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特别是晚上街道被五颜六色的彩灯照得炫丽多彩,鞭炮声,欢笑声让人觉得一切都是那么喜庆! 最开心的还要属全家人的卡拉OK大赛,我们全家老小都参加了,吃完年夜饭我们全家都来到早已预定好的包厢,那里已经准备好了水果,饮料,糖果,年糕,啤酒。。。。。。首先大家都依次点好自己最拿手的歌,我也不例外,因为我平时就很喜欢唱歌。第一首是我妈妈唱的“好日子”,妈妈那嘹亮的歌声得到了全场的掌声,第二首,第三首。。。。。。终于轮到我了,我唱了一首范晓萱的“稍息,立正,站好”边唱边跳,表情丰富,节奏鲜明,让气氛达到了高潮,全家都站起来为我热情鼓掌,我开心极了,这让我更增加了信心,接下来唱得更精彩!最后我被评为本年度“最佳人气”,“最佳台风”,“最佳潜力”等几个“大奖”,因此得了很多红包! 我喜欢这个春节,不仅有很多好吃的,好玩的,有很多压岁钱,最重要的是能和亲人们欢聚一堂,真的好难忘啊!



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The first bell ringing is the symbol of Chinese New Year. Chinese people like to go to a large squares where there are huge bells are set up approachcelebrate together.

The people believe that the ringing of huge bell can some people have begun going to mountain temples to wait for the first ringing. Hanshan Temple in Suzhou, is very famous temple for its first ringing of the bell to heraldto Hanshan Temple to celebrate Chinese New Year.





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盼望了整整一年的春节终于来到了,别提我心里有多高兴了。这天一早,我就和爸爸妈妈出去买年货。我们买年货里有的是吃的,有的是玩的,还有的是装饰品。回到家我们三人先把对联贴上。对联的上面写着“吉祥如意,”左边写着“锦龙迎春喜好运连连,”右面写着“玉兔送福来财源滚滚”,中间还有一个福字,可漂亮了。我们三人把家里装扮好,等着家人、亲戚到来。 “叮咚”一声,呀!哥哥、姐姐、爷爷、奶奶等全都来了。他们都说这房子装饰得有形有色,我们三人听到了心里很高兴。这个时候正是我们在吃团圆饭的时候。大家津津有味地吃着爷爷奶奶做的饭菜,此时此刻大家的心情都很开心。吃过团圆饭后,我和哥哥马上打开电视机,在家的注意力都集中在电视这来了。联欢晚会上有的是相声,有的是魔术,有的是唱歌,还有的是小品,可精彩了。大家的眼睛都目不转睛的盯着电视机一动不动。然而我最喜欢一个节目是唱歌,听着歌手那清亮圆润的歌喉,唱出多么美妙的歌曲,我的心里非常愉快。过后大家都把自己买的烟花拿了出来,我们手里都拿着各式各样的烟花。我先用火机点燃了我手中的烟花,哇!烟花飞上天,天空中马上出现了“新年快乐”这几个字,五颜六色真漂亮。我又和哥哥姐姐一起放,这次的烟花是放在地上的,那烟花点燃了就像喷泉一样的喷射出来。弟弟拿出蝴蝶形的烟花放在地上,烟花飞快的旋转,“嗡”的一声烟花飞上了天空,像小蝴蝶在天空中自由的飞翔。最后,我们拿出最大的礼花,把它点燃,礼花飞上天,“轰”的一声,礼花就像一朵朵盛开的花朵,景色十分美丽,烟花灿烂无比。今天真是难忘的一天,心里是多么快乐啊!



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时间流逝,又是一年春,年悄然离近,我们的春节又将来临,在这个举家团聚重要的传统日子里,外出的人们带着家人的期待,大包小包过年物品,风尘仆仆的纷纷赶回家乡。留守在城市中的我家也在为除夕夜准备着,门口贴上新的对联,老爸在厨房忙碌着准备年夜饭,望着门口贴好的大红的福字,我不禁陷入了深深的回忆中 Time passes, it is another spring, and the year is quiet. Our Spring Festival is coming again.With the expectations of the family, the big bags of the New Year, the dusty and dusty items rushed back to my hometown.My family staying in the city is also preparing for New Years Eve. New couplets are posted at the door. Dad is busy preparing for New Years Eve dinner in the kitchen.middle









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A suichu fireworks, energy-saving — —.

With the sound of familiar firecrackers in the ear, the taste of the year became thicker and thicker. The eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells full of jubilation.

On New Years Eve, the whole family are busy making dumplings, mother chanweiwei picked up a dumpling skin, add the red and yellow and green stir together dumplings, tightly with the wrinkled hands wrapped up. We inadvertently, she put a coin in the jiaozi, (who eat this coin, who is the most favorable auspices!) Her mouth, eyes, full of happiness and that the radian.

While eating the boiled dumplings, watching the Spring Festival Gala with the familiar &ldquo, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, ” the old year waved goodbye to us at that moment, and the new year came to us. At this time, the outside has the sky, deafening.

The little nephews of my little nephew ran out of the house and were blocked by the sound of the firecrackers that rushed to the sky. We covered our ears in a hurry, with a bright smile on our faces.

The fireworks in the sky diversiform dressed in brightly coloured fireworks, “ ” “ &rdquo into the sky, bang; a sound exploded, the sky suddenly become colorful, the faint powder is like colorful flower blooming. It cant be a long play, &ldquo, fireworks, &rdquo, slowly fade from the sky, fade away until it vanish, and there is a shock like silver light attracting my attention, which is sprayed up and sprayed up. Falling back then jumped out of the silver, like pearls falling from the sky to tens of thousands of people, very beautiful feeling; “ snapping, snapping, ” the deafening sound must be firecrackers! The noisy sound is enough to add a lot of joy to the 2013.

There is a warm fire, burning, and intensified, the orange flames rolling up and down, as if calling what, like dancing in joy. People, things, China, the Spring Festival is becoming more and more intense, bringing 2013 new weather!

The Spring Festival rich in the rich years, the rich people.



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my plan of next year

A Happy New Year ,a new start,when I stand on the edge of a Happy New Year,I cant help thinking about my plan of next year.

Just as the old saying:“Well began is the half of the success.”So I decide that I should be at work while the others are still relaxing ,and then ,at the beginning ,Im quicker than the others and of course I will get better result than the others.

But ,what I really decide to do is that I must make good of anytime I can spare though it seems impossible. While,I will do my best to live up with what I have planned,and the result will prove it.



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Several days before the new year, people begin to prepare。 Farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens。 City dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables。  Houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors。 Colourful lanterns are hung at the gate。

On the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner。 After the meal they watch TV until the clock strickes twelve。 Then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to wele the new year。 On the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best。 When people meet on the way, they say to each other "Happy New Year"。 Friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other。 Children indulge themselves in games。



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The next morning, people don’t eat meat. Instead, they have vegetable dish. And then, adults will visit their friends and relatives with their children. It’s a good job for children because they can get more lucky money to buy things they like.



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In my growth process, there have been a lot of things, like the stars of the sky count the number of endless. But there is one thing that keeps me remember.

I remember that it was in a rain, I just did not bring an umbrella, seeing the students are all insisted on an umbrella home, I envy very fast! Twilight, the whole class only one person waiting there. In my anxious time, a familiar figure standing in my eyes, that is - mother "Mom" I excitedly shouted, while ran to her mother. "My son, sorry, my mother is late." My mother lowered her head and said to me. "Mom, we go home now! Its already late," I said quickly.

Back home, my mother told me that she came to pick me later ... ... and also told me that now no matter rain or no rain to bring an umbrella, said she is now working more busy, told me to walk every day Return home.

Time flies, sun and the moon. Although this thing has been for many years, but now this thing will always emerge in my mind.



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The long - awaited Spring Festival has come at last. In the evening our family had a reunion dinner together, and the family was happy. After dinner, mother washed. I was playing the "Torch" outside, dreaming that I was a torchbearer on the track.

At the time of the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala, the family sat around the TV and listened to Song Zuyings pleasant voice, watching Zhao Benshan and Xiao Shenyangs funny comedy, the magic of Louis Lius performance. The family laughed and laughed, with a happy smile on his face. The most surprising thing was the magic of Louis Lius two coins. This magic made me puzzled. There was no way to solve it. I had to search the Internet for information. Although I knew that the magic was going to play tricks, I wanted to know what Louis Liu was using to make two coins penetrate the glass.

After looking up the information, I knew that Louis Liu was the first to get a magnet ring (Louis Liu wore a ring when it was performed). And then the magic begins. First let a person check, is a common coin, no doubt. At this time. The assistant reached the other side of the glass. Press the coin on the glass, and there is a magnet coin in the assistant sleeve. ) Liu Qian pressed the coins in their hands on the glass and hid the coins in their hands in their sleeves. At this time he has a hand, hand beat desktop instant, there are four, two after the rebound, carefully look at the thickness of the two times different. I didnt expect the magic to hide so many mysteries.

Well, not to say, tomorrow I have to get up early bed to visit the year, goodbye!



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As the new bell tolled, the Chinese people exclaimed with excitement, "the New Year is here! New Year! Ah! What a wonderful New Year! I am excited to run back and forth in my home, unable to restrain my joyful mood, the Spring Festival composition 600 words. When I ran to the balcony, all of a sudden, the fireworks fly on the sky, in a flash, Fried opened, and some like countless meteor, some like colorful flowers, some like golden coat, and like the golden sun, the earth was like the day. How beautiful!



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The Spring Festival is my most favorite festival, because it’s time for family gathering. And the Spring Festival is a new start of a year. It brings me hope and courage. On Spring Festival, my parents usually take me back to my hometown. My hometown is a small town. Many of my relatives move to the larger cities, but we usually go home when the Spring Festival comes. During the gathering, we share our lives with others and care about each other. Of course, big meals are necessary. Families prepare for the big meals together. They all cook their specialty dishes. Therefore, our meals are always delicious. We often stay at home for three days and then we leave with others’ wishes. I like the Spring Festival, because I like family gathering.




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the lunar new year

the lunar new year is a great occasion to the chinese people. it lasts about the first four days of the year, during which people do not work except for the workers on duty. students do not go to school, and shops are closed.

several days before the new year, people begin to prepare. farmers kill pigs, sheep, cocks and hens. city dwellers buy meat fish and vegetables.  houses are cleaned; coupletsare posted on the doors. colourful lanterns are hung at the gate.

on the eve of the new year, each family has its members gatherd together and eats a family reunion dinner. after the meal they watch tv until the clock strickes twelve. then every family sets off long strings of small firecrackers and other fire works to welcome the new year. on the first day of the new year, almost everyone is dressed in his or her best. when people meet on the way, they say to each other "happy new year". friends and relatives pay new year calls and gives presents to each other. children indulge themselves in games.



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Just in the month of this month, xu wenxu, a farmer of the village of jiaxi, the tujia miao autonomous county in chongqing, was busy. In order to prepare for this New Years eve dinner, some of the essential traditional entrees are not available for the first ten days and a half months. The most important of these are "dunking" and "pepper irrigation". Xu wenxu said, "the cut meat" seems simple, but to be really fat and not greasy, soft and smooth mouth, is to take a hard time. "Irrigation HaiJiao" is to mix in the glutinous rice noodles HaiJiao ingredients after fill in the empty one by one, and then into a pickle jar sealed half a month, in the New Years eve, take out a Fried oil will be ready to serve.

Tujia attaches importance to the two dish, because before all the year round on a few back to meat rare, glutinous rice is also a rare thing, so every family take this chance to show your skills as a family reunion dinner two dish, is also the family in order to reward hard work for a year.

Surprisingly, the kelp was once the main dish of the tujia family reunion dinner. Because the former tujia region to eat salt and water is difficult, medical conditions are also poor, often people have a large neck disease due to iodine deficiency. In order to provide the family with iodine, the family members of the family in the lunar New Year dinner together with a kelp, in order to replenish the iodine needed by the human body. Under the conditions at that time, the kelp was a "delicacies" to the family, and it was impossible to eat them regularly, so it became a good dish for the annual dinner. Today, the kelp has long been out of the stage.

After the family had eaten the New Years eve dinner, each family would have a log of firewood, and everyone would sit around and listen to the old man telling the story. The old man was waiting for the first day, and he was called "the ridge of the field" to express his love for the field.

Ethnic Korean: "wine" and "degu" occupy a special place

The yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture of jilin province is the main settlement area of Korean nationality in China, and the Spring Festival is also the traditional and most important festival of Korean nationality. The Korean lunar New Year meal has its own traditional food and features.

The Korean people have a lot of food, large and small plates, or even hundreds of dishes. The special place is the old wine and degu.

On the eve of the Spring Festival, reporters in the villages of yanbian Korean autonomous prefecture saw that many ethnic Korean villagers were brewing "old wine". The Korean people have the custom of drinking "wine" at the feast. This wine is often brewed before the "year of the year". The festival is equivalent to the Spring Festival of the han nationality, and the "year old wine" is mainly made of rice, which is a kind of medicinal liquor. During the Spring Festival, they drink and entertain themselves. They believe that drinking this wine can ward off evil spirits and long life.

"Is" is a kind of bread, soup is to big rice noodle and steamed, pounded into big stick, and then rub into oval round bar, sliced, pour into chickens, pheasants, beef soup pot, to eat again when put some sesame oil and sesame oil and seaweed, taste delicious.

On the thirtieth day, Korean women wear beautiful national costumes. Most families start making cakes in the early morning. Despite the fact that there are now machines for making cakes, they still prefer to use the hammer for themselves, because they still taste different.

On New Years eve, a family reunion dinner is a very happy time, and the whole family will stay up all night. Unlike the han Chinese, the Korean family will dance and dance with the old Korean gayqin and pipe music to welcome the New Year.



令人意外的是,海带还曾一度成为土家年夜饭的主菜。因为以前土家族聚集地区吃盐巴都困难,医疗条件也差,经常有人因缺碘患上大脖子病。为了给家人补碘,土家人就在年夜饭上一道海带,以补充人体所需的碘。在当时的条件下,海带对土家人来说,真可谓 “山珍海味”,经常吃根本不可能,因此成了年夜饭上的一道好菜。如今,海带早已退出年夜饭的“舞台”。











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春节是我国最重要的传统节日之一,它意味着新的一年的开始。春节经历了几千年文化的传承,早已成为了中华民族的一部分。 The Spring Festival is one of the most important traditional festivals in my country, which means the beginning of the new year.After the Spring Festival, the inheritance of thousands of years of culture has long been part of the Chinese nation.









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(1) How Do People in My Hometown Observe Spring Festival

(2) My College Life ---- A Summary of the First Term in Zhejiang

Gongshang University

Spring Festival in my Hometown

The Spring Festival, the most jubilant and important festival in China, is observed by most Chinese people at home and abroad. Our hometown is not an exception.

Similar with other places in china, we prepare for the festival about half a month before. With the lunar New Year approaching, the red lanterns are hung up along the main streets, making the ancient town filled with the festival atmosphere. While people clean up their houses, decorate it with traditional decorations such as Chinese knots and paper cutting. Each family pastes up Spring Festival couplets to convey their best wishes for the coming year.

On the New Year’s Eve, the whole family sits around, having a

sumptuous feast of reunion. It is worth mentioning that the food we have called maiyouzhi is unique. There is a flat piece of wheat sheet covering various vegetable and meat then rolling them up. What a delicious it is! After dinner, the family always watches the Spring Festival Gala Evening, and sets up fireworks to watch in the New Year.

On the first day of the New Year, people pay visits to the relatives and friends to send New Year’s greetings to each other and wish everything smoothly in the new year. The kids can get a lot of lucky money from the elders.

During the whole holiday, there are varied activities in the town such as lion and dragon dance, and all the citizens enjoy them very much.

People celebrate the festival until the Lantern festival. However, the wonderful memory and the joy of the Spring Festival will last long.

It’s really my honor to be part of Zhejiang Gongshang University.

My College Life

How time flies! I have been in Zhejiang Gongshang University for a semester. In retrospect, my college life is busy but colorful. Different from my senior high school’s life, the whole new life I led is much freer. I arranged my time,

becoming the master of myself.

First of all, study is still the core of my life. I major in Japanese which is both interesting and challenging. We are required to be accomplished in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. As a result I had to spend most of time in improving my abilities. Besides of the regular courses, I often attended the lecture and went to the library to eich my knowledge, and I do benefit from what I learnt.

As to the after school life, what I consider most meaningful is joining the YVP to serve society. I think it is the responsibility for every university student to make contribution to the community. Little as my effort is, I tried my best to help the people around us. Once the YVP organized us to sell secondhand books and raise the money to help the people indeed.

In addition, I quite enjoy the travels and the bees. Travels let me experience the sunshine, fresh air as well as the special taste of the local customs and practices. While the bees keep the friendship shining, and friends are as if family members. Both of them lit up my life.

All in all, the college life is a journey, and I have long way to go; all the memory is the most precious treasure, and I will value every moment.
