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Dear Mr. Shan

Hello! The Spring Festival is coming. I sincerely wish you a happy new year

and smooth work!

I have been getting along with you for four years. When I first came into

this campus, I was still a little girl. You taught me how to learn and how to be

a person. I remember that I got the first full mark in the Chinese test in grade

one. Your encouraging words and affirmative eyes have made me unforgettable.

Since then, I have determined to be a good student with both good character and


Mr. Shan, I know that my handwriting is not good. Every time I see you

annotate "write carefully" at the end of your homework, I feel very ashamed.

This winter vacation, I set a goal for myself to practice calligraphy for an

hour every day. Do you know what? I have written the words in the fourth grade

Chinese textbook three times and practiced each word 12 times, so as not to let

you worry about my words any more.

Single teacher, I quietly tell you that I like you very much. It is you who

have taught me rich knowledge, you have taught me the truth of being a man, it

is you who have cultivated my positive and enterprising character, and you have

given me a pair of powerful wings to let me roam in the world of knowledge!

Single teacher, you have worked hard for us. You should pay more attention

to your body and drink more water, which is good for your voice. Id like to

express my highest respect to you! I can only repay you with excellent results -

teacher, you have worked hard!

I wish you a happy New Year!

Your students




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A little monkey picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home.But the

pumpkin is too big.The monkey cant take it home.

Suddenly he sees a panda riding a bike towards him. He watches the bike. "l

have a good idea. I can roll the pumpkin. It likes a wheel."

So he rolls the pumpkin to his home. When his mother sees the big pumpkin,

she is surprised and says, "How can you carry it home?" The little monkey

answers proudly, "l cant lift it, but l can roll it." His mother smiles and

says, " What a clever boy!"



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Dear Dad,

Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express

my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!Thank you for

always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter

difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the

right path. I’m blessed to have you.Thank you for offering me education and

teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you

have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your

responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set

me good examples in my own life.Thank you for always appreciating my work, no

matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores

that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!

Yours beloved,



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My best friend is Jim. He is a cool boy. He has curly blond hair, big eyes

and a small mouth. He likes to eat strawberries and bananas, and he loves

sports. He often plays basketball in the school playground. He watches sports

every night. He has good manners and studies well, so everyone likes to make

friends with him.



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1. 自理能力:自从上了幼儿园,别的不说,首先解决了两项民生大问题:穿衣吃饭。我们对女儿还是有些娇惯,__上幼儿园前每餐饭都有大人喂,现在完全自己搞定;不仅会自己穿衣脱衣,还会把衣服被子叠得整整齐齐——清明节去亲戚家还表演了一把,深受好评

2. 动手能力:小竹目前使用剪刀能够剪出圆形(虽然还有些棱角哈),使用胶棒能牢固的粘住目标纸片(虽然可能会大面积涂抹),能够轻松把细线穿到串珠里,能够用木质积木摆出形状各异的高楼,能够用乐高拼成奇形怪状的物品。小竹也能拍皮球,虽然仅能连拍三个,但是我们还是觉得挺棒的——当然以后要更加努力哈!

3. 交往能力:作为一个纯女生(而非女汉纸),小竹很多时候还有些害羞。但是从幼儿园回来她会自豪的跟我们说:妈妈,袁紫琦和郭玥希是我的好朋友!现在她平时和相熟的小朋友相处愉快,见到认识的大人也能够打招呼,虽然还有些扭捏——这些,都是这半年多以来的进步哦。

4. 艺术认知:小竹在幼儿园学习了很多歌曲和舞蹈,回到家里经常哼给我们听,还自豪的说:这是我在幼儿园新学的~听到动听的旋律不由自主的翩翩起舞,其中一个标准动作就是用小手做一个心形(来源幼儿园体操)。小竹前一段回家很喜欢画画,估计是在幼儿园也收到老师的鼓励~

5. 团队自豪:小竹对于豆三班这个集体很自豪:我是在豆三班的!我的豆三班里还有滑朵儿呢!前几天突然跟我说:妈妈,我想星星老师了(很伤心的样子);她还有点害羞地说老师跟她叫“拇指姑娘”


1. 小竹比较讲道理,讲原则。虽然偶尔会耍小脾气,但是她会主动遵守规则:比如我记得在幼儿园亲子班一起做体操的时候,老师告诉说踩在小星星上,小竹自始至终都是踩在上面的。在家里我们也会认真的遵守规则:早晨起床去幼儿园(四天妈妈送,一天奶奶送)、放学奶奶接回、晚饭前少吃零食、如果饭吃不完的话直至下一顿餐前都没有零食可以吃、晚上必须刷牙洗漱才能睡觉、十点以后不进食不可以再与奶奶玩、每天只能吃一颗糖等等。

2. 小竹理解能力比较好(不知道老师是否同意哈),一般沟通也不成问题(除了偶尔耍脾气的时候)。有一次她和同龄的小朋友一起学画画,老师说,小熊的耳朵应该在哪里呢?小竹就拿起笔在小熊的头上把耳朵画上去了...

3. 小竹的中英文阅读与听力、识字能力应该略强于同龄小朋友。因为她从小便习惯于把书当玩具,从零岁到现在三岁半读的大大小小的中英文书籍估计将近千本,所以这一点还是比较省心的。

4. 小竹的体质不错。除了刚上幼儿园的适应阶段生病外,目前虽偶尔生病,但皆无大碍,一般挺挺就过去了,不需要去医院。上周爬凤凰岭,自己爬到了半山腰又走了下来,比奶奶爬得要远多了。


1. 小竹有些小女生的娇气。因为一直是妈妈带着,有些粘妈妈;同时不免偶尔有些扭捏。有时候自己有想法不肯大大方方的说出来,自己扭扭捏捏的让别人去说。这一点我们在努力矫正,同时希望老师能够帮忙。

2. 小竹天生有些胆小。很多事情如果别人说做了有危险,她就连尝试都不愿意。这样的话,她未免在进取与主动性方面较差,希望老师根据这个特点对她多多鼓励。另外,可能不会主动与小朋友打招呼,交朋友,我们也很迷惘,不知如何处理,希望老师能够有更好的引导。

3. 小竹的自理能力与动手能力仍旧不够强。我怀疑会略逊于同龄小朋友。因为我们毕竟有些娇惯,也因为她自己的性格,所以在自理和动手方面仍旧差强人意。我们以后一定多多努力,给她机会,同时也希望老师在这方面帮助加强。







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My Chinese teacher is miss lu, 50 years old or so, laugh eyes more her kindness.

Each language lesson, lu teacher always put the background and the information of the text in the form of story tell us, are vivid and image, make us feel RuZuoChunFeng. Because we are careless, often confuse form nearly words, lu teacher every time learn woodpecker for young trees to catch insects to we pulled out the wrong character, and then like a doctor cure to help us to correct the bad habit of carelessness. Remember once, lu teacher taught us to distinguish between nearly word "apple", "review", "ping", she said: "mom?" flat "had three sons, had a son likes to eat fruit, a name call" apple "; a son very studious, knowledgeable named review, has a son naughty, more often to roll on the grass named "ping". Lu teacher then asked what our favorite son? We laughed seemed, from now on we never confuse these three words. Then, lu the teacher write on the blackboard again "four sisters" "bian", "dialectical", "apology", the "disc", let us to distinguish. Listen to the teacher lu class, we feel both warm and happy, no easy feeling.

This is our teacher, lu is both interesting and humorous, from grade one to grade three, I never like to live a language lesson! Like Chinese teacher!



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Today, my friend was ten years old and his family gave him a big party. He

asked me to join his party, which was such a big party. His home was full of

balloons. What a lively atmosphere was. We sang the birthday song to him and

sent our best wishes. We played funny games and had a great time.



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All over the world,there are many different products in many different town

or city,for example,Anxi and Hang zhou are widely know for their tea.Of

course,in my town,also has a femous thing-yellow flower. Next,let me introduce

them for you.They are made by hand from people,so they are simple to made,you

just throw down seeds in the field,then through some time,you go there water

them,and you must also cut down some grass in the filed,then,you can wait them

to grow up.And,they are used for making oil,and helping person to cook.They are

so special because they are made just in my town,and so many visitors come here

from time to time,then take photos with family,it looks like so beautiful.

I am pround of them,if you have free time,please come here.



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since last summer, i have written to my pen pal, seda, who lives in turkey.

i became acquainted with her when i went to england for a study tour.

we stayed with the same family, and she was my roommate and classmate as

well. sometimes we went to the movies together after dinner. seda is very easy

to get along with. i will always remember the two weeks i spent with her. we

didnt forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home.

although i havent seen her again since i left england, i still know how she is

through letters, cards and photographs. seda tells me her secrets and also

shares her happiness and sadness with me . both of us hope that we will meet

each other somewhere one day.

maybe ill go to turkey to visit her, or shell come to taiwan to visit




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Ive a brother. He is a good brother. He studies very well and he is very

look after me.

One day, I was ill.He took me to the hospital.The doctors and the nurses

said:"you have a good brother!"I said:"Yes,he is a good brother ."And my brother

was shy.

Oh,Im forget to tell you what my brother looks like.

He is very tall and thin. His favourest sport is play basketball and he

like play the guitar. He play them is very well.

I like my big brother.I hope he will happy everyday.



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Dear ___,

I am so sorry that I was late to the class this morning.Although it because

that I missed the bus so that I had to wait another 15 minutes for the next

one,I still need to take the full responsibility for it.

If you would accept my appologize,that would be great.I promiss you that I

will not be late to any class again.

Yours sincerely

Tony Blair



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Can Money Buy Happiness?

Can money buy happiness? Different people have different opinions. Some

think yes, while others hold the opposite.

It is true that with enough money one can buy all the things one wants, and

live a life of comfort and security. However, it is equally true that lack of

money causes great distress. It is a common view that "money is the root of all

evil." The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat and steal. In some

places there is nothing that cannot be bought with money, resulting in corrupt

societies where everybody is miserable.

So, money does not necessarily mean happiness. It all depends on how it is

used. If we make honest and sensible use of money, it can be a stepping-stone to

happiness l Although money cannot buy happiness, it can make happiness possible

if it is employed sensibly.







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Dear teacher,


In our life, since childhood, we have received the educational grace of our parents, now, we are receiving the educational grace of our teachers.

Teachers, hard gardener, all the time for our sake, and you are one of them. You and other teachers, three feet of the podium, a piece of chalk, do not know how much knowledge for us to write down. Chalk foam dyed your hair white, winter to spring, you in this small platform, do not know how many students.

I remember when I was just in junior high school, you led our class to teach us Chinese, but our classs Chinese score was not good, so I was afraid of Chinese class. Every class, I will be a person silently hiding in the corner. A few days later, you spotted me and called me to your office. At this point, the school is over and you are the only one left in the office. You kindly said to me: "my child, learning is an essential part of the way of life. It is by studying that you can acquire knowledge. But knowledge has the power to change everything. You must study if you want to grow up and get out of this backward village. And Chinese, is our mother tongue, is our root. We are all descendants of the Chinese people and should carry forward our mother tongue." I hung my head in shame. "Chinese is an essential part of learning. In fact, Chinese is not difficult to learn, as long as you carefully observe everything around you, usually pay more attention to accumulation, you will improve: you go back to think about it. Say that finish, let me hurry home.

As I trudged out of the office, I looked through the window and saw that you were still correcting our homework. The red marks on the exercise book all show your diligence and hard work. Since then, I will study hard Chinese, carefully observe the things around me, listen carefully in class. When you saw this, you finally smiled. This smile, like the sun, warms me and makes me work harder.

You are no longer teaching me, but you have taught me the most profound lesson. I will never forget you. I will never forget your back as you corrected your homework under the light. I will never forget the time when we studied together, the help you gave me.

Teacher, it is you who taught me Thanksgiving and taught me knowledge. I will always grow up with a grateful heart.

Wish: good luck in everything and good health.



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David Beckham and his families are so famous around the world, no matter

where they go, they will catch the medias attention. The four lovely children

are favored by people, too. It is said that David makes family rules. He and his

wife tell their children to be polite and love each other. The children remember

that and behave so well. Everybody loves them.



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敬爱的荀老师: 您好!














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1. Genghis Khan‘s Mausoleum 成吉思汗陵

2. Caspian Sea 里海

3. West Xia Kingdom 西夏王国


Genghis Khan, "Khan of Khans", was the great leader of Mongolians. At the

end of 12th century, he united Mongolian tribes and challenged other powers to

expand his huge Mongolian empire, which extended from South China to the Caspian


In 1277, Khan attacked the West Xia Kingdom (presently Ningxia) and

encountered strong resistance. He died of disease and age. The great emperor was

later buried secretly according to Mongolian custom. It says that after the

burial 2,000 men were slaughtered by some 800 soldiers who were in turn executed

so that the location of the real tomb remains a secret.

There are four sacrifice ceremonies held annually to commemorate the great

hero and leader of the Mongolian people. The ceremony, held on March 21st on

lunar calendar, is the grandest. After the ceremony, horse racing, archery and

wrestling are held as entertainment.



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My school is very beautiful. It is in Guicheng, near the Qiandeng Lake. Do

you know it? It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School. I like my school very


There is a big playground in my school. We have P.E. class on the

playground and we often play sports on it , too. Our teaching building has five

floors. My classroom is on the fifth floor. It is big and clean. The computer

rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor. There are

many books in the library. I often read books here. There are some music rooms

and art rooms in the teaching building, too.

The teachers in my school are very kind . The students are very polite and

smart. I am happy in my school.



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Im a tall and lively boy. I like playing basketball very much because its

interesting. I like NBA, too. There are many famous stars in it. Such as Alan,

Iveson, Tim, Donken, Jordan, Kobe, ONeal and so on. Yao Ming is in the NBA,

too. Hes Chinese. He plays basketball well. Hes a center forward. Hes our

pride. All the ball stars can jump, shoot and pour in the basket. So each game

of the NBA is wonderful. Sometimes the players can perform miracles, I


This years champion is Spur Team. It’s one of the strongest


I like NBA. I love basketball.



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Dear Honey Xin,

Haha...I think you must be surprised when you get this letter,it seems like

that this is the first time that I write a letter to you,I must make it up for

you cause Ive never wrote a love letter to you before.

Youve said that you want someone to send you a box snack as a gift,at the

time when you are reading this letter you must be surprised cause youve

complished your wish and youve got the snake which was I sent.

I know that I am not always the best,but some times I am always

heartfelt,am I right?

This is a love letter in English,I think that you couldnt read it,please

find a friend who can help to translate it for you.

Reminder to the one who will translate this for my honey,you should laugh

out loudly when you are translating this letter,thanks.

Yours love,




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My mom is about 45 years old.She has long hair and very big eyes. She is a

housewife. She always helps me with my homework before she cleans the house and

prepares dinner for my whole family. She is really a nice and kind mother.

My mom is always very reasonable. All she asks for is for me to complete my

schoolwork. If I get a good mark on my test,she will be very happy. If I dont

do well,she wont get angry. She will encourage me to do better next time.

I love my mom,so I give her a hug when I get home,and tell her she is the

best mom in the world.



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