my pet作文带翻译60词推荐20篇

地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。以下是小编为大家整理的my pet作文带翻译60词范文,欢迎阅读参考。希望对您有所帮助!






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The First Day in New Term

Today is September 3rd, the first day of the new semester. I am happy to see all of my classmates come back to school. Today is the first day for school, so we get our new textbooks. I open them generally and I find that I am interested in most of the contexts. Today we have Chinese, math, English, physics and so on. In the Chinese class, our teacher greets to us and then she suggests us talking about our holidays to others. All of us share the interesting things with classmates. I find that we all have a good holiday. I hope we can make progress in study together.






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Hello everyone.

Now let me talk about myself.

My name is _____.I was born in _____.There are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______.And as everyone know,Im a student.Everyone has his own interests.As for me,I like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so on.Now today we are in the same class,I hope we will get on well with each other.Thanks.






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I decide to do a good girl

Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy so I decide

to do housework for her more frequently. Thus she will feel happy and become

better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase you have

to worry about both your health and others’ opinions. Once again, I make a

decision to be a good girl.






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求学时老师给杨绛的批语是“仙童好静”,在英才济济的东吴大学,她很快就奠定了自己才女的地位:中英文俱佳的杨绛是班上的“笔杆子”,东吴大学1928 年英文级史、1929年中文级史,都由她“操刀”。她还喜欢音乐,能弹月琴,善吹箫,工昆曲。大学期间,自修法文,拜一位比利时的夫人为师,学了一口后来 清华教授梁宗岱称赞不已的法语。

求学清华时,一贯爱好文学的杨绛开始自己创作,备受任课教师朱自清的欣赏,她的第一篇散文《收脚印》和第一篇小说《璐璐,不用愁!》都是被他推荐至《大 公报·文艺副刊》上发表。杨绛在清华没能拿到硕士学位,后陪钱钟书

西方游学,也未攻读任何学位,但她一路旁听,一路自修,坐拥书城,遍读乔叟以降的英国文 学,还不时和丈夫展开读书竞赛。两人回到家中无事,便对坐读书,还常常一同背诗玩儿,发现如果两人同把诗句中的某一个字忘了,怎么凑也不合适,那个字准是 全诗中最欠贴切的字,“妥帖的字,有黏性,忘不了。”钱钟书从昆明回上海后想写 《围 城》,杨绛甘做“灶下婢”,辅佐夫君全力搞创作,闲时在陈麟瑞、李健吾等人的鼓动下,尝试写了部四幕剧《称心如意》。没想这位自称业余的剧坛新手“出手不 凡”,第二年《称心如意》在金都大戏院上演时“引来阵阵喝彩声”,一鸣惊人,她所署的笔名“杨绛”也就此叫开。此后,杨绛又接连创作了喜剧《弄真成假》、 《游戏人间》和悲剧《风絮》,讽刺幽默,流畅俏皮,颇有英式戏剧的风格。杨绛的父亲和姐妹一同去看了《弄真成假》,听到全场哄笑,问杨绛:“全是你编 的?”她点头,父亲笑说:“憨哉!”1945年,夏衍看了杨绛的剧作,顿觉耳目一新,说:“你们都捧钱钟书,我却要捧杨绛!”

新中国建立后,知识分子普遍遭受冷板凳的待遇,翻译无疑更为“安全”。杨绛的翻译生涯最早追溯到清华读研时,一次钱钟书的老师叶公超请她到家里吃饭,饭 后拿出本英文刊物,让杨绛译出其中一篇政论《共产主义是不可避免的吗?》。她当时心想:莫非叶先生是要考考钱钟书的未婚妻?在此之前,她英文虽棒,也从未 学过、做过翻译,但也只得硬着头皮“应考”。交稿时叶公超却连连称赞“很好”,推举发表到《新月》杂志。从此杨绛一发不可收拾,走上了翻译的道路。她翻译 的47万字的法国小说《吉尔·布拉斯》,受到朱光潜的高度称赞:我国散文(小说)翻译“杨绛最好”。

1958年,47岁的杨绛,利用大会小会间隙,开始自学西班牙语,打算从原文翻译《堂吉诃德》。译稿历经“文革”的摧残,“被没收、丢弃在废纸堆里”, 最后“九死一生”,逃过劫难。1978年4月,杨绛翻译的《堂吉诃德》出版。同年6月,西班牙国王和王后访华,她应邀参加国宴。邓小平惊讶道:“《堂吉诃 德》是什么时候翻译的?”此事一言难尽,杨绛忙于和西班牙皇室握手,无暇细谈,只好答非所问:“今年出版的。”1986年10月,西班牙国王专门奖给75 岁的杨绛一枚“智慧国王阿方索十世十字勋章”,以表彰她的杰出贡献。

写于1980年的《洗澡》,是杨绛迄今为止惟一一部长篇小说。“洗澡”是建国初“三反”运动中的专有名词,指的是知识分子需要对自己思想“肮脏”面彻底 “清洗”,一部《洗澡》淋漓尽致地展现了各类知识分子在运动期间的众生相。这部18万字的小说被施蛰存誉为“半部《红楼梦》加上半部《儒林外史》”。


从1994年开始,钱钟书住进医院,缠绵病榻,全靠杨绛一人悉心照料。不久,女儿钱瑗也病中住院,与钱钟书相隔大半个北京城,当时八十多岁的杨绛来回奔波,辛苦异常。钱钟书已病到不能进食,只能靠鼻饲,医院提供的匀浆不适宜吃,杨绛就亲自来做,做各种鸡鱼蔬菜泥,炖各种汤,鸡胸肉要剔得一根筋没有,鱼肉 一根小刺都不能有。“钟书病中,我只求比他多活一年。照顾人,男不如女。我尽力保养自己,争求‘夫在先,妻在后’,错了次序就糟糕了。”1997年,被杨 绛称为“我平生唯一杰作”的爱女钱瑗去世。一年后,钱钟书临终,一眼未合好,杨绛附他耳边说:“你放心,有我呐!”内心之沉稳和强大,令人肃然起敬。“钟 书逃走了,我也想逃走,但是逃到哪里去呢?我压根儿不能逃,得留在人世间,打扫现场,尽我应尽的责任。”当年已近九十高龄的杨绛开始翻译柏拉图的《斐多 篇》。2003年,《我们仨》出版问世,这本书写尽了她对丈夫和女儿最深切绵长的怀念,感动了无数中国人。而时隔四年,96岁高龄的杨绛又意想不到地推出 一本散文集《走到人生边上》,探讨人生的价值和灵魂的去向,被评论家称赞:“九十六岁的文字,竟具有初生婴儿的纯真和美丽。”走到人生的边上,她愈战愈 勇,唯愿“死者如生,生者无愧”——钱钟书留下的几麻袋天书般的手稿与中外文笔记,多达7万余页,也被杨绛接手过来,陆续整理得井井有条:2003年出版 了3卷《容安馆札记》,178册外文笔记,20卷的《钱钟书手稿集·中文笔记》也将于今年面世??这位百岁老人的意志和精力,让所有人惊叹!

这也是她一贯身心修养的成果。据杨绛的亲戚讲述,她严格控制饮食,少吃油腻,喜欢买了大棒骨敲碎煮汤,再将汤煮黑木耳,每天一小碗,以保持骨骼硬朗。她 还习惯每日早上散步、做大雁功,时常徘徊树下,低吟浅咏,呼吸新鲜空气。高龄后,改为每天在家里慢走7000步,直到现在还能弯腰手碰到地面,腿脚也很灵 活。

当然更多的秘诀来自内心的安宁与淡泊。杨绛有篇散文名为《隐身衣》,文中直抒她和钱钟书最想要的“仙家法宝”莫过于“隐身衣”,隐于世事喧哗之外,陶陶 然专心治学。生活中的她的确几近“隐身”,低调至极,几乎婉拒一切媒体的来访。2004年《杨绛文集》出版,出版社准备大张旗鼓筹划其作品研讨会,杨绛打 了个比方风趣回绝:“稿子交出去了,卖书就不是我该管的事了。我只是一滴清水,不是肥皂水,不能吹泡泡。”

钱钟书去世后,杨绛以全家三人的名义,将高达八百多万元的稿费和版税全部捐赠给母校清华大学,设立了“好读书”奖学金。杨绛与钱钟书一样,出了名的不喜 过生日,九十岁寿辰时,她就为逃避打扰,专门躲进清华大学招待所住了几日“避寿”。她早就借翻译英国诗人兰德那首著名的诗,写下自己无声的心语:“我和谁都不争、和谁争我都不屑;我爱大自然,其次就是艺术;我双手烤着生命之火取暖;火萎了,我也准备走了。”



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Today is thirty of the year, new years Eve. Every family is a family sitting together to eat a years dinner.


Rang "bass didnt have a door...... Touch "or" popping......" The sound of the sound, our family put down the bowl, chopsticks, run to the door to see, this is the brother said a word: it is not as good as we also take a few fireworks out to put it! All of us nodded to express consent. We put the fireworks in front of the door, and the brother came to the fire and lit it with a lighter, and then he ran back. I hear the bass......" With a look back, I saw a flower without color. Red symbolizes joy. Blue symbolizes intelligence and green, which symbolizes vitality. Yellow symbolizes warmth and purple, symbolizing romance. A moment later seven a hail of bullets, The heavenly maids scatter blossoms., a ball down, like a rainbow. Almost all the people began to put off fireworks, and in a moment the sky turned into a sea of fireworks. All kinds of colors and appearances were blooming in the sky. 200 words of happy winter vacation


The night with the sound sounded ten seconds countdown, it is a "crackling......" The sound of people seems to be celebrating this new year. Indeed, in this happy day, only fireworks can spit out our joyful mood. Only fireworks can foil this festive atmosphere. The unusual beauty of the fireworks on the eve of the new years Eve, the smiling face of the peoples face, the abnormal sound of the sound of the firecrackers...



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My father took me out fishing today. At the beginning, we spent a long time

waiting there but there was no fish. I was very impatient and didnt want to

stay there. I wanted to come home. Father said to me, "Dont give up everything

easily. We should keep on trying hard".




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My mother always complains about my bad behavior, like I don’t eat up the food and sometimes I don’t have responsibility on what I do. I decide to behave myself, I want to help my mother to relieve her pressure. So I want to be a good child, I will eat up the food, no more pick up them and I also will keep on finishing the job I do.





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Liu Min, (1) ___________________________________________________________, graduated from the Department of Physics of Beijing University. When he was in the university, (2) ______________________________________________________________. He even won the national prize because of his essay. In his spare time he liked to play football.


Tom was born in New York. There are many people in his family.(His family is a big one.) (3) ____________________________________________________________. Every day, (4) ____________________________________________________ .His hobby is playing basketball in his spare time. He hopes to have a chance to go to visit China one day.


Mr Wang is my chemistry teacher. He is in his fifties now. (5) ______________________ _____________________________. He has much knowledge and is good at teaching. He always encourages us to raise questions in his class. He often says, “Practice makes perfect.” (6) ______________________________________________________________________. He is very strict with us, but we all respect and love him.


Li li is regarded as one of the best students in our class. (7) _____________________ _________________________________________________________ 。 That’s why we made her monitor. She is not only good at her studies, but also she plays the violin very well. (8)______________________________________________________________. .Two of her compositions have been published in the newspaper. She sets a good example to us all.



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The idea of each person is different, naturally there is the differences in language, also appeared in the catchword of generation gap now.

Parents think that since I gave birth to you, you should complete listen to me, but this is wrong. Although the law, parents are the guardian of children, keep the to the age of 18, but parents also there is no need to impose their feudal ideas to children. Is the so-called parents dont want to let the child to do, children, the more willing to challenge the limit of the parents.

Now children after 00, mostly only children, by the education is the best. So parents dont need to put their own ideas about the childs body, as for the problem of puppy love now, parents repeatedly discouraged, and education, but I want to ask, useful? Is not the best to fight, the way of the cold war ended, not communicate slowly sit down with the kids.

Parents always think that they have no wrong, he is high above the, beat and scold the child is normal, because there used to be a famous saying the stern father son, but I want to say, that was the last time, please dont compared with modern, you should keep up with the trend of The Times, we know you is good for us, but in a different way, the result is different also. Now the children are in the rebellious period, temper is normal, but their parents think children back to the unfilial, is bound to cause a family war.

Child achievement good, delicious good drink honours, record down, is not let into the house, you only see the childs grades, but not children how hard. Dont they saw scores and sad? More for your child to think it over.

I just hope that parents understand the children, to narrow the generation gap.









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Twinkling of an eye, I have been looking forward to the winter holiday is coming, but I want to customize for myself a little plan, now let me introduce for everybody!

In this winter vacation, Im going to learn some extra-curricular knowledge, enrich their own imagination. I need to finish the winter vacation homework, finish the teacher assigned tasks. I have to help mom necessities and ready to prepare for the holiday. I also want to help with cleaning, so, the guests come to our new home, the will see a white as the mirror, a new family. I also prepared in this summer holiday, to save money for himself, to help the children in the disaster areas.

This is my plan.






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Some people say that campus life was boring but I felt the school life is colorful.

Class we discuss a fierce comment on each other. Once I had a fight with my classmates for the sake of a problem we all were at sixes and sevens reach a consensus. Later we have solved the problem calmly all made up. After class my teacher and I talk together playing chess we get along busy talking; After dinner the classmates speak heart to each other solve problems make the bridge of our friendship more stable . We laughed together cried help each other when in trouble. When the school sports they cheered each other each other go failed classmate we encourage him to his confidence not discouraged.

Campus life is colorful make I benefit from awakening to the joy of learning.







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"Tangyuan dumplings dumplings, sweet sweet dumpling is round and round..." And this is a sing "tangyuan" yuanxiao. Because, we all said to eat dumplings, the dream is round, so the aunt to sing, sing uncle, uncle sing, we sing.

In a few days off, I am the most happy day, is the Lantern Festival. That day, uncle came to my house to have a meal, uncle had just sat down and asked me: "whoever, you pass the fireworks?" I replied, "let one or two." Uncle went on to say: "that you still want to put a?" I said: "of course! But mother partial about fireworks are dangerous! Dont let me more." Uncle said: "dont be afraid, I told your mother, she will agree!" I jumped for joy "three thousand feet", I shouted: "can fireworks again! Can fireworks again!" I turned to uncle said: "or uncle loves me!" Uncle smiled to me, looking back at his newspaper again.

After dinner, uncle gave me a big bag of fireworks, and three incense sticks, let my mother and I went downstairs to put. Stone chair beside the downstairs, I put the fireworks pipe on the ground first, then the fireworks near the tube with a lit incense probe, lighting, before long, the fireworks "sou" sound like a rocket, fly in the sky, then, "touch" scattered in the sky, just like a flower! Later, I took a look, there are red, have yellow, with purple, with green and various different variety, really good-looking!

Later, I got home, my mother brought me a bowl of dumplings to eat, ah! I really like your Lantern Festival!


在放假的几天中,我最快乐的一天,要属元宵节了。那天,伯伯来我家吃饭,伯伯刚坐下就问我:“凡琪,你放过烟花吗”我回答道:“放过一两次。”伯伯接着说:“那你还想放一次吗”我说道:“当然想啦!可是妈妈偏说说放烟花有危险!不让我多放。”伯伯说:“不用怕,我跟你妈说,她会同意的!”我高兴得蹦了 “三千尺”,我大喊道:“又可以放烟花了!又可以放烟花了!”我扭过头对伯伯说:“还是伯伯最爱我!”伯伯对我笑了笑,又回头看他的报纸去了。





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My school is Tailan primary school, Thats a good place, this is a

beautiful school.

There are many flowers, many classrooms, many leaves, many offices, a large

hall, a playground in our school, in the playground we can run and play. Also

there is a garden in my school, many flowers and trees in it, we often walk in

the garden after lunch.

I like my school very much! Do you like my school?






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Happy winter vacation arrived, in order to be able to live a happy and meaningful winter vacation. This time, I plan to do my homework first. Finish 10 pages of "winter vacation" every day, and also arrange a diary to practice the piano for an hour.


I have finished my homework, I was finally able to this "bookworm" mad kenshu! I love eating soft Xuan wrote "fun math blog", in this book to the mathematical knowledge of the unexpected, enjoy playing happy middle school. I know Liu Yibo, seven years old, who is very naughty and cute. From the braid elder sister wrote "at that age is very small", I feel the joy and sorrow of her childhood. I know the wonderful story of Pipiru remote control teacher. Its good to be crazy about books!


In the year 28, I returned to my hometown, Mashan. Now I can be crazy, crazy, crazy, and crazy. My grandma gave me to eat delicious chicken, yellow, green, tender vegetables...... The drink is sweet, Shuangwai Orange Juice. All kinds of delicacies that are full of color and fragrance. Look at these delicious, I really want to eat into a big fat, eating, Im a "General belly" looking for friends to play. We put the Rockets in the sand, just listen to "squeak" sound, rocket like an arrow into the sky, a "bang" explosion! I saw a few pieces slowly from the sky fall down. Then we put the most powerful color of this, I lit it into the paper tube, paper tube was bombed out. You see, how happy I am!


Hey hey, such a winter vacation is really happy ah!



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Love is a stranger a hand; Love is the teacher sets a white hairs in the homework; Love is the mother of a move, let you feel the warm.

A little boy, I hate my mom, but since that time, I understand the mothers love.

On one occasion, I was just about to do the homework, but found that I lost my homework, Im afraid I carelessly, didnt see it, just opened the bag, take out your book all, one by one to find, but not yet, my heart suddenly tense up, thought: without the book I cant do the homework, tomorrow, but how to account with the teacher! True when I worry, mom came back, I just want to let my mother to help me get to the school, but have to see mother look very embarrassing, appear very tired, very worry, dont let mother go, cant replacement tomorrow, let mother go, mom look very tired today, should have a good rest at home. When my mother found my exception, a little angrily said: "what are you doing! Dont do your homework?" I speak hesitatingly ground to say: "my homework...... in the school, cant... help me to get?" After mother, drop a words: "I cant help you any more, let you suffer, next time do not!" I reluctantly went back to the room and felt very upset, and in the end I had to do other homework well first, after a while, I heard a door shutting, also didnt care.

The next morning, I was bedding bag, found that fall in the school yesterday book appear in the table above, feel very strange, suddenly recalled that door shutting in the brain, ask mother, mother said: "I cant help you with, it must be you didnt see!" But I think mother lying, ask grandma, grandma, mother to help me to get in the rain at night, my heart was warm, head emerge with a tired mother help me to take his umbrella rain notebook.

At this point, the warmth welled up in my mind.








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Homonym for the day, the weather is sunny, cloudless, I and the daddy, mother, littles side go boating in the park. In the park, so many people! Even row should be arranged in long lines, dad went to buy the ticket, where we wait in line for over an hour, very not easy to wait for an empty vessel, we quickly got into the boat.

Smalls side and I sat in the front of the ship, mom and dad sat on the back. Littles side wheels and I grasp the steering wheel, mom and dad in the back on the boat. We wandered around in the water, play extremely happy. Is happy, suddenly see our ship straight to on hand directly in front of a row, the row of uncle aunt frighten hurriedly turn, the both of us laughing stomach ache. Mother said that I didnt grasp the direction and make smalls side master direction, I want to denial, and then said: "havent to the time!" Smalls side seems to know I was cheated him, he said: "elder brother, time is up." My dad said: "time is up, HaoYue let you smalls side to grasp the direction." I reluctantly to him. Also dont know today is whats the matter, theres always a ship collided with us, so we just hit the somebody elses ship, and YouRenGu boat to us now, our ship strength big, turn it into a corner, and the smalls side and I started laughing. Have a steamboat come towards us, dad told us to turn quickly, we turn to hide in the past.

We see someone in dancing then put the boat ashore in the past, see of is from France, some people say that its time for our ship ashore, told us to stop the ship is in port, we put the boat soon in the past, on shore and went home.

That day I play with smalls side too happy! Both rowed a boat and know how to grasp the direction of the ship, this is my winter vacation in one of the most interesting thing.







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Today is the winter solstice, mother said to eat dumplings, the winter solstice eat dumplings is a custom in my hometown, eaten in the morning my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy dumplings materials. Have eggs and leek, after buying food back home mother will not idle, and began to chop stuffing, then I go to school before mom, start with noodles. Because is the first time and, first of all, I poured a cup noodles into the pot, pour warm water and began to face to, looks good, but not as easy as imagined, less water, the face is too dry, it is much more water, and the surface is thinning, repeated several times to get the surface and good, but too much, and the face Im afraid we eat at noon, at this moment, moms dumpling stuffing also chop, we will work up and started to make dumplings.

Dumplings in the teaching of the mother, like like like dont like all packages, finally to eat, my own package dumplings.

Really is happy day!






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Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person doesa certain thing again and again, he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force. Thus habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it. It is.therefore very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.

Good habits have many advantages. Going to bed early and getting up early makes us healthy. Diligence helps to succeed. Honesty helps:: win the respeet and trust of others.

If we form bad habits, such as rudeness, laziness, lying and stealing, we might be mined by them.

We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire habits good for ourselves and others. ( 133 words)









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1.fine; happy; glorious; fragrant


◎ 美好 měihǎo

[desirable;fine;glorious;happy;beautiful] 在各方面都使人喜欢;极好



好。《庄子·盗跖》:“今长大美好,人见而説之者,此吾父母之遗德也。” 北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种瓜》:“若无茇而种瓜者,地虽美好,正得长苗直引,无多槃歧,故瓜少子。” 宋 梅尧臣 《和王仲仪楸花》:“春阳发草木,美好同一时。” 毛泽东 《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》一:“祖国的更加美好的将来,正摆在我们的面前。”今多用于生活、前途、愿望等事物。



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Today is Wednesday.My mother、my father and I are all at home.Now my mother

is washing clothes.My father is reading newspapers.I am doing my English


Today afternoon we are going to go to my grandparentss home.And I will

play with my little sister.I think I will have a nice day.




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Ha ha ha, I finally got Christmas, today, I want to spend my five-pointed star.

Class, the teacher sent us the book, I do not know for how many days and so on and so on today, and that the integrity of the discount supermarket today, I forget again and again, a total of four times to forget, but I feel it, and then We put their cents on out, I was 228 five-pointed star, to the later, the teacher wish us a happy holiday, gave us added a 250-pointed star, when we heard the news cheered together.

Suddenly, a male teacher came over and said: Taipan has bought, should we buy, we immediately rushed past, only 20 minutes, so we have to race against time, I immediately rushed into the integrity of the supermarket, ha ha, how not, I most want to buy toilet did not, certainly was Taipan away, so sad, ah, I have nothing to buy. Suddenly, I saw a lot of fun things, finally I bought a pen, a hand clasp and a Spiderman.

Favorite things to buy, I went back to the classroom, playing up.

Although I did not get my favorite thing, but I still got happy.





