere talk if I am idle now. To attain my goal, I must make a point of training my body and mind. This is a highly competitive society in which everyone is eager to come out on top. That is not only a competition of physical strength and mental power, but a marathon of patience, faith, and perseverance. Life is not all roses, but with what I am being equipped with by the top teachers in this elite school, I surely deserve a promising prospect.





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Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats cause children. 后排座位上的小孩会生出意外,后排座位上的意外会生出小孩。

Don’t take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is.别踏上犯罪的道路。你可以去逛街,可以到邻县去,可以出国旅行,但就是别踏上犯罪的道路。

Enjoy the simple things.享受简单事物的乐趣。

I will greet this day with love in my heart.我要用全身心的爱来迎接今天。

Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle mind is the devil’s workshop. And the devil’s name is Alzheimer’s."学无止境。多学学电脑、手艺、园艺等等。不要让你的大脑闲置下来。无所事事是魔鬼的加工厂。魔鬼的名字叫“痴呆症”。

Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.结交快乐的朋友。整日愁眉不展只能让你雪上加霜。

There will be no regret and sorrow if you fight with all your strength.


Time is a bird for ever on the wing.


Time will never change and stop for any person.


Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.


Victory wont come to me unless I go to it.


Walk the road you want to walk and do what you want to do , keep moving ahead and that’s not the silence of failure.


We all have moments of desperation. But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are.


We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope.


The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar.


The first step is as good as half over.


The failures and reverses which await men - and one after another sadden the brow of youth - add a dignity to the prospect of human life, which no Arcadian success would do.


Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetermined worth while goals .To live your life in your own way .To reach the goals , you’ve set for yourself . To be the person, you want to be ——that is success .


Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.


Ones real value first lies in to what degree and what sense he set himself.


People neeed some courage in life, just like climbing a cliff .Although there are stemp ahead, you still fell some timorous and dare not go ahead. But when you conquer the timidity and reach the peak, you will feel the importance of courage as you enjoy the beautiful scenes. It is the same with life.


Real dream is the other shore of reality.


Sharp tools make good work.


Sometimes your plans don’t work out because God has better ones.


Standing firm is to challenge difficult courageously and to leave the smile after sccess to oneself.


Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


Never, never, never, never give up.




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One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming1) that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw2) in it.

Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why3), your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine!"

The crowd and the young man looked at the old mans heart. It was full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didnt fit quite right, and there were several jagged4) edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges5) where whole pieces were missing.

The young man laughed. "Comparing your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."

"Yes," said the old man, "Yours looks perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.

"But because the pieces arent exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.

"Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasnt returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges - giving love is taking a chance.

"Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space Ive been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is"

The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped6) a piece out. He offered it to the old man.

The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young mans heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old mans heart flowed into his.They embraced7) and walked away side by side.

How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart!一天,一个年轻人站在镇子的中央,宣称他拥有整个山谷最美丽的心。一大群人围了过来,都交口称赞年轻人的心,因为这颗心完美无瑕。














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Oceans becoming more acidicThe worlds oceans are slowly getting more acidic, say scientists.The researchers from California say the change is taking place in response to higher levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.The lowering of the waters pH value is not great at the moment but could pose a serious threat to current marine life if it continues, they warn.Ken Caldeira and Michael Wickett, from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, report their concerns in the journal Nature.Increasing use of fossil fuels means more carbon dioxide is going into the air, and most of it will eventually be absorbed by seawater.

Once in the water, it reacts to form carbonic acid.Scientists believe that the oceans have already become slightly more acidic over the last century.But these researchers have tried to predict what will happen in the future by combining what we know about the history of the oceans with computer models of climate change."This level of acidity will get much more extreme in the future if we continue releasing CO2 into the atmosphere," said Dr Caldeira."And we predicted amounts of future acidity that exceed anything we saw over the last several hundred million years, apart from perhaps after rare catastrophic events such as asteroid impacts."If carbon dioxide release continues unabated, ocean pH could be reduced by as much as 0.77 units, the authors warn.It is not absolutely clear what that means for marine life, however.

Most organisms live near the surface, where the greatest pH change would be expected to occur, but deep-ocean lifeforms may be more sensitive to pH changes.Coral reefs and other organisms whose skeletons or shells contain calcium carbonate may be particularly affected, the team speculate. They could find it much more difficult to build these structures in water with a lower pH.In recent years some people have suggested deliberately storing carbon dioxide from power stations in the deep ocean as a way of curbing global warming.But Dr Caldeira said that such a strategy should now be re-considered."Previously, most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing - because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet; and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming.



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Many people like traveling. They just feel happy when traveling. But not many people will think the meaning of travel. What is the meaning of travel? Actually, one of the meanings is to find happiness. Putting aside all the trouble to enjoy themselves usually makes people happy. There is another important meaning. It is to learn things. To go out for a visit can enlarge people’s vision. People can learn a lot from it. Therefore, sometimes we will find that some people will be different after they return home from travel. It is because they learn the true meaning of travel.





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People often ask and are asked that what is the most important thing in

life. Some people answer that family is the most important and others say love,

work or money. In my opinion, health is the most important in life. However, how

to keep healthy?

Firstly, being positive. A positive attitude towards life must be good to

health. It also brings you power to overcome disease. Secondly, taking exercise

regularly. Taking exercise regularly or even every day helps you build a strong

body which is the base of health. Exercise can improve the ability of the body

to fight disease. Thirdly, making friends, because friendship is an important

part to influence your health. Many studies show that people with a wide range

of social contacts get sick less than those who dont. I always feel better when

I am with friends than when I am alone. Finally, eating properly, having good

rest and building normal daily routine are aslo important to health.

Health is a problem we should attach importance to. Only build a healthy

body can us live a better life.







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Taiwanlies off the east coast of Fujian Province. It’s an island surrounded by the Pacific Ocean to the east, and the East China Sea to the north.

Taiwan is the largest island in our country. The island, which is about 3,6000 square kilometers, has a population of over two hundred million. There are lots of resources in Taiwan. Its products like banana, rice and tea are well-known all over the world. It has a good environment and mild climate. Thousands of people like to come here for traveling.

Taiwan is part of China. Most of people settling there come from Fujian and Guangdong. We Chinese all hope that Taiwan can return to the embrace of the motherland at an early date.



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It has been admitted that 22 is the important point for many young people,

because they graduate from college and go to the job market. Then 25 is believed

to be the marriage age for the parents, as they start to worry about their

children’s future life and wish they get married as soon as possible. Before the

coming of 30, girls are in their best situation for the old idea.

It is an

outdated thought, because people should be limited by their ages. It is never

too late to get restart. An airline stewardess got fired because she was almost

30, then she decided to started her business by selling products online. Now she

is a successful businesswoman and she enjoys her career. So never listen to the

words that limits your movement, just do it.



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Do chinese have any morals?Thats a good question.Many people insist that ideas about right and wrong are merely personal opinions.Some voicesthoughare calling chinese back to traditional moral values.some people suggests that great moral stories can build character.Many chinese still believe in moral values.But what are they?

To begin withmoral values in chinese are like those in any culture.In factmany aspects of morality are universal.But the stories and traditions that teach them are unique to each culture.Not only thatbut culture influences how people show these virtues.

One of the most basic moral values for us is honesty.People still believe that "honesty is the best policy."

In no way can this brief description cover all the moral values .Courageresponsibilityloyaltygratitude and many others could be discussed.But no matter how long or short the listmoral values are invaluable.They are the foundation of any culture.中国人有道德吗?这是个好问题。许多人坚持对与错乃是个人的意见。一些声音,但呼吁中国回到传统的道德values.some人认为伟大的道德故事可以塑造性格。许多中国人仍然相信道德的价值。但他们是什么?






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Sichuan is located in the Upper Yangtze Valley in the southwestern part of the country. The second largest of the Chinese provinces, it covers an area of 220,100 square miles (570,000 square kilometres). Szechwan is bordered by the provinces of Kansu and Shensi to the north, Hupeh and Hunan to the east, and Kweichow and Yunnan to the south and by the Tibet Autonomous Region to the west and the province of Tsinghai to the northwest. It is the most populous province in China. The name Szechwan means “Four Streams” and refers to the four main tributaries of the Yangtze River, which flows through the province. The capital, Cheng-tu, is located in the centre of the province.

From economic, political, geographical, and historical points of view, the heart and nerve centre of Szechwan is in the eastern basin area, commonly known as the Sichuan, or Red, Basin. Its mild and humid climate, fertile soil, and abundant mineral and forestry resources make it one of the most prosperous and economically self-sufficient regions of China. The area has been seen by some as China in a microcosm and is often viewed as a country within a country. The Chinese call the basin Tien Fu Chih Kuo, which literally means “Heaven on Earth”.



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In my opinion, the movie “ the pursuit of happyness “ is a meaningful film,

the hero of the movie is an active man. Though his life was very hard, his wife

left because of the situation of their family.His work was also unfortunate. He

never gave up and still work hard.Then he took care of his little son. He is

going after happiness all the time, so his life is running . Time is very

importmant to him, he must finish his task on time , or he wouldnt live a

steady life , he has to pay the rent and taxes and so on, but he insist on

taking every chance to make his life live better and he believe in himself.

Finally, he succeed , his part of life in the movie is moving and real.

I also like the song in the movie very much, it says “ the mountains have

high places and low places ……”

Everyone has a dream, if you work as hard as the hero of the movie , your

dream will come ture, so I will learn from the hero ---Chris Gardner.

And I believe my dream isn’t far away!



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(1)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.


(2)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.


(3)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


(4)Many parents believe that additional educational activities enjoy obvious advantage. By extra studies, they maintain, their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge, which will put them in a beneficial position in the future job markets when they grow up.


(5)By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.


(6)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.


(7)In the first place, extra studies bring about unhealthy impacts on physical growth of children. Educational experts point out that, it is equally important to take some sport activities instead of extra studies when children have spent the whole day in a boring classroom.

