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Ms Jerry is a foreign teacher. She oomes from New Zealand. She is thirty-one years old. She has fair hair, white skin and gray eyes. She is tall and slim. She looks very kind. And in fact, she is kind indeed.

Ms Jerry is a good teacher. Although she only comes to our school twice a week, yet she is very responsible to her work and strict with her students. Once. she was ill, but she went on giving us lessons. When we learned this, we all listened to her even more attentively than usual.

Ms Jerry teaches us English with great enthusiasm:" Eaoh lesson she Will bring us new pictures, new stories, new games and new songs. Her class is always full of happy laughter and merry songs.

Ms Jerry is such a good teacher that all of us love and respect her.




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Winter is a beautiful season. It’s often snow in many countrys. And the outside is white. We often play with the snow, and make the snowman.

In the winter, the days are shorter. And the nights are longer. It’s often dark very earl.

I like white, so I like winter. What a lovely winter!



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Autumn is coming, the weather is cold, the leaves slowly fall down, like a butterfly flying in the air; Maple leaves turn red, grass turn yellow, like covered with a layer of orange | color carpet; The fruit of the orchard is ripe, the apple glowing, covered with branches, like a red lantern.

Pears gradually mature, the wind blowing, pear shaking, like a small doll in swing; oranges are gradually mature, and some three or four crowded together, as if whispering, and some five or six one Heap, seems to be in the meeting, and some stand alone in the branches like looking for partners.

Small animals are also looking for their favorite food, so that they can sleep peace of mind; our friends geese and swallow are also ready to fly to the south for the winter; children can also fly a kite; farmers uncle standing on the hill Looked at the endless crops to himself and said: "This year is a bumper year!" Eyes can not help but narrow into a crack.

See how beautiful autumn! Autumn not only brings us joy, but also a bumper season.



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If we dont take care of our lovely campus and make it hurt, we will suffer harm and harm our health.

Today, we need to protect the environment as our obligation to protect the environment with our actual actions. We should know how to protect the environment is to protect ourselves, we should not only use resources rationally, whenever they want to protect the environment, as a student, we should create more green campus. Starts from the minor matter, starts from now, starts from the care for the campus and protect the environment, picked up a piece of paper on the ground and save every drop of water, cherish every inch, walk more, dont cross the green, the grass. I believe that in the near future, our life will be another scene!

Students, we are the masters of the 21st century, the environmental awareness is not limited, we are looking at the campus. "Do not be good and not evil," for our common campus, let us act immediately.



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[nù fà chōng guān]



[dà jīng shī sè]



[chuí tóu sàng qì]



[mù dèng kǒu dāi]



[shén cǎi yì yì]



[jiǒng jiǒng yǒu shén]



[jù jīng huì shén]



[quán shén guàn zhù]



[xīn píng qì hé]

心情平静,态度温和。 指不急躁,不生气。


[shén cǎi fēi yáng]



[yōu rán zì dé]

悠然:闲适的样子;自得:内心得意舒适。 形容悠闲而舒适。


[dé yì yáng yáng]



[miàn miàn xiāng qù]



[dà jīng xiǎo guài]



[máo gǔ sǒng rán]



[cóng róng bù pò]




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1. 她看见奶奶站起来,双手抓着锅盖向上揭。吃力地揭了几次,才稍稍揭开一条缝。一股浓烟从灶口冲出来,差点熏着奶奶的脸。奶奶随便用袖子拂了拂布满皱纹的脸,又摇摇头,自言自语地说:“老了,不中用啰!”

2. 记得那得一个星期天,我想多睡一会儿,赖在床上不起来。爸爸看见了,把我从床上拽起来,说:“小懒虫,快起来,马上就要来客人了!”“客人?是谁呀?”我奇怪地问。“你不知道,你妈要调动工作了,请领导来吃一顿饭。我清早就起来把菜买好了。”

3. 老师的一席话,在我的心窝里添了一把火,浑身都烧得热乎乎的。老校长的每一句话都打动着在场人的心弦,它像惊雷,把人震醒;它像强心剂,使人振奋;它像补药,壮人气力;它像火光,暖人心窝!老师的亲切话语像那清澈的泉水,滋润着我的心田。

4. 他讲起话来多有劲呀,每一句都像小锤一样敲在我的心上。她的话儿不多,分量却很重,话语里的每个字,都拨响了同学们的心弦。她就像一部永不生锈的播种机,不断地在孩子们的心田里播下理想和知识的种子。老师的谆谆教诲,像一股暖流,流进她那早已枯竭的心田。

5. 一副玩世不恭的外表,时不时发出一阵怪异的笑声,配上一张霸道的脸。稍有不顺,就大惊小怪地从座位上跳起来,拿着剪刀,用泼妇骂街的阵势,指着某某人大骂:“你死定了,下课有你好看的!”说罢,还卷起袖子,一副随时准备“大开杀戒”的模样。

6. 小亮踢球时不小心把办公室的窗户踢碎了,老师找小林、小亮、小明一起问:“是谁把窗户踢坏了!”老师凶得像个狮子。这时,小亮发话了:“老师,对不起,是我不小心踢坏了窗户……”老师的脸变慈祥了,摸着小亮的头说:“知错就改就是好孩子!”

7. 那次母亲来看我时,我显得很不耐烦,母亲也只能叹口气说:“孩子啊,你怎么不体谅父母对你的爱呢?”我就像发怒的狮子冲着母亲吼道:“我不体谅吗?我体谅时你们怎么看不见?你和爸吵得不可开交时你们怎么没想想我的感受,你们当我是什么,是空气还是废物!”

8. 我呆立了一会儿,说道:“妈,看你冻的这样,为什么不穿的暖一些,今天雾这么大你怎么还来看我?”“你爸说他想你了,非让我来,你爸还在外面呢!他已经在外面呆了40多分钟,你快出动看看你爸爸。”“妈,你怎么穿这么薄的衣服,您就不怕冻坏身子?”

9. 董开旋瞪了中队长一眼,自以为是地拿过考卷,朗读了起来:“‘白玉很珍贵’……咦?刚才‘玉’字不对,现在怎么又对了?”他直摸脑袋,刚才那股高兴劲儿顿时消失得无影无踪了。我见他那可怜的样子,马上拉住他的手说:“不要紧,下次考试认真点。”

10. 妈妈在卧室里整理床铺,一边冲着爸爸唠叨:“你看,你看,床上都是烟灰,你夜里又吸烟啦!”爸爸笑而不答,只管在厨房里刷锅,洗碗……过了一会儿,妈妈对爸爸说:“大忙人,我今天上中班,这水池里的一大堆衣服你就承包了吧!”

11. 我吃着香喷喷的抓饭,不时地看表。大婶今天特别高兴。说:“姑娘,不要急!有你大叔送你回去。”我正要说什么,大叔悄悄对我说:“别推辞,她又要拿我问罪了。”大婶看大叔那模样,故意瞪着眼睛问:“说我什么坏话了?”

12. 他战战兢兢取下眼镜,用衣服的下摆随手擦了擦镜片。“嗯嗯……”他刚要讲话,忽然想起了什么,手忙脚乱地在盘子里找了找,又匆匆往口袋里掏了掏,掏出了一盒火柴,这才放心地又“嗯嗯”两声,站直身子,用特别响亮的声音说:“现在开始看老师做实验!”

13. 正饮间,见一大汉,推着一辆车子,到店门首歇了,入店坐下,便唤酒保:“快斟酒来吃,我待赶入城去投军。”玄德看其人:身长九尺,髯长二尺;面如重枣,唇若涂脂;丹凤眼,卧蚕眉,相貌堂堂,威风凛凛。

14. 玄德就邀他同坐,叩其姓名。其人曰:“吾姓关名羽,字长生,后改云长,河东解良人也。因本处势豪倚势凌人,被吾杀了,逃难江湖,五六年矣。今闻此处招军破贼,特来应募。”玄德遂以己志告之,云长大喜。同到张飞庄上,共议大事。

15. 武松见吴用以目示人,也发作叫道:“哥哥手下许多军官,受朝廷诰命的,也只是让哥哥,如何肯从别人?”刘唐便道:“我们起初七个上山,那时便有让哥哥为尊之意。今日却要让别人?”鲁智深大叫道:“若还兄长推让别人,洒家们各自都散!”

16. 一个大雨倾盆的日子,李高令收车回返,途中看见有个解放军战士在人行道上冒雨奔跑。这个战士不带雨具,不去坐车,是不是有什么难处?心念一动,他驱车追了上去。“同志,你跑什么?”“回部队。”



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An important activity during the Spring Festival is bainian (to pay a New Year call).

People start to pay New Year calls from the lunar New Years Day,that is, the first day of the first month of the lunar calendar. Ever since the Ming Dynasty in the 14th century,ordinary people have begun to exchange greeting cards on this day. On the morning of the lunar New Years Day,people get up very early and call on others. The earlier one does so,the more sincere he is. Moreover,people wear new clothes and a new cap,symbolizing that a new year has begun.

The younger generation should call on their elders first,such as the grandfather,grandmother,father and mother,wishing them "Good health" and "Long life". Then the elders give children some money in a red envelope as a New Year gift. After that,people call on their relatives,friends and neighbors. As "big tangerine" is a homonym for "very lucky" in Chinese,so people often present red big tangerines as a gift while paying a New Year call.

Nowadays,besides greeting cards,people also use telephones and e-mails to pay New Year calls.



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Golden autumn away, white winter quietly coming, my eyes are very beautiful winter.

My eyes are covered with white snow on the winter, until the spring slowly melt. I and my friends in the snow snowball, snowman, rolling, happy to play. The tree is also filled with snow, gently shake, snow slowly fell down, as snow in general, beautiful!

The snowy road in my eyes is frozen in the lake. Thick, hard, we slipped on the ice to slide, feeling like to get up the same, accidentally, will throw a big somersault, attracted everyone laughed. We are enjoying the ice!

There are many colorful festivals in winter. There are Chinese New Year, Lantern Festival and so on. These festivals are our favorite festivals. And our favorite winter vacation. I like winter.

My eyes in the winter windows will appear on some beautiful magnificent window grilles. Some of these window grille like plum, some like lotus, some like towering trees, some like a delicate grass, there is a diamond around a circular composition of the pattern, looks both three-dimensional and beautiful!

The trees in my eyes are out of the wood, but the pine trees will not fall off. Because it is the leaves of the needle, will not consume the pine trees to maintain the heat of the winter, so can not afford leaves. Not only pine can not afford leaves, bamboo can not afford to fall off Plum is more strong, not only do not fall leaves, still blossom in the winter. They are three together known as the cold three friends.

Winter has winter fun, winter winter scenery, winter winter activities. The winter in my eyes is beautiful, lively and loving. I like winter!



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Spring is full of hope of planting, summer is full of management of fatigue, and autumn, it is full of the joy of harvest. Then in this joyful autumn I will carry the autumn yearning and curiosity, came to the grandfathers home orchard.

As soon as you enter the orchard, the aroma of the various fruits is blowing. And then saw an apple opened a smiling face covered with branches, it is a lovable. Take off one, bite, thin chew, a sweet taste will be in my heart. The wind blows, the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the sound of the streams that hit the rocks, and the play is a wonderful symphony. So that people relaxed and happy, deeply intoxicated.

Along the meandering path, go inside, one persimmon will be reflected in my eyes, so I was surprised and happy. This heavy persimmon one by one bending the branches, three clusters, five together to hold together, very cute. There is a pond next to the persimmon woods. The pond reflects the persimmon tree, it is a wonderful landscape painting. People met immediately fell in love with it, here linger.

Into the depths of the orchard, a pear will be it covered with "freckles" little face so that you love it. A little look, the tree parked a few birds, twittering cried, it seems to say: this years harvest can be really good, you see, that apple, that persimmon, that pear, one by one will be a big tree mother pressure Breathe. This is the farmer uncle hard labor in exchange for.

This is the autumn orchard, a farmer uncle with hard and sweat watering orchards.



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Wilber Pan is a young star comes from China. He was born in 1980.8.6. He is a lovely boy who has 174cm tall and 69kg weight .

As you can see ,he has short balck hair,erogenous mouth ,handsome face and small eyes.

Alough his eyes arent bigly ,he also has many fans because of his sunshine smell.He is a boy just like a neighborly to you.

He is more a mastermind than a singer.He has a height degree that graduated from California Polytechnic State University ,he is good at singing ,dancing ,presiding and so on.

In private ,Willber is friendly to everyone who aroungs him.

Now more and more people from everywhere develop theirs love for him.



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I love autumn, because autumn is the harvest season, because the autumn scenery is colorful, is colorful, is a beautiful and charming.

I love the autumn sky, it high in the blue. It is like pieces of glittering and translucent sapphire, the autumn wind is wiped clean and beautiful.

I love autumn orchard, it grew and grew, the red apple like shy ones on the cheek. The orange persimmon red lanterns and bending the branches, like a flash. Golden ion of naughty like a fat doll hung branches, is waiting for us this group of kids pick!

I love autumn fields, in the vast pond, lush reeds flashing golden light, a gust of wind blowing, reeds stand steadily in the reeds, as if in dancing over there, smile.

I love yellow leaves in autumn, it float down from the trees in the mothers arms, gone with the wind! Gone with the wind! It floats in the river, to the fields, to the orchard, gone with the wind in the campus, to the childrens side, tell you, "autumn is coming, autumn is coming!"

I love autumn, its beautiful. I love autumn, it is pure and fresh air. Love it is like a beautiful poem.









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My family has a small rabbit, looks very cute. It is white, snow in the winter when it is like a pile of white snow, it is also a long head on the long ears. The best look, or it is the fiery red eyes, like two red ruby ruby.

Every day after school, I went to the fields to pull it to eat or to the market to buy carrots to eat it, whenever I put the tender green grass in front of it, it first smell with the nose, and then look at me, and finally, It is assured to chew up, it is like eating, really lovable!

Later, I put the white rabbit into the "its room". After a while, I came to the white rabbit did not sleep, did not expect, white rabbit lying in the nest motionless, I thought it was dead, to be afraid to call my mother, my mother came over and looked and said: "Really fuss, little white rabbit is sleeping." Suddenly, my face becomes red and thought, I thought: I must learn the basic knowledge of rabbits.

The personality of the white rabbit is gentle. Start, I and it is also a little strange, but not a few days, then I became a good friend. Usually, I often train it to understand what I said, now the white rabbit to me can understand a lot of words.

Little rabbit gave my life a lot of joy, I really like it!



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There is a saying, A girl changes fast in physical appearance from childhood to adulthood . I just had my eighteen years birthday. It s certain that I have grown much more beautiful now. My biggest change is not the appearance but in mind. I have become much more mature. I don t always think about going out to play instead of focusing my attention on study. I start considering my future. I try my best not to quarel with my parents as I know what they do is for me. I know I should filial my parents. What s more, I don t bully my younger sister and brother any more. I have changed a lot, because I have grown up.

俗话说, 女大十八变 。我刚刚过完我的十八岁生日。我肯定是变得更美了。我最大的改变不是在外貌上而是在思想上。我变得更加的成熟。我不再总是想着去玩而是把注意力放在学习上。我开始思考我的未来。我尽量不和父母吵架,因为我知道他们所做的都是为了我。我懂得了要孝顺父母。更重要的是,我不再欺负我的弟弟和妹妹了。我变了很多,因为我已经长大了。




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Alice is 20 years old. She is a little overweight. But she is tall and fairskinned, so she looks healthy. Her hair is jet-blacked and straight. She has a very pleasant smile and she always has a twinkle in her eye. When smiling, Alice;s dimples will appear who receive them feel very special. When she works, she always put on her glasses. She always dress very elegant and tidy. Because of her fair skin and kindness, we all like her very much.



My father is a humorous person.My father short stature,fine fine thin,white skin,black hair,a head of the “big wave” self-invited roll hair,who would think that he is met at the barbers hot. His colleagues said he is narrowed down fei xiang,I think so too. He is a fine art,is famous in the central south five provinces binding artist,his one-man show has a favorable review in the many famous people. After another wall,he is a funny people,special love kidding,I dont know if all of the art is very humor,I think my dads body is full of humor cells. No matter how tired he how busy work,as long as take a door,exactly,he said,as long as a see me,and immediately he smile,I followed delightful sounds.



My friend Vivi is a lively and smart girl,she has long black hair and she is a tallest girl in our class.She is warm-hearted and good- looking so that everyone loves her.Im so glad to make friend with her.Im out-going too,so we have been good friends for long time.But sometimes I like quiet but she doesnt.And her marks are not good as me.So,i suggested her that she should work-hard in her study so that we can go to the same university.

This person is my best friend Vivi who i can tell everything to.Like my deeply feelings and thoughts.





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I am a small goldfish, beautiful and lovely. The head of a pair of eyes bulging, looks thriving. An "O" -shaped mouth is always cheerfully bubbling. Its belly chubby, the back inlaid with golden scales, like wearing a gold armor, swimming up glittering. Its two fins on the chest, like two oars, helping it to draw water and walk through the water. But the most beautiful but also the number of its tail, like a bright princess skirt, swimming is simply a blooming Golden Flower.

Small goldfish just bought back, fed it bait, it began to eat, it seems very shy, very afraid, and so we are familiar with the bluntly. Now whenever I go to feed it, it will swing the tail happy to swim to the surface, staring at big eyes, Zhang big mouth, while eating and greeting me. Sometimes the little goldfish eat a big mouth to spit out a bubble, and sometimes eat the fish and spit it out, like playing like. After eating, its mouth looked up, as if singing! But this little guy silly, never know what is "full". If you keep feeding it, it will eat it. So every time I can only feed it a little bit. In addition, I often let it to the sun in the sun, so that its color will be more vivid.

Sometimes I want to tease small goldfish, put his fingers into the water, small goldfish that is delicious things, then bit hard to bite my fingers, but found that this thing is very hard but can not eat, and no point Taste, just know fooled. At this time, the small goldfish will shake its big eyes, as if I rolled his eyes

Look, more lovely little goldfish! Looking at it in the water free to swim, I am happy!



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Autumn, how people yearn for the season! Everywhere fruit fragrance, fruitful. There is golden ocean of rice fields. Autumn wind blowing, like a lively and lovely little girl, wearing gold clothes, with gold cap, dancing in the wind to see. That mountain also learn paddy fields covered with a dazzling color of the clothes are green, golden, and dark, colorful, for the old autumn added a trace of gorgeous.

See a field of Huang Chengcheng, like a golden blanket, in a closer look, the original wheat is mature, the wind gently blowing, they also nodded to passers-by. Looked to the side, the sorghum has long raised a big torch, is holding a torch relay, where the red where the red.

Wow! Look at those fruit trees, head high, good mighty ah! Every tree is fruitful, and the tree it seems to waved to us, to show us the results of us! Let us enjoy it! The road side of the road, the roadside leaves have fallen, like a golden butterfly, dancing. Fell to the roadside of the brook, like a golden boat, drifting away.

This is the fall of my hometown of Tonglu!
