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Spring Festival couplets, originated in taofu. Taofu, Zhou Dai hung on the door on both sides of the rectangular wood board. According to the "rituals of the later Han Zhi", only six inches long, three inches wide, peach wood says "Tu", "Yu Lei" two god. "On January 1, Taofu made the household, fairy wood, HYAKKI fear." So, at the age of "Qing Dynasty" Yanjing said: "the Spring Festival couplets, also namely taofu."

The five generation, in the palace, some people write the language in the Spring Festival couplets. According to the "history of Song Shu family" said: after the Shu Meng Changling chapter title of peach Wood Johnson in, "with its work, pen questions cloud:" new year - Na Yuqing, Scarlett, Changchun Festival ", this is the first spring couplets in china. Until the Song Dynasty, which is still called "taofu". Wang Anshis poem had "numerous households especially blink the new peach for old symbol" sentence. The Song Dynasty, Taofu by peach wood instead of paper, called "spring stickers".

The Ming Dynasty, it was renamed the "Spring Festival couplets Spring Festival couplets". The Ming Dynasty Chen Yunzhan "miscellaneous" hairpin cloud floor contains: "the Spring Festival couplets, since the beginning of Ming dynasty. Jinling Park, on New Years Eve edicts have come suddenly: Gongqing Shishu door to an emperor incognito at the Spring Festival couplets." Zhu Yuanzhang not only personally to watch out, smiled, he also personally question couplets. He has a family, never see the door couplets, then to ask questions, know that this is a hog, and have not asked people to write. Zhu Yuanzhang is specially for the hog who wrote the "road of life and death split hands, a knife cut off the non root" of the new year. Combined and humorous. Ming Taizu advocated by the then new year would be demeaning to become a custom that has spread so far.

Paste Fu characters, stick grilles, paste, hang a thousand New Year paintings. These all have the folklore function of praying for blessing and placing the place of residence. The year painting is an ancient folk art in our country. He reflects the customs and beliefs of the people and holds the hope for the future. And the Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings, originated in the "keeper". Spring Festival couplets by Tu and Yu Leis name to the development of writing and painting, still along the direction of the development of New Year paintings. With the rise of board printing, New Year paintings of the content is not limited to goalkeeper, and gradually, the God of wealth in your house, and in some New Year paintings workshop produced "map", "Samsung fukurokuju day official blessing", "", "" a bumper grain harvest, The domestic animals are all thriving. "Fu Chun connect" color, New Year paintings to meet people the wishes of jubilation. Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang advocated the Spring Festival couplets, New Year paintings are also affected by the then prevalent country has three important areas: Suzhou, Taohuawu, Tianjin New Year paintings Yangliuqing and Shandong Weifang; the formation of the three major schools of our country New Year paintings. In the early years of the Republic of China, Shanghai Zheng mantuo combined the calendar of the moon and the two years of painting. This is a new form of the year painting. This geereryi New Year paintings, later developed into a calendar. Hang thousands, is auspicious words engraved on the red paper on the feet is long, sticky door, and embraced the taofu. There are eight immortals on it, hanging in front of the Buddha. Hang thousands of people to use it more, the family of the family use it less. The yellow paper 3 inches long, red paper "," small hang 1000 ", used to store. When is the earliest to hang a thousand in cash (copper) on hanging, like the gift money, there is the role of pressure wins.



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黎明将近,东方渐渐露出了灿烂的晨光,晨光中呈现了崭新的2022,湛蓝的天空,洁白如雪的云,小鸟欢快地歌唱,花儿伴着小鸟的歌翩翩起舞……过年咯!周围洋溢着春节的气息!道路洁净,各大商铺张灯结彩,家家户户贴上了喜庆的对联,人们脸上荡漾着快乐的笑容。 Dawn is approaching, and the Oriental gradually shows a bright morning light. The morning light presents a brand new 2022, blue sky, white and snowy clouds, and birds sing happily.Flowers are dancing with birds songs ... New Years Eve! The surrounding Spring Festival atmosphere! The road is clean, the large shops are lit, and every family has a festive couplet, and peoples faces are rippling with happy smiles.








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Making a trip to Beidaihe on May 18 was an experience which I will never forget.

A arrived in Beidaihe at about 2 oclock,and immediately took a No.5 bus to the sea area.The beautiful blue sea was so large that I couldnt see the other side of it.After getting off the bus,I went straight to the shore.Taking off my shoes,I put my feet into the water.The water was cool,and walking in the water was such a great joy that I didnt want to stop.Then I collected shells.When it got dark,I sat on the shore,watching the sea.The night scene was simply marvelous!

Finally I had to go back.It was an unforgettable day in my life.



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冰封雪飘,天寒地冻。大家的脸上却洋溢着无比的喜悦和幸福,我的心更是暖融融的。今年的春节十分有趣,我看饱、吃饱、玩饱了,真是让我记忆犹新啊! 大年三十,也就是除夕。

噼哩啪啦的鞭炮声,吵醒了熟睡的我和爸爸,我们连忙穿好红袜子、新衣服。爸爸拿出早已准备好的大红灯笼和春联,我扶着爸爸站在凳子上,在阳台挂起了红红的灯笼。然后,我们又在自家的防盗门上,贴上了对联,我用手指着对联,高声地念道:万家春&&千里秀&&爷爷在一旁纠正道:念对联要先右后左!我吐了一下舌头,扮了个鬼脸,逗得爷爷的脸上堆满了慈祥。 到了下午,一家人围坐在餐桌旁,准备品尝妈妈和奶奶的厨艺。今天的菜,可真丰盛呀!有香喷喷的红烧肉、鲜美的鸡汤、可口的干烧鱼、绿油油的波菜我的手不听使唤地夹了一块红烧肉放进嘴里,津津有味地嚼了起来。

爷爷端起酒杯,乐呵呵地说:祝大孙子学习进步!我也举杯,站了起来:祝爷爷奶奶身体健康,万事如意!奶奶高兴得连忙从怀里掏出红包,塞到我的手里。握着这份沉甸甸的祝福,我心里默默地想着:等我长大了,一定要报答你们。 晚上,我们一家围着电视,观看马年春节联欢晚会。节目丰富多彩,有舞蹈、小品、相声和歌曲,还有精彩的杂技和魔术奶奶看得高兴地笑了,爷爷看得拍手叫好,我也开心得手舞足蹈,爸爸对我频频点头。最有意思的是妈妈,当她看到牛莉主演的小品《人到礼到》时,眼睛紧紧地盯着电视,嘴里不住地唠叨:牛莉穿的这件红大衣,真款式呀!

说完,还情不自禁地站起身来,摆了个造型。我们先是愣了一下,接着大家笑得前仰后合,真是乐不可支。 接近午夜时分,在新年的钟声就要敲响之际,整个城市的上空,流光溢彩,光焰万丈。一朵朵漫天飞舞的礼花,绽放在新春的夜空里,似乎在向人们高呼:过年了!过年了!五色的烟花竞相开放,有的像仙女撒下的花瓣,有的像光彩照人的钻石,有的像光洁绚丽的丝绸,还有的像拖着长尾巴的流星四面八方的爆竹声响彻云霄,震耳欲聋,划破了寂静的黑夜。孩子们都兴奋得大喊大叫了起来,与这喜庆的鞭炮声,汇成了一首和谐雄壮的交响乐。 放完烟花爆竹回到屋里,一盘盘热腾腾的饺子出锅了。我们有说有笑地吃着饺子,彼此之间传递着祝福。此时此刻,送走了旧岁,内心无比的快乐。




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I have experienced so many things, but the most memorable thing happened that day, it has been deeply printed in my mind, so I can not forget.

That was the spring of last year, my father and mother went to the park to play. Just go in, just listen to "pop" is heard. I look back, turned out to be a blonde "foreigner" in the dig pocket, a coin fell to the ground. I have a look, it is a dollar coin, with a national emblem that side up. I am ready to pick up the coin, back to the "foreigner", a soldier walked quickly to the "foreigner" in front of "snapped" of the positive, respect for a standard salute, polite, said: , You out of the coin, please put the coins on the ground to pick up. "" Foreigner "surprised a moment, some accidents. He said: "The national emblem is a symbol of the country, representing the dignity of the country, you should not let it fall to the ground, people trampled! Even if there is no national emblem, it is not a national emblem, More should not, it is with your sweat to come! "Uncle Jun said solemnly. "Okay, Ill pick it up right now." "Foreigner" is ashamed. He picked up the coin, blew it with his mouth, rubbed it with paper, and put it in his pocket carefully.

At this time, I found the PLA uncle hat on the five-pointed star is so bright. It illuminates the path of my life and teaches me how to be a man.

I think, if each of us like the liberation army uncle love their own country, then our motherland will be prosperous and prosperous!




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Chinese New Year is a lovely festival. So I bought some beautiful flowers. Before Chinese New Year, my family went to the shopping mall and bought a lot of things. There will be a big dinner for every family. My family eats the big dinner together. I was very happy in Chinese New Year.



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Everyone has his most unforgettable thing. Friendship may be the most impotant thing in our life.

Its like a light that gives us brightness. I have many things that I cant forget with my friends.

One day, I showed a new watch to my best friend. The watch is very pretty and I like it very much. When I passed it to her, she dropped it and the watch crashed into pieces. I shouted to her: I dont want to see you again. She cried at once after school. I found a pretty pencil case in my desk. In the pencil case, I found a note which said: "Dear Cristine, I gave this to you because I dont want to lose you. Can you forgive me?" I was moved by the note and I felt regret with my words. I said sorry to her and we were closer than before. A friend is like a star in the sky. He (She) is always there around you. I cant forget this thing forever.



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This is a thing of the summer, I really remember.

It was a hot Sunday, and his father said, "shall we go fishing?"" I was so happy, I said loudly, "OK."!" My father and I took the fishing tools and came to the river. The water of the river was crystal clear, like a mirror. We chose a scenic spot and sat down. The fishing tool was set, the bait hung on the hook, and then I threw the hooked hook into the water and sat there waiting for the fish to bite. I waited for about an hour, did not see a sinking, I began to impatient, walk around. Dad saw it and said, "be patient with what you do."." After listening to my father, I sat back to the fishing rod, and in a short while, as expected, the fish bite, wow, what a big fish ah! We picked up the fish and went home happily.

I understand through fishing that you must be patient with your work.






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An important activity during the Spring Festival is bainian (to pay a New Year call). People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Years Day, that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century, ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on this day.


On the morning of the lunar New Years Day, people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so, the more sincere he is. Moreover, people wear new clothes and a new cap, symbolizing that a new year has begun.


The younger generation should call on their elders first, such as the grandfather, grandmother, father and mother, wishing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that, people call on their relatives, friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" is a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese, so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.


Nowadays, besides greeting cards, people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.




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Outback winter old words, Rui rabbit send auspicious spring. In XX, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala was in the eyes of hundreds of millions of Chinese children. As a traditional Chinese festival, the Spring Festival is the convergence and release of the spirit of the times and the national sentiment in a year. The 1000 word composition is "how do we celebrate the Spring Festival 1000 words". The Spring Festival is the theme of "full of joy, innovation and good life; song and laughter, sharing happiness", this theme can fully and vividly show the XX Spring Festival theme atmosphere and good hope. Therefore, whether old or new, the "good life" and "happiness" is an annual feature and common emotional memory. So we define "happiness" and "beauty" as the core words of the theme of the Spring Festival Gala. "The good life" with "innovation", embodies the "theme of building an innovative nation"; "happiness" as "sharing", is a National Peoples wish to share the reform and development to create a happy life in XX years, two is the wishes of the people sharing family reunion bring happiness in the new years eve.

The opening stage is almost the same as before. All the stars came out, showing their beautiful singing and graceful dancing. I didnt agree with them. The next move I was most touched.

The Xidan girl (Ren Yueli), with her own efforts and courage, went to her dream Spring Festival Gala. Some time ago, I saw a girl in Xidan "I want to show" outstanding performance in the program on TV, she revealed to the expression and discourse deeply touched every one of the judges present, finally ushered in the moment she realized her pride, desire has always been, I am happy for her I cheer for her. It can not be separated from her self-confidence, hard work and persistence, what a common girl! We are going to learn from my sister in Xidan!

To be true, I dont appreciate Jay Chous singing, because I cant hear the lyrics in his mouth. In this special stage, Jay Chou changed his style changed from a magic program will show about his violin skills. I still have to top him, after all, hes still the first Spring Festival evening. And the music of this part of the magic show is Jay Chous song "the preface of Lanting Pavilion". Compared to "Jay Chou magic", the female assistant of the magic is more concerned. This is the "Taiwan first beauty" Lin Chiling who is playing the magic with Jay Chou. In addition to performing magic, Lin Chiling will also sing a short Lanting Pavilion preface with Jay Chou, giving people a refreshing feeling.

When the "good times" the short time, I saw the familiar Mao and aftertaste. They have played the couple on TV, and we should be familiar with them. The short plot was: Mao to buy a lottery ticket for his good friend snow, unexpectedly in the five million grand prix, two couples in the temptation of money, almost move the heart, reserved, but they can not stand on their conscience, and ultimately chose the friendship between friends. This piece was rewritten on the basis of the personal experience of a lottery owner, and one of his words, who was the one who was, was admirable. Yes, how many people can do this in real life?

This years Spring Festival Gala is different from previous years. There are many ordinary migrant workers who have the chance to show their demeanor on the stage. Ordinary people can also go to Spring Festival Gala. What a wonderful thing it is!

Happy time is always short, when the ear back to the familiar "unforgettable tonight", I have to know to say goodbye to this years Spring Festival, although reluctant to part, although Lianlianbuwang, but such a festive feel forever in my heart, the Spring Festival evening to touch my heart will accompany me through this rabbit years until I meet again next year and she!










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It’s New Year again. In this holiday, sharing is the hottest activity. People share their lives and discuss hot topic in social lives. Besides, there are many traditions during the Spring Holiday. For example, in the north, people will eat dumplings in the New Year’s Day while in the south people will make Zongzi. Firecrackers and fireworks are essential during the New Year. Now, people live a much better life than before, so people want to have a lively and grand festival. Some are likely to travel while some stay at home and take part in various activities to enrich their holiday.




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