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Dear Lily,

How is everything? I do not see you for a long time, and I miss you very much. So I write to you. I was very busy in the last month, because I have much homework to do. The final exam is coming, so I must work hard. Besides, I must learn piano very two days. It takes me some time, but I feel happy. These are my life in recent. And what’s yours? I am looking forward to your letter and tell me about your life.

Sincerely Yours,





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easter is a religious holiday that commemorates the resurrection of jesus christ three days after his death by crucifixion some 2,000 years ago. for christians, easter is a day of religious services and the gathering of family.

the genesis of easter was rooted in pagan gods that were worshiped prior to canadas existence; but for canada, easter began and continues to be celebrated as a christian event.

in many churches easter is preceded by a season of prayer, abstinence, and fasting called lent. this is observed in memory of the 40 days fast of christ in the desert. in eastern orthodox churches lent is 50 days. in western christendom lent is observed for six weeks and four days.



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Seriously 认真

mad 生气

gloomy 郁闷


haggard 憔悴的

halcyon 平静的

sad 悲伤

happy 开心

angry 生气






悲喜交集 悲愤填膺 百感交集 感人肺腑

动人心弦 情不自禁 心潮澎湃

激昂慷慨 慷慨激昂


感激涕零 感恩戴德 谢天谢地

没齿不忘 感同身受


垂头丧气 灰心丧气 心灰意冷 心灰意懒

万念俱灰 自暴自弃 黯然销魂 大失所望


心如刀割 切肤之痛 哀毁骨立 悲天悯人


怒不可遏 怒形于色 怒火中烧 忍无可忍



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This years fathers day, I finally feel that Im not around my parents,

how much I miss them. Its like several years. I guess I miss them too much. Do

you miss me? In a flash, I grow up. Time is really fast. Because of this,

sometimes I think of my childhood.


I still remember when I was a child, you took me on a bicycle and galloped

in the fast lane just for fear that I would be late for school to catch the bus

I wanted to take; you also remembered that I forgot to take my homework, you

were afraid that the teacher would scold me, no matter how busy or how bad the

weather was, you would come to the school to send it to me; you also remembered

that in primary school, the teacher said you were a model parent; Remember that

when I was sick and had stomachache, I cried to ask you to knead my belly for me

in the middle of the night, and you would be sleepy to sleep, but you would

immediately wake up and continue to knead for me until dawn; remember that when

I was a child, every time I was lying in the bathtub, you would help me to rub

the bath; remember that when my dirty clothes were thrown around, you would

silently pick up the clothes on the ground and clean them for me; I still

remember when you were a kid, you blew my legs in order to send me to learn the

piano, and you often hurt in the winter when riding a motorcycle. I still

remember that you often ran around for work, and your hair turned white. I still

remember that you got up at the earliest time every morning to buy food for my

mother and me, so that my mother and I would wake up and see all kinds of

breakfast on the table; I remember when I was sad for school, you always said,

"its OK, and Dad!"



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A Sports meet运动会

The sports meet of our university was held on a charming spring day.The stand around the playground was packed with spectators.Firt came the parade of the opening ceremony.Athletes walked into the field in orderly arrays.After the opening address was delivered,the athletes withdrew.Then there was a performance of group callisthenics.

The contests and races of track and field events were exciting.The runners of 100 metre race dashed to the terminal point.The winner took the lead only by a small fraction of second.A boy athlete gave a javelin a lorceful throw.It shot across the sky and arrived at a point far ahead of the former record.A girl athlete,in a long distance race,stumbled over the foot of another athlete and fell down.She rose to her feet,clenched her teeth,and continued her running.The most attractive is the relay race that was so intense that all spectators cheered,hailed and applaused.

The sports meet was over.Our athletes not only gained a good harvest of prizes,but also strengthened their body and tempered their will.

在迷人的春季我们学校举行了一场运动会,操场上挤满了观众,首先举行的是开幕式典礼。运动员们井然有序的在操场上排着队列, 开幕词发表之后运动员退出,团体操表演随之进行。






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1. abandoned

forsaken by owner or inhabitants


Adopted children must face issues of abandonment as they grow older.

2. aggressive

characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight


But Bowser could appoint new and aggressive leaders in other city agencies, where Gray’s appointees have tended to be more cautious.

— Washington Post

3. alienated

socially disoriented


The more vigilant Allen was, the more resentful and alienated Nicholas became, and the worse things got.

— Class Matters

4. apathetic

showing little or no emotion or animation


“And some people are able to inspire otherwise apathetic young people to vote.”

— Forbes (Oct 21, 2014)

5. ashamed

feeling guilt or embarrassment or remorse


Then, ashamed and embarrassed, he disappeared under a duvet and grieved.

— BBC (Nov 4, 2014)

6. astonished

filled with the emotional impact of overwhelming surprise


"Oh my God," he sputters, clearly astonished by the claim.

— BBC (Oct 18, 2014)

7. avoidance

deliberately avoiding


A small percentage use it for avoidance, to create a distraction, and an even smaller percentage use it to get attention.

— New York Times (Oct 30, 2014)

8. awful

exceptionally bad or displeasing


Well, its ugly, its awful, but at least its official.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014)

9. confused

unable to think with clarity or act intelligently


Veterans service organizations had braced for a flood of calls from confusedveterans, but said so far they’ve not heard any complaints.

— Washington Times (Nov 11, 2014)

10. courageous

able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching


"To share in this way is courageous, powerful and generous," Dunham tweeted at the time, adding a link to Dylan Farrows letter.

— Seattle Times (Nov 4, 2014)

11. depressed

filled with melancholy and despondency


Hours of rehabilitation left him feeling depressed at times.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 11, 2014)

12. detestable

offensive to the mind


Instead of making him more likable, it made him more detestable and he ended up becoming passive-aggressive.

— Salon (Oct 19, 2014)

13. devastate

overwhelm or overpower


In the aftermath of the quake, ordinary Italians were devastated and outraged.

— The Verge (Nov 11, 2014)

14. disillusioned

freed from false ideas


People were scared, disillusioned and confused, so they didn’t vote.

— Salon (Nov 10, 2014)

15. distant

remote in manner


Her parents, though, were distant, and the young Jean soon developed the strong independent streak which has characterised her life.

— BBC (Nov 10, 2014)

16. eager

having or showing keen interest or intense desire


Democratic-primary voters are always eager to see a fresh potential candidate.

— The New Yorker (Nov 10, 2014)

17. ecstatic

feeling great rapture or delight


"I was just so ecstatic to get the ring back."

— Chicago Tribune (Nov 6, 2014)

18. embarrassed

feeling or caused to feel uneasy and self-conscious


Together, they embrace then pull apart as if embarrassed by the physical closeness.

— Seattle Times (Nov 10, 2014)

19. energetic

possessing or displaying forceful exertion


Niall had been a goofy, energetic, creative kid who wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to do with his life.

— Washington Post

20. enraged

marked by extreme anger


When he returned home, he searched his wife’s cell phone and becameenraged when he found a picture of another man, prosecutors said.

— Reuters (Nov 7, 2014)

21. frustrated

disappointingly unsuccessful


"But it still make me sad that I can’t speak well. I call my interpreter when I get frustrated."

— Reuters (Nov 12, 2014)

22. furious

marked by extreme anger


White House officials were furious, calling Krones behavior "unprofessional."

— Seattle Times (Nov 10, 2014)

23. hateful

evoking or deserving hatred


Most people have been supportive, she said, but others have been hateful.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 9, 2014)

24. hesitant

unable to act or decide quickly or firmly


He is hesitant around me, kind of respectfully shy.

25. hostile

characterized by enmity or ill will


They continued to back Mr. Dunkle, saying an independent investigation had found he had not created a hostile work environment, Bishop Sisk said.

— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014)

26. hurt

psychological suffering


“It hurts me and it pains me. Paul is with him, but I sometimes feel like I’m failing as a mother.”

— New York Times (Nov 12, 2014)

27. ignored



Have you ever felt ignored for no reason at all?

and inadequate.

28. indifferent

marked by a lack of interest


A few staffers, though, seemed either indifferent or downright surly.

— Forbes (Nov 7, 2014)

29. inquisitive

showing curiosity


Her older sister, Boedges added, “is an inquisitive girl, very talkative.”

— Washington Post

30. insecure

lacking self-confidence or assurance


I was so insecure, and I hated myself.

— Time (Nov 1, 2014)

31. insignificant

of little importance or influence or power; of minor status


“Hell, a kid’s already scared of being small and insignificant,” he once said.

— The New Yorker (Nov 5, 2014)

32. intimate

marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity


The couple grew so intimate that the woman promised she would move to New York in six months.

— New York Times (Nov 7, 2014)

33. jealous

suspicious or fearful of being displaced by a rival


"I think it was really hard. I think he was a little jealous of the video guy at first," Gomez joked.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 6, 2014)

34. optimistic

expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds


She said the talks were going well and she felt optimistic that progress could be made.

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

35. perplexed

full of difficulty or confusion or bewilderment


The bankers who arrange the loan deals say that they are perplexed.

— New York Times (Nov 4, 2014)

36. playful

full of fun and high spirits


He says the fourth “Toy Story” installment will “open a new chapter” in the lives of Woody, Buzz and their playful pals.

— Washington Times (Nov 7, 2014)

37. rejected

rebuffed (by a lover) rebuffed (by a lover) without warning


The break up with his best friend left him feeling lonely, rejected, and generally out of sorts.

38. remorseful

feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses


In a statement, Chow said the running back was “contrite, embarrassed andremorseful.”

— Washington Times (Oct 15, 2014)

39. repugnant

offensive to the mind


These incidents now strike us as repugnant discrimination.

— Slate (Nov 7, 2014)

40. resentful

full of or marked by indignant ill will


This is how we, the electorate, are being described: sour, dyspeptic, demoralized, disgusted, rebellious, frustrated, resentful, angry.

— Seattle Times (Nov 7, 2014)

41. scared

made afraid


"Im scared right now," she said as she watched smoke from the burning house.

— US News (Nov 11, 2014)

42. skeptical

marked by or given to doubt


Faced with skeptical — or sexist — editors and colleagues, the women found that work sometimes came at the price of their personal lives.

— New York Times (Nov 12, 2014)

43. submissive

inclined or willing to give in to orders or wishes of others


Finally, a textbook that teaches women the manly pursuit of science in terms that our feeble, submissive lady brains will understand.

— Salon (Oct 14, 2014)

44. terrified

thrown into a state of intense fear or desperation


"She knew she was going to be murdered. She was terrified".

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

45. threatened

likely in the near future to become endangered


"I was disgusted that my voice was ignored, but they felt threatened after being called by a politician."

— BBC (Nov 12, 2014)

46. victimized

of persons; taken advantage of


Any girl suspected of being attracted to girls was gossiped about, victimized, and shunned.

— Middlesex: A Novel

47. vulnerable

capable of being wounded or hurt


"She is so funny and vulnerable," he said.

— Los Angeles Times (Nov 12, 2014)

48. withdrawn

tending to reserve or introspection


Executive coach Maureen Moriarty believes that those who fail to communicate their feelings at work are often perceived as aloof, cold,withdrawn or untrustworthy.

— US News (Nov 11, 2014)

49. worried

afflicted with or marked by anxious uneasiness or trouble


According to the survey, 80% of Americans are worried about the government’s monitoring of phone and Internet communications.

— Wall Street Journal (Nov 12, 2014)

50. worthless

lacking in usefulness or value


“I was just tired of it. I was letting my family down; I was feeling worthless.”

— US News (Nov 5, 2014)



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If you leave me, please dont comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Among those people that appear in our life, some are to teach us, some to comfort us, some to share and some to love.


The so-called love word is that you say something that you would not believe by yourself, but you hope others would believe.


An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting. A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.


Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.


The most fearful thing in the life is the darkness deep in your heart. But soul told us that you shall have courage as long as the heartbeats.


People will always change. Some choose to change the environment; some choose to be changed by the environment. Most of the time when you cannot change, you have to choose to find something to make yourself happy.


Loneliness is different from being alone. Being alone means you just have no one beside you but loneliness means that you can not talk with others and share them with your feelings. And the true loneliness is that you even forget how it feels when you love someone.


When two people are in love, they are eager to have more sweet kisses. But why they are in quarrel, they are hurting each other by the mouths that once used for kissing? Every time when I was upset or tired, I can only kiss by myself.


If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down, its called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.



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I have a pet dog, it’s name is Bear. It is a lovely dog. It was born in 2015. It has a pair of big black eyes, and it is black all over. It has four long legs and a long tail. It often play with me, I love it very much.



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I opened the "our festival", the first thing I saw is the introduction of the Spring Festival. Spring Festival is one of the oldest festivals in our country. Where does my hometown show the atmosphere of the Spring Festival? Lets look at it.

Before the Spring Festival, I saw on TV that the meals in the hotel were all booked. It shows that everyone is reunited with their family. 10 days before the Spring Festival, I noticed that the traffic in the train was getting bigger and bigger, and I couldnt even buy the tickets. What was the matter? It turns out that all people in other places want to go home and celebrate the Spring Festival. So, the flow of people home is getting higher and bigger.

Before the Spring Festival, I found that there are a lot of people who sell fireworks in the street, arent there? The traditional customs of our country during the Spring Festival! On the night of the Spring Festival, in the sound of thunderous firecrackers, fireworks flashes up and radiates a variety of gleaming rings in the night sky. Some are like chrysanthemums, some are like waterfalls, others are like big trees and golden lights. Some are like small lanterns full of sky. They are really gorgeous. Thousands of spectators are cheering with loud cheers.

After the Spring Festival, the people of our country should have an atmosphere of red and red fire and joy and bustle. You see, small red couplets, firecrackers red, red paper-cut, the old man for children red envelopes, new clothes, children red, paste “ Fu ” the word red, red lanterns and red, Chinese junction is red … … … … the whole country a piece of red.

The Spring Festival is celebrating the festival, more is a good day for thousands of households together, in this new years day, people in happiness and peace with a day every year, countries better every year.



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My Table LampMy Table Lamp

I have a beautiful table lamp A year ago, my parents bought it for me. I use it when I’m doing my homework. I like it very much. It is black and red. The light from it is soft; it isn’t bad for my eyes. Every weekend I clean it, so it’s very clean all the time.

My brother also has a table lamp. But it is broken. Mine is very good because I take good care of it. My table lamp has a wonderful name. Its name is Hong Xin. It helps me a lot with my study. It’s my best friend.




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I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my

study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano,

surfing the Internet.

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. Reading has been in my life for many

years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but

also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can

learn a lot. Reading Shakespears works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading

Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xun, I

come back to the old time of China.



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What will the future be? There are likely to be numerous potential breakthroughs  and achievements in science and technology.Solutions to current social and economic problems will be found.In the field of industry, agriculture and service industry, possible products and manufacturing  methods might be realized.Hi-tech industry could develop faster.The living environment will be cleaner and satisfactory.People will lead a carefree life.Higher education will be available to every knowledge-thirsty person.

It is hard to detail visions on people’s beautiful life.Future is indeed like a riddle, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.

Nevertheless, one thing is certain: the advancement of science and technology will characterize the future.Only through mastering advanced science and technology can a nation be successful in facing more challenges of technological revolution and social progress



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What are friends? We often talk about the topic with others. I think

friends are those people who can help you when you are in trouble. Don’t forget

the saying, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” Friends can tell you your

mistakes, though what they say is hard for you to listen to. You can share your

happiness, trouble and worry with friends. Someone also says, “You can’t walk

any step without a friend.” So I think friends are very important to us. I would

like to make as many friends as possible.



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dear cathy,

i’m very glad to tell you something about chinas second manned spacecraft shenzhou vi.

it was launched at 9 o’clock, oct 12, 2008. and it returned to earth at about half past 4, oct 17. shenzhou vi orbited around the earth at a speed of 7.9 kilometers per second and traveled 3.25 million kilometers during the 115 hours and 33 minutes’ journey in space. the total cost is rmb900 million . aboard the craft were two astronauts, fei junlong and nie haisheng, who conducted a lot of scientific experiments. their journey in space was very smooth. the living and working conditions inside the cabin were very good. their health is in good condition.

ok, i have to stop here. looking forward to hearing from you soon!


li bo



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An October Sunrise 十月的日出

I was up the next morning be fore the October sunrise, and away through the wild and the woodland. The rising of the sun was noble in the cold and warmth of it peeping down the spread of light, he raised his shoulder heavily over the edge of grey mountain and wavering length of upland. Beneath his gaze the dew-fogs dipped, and crept to crept to the hollow places; then stole away in line and column, holding skirts, and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grassland, while the brave lines of the hills came forth, one beyond other gliding.

The woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. Autumn’s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.

Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear it self, suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley, casting amber, blue, and purple, and a tint of rich red rose; according to the scene they lit on, and the curtain flung around; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness, all on the wings of hope advancing, and proclaiming, “God is here!” then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow; every flower, and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of God’s gaze merged into soft beneficence.

So, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the Father’s countenance, because itself is risen.



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Santa Claus:


I was a very bookish fourth grader, and Christmas was coming, so what I

wanted this time: a big pile of books.

I was a smart, reading kid who was consistently in the top ten of my class.

Books were my best friend. Remember once, I ordered the second class did not

carefully look, my mother asked me the content, ask three Do not know. Just for

that one time, my mother let me promise: after all bought a book, must carefully

read, or from now on do not buy a book, until finished reading. So, I look

carefully every time, also tell the content to my mother to listen. Now, I have

finished reading the book is a hill, mother ready to throw, But I think of one

thing: "the book is so good, we can donate to the poor mountain! As expected,

this year, we launched a book donation activity, I did not hesitate to donate 5


Santa Claus, for I love such a book of children, you can send me a book? I

will watch it carefully. Thank you so much!

Wish you a long and healthy life!

Zhang Wan Ting loves reading










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On the day of the new years day, we went to the &ldquo of the stone platoon; the Cyprinus island ” it was a beautiful and rich place.

That morning, I had just finished my breakfast and went to &ldquo in my seat boat, &rdquo, carp Island, because only a ship could go into the island. I ran on the boat and looked down, wow! The water is green! The water is like a mirror. I thought, when the shore was over, I rushed down again, colorful flowers, all kinds of beautiful, and I went inside again. First, I saw some purple flowers, there were some green and green beans on the side, just like a bunch of little grapes that havent been ripe yet. I went to the strawberry field and picked the strawberries. My mother told me not to pick that much, because all the good were picked. Picking strawberries, we went to dig the sweet potato on the way to dig the sweet potato, I saw the woods, we went to the woods, leaves drift down, like a little girl in the dance. I also saw the grapes, the fire dragon fruit tree, the papaya tree, the banana tree, and all of them. Ready to dig potatoes there, I saw on the grass white radish, rows of put, like a row of emissions in the grass of meat. To dig potatoes there, I went there to dig up, then put them in a basket. After a while, my fathers friend dug up a caring type of sweet potato, very beautiful. After a while, we went home to the boat.

Im really happy today.



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then, the representative of the bedroom zhu guozhang asked us to guess a line of a poem related to the above situation. he added that li xinmin alone was born in the year of the dog and the other three were all born in the year of the chicken.

they left us all in confusion. and it was our monitor who was quickwitted. he shouted our, "the day breaks as the cock crows three times at dawn." the hall after that, they had another item.

this time li xinmin was placed in the middle of the circle.

while he was standing there, the other three stood around him, each bowing down to him at an angle of 120 degrees. it was an idiom. this time i got it right:"the dog stands out among a group of chickens."



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Talking of examinations,I feel that they are one of the important activities in school life.Since the first day I went to school,I have had to deal with them almost every day.All through my secondary school days,I have gone through al kinds of exams,entrance exams,tests,quizzes and so on. I have tasted the flavour of happiness,sadness and laughter.

Before every exam,there is always a certain time for me to suffer.The world before me seems to be sad and gloomy.I feel that all my books are disgusting.During examinations,I am always like a computer.I try hard to squeeze out every piece of information to answer my questions.A machine has no feelings,but I am nervous,my heart beats hard.

After the swesty battle,the world seems to be bright again.A disaster is over.I become lively again,and begin to discuss every problem with my classmates.

[An Experience in Examination考试感受英文作文



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Dear Bill,

Im glad to receive your letter,thank you for your caring for the weather and my health.Now Id like to tell you something about the smog.

Since the winter last year,the smog has occurred a lot of times.it has done great harm to our daily life.many traffic accidents happened just because of the heavy smog weather,more and more people have to go to see the doctor because the serious disease caused by the smog,quite a lot of flights have to be put off,a great number of people have to stay at home for fear of the poisonous air caused by the smog.

People have realized the great harm caused by the smog and the importance of protecting the environment.people all over the country are taking measures to reduce the smog weather.the government suggests people go to work or school with the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground.Also we should plant more trees.

According to me, I will go to school by bike or on foot, and I wont throw the waste anywhere.in addition, I will tell the people I meet to protect the environment as possible as they can.would you like to tell me some good ideas?Im looking forward to your reply.

Yours Sincerely

Li Hua


During the 15 days from New Years Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The carssend off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.

In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way canwe expect to have more sunny days.




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《In Love》

If love be love , if love be ours,


Faith and unfaith can ne’er be equal powers;


Unfaith in aught is want of faith in all.


It is the little rift within the lute,


That by and by will make the music mute,


And ever widening showly silence all.


The little rift within the lover’s lute,


Or little pitted speck in garner’d fruit,


That rotting inward slowly moulders all,


It is not worth the keeping, let it go;


But shall it?answer, darling, answer,no,


And trust me not all or all in all.

