关于初中的精妙排比句精选两篇 作文英语热门20篇







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As the only child in my family, I know how much effort my parents put upon me, therefore I want to do something for my parents .I can give them hugs and kisses when they get home after a day of hard work. Then, I will take their slippers for them. I cant cook, but I can always help my mather wash the dishes. I cant read that much words, but I can always fetch my father his glasses whenever he needs them. In the evening I will make beds for them before they go to sleep.




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2、金钱能买到房屋,但买不到家; 金钱能买到药物,但买不到健康;金钱能买到美食,但买不到食欲;金钱能买到床,但买不到睡眠;金钱能买到珠宝,但买不到美; 金钱能买到娱乐,但买不到愉快;金钱能买到书籍,但买不到智慧;金钱能买到馅媚,但买不到尊敬;金钱能买到伙伴,但买不到朋友;金钱能买到奢侈品,但买不到文化;金钱能买到权势,但买不到威望;金钱能买到服从,但买不到忠诚;金钱能买到躯壳,但买不到灵魂;金钱能买到虚名,但买不到实学。



5、钱能买漂亮的眼镜,但买不来明亮的眼睛。钱能买高档的钢笔,但买不来敏捷的文思。 钱能买来芬芳的玫瑰,()但买不来真正的爱情。 钱能买来名贵的篮球,但买不来精湛的球技。钱能买来精确的钟表,但买不来流逝的光阴。







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Have you ever had a dream about your splendid future or imagined something ueal but interesting or meaningfulTell your closet friend about it now. My Dream I have a dream that I am always young. Then I will have enough energy to do everything whenever I want. Moreover, I dont have to worry about the old age during which I even cant take care of myself. I know that my dream will not come true. However, I think it is lucky that I am young now. So I will treasure my time, enjoy my life and try my best to do everything well.

我有一个梦想就是我永远年轻,然后我就会有足够的精力去做我想做的事情,而且,我就不会因年老无法照顾自己而忧虑。我深知我的梦想不会实现。然而,我很幸运,现在我很年轻。 因此,我一定要珍惜青春好时光,享受生活,并且尽最大努力把每件事情做好。




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When I was very young, my grandma was often ill. She often went to see the

doctor. But it could not help her to get well. That was a problem. So I wanted

to be a doctor to let my grandma be healthy.

Now Im 15 years old. Im studying in Wangcun Middle School in Jiangshan.

My favourite person is Florence Nightingale. She is a famous nurse. And I like

Henrry Norman Bethune,too. Im sure I can be a famous doctor like them when I

grow up.

I will be 20 years old. Im going to work in a big and famous hospital.

Then when I am 30 ,Ill have a hospital of my own. So I can help more people

like my grandma get well all over the world. Im sure I will,believe me!



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Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.

I get up at six o’clock every day. After I wash my face and brush my teeth, I begin to review my lessons. I go to school at seven o’clock.

After school is over, I return home. We usually have supper at seven o’clock.Then I begin to do my homework. I want to finish it before I go to bed.



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I have dinner at about 6:30 p.m.. After dinner, I often go to the outside to play games with my friends. We live near to each other, so we always play together. Sometimes,we play table tennis or badminton. Sometimes, we ride on bicyles. Anyway, anything could be funny when we are together.I usually go home at 8:00 and then take a shower. After that, I spend sometime in study or watch TV. At 10:00p.m.,I go to sleep.




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Let my little niece winter vacation homework today, she readily agreed, she

took out a pile of books from the school bag and book, Ill ask her winter

vacation homework you have so much? She said, "yeah, were going to do winter

vacation homework book, write a complete book of the words and it is each line,

and a day to write a diary, and mathematical complete book of exercises to do."

After hearing her answer I am a little consternation, winter vacation in only a

month off, how can have so much homework, but also for second grade


I will be in our school children compared with them, find our school

children is luckier. We only require students to finish winter vacation homework

book, and then make a happy years of China pictorial. Especially happy Chinese

New Year posters produced, it can let the student to understand the traditional

culture, and cultivate their ability, but also let them learn in life, found in

the life, and why not? So that the students didnt feel much homework, at the

same time also can get harvest, so now there are a lot of local education system

needs reform indeed, society needs is to be able to adapt to social development

talent, not only can keep the book a nerd. So these are thought-provoking!



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2.词或词组的用法及搭配出现错误。如enjoy,finish等单词后面只能接v-ing形式;“forget to do”和“forget doing”在意思上存在着显著的差异等。学生在做选择题或用所给词的适当形式填空时,大多数学生能做对,但在作文中,学生往往忽略了其用法,出现了不必要的错误。





1.从单词入手。单词是英语学习的基础,单词过不了关,写作就无从谈起,因为单词是写作的基本单位。但是单词记忆又是学生学习英语的最薄弱环节,因此我们必须时刻告诫学生,单词的学习过程,实际上就是人与遗忘作斗争的过程,要长期坚持下去。 志和必胜的信心。


3.课前几分钟进行Free Talk。学生可以准备谜语、笑话、小故事、即兴演讲等。之后向听的学生进行提问,其他学生只有认真听才能回答出问题。Free Talk为学生提供了很好的实践机会。







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Now I am a middle school student, I will enter high school soon. Everybody thinks that the age of mine is the best age, because we are young and full of vitality. But I want to grow up quickly. I am not afraid of growing old and I want to grow older. In my eyes, age is a gift. As the time goes by, I will become mature. Because the thing I have been through will teach me the lesson and I will learn a lot, becoming a better person. The young and innocent me eager to grow up, I know it takes time to be independent. Age is a gift, so now I cherish every moment.



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My Dream

I’m longing for a weekend. It’s happy and it’s free. This is my dream.

At this weekend, I don’t have to play the violin; I don’t have to draw pictures; Olympic Maths is far away from me; Handwriting doesn’t bother me.

I can play and I can sing; I can do everything interesting. No one can stop me.

Oh, what a happy weekend! But, it’s only my dream. I hope it will come true.




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初中英语作文:开车旅行A Trip by Car

A Trip by Car

I often make a trip by trains because it's both cheap and comfortable. Last winter holidays I traveled in a car for the first time in my life. At first I didn't feel well. But this kind of feeling didn't last long. the trip was exciting. While travelling in a car, we could stop at any time if we wanted to enjoy the view

outside. the fields, the mountains and rivers were really very nice. On the way we visited many places of interest and took a lot of photos. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

《初中英语作文:开车旅行A Trip by Car》由出国编辑整理我们猜您可能喜欢以下文章: 名师解读:2012高考英语考试大纲机场常用英语公共场所标志常备无患疯狂英语夏令营助教的实习工作体会雅思考试应注意的十大要点之一:时间是最大的敌人空军招飞条件之文化条件英语教研组学期末总结英语教师年终个人总结雅思写作范文:那点事(1)英国哪个城市的英语最标准用英语介绍植树节

[初中英语作文之开车旅行A Trip by Car



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范文:The thing that Ill never forget

How time flies!Im fifteen years now.During the long time,there was one thing that I will never forget.

The Spring Festival is our traditional festival.During the Spring Festival,people usually visit their friends and relatives.When I was 9 years old,my family took the bus to my grandparents to say Happy New Year to them.

In the bus,I had a good seat.At 7:30,the bus came to a village.A woman got on with a baby in her arms.At that time,there was no seat.But she must look after her baby carefully.She had to stand next to me.I wanted to stand up and let her sit down,but I was afraid of hearing the other people sayThat girl want to be praised.I looked around.Most people were looking out of the windows and some were sleeping.Suddenly,a little boy behind me,stood up and made room for the woman.She said Thank you very much with a big smile.The boy smiled,too.When I told my cousin about it after that,he said The child is the father of a man. Im very ashamed.Why couldt I do the same thing as the little boy did?

From that I learn that we should do our best to help people who need help.If everyone makes a contribution to helping others,the world will become much more beautiful!



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1. Today is very hot; I just have to stay at home all day. I watched TV after finishing my homework. The program was called animal planet. It was wonderful. It was about the beautiful nature and animals on the earth.

I enjoyed very much and learned a lot from it. I also ate water melon, which was great.

2. Today is hotter. I wanted to stay at home, but my father told me to do some exercises. He asked me to go shopping. I bought some food and drinks, and some vegetables. My mother praised me. I was hot and sweaty, but I was happy then.

3. Today is rainy. I went out with my friends. We went to the shopping mall, restaurant, and cinema. It was an exciting and amazing day. I bought many things I like, had a good meal and nice talk with my friends, and enjoyed a very interesting movie.

4. Today is hot again. My father is free. I asked him if we could go swimming, and he agreed. We went to the swimming pool. There were many people. I like swimming, though I am not very good at it. My father taught me a lot. He is very kind and patient. We enjoyed there very much. It is really a fruitful day.

5.Today is cloudy, but still very hot. I stayed at home, finished my home work and watched a movie, which is called illusionist. It is difficult to understand at the beginning, but I got to know it and enjoyed later then. It is a story happened in the 19th century in Europe, which is about love, trick and ambition among a magician, his lover in his childhood and the lover’s husband. You could only know it at the very end of the story.

6. Today is sunny and hot. I do nothing but surf on the internet, chatting with my friends, playing computer games and listening to the music. It is boring somehow. However, I found some nice music. I like pop music, folk song, rock music and light music. I downloaded them to my MP3 and enjoyed it when I resting on the bed.

7. Today I went out with my friends because it is not so hot. We went shopping, chat together, and had nice drinks and creams. Summer holiday is long, but the happy time is always short and memorable.

8. Today I went to see my grandparents with my mother. They are healthy and kind. We had a wonderful meal there. They usually do exercise in the early morning and have a walk after dinner. I should do more exercises, which is good to my health. Maybe I should lose some weight.

9. Today I only played cards and chess on the internet. I won a lot, which made me very happy. Internet is very useful and enjoyable. People could connect to each other by it, though I thought people communicate to each other less than before in reality. A coin has two sides.

10. Today I started to read a book called “The pride and the prejudice”, which is a famous novel. It is very interesting. It is delightful that the two couples get married as their wishes at last. However, it is difficult for me to describe the details to you. I think you should read it by yourself.



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Last Sunday I went to Yang Ming Shan Park with my parents.It was a sunny day.There were trees and flowers all over the place.The trees were tall and pretty and the flowers smelled sweet.


In the park we could see some birds flying up in the sky.An old man was sitting on the bench reading a book and two cats were playing under the bench.Some boys were playing games and some people were taking walks.Others were just jogging around the place.In the afternoon we took a walk along the stream for two hours.Then the stream flowed to the woods.In the middle of the woods we could see a small pood with many fish in it.


I like to go to the mountains and I like to see nature,too.I really enjoy the nice day at this interesting place.I hope I can go there again someday.




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Xiamen is a beautiful seaside city! Come to Xiamen to play the visitors

will be praised thumbs. There are many beautiful scenery in Xiamen, such as

Gulangyu scenic spots and historical sites and beautiful scenery of egrets Chau.

Not only that, Xiamen Cuisine is a lot more. In addition Xiamen also enjoys the

title of "civilized city".

Xiamen not only has beautiful scenery, food is delicious surprise. Gulangyu

Islet pie is very characteristic, where the pie tastes the skin is very crisp,

taste very good, very popular. There are Fried leek dumplings, Fried leek

dumplings is a traditional good point of Xiamen, Fujian and Taiwan folk. Fried

leek dumplings Xiamen early in the prestigious. Fried leek dumplings made of

spiral, epidermal layers with crisp, delicious, crispy and delicious to eat.

There are Griddle Cake, Griddle Cake also called chunbing. Its skin is thin and

flexible, it is delicious, but not greasy. During the festive season, many

places have the custom of eating Griddle Cake. If the volume will become "good

Griddle Cake fried fried Spring rolls, eats is another taste.

Xiamen, ah, you are really a beautiful place!



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there is no doubt that happiness is the most precious thing in the world. Without it, life will be empty and meaningless. If you wish to know how to get happiness, you must pay attention to the following two points.


First, health is the secret of happiness . Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.


Secondly, happiness consists in contentment. A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.




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This summer, I move to a new city with my parents, and I transfer to a new school. I used to live in the countryside, so my new life is so different from before. The school is a little far from my home, so I go to school by bus. After school, I have many activities in school. Classmates are friendly to me. I learn English now. It’s so interesting that I like it very much. Besides, life in city is different. There are many interesting places to go. At weekends, my parents take me outside. We go to the park, the zoo or go shopping. But we are not so familiar with our neighbors. I think we should build good relationship with them.



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Todayis my father’s birthday, but he doesn’t celebrate it. It’s because he must worktoday. I say happy birthday to him in the morning. And I prepare a birthdaycard for him, which I draw it by myself.

I wrote “Happy birthday to you, mydear daddy. Best wishes from your dear daughter. I love you.” When I gave it tohim, he was so happy and smiled to me. At night, we have a delicious dinnerwhich is my father’s favorite dishes cooked by my mother.

She says it’s herbirthday gift to my father. I think it’s enough because we all enjoy thedinner.

My father says that my mother and I give him a happy and belovedbirthday.





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Winter holiday is coming,my class mates has their plans,so do i.First, i will study hard during this holiday. I will finish my homework as well as possible.Secondly,i will do some exercising ,Because exercising is very important and good for health,i will do outdoor activities with my friends like fly a kite.Its fun!then,I will do some things to relax。I think listen music is a good way to relax,but i prefer watching TV,i think Its more interesting than listen music!Finally,i will go shopping with my sister,shopping is my favorite activities!




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Since I went to school, I spent a lot of time in study. My classmates and

teachers are just like my families. We almost meet each other every day. My

teachers help me a lot. When I meet problems in study, they are very patient and

help me to figure out the answers. When I have trouble in getting along with

other students, they will talk to me and comfort me. I am so thankful to them,

because they care about me just like my parents. I respect them so much. In my

heart, they are the great people. I must study hard so that I can return their

