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Ways to improve chinas tourism

Tourism is now becoming a major industry throughout the world. however, tourism in china is not as developed as it should be. if the following is done, chinas tourism will definitely be improved.

First, our places of interest should be better advertised throughout the world to attract more tourists. second, facilities should be provided to ensure that tourists enjoy their trip. finally, the quality of service should be improved.

Dont tell people their ideas are bad unless youve got a good one.





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I most like to travel! Travel makes me have fun, and can learn a lot, then I to introduce you to the place where I feel funny, everybody follow me go travel together!

Every time I go to the most place is hangzhou, go to all feel a lot of fun. Summer can go to west lake for a walk, play would be.

You can go to the prince bay park in March to appreciate the beautiful cherry blossoms and gorgeous tulips.

If students want to get a lot of knowledge, I suggest that we can go to hangzhou science and technology museum, there are a lot of science show allows us to try myself.

Shaoxing is the place where I have been to the deepest impression, why? Because the day I first go to shaoxing shaoxing hospital, I had a high fever 40 degrees, also want to know when I was only 4 years old ah, can put the ssi urgent is broken, straight Shouting regret taking me out to play, then mom said to me, if you want to swim in shaoxing, tomorrow I must be able to keep the fever down. Strange to say, in order to swim the day I really cooled down, is really god to help me also. Ha ha, is also a doctor attributed to aunt! The next day I play a day, a good thing they have been dying for ssi also always think Im good. In shaoxing, I visited the former residence of lu xuns grandfather, ancestral, swimming for yu ling, herbals, shen garden, etc.

Then I want to say, hengdian is fun place. Theres really big ah, every scenic spots have to spend two or three hours. Theres a lot of film and television production, I saw a lot of performances, there the first time I have bought a 褀 robe.

Say again lets own here, we have yuhuan park, agricultural sightseeing garden, I think may the students have been to all of these, I think is interesting, there is a place that is mom took me to the LuPu rape and pick strawberries to eat. Im having a great time that day.

I most like to travel!

我最喜欢旅游了! 旅游让我既玩得开心,又能学到很多知识,接下来我向大家介绍一下我觉得好玩的地方,大家跟着我一起旅游去吧!










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I like travelling very much, this years winter vacation I went to wuxi, Shanghai, wuzhen and zhouzhuang, really appreciate the beauty of them!

Wuzhen is the place where I was like, it is so quiet, so has the charm, let a person fondle admiringly! It has the very big difference and zhouzhuang, although is "small bridge, flowing water, somebody elses style, but the quiet wuzhen is zhouzhuang not comparable! Wuzhen is not so busy, zhouzhuang so noisy, but its style is one big scenery!

Listening to zhouzhuang singing tune, let I as if place oneself in the old jiangnan dragon boat, a beat my heart a position. There is no noise, only the sweet ship tune! This is shen three thousand hometown -- zhouzhuang! Beautiful river, ancient, and with a style of old bridge, guarded the beautiful land of this one party!

Todays wuxi, let me have to admire it, though the beautiful night view than Shanghai, but it is also the mainland top ten charm city! The charm of it is still in the scenery around it. For example: li garden, three kingdoms city, water margin and Tang Cheng beautiful scenery of wuxi city, it is no wonder that wuxi would be so charming. Shanghai is a city that never sleeps, this word is true. On the beauty of the bund, looking at star of the Oriental pearl tower, a kind of want to stay in Shanghai, live in Shanghai will be instantly. In the Oriental pearl tower in Shanghai at night is really an enjoyment, sparkling the huangpu river, those dots of lights, and there will be a very romantic feeling! I live in the hotel in nanjing road, visit the store every night, feeling really very good!!!!!!

Each and every one has different opinions on each place scenery, want you to personally experience in all things.








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天还没亮,我就被爸爸从梦中叫醒,匆匆忙忙的刷牙洗脸,迷迷糊糊的上了旅游车,开始一天的旅游。在车上,我还有着朦胧的睡意,不时打哈欠,因此,我还没有想吃早餐,但是为了有精力旅游,我还是强迫自己把旅馆准备的早餐吃完。 到了六点多钟,旅游车就带我们到了国家体育场,可是没到开门时间,我只好耐心等待,过了一会儿,管理人员把门打开,我带着激动的心情,连蹦带跳的走进体育场,去游览鸟巢和水立方这两个奥运建筑,当我看到鸟巢和水立方时,一下子就惊呆了!鸟巢这世界上独一无二,用钢量达4.2万吨,观众坐席约91000个的庞大钢结构建筑;还有那泳池用水80%是从屋顶收集雨水并循环使用,整个建筑60%的电能是利用建筑体本身的太阳能提供电力,高科技、低碳、节能环保的水立方,这样伟大的建筑难道能不让我惊呆吗? 下午,我们坐着旅游车到了祖先留下的宏伟建筑——长城的八达岭长城段。准备攀登长城,此时,我内心异常激动,心里情不自禁的想:我就要登长城当好汉了!过了一会儿,我坐滑车来到八达岭长城第四个烽火台,接着,我便迫不及待地登长城,经过半小时的攀登,我终于登上了八达岭长城段的顶峰——北八城,在这里,八达岭长城脚下的景色被我尽收眼底。我们祖先建造的世界上最具有防御力,造型独一无二,长达十点八万公里的城墙,使我感到祖先的伟大,对祖先充满了无限的敬佩之情! 下午六点钟,我们坐着旅游车又回到旅馆,一天欢乐的旅游结束了。通过一天的旅游,使我看到现代建筑的节能、环保和宏伟,看到了祖国的伟大;还看到我国古代建筑的宏伟气势,对祖先建筑长城的智慧充满敬佩。祖国的伟大、祖先的智慧将给我学习的动力,在今后学习中我会好好学习,掌握更多的知识,成为一名为祖国建设的有用之才,把祖国建设得更加辉煌,更加强大! 日记




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st summer holiday, I took a trip to Yunnan. It is in the southern part of our country .It is really a very beautiful place grand mountains, clean rivers and kind people. Trees and flowers are seen everywhere. Every year there are lots and lots of visitors.Maybe you have heard about Shi Lin (stone forests). There are all kinds of strange stones. Some of the small stones look like graceful girls; and the big stones look like handsome men. Other stones look like cats, peafowls, double-edged swords, mice,

elephants and so on. Of all the stones, the stone like a beautiful girl in a legend is the most famous .Its name is A Shima.

I also went to Li Jiang. The roads in that city are just like the Eight Diagrams. Any road in the city goes to the center of Li Jiang. A river runs through the whole city. If you go along the river, youll never get lost. There are many ethnic minority people in Yunnan. They are very cordial. And they all like singing and dancing. We danced with them around the campfire that night. I really had a good time.

I like the elephants and fruits there best. An elephant is even taller than me! I even mounted the elephant, though I was very afraid at first. But the elephant seemed very friendly. I took some photos with it. The fruits there are very fresh and delicious. They are very good for our health.

The trip to Yunnan impressed me GREatly. I will never forget it.




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I most like to travel! Travel makes me have fun, and can learn a lot, then I to introduce you to the place where I feel funny, everybody follow me go travel together!

Every time I go to the most place is hangzhou, go to all feel a lot of fun. Summer can go to west lake for a walk, play would be.

You can go to the prince bay park in March to appreciate the beautiful cherry blossoms and gorgeous tulips.

If students want to get a lot of knowledge, I suggest that we can go to hangzhou science and technology museum, there are a lot of science show allows us to try myself.

Shaoxing is the place where I have been to the deepest impression, why? Because the day I first go to shaoxing shaoxing hospital, I had a high fever 40 degrees, also want to know when I was only 4 years old ah, can put the ssi urgent is broken, straight Shouting regret taking me out to play, then mom said to me, if you want to swim in shaoxing, tomorrow I must be able to keep the fever down. Strange to say, in order to swim the day I really cooled down, is really god to help me also. Ha ha, is also a doctor attributed to aunt! The next day I play a day, a good thing they have been dying for ssi also always think Im good. In shaoxing, I visited the former residence of lu xuns grandfather, ancestral, swimming for yu ling, herbals, shen garden, etc.

Then I want to say, hengdian is fun place. Theres really big ah, every scenic spots have to spend two or three hours. Theres a lot of film and television production, I saw a lot of performances, there the first time I have bought a 褀 robe.

Say again lets own here, we have yuhuan park, agricultural sightseeing garden, I think may the students have been to all of these, I think is interesting, there is a place that is mom took me to the LuPu rape and pick strawberries to eat. Im having a great time that day.

I most like to travel!


我最喜欢旅游了! 旅游让我既玩得开心,又能学到很多知识,接下来我向大家介绍一下我觉得好玩的地方,大家跟着我一起旅游去吧!










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1. 作品应能反映北京城市风光、都市娱乐、人文风情、京郊山水、乡村民俗、特色餐饮、冰雪资源;以及近年来如田径世锦赛、APEC会议雁栖生态示范区等热点内容。题材需与旅游相关,画面必须是在北京行政区划内拍摄,如能用一组图片概述北京旅游各方面更佳。

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I like the summer holiday every year. This summer I went to Beijing for my holiday, Beijing is our capital city. I went to the Summer Palace, climbed the Great Wall and went to many places of interest. I had a very good time. During this summer holiday, I went to Putuo and Xiangshan. I saw the beautiful sea. I enjoyed having a walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the moonlight. Its really "cool"




I often go to see my grandma and grandpa during my summer vacation.They are both seventy years old and live in the country happily. Summer view of the countryside is very beautiful. I can do many interesting things there. I am used to getting up early in the morning, breathing the fresh air,listening to the birds singing, and enjoying the green trees, red flowers and the river. I like fishing with my friends. When night comes, I sit under the tree with my grandma, listening to her telling me many funny stories. And I tell her some new things happening in the city. When I have to go back,I am always reluctant to go. I really feel happy living in the country.



Beijing is the capital of China. It takes an hour and forty minutes from 你住的地方 to Beijing by plane. There are many tall buildings in Beijing.I went to the countryside of Beijing to go boating and fishing. It was very interesting. I went shopping in WangFuJing. I bought lots of souvenirs and other things. I like eating Beijing snacks. They are delicious. Don’t miss the Beijing Duck. It is really nice.




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On Sunday, my parents and I went to visit zhouzhuang and tongli town. Early in the morning, we arrived at the tianning temple near changzhou tourism hub, sit on the bus. A total of 45 visitors. We sat for two hours in the bus finally arrived in zhouzhuang. Inside, the guide took us through FuAnQiao and build, also visited the moon, shen hall hall and south lake park etc. Finally, the tour guide said: "free." We will fully dissolved. I went to a strange house, mom and dad took all sorts of strange pictures. Backwards, birdy, virtual space, turns into a hut, transverse gallery, dog house, long legs, and auditory hallucination vision. I like the illusory space, because of just and true. With a mouth like sitting in python, mother beside me, just want to save me. Free after finished, we are all set again.

The tour guide took us to eat lunch. After lunch, we returned to the tour bus, go to tongli town. In tongli town, we went to the back garden jiayin hall, etc. I went to my father and mother took the little boat. Sitting on a boat, a flash, like a cradle. I found that the ship to ship ahead of the tool invented ruban OARS plate. Sitting in the boat, I saw the cormorants, I also know that its another name is yu eagle. All of one day make me very happy. I feel these two ancient attractions many, many rivers and Bridges, old town house is very old. This is small Bridges, jiangnan water!

星期天,我和爸爸妈妈去游玩周庄和同里古镇。 一大早,我们就赶到天宁寺附近的常州旅游集散中心,坐上了旅游车。车上一共有45位游客。 我们在车上坐了两个小时终于到达了周庄。一进去,导游带我们走过了富安桥和双桥,还参观了张厅、沈厅和南湖秋月园等景点。最后,导游说:“自由活动。”我们就全解散了。我和爸爸妈妈去了怪楼,拍了各种各样奇怪的照片。有倒着的人、鸟人、虚幻空间、变身小屋、横廊、小人屋、长腿人和幻听视觉。其中我最喜欢虚幻空间,因为拍出来的照片就和真的一样。其中有一张就像坐在蟒蛇的嘴巴里,妈妈在边上拉着我,就想把我救出来一样。 自由活动完了后,我们大家又集合了。

导游带着我们去吃午饭。吃完午饭,我们又回到了旅游车上,前往同里古镇。 到了同里古镇,我们去了退思园、嘉荫堂等景点。我和爸爸妈妈还去坐了小游船。坐在游船上,一晃一晃的,好像摇篮。我发现,船上让船前进的工具是鲁班发明的橹板。坐在船上,我看到了鸬鹚,我还知道它的另外一个名字叫渔鹰。 一天的游玩让我非常开心。我感觉这两个古镇景点很多,河流和小桥也很多,古镇上的房子很古老。这就是小桥流水、江南水乡吧!



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Our class to Guangzhou Beach Park to travel, I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao can be happy,the first day ready to take away things,know the day to travel,we frantically singing songs.

We were crazy to spend a pleasant time in the car, but I do not know we have to hit our destination,we ordered the car. But with a cheerful mood,to our dream of the beach park.

We have a good team directly with the captain of the fast to the entertainment, where there are “haunted house”, “flying sky”, “pirate ship”, and I like the “bumper car” and so on.Entertainment, although I, every one play But I am not happy,because Lin Wei Hao and his old classmates to play,did not come to play with me,I also put him as my best friend,he did not come with me Play these games.

Because today is a special day,I am not too unhappy, or resolutely continue to play about the terrorist point, relax about the mood.

Until the time to go,Lin Wei Hao see I am not happy look, as if I am not happy to know the reason seems to have come,said: “Today did not play with you I am sorry,I just forgot your agreement the day before yesterday, said To play with the time to play, but I did not mean that.”I said to him:“nothing I play a very happy.”

Since that day I and my good friend Lin Wei Hao not so good before, although still in a class, our communication is less and less.The first tour turned out to be such a result,leading us to become ordinary students.



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Im going to Beijing tomorrow,so now I feel very happy.I will go there by plane and stay there for 10 days.This is my first time to go to Beijing,not only the Olympic Games is coming,but also I can learn more knowledges about the Olympic Games.And it is a great chance for me to communicate with foreigners,so I wont miit.Therefore,now I want to say:Beijing,Im coming!

On July 23rd my parents took me to Beijing. We stayed at YuTingqiao hotel. On the first day, we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks. Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. We felt very tired when we climbed to the top of the Great Wall.

We also went to the Palace Museum. The Palace Museum has 9999 palaces. It has a very long history. I bought a lot of souvenirs of the Palace Museum. What nice palaces these are! I visited the Palace Museum and felt excited. If you want to know more about the Palace Museum, you can go to Beijing and have a look.

The following days, we went to the Summer Palace, , North Lake and Xiang Hill. I know more about the history of China. I also like modern Beijing. The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. www.oh100.com

Later, I went back with my parents by plane. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing.



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During the winter, my father and a friend Wushu Shu fly through a three-hour flight from Beijing to the cold climate of Sanya hot, as if moved from fridge microwave oven. Differences in climate motherland is so great, really a wonderful feeling!

To Sanya, we find a place to live and settle down. From the next day, we started an interesting Sanya tourism. Longevity is the first attraction we went to. Lush flowers and trees in the mountains. Longevity is the most significant feature is a more than 100 meters high statue of Buddha.

We went to the Bay. Where thin white sand, sea blue and clear. That morning we swim. In the afternoon, the sea at high tide, and we went to the depths of the sea, a big wave came, we were rushed ashore. so fun.

Then, we came to the ends of the earth, where the weather is very hot, we have to cool off, slowly walked into the sea. Start the water just knee, suddenly, came a big wave, our whole body wet. Hey, wet it in the water for a while and then play it.

We have a hot soak. This is not a general hot springs, hot springs where fish live a way of life in hot water, they eat your feet dander, fish biting my feet skin, itch, especially fun.

The beach is our paradise. We play all kinds of games, such as heap dunes, sand ball ... do. One of the most interesting is buried shoes to let others find. Others not to be found, let me find, and finally even I could not find on your own, I feel strange, I thought:?! I could not find it, how to find someone that I would no longer let others find it a buried me I kept thinking buried one, boy children! I just only the second burying, stood up, and the results of previous exactly the same to everyone happy to laugh, I do not know how it was.

The last day, we went Wuzhizhoudao. It is an island Well, of course, by boat to myself. Windy day, the waves of chaos Lao Gao Lao Gao, past the boat from the waves, there will be a feeling out of control, really fun.

We play a tootal of six days in Sanya every day we have a special pleasure, feel special, so I broadened my horizons. This time travel, so I was fully relaxed, full of spirit I greet the arrival of the new semester.












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The summer vacation, we came to the star mountain tourism scenic area, visit the lotus with a history of more than two thousand years. It with "artificial didnt mean to take the tico" known for its magnificent spectacle.

: I want to go the lianhua is visit "view of the sea goddess of mercy", isnt it? View the sea goddess of mercy guanyin statue as high as 40. 88 m, is the foil (bo2) gold statue of the world. High overhead, her good-natured, overlooking (kan3) the long steps under her feet, the love is aspersed to the earth. And I was looking up at the sight of the long stairs, thinking: this... If we ascend the stairs, that should be able to see that a piece of vacant land of the gods? We walked around the sea goddess of mercy, it whole body is golden, standing on a lotus flower stage, high about three stories tall, give a person the feeling of soaring coast.

Then we came to next to the clock bell in line. Its my turn to bell, I hold the wood hard against the clock, big bronze "dong -" a deafening noise. Then I thought: if a man got into the clock in it, let me knock the clock, that this much fun? He doesnt have to sit on swing can swing a!

In halfway up the hill, I saw countless lush trees and flowers. To look down the hill, the sea, river, lake, etc. In this state, the people were amazed, and very comfortable, and looked around to long standing, and want to sit down and whisper a little poem magnificent.

Lotus in the cool breeze, fresh air, and the beautiful scenery, I regretted leaving!








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last week i went to mount emei in sichuan province with my family. early in the morning, we took a taxi to beijing west railway station. the station was very lively.

half an hour later, we got on the train. on the train, we had a lot of fun. after 26 hours, we reached sichuan. there, we took many photos and had a goodtime. 5 days later, we came back to the beijing. even though my travel seemed really short, but my memory of the pleasant trip will last long.






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Beijing ,a metropolis in northern China, is the capital of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC). It is also known in English as Peking Beijing is also one of the four municipalities of the PRC, which are equivalent to provinces in Chinas administrative structure and is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Beijing Municipality borders Hebei Province to the north, west, south, and for a small section in the east, and Tianjin Municipality to the southeast.

Beijing is Chinas second largest city, after Shanghai. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and motorways passing through the city. It is also the focal point of many international flights to China. Beijing is recognised as the political, educational, and cultural center of the Peoples Republic of China, while Shanghai and Hong Kong predominate in economic fields. The city will host the 2015 Summer Olympics.



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